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    1. Racing with cars on my feet. Out my window. Hijacking car.

      by , 04-10-2021 at 01:44 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm on some sort of racing track that reminds me of Mario. I have cars on my feet and use them as roller skates. There is a big jump with a bridge that I successfully come over. On the other side there is a forest. I push my feet as if I was ice skating but it does not feel entirely right. Some other people are also racing with me. Some of my family is there.

      I'm in my room and think about flying out the window. I'm about to open the window but I'm not sure if it is a dream. I count my fingers and notice that my middle finger is really short. I fly out the window and ask my self what dream goals I had. I can't recall and the dream starts to fade away.

      Notes: I wanted to get a massage that night.

      I'm with my brother and we have hijacked a medical car for the hospital. It is not an ambulance but the same size. I'm sitting on the right seat in front of the car. My brother is in the back of the car. The car is driving but I don't notice if there is anyone by the steering wheel. I pull down some kind of touch-screen from over my head. A 4-digit passcode is shown. I remember that the code was 1234 and try it out. I successfully come in and look around. There is some kind of online shop with different kinds of cool sounds for music production. I look at the prizes and notice that they use the Fortnite currency. One music package costs about 4000.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. cxxi.

      by , 07-21-2020 at 01:28 PM
      11th May

      Dream:Earliest dream. I was in some place in the countryside, the dream was very vivid. I had my boots on, some pants, some t-shirt and my leather jacket. H was walking with me, I remember feeling the gravel beneath my feet.

      In the dream I was recognising the place. I'd been here before in some other dream. This prompted me to tell H about it and he sort of dismissed it and even though I tried doing some reality checks with my hands, I didn't become aware of the dream state.

      In my dream mind, this place wasn't exactly like how I remembered it from the other dream anyway. There was a gravel road and some buildings and some gravel plots along it, but the original place I was remembering had a normal road and it carried on, it didn't end abruptly like this gravel road. It reminded me of the southern areas of my country. There were pine trees and short grass that looked a bit dry. The dirt was fine and dusty and caramel coloured. The sky was a little bit cloudy but mostly clear and it seemed like the sun was setting. I remember looking all around me to try and identify anything from the original dream, but I felt there was nothing. The surroundings looked vast and vague at the same time.

      After walking along the road with H for a while, we eventually came to a very large gravel lot, like a parking lot, clearly meant for that use. I remember H telling me to wait here. He had to get some book, or something, from town? I said I'd wait. I didn't know what I'd do in the meantime and I had the feeling that it would be a long time. Then my awareness transitioned to some other place.

      A dream city. H wasn't here and though I have forgotten the dream plot exactly, there was something about a family that had to get to where I just was (the gravel/pine tree area). I was here to speed things along somehow? Something about a gang going after this family.

      Then details are missing; I remember getting into a car, a silver convertible and also trying to fix down a panel on the boot or something. Then the mom of this family, who was driving, started the car before I'd even sat down and put a seatbelt on. She raced through the streets and I had little balance, tipping backwards and holding the open and swaying door with my right hand. I was partially sat on her son's legs, eventually he managed to help me in, but it took a while.

      Some other part of the same dream. The chronology of the sequences is muddled. I went into a tall building and I remember carrying my black backpack and climbing lots of stairs. I didn't feel tired at all and my legs didn't hurt. Along the way, some young adult (early 20s) tugged on my backpack to have an easier time climbing. I resent that he'd done that but I said nothing and only gave him a look that made it clear to him not to do it again.

      The staircase was very much like the one from my university. Very narrow, but no lift at each landing. Eventually I got to a pretty high floor, and it looked like my virtual gallery in some sense. There was a high open space that my fear of heights creep in a little, because there were no railings at all. I remember wondering what H would think of that.

