I had a meeting with someone that messaged me underneath a bridge, we had a meeting under the bridge before heading to the terrace of a campsite where we met up with an old acting teacher from mine late at night to pitch her app for money. I was browsing the app's website and read its about page as I had no idea what exactly the app was myself. I'm now in the grey backrooms of a classroom at what was implied to be my old school, I had finished my assignment and was reading a binder as I waited for the class to end. Two teachers resembling my community college teacher as well as my primary school teacher walked up to my table and told us to reconsider our PDFs and continue working instead of reading as we wouldn't leave earlier than 1 am. The teachers kept us in the room until 1 am. It was currently 11 PM and I was getting tired and had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was in the hallway and I asked if I could go leave and the teacher refuses. Mind you I didn't even have my stuff to escape, I just needed to pee. I told her and she pulled out some big transparent vase like sculpture filled with urine. Looking at how unethical all of this is, I call out the teacher to remind her that this is supposed to be a VET major, absolutely ridiculous that we weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom. As I walk back to the backrooms of the classroom, I remembered it resembles the back of my old elementary school where they had two toilets up the stairs in the back. But they were out of order and the toilets became rubble. It was then that I heard a student mention taking the elevator in the room that worked, so I grabbed my stuff, entered the elevator, then got on my bike as soon as I left the building and rode to the train station. As I rode my bike to the train station I notice that a motorcyclist has been following me for a while, I speculated that it might be a spy, as they take off their helmet, it is indeed the teacher from the classroom who's following me! I taunt her as I grab my phone, about to film her and expose her unethical practices to the world. I then wake up. Dream was in Dutch.
Fragment 1: Sinking Boat Something about a small boat – maybe a toy boat – that breaks through some ice and sinks into some water. I think I try to retrieve it. Fragment 2: Hillside and TV Walking up and down a hill. Something about television. Lilly Munster is there, on TV maybe. Also “my mom”, who doesn’t look like my Mom. Dream 1: Lab and Bathroom (Lucid) In the lab. Dr. B— (I think) and I talk about my progress. He wants us to cover our faces with masks, or at least with some kind of material. I go to “my room”, or maybe my office, to try to find a t-shirt I can use. There is something about finding Easter eggs, and looking inside of them but putting them back for the kids or something. Then there is some glassware (beakers and test tubes, etc.) that I want to break. Getting back to the lab, I accidentally swallow what was in one of the test tubes. People are running tests, and I feel like I am falling behind. I go into a bathroom. It is very large, and extends for quite a distance. I wonder if the other end is the women’s section. This reminds me of a recurring dream. I try counting my fingers, and have trouble. I try again a time or two, and maybe do a nose pinch RC, eventually realizing that this must be a dream. I levitate up into a corner next to a window, and then come back down. My lucidity is either a little low here, or I lose it and start dreaming that I’m lucid without really being lucid. Anyway, it seems to me that I still think I need to get back to the lab. But I want to try flying back. There is something about not wanting to try it and failing while some people are watching... Somewhere there was something else about a small bathroom, and wanting to use it while making the people around (some sort of office suite or something) think that I’m one of them. It is very small, and the door doesn’t close all the way.
Updated 04-04-2024 at 01:32 AM by 97618
Sleeping in a comfy hotel bed in Berlin with complete privacy instead of having family or roommates. My dream initially started with me entering a hotel room, much different looking than where I'm currently staying. Kinda like a building you'd create in Minecraft and somewhat reminded me of the hotel in Wijk aan Zee where I stayed at with my family in 2010 and drank coffee for the first time at the age of 12 which then became my to-go drink for the next 12 years. I constantly remind myself to not forget my card as I leave my room. Exploring the area around the hotel, it's a flat grassy land like those old videogames had, colours resembling that of retro Halo grass maps. I go outside and I'm in this "space park" with climbing frames and rocket statues that double as bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom so I climb up the ladder with one hand while holding my pet cat Luna in the other (while somehow maintaining my balance and not falling off while letting go of the ladder to get the next step. Each bathroom I'm attending I'm surrounded by people outside and despite the toilet being inside a spaceship cockpit with those one way reflective windows, I feel like I'm being stared at and don't go. I walk out of the space park and end up in this street from Amsterdam which is set in the 70s-90s as sound has a VHS quality and everyone speaks in a much thicker Amsterdam accent. I then see this man walk into an alley which I magically remember (in dream universe) as this back entrance for a theatre where I would go with my theatre group from 2017-2019. I then woke up from my alarm clock with 7 hours and 58 minutes of sleep!
