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    1. ccxx. Eating a glass, Attacking a giant reptile, Buying gear, Cycle

      by , 01-31-2021 at 12:30 PM
      31st January 2021


      I am in the kitchen. It's a day like it has been lately, kind of cloudy, a sort of desaturated natural light. Out of the kitchen's window it's not like how it should be, it's more like there's a driveway and there's a big van parked there but still it doesn't block much of the view or light somehow. There's a similar van parked over at next door's too.

      I open the cupboard where we keep the glasses? I grab and take out one of the blue ones, put my upper lips over the edge and sort of feel it melt a bit; the glass still feels rigid like glass but as I start biting into the top rim, it's a soft chew and there's something pleasurable about it. I get erotic thoughts somewhat unrelated to the glass itself but related to the sensations and M/M themes.


      I'm with someone, perhaps T? We're riding on the back of a winged creature, flying high in a somewhat mountainous area. There's an MMO feel to things but it feels distinctly real too. I see us in third-person for the most part.

      Using a long gun-cannon thing, I am shooting at a somewhat generic 50ft reptilian below past some ridges and canyons; he is otherwise engaged in combat with other humans down there, in a semi-flat area. The shots I fire are highly explosive and I aim for vulnerable parts of the head, trying to "break" them, like if this was the game Monster Hunter.

      As I was about to break a part of the rear of the head, someone else does and I don't get credit it for it, and become annoyed. This happens once more on another part of the creature's head. I then aim for the eye instead and get credit this time, but at this point there's little left of the head apart from the lower jaw. He still lives somehow and is still in combat with the humans.


      I'm going through a mine-shaft like tunnel on the side of a ravine, parts of it are enclosed by rock, others are open to the outside. I am trying to go to a place that will let me head down, to an area like where the creature was.


      Something about WoW. I'm in a large city and I have some kind of Honour points I can spend. The place reminds me of a mix of Dalaran, Exodar and Shattrath and it is flying in the sky as Dalaran would be. I come to a central hall of sorts, there are energy bridges and energy surfaces that I can walk on. I approach an NPC and see what PvP equipment I could buy with what little honour I have.


      Something about being in Brazil or some other South American country. There's a distinct feel of advanced technology throughout the dream. High-tech structures and such like, though I don't remember seeing much of it. I am or was at some sort of resort or house away from everything, in a hilly and mountainous area overlooking a large river.

      I remember little of my own presence in the dream. The dream plot focuses on a serpentine creature, it is red and its scales are small relative to its size. It has been dormant for untold years and it wants to ruin all of the technology that has been brought about. The dream implies that it's not the first time this has happened and that it's part of a recurring cycle.

      The creature's size is comparable to the mountains in the area. I remember it could communicate telepathically or something.

      - The order is not chronological, the first fragment was the last I had this morning.
      - One of my right hand fingers is particularly sore because of an injury and I was unable to write any initial notes for any of these fragments because of it, bits of recall just remained and came back as I wrote.
      - The fragment in the kitchen is reminiscent of how I come to certain creative ideas sometimes, often through some physical sensations.
      - The day in the kitchen was remarkably like what it was like when I actually went in the kitchen for the first time today, though I think it looked less messy in the dream, more normal.
      - The red end-bringing serpent and the cycle seem to be a somewhat obvious but less literal Ourobouran reference.
    2. clxxxi. Lizard form and strength, Introspection

      by , 10-17-2020 at 11:13 PM
      17th October 2020


      Remember being my lizard form at some point and also for quite a while. Earlier in the dream I was offered a choice (by whom or what?) to have either nearly unlimited strength or nearly unlimited stamina. I picked strength.

      I remember flying through several somewhat surreal places with hybrid dragon wings that would appear and disappear.

      At one point, I'm in a sandy beach area and there are wasps or bees and I stamp on them, concerned for a second about what I was doing, but then remembering I had nothing to fear. This was pre-lucid, I had some awareness of being dreaming.

      In some other part, I'm destroying the outer structure of a concrete sky scraper and I'm eating or biting on people as they fall from the building. The building itself is falling and we are miles up in the air, impossibly high away from any other buildings. (Reminds me of UT levels)

      Rest of recall is muddled. Was awake for a while and forgot to try and retain recall properly.


