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    1. A few dreams

      by , 11-02-2024 at 03:10 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams are kinda back? They are few and far in between but still somehow consistent. She might have done a drive by I was brushing off my car. A grey car turned in the alley by my house behind me. It felt like someone was looking at me. I turned and saw part of a head with brown hair and sunglasses. The voice mentioned it may have been her. If so, this is becoming more often. She's getting braver.

      Jamie 1

      I was in a long non lucid dream that was boring. Me and Jamie met in the middle of the dream. We both briefly talked about the plot of the dream we were in and moved on. Can't remember what was said or the rest.


      I was in... I'm not sure I had an ipad or something. I was selecting music. The band: Helloween, came to mind. Couldn't figure out if I wanted to hear, "Eagle fly free." or, "Dr. Stein." but then the tablet menu went funny and I couldn't find it. The tablet was suddenly hanging by string around a girl's neck. It was now a white board that we could write messages on. Not sure if this was Jamie or not.


      I was with a younger guy also named. "Raven." (Not my other dream friend. who does healing songs and stuff.) He was the native guy I ran into one day in the Wal-Mart parking lot when Jamie was giving me a ride home. In the dream he was getting mouthy. So I pounded his face in for a bit. Then I said something like, "Respect your elders." or something and he backed off.

      More fighting

      I think me and Jamie were in a fortnite game or something. We were walking through a valley and someone shot at us. Jamie got knocked and she was doing the crawl. The shooter grappled over to us with his duo. He told me to Res her so he can kill her again. I said, "If you kill her I will definitely find you and kill you." We went back and forth a few times like that and he backed down.

      New fortnite season tomorrow. I have a love/hate relationship with that game. Mainly hate the cringe and the super toxic community.

      Jamie again

      This morning after our bedtime sweet talk session we often have in our heads. I was in an HH dream she was there. She made lasagna and offered me some.

      I enjoyed that dream.
    2. Cool

      by , 08-07-2024 at 02:00 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Sunday: Definite Jamie drive by again. I was walking to reddi-mart to buy an evening coffee (2 minute walk from my house. Sometimes I buy a coffee from there from 5-7). There's a back alley route I take. I was walking from behind the store and to the side of the store when I noticed a grey car slam on it's brakes. I would not have noticed otherwise. Saw the familiar brown hair with bangs cut and large sunglasses . Kind of looked at me and resumed speed. I think I startled her, and she got startled again when she realized she hit the brakes. This was all in half a second. I'm thankful no one was behind her. She could have been rear ended. Like I said, I don't mind if she checks on me - if that's what makes her comfortable around me. As long as it's not bread crumbing. Baby steps I guess.

      I asked her voice why she drives all this way? Why my town? She replied she came to see a friend. I'm like: Oh really is it a guy or a girl. And she replied: You're the friend I've come to see. Lol.

      Asked Raven to help out in a dream. I noticed Jamie's house was creepy in my dream. Raven agreed despite being under some stress.


      Vague dream of being in a creepy house. Some older lady interrupted me and some Korean girl in the house (Jamie). She kept making us collect things from the house and put them outside or something. I was hoping the woman would leave soon so I could be alone with the Korean girl. But she wanted us to check the addict or something for more items. I remember climbing a large staircase where the girl and the older woman were. I think we found something and the Woman put it outside. My memory just gets blurry after but continues on. Like trying to watch a movie on fast forward.

      I didn't think it was about Jamie until Raven showed me her Journalled dream. Hers is way more detailed tho.

      Jamie 1

      I'm learning braids again on a head dummy. Jamie is there advising me on how to do it. She seems really encouraging.

      Jamie 2

      I was with Jamie again. She seemed stern about something. I don't know what. Is it something I was doing in the dream? Or something I'm doing while awake? Her head voice doesn't seem to take an issue with me as far as I know. But the voice isn't 100% reliable.

      Jamie 3

      Jamie seemed a little more stern about the issue she's having with me. I can't recall any details.

      As far as the voice is concerned. The "relationship" seems more stable than ever. I sometimes ask her voice if this seems like a "real" relationship. Every time I ask the response is "Yes." As strange as it is I guess.
    3. Annoying

      by , 07-21-2024 at 03:15 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Note: There is a guy staying at our house (hopefully temporary). Who is a half native guy. He's into new agey stuff and is very experienced in dream sharing. He's also gay. I have told him previously about my experiences with dream sharing. He seems to have his own biased view on dreams. I have not told him about Jamie. And I will not. He seems to be the guy who was interfering with me and Jamie in my dreams, causing the false break up from the previous entry. I also don't trust him because when I was alone at the house with him the other day, he blew up at me out of nowhere. He started yelling and cussing me out over a minor disagreement ( because I didn't want to listen to him or his advice on certain things.) in any case, I have ceased discussing any dreams or spiritual stuff with him. I have prayed daily that he can no longer interfere with our dreams... Jesus has been silent in the dreams so... But I have enlisted Raven to help. She says she wants to do something while her mother spends her last days in hospice. Just keep in mind she may not always be able to help if she's too stressed out or depressed. To Jamie if she reads: if you are dreaming about me being mean, or "breaking up." Or being abusive in dreams. It's not me. I don't know what this guy is capable of, or how long he will try to interfere. Just pray about it if it can help.

