We were sitting somewhere outdoors. There were quite a lot of people. There was a guy speaking to the group, maybe on a stage, or at his table. I know I hated him and he hated me. At some point I had to do something that was confusing, and I didn't do it quite right. I managed to have a sarcastic reaction to this, which infuriated the guy. At one point I think I was speaking from that stage instead, and said something incredibly sarcastic again, a jab at my rival. I think he (or someone else) said in the background "you are so insufferable!". Seconds before waking up, I became aware this was all a movie, and I was an actor performing a role. I really tried to "ham up" my sarcastic smirk for the invisible cameras, expecting someone to yell "cut!". In the second dream, I'm flying a F22 Raptor in chase cam, like in a game. I flew into a jump gate like the ones from the X franchise, and ended up in the warp tunnel like in X˛: The Threat. I realized that it was possible to fly up and outside of the warp tunnel, seeing it from the outside. There was another "layer" of "something" surrounding it (very hard to explain), but you could fly between them. As the warp tunnel neared its end (where it would normally spit you out into the next space sector), I discovered that staying just above the actual tunnel (but below the other layer) spit me out in a hidden reality: a bright, sunny place, dominated by a HUGE city of futuristic glass towers. I flew around a bit, doing maneuvers and gawking at my environment. I saw the inhabitants on the ground. They were NOT human, but strange aliens, with weird, floaty appendages. In the next scene, possibly still in this city, I'm in a big house. A whole bunch of sitcom-level stuff happened here that I can't recall, but it was funny. I punched the president in the face! Ha. At some point I tried to escape (I was a prisoner there, free to roam around but not leave?) so I ran into the back yard and go through a hole in the hedge. But I couldn't get through. I quickly decided to abort this attempt and try somewhere else before they (the CIA?) caught me. At this second point, I managed to get over a fence. The CIA was hot on my heels, but they were JUST too late to stop me. Before I woke up, I crowed victoriously, "Aw hell no, I invented that trick!". Random, not sure what I was even referring to (the CIA dudes tried something to stop me?), but dreams are dreams I guess.
Updated 03-24-2024 at 02:25 PM by 17412 (Remembered another dream.)
Updated 09-02-2024 at 03:44 AM by 99032
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a new Matrix movie and Neo finds glitches in the matrix and he his committed or arrested for it. He escapes by fooling some guard. Then bad dudes from a corporation come looking for him and torture the guard, accusing him of helping Neo. Meanwhile Neo finds that there are several Neos in this matrix. He goes to a barber who looks like a younger self and the customer he is shaving, also looks like a young and slightly different Neo. Yet they don't realize they are identical and think he is insane. When he insists that they are all versions of the same person, they become violent and the barber throws knives at him. Then I have an epifany and say to Riverstone, whi is sitting by my side, that we are also in a simulation, being deceived that we are watching a film. I say that I am actually Neo and I do become him in that fight with his clones and I fly away from there. I go look for people I know, but everything seems to be changing randomly and people I know become someone else or have different lives and don't know me anymore. I enter a house of supposed friends and there is a middle aged couple there. Their cat recognizes me, but they don't. Yet they react calmly to my presence and offer me dinner with them and ask me to explain in detail who I am and what I am looking for. I tell them I have partial amnesia and know my name and my work, but don't know anything beyond that or where I live and was certain that some of my friends lived here. They are very understanding but offer no answers to my questions. Then some girl comes at the door claiming to be my sister and that I am dangerously deluded and she needs to take me with her. I escape and get lost in the small town we are in. Then there is either a theme fair from the 30s going on or I also travelled back in time, because it all looks from that era. When I interact with people, they get startled because I dress funny and I say weird things and clearly don't belong there. Once again they think I am insane and try to arrest me. The only way to escape is flying away, but I can't fly high for some reason and keep being pulled down by them. I scream from the top of my lungs and my thunderous voice numbs everybody around for a while. I then run away on foot. Meanwhile, the corporation guys are back in their HQ debating how Neo is destabilizing the simulations, but they think they are outside of it. Until strange things start to happen and they start realize they themselves are not from the real world but simulated matrix controllers as there is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix. As I try to walk discreetly through the town, I hear some familiar music that attracts me to a place where old ladies do arts and crafts and I find my mom there. I approach her to try to see if she knows me. She doesn't, but she invites me in. The place was a cozy llittle studio which becomes claustrophobic as the old ladies surround me with curiosity and some keep bringing in boxes and boxes of stuff that block the entrance and narrow down the space available.
