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    1. The Dream of the Doctor, the War, the Flying Policemen and the Pink Pebbles

      by , 03-07-2011 at 11:54 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      In this dream I was a man, who took part in the Cold War, except the Cold War was more like the Blitz, seeing as I was fighting an air battle over London. The Doctor was in my plane with me and I asked him to change history so as to stop the war. He went back in time, did something, came back and voilà, the storm clouds had disappeared, the birds were singing and my plane was the only one in London's sky.
      Then three flying bobbies came towards us to check what we were doing up there. Flying as in, standing straight in the air and hover.
      I realized that policemen don't fly, and in turn it made me realize... [the Unreveal] that the Doctor had fudged something up when he went back in time. He himself confessed to making an error, recognizing that these flying policemen were actually aliens who were supposed to invade and subdue Earth a century from now. Something he'd done in the past to stop the war had made them come earlier.
      Time Lapse.
      We're down to earth, in a town that looks a bit like my home town. We walk to the river, sit on a quay. The Doctor explains that those aliens have (/would have) mentally subdued humans. The key to freeing them is finding what the aliens have done to us. We then have to look in the river. We dived and check the wall of the quay. There's a small pipe in which we find two pink granite pebbles. The Doctor rambles about how they mean that the aliens have changed the human anatomy. Yeah, sure.
    2. band of killers

      by , 03-01-2011 at 12:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There were a woman and man in some dark area at night. The area seemed to be inside, like in some dark, abandoned factory.

      The woman and man were both strong and sexy in a comic book sort of way. They were both very pale. The woman had red hair and wore some kind of small outfit. The man may have had pale blonde hair and probably wasn't wearing a shirt.

      The woman was the leader of a gang of killers. Most of the members of the group were women. And, mostly, the aim of the gang was to kill men. The man may have led a group of men.

      The man had done something wrong, possibly to betray the woman in some slimy, underhanded way. The woman was very poweful. She had the man in her grip. She was strangling him and drowning him in some pool of water.

      Eventually the man went limp. The woman may actually even have cut off the man's head by the force of her grip.

      But I now saw that the man had just feigned death so the woman would let him go. He fedll deeper and deeper into the water, as if this were a big river in some city. He had his head. He had been falling with his back down. Now he twisted around so his stomach faced down. He swam away. I knew he was going to gather people to fight against the woman.

      There were two women in a car in a dark, deserted, alley-like street in the city. Both women were part of the gang of killers.

      One woman had gotten out of the car. She had been in the driver's seat. She walked around to the passenger side and got the other woman's attention somehow, letting her know she should get out of the car.

      The first woman knew that the woman in the car was young and naive. The first woman was taking the second woman to the leader. Apparently the second woman had done something wrong and was now going to be punished, probably killed.,
    3. new deli; dance of women and girls; single mother kayaking; lucid park

      by , 02-26-2011 at 03:39 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a new deli, which may have been downstairs from my apartment. The deli was still under construction. There were all kinds of things being unpacked.

      The place had a blue-green kind of feel, as if the walls had been painted a pale blue-green. There were rolls of paper unrolled on the floor. Counters were set out in random fashion, as if they hadn't been fastened to their permanent positions yet.

      There were a couple soda refrigerators with their doors open. One was on the back wall, in front of me. The other was on the wall to my left. They were both tall and narrow. The refrigerators were so cold that I could feel the cold coming from them.

      The coolers were so cold that the sodas (or bottled waters?) inside the coolers had been frozen. I figured this level of coldness was natural, since the store wasn't opened yet, so that the coolers weren't tuned to a normal level.

      There were a few people running around in the store, getting things ready. I saw at least one woman and one man. They were both Mexican. They were talking back and forth and joking with each other in English or in Spanish and English.

      I knew that the place wasn't open yet, and I felt like I shouldn't be here. But, for some reason, I felt really comfortable here. I figured I'd grab some stuff and then head back up to my apartment.

      It suddenly struck me that, now that there was a new deli below my house, it would be a lot easier for me to come downstairs and grab some frozen pizza. I thought I would suddenly be eating a lot more frozen pizza than I'd been eating in a long time.

      Dream #2

      There was some kind of television show or some kind of stage performance about adult women who had romantic relationships with young girls.

      The stage and background were white. The stage may have been clean and polished, so that it was slightly reflective.

      The women and the girls wore spandex suits with blue, pink and purple flower designs on them. They also wore something like flowing, white blouses that went up over their heads to become something like hoods, leaving a circle open for their faces. The hoods may have been topped with flat circles, which were slightly tilted.

      The women and young girls were doing a slow dance, in groups but kind of solo, where they would elevate and point forward their legs and arms slightly.

      Dream #3

      There was some kind of narration about my mother's life. There was talk about how my mother had had such a tough time because she had been a single mother. There may also have been talk about how my mother had been really upset when my father had left her.

      There was now a view of a car like a station wagon driving up a steep, mountain road. The road didn't criss-cross or spiral up the mountain: it just went straight up the steep slope. As the car drove, the narrator spoke about how my mother worked through a lot of emotional difficulties and survived to this point in life.

      Listening to this narration made me really sad for my mom. But it also made me kind of proud of her. I felt I had seen this road somewhere. It occurred to me that I might have seen the road in a dream. The surreal steepness of the road and the way the car seemed to be reaching extreme heights on this mountain all reminded me of some tall mountain dream I'd had in the past.

      I was now in the backseat of the car. My mom was driving. We had approached some place halfway up the mountain. We pulled into an asphalt parking area.

      My mom, and possibly one of my family members, maybe my sister, was talking about how lucky we were. Some of our more removed family members, my mom said, had died in pretty terrible situations. They had died all alone, sometimes in shameful ways. The closer family members of those people had had to deal with the ghastly emotional impact of those situations.