      - The part of me that convinced me to fear nothing was the same that has come about unconsciously before. I have started to feel a much more direct connection to these parts of myself over the last months; these are the parts of me that do not actively speak through my mind except seemingly under rare circumstances such as in the visualisations I've done/experienced. These are parts of myself that I've had some sort of tacit awareness of for quite a long time but that previously I wasn't able to consciously "put my finger on". In more physical terms, the less conscious parts feel like something inside at the back of my head, but maybe this is some association I have created by accident.

      - I have absolutely no recall anymore about how the choice of "strength vs stamina" was offered to me, but I feel it was some sort of interface. I do seem to remember that in the dream my reasoning was that if I had unlimited stamina, it wouldn't necessarily allow me to do everything that I wanted to do. I think my experience of being weak when I was younger had some influence on this too. Lately there's been a fair bit of "processing" of some of my childhood, such as those instances recently where I was actually younger in my dreams.

      - Flight and flying by own means hasn't really ever been of any special interest to me in dreams but I think the experience with wings was novel enough for me to enjoy it, though I still prefer it when flight in dreams happens by use of a jet or space ship.
    3. cxli.

      by , 08-19-2020 at 08:01 PM
      7th July 2020

      Dream (somewhat fragmented):

      Some mix of walking and racing around a city. There was a long track that lapped at a military train station of some kind and looped around through a somewhat futuristic city and some mountains and sea side cliffs. I think I lapped around a couple of times at least. The track was a mix of dirt and train tracks along the non-city parts, so the car would transform or something as it went on and off the rail tracks. The moments during which I was driving were all in third person view.

      (recall gap)

      At some point I was driving a tank past the check point where the race track supposedly lapped, somewhere in the city. A group of rebels appeared and melded out from the cheering crowds gathered around the city race track. The group of people had guns and they clung to me and demanded "the truth" (not of me, it was their chant?). I was not their ally but not their enemy either. I carried on moving forward and some point I'm me and not in the tank anymore, and I'm going through this cramped and small hall of a sci-fi, neon-lit mall. It's kind of dark but the neon signs made a stark contrast.

      (at some point there's a transition, maybe not instant but gradual, though my recall of it has faded)

      The rather large group of rebels was much smaller now. I was now in a giant cavern and this much smaller (less than ten people in total) group of rebels and their children had been following me for a while now after what I think had been quite some time walking; some of the kids kept holding on to me (in fear?) or clinging but I found this annoying at times since I was trying to move forward.

      In the huge cave there was this giant reptilian alien creature and it was fighting or attacking something. I remember running past its large open mouth and throwing a small nuclear bomb inside. Somehow I made it keep its mouth closed as I moved towards its tail.

      The bomb went off at this point and the light shone right through the scaly skin; there was a certain iridescence to the effect and there were plenty of vivid colour. Because I was at the back at this point, I remember making note that it was a female (based on the genitals) and the creature began to feel weak and was sort of hanging on its knees.

      Then I remember being the same size as it; I sort of rolled it over on its back and then it was a (friendly) dog. I was trying to be careful because some of those people were still nearby and now they were tiny. I gave the dog some kind of pill like a tranquillising medicine, without too much resistance; the giant dog began to look a bit out of it and happy. Then there was some kind of interface to choose how to reset or reprogram the creature's behaviour. There were two columns with a few options each.

      The dream ended shortly after this.

      - Even only after waking up I thought that the general setting of this dream was very interesting. The sci-fi type city and the scenic landscapes are generally appealing and come to think of it, are both subjects I'd like to be better at portraying artistically.
      -- I remember some picturesque sunset views at some point, around the seaside cliff areas.
      - This was one of those dreams that felt quite long, where I feel there are many parts of the dream that I did experience but simply could not recall solidly once awake.
      - The whole thing with the rebels and the city makes me think of the Hunger Games for some reason, though I don't think I'd rewatched it recently at the time of this dream.
      -- I don't remember clearly anymore what was the general emotional state of the rebels and their children when we were in the cave, but my mind says "fear" at the moment; but the way the children were hanging on to me was more playful, in the same way that as when I was a child I might have done when being playful with my parents.
      - The nuclear bomb and the shiny effect were probably in part brought on by playing Borderlands 3 and using a character skill that enables miniaturised nuclear warheads to be fired, and in part probably by Fallout and its Fatman too.
      - Rolling over the creature (dog at that point) was very akin to my experience of having to give my dog medication, though in this case there was actually more willingness to receive the medication.