Updated 01-11-2022 at 10:04 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am part of a weird team doing some research on some underground complex. The place is made of rammed earth, seems ancient, yet these are like top secret military facilities. There is some kind of tech or being which was found, not sure if on these undergrounds or somewhere else. This being or thing can alter matter, reality or at least our perception of it. I just joined in and I am watching and listening to a couple older researchers on the team, discussing their latest experiences and how it relates to some memory from their life together (they are a couple). Strangely, the guy is the sociologist whom (in RL) sold me my house and she is some americam actress (can't remember whom). They send me on a test. I don't know exactly what is going on, but they send me through a sort of maze and I encounter strange people. First I see a strange man and a mirror. He points to the mirror and I start swelling like a balloon. I am sure it is a trick, but then I look at my body and I am actually swelling like a balloon and feeling it. First reaction, I freak out, but then I recall it's likely an illusion somehow and I laugh, not afraid. And indeed it stops. Then I continue walking deep into the maze and I encounter a very tall man who grabs me. A pair of extra arms come out from his mid section of the body and wrap around me. I also freak out, but then again remeber it is all a trick somehow and indeed the man reveals itself to be a person on top of another and not some kind of monster. Then it even fades away revealing the illusion is even deeper and all is just mentally induced from the beggining to end. They were testing what kind of weird fears would manifest and how I would get out of it. They then walk me outside to a pateo with grass and lots of people having some kind of networking party, with a corner where children are beinf entertained by a theather play. I notice everyone is dressed like the 50s and there is a retro sci-fi kind of vibe to this whole place. There are some planes in the distance or something causing a bit of a noise and people want to go outside and check what's going on. So many of them head for the doors that cnnect directly to the entrance of this building. Outside there is a short staircase leading to a very large square. Around this square are colonial style buildings. I see the locals and realize "this is somewhere in latin america". Then notice flags hanging in several poles in the surrounding buildings and realize it's in Colombia. So there were really planes coming towards this town. And they attack. So we are advised to go back to the complex, close the doors and go to the underground levels again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some alternate reality, among a group of friends I don't know in RL. One of us suddenly becomes rich, buys a palace and stops hanging out with us. We wonder why. Then I wake up one dasy with two gold bars by my side and a totally different memory of who I am. I feel like I don't belong in this universe but in some alternate one. I do however remember everything from this one to. I meet my friends and tell them I am not exactly the same person anymore. They think I am pranking them. Next day, same happens to another one of them. Then they start taking it seriously. We go visit the lady who was the first one going through this. We are welcomed by a butler at her palace, she is sitting by the piano and we tell her what's been happening to us. She confirms the same happened to her. But she doesn't care too much, she is rich now and loves her new life. We however feel like going back to what we think is "home". We have a theory that once it happens to us all, maybe something will follow and we will all be returned to our original selves and that the gold is some form of payment from whom is doing this to us and for what we are supposed to do. Nut we have no clue. There is a party at my uncle's Carlos house, the birthday of one of his kids. His kids and all his young cousins and friends are there, as well as my aunt (his ex-wife), my mom and several other of his family members. I am in the kitchen when he sees me and, kinda flirty, asks me what I am doing. I am preparing a dessert and arranging it in a playful layout for the kids enjoyment. He asks if I'd rather let the toys and play some adult game. I ask what he has in mind and he walks me to his room. At first I think he really just wants to talk and is being cheeky because that's his style. Also, his bedroom