Morning of June 13, 2020. Saturday. Dream #: 19,535-07. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. My dream self maintains the instinctual awareness I am dreaming (after dropping back from post-liminal mode to pre-liminal) by becoming more aware while sitting in a bed near the ocean (potential reinduction). There is the typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity, with my bed in this instance being near a harbor in Antissa, Lesbos, though the setting does not have a more discernible definition. My waking-life identity is absent. I am listening to an operatic aria (fictitious, I assume) sung by Luciano Pavarotti about Antissa. (I do not listen to opera in waking life.) I am unsure of the source of the music, but it is probably from a cassette (as my dream self has no recall of what a CD is). The sleep-wake manager eventually appears as an unknown male, but he is in passive mode (non-RAS; non-cerebral.) I sit down and watch him create a painting. It features a black oval as a scene of outer space. (This feature represents a higher level of sleep atonia, which may be why somatosensory kicks in as the trigger in the last scene rather than a vestibular event.) There are sparse red and blue ovular arcs around the “egg.” I absentmindedly add a blue ovular arc to the image’s right side with a felt-tip pen. Almost immediately, I feel as if I may have been intrusive in doing this. I start praising his art, focusing the most on the outer space rendering within the oval. He does not seem angry or annoyed. A reporter approaches and wants to interview the unknown artist. There is still indoor-outdoor ambiguity, though the setting has more outside dynamics at this point. The two men stand and face each other, about ten feet away from me. The reporter says he is interviewing “the aggressor.” I am puzzled by this and state that he is not an “aggressor,” though I do not know his history. I hope I did not embarrass him by saying this. Soon, a sun spider (camel spider), as long as the reporter’s head, crawls around from behind his head and covers his right ear. I am amused, as neither man seems to know it is there. Another sun spider of about the same size as the first crawls from behind the reporter’s head but goes around to the other man’s right ear. The man ignores it despite being aware of it. There is no sense of a threat, as my dream self considers them harmless. I wake at this point with a sense of great amusement. A vestibular-cerebral handshake did not occur as the waking process in this instance (as the result of greater sleep atonia but with a directive toward hand myoclonus), so it was somatosensory in this case. In other words, I sleep on my left side, with my right ear more exposed to my waking-life environment. The somatosensory focus was liminally drawn to that factor, especially as a spider often represents the human hand and its somatosensory arousal (though a sun spider is not a true spider).
First dream I went to toilet and sat on the toilet seat, and got teleported to some tv studio. There was a woman and tv reporter, they were talking about a murder rampage of which I was a victim, being heavily wounded. I just stood there, listening to them. Failed WBTB attempt Second dream I was in school on a PE lesson. I wasn't playing or training worth others, just sitting with a teacher and some other girl. I washed my hands and the lesson ended, we went out of the sports hall and I wandered around my old school.
Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #116: Dive Bomber in Darkness I'm walking out of the lobby of a hospital, some important errand on my mind. When I head through the bank of automatic doors into the night, I'm confronted by a huge crowd of reporters and spectators that are hanging around like something important is about to happen. Is this a dream? Yes. Looking into the crowd, I see my high school physics teacher, "Mrs. C". I walk up to her. "[Mrs. C]! I know that you've been waiting, like, forever for me to go on Draw Something. Sorry about that. How have you been doing?" "Oh, that's all right!" she says. "My wife and I have been doing great." This is strange -- Mrs. C has a husband, not a wife. He even came by the school a couple of times. "Well it was good talking to you," I say, and I step back from the crowd a bit, thinking about my next move. I remember wanting to go to Angel Falls so I decide that'll be my goal for this dream. But just as I'm making my plans, I notice that one of the reporters standing nearby is extremely attractive. She's about 30, probably half-Asian, and lightly freckled. I start thinking very sexy thoughts before catching myself -- if I approach her, I know for sure that the dream will only head one way (and not to Angel Falls.) I back quickly away, my mind still going sexytime. The reporter stops speaking into her microphone, looks directly at me and says, "I think I love you." I put out my hands and kind of wave them around. "No! No, you don't! I'm sorry, that was my fault!" Immediately she returns to what she was doing, forgetting all about me. Okay, Angel Falls. I scan the horizon but there's nothing to really use. I could just start flying and try to work from there... As I'm planning, I start thinking about the good-looking reporter again. Okay, I really need to get out of here... I allow myself just a moment to imagine that the top of Angel Falls is right behind me. Then I fling myself backwards as if I'm jumping off of a cliff, imagining myself going over the falls. There's a weird moment where I'm stuck upside down, my head sort of embedded in the sidewalk. After a couple of awkward seconds like this, I wind up in the void. I rub my hands together, then imagine that I'm falling along the falls. Almost immediately I feel the spray of water against my face and arms. I point myself facefirst at the ground, arms tight to my sides. Air rushes past my skin as I gather speed. I feel myself going faster and faster, air filling my mouth. I keep "falling" like this for at least 30 seconds, and the sensation is so awesome that I don't even mind not having visuals. I feel amused that "Angel Falls" is so incredibly high that I can skydive like this from it. I wonder how long this can go on. Even though I'm enjoying myself immensely falling through the darkness like this, I know that I need visuals to complete the task. I try to focus on what this should all look like but the intensity of the rest of the experience has me a bit distracted. The dream ends before I can make it all come together.
This was a very enjoyable and exciting dream and I wish I remembered more about it. I had several dreams throughout the night and two lucids. There was a very exclusive band playing on a stage, there was a football/party vibe to the whole thing, only a few people in the world had seen this band play. I'm on top of a stand and there's a good looking female reporter walking around interviewing people, just getting a comment out of each person, I had no interest in talking to her. She's screaming out loud asking if anyone else has an interesting comment to share. All of a sudden the man married to my mother stands up next to me and points toward me and says "he has a comment" I had no interest in talking to the female reporter.. But I said "I'm just chilling, bro" while being somewhat nervous and excited. This intrigued the reporter and for the first time she took an interest in someone for longer than just a short comment. And she asked me something about female to male attraction. I answered with something like "I believe the most important thing is to be non-needy, and in order to achieve this you need to be able to show vulnerability. I believe a vulnerable man is an attractive man, and it's the most attractive attribute that you can have. If you show vulnerability and act like yourself, you'll not only disqualify yourself and seem non-needy, it will also display confidence which will later on end up in you not caring what people think of you, because you're comfortable displaying your vulnerable and true self. You wont be loved by everyone, but you will polarize people, to one side or the other, and very quickly know whether or not they like you or not, you will not only save time but once you actually find someone who likes you they will like you for who you truly are and not lies you've created to impress people." at the same time I think "I'd rather be hated for being honest and truthful than appreciated for my bullshit" This impressed the reporter, and all of a sudden everyone knew who I was. I had polarized people, there were men who were jealous of all the attention I got, and I was hated by many, but I had some people who were truly in love with me. I appear right in front of the band, on a grass field that was lit up by party lights. There were drunk