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    1. Fever dreams | [18.06.2019]

      by , 06-18-2019 at 04:13 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Side note: I was really sick when dreaming these and the dreams I get when I'm sick are often very vivid so I usually recall them easier than my other dreams. I seem to have forgotten a lot about these dreams, though.

      Slenderman survival w/ a friend
      I'm outside along with a friend. We own a mansion for shelter which is in the middle of the forest with paths leading around from the mansion through the forest. The next thing I remember is that we see static and start sprinting into any direction in the forest. As the static grows more intense, I remark that I don't want to play this 'game' anymore and that I don't like horror like this, before the slenderman popped out in front of me. I ran back towards the mansion, going in before my friend closes both doors, then swearing and quickly turning on the lights in the entrance hall. It's night now. We wait and I am scared of the fact that the slenderman can come out of the darkness and that the mansion is mostly dark.

      Next day, I go out wandering for some reason, before later on my way back hearing strong breathing coming closer. I don't know what it is, but luckily it's staying in the bushes for now. Shortly before the entrance to the mansion, my friend tells me that what I heard is something which has a generic male name which I don't remember.

      Skip to the monster running towards the house now. I run to the front door and quickly close it in third person view, using a cursor to close the doors. It's lagging so it's hard for me to hit the door, but I manage to do it, relieved as the breathing is right in front of the door but nothing came through. Though then I remember the side door left of me and also try to close that, but this time, it's lagging too much so I back away to a small table with a light on it. I think about going upstairs to hide, but it was too late. The breathing reveals itself to be a creepy dog-like creature which suddenly storms towards me, then I wake up. Soon after this, though, I fall asleep again. I don't remember the dream I got then, but when I woke up from that, I fell asleep once again and I remember that dream in many fragments.

      Fake lucidity, false awakening
      The next thing I remember is that I am in a strange place, a tiny bit of water seemingly flowing between two sidewalks, surrounded by brick walls running along very far. I do a reality check with my hand which doesn't work, so I try a nose reality check and I breathe through my pinched nose. Though, for some reason, I don't get lucid, I just dream about being lucid. I try controlling the dream, but nothing happened. Then I get a false awakening, before reentering the previous dream scene. I see another person who tells me something, while I try to control the dream again. I then end up in a sort of Subnautica scene, and then I don't remember anything else.
    2. First week of Lucid Dreaming.

      by , 07-24-2015 at 10:49 AM
      So I begin the LD journey...

      In the past I have heard, read, and talked about Lucid Dreaming from all sorts of different sources. when I was younger I struggled to get my head around the Idea of being 'conscious' In a dream. If I am honest, I was walking through life without any Idea of what being conscious really is. I was your typical late teens stereotype, playing my role in the world as a walking zombie, which I truly believe we have been conditioned to accept from an early age. To me the thought of LD, meditation and spirituality was hippie hocus pocus.

      A few years down the line and the veil has been lifted. I recently started meditation and opening my mind to ideas I once disregarded as BS, and embraced them with open arms. LD has been a topic I have always pondered, wondering if such a thing was possible. After a recent vivid dream I woke up with the urge to look into the topic some more, and so the journey begins.

      I have been completely overwhelmed by the amount of information on this site and many others. I have put what I have learned to good use, I started a Dream Journal ( an essential part of the process as far as I have read), I have started trying to incorporate ADA into everyday life, combining this with solid reality checks where I am continuously asking myself 'am I in a dream', 'how did I get here' and finding time to meditate as much as possible. I have told myself to be patient and not force anything, If i believe in what I have read, keep experimenting with techniques It will come.

      So the first week in and I have been surprised with the results. Previously I would barely remember any dreams I had, since starting a dream journal I have found myself 5 days in, and from last night I can recall three separate dreams. One of these I would like to share.

      In one of the dreams I remember, I specifically recall talking to a DC and telling them 'I am lucid dreaming, I am doing it right now' which was followed by a RC which unfortunately didn't work. This suggests to me that I am not aware enough of my surroundings when carrying out daily RC's, but the fact I said I was in a lucid dream has given me a huge boost to continue the journey. My dreams last night were also some of the most vivid dreams I have ever experienced.