is a total man cave. He doesn't even have a normal bed, but some kind of a chaiselong in front of a large tv with a console and he was clearly in the middle of some video game. I think he just wants me to play with him. But then he gets closer to me and his intentions are pretty clear. He sweet talks and tries to kiss me. I am both not interested and kinda curious. He is a bit chubby for my taste but he is also good looking and I always had a tiny little crush for him because of his kindness and sense of humor. I am starting to give in to the idea, but then I remember my mom, my aunt and all the kids who are just outside the door and I resist. He respects and let's me stay if I wanna play the videogame anyway. I chose to just chill out and look out the window. The municipal pool is just underneath this building and is full of kids playing. I feel like joining them. Then my mom appears with a concerned face. I realize people were already speculating what we were doing together in the room with the door closed. I pretend nothing not innocent ever happened to clear up the cloud of speculation. I say I am enjoying watching the kids in the pool and considering going downstairs for a dive.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Looking to attend my guru's teachings. Not sure if I will see him, because I just dropped by and was not invited, so I decide to explore the place a little bit and see if I encounter him by chance. I risk going through an area I am not supposed to enter. I come across a few monks and lamas on a hallway and before they see me, I go down a flight of stairs that lead me to a sort of chamber where some people are seated waiting for an audience with my teacher. Nobody sees me as I hide under a table covered in a cloth. At the opposite side of this room there is an opening to outside and I spot my teacher arriving with a group of people. I am watching through a gap in the cloth and I notice that although he is talking with the people on his group, his eyes are looking in my direction and I know that he knows that I am hiding there. I feel there is no need to keep hiding, so I come out and join the other people in sitting on the floor in front of a low wooden stage. My teacher comes to talk to people but he chooses to sit on directly on the floor of the stage, right in front of me. Since his eyes locked with mine, he hasn't let go and I feel as if he is inside me. I feel dizzier as he comes closer, so close I stop feeling there's a separation between us. I become sort of lucid, not exactly, it is more like a small enlightenment. I feel so light that a breeze pushes me through the ground and slowly it elevates me in the air, seated in half-lotus position. I just go with the wind, I cross walls and tree trunks and rise up in the air. I rise and rise until I am in outer space, surrounded by darkness with the dim lights of the stars shining far away. Then I go across the fabric of the universe itself, until all shapes and forms start to disappear one by one. All of my memories fade like 2D pictures dissolving in a black background. I let go all of them. But then I panic. I don't want to lose my teacher's memory. I hold on to his memory. And as I do it, a faint vision of a table and a chair become stronger in front of me and I grab the chair and sit, to stabilize this reference. I grab the table and try to recall familiar things. Then from the table, embedded in it, a dark male figure rises, kinda demonic, but I feel it is also the help I need to go back. He wants to know what I want. I state clearly that I have to go back to my teacher, no matter the time or place, just meeting him again. He says no way, that's gone, now I am stuck here forever in this limbo. But I insist on coming back to my teacher. I recall the time I last saw him, but any other time and space will do. He gets mad and disappears. Around me a scenario of an office starts to take shape. I get up and walk around until I find a couple ladies at a booth, like a ticket booth at a train station and they ask me my destination. They ask date and exact hour. I don't know. I feel a bit confused. They yell there is no time for hesitations. Only a few seconds for the time to be set. I could see in a screen random numbers starting to form a date and I shout my actual birth date and as I am saying the hours, I am already feeling a pull and I am thrown back on planet earth. As I approach I see the clouds, rocks, majestic ocean waves, buildings and people and I feel an intense happiness that I will be meeting my teacher again.
