[27.09.2020] Survival with Lucifer Morningstar I am outside, and it's like a very realistic survival game that has mechanics like Rust, and you play it like real life. At some point it seems to be real life. We're outside, and there's cars and otherwise normal civilization but we, a group of me, Lucifer Morningstar from the series Lucifer and somebody else who might be my friend Steven. We go to a sort of tree house and start discussing in a heated argument what we need to survive. [28.09.2020] Entitled woman I am in a sort of special room with a roommate which is a chubby woman who feels entitled for some reason and with my mother. It might be a sort of asylum, or maybe even a sort of bunker or something. She complains constantly what kind of TV program I watch. At some point we seem to get along well, and my mother comments on that but I make a remark that suggests it's not going to be for long. That was weird.
The Way of Villainy 22 July 2013Morning Nap Princess Luna is a character from My Little Pony Note: A lot of the dialogue in this dream was influenced by the Steve Wilkos Show that was airing on the TV IRL. I was quite irritated that I should be so tired in the middle of the day. Especially considering that I hadn’t really done much of anything that day-at least not that I could remember. I was reprimanding myself for not getting enough sleep, again. I was walking in a walkway that was built into a large crack in the side of a cliff (it was reminiscent to a similar walkway in Zora’s Domain in Twilight Princess). So I was walking down the walkway and I was virtually unimpressed by the beautiful scenery that I was looking at. Then again, it’s not as though I was looking at much. I look across the huge crevasse in which this walkway is built and I only see a wall on the other side and a thick cloud of fog down below. I admit I was not fully cognizant of myself and I was mostly preoccupied with the question of how to deal with my fatigue. I thought that maybe I could take a swig of Pepsi; I remembered having three in the fridge back at home which I found odd because I didn’t remember buying any to begin with. My ever so important train of thought was interrupted by a text message. It was from this guy I barely knew from High School. He was accosting me for not pulling my weight on a project that he and I were supposed to be working on together. I must have been more tired than I thought. I mean, what was he talking about? What fucking project? Such a bother, I was not at all happy to be having to work on this project (whatever it even was) nor was I happy to be working with this guy of all people. I would spend the majority of that day questioning when I was ever drafted into such a partnership. What school was I even attending at that time? Not JCCC, that hadn’t started yet. After I got the text I crossed a huge stone bridge that led to a huge aperture on the other side of the crevasse. The aperture led to some city park in the mountains; the ingress was opened in the parking lot. There I ran into Princess Luna of Equestria. I told her about my dilemma with this project and that I couldn’t even remember what the project was. She proceeded to tell me of an iphone app that would be able to deter people from contacting me about projects that I did not want to work on. I strongly considered the app and I liked the idea of keeping that annoying ass from contacting me but I also question how this would help me long term. I thanked The Princess for her suggestion and bid her good day. Maybe I should have bowed? Whatever, I don’t think she cared. As I looked around the city park I immediately noticed that the park was full of hostiles and heavy hitters all of whom were disguised as normal denizens. Any idiot could have seen through them…or so I thought. I was amazed to see batman standing there in the middle of the park just not doing any thing. All these villains were walking right by him and he didn’t even notice. I suppose that I should have said something but I suppose that I simply did not give a damn. Either that or I was so distant that the thought never occurred to me. Later on I noticed Steve Wilkos speaking to a man about his wife. The man was lamenting about the fact that his wife had chosen a life of crime. It started with prostitution but then the crimes she committed became much more sever, even to the point where she ended up working for The Joker. He drew the line when his wife started to work for a space pirate. As they were talking about this two more hostiles were walking in between them; jumping over the small crevice before them. Steve’s guest led him to the flying pirate ship on which his wife now worked. The pirate ship was on the other side of this crevice. As I was following them I ended up walking behind a Dersite imp who was poorly disguised as a business man. On the deck of the ship the crew was nowhere to be found and the man described into further detail what it was that his wife did and how she got to where she was. I stood indifferently by them and observed them converse about the subject and I found it amazing that they were not the least bit creeped out by my blatant eaves dropping. Steve gradually began escalate in anger and found it amazing that this man did nothing while his wife went out and prostituted herself every night. Steve firmly let this man know that he was partly to blame for his wife’s progression to the dark side. Just over the stern of the ship I could see the man’s wife prostituting on the side of an active street in broad daylight (a flashback projection of the story this man was telling). I can’t well remember how we got into the backstage hallways of the Steve Wilkos studio but I was there standing idly and watching the conversation unfold. At this point Steve made it very clear that this man was very much at fault for not just his indifference but his subtle promotion of his wife’s behavior. The last thing I heard Steve say before waking up was, “You’re a sick bastard.” Now at this point I was gradually growing more cognizant of myself and my emotions and was starting to internally react to the conversation. I began to feel for the man but I also began to understand what Mr. Wilkos was saying. This man saw that his wife was journeying down a dangerous path and now she is working for a band of marauding space pirates. How could he not see that he had a hand in her descent?