      I am continuing to progress which is the main thing for me as I have nothing to loose. Apart from the general buzz of progress I am getting from this experience I have also found other benefits such as, I am getting more quality sleep, I am more relaxed, I am continuously paying attention to my surroundings in more detail which in turn is improving the quality of my day to day life, I feel my imagination is in overdrive imagining all the possibilities this process may unlock.

      overall I am really enjoying the experience and if anyone has any hints or tips I would be hugely appreciative
    3. Closed in a toilet

      by , 06-05-2015 at 08:01 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in school. With a few persons I entered the toilet, and when I wanted to exit, the doors were closed. One person had keys, but they have broken when he tried to open the doors. I walked all around and examined the toielt. It was clean, and luckily there was no stench.

      There was a window, but it was too high to reach, and there were no ways to open them. I entered one of the cabins and waited. Suddenly I heard some noises, and I went to check what's going on. I saw that the doors were still closed and thought "Why haven't we tried to kick them open?"

      I kicked the doors with little to no force, and they opened setting us free. I headed towards the stairway, which was surrounded by student DCs and a DC teacher. They told me "Now! You have to do this!" I stood there confused, but then I realised that they want me to make RC. I did the nose-plug RC, but somehow it haven't made me lucid.

      I ran towards the cloakroom, took my stuff from the locker and exited the building. It was cold and rainy. I followed three persons. They have noticed me, but I still followed them. I went away from them on a nearby crossroad, and entered a bus. I bought a ticket and sat down. When I did this, I travelled back in time.

      I was an adventurer in XIV century. I was wandering a huge primeval jungle. My mission was to accumulate food, so we could stop crisis in Europe. When trying to take some fruits and wild growing potatoes, I was attacked by strange, colorfull birds. I knew they were a huge threat for my expedition, and fought with them using my sabre.

      When they finally flewn away, I called for expedition. People appeared and took plants so they could grow them in Europe.
    4. Failed RCs

      by , 09-10-2014 at 02:04 PM
      I was in this dream the other day in which I was made a very strange proposal by an old schoolmate, who I haven't seen in ages. The situation was just too odd. As I was following her down a corridor, I was checking my hands and pinching my nose all the time, but I must have been doing the RCs too quickly and mindlessly, because they all showed me I was awake. A great chance to become lucid, lost.
    5. Level Up (Non-Lucid)

      by , 07-22-2014 at 07:57 AM
      I was walking around with one of my friends (who we'll call Elise) around my first primary school + some random school. Then out of nowhere came a bunch of twelve/thriteen year olds and they were talking about a new trend, similar to YOLO but it was #Disconnect. No idea what that was about. Elise soon left my side because she was arguing with two guys about something Marvel related.

      I then came across this dark dungeon and I soon discovered it was some sort of game arena. You had to go through the underground cavern, fight something and then you would level up. In one of the games I did I became a small dragon (I keep doing my LD goals in non LDs, what's up with that?) and had to fight another small dragon. The only thing that bothered me about this was that we were moving EXTREMELY slow as if we were in slow motion the entire time. I somehow managed to break through that and defeat the opposing dragon.

      Later I was being bothered by some guy from my school who annoys me a lot, he kept trying to hit on me and grab my hand (in the dream), so I turned around and kicked him in the balls. That didn't send him the message, so I got inside some house and then it went into a Sim game edit mode and I built a wall around my house, plus two staircases, one led to the 'level up' game and the other lead to the ground thousands of ft below.

      After that I was in my school, except it was a lot bigger and I went to have a shower. Then someone from outside the shower demanded that we had to get out of there ASAP. I peeked through the door and I saw someone taking my towel and clothes. I didn't want to walk out naked, so I asked if someone could get me a towel. I soon got one, but I had to step out naked to get it. I then had to walk around in a towel and underwear. I got downstairs in this building and saw a girl from my school with my clothes and towel. She gave me my clothes, but I only had a shirt, so I hid behind a table stacked with clothes, put the shirt on, removed my underwear and put on pants (totally logical, well done me).