Found myself back at my first job. I look around and notice a few changes here and there. As I run pass the hallway I look to my right which I expected to see an elevator but to my surprise it was no longer there. I then could see a new change of something more futuristic. I go in to the tight small corner that led me to the new break room or what they called the beehive. I went through many of the halls not remembering how big it was compared to the last time I been there. I finally got to the end as I realize I was looking for the men rest room. Once I made it I notice these group of people ding some kind of play. I sit back and watch them. Eventually the lights go out and could feel someone breathing against me. Then I felt something hit me, after that the lights came on and I became lucid. I was not too happy so I toss him to the ground and tore up some of there stuff for the play. I could feel my lucidity slipping and I prepare to focus on the ground getting ready to deild. But then suddenly my lucidity return back to being stable. I continue as this big guy came along trying to stop me. I eventually get bored of this and left the restroom and went back out to the break room. I told the guy I am leaving and to have no hard feelings. I went back in to the tight spots and corners and left my old futuristic first job. I then wake up
10.12.2015Applying Eyelash Makeup In Restroom (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m inside a grocery retail store, and I’m on my way to the restroom. The flooring before heading there is very clean, light brown cement color with some kind of marble coating to it. The lighting overall is a yellow hue mixed in with orange, and this probably due to the upper roof windows emitting the light from above. It’s a fairly active within the store itself, and it’s very spacious as well. I seem to be carrying something that looks like a Poo-pourri spray. I go inside the restrooms, and noticed that the sinks are to the left vs. the right as it usually is in the other retail store I shop at. There’s the same laminate coating, dark brown colors mixed in with some grays, blacks, and subtle appearances of white along with the fancy, stainless steel sinks. I look at the mirror, and I’m preparing to move the eyeliner makeup stick around for a little bit. I try to apply some to my eyelashes, and I’m getting various outcomes each time I invest more time into this. One moment, it seems like my eyelashes are going to become thinner, and less noticeable. The next moment, it’s as if in spite of their state of being, they still are emphasized more for some reason, and it feel awkward looking at myself looking feminine. There were a few men that came every now and then to be surprised as to why I’m applying eyeliner, eyelash, whatever it’s called, and even though I had a knee-jerk reaction to be shocked that they came in, I still went about my merry way. I was only aware of what was going on, and didn’t really bother to fixate on bodily movements, I guess. I started to play around with the substance within the makeup bottle, and I could see it’s a very thick, white substance with some black blemishes that are shiny and glossy as well. I pay attention to the realism of the texture forming around the small brush stick, and the sounds associated with knocking against the bottle from the inside with the brush stick. After I stop reveling in this, I proceed to go out of the restroom, and as I’m going near a check stand, some random kid asks me for a machine’s game currency, and I quickly responded, “No.” And I mean no as in, “no-you-demon-child,you” type of no. The child is about 2-3 three feet in height, dark complexion, and is wearing a white shirt and probably some generic, dulled out shorts that were light blue. He had a haircut close to the 1.5 setting, i.e., having hair, but close to being bald. He looks up at me weirdly, and doesn’t seem to be capable of processing my immediate response, and starts looking around for a bit, and then moves on to go to his parents. The funny part is that later on in the day, a co-worker was asking if I was using perfume before she corrected herself, and saying cologne.
17.11.2015Deactivating a Tower (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID All I remember is that I'm in the desert sector related to Code Lyoko, but I don't feel I'm actively participating in the mission of deactivating the active tower. I see, in first person perspective, some Tarantulas that eventually give up, and see that as soon as they pass a certain point near the tower, they disappear. It feels as if someone is destroying the desert sector. _________________________ 17.11.2015I Wet Myself IRL Because DC Stalls Me Using a Restroom In a Dream (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m with some of the Code Lyoko: Evolution members in a classroom. It seems the setting is in a late afternoon where the sunset is slowly dissipating. The floor is white, and made of some kind of hard-surfaced tiling, and the rest of the room is white. I’m sitting in a dark-colored chair, and resting on a light-brown table that’s fit for at least 6 individuals. The teacher looks a bit familiar, and has a light complexion. He seemed to be a mélange of one of my boss’s bosses at a retail store, and then one of the principals from the Code Lyoko: Evolution show, and such. He’s doing something to stall time so students won’t be convinced to leave early until the bell rings. I’m wondering why he’s doing this, as I felt I had a good judgment