      Updated 08-19-2020 at 08:03 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    4. cxxxi. Lucidity! And self-indulgence

      by , 08-04-2020 at 01:07 PM
      4th August 2020 ~11:30


      Near the end of a stupidly long non-lucid part; I was falling through a pipe, I was with a squad to take something out in a facility. But then as I was falling, everything seemed still.

      I was in a void of sorts and time seemed to pass slower, the others were still here with me. It felt like being in water, and there was a similar visual effect. The squad leader, turned to me and said "you must pick the right one this time!" and I suddenly saw a vision of who to pick.

      Then I was in a room. There were three guardians and some other characters. I picked the one from my vision. It was true that it was the start of a cycle that I was now breaking, at the start of this long non-lucid part I was in a very similar situation.

      But this time I had picked "correctly". As a result, my consciousness shifted, I was now the guardian I'd picked. I noticed my hands, I had three fingers and one thumb. I became lucid but it came slowly, not like in the past.

      There was no "aha!" moment or sudden shift. I realised I was in a version of my mom's first office room. The characters were gone, I think; and to confirm my lucidity further I grabbed a metal shelving unit in the room and threw it through a wall, fully expecting it to go through as if it were a ghost, and it did!

      I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, since I hadn't fully expect to be lucid. I decided to indulge in one of my fantasies and decided to become a giant anthropomorphic lizard. It sort of worked... I saw myself in third person, wearing a labcoat (my artificial dream sign) as an anthro lizard. But I wanted to be myself in first person, I get tired of seeing things in third person in dreams and so I willed it and then was myself as the lizard. I looked down and saw the city-sprawl below me. I had reptilian-like feet with claws and I could see I had an emerald green skin but it was not as dark as I wanted. I tried to give myself different sexual features but it didn't work either.

      I was happy enough the transformation worked in the basic sense in any case and started to have some fun by putting myself against the ground and sort of rubbing along it for lack of better words. I paused and checked my hands again, just having a good look at them. They were hardly as scaly as I'd expected and this felt disappointing but I carried on. I remember noticing the atmosphere effect but oddly enough when I was standing I didn't notice the curvature effect of the planet. I was big enough that I should have been able to notice it.

      While the terrain did get sort of crunched/destroyed/etc by whatever I did, I wasn't able to see the cities in any great amount of detail and could not notice any mountains either. I was too big I suppose. I could feel my tail at several points but overall the feel of my body was mostly whole/complete.

      Spoiler for Self-indulged arousal:

      After this self-indulging, I realised the city/landscape I'd been having fun on and with was really just a square section in a rather large room. At the edges, the atmosphere effect sort of cut off, it was interesting.

      I was standing up and looked around the room for the first time; lots of metal pipes and dark metal things, like grates and slits where some natural light came through from. It had an extremely industrial look. As I looked around I still felt that I was very big, but the room's scale made me feel smaller in a sense, despite how much room I took.

      My lucidity was fading a little and I'd become a bit bored, I didn't expect to end my fantasy so soon but this was obviously the result of not pre-planning any of this. I saw a character less than half my size, by a sewer-tunnel looking bit. I approached, I asked him "Who are you?", quite curious about this metal-flesh sort of monster, the look only describable as being drawn from many such archetypes.

      He gave me a reply veiled in mystery, that I cannot recall anymore, but he did not answer my question in its most basic form and I didn't think of asking again. I got bored of him and decided he was quoting from something, but I forget what he was saying, unfortunately.

      I looked around again. This felt so different from my previous lucid experiences. I was calm, and it didn't take much effort to be calm; the dream was far less vivid and detailed than other lucids and indeed even less than some non-lucids, but I appreciated this moment. I enjoyed not feeling my daily pain.

      Then, out of nowhere, I heard a deep echoing voice. It told me "You must kill your brother, remember?". Some less conscious part of me, replied automatically "I know, I know! But not now." Before I could add anything of my own will, the voice spoke again to the effect of "Very well, he shall be kept alive for now." The voice faded completely and I simply finished by again automatically saying "Good."

      I didn't appreciate this family-related intrusion into my lucidity but realised it was from a deeper part and so didn't really wish to alter it.

      My lucidity may have been fading again but I decided to simply explore these strange halls, carelessly stepping over that square world I'd been playing with earlier and heading for a doorway on the opposite corner from where I was. There were many artificial warm light accents around the metal halls. I eventually found myself on a gantry bit and there were random people both there and on a lower tier. I played around with some telekinesis on some red and blue barrels, trying to lob them but doing so poorly at first. I started to gain a more intuitive understanding as I did it but it did not feel as "mentally driven" as I'd expected, having to move my hands a fair bit.