      Somewhere in the dream I went to do a RC (not because I questioned my dream state, just out of habit) but I woke up just before I did and my arm was moving to do it in real life so I ended up doing the RC whilst awake .
    6. A Personal Lesson in Reality Checks

      by , 07-05-2014 at 06:36 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am listening to one of my favorite bands through earphones, and take the earphones off to do something else, but the music remains at the same volume. I check, and I am still wearing the earphones. I take them off again, being extra sure that I removed them. Holding them in my hand, looking right at them, the music is still at the same volume. I also feel them in my ears at the same time. I drop the pair I'm holding and feel another pair in my ears again.

      My room mate comes up to me to tell me something, but I can't hear her over the music. I take the earphones out, but the music is still just as loud and I can't hear her over it. I focus really intently on reading her lips, but only get part of what she's saying this way. I take the earphones out several times as she is speaking, but the music never gets quieter.

      Maybe I'm dreaming? I pinch my nose and cannot breathe. I look at my frame of reference, notice my nose is slightly visible as usual, as well as my face around my eyes. I try to put my finger through my hand, it won't go through. I look at my hands, I have the normal number of fingers: 4 and a thumb on each hand. "I guess I'm just going crazy then" I conclude, still unable to stop the music. I wonder if I am just unable to remove the headphones and am hallucinating my attempts to get them off, or if I am just hearing the music in my head without headphones....

      In either case, the music is awesome, so I don't really mind it at all. I sing along for a bit, realizing I don't know the words, I let the song continue. I figured I would know the words if it's in my head, but I don't. I keep taking the earphones out, only to hear the music just the same, and to immediately find the earphones are still in my ears.

      A large dog is sleeping nearby. Now it is a horse, the size of a huge dog. It has wedged itself comfortably behind some furniture and wants to get out. I move the furniture a little, and it squeezes through, now in dog aspect again. Turning around, it squeezes back into the furniture, between the frame of a table with no top. It is a large fluffy dog at this point, it lays down, completely comfortable and relaxed. I feel relaxed just looking at it curl up over there.

      I wake up and realize I fell asleep with my headphones on, playing the exact same music. Complete continuity from the dream music to the music I'm hearing now.

      Maybe I woke up briefly for the RCs, and due to the continuity of music, didn't know I was awake? A crucial element was missing from my RCs however: Truly believing this might in fact be a dream. Instead of this, I was merely wanting it to be a dream.
    7. Snowflakes - First (solid) lucid dream

      by , 04-14-2013 at 12:33 AM

      I'm at work, surrounded by all of my colleagues, and the boss' daughter. We're all planning a sleepover there, and as we're joking around, my hands catch my eye. Six or seven incredibly intricate and detailed snowflakes are etched into my palms. I draw my colleague's attention to this, and we all look in amazement. Suddenly, I decided to go to the bathroom, and find myself walking along a stylish corridor, where abstract art has been hung on the dark grey walls. I turn right and realise I've just entered my living room. Astonished, I spin around, taking in my environment. Knowing this is a dream, but still feeling too much under the dream haze, I perform reality checks I remember reading of in an attempt to clear my mind further. I plug my nose, and am unable to breathe. This prompts me to try another, to see if it works. I picked up a book from a bookcase I have in the living room, and read the title. I look away, look at it again, and the letters are still clear, legible, and remain unchanged. Perplexed, I attempt to push the fingers of my right hand into my left palm, and again, the check fails. However, I am still convinced that I am dreaming (For some reason, the snowflakes did not seem to bother me lol). Determined to prove this to myself and clear the dreams influence from my mind, I head to my bedroom door. Standing in front of it, I imagine a sunset. I figured that if this was a dream, I should open the door and see a sunset. Taking a deep breath, I open the door. My room is as it always was, nothing changed, apart from one of my walls having been turned into one big window. After standing there for about two or three seconds, the sky suddenly starts to change colour, and I witness the sun rise, through my bedroom window. I smile; though it wasn't exactly what I'd imagined, it was close enough. Just as the sun finishes rising, the dream scape darkens, and pulls away from me, leaving me standing in the middle of blackness, before waking up.