people everywhere. One of my friends noticed that one girl was particularly impressed with my speech and he pushed me all the way to her until I was standing right in front of her. I could sense that see was very uncomfortable standing that close to me, I was intimidating to her. But I spoke to her for a bit, brought her with me to the stage that I was now leaning towards with my back as she was standing right on front of me, I had her full attention.. I took her number, and at the same time her friends were trying to pull her away from there, they were in a hurry going somewhere. I made sure she didn't leave before I got the number. As she was holding my phone, calling her own phone from it, this other woman I used to be in the same school with, came up to kiss me without saying a word. I kissed her back, and she had several pills in her mouth and a lot of coke. I assumed it was extacy and spit it all out immediately. Now everybody around me got angry with me, and they started punching and hitting me repeatedly as I fell to the ground. I appear in a futuristic corridor.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am a young blond girl of good families, but quite rebellious. I have some questionable friends and I do things my family would totally disapprove, like inhaling hairspray whenever things get boring. I have a friend from school who is not as fortunate as me - she is from a poor family - but I really don't care about social class of a person as long as he/she makes me laugh. We are very close friends and we spend as much time together as possible. She comes by my mansion when my parents are not around, but the butler never opens the gates to let her in - despite my indignation and calling him all the names I can think of - so when she rings the bell, I slide down from my bedroom window to the terrace below and from there to the lawn and run to the gates to let her in. We then have so much freaky fun doing absurd and sometimes dangerous stunts. She makes me so happy, sometimes I even think I am in love with her. One day in class I slide a box with a ribbon on top, from under my desk to hers on my right. It's a gift for her and I couldn't wait for the end of the class to give it to her. Unfortunately the teacher - quite a bitch in my perspective - sees it and apprehends the box. She asks me what am I doing and I reply with a defiant smile, showing no remorse, shame or regret. I am always like this: I never, ever, feel or admit, even to myself, that what I do may be wrong. I am that free! Although I am such a rebel, I am also brilliant and even without any effort, I get good grades. But the only class I truly love is literature and the guy who teaches it is the only teacher I respect and who can get my fully undivided attention. One day almost at the end of the class he talks about some lady writer and reporter with whom I identify a lot. She is Anne something (a big weird germanic name) and I write it down to help me memorize it for when I wake up (didn't work though). He says he'll say more about her in the next class, but I am determined to look for more info about her as soon as I get home. ... Later on, I am already employed. I work at some office, possibly a newspaper or magazine. I arrive about one hour late for work and I try to sneak in without being seen by the boss. My colleagues just shrug their shoulders, nod their heads, but don't say a word. Unfortunately my boss blocks me at the base of the staircase to the upper floor where I have my desk. He looks unpleased, but not extremely enraged, so I say I'm sorry and make up some really bad excuse why I'm late. He says he's tired of my pointless excuses, since I arrive late every single day, they no longer work. I laugh, he's got a point. In that case, why doesn't he just let me go to my desk? He does. Everybody in the office considers me a spoiled brat with no notion whatsoever of responsibilities, but they all love me and forgive me my manners. A colleague tips me that a certain guy I have a crush on - a navy officer who is, by coincidence, non other than my RL friend Granger - is coming by today to meet the boss, of whom he is a friend. I know he loves me back, but he just can't deal with my rebel, careless attitude, which is just the opposite of him. I see him stepping out of a car, so elegant in his uniform and as he enters he immediately sees me. He hides his true emotions but he flirts with me anyway and I play along, dreaming of the day he might consider me worthy of his true affection.
Updated 12-13-2011 at 12:02 AM by 34880