      Forgot one dream from last entry:

      Jamie 1

      Me and Jamie are working on a hairdressing head working on braids or something. Nice.


      Just a flash of a young girl barely older than a toddler picking up grass and handing it to me.

      Jamie 2

      Sex dream with Jamie. In Asuka's garden of all places. We were somehow in mid air and teleporting a few feet every few seconds... Wtf. Funny tho.

      Annoying guy 1

      I was in a strange hotel area with a big room or something. People were sitting in cubicles. I was on a person train riding tricycles. Behind me was a fake Jesus with a pride flag. Jamie was in one of the cubicles. I think I was trying to do something to impress her. Can't remember what I did. I had a feeling like it was that guy's inner world.

      Annoying guy 2

      A dream of Jamie's face in the black space. She's being mean and cussing me out badly. But inside the Jamie image is another face... That guy, and I can see his facial hair.

      Wake up and her voice seems upset with me. I tried to calm her down and she said. " What is going on with our dreams lately?"

      Annoying guy 3

      Sitting in a chair across from the guy and having coffee. I look to my right and see a giant hole in the wall.

      So he's breaking in now?
      Tags: jamie, jesus, raven
    4. More demons.

      by , 04-05-2024 at 12:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      well, After that great stretch of Jamie dreams she seemingly turned on me again. But, I know better, just the usual obvious dream demon attacks. This time the culprit may have been in the gift box in the dream (Seemingly from Asuks.) I had to ask for Raven's help again, really she's doing The Lord's work. bless her.


      I was in some apartment building with some guy and Jamie. Jamie was being distant. Came to this construction area in a stairwell or something. She started talking to some older than me guy, but wasn't talking to me. Gave her the benefit of the doubt and walked of with the other guy. We went to his apartment and I forget what happened. Then we looked for Jamie because it was time to leave. Found her in the stairwell talking to that guy again. She made herself look like an older woman - more to the guys age. Me and the guy just stood there watching her and we had a short conversation about it. He said something like, "It looks like she's being real tender with him."

      Woke up and said to the Jamie voice, "Jamie, Your cheating on me in the dreams again, better pray about it or something." and I heard (in my head), her praying about it. Too funny. Do I qualify for anti psychotics yet?


      Jamie was talking to me in that arrogant and superior voice again. She said something really odd like, "before we can talk, you have to have sex with me." and I was shown an image of us doing it, but the visual was like in those anatomy books. That made it look kind of gross. The logic of that statement though... how do you have sex with someone without talking about it first? As a guy who won't even hug or hold hands with a girl without verbal consent, gl with that.

      Next night. Asked for raven's help but seemingly no effect. Had a rough time trying to sleep. Had one dream, still not good.


      Jamie is something like an ancient goddess. Has the old fancy dress. She's by an Egyptian pyramid with a writing clay tablet. And she's inscribing stuff in cuneiform. She's seated at a booth. Apparently it's a kissing booth, with thousands of men lined up for a kiss from Jamie. They give her old style coins and she marks it down on the tablet.

      Last night.


      I'm by Jamie's house, which in dreams seems to be consistenly a farmhouse area. I'm walking with some guy with glowing eyes, he has hair down to his chin and his face is similar to that actor who played "Jacob," The island protector in LOST (Also he played the drug addict ex boyfriend to Rita in Dexter, and also "Lucifer," in Supernatural). I know it's Raven's dream boyfriend or something. We are looking around at the scenery and he says, "It's nice isn't it."

      Flash two

      I'm walking with Raven through a rip in the fabric of a dream. On the other side is a nice grassy area Raven is lying a woman down on the grass who seems to be asleep or delirious. It's Jamie. That's all I remember.
    5. Can't think of a Title

      by , 03-22-2024 at 01:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Say what?

      Just a bunch of dream imagery of shelves of make up and jewelry stands. I can hear Jamie's voice saying, "Robert's gonna buy me all my make-up and jewelry." Yeah GL with that. In today's economy both people of a household should have their own jobs. Want extra cash? try side hustles. Hair Braiding for example, or if you have a truck, couch flipping, also vending machines. There are tons of options out there.

      I had one nonlucid dream i can't remember the details.

      Sleep over

      A dream where I have a sleep over at Jamie's, But we're both children. So we have sleeping bags in a living room by a fireplaces. We tell jokes and play games like children would. It's a lot of fun. (Lol, She's trying to keep the dreams pg-13 now).

      Last night:


      I'm driving up a hill or mountain on a dirt road. My dog is in the back seat. I start swerving and lose control of the car. I try to hit the brakes but land in the ditch. The car keeps moving and I notice I am in the backseat now. The car is heading for some trees by a cliff before I wake up.

      Another non lucid I can't remember...


      A dream Raven came to visit. She seemed mad or something that she had to drive to canada. She puts a briefcase on the table and inside I see two roadmaps. She asks me why I haven't come to Arizona to visit? I start ranting that I don't have a steady job right now. ( you'd think someone with 9 years restaurant experience, good references and a reference from an owner/operator, would find a job here. All the jobs seem to go to the TFWs here.) After I'm done ranting I pick up one of the maps and ask if it's for me? Raven says no but the other map is? It's all pretty confusing so naturally I wake up.


