Took a long, 5 hr nap after work, then bedtime around 2am. DR Really long and detailed, with some thinking in it. Wrote some keywords and now that's pretty much all I remember. We are in some large, castle like building with big stairs and rooms. I was hacking with my huge machete at some solid matter, that was left from an alien who transformed into that. It wasn't easy, an pieces were flying off of it. It was similar to a wooden brick. The aliens just beat us and they are leaving. We are waiting patiently for them to leave through the door, while we lay on the ground or hide. One of them turns back, looks at the person laying at the bottom of the stairs and says to the other alien, that he is dead or not dangerous anymore. I realize that it's me, even though I'm looking at it from 3.person view. Apparently I have just shed my true appearance and I don't appear to the aliens as a thread. After they leave, we run down the hill at night and try to stop a car on the road, but we are also careful not to flag down enemies. Then the notice POLICE on the car and wave at them. They pass us, then they stop and 2 man have FBI on their windbreakers. We ar releaved that they will help us. We tell them we need to go to hardware store to get more machetes, axes and big knives, because the ones we have are more like movie props. And we show them some swords that are made of shiny bendy plastic like thing.