Updated 11-19-2018 at 11:16 PM by 34880
Date of Dream: SUN 30 APR - 2017 Dream No. 104 – Seperated Sections (Lucid Dream 4) Dream No. 104 A – They Can Hear Me At the start of this dream, I was somewhat aware of my surrounds but then at the same time I wasn't, it's a really hard state of awareness to describe... It's like I was aware I was dreaming but just not enough to show any signs of lucidity. I put my hnd up in front of me like someone saying stop but with my hand facing me. At first, it was only five fingers but a sixth one kept flashing on and off. I then became more aware and was finally able to adopt some degree of lucidity. I went to the front balcony of my house and called out for WB in the direction of up the court but as I was doing this, I was consciously aware that I was probably too loud and that my parents may have heard me. There was no respose from WB and so I thought I would actually go and change the dream scene to somewhere where hopefully there would be more action. I said to myself to close my eyes and to not open them again or I would wake up. Transition The dream scene was slowly mixing up from the solid scene to just a blur of images that looked like frosted glass you couldn't see through. All throughout the dream scene change, I'm giving myself a lecture on how I am not to open my eyes and to rather just keep them closed. Dream No. 104 B – The Lolly Bush The new dream scene eventually made sense and it was in the backyard of my other grandparents' house. I was on their verandah and I started a reality check straight away to make sure I was still dreaming, it was a strange one though. I would cross the third finger over the second and I knew I was dreaming because both sides had equal, straight fingers. I was going to call out for WB again but then I saw her loafing around in the backyard on the grassed area in a strapless, black pencil dress. She stayed quiet for this entire dream and didn't speak... She only went wherever I went and watched on. I took her to the side of the house to explore with her and I saw these wrapped lollies, I think they were actually chocolates, “growing” on a couple of bushes. I opened a blue one and thought to myself, “Why is it hard to swallow is straight away?”. I then devised that the flavour of that lolly was called “Gooey Chooey”. I know there was more that happened but I don't remember the events. ^End of Dream^: Read further for the Reality Check Explained! That reality check has got to be one of the most vivid memories of that dream. I did the exact same thing in waking like and took a photo of it. Look below: http://karlab14.deviantart.com/art/D...aled-677895285 ^File attachment didn't want to work, so check the image out on my DeviantArt instead^ On the image, you should see fingers 2 and 3 crossed over. On the right side, fingers 4 and 5 are together and are of similar height. On the other side, there is only the thumb which is very short in comparison to all the other fingers. In the dream however, fingers 2 and 3 are crossed. Fingers 4 and 5 are of the same length. And then on the left side, the two fingers were also the same length. So actually, fingers 3 and 4 were crossed over. 5 and 6 were equal to the right AND 1 and 2 were equal to the left... So the extra finger had come in between 1 and 2, if you get that. If you were to count them from right to left (because it was my right hand I checked against): in real life, 5, 4, 3 twisted into 2, then 1. In dream, 5, 4, 3 twisted into 2, 1... Hold on... AN EXTRA?!
Updated 04-30-2017 at 08:51 AM by 93119
I had a dream that started out at my house. There was a problem I had in mind and I was trying to remain calm and find a solution for it. Meanwhile there was two supernatural beings staying in my house because they felt like it and had the power to destroy us if we tried to kick them out. One was a girl with unlimited power and the other was a guy with super strength. I went into a room in the house to see what the guy was doing. The girl was present but said she would leave to go to the roof. I looked at the guy admiring him as he lifted a bed like he was lifting weights. But as he was talking to me I felt like I should say something when suddenly he let go of the bed and the floor collapsed. I saw from a distant point of view how the house was now a white apartment building collapsing one by one. My point of view than changed back to a close first person view and I was inside the room again. Except there was now a giant hole and smoke all around. Not to mention scary music that showed the seriousness of the mood. I looked down and saw what was the mark of a hole in the floor. Somewhat like in the shape of the body. The music gave me the impression that it was some type of ps2 game I was playing. I also got the feeling that my brother did not reach up to the level of the game. I heard the cry of a woman as I began to leave the room. Mixed feelings of continuing and being brave or running away overcomes me. I walked quickly out but than a spirit like character appeared asking me to take something. He was accompanied by another. I said no and he asked me if I was sure about my decision. I than ran calling out for my older brother feeling scared if the game was actually coming into reality.