      Just behind the stairwell I'd come from, was a platform/floor and I climbed over its ledge without too much effort. It led down a dark unlit and narrow corridor. At the end of it was another stairwell, to my left. It went both up and down. There was a door directly in front of me. A white service door to my right after a short and narrow yard-long hall. Light came through the edges of this white service door and the stairs going up also allowed some natural light in from above, but not much, as it was still very dark in here.

      On the stairs, a bunch of young adults (early 20s again) were sat on the steps. They looked at me, but more like through me. I looked back for a moment, but then ignored them. I tried opening the door in front of me but it was well shut and locked. I went back through the narrow corridor I'd come from and then skipped over the gap with the stairs and took a left turn. My mind blocked out the open space with no railings.

      There were corridors and rooms this way. Many contrasts of dark and narrow halls with natural light from some windows. The floor was carpeted, not sure what colour, but I remember a cleaning lady. It just looked like a hotel in many regards but the rooms belonged to specific people who worked here or something, like an office area in a university. I can't recall the rest of the dream.

      - In many ways, the last part of the dream was just some mish-mash of my first university's building and my general concepts of offices and temporary living spaces. The presence of the people in their early 20s ties in with the "university" feel.
      - It can feel a bit annoying to ask H about the reality and have him only make me dismiss what I'm thinking about, though since then I have tried to imagine the situation occurring differently.
      - My leather jacket seems to have been a recurring feature for some recent dreams but I haven't found any particular reason why just yet, since I have not worn it in a long time. The only thing that comes to mind is that feels like a bit of a shame that I just let it sit unused for quite a long time, but on the other hand it is usually too hot for me to wear it.
      - Dreams where physical activity occurs are always refreshing for me in some mental sense. Being able to do intense physical activity such as climbing many flights of stairs can feel rewarding and the amount of inordinate pain I would get from doing it in real-life makes it feel like a waste of my energy and time. In dreams my low thresholds of pain don't really materialise and it is often the only time I get a break from feeling pain and discomfort throughout a day.
    3. cxviii.

      by , 07-20-2020 at 10:19 AM
      8th May


      I was in the car with H. H was driving very fast and race-like, even though we weren't in a rush to get anywhere. Pretty close one between a double length bus and a car. I remember the tyres screeching a lot all the way and I asked H why. He said it was because they brand new Michelin tyres.

      It was like my native country and town. Eventually we arrived at a place, ground floor of a building, in front of it was like a petrol station. The place we walked into was like a school, for kids between the ages of eight and ten. H and I had been here earlier in the dream to drop off a keyboard temporarily. Now, we were here to pick it up again. I think the kids were actually teens in the earlier part of the dream. One of the kids now, was asking why we had to take the keyboard away again and H explained it had only been meant as a temporary thing anyway. H asked if anyone had played the keyboard. Some kids said they hadn't, somehow clearly afraid of being reprimanded, even though it was unlikely, but they also said they had practised at home like H had taught and demonstrated.

      I didn't speak much at all, H talked to the kids a lot. Somehow reminded me of my geometry teacher, trying to actively get the kids to think and take interest in things. Eventually, a lady walked in, the teacher who runs the place. She was happy to see the kids entertained and it was as if we'd known her and vice versa for years. I remember noticing I had my black leather jacket and my regular boots on. I think in the dream we both became distracted from our objective of getting the keyboard. There was also a set of keys we'd left in the earlier visit, but we weren't being able to find them. The layout was different from the earlier visit.


      Grandma from mom's side, dad and I, talking. I remember she was holding a golden cross that she wore around her neck. I made mental note of the size of the cross, almost too big to be held by one hand alone.