Lucid: I go to bed at 22.00 pm with an extra strong melatonin supplement and an aspirin (500 mg). I ran 3 miles that evening like always. I take a Temazepam (20 mg) at 23.00 pm. I walk around town, I see a car. For some odd reason I feel I need to check reality. So I look at my fingers, and see, I have 6! I stabilize, because I used to forget stabilizing a lot and I would wake up or have a very weak dream. I decide I want to go to the moon, so I do that. It is very dark there and it gives me the creeps, so instead I decide I want to go somewhere serene, perhaps a nice field with some water. I try to make a scenery, but fail the first time. It is a boring, cold, wet little park in the middle of town. I try again, and there it is, a beautiful place, with flowers and a river flowing gently through it. It is warm and nice, a perfect place to meditate. I decide to meditate, and for some reason my body flies up in the air while I am lying down. I decide that it's normal, because I am dreaming and these things happen in even the most stable dreams. I keep meditating for a while because I was tired, even too tired to do much while SLEEPING, I know it sounds odd, and I also thought it was kinda weird to be honest. I decide I want to take a walk, at the time I felt the lucidity slipping and my control getting even shakier than it was before. For some odd reason there is an ugly, rusty, old, blue car standing in my scenery. I want to get rid of it because it is ugly. I try to make it disappear, but I only succeed in cramming it into a sort of wrinkled lump of iron. I get frustrated and feel the vividity slipping FAST now, I try to stabilize, but it is too late. I wake up. It is 5.30 am. Non-lucid: I'm standing in line for a doctor's appointment with my friend/sort-of-complicated-person. The assistant at the desk picks up a strange looking, khaki trench coat and a grey scarf, and says they used to belong to Hitler. My friend puts it on and it changes colour to red and becomes longer. I say he looks like a vampire and that it looks cool. Never once do I find the situation odd in any way. My alarm goes off and I wake up. It is 7.00 am. Snippet: Something about being pregnant and trying to get an abortion, but the fetus surviving. Presumingly right before waking or just after falling asleep. Comments: The dream that turned lucid was surprisingly normal, almost exactly like real life. The non-lucid dreams were much weirder and more random.