      I'm sitting at a table with Jamie I have a silly diagram on the table which I call: The trinity. I have three psiral lines which go to 3 symbols. One representing dreams, another representing thought communication, and the third is physical reality. The two representing dreams and thought are colored in, with the physical one not colored in. I say something like, "So you see, we have to now just activate the physical one..." Jamie is just looking at me like: WTF... Not a mused at all. upon waking up it made no sense to me either.
      Tags: crash, jamie, raven
    6. Lots of dreams

      by , 02-22-2024 at 02:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dream recall increasing from journalling more. Yay!

      Dog wtf

      Dream of seeing my dog again. He was barking at me again. His mouth looked funny again. It reminded me of the previous dream when he looked like that, but I didn't think to do an RC.

      Jamie 1

      Flash of me and Jamie walking away from my house that I was in when I was renting the basement suite in 2011. We were arm in arm. My vision zoomed out in 3rd person perspective. It was night time, and we both looked semi anime. We also were smiling and looked kind of dazed.


      I was staring out of a window. I noticed my reflection. I was a girl though and I slightly resembled Jamie... I had spots on my face, like sick with the measles or something. My vision zoomed in and the spots were really sweat drops discoloring my skin. I looked away and looked back and now I was my normal self but still sweating. I was wondering how sick I was.

      Jamie 2

      I was in a large store like a Sears or something. Asuka was behind me and Jamie was beside me. We were walking on the tile path between the wall and a clothing section when a really short blond girl blocked my path. Some music started playing while we were talking and for some reason we started dancing. But I was confused about which hand should go where. I switched hand positions a couple of times. I then remembered that I was with Jamie, and I shouldn't be doing anything to make her jealous. ( only problem with my dream state I'm like a drunk guy and everything I do is impulsive). I leave the girl and find Jamie sitting on the floor on the edge of the clothing section. Asuka is just in the background watching. I sit down in front of Jamie, she still looks semi anime, she's staring into space and is smiling. I try talking to her but she hardly replies. I grab her hands and stand up. She stands up with me. I think asuka was using a song spell on Jamie or something when I was talking to the girl to trance her out from noticing, or being jealous. Maybe the song spell made me sober to think of Jamie as well.

      Next night


      I was in a town that reminded me of Red deer. I was walking into a store when I noticed a bunch of Arab looking guys in black bullet proof vests carrying large guns go into a bank across the street. I go into the store and warn everyone in there to quickly leave the store and that I seen people with guns. I hear a bunch of gunshots and I leave the store. The Arab guy keeping 6 makes direct eye contact with me. I pretend I don't notice and quickly enter a glass door leading into the hallway that goes to the other end of the shopping plaza..l I exit into a residential area and keep walking.

      Last night.

      Moving in together

      Jamie asks me to move in with her (her exact words). But when I move in it sucks. Jamie doesn't talk to me at all. I remember eating at a dinner table with her and her parents... Maybe siblings? I'm given my own room. I keep passing Jamie in the hallways but she never looks at me. This seems to go on for a day or two and I'm considering just moving out, since I feel like a complete stranger there.


      I'm in the backyard of a house by a garden. I see my dogs dad (who we put down years ago) he's a large and intimidating rottweiler. I think it's strange he should be around. He growls and runs past me, one of his hind paws is mangled. I noticed smoke by some plants and notice a small fire when I get there. I have to pee and consider putting it out that way. I try to but the my jeans get caught on some thorn bushes. I wake up.

      Semi lucid

      Prelude: I dream I am laying in bed. Jamie is talking to me as a voice in my head. I tell her I'm meeting up with Raven in a dream and we are going to see some cool dream place, I invite Jamie along. Jamie says in my head that she's going to put on something special for the occasion.


      I'm on a motorbike and stop at some hobby place. I go inside to reserve a table for the people coming (Raven, Jamie, maybe asuka). Inside the place people are playing cards and chess. I notice a piano in the corner and make a mental note to talk to the owner about tuning the piano and leaving some cards, since I just got certification in piano tuning and repair.

      I slap my jacket over the table to reserve it and leave. Outside is no longer a street, but a huge Campus. I walk through a few large buildings on the campus, I walk by a room with ridiculously large bleachers inside.

      Outside I meet up with my group. A hooded lady, who looks like she's going to a cosplay convention. Two golems, the clay made into man, kind. A lady wearing wearing a blue wig with a large braid hung over one shoulder she introduced herself as "Samantha." Or something (Asuka). I say I reserved a table in a game room where we can play cards or chess. The two golems shrug and agree that could be fun.

      I begin walking through the campus again with the group. After sometime, the two golems are walking ahead of me, and that's when I hear Jamie call my name. I looked behind me, and she's barely even dressed. She's wearing a golden bra with sparkles on it. She walks past me and she's only also wearing a g string of the same color. On her waist is a thin gold chain with a blue veil mesh which barely covers even the top of her.... Box. The tips of her hair are blond. She turns her head around and smiles at me, asking with her eyes if I like what I see, then walks beside the Two golems.