      Definite Progress! Finally!
    8. Uncle John in granny's house

      by , 10-25-2012 at 03:54 AM

      I was using a Lucid Dreaming App for a week which included reality check notifications every 2 hours and a dream diary. However, after a week without any results I decided to stop doing it. However, whenever something during the day happens that is odd I'll still perform the checks.

      Last night I had my first lucid dream. However, I was not able to control it. I saw my uncle who has been deceased for several years. This prompted me to do my reality check of pushing two fingers into my palm but nothing unusual happened. I kept trying in the dream and thought "This sucks I'm dreaming but the test ain't working, because my fingers aren't going through.

      I was stuck in the dream state. I couldn't control the dream. After that I just assimilated into the dream. Knowing that I was in a dream, my uncle seemed frightening to me as I knew he was deceased. He gave me $50 though and my mum and aunt were also in the lounge room sitting on two couches, sort of just looking on.

      Updated 10-25-2012 at 04:13 AM by 58051

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. Fail. Non lucid

      by , 10-02-2012 at 09:50 PM (Zödra)
      Now this is two dreams, but they combine into one, and I wouldn't have considered it two dreams except I woke up and wrote part of it in my DJ next to my bed and then I went back to sleep.

      I was with my family watching Lord of the Rings. It looked nothing like any of them, but if I had to guess I would guess it was The Two Towers, since their were wargs in it. I was watching the television, but as it always does, I kind of jump into the television. However, instead of taking control of a character like I normally do, I just watched it in third person. Not much to say about the fight, it wasn't in Middle Earth, it was actually in a neighborhood. I zoomed out of the TV and back into my parents house, I automatically knew that they were filming right outside.

      I went out and started talking to a Gondorian, he was complaining about how much it hurts to put his armor on, and how much it hurts when the fake Warg bites him. They packed up and left, leaving me in a backyard, but it was the dark red of night falling. I knew I should go inside, but I didn't really think about it. It became night and a Wolf came around the corner (I do not know if it was a Werewolf, but I could have been, I was thinking about the task of this month right before I went to bed). It jumped at me and I kicked it, I snapped its teeth at my arm and I snapped my hand back, the wolf started moving in slow motion, or I just started thinking in fast motion, because I was moving way faster, I pulled my entire arm out of the way of the mouth, but I could feel the teeth with my hand as the jaws closed and barely missed. He jumped at my again and I grabbed his head and threw him away. I walked back home.

      This was a pretty intense battle, and I became very vivid from this point on, and I had almost my entire brain there. Normally fighting a dog would seem weird, but my occupation for the past couple of years has led me to fight about 50 dogs without a weapon in people's back yards. I haven't been bitten yet.

      I crawled in my parents doggy door and start talking to some people inside. somehow I get back outside and I try to crawl back in again, but the door is way too small, and my dad tells me not to. I get back inside on the computer. I am showing people quotes from Lord of the Rings off of IMDB
      "Brandon, get off the computer." I look at the time, it reads 6:59.
      "I have to leave to work at seven, so I'll be off in a minute." I reply.
      "Sure you will." He says, in a knowing voice that makes me look at the clock again 7:05 it reads.
      "That is weird! It said 6:59 one second ago!" I know I have to get to work, so I woke up.

      When I wake up, it was 6:44. I was really mad about that, because I had 10 more minutes to sleep, and I had just done a reality check that failed! It also didn't feel like waking up normally feels like, it felt like I woke myself up.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:01 AM by 58222