      My form had been consistent through my lucidity, I still had reptilian traits and my hands were clawed now, I recall. A random human character next to me looked up to me and said "Don't throw them with your arms like a real barrel." Or something like that. I understood from this to use hand motions more. I tried lifting a barrel and pulling it toward me, having done so too much and then pushing it forward a little more with some related hand motions.

      I tried to hit a person in the lower tier with the barrel but it didn't quite work or something. Then I went down some stairs. I was in a mall area and my lucidity was fading but not gone. A dream character was upset with me, he was some manager for the mall. "You're ruining everything with your lucidity!" He said, or something.

      He was extremely upset that I was doing whatever I pleased. There was a woman nearby I'd somehow gotten fired or something (but she was all the more happy about it) and the man became angry and he wanted to have a serious go at me now.
      But I somehow just turned it against him, kind of willing some help from the woman and she automatically started defending me, distracting the manager man. I was no longer lucid at this point and had been letting myself go along with the dream too much. Eventually I just woke up.


      Spoiler for Notes (in spoiler due to their length):

      Updated 08-04-2020 at 05:12 PM by 95293

      memorable , side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    5. Godzilla

      by , 04-24-2017 at 09:11 PM
      It’s 10:00 am and I am just writing my dreams from last night. Let’s see how much I can remember.

      The most vivid memory is that of godzilla. He is grotesque and large. I can hardly believe a creature like that exists in our world. He is in a swampy area and steps on an alligator or crocodile which crushes instantly like it was some vulnerable, weak little animal. He’s kinda like something from a scary movie and oddly humanoid with shark like teeth full of blood and filth. He growls as he forages the swamp, causing destruction. He seems a little dumb and unnecessarily violent.

      I remember A.W.D.R saying something and I responded to her, then she told me that she wasn’t talking to me. I said something like “Alrighty then, excuuse me.” I wasn’t offended and actually thought it was a little funny. But still, what a bitch.

      I am on a different island looking down at an outdoor stadium that has bleachers coordinated in rows of pastels. Pink, purple, and yellow. The bleachers are kind of flat so the stadium looks more like some kind of concrete valley. It's located right next to a strip mall. I notice Ke.H. there bragging about her ancestry with her cousins. She went to Maui last time, I wonder when she’ll come to my town. I hope she doesn’t want to stay with me. I can offer to show her around but I don’t really want to. I’m sure she’ll find family there, too. I am staring at her and overhear her saying “Do you want to know what makes my car so Hawaiian?” I laugh to myself thinking that if she asked me that I would say, “No. I really don’t.” but then I start to wonder if I would have the courage to say that to her face. I might just say “sure” to humor her and give a little smile at whatever she said next. Although I’d really want to say the former. I’m driving away at this point down a slow going highway lined with trees.

      **In other news, I am going to try a 30 day DJ challenge. I have been slacking on my journaling and have been feeling too lazy to do it upon awakening, even though I really want to do it deep down. So my plan is to post them on here to give me some form of accountability and extra structure. I'll also be posting my results for Stephen Laberge's prospective memory challenge.
    6. (291,292) Creating a Gas Planet, Developing a Lego Game

      by , 05-02-2016 at 01:15 PM (Lucid Time!)

      #1. I was driving a black convertible down the road and playing loud music. I saw some cops and thought they were going to pull me over, but they didn't. Later I got my car stuck and the police came to help. I thought they were going to be mad and give me a ticket, but they didn't. They were really cool about it. I promised myself I would abide by the law closer and always be nice to police.

      I then remember finding this house by the beach. (I was in an unusual location. While not very interesting, it wasn't the usual my-neighborhood-overlayed-with-some-cheap-props.) So credit for that. The woman who lived at it, a 50-something single woman who looked pretty good for her age. She was supposedly the worlds best angry birds player and something of a celebrity for it.

      I don't remember why or even think there was a reason for it to begin with, but I was forced into interaction with her. I felt like this whole thing was a scam. Nobody should be a celebrity just for being good at a mobile game. But then again, she wasn't THAT famous. Her house was small, she lived alone and there was no paparazzi around. She probably just made enough money to live here comfortably for the rest of her life.