I was in my secondary home and something made me lucid (the dream was long and I don’t remember what it was). I was thinking about what I had to do and put great effort into staying lucid. I was thinking about finally summoning my dream guide but my parents tried to get my attention, I managed to ignore my mother, doing a reality check and saying I'm lucid, but for some stupid reason my father managed to get my attention long enough to make me do something related to a delivery. I went outside and there was this black cat, the fur on its head which should be covering the ears looked pulled down, making the cat look like it had 4 ears, it looked fairly weird. I tried to ignore it to get the stuff I was doing done to proceed with my dream goals. It took me a lot of minutes and outside I was throwing some kind of letter into a box. And just when I went back to start calling my dream guide I woke up. Spoiler for Improvement Notes: Breaking a long dry spell - finally A long and stable lucid - very good Can't remember the beginning of the dream due to it being so long - bad Annoying dream characters trying to divert my attention to unimportant things - very bad They actually manage to keep me from doing important stuff - extremely bad I at least manage to keep my lucidity - good Forget to use specialized stabilizing techniques - bad I wake up right when I wanted to start with my dream goals - EXTREMELY BAD
The whole dream I was more or less in my home, in front of my PC. The dream began with a story about a certain something, which itself never appeared in my dream. I was talking to a unknown voice about the fact we hadn't nearly enough Information on this case and got pretty annoyed my staff wasn't able to understand the problem themselves. During that time I remember seeing a big hall, a little like a throne room, and a vase which was related to the information. As I was seeing and being in my room again I suddenly had this tiny crate on my desk, and somehow connected it to that information and the voice, as I opened it I only found tissue in there however, I was a little confused. I looked at my telephones (there were 2 of them, though I only have 1 in my room) and I noticed that the second one had something wrong on the bottom. I compared the 2 telephones and I was right, I took out the wrong part and saw the missing part somewhere but the whole thing made me highly suspicious. I was standing up and going to my door and did a nose pinch reality check. I wasn't able to understand it for quite a few seconds but in the end I became lucid, but my vision immediately blurred. Then I've got to see phosphenia, like I woke up, however I excessively experimented around trying to get back into the dream. I remember moving my body and I felt it in a really strong and weird way. Some weird images popped up a few times. But after a minute or a little less the dream really ended and I woke up. Spoiler for Improvement Notes: Became lucid through noticing a wrong detail - very good Reality check nearly failed to work - a little bad Clung to the dream and tried to get back into it, not getting distracted by the probably attempted false awakening - very good Woke up after a lucid dream yet again without actually getting anything done - bad
Updated 06-18-2012 at 02:31 PM by 48127
The dream started with me being in my room, and apparently we were moving out. My mother kept bugging me and constantly invaded my room searching for stuff and I got really pissed. The scene changes and we are in our new home (which actually is my old secondary home). I do an random RC and notice I'm dreaming, my mother isn't surprised at all. I look at my hands and rub them together to stabilize as I walk outside to try and stabilize further with a WSS, but as I used it the dream faded. Probably because it was at the end of the REM-phase. Spoiler for Improvement Notes: Didn't get lucid even after being annoyed in such an unusual way - bad At least got lucid through a random reality check later - good Immediately tried to stabilize, with some success - good The dream stopped not a minute later - very very bad
At the start of the dream I was entering a train, there was this old man saying something about my family name and a (not actually existent) precursor. Somewhere along these lines I got lucid but the man was tempting me to fall back into the story of the dream, but I kind of refused and started to think what I wanted to do now, due to me having a false awakening without success though. I was in the back of a car, it was night and my mother was driving. She had some problems with the keys and we weren't exactly driving safe but otherwise nothing happened until I woke up. Spoiler for Improvement Notes: Resisted falling back into the dream - good Tried to think of what to do but didn't manage to do it - somewhat bad Suddenly having a false awakening due to not stabilizing (as well as the "to be removed" schema of having to stabilize) - bad Didn't catch up to the false awakening - very bad
Updated 06-18-2012 at 02:35 PM by 48127
I was in a building I identified as home in the dream, even though it's a totally unknown place. It was night, everything was pretty dark and the light in the room was pretty dim. There were some plants standing around and I think I remember seeing a bunch of jackets on the wall next to a door which was to my right, the room was pretty long and there was a small window ahead. Something compelled me to do a RC so I pinched my nose and got lucid. Though at first I wanted to go through the door to my right I went for the window ahead of me with my gained lucidity, I prepared to jump out and did another RC to be sure I wasn't doing something stupid, even though I pinched my nose really hard I could feel my nose in reality being free and taking a deep breath. I tried to hover a bit and that worked, but with my low level lucidity a just fell down like a stone when I jumped. Some 10-15m on my way down I was looking upwards to the window I just jumped out, being calm and just taking notice of the fact I don't get the hang of flying right now. The impact was pretty hard (for the ground) but I didn't feel anything much so I got up and walked around a bit. I practiced some walljumps and after a minute or two I saw this dude standing on a roof. He noticed me as well and apparently thought I was some kind of cyborg or mechanical doll, created by a scientist who also created a similar being that once fought this dude. He was happy to see me it seems, because he wanted a good fight so he started attacking me, my lucidity goes down and I see myself roughing him up good with several interesting moves, partially in slow motion.