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was on the Brooklyn Bridge with my mother. The walkway of the bridge felt a lot different. It was like all the suspension cables were packed tightly together, and as if there were layers and layers of them. The cables seemed to run incredibly high up into the air. And the bridge itself seemed much bigger and taller than it is IWL. I was standing out on some metal beam over the walkway with my mom. I may have been holding on to some of the suspension cables for balance. I was telling my mom some dream I had. In the dream I stood out on some beach, possibly bordering a jungle. One of my co-workers, DD, was there. He had been followinf me around, snooping into my business. Then, in this dream, a flood had come. It managed to wash me up onto a railroad freight car that was itself filled with debris. I stood on the debris, but it also sometimes felt like the freight car had a solid, red roof on it, and that I stood on that. I was carrying something like notebooks and textbooks. I was actually in this place to begin with, I now understood, so I could study this stuff. There may actually have been a school desk in the distance, now littered with debris, which I had possibly been using for studying. DD was now running all over the place, trying to find out where I'd gone. He was really intent on snooping on me for some reason. But I kept quiet and just got to my studying again. I might not have spoken this dream to my mom. I may have thought it while she read my thoughts. As the dream ended, I may have gotten distracted and tried to tell her the dream again. I may not have known whether I had actually finished telling the dream. But at some point I felt like I was done telling my mom the dream. For some reason I now climbed through the multi-layered lattice of the steel suspension cables. As I did, my mom asked me, through voice or thought, whether the people publishing me dreams were paying me a lot of money. I said no, that the newspaper (or periodical) I wrote my dreams in took my dreams for free. I climbed down along a section of suspension cables that was like a ladder. It wasn't until I had started climbing down this ladder that I had felt any fear of heights. The bridge was so tall! I was now back down on the wooden walkway of the bridge. My mom was already down there, but she was now an old man. She walked behind me as we walked on the outside of the fence guarding the walkway. We were on the edges of the wooden slats now, possibly heading back out to climb on the suspension cables. The old man started talking about his life as a reporter, back in the old days. He said that in those days reporters really dug into a story. Nowadays, the old man said, reporting was shallow and lazy. I felt bad about what the old man was saying, as if I could have done something to prevent this. Dream #2 I was in a living room which was positioned in the house like a bedroom. A few people had been in the room. They were all nice-looking and young. Among these people was a Latina woman who had been recognized as a spy. The woman had been fatally injured or had been made to take poison. Everybody else was now gone except for the woman and I. I may not have been "there," but just seeing the room. The woman lay on the couch on her back, her head and shoulders kind of slumping off the front of the couch. She was still alive and she may have said something. I now had a view of another or the same woman. She was standing over me, as if I were a child. My view came up to just under her breasts. She wore a tight t-shirt and a dark blue hoodie. She was in trouble. She had possibly just been shot, or else she was possibly about to be shot.
Updated 05-21-2011 at 01:11 PM by 37466
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG 23:00 GMT – Sleep Preparing travel I’m organizing something, like a travel and comparing different places/venues. I’m on a tall building and then I’m looking through the window because there’s something going on down there on the street. Kids dancing I’m with my mom and she’s helping me out with something. We go out and when arriving at her building’s door, a bunch of kids from school next door are putting some show on (actually rehearsing it) in the square in front of school. They are dancing samba in pairs. Strangely my younger cousin J. Is among them, although by now he is already too old for this, but I still see him as a kid. He sees us and feels embarrassed that we also see him. Vanity I’m going out with some group of colleagues from school. I see myself in a mirror and I look really cute, with short hair and a blue scarf on my head. Still I take some time to adjust the scarf several times to be just perfect. 3:20 GMT Scary grandma’s house I’m with mom at my paternal grandma’s house. We’re taking clothes from the clothesline outside. The weather is changing rapidly and really dark clouds are gathering in the sky above us. It gets really dark as night. My mom points to the bell tower close by, where we see this really creepy dark figure and we comment that maybe he’s some shadow, reflection but also that this place has always been a bit scary – we’re always seeing dark figures and feeling “presences” here. There’s another girl in the house and then a car also arrives and a guy comes out of it. Don’t remember what happens then. Life and death situations on the mountains I’m watching this reporter (like live on TV) in a pick up going down some dangerous road, with a cliff on his left side and I think he is not measuring the danger as he drives with only on hand at too high speed for the conditions of that road. Then of course he is thrown off the road, live on TV and everybody thinks he fell down the cliff, but then I’m transported into the place of the action and I realise he was incredibly lucky as the truck got stuck below on some rocks and we was able to get out and escape. Then I also realise he is with his wife and two kids on the truck and I am even more shocked at his irresponsibility. As I help them climb the cliff and we’re on top of it on the road, we are caught by a flood. It’s not yet too violent, but I see a