      - I don't believe H has actually ever bought Michelin-branded tyres.
    4. Now this isn't Podracing

      by , 09-17-2018 at 07:08 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm walking through a mall of sorts with my little brother. He stumbles upon something that he really wants to do. In the middle of the mall is a racing simulator where every seat available is in the form of a star wars character's vehicle. He asks if it costs any money and when the operator says no, I also head over to participate. I forgot which one he gets on but it was the one I wanted, so I look for another. Every star wars character is a Jedi, or a Sith, or any other saber- wielding person. I choose Darth Maul's seat with his vehicle being the speedy land cruiser used in episode I. The operator comes over and shows me what's what controls-wise, and then straps the VR goggles over my head. I'm immediately engaged in the new scene which is just a generic, pixelated race track that is similar to older racing arcade games. The controls feel the same as well. I can get up to full speed and stay that way the whole time, even going through turns. The turning feels weird, however, partly because I don't have a steering wheel but a joystick for my right hand. I think about how much better it would be if it was in my left hand since I'm left hand dominant. I get a good lead against my brother early on, but now he's catching back up. We are now in an open field following a faint trail, and I look down to see the racing vehicles we had are now bicycles. As he continues to gain on me, I attempt to cut him off which leads to him crashing. I stop to help him back up and we both start walking. The open field begins to turn into a rain forest as we continue walking . My brother points to something behind us. and through the leaves, I am able to just make out the outline of a hippo. Knowing how dangerous they can be, I tell my brother to start running away. We don't make it far before running into another hippo, this one being the mother of the first one we saw. It doesn't attack us, though, and just walks away.
    5. Daddy issues

      by , 08-06-2018 at 02:26 PM (Exterminate)
      I had a twisted involving meeting my dream dad who I hadn't seen in decades. I had to see him because I was working on a criminal case where a baby was locked into a safe for a length of time. I was able to solve the case because he had done the same thing to me when I was younger. I do not recall if he was doing it to stop the baby from crying or what, but I believe it had a medical connotation to it. He looked kinda like Shaun from Fallout 4 (Spoilers). Apparently he was a rich and famous actor or something. I ran up to him holding some sort of evidence of what he had done. I was about to question him for what he did to me and others and he asked me to come closer. He then pulled off my thumb and the joint. I was in shock. It didn't really hurt yet, but I just couldn't believe he would do that. He just sat back in the car and smiled and said he was not ashamed of what he has done. He was then put into the back of a police car. The police officer then told me they didn't need my evidence, they had all the proof they needed that the man was a psycho.

      Another fragment involved a D.Va racing game. I was watching my brother play with 2-3 other people. Think sonic racing for how it is played. You're constantly going forward and you can use the boosters to jump up and hover a bit. They all were doing pretty bad at the course and it prompted me to want to try. I hooked in a controller, n64 if I recall correctly, and gave it a shot. The course was much more difficult this time around. It had many more jumps and curves and obstacles. Before it was pretty straightforward, but this one had many parts of the track that led to a void requiring you to boost over.

      (Dad in this dream looks like he does irl, the previous dream dad and this dad don't look alike.)
      My dad was going through a very drastic midlife crises. He bought a fancy new car and started to disappear for long lengths of time. The dream picked up with my dad picking up some stuff from the house and going on an unspecified vacation. He had transitioned into a female, sortof. He sounded and looked like a woman, and had lost a little bit of weight. You could kinda see his original appearance and hear his original voice, but he had clearly gone through a lot of changes. I am sure he had started HRT. I was so confused and scared. My mother tried to support him but was afraid she was losing him. He said he had a boyfriend on the side and was trying to figure out who he was. I asked him if I should still call him dad or if I should start calling him mom. I didn't want to have two mothers this late in life. I asked him if I need to call him male or female. Despite his appearance he said he was still male and dad. I wasn't ready to accept such drastic changes, and I kept in mind that he could still reverse the process and be like his normal self again, but I just didn't know what to think.