      I remember leaving. She was following me and I was going back to my place, a condo a little closer to the ocean. To get there, we had to ride our bikes down a sand trail at night through this huge field. She stopped saying she was out of breath and we stopped for a minute. I RC'd and became lucid. I think I said something about being lucid to the woman.

      WBABP: "In order to proceed, you must meditate on the meaning of Vishnu."

      Me: "But I'm not hindu."

      WBABP: "Be nike and just do it, like I did when I shot that bird at the last glass block ass. My ass." (Slaps her butt.) "And maybe you'll end up as well-off as me." (Smiles)

      I don't know what came over me next. But for some reason I thought I wanted to change the look of the moon. I remember I could focus on making it lighter or darker and do so. I then discovered that I could turn the moon into molten magma and solid at will. It was pretty cool because I turned all of earth's moon into magma, then reformed it, and when I did, I cleared away all of the craters, and earth had a smooth moon now.

      I then drew a pair of magic runes on the moon out of magma channels on the top and bottom. Then another pair on the sides. Then four more at a 45 degree angle. Then connected them to make an 8-pointed star. Some internal logic told me that when people draw a pentagram, it is a five dimensional shape, so they summon demons from the fifth dimension. But if you draw an 8 sided star (Octogram?) you summon very powerful beings from the 8th dimension.

      Just because I was lucid didn't mean I had any idea what I was doing.

      I remember an egg shape formed out of the moon magma, solidified into a smooth white egg and floated down. It hatched. It was some horrifying alien lizard creature. Something like a velociraptor but with a wider face, and it walked on all fours with really large, muscular front legs and small, thin back legs, and a tail with a spiked weapon on it. It wasn't that big, maybe the size of a horse. The thing that made it even more off-putting was that the creature didn't seem to have any skin. It looked like an anatomy diagram with just muscles and bones. (Huh maybe it really was a demon.) But because I was lucid, I wasn't at all bothered by its appearance.

      It didn't act like a demon though.
      I for some reason snapped back into more proper lucidity, but falsely remembered that I had a dream goal of creating a gas giant that earth would now orbit. I remembered that this creature would become the core of the gas planet. It asked me to select some flowers from around the area to help provide it information about what the planet should look like.

      I picked some random flowers. The field that the bike trail went through had seemingly endless variety and color of flowers. The dream seemed to skip that part, though, because the next thing I remember was handing the being (I think the monstrous looking planet maker had moose antlers now).

      "Are you sure these are the colors you want?" (The creature had a gruff, gurgle voice like you might expect from a monster, but at the same time, I could tell it was nice.)


      The creature jumped off into the sky and exploded. It created an absolutely beautiful gas planet with sky-blue bands rotating one way and brownish orange bands rotating the other. I remember it had a huge blue storm like Jupiter's great red spot that I could see rotating.


      I was working with Spellbee2 on the next Lego video game. We went into the bathroom together to wash up since both of us lived at work because we had such long hours. I remember he was perplexed by how to get these lego parts to connect when they had 3 connector studs on bottom and four on top.

      I remember I asked him to show me the parts and the moment he put the legos in my hands I became
      lucid, since I keep on dreaming about legos. I remember I used lucid magic to add a fourth connector stud on top and make it work. Spellbee was blown away by this.

      Updated 05-03-2016 at 03:06 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. I Don't Even Know What to Call This

      by , 09-03-2013 at 10:50 AM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      September 4 2013 - Dream Fragment #1: I was in an extremely technologically advanced city where there was a huge skyscraper with a helipad at the top. I took sort of a train up to it and got in the pilot's seat and put on a mask. I was upset to find that as I was about to take off two guys from my school (who I absolutely hate) got in with me. I was flying and then seeing how crazy I could get with the maneuvers. My recall drifted off from there.