In reality, I have stopped smoking cigarette since June 17th, 2014. In some of my dreams lately, I'm smoking and it's always a trigger to try and become lucid, but last night I couldn't convince myself that I was dreaming despite reality checks. I don't remember all of the reality checks that I did, but I know I tried looking at my hands and at the time and at my phone and surroundings and felt convinced I was not dreaming. I may have even tried plugging my nose, all I remember is that nothing I tried worked to convince myself I was dreaming. Yet I was dreaming. Maybe I just need to learn some more effective Reality Checks
Damn. Best lucid dream by far. I don't really remember the beginning of the dream. I was in the old house I used to live years ago. I knew that I was dreaming so after doing a RC I wanted not to waste the precious time. At this point my awareness would be like 60%. I looked outside the window and saw the moon, but it was not the moon we all are used to see at night, but a big pale white moon. My awareness was higher than my other lucids so I took my time to make sure that it was stable and to appreciate the new world. I said: 'Okay, let's flight to the moon', so I started to run and then jumped with the intention of flying like a plane towards the moon, but I doubt just for one second and it make me fail my attempt. Okay, let's try something else while it keeps stable, I said to myself. I looked again through the window and the landscape has changed; my old town was not there anymore. Now I was in what I would say a 8th flat. At this point my awareness increased to a 96% so what I was feeling was something totally new to me. I looked at the things in the room; the table, the chairs, the TV... I wanted to touch everything, and the more time I was feeling that reality the more amazed I felt. Went outside to see what was going on in the new city and what I saw was totally unexpected. A lot of buildings, skyscrappers and lights made me close my eyes to adapt to the new scene. I saw no one in the city and only could heard the light sound of the wind. The city was decorated like we were on Christmas, but with ice statues and figures. I took one of the decoration figure and left it thaw on my hand, as the slightly temperature made me shiver. 'Wait, I haven't looked at the sky'. Holy shit. The sky almost made me cry because of its beauty. I almost couldn't see a piece of dark in the sky because of the amount of planets floating up there. The white pale moon was still there, but a little bit bigger and surrounded by even bigger planets. One of them made me make a weird sound. A big, big, big planet was standing there, while it seemed to release a purple gleam. It was like it was alive. I took a sit and looked 'till the end of the dream. 'There are other realities, now I'm completely sure of it'. When I woke up tears started flowing down my cheeks. I was not because of sadness, but of happiness. I suddenly got a feeling of insecurity because of how small we are compared to everything. I felt so vulnerable. But it was not a bad feeling at all.
Updated 03-11-2014 at 07:37 PM by 65111
I... have this strong wish to transform everyday images, the sporadic imagined ones and the thoughts that go along with them, into.. well a dream like the ones at night: into a (visual) manifestation of all the thoughts, wrapped into a whole dream world. I know this is what happens at night, but I seem to be looking out the other end of my subconscious then, and not back onto my everyday life. I want this simple transformation of thoughts into images, essentially into actual daydreams, something that seems to be suppressed in most people generally, and inhibited further through tension and stress etc. The way I picture it is that I take some Choline, (in some idyllic place or peaceful room), and then start consciously molding my imagination once it comes, expanding fragments behind mere thoughts into lively (as in subtly changing) images, creating spaces beyond all these compressed thoughts and impressions of the day. Unfortunately I don't dare touch my Choline when I'm under stress, which I always am, and loosen the inhibited images out of hiding, because I fear.. hallucinations. That's what I fear. My dreams at night are pretty harmless so I don't understand this fear. But supposing it would actually release such things as visions of horror and violence - are these bad for you? Because with this issue in particular I feel that dreams are not just dreams.
Updated 07-20-2013 at 02:52 AM by 63351
Level of Lucidity: 0 Level of Clarity: 2 Level of Realism: 5 (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme) I had a rough night sleeping and accidentally left my app for reminding me to do reality checks on over night.. so every hour on the hour it would vibrate and either wake me up, or wake me up enough that I roll over and fall back asleep. Dream Fragment 1: I'm with my uncle in his car. My uncle is an extremely southern guy, and loves Nascar. We were driving somewhere down a road I've never seen before, and he begins to talk about how he has a race that he's in and it's in the NASCAR Nationwide Series. Then I woke. Dream Fragment 2: I was in a park like place. I noticed that there was a few dogs in front of me. The dogs were simply standing there and not looking around, not with anyone, and not scared of me. All of a sudden the dog who is closest to me stands up on his back legs, and it looked like he was rotating his front legs so that they were backwards. It was like a trick that the dog was doing for me.. just like playing dead, rolling over, or shaking hand/paw. Then I heard a voice that said something like "Well trained dogs". Then I woke.