      It then clicks in. I remembered the conversation in my head with her, when she said she was going to wear something special . For the bedroom yes, but for chess club? I'm about to follow them through the door when " Samantha," distracts me and starts talking to me. Then I open the door but the hobby/game place is gone and it's the room with the strange bleachers.

      I run outside and look for my group. I give up after a while and fly atop some pole sign. I turn and see Samantha again with her blue hair. She seems to be trying to cheer me up from losing the group. I notice she's wearing stilts to reach the height of the pole sign. I say, "You know this is a dream right? You don't have to wear those, just fly up." But she vanishes. Then I notice her below on the grass waving at me. She teleported.

      I shrug it off and fly away. I notice people on one of the ledges of the campus building. They are waving at me and calling for help. But I keep flying. Then I notice more people need help. I fly to them to rescue them. They are no longer people. Just mouths stuck on the ledges, they are just lying there calling for help. I go to pick a mouth up then it vomits on my hand. I stare at the mouth and it seemingly dies like when a bee loses it's stinger. I go to grab another one but the same thing happens. The stench is getting to me. I almost begin to vomit myself when I wake up.
    7. Winter competition 2024 - Nights 5-8 (10-13.01.2024)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 07:00 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Night 5 -10.01-


      Night 6 -11.01-

      …/immerse into work activity. We get a task to work in couples. Each one becomes a contract to work with. One of my kids is t doing something there/…

      …/I see my English neighbor has cut her hair. She looks angry. Her mother is around while she’s sweeping the street next to a small park in front of her place. I ask her if she’s angry for something because of her face expression. She goes mad and we start discussing about something. Her mother gets something like a stroke but not really, I think to myself “It’s because of her advanced age” and somebody has to call emergency. I don’t have a phone at hand. My neighbor goes dancing on a stage while her mother waits for help somewhere else. There’s a festival show taking place on the second floor of the house surrounding the park which now is on its yard. The dreamscape then fuses into my grandparents house where there’s much more activity than usual/…

      …/I’m going with somebody to a known place, she turns into S. There’s a couple of buildings joined with a bridge around. It’s recent dreamscape. I notice I’m not wearing any jacket. I see a jacket hanging inside a room. It looks like a Kindergarten dressing room when we get in. I turn to see we have nothing to do there. We better go now but trying not to be noticed by the parents who are playing with their kids in the front yard of the place. One of them throws a black plane with a gadget. They follow its flight. I turn to see it looks like a raven figure. It gets stuck on the roof, they laugh because it looked like the bird landed by itself/…

      …/There's somebody saying that the police is searching random houses by tricking the people somehow to catch drug dealers. They notice because of a mark left on their lips by the use of a pipe/…

      …/It’s an apparent that mixes with one of my childhood classrooms. It’s white. I’m not sure who owns this place, possibly S. N went out to meet her friends. I go to the corridor to do something. When I turn to get in again I see a piece of paper on the upper left corner. It looks like it was part of a bigger picture and was left behind by the former owner. It depicts a an Asian dragon similar to some I drew long ago for a design project. I want to take a picture to compare with mine. I turn to look for my phone and turn on the camera app. Then I cannot find the piece of paper. It takes a while to find it again. There’s a second corner of a picture but less visible/…

      Night 7 -12.01-

      …/We are with S on my dad’s bed. It’s a mixture of places again. We see some small insects popping out of her blankets. I slap the first one out with my finger. The second one jumps on my voice recorder when I put it close. Then I bring it to the window. A centipede now comes out of the mattress. It’s disgusting and she wants it out of here. I thought she was going to start a show but she didn’t/…

      …/I see a reel of a beauty contest. The winner is carrying a white dress and turns to receive the price. She has a huge red spot on her butts, it’s an embarrassing situation/…

      …/I see something I did on a list on paper. Has something to do with music and some explanations. I don get to see what I’m trying to show with the arrow I drew to the right side of the list. I’m trying to figure out what I wanted to say. There are some Chinese characters somewhere. I’m at work. The list has YouTube links on it and I can see a short clip telling in documentary mode saying something and that the guitar player didn’t mind, then again something about the bass player and that he didn’t mind neither while the video shows a very raw zoom in and out of their instruments. I hear a techno song fragment singing “I wanna be an Angel”/…

      Night 8 -13.01-

      …/it’s sort of big auto repair shop. There’s a lot of junk. The place is dirty with low illumination. Some corners are very dark. There’re different levels of the junk/…

      …/again my grandparents house. Something about some lists and Google maps is not showing the actual position but you may use a reference to locate it/…

      …/I’m shopping somewhere when I turn to see a big wall of peanut packages. There’s somebody saying we can have them for breakfast. I think they’re a snack for cheat talk or something like that. I see the cutlery must be organized, it’s random set on the box/…

      …/some family recent stuff waiting to be done and more stress of work/…

      I lost many of the fragments dictating them on the back of my mind with the voice recorder on pause…