of when the bell would ring. I looked at the clock at some point that’s white in the background, and has black tick marks and numerical fonts as well. It seems to be somewhere around 1:20-1:35PM or so; the equivocations with time just made things more obvious. When the teacher was counting down when the bell would ring, the moment he reached 0, he wouldn’t let everyone leave at once. He asked us if anyone of us wants to go to jail, in which we quickly said, or made a gesture of “No.” He eventually allows us to leave in this false imprisonment nonsense. I go out to the door, to my right, and we’re having a quick conversation over how the teacher was acting weird. I turn to the left, and I see a Hispanic female that I presumed to be in the class we were in as well. She looks like one of my co-workers; short ponytail, red shirt, tight blue jeans, and we’ll just nickname her An. I asked her why the teacher was so peculiar, and she shook her head in confusion as her retort. I get the strong urge to utilize the restroom, and immediately went into the closest one. Brown walls, white tiled floor, and a really clean restroom. I open one of the doors, sat down for some reason instead of standing up, and started to urinate. I was feeling a virtual experience of urinating that ended up translating into real life, and mid-way piss, I feel myself urinating IRL while still in the dream, and eventually woke up to take care of the issue. My first recalled lucid wet dream. Good thing it wasn’t #2. _________________________ 17.11.2015Manager In Charge Makes $$$ From Runescape (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m inside a room that has a Wall Street vibe to it where others are congregating for some big event in stocks, or something like that. It doesn’t feel like that at first, but it seems so secretive, cozy, and there’s a gargantuan wide screen in front of us emitting some blue light. I see a Manager in charge at a retail store I used to work at which we’ll nickname “J.” He seems really enthusiastic, and is wearing a light gray dress shirt tucked in under a black dress pants. His sleeves are folded up to the top of his elbows, and is wearing black glasses as well. He’s holding some paper, and starts bragging about the success of whatever workflow he, and his affiliates utilized to make money off of Runescape, and maybe other MMORPGs. He eventually shows us the paper, and I quickly glance over without much interest; I could see some golden stars, and a quantity of at least $1 Million. Then, at some point in the dream that I can’t sequence into a timeline, I was going go into the Bandos section in the God Wars Dungeon in Runescape. I was setting up some overloads, brews, and things of that nature. I was choosing whether or not to use a Legends Cape, or the Bandos cape that seems fairly new. The latter seemed more advantageous stat wise for the Chaotic Rapier I had in my inventory, but there was still skepticism on my end. I forget what I do next, and felt I spent most of my time fixating on the ideal inventory set up.
Updated 11-17-2015 at 11:46 AM by 47756
#477- DILD - 3:57AM I am wondering around some building needing to pee. I have to pass by the first restroom for some reason and remember there is one down the hall. I come into a small room with double swinging doors on the opposite side. There is some small wedding ceremony right in front of the door, but I squeeze by. I feel bad for interrupting the wedding and hope I didn't bother them too much. There is an older woman that looks like my uncle's second ex-wife in the next room. She's going on about how nice the room is. I take a look around. It is nice, but I don't really care and I try to ignore her. There is a grandfather clock on the other side. For some reason this seems right. I open it and there is a tiny urinal. The woman is still talking behind me and stepping closer. No. I can't. I look around and see a restroom door. When I enter, the urinals in there have almost no space to the adjacent wall and they are dirty and rusty looking. I see some sign and figure it's an out of order sign, though I don't take the time to read it. I have some idea I am dreaming and leave the room. Right away I lose lucidity and walk past the woman in the room and interrupt the exchanging of rings in the next. I have some odd close up image of all of this and his giant gold watch. I shake it off and go back into the hallway. Wait. I have been seeing odd toilet situations (dream sign). Am I dreaming? I do a nose plug and get a feeling of elation. I am dreaming! Wait I was just lucid a second ago. I have to remind myself. As I walk along, I say out loud over and over, "I am dreaming. I am dreaming." I feel like the dream is fading now so I look around for something to hold and carry with me. I've done this in the past and it seems to prolong the dream. My cat, Sputnik, is here. She tries to run off as I scoop her up, but I get I good hold on her. I pet here and hold her close as I walk along. I pay special attention to the cat as I see that I am in Price Cutter grocery store. I randomly walk into the produce section just trying to let the dream become more stable on its own. Sputnik lets out a low quite meow in my ear and I notice she is purring now. I note how realistic this sounds. However, the cat isn't helping me stabilize despite all my efforts. The dream becomes more unstable and I get an image of my skeleton in a blue hue as I walk along. I try DEILD and start to feel vibrations but I am just too awake to hold it.