      Updated 08-06-2018 at 08:59 PM by 57282

      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. Jack Black and a Snake

      by , 01-06-2018 at 12:24 PM
      Something about Jack Black driving in a car and racing us/street racing. Cops pull us over and we are in a jungle.Everyone saw a snake wrapping itself around my left lower leg and foot. I shook it off and ran. I remember being in a yard that was sectioned into four parts by wooden privacy (tall) fence. It was kind of like a movie set with four different locations. I was in one of the quadrants and I was holding a gun/rifle/shotgun? (lol i dont know) and trying to shoot at birds.
      I got down to the ground and saw a tiny opening in one of the fences and went to it. There was this small duck sound caller thing that a Swan gave me. lol.
    7. [08-02-2016]

      by , 02-08-2016 at 10:40 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      There was a zombie outbreak in a skyscraper. Soldiers were sent there to clear the area for rescuing forces. They have failed, making the army of undead even bigger. While government was trying to completely remove zombies, some agencies hired mercenaries to gather information about them, their weak points and about survivors. I was one of the mercenaries. I entered the skyscraper and took an elevator to fourth floor. According to military data, it was the floor that was heavily infested, a death trap. I took only a step inside, and was attacked. It was dark and I couldn't see it. I took a knife and stabbed the zombie in throat. The elevator was broken and couldn't move further. I took staircase up, and found a room with a survivor. It was a redhead child. Little girl was lying under a cape in her bed. I heard someone moving and shoot at that direction. It was a young redhead woman, probably little girls sister. She got hit and fallen down the staircase. I entered the room with the girl. There was a man lying on the floor. He looked like one of my pals. He was pale and stiff. I asked the girl if he's alive. She said that probably not. I shot him in the head and said "Case of death: Shot to the head" and thrown him down. I decided to secure the survivor. We talked for a while about my goals.

      Second dream

      I was a black man. I was wearing a green t-shirt and blue short trousers. With a girlfriend - a black female, we were racing who will run from one point to another first. We ran through streets, alleyways and buildings, including building sites and factories. I lost two races, but won third. My girlfriend disappeared somewhere though, and I was really worried, as we had an argument some time ago.
    8. Mcdonalds, Parties, and being an accomplice to armed robbery

      by , 12-13-2015 at 08:08 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      I used zzzquil because i had to get to sleep, Its gonna be unhealthy if i keep using it.

      First dream was at mcdonalds, and it was very crowded, people were going to stay there the whole day for some reason, others were popping by like it was one big party or reunion or something. I met Jennifer, an old asian friend I had calculus 1 with back in college, I met Priscilla who I knew for a long time when I was a waiter, gave her a big hug and lifted her off the ground. I think she was single so she was acting a little flirty. Among many other people there and I was drunk at mcdonalds too. I tried to go outside and drive but I was too drunk so i decided to eat somewhere else. Nearby was a few restaurants that looked combined together like they would be in a city, although the mcdonalds was a standalone restaurant in my suburban hometown. I go and eat at a place that sells Shrimp and Boudin balls and other really tasty things. We eat get desert which was really a pan, with aluminum foil on top, and happy birthday was written in chocolate icing with star sprinkles on it and we just ate the icing but somehow it was still really good. After that me and my family got in a car and started driving, I was still drunk but was watching the car move and wondering how many times i would have fucked up along this drive if i was the one driving instead. Soon enough everyone in my family gets in a different car and I have to drive even though I'm drunk. I can't even figure out which pedal is the gas or breaks, and I have trouble working the gears because its manual for some reason, and its like I'm in some racing game in an old european city. Theres brick streets, old buildings and the sun is shining. I go up a hill under a building that arches over the street as a bridge, so im shadowed under it, I try shifting gears at the top of a hill and go real slow, I end up getting 5th in the race just trying to figure everything out while drunk and my family abandoning me. I see people waiting in a little area next to the finish line as everyone finishes and goes to join them. Dream ends around there.

      Second dream was the shortest one, I was in some apartment and there was a few people in there. This girl walks up to me like I have finally arrived and tells me to take off my clothes and there is a platinum condom waiting for me. Theres supposed to be a muslim girl thats supposed to walk in and I have no idea whats going on. I take off my clothes and get in the bed and theres a platinum condom under the pillow. I get kind of excited im about to have sex. thats where it ends.