      Updated 01-14-2024 at 07:21 PM by 18736

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. 30 Oct: Abused by my father and being in a movie

      by , 10-30-2022 at 06:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Sleeping in my bedroom with a friend who's staying over. We're at my old parents house, in my parent's bed, because it's bigger for the two of us. My mom is sleeping in the couch or not at all. Then I wake up very early morning and my dad is laying behind me, I have no panties and he is penetrating my anus. I feel totally disgusted and get up in a jolt and punch him, saying that it was the last drop. My friend wakes up spooked. I make a scene dropping all my anger on him and saying I am no longer treating him as my dad and that I lost the last ounce of respect I had for him. I go to the bathroom to wash myself. Meanwhile my mom heard some noise and woke up and came to see what's up. I hide in the bathroom and don't want to tell her. My friend doesn't know what to say and my father comes up with some excuse. Anyway, the dawn comes, so I pretend I just woke up early and I am preparing for school normally. After I get dressed, I go to the kitchen to have some breakfast and through the open window enters a raven. At first I try not to scare it away but then he makes sounds as if he wants some help, so I grab some food and approach to see if he wants. Then I notice he has a broken jaw and a broken beak and looks awfully thin. Was probably hit by a car and is in pain. I pick him up and take him to my bedrooms' balcony. I look for some box to put him in but all I find is some pillow. I drop him on it and tell him I will be back soon to care for him. I think about calling the wildlife protection services when I cross paths with my mom in the hallway and she is with three male and a couple female brazilian teens from her evangelical church (when she attended church). The guys come from the bathroom where they were washing hands and the girls have a tiny kitten in their hands and they are all saying they adopted him and she begs them not to abandon him when he grows up. They seem a bit overwhelmed with the long term commitment. I see my dad again coming out of the kitchen and wanting to make amends with me and I yell that I'll never allow him to touch me again and he may stop expecting us to have any sort of relationship. My mom hears this and she doesn't understand what's going on. Thinks I am being harsh with him and makes a sympathethic look towards him. I still don't wanna tell her what happened, just say this is how it's going to be from now on.
      [Note: my dad was always a bit of a creep, but I have no conscious memory of him abusing/raping me, despite my dreams about it]

      I'm watching Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid movie. At the end, when I think they died I get the message that they actually never die and that there are multiple films after this one in which they always come back miraculously from their apparent death at the end of every film. I am surprised and happy to know it. The I am actually the lady who is their lover in the film and I am at home waiting for them. I casually tidy up the house which has some active fires from some small explosions that took place earlier in the movie and then I start putting food in a fridge. When they return, I scold them but I really feeling happy that they are alive.
    9. hmm

      by , 10-01-2019 at 12:08 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Post a quick entry. I have 2 weeks off work so I'm not sure if my recall will improve or not.

      Had some recall but forgot it


      Another naughty dream. I'm glad she is being persistent, and is one of the great qualities I love about her.

      vague dreams i can't even describe

      Dark Tower???

      Big epic dream that I can't recall because it's like trying to comprehend a movie or something while watching it on Fast forward.

      Me Jamie and Raven, are in A large tower. Every room seems to branch off into a different dream you can get lost in. A guy in red with a glowing orb in his hand Is fighting Raven... and Jamie? Not sure Jamie was there and then suddenly not there. Raven was gone too, And I was alone fighting some guy with a face growing out of his neck, Kind of like the guy from Total Recall (The arnold one). We fight for a while and then I wake up.
    10. Shared april 21 2017

      by , 04-24-2017 at 04:46 AM
      I'll just be posting the parts that match between me and Raven. similarities in bold

      From Raven's Dream: 2017, 04-21

      Flight of Dragons

      I look around to see where Q has brought us. He said something about dragons to protect MoSh’s inner world? I’m not fully lucid, more like semi-lucid, so I’m not entirely sure what he means. I see Q has brought me to a mountainous area. There are trees around, but also stone cliffs, and I don’t recognize the place. Q says he will go get MoSh, and Asuka if she wants to come. He says MoSh has to be the one to release the dragons. He says he will be back in a flash… then disappears with a flash of white light. I look around the place he has brought me. I am now in a mountainous area with numerous green trees growing around as well as many rocky areas. I figure I’d better not go far, as I expect Q to return soon, but I wander a little bit until I find a clear path. I look down the path and I see it leads to a stairway up a rocky area with what looks like an Asian temple of some kind at the top. I wonder if we are going there for some reason. I start to head that direction, but then I think I’d better wait for Q to come back. So I stand there and enjoy the gentle breeze until there is a flash of white light and then Q appears with two more people. An Asian woman in a kimono, and a man in blue jeans and a tshirt. His shirt is cool and has a picture of a flying dragon on it. I am staring at his shirt while Q is talking. He says the dragons are in a huge underground chamber reached through the temple. He says those who dwell there won’t offer much resistance, they were only able to capture the dragons through dirty tricks, by creating an illusion of a baby dragon in distress. He says just don’t forget, MoSh must rescue the dragons.