Updated 11-08-2015 at 12:01 PM by 5967
#430 - DILD -12:16AM melatonin about 11PM I get the feeling that I am doing some traveling. Feels like Colorado. I am at a bar and I am to wait for this dark haired attractive woman so that I can escort her safely home. It's not like any type of a relationship other than something like me being her body guard. The woman turns to me, stops, then runs to the restroom. I start to follow then stop, not sure what to do. A waitress above me in a balcony says, "She's just going to the restroom first. Do you need to give her a message." I shake my head and wave her away. I realize now that I too need to pee really bad, but it strikes me odd because I just went. In fact, I had just come out of the restroom. I decide I better do it now rather than waiting so I go back into the men's room. It's a fairly small restroom and full like most bars, but I squeeze past the other men to where the urinals are. To my dismay, the urinal section is completely blank. I look under the threes stalls in the room and see the middle one looks empty. Another man is trying to beat me to it but I cut him off. He pauses and then goes into the stall on my right. I chuckle to myself knowing that I saw the feet of someone sitting on the toilet. I half expect to hear a commotion from there, but I have to pee so bad that I forget all about it during the act. After a long pee, I notice that I still feel the urge to go and it really hurts. This could only mean one thing. I might actually be dreaming right now. I do a quick nose plug and let out a quiet yet ecstatic gasp. I am happy to be in a lucid, but the urge to pee is really prevalent. I do my best to forget about it for now and focus on my goals. I need to get out of the stall quickly so I do a high back-flip over the door behind me. Things go into slow motion here and get a little unstable with hazy vision, but I focus on standing in the spot I thought I needed to be and headed out the restroom door. My vision returns now and I find myself entering a dark theater. I recall that I wanted to find my dream buddy and go for a run. I hover up and quickly scan the audience. To my left, I see bemistaken sitting with what I think to be her husband. I glide above them and reach down, taking her arm, and pulling her up to my side. I say, "Hi bemistaken." She just glances over at me and smiles. I know we need to go for a run, but time is short so I make the best of what I got. Together we run on top of the theater seats side by side toward the movie screen. I see a Hispanic boy and girl having conversation along with our shadows on the screen. Once we dive into the movie I reach out and touch the girls right cheek for stability. I feel the sensation of merging with the movie but when I turn around we are now on a stage like were are in some play. I nervously look at the audience, but I am blinded by the light. I feel the need to perform and bemistaken and I do our best to act things out. I hear something like a drumbeat and the children singing. Bemistaken says, "Staring, [name]" and then turns to me. I say, "Also staring, [name]' Then I feel like someone is beating under my feet so we lift part of the stage up the let the children out, but we see no one there. I wake up and rush to the toilet.
Updated 04-16-2015 at 12:51 AM by 5967
#427 - DILD - 12:08AM I went to bed around 9pm but was having another very restless night. I ended up meditating a little and then falling asleep with "lucid dreaming" as a mantra. I am driving; following my mom in another car. We are going to church, but she's super early for some reason. I turn off decided to see if Wal-Mart has an item I need IWL. As I turn down a side street, I contemplate going to church with my parents. I shout out loud, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH!" I look up at my rear-view mirror and see myself. I have a scowl on my face and my hair looks disheveled. Then, it dawns on my that I don't have to anymore. I'm a grown ass man. I decide I'll not go to church, but not go home either. I'll just spend the time shopping for stuff I've been wanting to buy. I am suddenly in a fast food restaurant and I realize this sudden change in scene triggering lucidity. The first thing I think of is to find Bemistaken. I don't know why, but I feel like the women's restroom is the more logical place to look. I look to my left and see the restroom sign and entryway. I shout for Bemistaken and a stall opens up. A woman pops her head out smiling, but she only looks like a poor imitation. Rather than probing farther, I quickly dismiss the woman. I suddenly, recall the mirror task from last month and remember that I wanted to do it better. I turn to the sinks and push my face into the glass. The other side looks much the same, but I decide it must have just taken me through the wall into the men's room. The dream is starting to fade now, but I manage to look around and see urinals to confirm my idea. I quickly wake up. 2:09AM I am on a plane ride with my wife and kids. I try for a window seat but the plane is made like a hotel room. There are recliners near a large plane glass window. I want to take pictures of the view, but I have to fasten my way too young baby daughter in her car seat. 5:45AM I am with all the people I work with and we all see a tornado in the distance. I take a snapchat video and watch the replay. I can see sparks from power lines snapping. Suddenly, one is much closer and coming our way. We all turn to go back inside, but we are just in some old trailer house. It's a small tornado that blows over us. I heard popping and crashing, some glass shatters, but we are all fine. I ask about [someone] and my boss says she was caught outside. I go out and see my car is totally flat. I cry about not buying the Gap Insurance. I go to find my wife in another trailer. Her father is there and I ask about her whereabouts. He just shrug like he doesn't care. I berate him for this and then find her sleeping on a cot. I tell her about the car but she just stares at me blankly. I go outside to take a video of myself and my car. I try to tell what happened but I keep getting choked up. I should have just bought the Gap Insurance.