bus being dragged by the water down the road and I also see this black baby girl in the middle of the way. I just have time to grab her and get her out of the way of the bus. She is so cute and I feel that this family I also just helped will adopt her in the nearby future. Then the kid in my arms becomes just a baby head (although perfectly alive) and I think about that being odd (but not enough to become lucid). Cat’s guts out I’m at some hotel room with friends, just settling in. We are reading this place’s rules and it says in summer we must use an outside common toilet instead of the room’s own toilet. We wonder why and think maybe in summer with the heat, it gets smelly and that’s why they advise to use the outside one. Anyway I go to the toilet and my cat is there. He doesn’t seem well. First he pukes and then his head’s skin starts to open from his left eye, leaving his skull and eyeball exposed. I try to keep it closed but it keeps opening more and more. I’m starting to freak out. Then pus is coming out. Then when the ripped skin is already down his back, his internal organs start bloating and coming out. Still the cat is moving, not looking healthy but also not dying. I somehow don’t accept that this is really happening so another healthy version of the cat appears and I see the two together and realise I’m dreaming. I feel relieved. Then I think about what to do with lucidity and stupidly I wake up. 6:30 GMT – Wake up
Morning of August 17, 1980. Sunday. (Last clarified and resupplemented on Friday, 1 September 2017.) The myth: “You cannot snore and dream at the same time.” This is one of those virtually endless bits of disinformation that one sees in various lists about dreams (and in most cases the entire list is untrue, including those related to “interpretation” by “experts”, as well as the superstitious “black cats crossing a person’s path“ mentality). I do not know who came up with this mindless concept or how it spread, but there have been many times in my life when I was snoring and dreaming at the same time, which includes the following entry. I am doing a news report that includes a celebrity interview (apparently with Rod Stewart, though he never makes an appearance), using a black generic microphone with a long cord (the cord going into the back of a white van), similar to the one I use in real life to record affirmations (though I am not using a cassette tape for any type of scripted dreaming in this case). At times, my microphone is making a sort of buzzing “snoring” sound. A few times, I move and swing the cord around to see if a short is causing the sound. I walk around in the parking lot and it seems to be late morning. I am to ask the singer about the different classic cars he owned. The parking lot is full of his cars, mainly from the 1940s to the present. As I walk near one of the cars, I hear that it had been left running and the engine also makes a sort of unusual snoring sound. I consider asking him when I see him if he is aware that the car had been running. There are several others around at first, all unfamiliar males, but a few are from the radio station I am supposedly working for. Eventually, a black bear comes onto the scene and my team and I need to escape. It also seems to be making a snoring sound, though it is implied to be growling as such. I decide to quickly climb down over a cliff at the edge of the parking lot (to hide from the bear), and, although there is a narrow ledge, I end up hanging on the microphone cord. Someone, I do not know who, is soon pulling me up, though I sense it may be the bear doing this (though I am not sure), but as I begin to climb up, the bear leaps over the cliff with his front paws spread out but misses me and presumably falls to his death. I wake up in the middle of a snore. The parking lot setting, as well as the cliff, is completely unrelated to waking life. Both are specific liminal space indicators of the dream state, the parking lot because it represents a halfway point (between dreaming and waking) as analogous to leaving an area (the dream state) and the potential of returning home (waking life), and the cliff being related to the biologically premonitory nature of waking from sleep (which often produces a natural falling sensation based on inner ear dynamics and coming out of being unconscious and otherwise has no meaning). The bear in this case may also have no meaning other than the preconscious factor (which is sometimes aggressive, depending on incidental dream dynamics, for the sole purpose of waking the dreamer) as it was primarily rendered by way of the sound of my own snoring. Note the progression; microphone buzzing, car engine running, bear growling. This is all sound-based, where my unconscious was simply trying to compensate for the sound of my own snoring yet also slowly alerting me to the waking transition. To validate this, a microphone would not normally get my attention (especially as I am already holding it despite its presumed technical difficulty), a car engine running would not necessarily get my attention either, but a bear certainly would. See how this works? (It should be obvious to a person of reasonable intelligence.) The usual hypnopompic falling dynamic was transferred to the bear so that my waking was softer than it would have been otherwise.
Updated 09-10-2017 at 05:37 AM by 1390