      MoSh, Asuka, and I go up the stairs to the temple at the top. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around so we go inside. There are some weapons on the wall that look like they’re there for display. MoSh takes a samurai sword off of the wall before we continue to the next room. There is still no one around, and I am wondering if Q definitely brought us to the right place. In one of the inner rooms there is a man who looks like he’s meditating. I ask where the dragons are. He says there are no dragons, only idiots would mess around with dragons. Idiots who want to die. MoSh points his sword at the man and repeats that we want to know where the dragons are. He then says they are through the secret passage at the end of the hall, just move the painting. I go back to the hall, and Asuka follows me. MoSh stays in the other room for a bit. I see the painting and move it aside and find a lever behind it. I pull it and a panel slides aside in the floor. I look back into the room where MoSh stayed and he has the man in a strangle hold until he apparently passes out. MoSh says that was so he wouldn’t sound an alarm. We go down a flight of steps leading through the floor.


      My Dreams:

      From entry on april 2st.

      Brother (Frag)

      Had a dream about visiting my brother. Forget exactly where, but Two people came from a rip in the dream and somehow convinced me to go with them. We went through and I was outside a big japanese palace at sunset. forget wht happened after.

      Weakling (lucid)

      I was in a hallway with some people and we were in the middle of raiding some place. some guy got the crap kicked out of him for some reason. I entered a room with a wooden floor and rice paper walls, some young and very short asian guy was sitting on a mat but he got up. I became semi lucid here because I was pointing a sword at him and he was telling me, "Just kill me quick, I deserve it" I didn't know why he was asking me to kill him or the context of the rest of the dream. I didn't even know why I was pointing a sword at him or even who the people I was with were because they were still in the hallway watching me no doubt. I looked down at my sword... It looked bent and rusted. I didn't wanna stab a guy helplessly who seemed to have already surrendered. Fully lucid now I told him I would just knock him out to keep from causing trouble. He didn't say anything. I did a Gracie Jiu jitsu takedown on him I remember from junior high when I took martial arts. I put him in an elaborate choke hold. His dream body was kind of rubbery so I couldn't get my arms around his neck just right. It must have looked kind of gay to my onlookers but I knew this would work. I somehow found the right hold and then let go after a minute. He was out cold. I went to join my friends in the hallway but forget what happened after.
    11. Too Much Work.

      by , 03-24-2017 at 02:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Short Staffed

      I'm at work. But the grills are poker tables. Lots of people are working but leave when I show up. Spend the dreaming cooking lots of eggs on each Table/grill as the order keep piling up on screen. I spend hours doing that and suddenly there are no customers. It's like they never waited for their orders. I shrug and just leave.

      Work again

      I'm at work but it's all different. I'm in the staff lounge but it's all dark and dingy. Scott show up and we talk since I haven't seen him in a while. I ask him what he's doing here and he says there's some construction to do. Then he hands me a big stash of weed. Like a pound... and he says "hold this for me." I hide it under some clothes.

      Somehow I wind up at my house. It's ALL wrecked like a huge bomb went off and it's filled with entities. Some are cleaning up and others are just standing around doing drugs or whatever. Something happens and I have to go back to work.

      Sometime later I have to show managers from work where I live, they have to drop something off or pick something up. They follow me for a few blocks but ignore the instruction i give them. They wind up going through a different door in my house that i showed them. I enter through a side door or garage door again. I watched them come in and my memory fades.


      A brief dream of being in a kitchen with a guy I work with who likes to be called xereniak online. We are talking about dreaming. I made some sort of joke like "In soviet Russia, Asuka's gardens destroys YOU!" He laughs as he grabs something from the fridge and places it on the island in the middle of the kitchen. We continue talking but the memory fades.
      Note: this is a shared dream. Xereniak told me about looking in a fridge and having a conversation with me about dreaming.

      I'm in my basement at the start. I'm reading a book of Raven's dream logs. In one entry she is saying we a are dreamviewing some dream i had that had a probel to do with??? I don't remember. The next entry has a very perplexing title, but it's kind of gross. I get interrupted by an angry woman. She wants me to clean the mess up outside. I go in the backyard and, like the rest of the house... it is completely destroyed. I find a ground tiller? something to work the soil to restore it to a garden. A dog is attached and starts pulling it fast. I am tilling the lawn really fast until my alarm wakes me up.
    12. Dark Tower Dream: Roland's story

      by , 04-13-2013 at 12:41 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I awake near a campfire on the ground. Raven is here, so is WinterFae, Roland, and some other people. Roland tells us what the zombie wolves are. As he tells us the story, we see the pictures in the smoke and in our minds.

      The zombie wolves are actually men. Men, Templars from other dimensions that became wraiths in their world, forever bound to the astral plane by killing themselves in order to induce a trauma to their soul and bind themselves to the twilight plane of the astral.
      They have animated the bodies of mutant wolves, half-dead in order to kidnap children and steal their dreams. The Wraith-Templars want everyone to stay on the astral plane and go no further when they sleep, for on the astral, the Templars can torture people and feed of their pain energy.