Updated 04-01-2015 at 10:35 PM by 5967
#420 - DILD - 5:27AM I was experimenting with meditation pre-bed and after a brief awakening. This dream is the after effect. Sadly, lucidity was short, but the non lucid part was just as interesting. I am late for work and I get there just before lunch break. There is some sort of potluck in the break room and I go ahead and help myself to a plate. My old boss is there and she is mad that I got into the food already, but I don't pay her much attention. I recall eating some brisket, corn and (I think) mashed potatoes. After I eat I am at the smoker tables outside talking about the meal. I find out that I was supposed to pay $2 for a plate and some people are irritated about it. I tell them I will pay the $2 later. Bethany asks how I like the brisket. She says it was made by her family and has been smoking for a whole year. She adds that when customers ask to have something smoked, they put the brisket back in. I say, "Wow! A whole year? Funny... it didn't taste smoked." I thought I should have looked for the barbeque sauce. I am going into the bathroom. The entryway is long and maze-like. I quickly see that the bathroom is now co-ed. I remember how I joked about this. I feel odd walking up to a urinal as ladies come out of stalls. The urinal is very strange. There is an extra back wall with partition in the middle of a watery toilet bowl hole in the floor. It appears that this is a shared urinal. I pee getting it mostly on the floor. I have a thought that this seems a lot like one of my dream signs; strange bathrooms. Before I can think too much about this, I am distracted by the feel of my right foot touching bare on cold moist tile. I quickly pick it up and rest it on my other foot that has a shoe. I am really worried about getting floor pee on my foot and I try to forget the fact that it's actually too late. I focus back on my peeing and see there is now a realistically colored, plastic penis sticking up out of the water. This really freaks me out and I decide I am done peeing. Billy walks up to the other side of the urinal and I think to make a joke about the plastic penis, but I feel this is all too awkward. I wash my hands and step out of the restroom. I am now in what looks like a really awesome cafeteria. I wonder when they remodeled and someone says it only took one day. I remark on this and the man seems to think I was scoffing. I assure him that I was just impressed by how fast they put all of this together. I see some pop machines and an intricate snack bar with the Pizza Hut logo. I say something to the man working the snack bar in Pizza Hut uniform and then pass by a salad bar. I look down the long room and see lots of tables and booths full of people. I turn right and see more vending machines and a strange public shower thing like at the beach. There is a sign that reads, "Warm your feet." My feet do feel cold, so I put my bare foot in the water. It's nice and warm, but I am getting totally wet from the over-spray, so I leave. I back up and see a hallway down to the right of all the people seated at restaurant booths. In the hallway is a large, bald, white man with a basketball. He looks pretty fierce and is staring me down has he bounces the ball. I try to ignore the man and intend to walk past him, but I am distracted by the many over-head dryers blowing warm air on me. It feels really nice and warm and I'm much dryer now. There is some slight memory gap or glitch and I am in the same hallway, but I am trying to get into a large slit in a wall. It's tight and I have to pull myself up a bit, but the strain of my muscles feels nice and I have lots of strength. However, I start to feel claustrophobic, so I pause. The bald man starts screaming at me, "Run! Get through! Scream like it's the Apocalypse!." I give a huge effort and I am suddenly past the opening in a very small triangular attic. I see that I have removed some metal plate from where the large slit in the wall was and I drop the screws that are in my hand. There are more openings ahead and to either side of me that look even more tight. The feeling of claustrophobia grips me again, but now something finally clicks and I realize this is all just a dream. I feel relief from my discomfort and tell myself that no opening is too small in a dream. All fear leaves me as I squeeze myself through a very small hole. I get caught at the waist, but I relax and let myself pour out like liquid. I am outside, several stories high and I jump down. The feeling of falling grips my stomach so tight that my whole body tenses up and I grunt a bit. I smile at the illusionary dream sensation as I gently touch my feet to the grass on the ground. It's a bright, sunny day and as I look at my hands, I marvel that I am completely immersed in an environment that's generated in my own mind power. I look up and see I am outside of my workplace. I am on the south east side where there are no entry ways. I recall being really impressed with the oddities inside and want to work my way back in. I try to take a step forward, but I am surprised that my feet have zero traction. I begin to loose my sense of gravity and the dream starts to collapse. I incorrectly assume that I am waking up and forget to try stabilization. I lose lucidity and have a short segment where I see the crazy bald man back inside the hallway with the dude from the cafeteria. Baldy forcefully kisses the other guy who seems disgusted and pulls away. He starts to storm off, but pauses and rushes back to return the kiss. Thankfully, I wake up at this point. This dream may have been partially inspired by The Internship with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.