      Dream Fragment #2: The next dream that I had was very well-formed. I remember running around in this place that looked like Nuketown from COD:BO1 (I don't even really play COD idk why this happened lol) but I had to leave for some reason. I remember driving to a small store in the city where I parked and went in. It was really busy there and I remember looking around for someone. Suddenly I hear a pop and a guy next to me falls over dead. There seemed to be some kind of attack there, so I hid, looking for who could have done it. I saw a man in a mask come in and luckily he doesn't see me but he goes to the back of the store. I hear another set of footsteps come out and stop. I look up and see this… thing looking at me. I don't remember the details but it was reptilian and much taller than I was. I remember him from a dream a couple of nights ago and from the one before that. Not really a dream sign, but recurring to say the least. The beast called for his troops to kill everyone in the store and said, "You'll see." I saw three wolf-like creatures come flying out and make short work of all the other shop-goers, but I booked it and ran as fast as I could. Somehow I managed to get away but my car was gone. I was still being chased so I jumped into this guys car and screamed at him to go. He did and somehow I made it away. It was one of the most exhilarating feelings ever! I remember being drawn back to a park in the city where my friend was (I instinctively knew he was there) so I had the man drop me off there. As soon as I got out of the car, one of those wolf things jumped out and bit me in the hand. It didn't really hurt, but I guess my sleeping mind pretended it did because it did not feel good. I ended up getting away from it, but suddenly I turn a corner and there is that beast again. He looks at me, and then takes out a gun. I back away, but he ends up shooting me. My dream seems to go black and I wake up. I realize I am sitting on the ground where I was when I "died". The guy is standing there and immediately lucidity hits me like a train. He nods his head and I try to ask him something, but he says "Talk to me later." and walks away. I walk around for a few minutes, trying to add in detail and such, but I end up waking up. Thank god I didn't ruin it by trying to fly or something.
    8. Sand Cloud and Reptile Person

      by , 03-09-2012 at 02:50 AM
      Dream One Non-Lucid
      I was at my school's blacktop, talking to my friends. I look off into the distance and see a big red cloud heading to the school. The whistle blows for us to go back inside, so I stand up and walk to the 8th grade hall instead of the gym. I walk through the hallway until I find a window to see outside. The cloud that I saw was almost in front of the window, but what was keeping it away was that it turned into sand when it came too close. I walked back outside to see this happening clearer, and watched the sand fall out of the air. This is what the whole dream was, but it was very long.

      Also, I had another dream about the same cloud at the school, but it was in a different place. I will not post it though

      Dream Two Non-Lucid
      I was walking up the road beside of my house with a cat. I was thinking to myself, and sometimes looking at the cat to see if it was still walking with me. Suddenly a green reptile/human thing walked out onto the road. The cat that was beside me ran to it to examine it for that I felt that it had bad intentions. I watched the cat carefully to make sure nothing happened to it, but I was too far away when the reptile cut the cat's head off with his spikes on his tail. (Dream Skip) I am now in a bus with Joel, the reptile person (Who's human side is a friend from school named Kaleb), and I. We were all talking casually, as if nothing happened. I can't remember what we were talking about, but every time Joel or I would disagree, he would bring up the spikes on his tail as if threatening to kill us. I wasn't scared by this (I seem never to be scared in my dreams ) and I could tell that Joel wasn't either. This was unusual for him so I looked at him, curious. I saw that he had a switch that turned on and off his pain. The switch was on off, and for some reason I switched it on. Next thing I know, Kaleb lashed his tail at Joel and killed him. I looked over to Kaleb, and saw that he had a gun in his mouth with a pun on it. I laughed at the pun, but then he killed himself. I then woke up.
      Tags: reptile
    9. shoot must be day four or five..

      by , 11-03-2011 at 06:34 AM
      Well I had my first day of work today since spring so i woke up early went back to sleep for a while etc. I recalled having very good dreams but maybe not in some opinions, I enjoyed the atmosphere even though I was apparently some kind of reptile or whatever as were my friends in the dream. Anyways the most fluid memories i recall were parts that seemed much alike a video game trying to get from place to place and and many other reptile were around so i didnt seem to question my reptilian body and continued with my apparent mission in some direction, I rember obtaining a vehicle that was unusable and once driving into health markers it repaired itself. I also recall parts were I had great adrenaling rushes from sliding down a huge rock/metalic slope and I had some kind of built in parachute that i could use to land gently, I also was able to sprint for short distances having to press the thumb stick again to sprint after i would stop. I recall being frusted at stopping at going in such a retarded manner. I rember going back to sleep after urinating and resuming my dream and redoing the huge slope structure or mainly approaching it i guess. I also recall parts where all the other reptiles/people hid from a futuristic helicopter for fear of being sighted and at which times i made the most distance because noone was in the way of my movement. I remember halving a very real false awakening pertaining to needing to go to work but i forgot most of what happened it is waht i think led to this reptilian dream i did recall because it was more of a 'oh i can play a video game attitude and make my own dream now' part of dreaming.