      Third dream, there was a big house party in some sort of four level house, this was a long dream. Long dreams like this i forget the chronological order so I try to guess. There was a part where most people were in the pool area, some people were in a room outside my room to sleep in and get changed. I talked with Russel and we had some kind of RC device we were playing with. I was nude and went into a small pool next to some stairs on a multilevel porch system. I realized there were kids nearby so I took a towel and wrapped myself up under the water before I came out, somehow the towel was not soaking wet. I went upstairs to change and for some reason I was going to go with two guys on an errand. We end up stopping by somewhere and they beat up and shoot a black man with stubs for legs. They shoot him in the abdomen and hes squirming on the ground, they take his wallet and phone and everything and leave him lying there. We drive back to the house and I decide not to go with them on their "next errand". They give me a clicker that has something to do with their errand, I go up to my room and take a nap. I wake up and the rc car is doing something against the door, I open it and there is a wasp doing something, I tell the cleaning lady but she doesnt care. I go downstairs and everyone has left, few people left say I took a long nap. Im in the kitchen eating with people from the party, the clicker starts clicking rapidly going higher and higher but I have no idea what it means. Dream ends.
    9. Water slide race

      by , 03-04-2015 at 05:30 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      A guy is in a swimming race, but it’s not in a pool, but on a water slide type thing. He’s going through a building on the way, and it’s like an obstacle course, looking for a way through. There were some other people there and he’s stopped by someone.

      He’s talking to a medium. She prepares him for the next stretch, but says she can’t tell him about his opponent.

      Inspiration: I feel strongly that the racers were Yowamushi Pedal characters. I just watched an episode that focused heavily on Imaizumi and Midousuji racing each other. The medium thing rings a bell too but I can’t remember what from.
    10. 4/8/14 - Don't Tell Her What To Do!

      by , 04-09-2014 at 06:41 AM
      I'm busily running around a modular home, my home, cleaning here and there. I'm carrying a broom in my hands. Lydia says she wants to go to the dance and get dressed up. I smile and think it's a nice idea. Jackson comes up behind me and walks up to Lydia, telling her no and snapping at her. She gets a sad look on her face and puts her head down, walking into another room. I get really pissed and walk up to Jackson. I whisper angrily for him to shut up and stop telling her what she can and can't do. I threaten to kick him out if he keeps hurting her like that. He gets pissed and tells me to mind my own business. I walk up to him quickly and get in his face, pushing the broom handle into his chest. I tell him that I'm fucking serious and I will kick him out of my house if he doesn't do as I say. I tell him that he has no right to control Lydia and he needs to make her happy or get the hell out. He backs away from me, mumbling and kind of pissy, but he agrees and backs off. I then look down and notice that I'm wearing a new dress and I'm all dolled up for the dance. I grab a guy's hand and pull him to the backyard where we are all gonna play a game. The backyard is a huge dirt field with hay and many sacks of potatoes. We all grab a potato and three of us race down lanes. When we reach the end, we turn around and throw the potato to the next person. I laugh as the next person catches my potato.
    11. Megs In Trouble/Dream Fragment

      by , 10-24-2013 at 02:30 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment:
      I'm racing and my car flips often. I go over a ramp and crash land. I'm with someone else that is racing.

      Megan M, is in trouble and so are her friends. Another group of girls want to beat them up. I call up Megan and she won't let me come over, as she's paranoid.

      Some of Megan's friends are black.

      It's night time and I'm walking near Ben F's house. I walk up to a window and knock. I see Megan peaking through the window and I keep repeating my name so she can let me in. She lets me inside. I look around and it's a very small apartment. I see a bed, couch and a TV. Megan is under the blankets with some of her friends on the couch. I see the bed and there's a person underneath the blankets but I can't see their face.
    12. The Race

      by , 09-11-2013 at 11:45 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was seeing a race track, and I could see the circle where the pits were. This is where the stock cars race as a side show before the big race happens.