Updated 03-10-2015 at 03:54 AM by 5967
#407 - DILD? - 3:08AM (pre-WBTB) I am in some public restroom. My wife(?), son, and someone I know is sitting at a table in one corner. At the urinals I see some young girls peeing. I wonder how this is possible and suppose they are using a shewee. Then, I realize that is highly improbable and I continue this continues to boggle my mind. I point and say, "What the fuck!?" My son chimes in and replies, "...it's like a dick." I am even more surprised at my son's remark. I am getting into bed with my wife and tell her about what my son said. I make some remark about how weird it is that I watched little girls peeing. I assure I wasn't trying to be a creeper; they just went in front of me. My son won't stay in bed and is running around and keeps pull out stuff to play with. Something about a movie that came with a bullet. He wants to shoot it but I tell him it's late and I really need to sleep (I want to have my G night). I have a FA and I find myself in a house with three wild hyenas. I try to stay on top of counters and furniture but they jump up at me and scratch with cat claws. I notice that as the jump and scratch they seem to momentarily transform into Raccoon dogs. There is some pain, but it doesn't feel unbearable. I continue to try to avoid the hyenas, but they seem to be learning and adapting to my strategy. I have a high amount of fear as I fight them off with fists. At one point I watch one hyena on the ground as it seems to be studying me. Then I realize it's watching something behind me. I know I am about to get pounced from behind, but I can't make myself move. Something strange happens here. Maybe it's a dream transition or a very slight awakening, but everything collapses and I wonder why I didn't just fly away or phase out of a window in the dream. As I am thinking this is see a garage door open and I rush outside into the night. I worry that the hyenas got out too but I try not to think about it. I see a parked car and I jump on top of the roof. "Try to get me now, bitches!", I shout at things that were after me. I begin to wonder why I am having such a terrible nightmare. I usually don't get nightmares, but tend to enjoy a little fright. As I think this, the dream fades to darkness. At this, I regain lucidity and focus on vision to bring it back. I see a white boxy type of car parked in the driveway now. It has some sort of metallic purple window tinting and I find it interesting. I still feel a need to escape so I attempt to get inside. I notice there are no doors so I instinctively lift the small cabin up and off like a shoe box. I look inside the top but can't see out the purple windshield. I will this to happen and the purple dissolves to show a view at the ground. I lose interest in this this vehicle quickly as everything seems to be really crappy and fake now. I spot a better looking car next to me; a red sporty coupe. As I move to the car I worry about the hyenas again. I tell myself not to think about it and the fear subsides, but my actions are still rushed. For some reason both doors want to stay open and the worry increases. I look out and see a bear with a hyena looking at me from down the road. I quickly get the doors closed and start to back out. I stop when I hear a terrible sound. They white, boxy car is now a small red truck. It's lurching backward and quickly halting as the tires are locked up. For some reason, I feel the need to take care of this and hop out of the car to the truck. The hyena fear returns and this time I really force it out of my mind as I remind myself that I control this dream. The truck stopped doing whatever it was doing and I suddenly become really curious what the engine would look like. I lift up the hood and notice how clean, new and high tech it looks. I begin guessing at various components naming them off. I am particularly interested in what I think might be the nitrous oxide containment. I get bored with this after a moment and begin to try to recall my goal for the night. It's on the tip of my brain, but the more I think about it, the more I wake up. The dream fades and I see some guy say something about waking up then a sheet of ice forms over my vision. I hear a loud cracking sound as I wake up.
I was in some kind of small room, and it was set up like a wedding was about to be held. I'm standing in a corner of this room. As I look around I notice that the walls of this room are black and so is the floor, it looks quite odd. I look to my sides and my dad is standing on my right side adjusting the outfit that I am wearing. My mom is standing to the left of me doing the exact same thing. I look down at what I am wearing and I see that I am wearing an all black suit with a glittery green rose in the left pocket of my jacket. There are rose pedals inside of this green rose, so basically it looks like a normal rose but all green. After my parents finish fixing my outfit they tell me I'm all ready to go. I look ahead of me and there is an aisle with a girl in a dress standing a little bit to the left of it. Right before I start walking forward my dad whispers in my ear, "Don't marry this girl if you really don't love her." Now I walk down the aisle and walk right up to the girl that is in the dress. She looks me in the eyes. I think to myself, "I'm not going to marry someone if I know that I don't truly love them". I look at her and its as if she already knows my decision. I grab all of the pedals inside of my green rose and pull them out and drop them to the floor(in the dream this meant that I was declining our marriage and that I wasn't going to marry her). She bursts out into tears, and starts crying really loudly. With this I walk out of the all black room. As I'm doing so I notice that somehow I have a hoodie on the back of my suit. I throw the hoodie over my head and continue walking out. For some reason this makes me feel very powerful and in control of everything. As I exit the all black room and walk out the door, it opens to the inside of a school. I "recognize" it as my school and walk down the hallway in front of me. Right now I see that I am on the second floor of this school, so I make my way towards the stairs to get to the first floor. I look down at my clothing and now I am suddenly wearing my Air Force uniform from ROTC when I used to be in it. I don't like wearing the uniform, so I start running to get downstairs and change out of it immediately( lol wow ). A teacher from downstairs sees me running and says, "Young man running up there, please stop running and walk." I think to myself, "Really? Are you kidding me? This isn't elementary school lady." I slow down to a walk, but now its a fast walk and I make my way downstairs. Once I get downstairs I go to the nearest restroom, walk inside, and go into a stall. In the restroom I go into, the stalls are all blue and the floor is white. I pick one of the stalls and go inside and close the door behind me. Right as I get inside I see that there is piss on the toilet seat so I get some toilet paper and wipe it off just so my uniform doesn't touch it. While I hate wearing the uniform, I wasn't going to disrespect it. After I wipe the seat off I start unbuttoning my shirt. Immediately I realize that I'm about to strip down and yet I have no clothes to change in to. I get out of the stall with my shirt still unbuttoned(which is out of regulation) and I quickly make my way back upstairs to get some clothes. On my way out I see a fellow cadet, Cadet 2nd lieutenant Luqueno, head of the Charlie Flight(AKA my flight). He doesn't notice my unbuttoned shirt even though we make eye contact so I get lucky. As I get out of the restroom I notice some of my friends sitting down in the cafeteria eating lunch. I go over to where they are sitting and sit down and talk to them.