Updated 04-30-2012 at 11:22 AM by 48127
I was in some kind of company building, and the place I was sitting on was very much like the living room in my secondary home, there was some dude staring intently through the window (actually it was a door with a big window), searching for something in an inappropriate way. He was kind of annoying but I didn't care to much, however someone else went there (he had a small dog with him) and opened the door to see what's going on (there was a big dog out there, however the small dog scared the hell out of him, which I found pretty funny). When I was looking outside a moment I saw something shooting star like, but it was somewhat bright outside and due to it being pretty big I figured it was an meteor. Kind of thrilled I went outside to see what was going on and then I managed to spot some planets in the sky, at first only a few, then about 10 which were coming closer. 2 of them were somewhat earthlike so I wondered if one of them was earth, I kinda zoomed in but saw that the continents didn't match earth so they both had to be different planets. Now really excited I ran around with something particular in mind while thinking. I was running across a large plain with several different zones, some even separated by fences, some vegetation here and a few smaller buildings there. There were a bunch of Chinese looking people everywhere shooting with small water guns at people to keep them from moving around, and while some of them thought it was a game, the people in some area noticed something was up when a big wave was coming in, they were trying to do something against it but I figured to keep running, as I was about to leave the place I came to the conclusion I've got to be dreaming so I did an RC and became lucid. The dream was somewhat really instable and I tried at least 3 different stabilization techniques (looking at my hands, rubbing them together and my WSS) without success. At some point I also wanted to go in some certain direction into a grey looking forest for no reason and used super speed and flying with great success until I got tangled up in a tree at which point the dream finally started to collapse for real. I kind of managed to stick to it hard enough so that it just minimized into a smaller window and even managed to force my dream to tell me how stable it was, then I got a big red font across the window, like this: Stability: 18% The number was changing somewhere around that value and I didn't manage to pull it up anymore so the dream faded. However only into a false awakening which strange enough I didn't manage to catch up to. I woke up in an unknown room, my girlfriend and some other girl were sleeping in the same room, and I got up to write my lucid down like I'm used to, apparently we exchanged a few words but the dream already faded, and this time for real: I woke up.
Updated 04-22-2012 at 08:47 PM by 48127
In an unreal world: I found myself locked in a unreal world of some kind and there were only some few fake people around, as well as the creator of the world and someone he's searching for who hides himself. I'm watching the one searched for in 1st person and he speaks with one of the girls there and decides to save her from something despite knowing she is most likely not real. She says something about that he must be the searched one. A moment later the scene changes and I'm frustrated about the fact my father died, thinking he should have had some more time so I ram a fork into the dishwasher and yet a second later a thought surfaces, something like: "Wait, my father isn't dead goddamnit is my dream trying to fool me again!?", but before I can really get lucid I wake up. The acting place rule: Together with a few people I was going to a designated acting place in a boarding school, it was a wide open ond green place, close to some garages. Suddenly they told me to go back because I had to sign up to go there and on my way I found an educator telling me to run around the whole school 5 times because I didn't sign up. I told her I wouldn't do it because no one told me about that rule and I ain't going to get myself punished for a rule no one told me about, after a while she had to give in to my arguments. After that I remember playing close to some trains standing in the middle of the green place and finding a cat. Vicious Landsharks: I was driving in a normal train through a city on tram rails, I was in there together with my girlfriend. At some point I suddenly find myself sliding on the rail outside of the train, and realize a second later that it's not normal and wanted to get back in but the train was gone already. I walked on for a bit and then I got see a comic story about a father who lost his son and was searching for him, he thought he found him in a burning building, but noticed he was already dead when he found his ashes. Then however he found someone lying on the floor with 2 huge bite wounds, and that was really his son. The son suddenly started to twitch and screamed: "I'm still alive", apparently not happy about that fact. A moment later both of them burn to ashes and in the middle of the scene I spot a shark lying with a vicious grin on the ground, totally unaffected by the absence of water and the burning building. That shark also was drawn in a cute way to make the parody perfect.