      I lean forward and reach for a firebrand. I stare at the flame on the end of the stick. I slowly put the flame close to my right hand. Raven shouts, "Nomad, you'll hurt yourself!"
      "I have to see!" I burn myself right where my RC tattoo is in Wakeworld. I cry out in pain, and toss the firebrand into the fire. "Nomad-Nyne, what are you doing?" cries WinterFae.
      "I have to see." I look at my hands. They look normal except for the burn, which is now blistering. I pinch my nose...can't breathe through it. I try to fly. I can't. I try to shoot fireballs. I can't. I pick up an empty can, toss it into the air, and throw a knife right into it with a loud clang. "...and we are all good shots..." echoes in my head.
      "This is real," I whisper, and faint. Raven catches me.
      I wake up some time later. Raven and WinterFae are looking over me. "This is real, isn't it?"
      "Yes, brother, this is real, this land, this ka-tet, this world. And the quicker you accept that, the quicker we can-" Roland raises his gun and points it at me- no- behind me. A bullet whizzed past my ear, and into the head of a strange templar-wraith.
      We look around. No one else, a scout.
      "Okay, friends, let's move!" Roland shouts. We quickly pack up camp, and move out from the woods to a cool desert plain.
    13. The Return of the Vampyre

      by , 11-06-2012 at 03:53 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I awake with a jolt, and leap out of bed. Wait? Glycon? I must be dreaming. The great hand puppet snake god of anarchy laughs into mist. I create a portal with my ChaoStaff, and fly to the moon. I battle with some kind of gross astral parasite mother creature in the wormhole with a wormhole Wyrm. I spin out of the wormhole, burning with violet flame to kill those lil buggers. I land on the Green moon with a Boom, slamming my staff into the ground. Raven appears flying in the sky wearing as Queen of Night, wearing a long black dress, with onyx horns spiraling out of her head, riding Shadow, a winged black panther.
      Oh, you silly Nomad! Let’s go on a Mission. Vegeta appears out of a wormhole. “You two! You have not trained for some time. Want some training?” He says angrily challenging me. He slams his fist into his palm, and his hands burst into flame. He growls like distant thunder. I charge at him. I am so angry, and I don’t even know why. He sidesteps me, and laughs mockingly. “Look at you. You’ve grown weak. You’re so pathetic. You have no excuse for your weakness, the once-great Nomad! Ptah!”
      I see Raven fighting a double of Vegeta in the distance. Hmph. I multiply myself and surround him. He morphs into a million tiny versions of himself and swarms over me like army ants, striking me as he runs over my body. I scream in rage, and he laughs again. He claps his hands and shouts, ‘SCENARIO!”

      Raven and I are in a forest, on a hill overlooking a bowl-shaped valley. We have lost lucidity. “There, she says. The Beast lies within. From it, we will have our treasure that was stolen from my people so many ages ago.” I look at Raven. She’s an elf with black hair and violet eyes. She’s wearing some kind of dark metallic armor that makes no sound when she moves in it. “Underground, the labyrinth. Nomad, don’t you remember the mission?”
      A geometric shape comes out of her third eyes, and into my mind. Download. Mission: Recover Artifact in center of Labyrinthe. The Artifact is guarded by a great Minotaur.
      Raven and I levitate, and fly over the ground in a vertical position about three feet off the ground. Around the labyrinthe there are puddles of water collecting. I am wearing the markings of… A Templar? No! Wait… I see on my chest are many sacred symbols… I am wearing the armor of an elven knight, and have sprigs of vines in my hair, and the hilt of my sword has a strange red jewel… The Bloodstone. I am a Drow. I look at my Dark Elf face in the water. I have a long face, pale lavender skin, white hair, pointed ears, nose, chin. My eyes are slanted and black as night. My sword drinks the blood of my enemies… yes. My sword, with the sould of an ancient vampire infused into it, forever cursed, bound to me. In my right hand I wield a staff with a Chaos Star emblazoned. I am a Chaos Paladin. Fuck. Yes.
      The labyrinth entrance is a rectangular hole in the ground with a ramp leading down. Raven and I float down. I slam my staff on the ground and a magical fire burns. Raven casts a Glow spell, and light moves down to the end of the hall.
      We walk for a few minutes uneventfully until we are deep inside. I see a map in my mind. The ground shakes. A stone is pushed into the hall from a wall, a rotted hand reaches out. Fuck. Zombies. They come at us from all angles. We race down the hall, burning our way through the zombie hordes, blades aflame. My sword complains that there is no nice blood in the zombies.
      We come to a great abyss with just a small ledge. We see the hole on the other side, our destination. We take to the air. Suddenly a flapping of a great many large leathery wings is heard, and the din of a hundred harpies screeching in rage. Raven laughs at them, casting wind spells at them, flinging them to walls. I sonically counterattack, and the harpies get vertigo and fall.
      Raven and I make it to the other side. Right here, it’s on the other side of this wall, I can feel it, Raven says. We rub the wall with our hands and vibrate it until the molecules resonate, then walk through. We are in a large room with the sun shining on a golden orb floating above an obelisk. Raven smiles at it, and walks to it, in a trance. “Raven!” The Minotaur leaps from the shadows and tackles Raven. She grabs him by his great neck, and then he laughs and morphs into a Dark Elf. “My love?” Raven says. She grabs the man and kisses him. I feel confused. Hail Eris. Eris whispers in my ear. “Turn around.”
      A great snake with long hair, about 20 feet tall, the size of 5 busses rises and whips me with its tail. “HERETICS!” it screams at me. Raven and the elf fling knives into the snake’s throat. My sword flies at the fresh wound, drinking in the blood through the air before the red liquid can hit the floor. The Bloodsword pulls me into the snake, and we slice it up from the inside out.
      “SCENARIO. END.”
      We are standing on the Moon. Vegeta is floating in front of the three of us. “Good job. Til Next time.”
      Who is the man we were with? I look at him. Oh, Spike. The Vampire returns.
    14. [Upside-Down Realm in the Sky] - LUCID - 9/07/2012