A massive airplane sits awaiting takeoff for a trans Atlantic flight. I watch from above as it is hoisted up a few thousand feet onto a tower where it will be launched off of to kickstart its journey. The pilot sits inside, while random people get tours of the plane, and take turns sitting in the co-pilot's cockpit. Then without warning, the tower collapses, and the plane begins falling toward the ground with just the pilot and a random person as co-pilot. The pilot is really good, and manages to start the engine, and begin to recover before hitting the ground. But as he does so, the other person ejects saying, "sorry, but I'm ejecting now". The pilot yells, "Nooo! don't do it, you don't have to!". The ejection tears loose some essential flight components, and forces the pilot to land immediately. I walk around it, and notice how it is wedged around and on top of a stone public restroom facility. One that is in use too. I take a break and use it as well (very unfriendly people inside, glaring at me), then walk around the building again to look at how stuck the plane is. I notice a TV monitor where the president is giving a speech about the recent national legalization of marijuana. He says something about everyone getting really high now. Going inside a nearby building, I quote the speech to them, and they laugh. One of my friends tells everyone I'm going crazy and to watch out for what I do next. A cat walks up to me purring, so I pet it. It walks back and forth, rubbing up against me, continuing to purr as I pet its back and let it sniff my hand. I'm not sure what they are expecting me to do...
8/1/14 restaurant with a spinning ride. Trying to cut through to restroom I plan to go through ride platform but end up riding with BrM from work and barely hanging on with just my hands. First try to go through exit door and I'm stopped by waitress. / pro baseball game. Great pitcher won it for other team. I'm on field afterwards. Baseball again..? / I feel like I was not that far off from forgetting this one too: I become lucid when I am at a party in a cafeteria setting that seems to be in (a particular foreign country I will leave out for now because of the tie in to FryingMan). I see "A", daughter of M who lives about 90 minutes north and I realize it would be very odd for her to be in this country at the same time as me and that it is a dream. Everyone is speaking the national language it seems and I try to think of a phrase that FryingMan said before so I could see what their reaction would be. I am also wondering if a DC of him might have been there. I just talk to the daughter that I know telling her that this is a dream and she looked on like she was listening but not surprised or anything. There are two long tables that I go to in this cafeteria like setting, probably residue from the party I attended few days ago. I walk up to this other table with about 6 people at it. The previous table had maybe 8 people. I was trying to think of some foreign phrase to say to the people sitting there but decided to move on and went out through the exit and into a hallway and got down to the end of the hallway and the dream went dark. I remained patient and focused stabilizing the dream and soon the visuals came back up and it seemed like I was in the same hall. I decide to go back the other way and I could hear a party going on in another door to my left and I decided to check it out and it was definitely a different party. They had disco lights going with some people dancing but mostly standing around and this time it was a very diverse crowd. People of all colors. I thought about going in there but decided to go continue down the hall and was just relishing the vividness of this dream. It started to fade again but this time I found myself fading back to bed. Probably the end of my REM cycle. 180 Some notes from Night 4 where I think I got lucid but I am not sure...ugh: 7/31 11pm, 5am violent shooting scene day residue from "Shoot'em Up" movie opening sequence before bed. Mole steps out of compound to save himself. Another guy is drawn out and blinded by bright spotlight. And shot with high powered machine gun in slow motion from midsection to head with bullet after bullet tearing through his head. I slowly peel my eyes away from this scene. Survivor going through multiple surgeries is tough as nails but also affected mentally - in one scene looks in shock. /Poor recall lately. As mentioned on the competition thread... I think I became lucid noticing that I was downtown just like I told myself to watch out for as a dream sign because of train sounds. Earlier I remember riding the train and getting on the wrong train just a minute early...just a minute before my actual train came. I was trying to look out the train window to see which destination I was heading to instead but the destination was illegible. There was at least one false awakening where my wife is getting ready and I can see her naked. I remember trying to go back into the dream (I think from the beginning of the (first?) false awakening) and having vibrations. I was so happy to see the vibrations back but I think it was all in dream (maybe it always is).