      I was in a class room with it full of children. We were all racing in our cars around the class room. I was racing competitively and was over taking a lot of kids. The teacher wouldn't let me race the next race because she said that people were surprised that you were lapping them. I waited a few moments to see if she would let me race after a short period on the side lines, this wasn't the case. I explained to her that it was unfair as it's in my genes to give 100% in anything thing and everything I do, nothing less. I added that I could help it as it's just the way I am. I've always been the competitive type.

      I was now outside (Daytime). I saw a car, and I walked towards it and noticed my Mum was in there. She got out of the car and was holding a football (AFL ball). I wasn't in the mood to have kick the ball to one another because of what happened in the class room. I bit the bullet, and ended up having a kick of the ball. It felt as if It was half flat.
    13. Lucid Dream 520 (EPIC!!)

      by , 06-16-2013 at 10:01 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      June 16, 2013
      Lucid Dream 520: Magnetica of the Gameverse
      Series: The Mind of a Gamer, Episode 6 : The Gameverse Chapter - I
      Technique: ADA

      Clarity: High
      Recall: Moderate
      Enjoyment: Very High

      I was at the E3 gaming convention. I was talking to my friend Diddy when he said, "Wouldn't it be badass to go to E3 in real life?" I instantly became lucid. I replied, "Yeah, but then we couldn't do this..." I then turned and punched a random passerby square in the jaw. He fell down, then stood right back up and continued walking as if he hadn't been punched in the first place. I laughed and began exploring the convention. There were quite a few people and loads of different game demos set-up. I was going to look for Kingdom Hearts 3 when I noticed a huge electrical outlet in the wall. It was 30 feet tall or better and people were in line to enter the outlet. I had to stop and stabilize for a moment to hold my excitement back. I then took off running and jumped into the outlet/portal.

      Blue lightning/electricity flashed as I passed through the portal and I found myself in a huge area. It was the like the area in the movie, Wreck-It Ralph where all the games were connected. I could see archways, doorways, and portals all around me that led to many different games. The area was more futuristic looking than Wreck-It Ralph. It was like a futuristic, industrial, steampunk mixture. It was really cool. I could see people using hologram screens, robots moving through the crowd, and some people were wearing cyclops-like visors. There was no way I wasn't going to go along with this dream setting. I immediately jumped into my "King" persona.

      I walked through the huge lobby/area like I owned the place. I greeted random DCs, making up their names on the fly. One said, "Welcome back your highness," in fun, but respectful manner. I had already decided in my head that this was the center of the gaming universe (the Gameverse) and I was the King, the #1 gamer in the world. Another of the DCs shouted, "The King is back!" There was an eruption of cheers and applause. Several DCs came up to me and greeted me like old friends. I looked at the nearest one, who was a fairly attractive chick with black hair and a cyclops-like (x-men) futuristic visor, and said, "Yo, Clair! You down for a challenge?" She laughed and said, "Well that didn't take long, but what do you expect from the #1? Of course, I'm down!" Before I could finish asking what game she wanted to play, she shouted, "Magnetica!" Going with the flow, I playfully acted confused, "Magnetica? You really going to play me at one of my strongest games?" She said she had been practicing since I had been gone. As I followed her through a nearby archway, I saw a winding and twisting roadway that went into the air and led into tunnels that passed through the surrounding walls. The road pretty much filled up the entire room. We walked over to the start line and there was a hologram screen where we had to choose our characters. I told her to be her best character and I would be the worst on the game and still beat her. She chose Princess Peach and I cycled through the characters. Some were random made-up characters, some were from Mario Kart, and other were from many different video games. I cycled through and found my character. It was "Mangled Peter Griffin." Peter Griffin from Family Guy, but he had been cut in half and didn't have any legs/waist. He was dripping blood at his severed torso.