I was lying in bed and lost awareness, a loud high-pitched sound made me snap back into awareness right before falling asleep, so I went with it and had my first WILD experience. As I suddenly woke up I was looking down from a red motorcycle (thoughts of awareness and lucidity unfortunately gone already), there was a car parked right beside me and in the rearview mirror I could see a camera team coming out of a van walking in the direction of a empty piece of land to my right, after the car. As I went over there I saw 2 cats, one which is actually the cat I have in my secondary home. She was being slowly tailgated by another cat which wasn't happy about my cat being in her territory but she immediatly turned around after my cat got picked up by me (which my real cat actually doesn't like). With her on my arms I walked a bit to the left where a block of houses began of which the first one looked like my secondary home, after I let my cat down the dream faded.
Return to my favourite school: I was arriving at a border school (actually my first and favorite one) in a car and got ready to move in with my 4 bags, my mother stayed in the car and there was some young dude (who was a friend of me apparently) helping me and showing me around for a bit. Now there were small signs with the respective names next to each room so I searched through the building to find my room. I met some unknown people and the floors were looking very different (one even had totally wasted walls, that looked really bad) and I saw that half of the building seemed to be missing, outside it was bright day. Short Spytfire spin: I was flying in my Spitfyre and I explored a bunch of new ships of new classes. For some reason I had reduced flying ability so I occasionally crashed and had to reload. The two ship classes I remember best were the Reactor Ship (I even looked at the specs of this ship and remember it had an reactor output of roughly 12GW) and some new type of missile carrier. All those ships looked kinda similar as they were some prototypes I think. The sector in which I was is nothing else then an empty part of space with nothing else to see than a few stars in the distance. Spoiler for Some strange fun (Strong Sexual Content): I've been together with 2 nude girls and after I watched them a moment they started to have fun with each other through imitating some noodly appendages. Then I joined the fun so the 2 girls get on top of each other and I get behind them and they have audibly and visibly a lot of fun. I was wondering wether one of them took off the noodly appendage since I couldn't see that in this position. During the scene I was already close to cum but kept it in a moment thinking if I should cum and continue afterwards or if I should continue and cum at the end. Darn My dreams get a lot more explicit in nature since I started having lucids more often.
Updated 03-07-2012 at 03:11 PM by 48127
I was sitting at a table with my mother and had, breakfast? I was in a place I wrongly identified as my old elemental school. There was also some unknown dude at the table. He did something to which I reacted heavily provocated and like he successfully trolled me but the next moment I say something about a "cream cheese muffin" and we both start laughing. While still sitting at the table the scene and building around me changes to my second boarding school (still not really but closer to the real deal than before, mother and the dude vanish). I noticed that as I saw someone I knew from my second boarding school passing by. A girl called Vivien (which does exist there as well) was talking to me but for some reason I never understand one of the things she tried to say (probably due to a lot of people being around, what I understood was something like blow-dry [actually she spoke german and I understood "anfönen"]). As I told her I didn't understand she was saying it to some other girl so that she could try and tell me. The way she was speaking as well as her saying something like: "nothing will develop out of it, at least for now" made me think she might've tried to tell me something naughty.
I know at first there was some part of the dream where I was with some people I knew (remember only mother though) and that I somehow searched for materials to forge weapons. […] I was talking with my brother and there was a blue clear beautiful sky outside with just a very thin layer of clouds. It started raining and I said to him that rain with an clear blue sky is the most beautiful weather (which is actually my opinion) and did an random reality check (likely due to an track playing in reality that moment) not expecting anything strange, yet my nose felt unusual and I could freely breath, tried it again and became lucid, seeing a person through the window I tried to change his color but without success. I still wasn’t perfectly sure what was going on and as to not embarrass myself I did my world severing seal silently, my brother though vanished without me noticing and I was going out of the room through the building. It looked casual yet somehow special; everything was bright but in a positive way. I instinctively made a daring jump dawn the staircase and went outside, under an intensively green tree were some snack bars lying. I looked skeptical at them but didn’t pay more attention. I massively tried to get rid of the drowsiness and it at least partially worked, I wanted to search for a nice free location to do what I was planning to do (looking back I should’ve just started where I was, but though I was less drowsy, I wasn`t completely myself yet ). I came across a lot of children, each with a different toy gatling gun. Then I found a big open place and decided that I would start doing my experiments here, strange enough the walls of the buildings around looked somewhat like shelves and there was a trapeze hanging from the sky. I remember randomly grabbing it but then the dream turned all grey and fuzzy, and I noticed I was waking up. I tried to get back in but without success. As I woke up though there was a lucidity track playing, at 15 minutes. It was the one called lucid remix which I found in this post: http://www.dreamviews.com/f44/audio-...ository-55276/ I once had this track playing a lot of times randomly in the middle of the night, and it always only woke me up. After a long break (over a month) and a bit success I used this track for the first time again this night and had immediate success. Also the numbers are telling me I likely kept my lucidity at least for a few minutes and that I successfully achieved my first EILD.