      by , 09-11-2012 at 04:38 AM

      Okay, so I'm flying. I'm lucid. I'm soaring through the daytime sky with birds, thoroughly enjoying it. I'm thinking, "I'm truly happy here." I decide to fly higher in hopes of seeing something cool and looking down upon the puffy clouds and the tiny buildings, but instead, as I fly through some dense clouds, I come to a surprise. Gravity reverses itself and I find myself standing on clouds. I see my house (at least it resembled my house) It's brighter up here. It's quiet. I enter the empty, clean house and see almost statue-like birds. I talk to them. I'm able to ask them any questions about this place as I want (unfortunately I forget what I asked them but I recall asking one of their names which I THINK was Bradley). Someone lives here, but it looks abandoned. The man's name is Raven. He owns the place and upholds strict rules for any visitors. You cannot move or rearrange ANYTHING. You cannot wear or display anything of the color red. Why? I don't know. I was very polite to the man, who sat far in the other side of the room that was separated from the living room. He was sitting in a chair. He wore dark-green robe similar to a tunic and a hood that covered his eyes. A fold of green cloth also covered the rest of his face. I only asked him one thing (as far as I can remember), and that was, "How long have you been living here?" He responded with something close to, "Not nearly long enough..." He seemed somber and lonely and bitter. Before I left, he extended his right arm to me, palm outward. On his palm was a horizontal red oval. My mother thinks this was the sign of the beast when I explained my dream to her. Personally, I felt that he just wanted to be alone and thereby wanted people to be afraid of him. As I left I said to him something like, "Nice meeting you! Maybe I will come back and visit you someday." Somehow my father and my brother appeared waiting outside and we- holding hands- jumped and fell through the floor of clouds and went back to our realm. That's what I remember.
    15. Dark Angels of Vengeance

      by , 08-14-2012 at 11:22 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      **abridged due to pain***

      I leap out of bed. I am a savage white werelion with a necklace of tiny skulls around my neck. I roar and create a portal with a bone-dagger.

      I leap through, spinning, and land on the moon.

      I am near the koi pond. Raven is watching the fish.

      She looks at me. I morph into a quicksilver dragon, then a giant three headed canine with the head of a pit bull, a wolf, and a chihuahua. I growl softly.

      "FLUFFY!" Raven laughs and hugs me.

      "Someone is going to have nightmares tonight." Raven slams her fist into her palm, and she becomes enwreathed in violet and black flame. Her dress becomes black, and she grows two horns. Her eyes become green and lavender. She laughs maniacally and creates a portal.

      A zombie-basset hound head comes out of my chest, and sniffs the ground. We leap into the portal, and end up in the bedroom of a fat want to be badass. He has posters of Sylvester Stallone on his walls and some dumbells on the floor.

      "So, this is the sadistic "bad ass" that tortures dogs for pleasure?" Raven asks.

      I leap on to his chest and smell him with my zombie-hound head. "Yep. This is our target."

      Raven chuckles, and I quietly growl with all four heads. The room vibrates with the rumbles. The man's astral body wakes up. I bark with my pit bull head, howl with my wolf head, bay with my hound head, and yip maniacally with my chihuahua head. The din is maddening.

      The man screams in sheer terror, trying to push me off of him. I jump off and he runs out the door into the street. Raven and I teleport outside, and Raven summons a wall in front of him which he slams into.

      I roar, and alter the landscape to be a giant puppy mill completely on fire. I turn the man's clothes into a dog costume. He runs around freaking out. Raven creates a small cage, which he runs into.

      We slowly walk into it. The man is backed up against a wall. The man's face is frozen in a silent scream. Raven creates a portal on the back wall. It looks sinister with black thorns swirling around it.

      "only one way out," Raven states flatly.

      The man looks at us. I am frothing at all four mouths. He leaps into a portal to Hell. We follow.

      The man falls down for hours, and lands on a boulder in a great cavern full of fiery pits. Demon dogs fly about in pain and anger. I leap upon him, and devour his innards. He writhes and screams in pain. Raven shoots a bolt of lightning into his mouth placidly. His body reforms.

      Raven and I merge into a great fiery angel-demon. We grab the man, and fling him into outer space, and follow. "here you will die, o 'brave warrior'," I whisper.

      "Who are you?" He screams.


      The man wakes up. We are in his room, a dark witch and monster. He sits up and sees us. "We are Nightmares." he screams and wets the bed. We laugh and fade away.
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