    10. Dream Character Awareness

      by , 05-13-2012 at 10:43 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      My cousin and I are driving around a town just north of where my grandma lives. It's a fairly large town and were racing through the streets. Eventually we park at the mall but decide to just walk around, we start walking past the fairgrounds and the factory areas when a girl runs past us and toward some warehouse. I start chasing her but she jumps on top of the building. 'whoa I think I'm Dreaming' I do one reality check and try to fly, but I can't. The girl gets away, and when I turn around there is some guy standing there staring at me. Come with me he says and starts walking down the road. my cousin is nowhere to be seen and I can't shake the feeling that I'm dreaming. He leads me into some theatre but we don't leave the front concession room. He pulls out a suitcase and when he opens it up there is something on it that says telepathy. He explains to me that what is in the syringe will make us able to talk to each other telepathically. He sticks a needle in his arm, then mine. As we start talking without speaking I notice that he knows a lot about me. I become fully lucid suddenly and Know I am dreaming. The Unrealness of the whole situation makes me aware. I then ask the guy what it feels like to know your in someone else's dream but he starts to ignore me. I ask again and he looks at me and replies, "How does it feel to Know that this is not your real body and that your real body is laying in bed somewhere? Can you Feel your Body?" I then Start to feel my real body laying in a cool bed with my face on the down pillows. I wake Up in my bed at my grandmas house and have a strange feeling. I go and open the door and my grams on the other side and she scares me because I was not expecting it at all. She asks if I want breakfast and I say sure and follow her to the dining room. Hashbrowns Eggs, and Bacon are laid out and I sit across from my Gram and start to fill my plate. We eat in silence for awhile thinking. A strange thought crosses my mind and I think I should have stuck with doug so I could have caught a ride back home.That thought breaks the illusion and I realise I am dreaming. My gram is gone but I'm still siting in the dining room.I start to hear a noise and can't tell what it is. I suddenly recognise the noise and am sleeping on the couch, My dog freaking out wanting to go outside.
    11. Well, I've done it.. My 1st DILD while on DreamViews!

      by , 08-15-2010 at 04:46 PM
      I am super excited this morning to share that I've had a DILD, my first one since joining the forums! What's very interesting is how this LD came about, I'll give what I recall from the series of dreams that led to it here:

      The first dream was a long, brutal one - I was held captive in a maximum-security prison that was also a ship, but I knew I was innocent. I recall a couple of scary, brutally realistic scenes including one where a guard held a gun at me and told me to "start counting" bc they wanted to make sure I wasn't harmful. Luckily, he didn't shoot. (Thinking back, it would have ruined everything if he did!)

      I found an audio device on this ship, from which I was able to send a message to someone that would help me escape. From there I don't really recall how it happened, but we broke free and got to land to run for our lives.

      Just as I was escaping, BOOM - I woke up.. Or did I? I thought I had woken up, but then I was talking to someone who I couldn't see bc it was totally dark. I said, "I am going back under" kinda Inception-style..

      As I "went back under," another dream formed where I was on a ship that looked like a bus steering toward a larger cruiseliner-sized ship. I guess the false awakening had triggered the logical part of my brain, bc it gave me inspiration to do an RC... Unfortunately, my right hand had 5 fingers. BUT, my left hand looked weird and had another tiny finger growing in front of my eyes out of my pinky - I really had failed an RC (the first time ever for me, since previously I gained lucidity randomly and just kept it moving) and I was LDing!

      I rechecked both hands just to make sure - yup, it was a dream! I got excited that I had finally caught myself in a dream, but stayed calm enough to remain asleep. Once we got next to the cruise ship, I decided to explore and do what I want bc, hey it's my dream. I hopped onto the cruise ship and went into a door leading up some stairs, suddenly there were tons of dream characters around me. One asked me something about shoes, which I repeated back to her in an annoyed tone - I guess I felt a dream power trip! Since I was annoyed, I tried to slap a guy in front of me but my hand was slow so he backed away in time.

      I got a little ambitious at this point, I could have just explored the dream to see what I'd find - but I wanted to know I was in complete control. So, of course, I wanted to try to have sex. I guess I got a little greedy bc the moment I found a beautiful dream woman and tried, I woke up..

      However, I really just had another false awakening, where a friend's voice and another voice were talking about the sequence of events that happened to me, saying that I had to go thru a horrible experience (prison) to gain full freedom, awareness and awakening (escaping prison, false awakening and LD). I agreed, but I wanted more - I told them I was "going back under." Only this time, it turned out that I woke up - in real life.