I was in the Mensa of a unknown boarding school, someone was complaining about the knives being nearly unable to cut buns at all, I told him that I already knew knives which were completely incapable of cutting buns and that at the boarding school I was talking about (Talenta) the spoons were used to cut the buns instead of the knives (this is indeed a true story out of reality, god those friggin’ knives…). I was making myself raw sandwiches (with cheese and salami) which I would toast back in my roam where I had a sandwich toaster (again these sandwiches came unchanged right out of the reality, along with the toaster). As I returned from the Mensa (happened with a small gap, and strangely I was in Talenta) I was talking about something with one of the housemasters (which strangely was not older than me), something different came up and he went outside followed by 2 girls, I had something to do for a moment as well. After that I went out to search him in the building, and after a short moment I found him in one of the bureaus. I saw a sort of tooltip over his head, which a title (it was pretty long but I don’t remember everything, something like “…Anti-Khaak-SSSe”). With another gap I met up with my girlfriend and another girl my girlfriend knew, in a big building which was new to me, it was pretty bright and the roof was mostly made out of glass. They were playing games in a N64 like console; it had generally bad graphics on the screen (you even had to readjust for every single game), but it was equipped with all types of controllers for all limbs and a virtual reality device. Somewhere in the middle of these games we went over to another TV in this building, which was left from us. For some reason they started to watch a Hentai (porn), and apparently I already knew (from ratings or whatever) that it was a pretty bad movie. I saw 2 girls strapped to crosses and there were 2 other girls talking about how they were bad and something devil like. For a moment the TV faded and I saw the scene like reality. One of the restricted girls said: “And you call me a devil!” to one of the free girls, which actually had blue skin, black hair and a thick strange tail. Without saying anything she got rid of that skin and the tail, which apparently was just a costume. I got pretty bored of this and since rape was about to be happening in this movie I had no intentions of continuing to watch this; we were at the console again. At some part of the game I was in the virtual reality interface and I was seeing earth from space, I still saw a cube which had something to do with the game and there was a lot more blue surrounding earth, likely water. From there on it was 3rd person for a while and I saw a shuttle flying towards earth, and a voice explained me a lot of partially correct physics (like a documentary). I got to see a small thermal video of this shuttle, still flying down, where I saw how the heat builds up at the tip of the shuttle. At some point the within the thermal video the shuttle entered the ring of water, and the voice told me that at 5000°C a C-Liquid would be generated at the tip of the shuttle, which would stick to the shuttle and keep the heat there, I also started seeing normally again. This C-Liquid was black. And that at a higher temperature (5500°C I think) this liquid would gain fat like properties, making the liquid still stick to the shuttle. But the liquid would then be unable to stick together to a big bubble on front of the shuttle like it did before. I saw black streams of this liquid flow besides the shuttle. After another short gap I found myself back on earth, the topic was still (space) travel. I got to saw a lot of unrefined glider and rocket prototypes. The voice explained that some of those rockets might soon take us further than anything has done before. I was still in a documentary but got my body back, I tested one of the glider prototypes. It was square shaped with a few fins and a round section in the middle, equipped with some sort of round gliding blade (whatever it really was, hard to explain). It was pretty small, maybe 50cmx50cm. However without any special power source it was able to carry me downhill without me touching the ground once and it was also pretty easy to control. It wasn’t perfect but the construction was pretty neat actually (that is if it would work in real life).