6/27/14* hold my hand / little blind girl with little pink ribbon with writing on adorable / driving onto soccer field me in passenger seat so many kids so close to car but he's driving slowly. Typical markings on field plus extra for coach's game plan on field itself! (world cup residue perhaps) / Someone named David falls off a 2nd story or higher front porch balcony but lives to say something from down below. I crawl over railing into front door and plan to go back down and out through a back door and stairs I assume there should be. Working my way through the house feeling lost I think what if I could fly out like in dreams...why of course, this is a dream. Phase out through back of house and goes gray. I fly in an undulating dolphin-like motion and can see my hands (normally I am looking down with my hands out front while flying). After a bit I start looking down for anything and start to see a flat dark green surface with little nicks in it with no apparent pattern. Eventually I am on the ground and my son is there. Feeling frisky, bold and very lucid I announce to my son that I am going to give it to "your mother!" (wouldn't dare say this if there was any doubt I was dreaming). Wife appears and I throw off her clothes with tk and get to business. Ready to add another female to the mix I think of who to summon, Girl Friday? Scarlett? But the dream fades. 167 7/4/14 Didn't record these LDs right away so going from memory hours later. Late dream malaise affects last 2 LDs. DILD#1 I am getting instructions from 30-something woman with large breasts in a seating position. I am standing over her and I get the idea to brush my arm against her breasts. As I do, I realize that I am dreaming and immediately think of the basic naked task and strip down once again with my pants bunched up around the ankles I fling them off with telekinesis. She has removed her shirt and I reach behind her back and undo her bra and her sumptuous breasts flow out. I gawk and enjoy the scene and don't remember anything else before before waking. 168 DILD#2 end of REM assumed. Wife, Son and I have free tickets to a nice dinner and we are being seated with another group who left 2 seats on one side of the table and one on the other. Wife and son go down left side of table with plenty of room but the one seat on my side is blocked in by the rest of the group at the table and by the neighboring table being so close. I wait patiently and they eventually get up and I get to my seat apparently thirst and look down at an untouched small thin medium-tall glass of water with a small amount of melted ice water and a clear straw. I am obviously focused on it and slurp on the straw thirstily. The water is barely splashing in my throat as if the straw is broken and the sensation keys me in that I am dreaming again! But even shorter than the previous. I wake up feeling quite thirsty. 169 #3 In dream DEILD (really a DILD) I am attempting to WILD and I am getting decent vibration feedback with my clinched eyes method but lose consciousness before dream begins. I am playing a song on my phone that has a really nice beat and electronic percussion sounds and something reminds me that I was just trying to WILD but I don't feel fully immersed in the dream and feel like I am still trying to WILD so I try a movement based entry and start dancing my way into the dream and end up on a big concert stage and for some reason I think it is Prince playing. I just keep dancing on the stage and rip off my clothes and will my junk to hang large and low. I think I feel movement in bed and I am probably close to waking up anyway, but that either way I do. 170 7/5 DILD#1 Son sick goes into huge public bathroom but doesn't choose stall. Seems drunk also. I get him to move but all toilets have no stall. 2 ladies come through with their small boys and I get mad at them, chide them. I go back to room and lady getting ready to go to bed and husband already asleep. Leave but come back and she is changing and is in her bra but bottomless, she just took off her pants. Seems shy at first but then not so much. I start to close the door but keep opening it back a little to look at her sexiness. I continue around a long hall that circles the whole floor passing different couples beds and looking to see what I can. One lady is topless in bed as I pass. All Asian like last night. Some start to wake and one mentions getting coffee. I comment that they are getting up so early but i need an excuse...I was not able to get back to sleep. I continue to around the halfway point of circling the floor and it goes dark with thick curtains and I realize I'm dreaming. I float up a little and back down and planning to go back the way I came but not working so I visualize a church where I thought it would be more challenging to get naked and I see it from the outside like an old largish white country church with one traditional steeple in the middle front and then I'm suddenly inside on the stage-like pulpit. And I remove all my clothes. People start mumbling that I'm one of those demon loving lucid dreamers...I laugh it off and start to imagine an elevator and starting to think about the other tasks but can start to hear sounds from IWL. Try to DEILD but must be end of REM. Get up and record. 171 DILD#2 I was sure I would remember the details and was very lazy and planned to commit it to memory but dozed back off quickly. All I can remember at this point is that the DILD moment had something to do with an interaction with a woman while looking for a towel when coming out of the shower. And I remember thinking 2nd DILD of the night. 172 Some short DILDs lately. Possible ways to rectify: 1. adjust WBTB time, mostly doing them too long lately and it seems to affect how I am doing my SSILD cycles and perhaps length of REM? 2. Get back up to par with my daytime practices. 3. Start off my LDs properly more grounded in my dream environment! will try Click-Freeze-study environment (click=time stopping pocket watch but more for me to stop and take a moment). Too much of myself in the dream (reference: Mzzkc's Stabilization Fundamentals). Did self hypnosis lucid dreaming script night of 7/3 and recall one a night or two before that.