      Upon selecting characters we were now in these metallic silver racers. Each racer had a different paint job and there were at least 20 magnetized to the road/pipe. The road was more like a flattened out pipe. It was flat on top and bottom, but rounded on the sides. The racers were metal and the road/pipe was magnetized. You could drive the car on top, on the side of the pipe, or even upside down on the bottom. We were driving on the outside of the pipe ride and not like the inside of a pipe. Since I had no legs, I had to press the gas pedal with one hand and steer with the other. The start light turned green and we took off and a really high speed. The pipe/road twisted a winded all throughout the huge room. It often times led into dark tunnels through the walls and then back out into the room again. There were electric barrier-like obstacles here and there as well as these mesh walls that some racers crashed into and exploded. To avoid these, you simply had to drive to the opposite side of the pipe (upside down or rightside up, accordingly). The race was fast and felt like it was at pod racing type speeds. I had a blast flying through the course and slamming into other racers causing them to ignite and explode. At one point, the course went through a town. The road was still the same pipe, but there wee houses and whatnot on either side of the pipe. It also weaved through a candy forest (reminiscent of Wreck-It Ralph) at one point.

      By the time 5 laps were completed, me and Clair had lapped every other racer several times and were neck and neck. I was in first and stated to pull away on the 6th and final lap. Suddenly, I noticed the course had changed for the final lap and the barriers were now moving all around the road. I barely missed a few before clipping one of the wire mesh walls and spun out. Clair passed me as I regained control. She was pulling away, so I got an idea. I started spiraling around the road at a high speed building up Spiral Energy (Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan). My racer and myself started glowing green when I shouted a battle cry and hit a huge jet speed burst. I passed Clair about 20 yards before the finish line and won the race. A huge crowd of people were cheering and throwing confetti. I hopped out of my car (I had become myself partway through the race and was no longer "Mangled Peter"). Clair walked up to me smiling and said, "I swore I had finally bested you!" I told her I was surprised at how much she had improved and she told me that she had climbed all the way up from being unranked to being the new #2 while I had been gone. I took her hand and set out to explore some more.

      As we traveled through the sea of people, I now noticed many alien, star wars-like species. I asked Clair where Kingdom Hearts 3 was and I she had now taken off her visor. She looked incredibly hot and I couldn't resist. I said, "How about the new #2 and the #1 become official?" I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. I began kissing her and she started kissing/licking my neck/ear. She whispered, "That is all I've ever wanted." I become incredibly aroused and pulled her into a nearby photo booth (like the ones in the mall, lol). I began undressing her and went down on her. The dream began to fade and for fear of forgetting this epic dream, I allowed myself to wake up.

      I was mad as shit at myself for getting sexual and ending such a masterpiece of a dream. It was one of the best I've had in a while. I couldn't adequately describe the race itself, but it was such an amazing experience. I can't wait to get back into the Gameverse again.

      Series Details
      With the dream series, "Mind of a Gamer," the gaming world and the dreaming world collide to produce a lucid paradise. Read as I take video game scenarios to the next level. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 06-17-2013 at 09:09 AM by 22654

    14. Motocross Racing

      by , 05-15-2013 at 11:22 AM
      >Be in a race
      >On a motorbike
      >Have Fat chick on the back of the bike
      >Going down stairs and hills and stuff
      >Somehow, the bike goes too fast and we end up going off the track into some kind of weird ocean
      >Try to get back on shore, no sign of the fat chick and the bike is too heavy to get out of the water
      >Swim around, Find a spot where i can roll the bike out of the water and someone helps me get it out
      >End up pushing the bike the rest of the way - the bike must have been waterlogged
      >See people from my old high school on the way to the end.
      >wake up
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Skateboard Racing

      by , 11-04-2012 at 07:54 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      Nov. 4, 2012

      I was hanging out with some cool guys I found somewhere. They were in their teens. They skateboarded a lot. I went into a skateboarding race with some of them. I won the race. They also gave me some girl advice. They said that "if I wasn't giving 100% effort, I didn't get her."

      I also went to a party somewhere. I don't know where it was, but I did almost get with a girl. I think the dream ended before I did. This might have been another dream, though.
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