      I apologize for the length, I wanted to describe my LD even though it was a very short one. It happened after a couple of days where I've been doubting my ability to LD, now I'm back in action! I would analyze the dream, but I think it speaks for itself and I'm actually going back to sleep soon to try WILD. I can't even imagine 2 LD's in one week let alone one day, but you and I both know that we are damn sure going to try our hardest, me especially after my first LD in about 2 months!

      Sweet dreams all!!

    12. Recursive dreaming, and the false awakenings spree

      by , 08-07-2010 at 04:02 PM
      Waking life Dream Lucid dream Comment

      I wake up, not to the sound of alarm, but naturally. Well, I didn't have any lucid dreams tonight, but my memory of my last dreams is very vivid, so I might as well stand up and write them down in my dream journal. Well, it's never vivid enough, so I stay in bed for couple of minutes, to remember my dreams. Slowly, one by one, three of them come into mind, but somewhere along the way my consciousness slipped. Once I remember them, I rise, turn on the computer, boot emacs, use the handy 'journal' command. Then I carefully, in detail, type down one of my dreams. I produce a whole screen of text, even check for spelling errors.

      But as I consider writing down the next wall of text, I wake up. I'm as frustrated about lost dream journal entry, as I'm excited about false awakening, and I ask myself: what if this one is too?
      Reality check. Wow, it really is a dream! What will I do? I jump out of the window and decide to travel away as far as I can and practice flight. Well, I manage to float a little, but with very little control. And it did last for a while, so I managed to get pretty far.

      And then I wake up again. I stand up, and then a great idea enters my mind: let's try to induce lucid dreaming from waking life! Sort of like WILD, but faster! Then I come up with a curious technique to do this: I start spinning around, then close my eyes, and in my mind speak the names of all senses, and as I do it, these senses stop showing my bedroom and start showing the lucid dream. "Sound", "Smell", "Touch", "Taste", ... "Sight". As I speak "sight", I enter a lucid dream inside a dream: I'm running on some road somewhere, it's not too vivid, but I know it's a dream and try for a flight. But I wake up, still spinning around in my bedroom.

      So why not, I repeat the procedure. And then again. And maybe again. Thus, I had three or four short not-so-vivid but quite lucid dreams. WILDs from inside a false awakening

      Then I wake up again, and find myself in sort of an office, which (though I've never been here before) I recognize as my own. It's a rich place, huge desk occupies the center, it's reared by two blackboards (well, greenboards actually), there are bookshelves and flowers, and of course, a computer on the desk. A large window overlooks a beautiful scenery with trees and water. But I'm concerned. Though place looks familiar, I decide to reality check. I count my fingers, and they are perfectly normal, but I have that intuitive sense nagging in my mind. What the hell? This is my house, isn't it? It's perfectly normal. But still this strange feeling... Let's do another check. If this is a dream, I can fly, right? I try and fail - I can only jump, and jump just a little, like one jumps in reality. But still... Okay, I know! In a dream you cannot read the same text twice, it always changes. And here I got two perfectly serviceable blackboards, all filled up with equations. I read one of the equations, memorize it, look away. When I look back, it's still there, the same. I guess the evidence is undeniable, this is real
      (if only I asked myself what day it is, what am I doing here, and what are my goals!.. that's a reality check I usually do, and not only does it induce lucid dreaming, it helps in real life to concentrate on important matters).

      A man knocks at my door and enters. He gives me a broken nose spray, says that one of the servants sent it to me. I realize the thing is utterly useless, but take it with "thanks". The man leaves. A few seconds later I awake.

      And I wake up fully. It's very odd, isn't it? I mean, I had a dream inside another dream - a recursive dream. And my mind perfectly remembered where and how am I supposed to wake up. And I utterly failed the reality check inside my would-be mansion. Are those kinds of things normal?

      Updated 08-07-2010 at 04:20 PM by 34749 (So there are categories of dreams? Now I know)

      lucid , false awakening