Updated 06-15-2013 at 04:22 PM by 63661
This particular Dream was very, long yet extremely simplistic in nature. I was running very fast, at a very high tempo, much like an anime ninja would run. Arms back jumping over people, through lawns, going in and out of first person and third person perspective, which is not unusual in my dreams. The neighborhood I was running through was my old neighborhood that I grew up in. You head south about a mile and there was my elementary school, you head north about a mile and there was my high school. In this dream I was running away from an old house that I used to live in heading south right past my old elementary school. I remember it being the last thing I saw before I woke up. I'm writing about this particular dream mainly because it has a large significance on a very troubling time I had in this place. This neighborhood reminds me of the worst period in my life. The fact that I was running away from the house which these remembered horrors came from tells me two things: 1) My Lucid dreaming techniques are improving and 2) This particular dream has a lot of significance with my dream research. My dream research has led me to the theory that we remember EVERYTHING, yet only a portion is stored in our subconsciousness and the rest in our consciousness. Reality and our consciousness 5 senses fill in the holes/fragments that our conscious mind seems to "forget." On the other side reality is not a factor on our subconsciousness because we’re very stationary when we enter the subconsciousness. With these facts in mind we are stuck with only what the subconsciousness has stored. Our 5 senses do work in our subconsciousness however because most of us use the crutch that is reality to guide our senses to make sense of our world, using our 5 senses in our subconscious world is very foreign and downright difficult to learn to use. Also! Our subconscious is where our consciousness "hides" very very bad and traumatic event memories in order to protect our physical well being.
8-10-2012 It was a fitful night of sleep but a very productive one. Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D1 First Job There was a lot of chaotic dream imagery going on in my childhood home. By the end of it, I remember a replay of the day I went off to my first real job. It didn’t really happen like the dream, this was as if it was being reacted again. From what little I remember of the day, this dream’s reenactment had a lot more upbeat-ness to it than the real event. There were other people there as well that were not there in real life but the real participants didn’t interact with them almost as if they were extras just there to fill in the background. The overall feeling was that my mom and I were so glad that I was finally going off to a real job; we were almost giddy with happiness. I’ve been working since I was 16 and was never giddy to start any job. Notes: I see this as my subconscious putting on a play on this subject. My subconscious’ retelling of the event is an interesting take and one that makes me focus on my own possibly dower mindset and questioning the amount I worry. I guess that time should have been a giddy one being as big as it was but why it wasn’t is now something to think about. Awake, I tossed off the covers I was way too hot. Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D2 Necromancing Again, a lot of chaotic dream happenstances going on in dry outside “scrub” areas. I am flying around a lot in a California area. I see a nice California suburb and a nice house on a hilly street and fly in only to see the family right there behind the door and they are up to something. They are all (father/mother/20+son/16+daughter) going to rollerblade out the front door, down the street and down a very very steep street to the bottom of the hilly area where a train track was; it looked deadly but they were very happy and getting ready to go. As I looked down where they would go my attention followed and I was now looking at another typical California house but not in a comfortable suburb and more on its own and with large succulents growing in the front yard made of rocks and sand. This house had a retention pond next to it filled with green water. There was a road in front of the house and in the road was a dead cat with dried blood and body fluids staining the road. Thinking about the cat gave me a higher level of lucidity and I commanded, “back to life and all [internal] parts back the way they were” and I made a gesture with my hand to push life energy out toward and into it. Nothing happened. Still I sat waiting. Then it moved, the mound of fur got up off the blood stained area and I could see the cat’s face and its legs clearly. It staggered slightly as if it had woken from anesthesia or something, down toward the retention pond where it took a good drink. Afterward the reanimated cat walked off to my left toward the house still groggy but seemingly perfectly fine. I was happy that I had found a new dream power. While awake I pulled up the covers being way too cold. I tried to remember the alive cat. Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D3 Father in the lot There was more chaotic activity and I flew around but I came to a vacant lot that seemed to be somewhere in a central North Carolina area with that red soil. For some reason I was looking for a link to the real physical world from here in the dream world and I thought I could find it here. I looked over the lot, there were a lot of people here milling around and I asked them but they had no idea what I was talking about. I circled the lot from the road front to the back and then back up to the road front finding nothing. I was pretty lucid at this point and noticed dreamers popping into this area either from other dreams or from just falling asleep, it was an interesting area, especially for a weeded empty lot. Then someone popped in that looked like my father when he was in his 20’s. I was a bit shocked thinking if that was really him. He stood there looking off into the distance smoking a cigarette with a lot of attitude like they used to in those old movies. I fully realized he could look however he felt, this is the dream world. I walked past him looking. Then he turned to me, I saw it really was him and we both hugged. Then I said “So, Welcome to North Carolina” and as I put my hands out encompassing the dry dirty red soiled vacant lot and street, a boy popped in right to my right with a look of complete surprise. I was annoyed with this dreamer getting in my way and pushed him out of my way with my arm. In hindsight I remember this boy back from a dream I had of looking in a mirror and I was he, a towheaded 10-year-old chubby white boy with a crew cut. I ignored the boy and walked back to the back of the lot with my father following, he was more concerned with how he felt than anything anyone else was doing. I asked a dreamer that looked like he knew something where this was but he just looked at me for a second then looked back at the rusted stove he was wresting with, with some other guys. I wandered around and found my way inside a department store inside an open-air mall. I was still trying to find a connection between here in the dream world and the physical world and was very aware of the dreaming world’s rules. While wandering around this place I rhetorically asked a three foot tall impressionistic statue of a T-Rex “where is this place” and it started to come to life, which shocked me! This small yellow metal impression of a T-Rex had been given some of my life by me asking it something, by my giving it my attention and this I felt sorry for since it was barely a T-Rex or anything, it was bad art that would have a life like that so I foolishly as a reflex said to it “oh sorry” which only served to give it more life! It then jumped off the shelf it was on and down to the floor very alive and becoming more so. It looked up at me like it was speaking but I heard nothing. This was uncomfortable and felt sorry for it so I walked past it to take my attention from it so it could go wherever such unintended creations went. I saw a sales girl behind the makeup counter and asked her my now constant question but more pointedly so that she knew what I was talking about, “where is a point of reference between the physical world and this one?” She looked at me with a sarcastic look of “are you nuts?” Then I see one of those cash register laser guns red lights and think that maybe the point of a common link between the two worlds is not a thing but an energy, maybe the photons can be that link. I woke up and was still too cold and now ached too, I felt like I had been on my back for hours.
Okay, so I had been helping tear down a Superchic[k] concert in a church in a nearby town that I've never been to before. (Because I had helped set up.) As the last things were being loaded into their trailed, I walked back into the the backstage area, which was designed to also function as a small gymnasium. I paused and thought for a moment... I am in a what? Big, empty room. [dreamsign] With what? A small number of people in the far corner. [dreamsign] And there is what outside? A trailer full of stuff. Which is? A sort of collection of things. [DREAMSIGN] And what just got over? A concert by a band that is probably a step up in popularity than this venue would be hosting. And you're helping them pack away their gear? Yes. (Hmm... that's weird) ...hey, what's that fifteen feet up the wall? It's a door- wait, A DOOR?!?!? Yes, it's a door. What the heck is a DOOR doing a foot from the ceiling? Wait- I promptly spent [roughly] the next 200 seconds performing up to two DOZEN reality checks, many of them multiple times. No dice. Whaaaaat??? All the criteria in the book have been fulfilled, I have GOT to be dreaming... right? Well. I guess not.