      But, my mom said, the closer members of our family who had died had died rather peacefully, with loving families around them. And, right now, all our family members were in situations where, even were they to die suddenly and unexpectedly, they would at least die in a position where they were somewhat comfortable and they knew their family loved them.

      I either thought to myself or said out loud that that wasn't true. I thought about two of my cousins, P and B. P is a man and B is a woman.

      I thought that both P and B were in situations where, if they died, they'd be all alone. At least one of them was actually in an extremely dangerous situation, though in my dream I couldn't remember where either cousin was.

      I was now out on a river bank with my family. I suddenly realized that my cousin B wasn't far away at all. She was actually in this forest. She was kayaking through this river.

      In my mind's eye I saw further down river, to a wide stretch that was shaded pleasantly by tall pine trees. Where we were, the banks were open and lawny, with jagged rocks for the river's banks.

      Maybe all my immediate family members were out on this bank. We had a couple of kayaks nearby. We must have been getting ready to go kayaking, although for some reason, I seemed to feel like I was thinking of suggesting the idea of kayaking to my family, as if it hadn't yet occurred to anybody to go kayaking yet.

      I thought of dipping one of the kayaks into the water, but the water (which was actually only moderately fast) seemed way to rough and the rocks way too jagged for the kayak to handle.

      I turned around and saw at least one of my nephews, the oldest nephew, getting dressed in an orange life jacket. I felt like everybody was getting dressed in life jackets, as if they were all getting ready to go kayaking. I thought this was great, and I offered my own life jacket to one of my nephews, since I knew they liked wearing my stuff (???).

      One of my nephews, maybe the oldest, said he'd take my life jacket. But suddenly I realized I'd left it somewhere else. It was like I'd left it in the car. But it was also like I'd left it somewhere very far away. I said I'd have to go get it. I hoped I could get it fast enough so that it wouldn't cause a delay.

      I suddenly realized that I had also left the life jacket in water somewhere. The life jacket had been in the water so long that it was now beginning to dissolve. I hoped I could pull the jacket out of the water before it dissolved entirely.

      In my mind's eye I saw the life jacket. It was white, instead of orange, but it had orange flower designs on it.

      Dream #4

      I was walking through a park. It was a clear day, pretty warm. The sun seemed to be going down. The sky was dim, and the light was partly golden and partly cool and dim.

      I walked along a concrete path in a somewhat narrow curve of the park. There was deep, green lawn on either side of the path. There were a few people in the park, just relaxing. I think everybody in the park was black.

      The sound of my breathing slowly became more and more audible. Suddenly it seemed to me like my breath was like the breathing sound of somebody in a space suit, like in the movie 2001. I wondered why my breathing would sound like this.

      It suddenly occurred to me that the reason my breathing sounded like this was because I wasn't exactly in a park. I was in a different kind of place altogether. The only time I could think of when I was in a place like this was in my dreams.

      I realized I was dreaming. There wasn't a tremendous improvement to the clarity or sensation of the dream, like there usually is when I become lucid. But I was suddenly a lot more aware of the environment.

      I smiled at a few people. I was happy to be aware, and I wanted to share my happiness somehow.

      I walked into a wider area of the park. Since there were a decent number of people around, and they all seemed to be peaceful and happy, I figured I'd try to talk with some of them, just to see what things were all about here.

      There were a couple of boys playing (with a set of blocks or other toys set up to look like a castle?) half on the concrete path and half on the grass. The boy on the path had his back turned to me.

      I smiled and addressed the boy in some way to get his attention. The boy turned his face toward me. He looked a lot older than he actually was. Something about this threw me off balance. I looked quickly at the boy and walked on down the path.

      I tried not to let the boy's surprising appearance throw me off balance. I tried to continue acting cheerful. I figured if I could keep the cheerful attitude I'd had as I'd become I could stay lucid. But I could already feel that I was dropping out of lucidity.

      I could see that I was approaching something like a brick-and-concrete, arched gate that served as an entrance to the park.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 03:42 PM by 37466

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. 12 Feb: Dinosaurs, Atlantis, alien witch and 2012 revelation

      by , 02-16-2011 at 12:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I'm with my mom, my dad and other people. Do not remember the beginning, but we're crossing a strong water current. We see people who are already in the middle of the stream and we think it is better to go back or we’ll be dragged. The problem seems to be that the city is under attack by dinosaurs. We hide in a building and everyone panics when a tyrannosaur and several raptors enter the place. The first raptors are so small that we manage to squash them with our feet, but then bigger ones follow and we get in real trouble. We manage to escape: I remember defending myself with a stick and closing some doors behind us, to buy some time.
      Once again we are facing the river, trapped on the margin, when a giant green hand emerges somewhere from the heights and takes me and my mother to the other side. I beg to bring my father along but I’m told that’s not going to happen. I imagine him fighting for his life and I feel an immense pain, but there’s nothing I can do.

      Later I’m on some kind of classroom where I recognize some friends and classmates and also my BF. I'm on the 3rd row from the front. The teacher is a tall elegant lady of around 50 years old and is showing some maps with the evolution of the Earth crust and the shapes of the continents. She says that our present continents are moving to join in one large continent that is Atlantis. Some guys behind me laugh and tease her. She ignores them and continues to show the schematic. They say she's crazy and I turn back, upset and ask them if they did not learn in school about the movements of tectonic plates and that before the continents had today’s shape they had been together in one big continent. I tell them to put aside the mystical stories about Atlantis, if that’s what’s bugging them and to focus on the fact that the continents are coming together and that Atlantis is a good name as any other. But the teacher comes to me and says no, the mystic stuff also matters. She says the name Atlantis was not chosen by accident, but because "The Atlantis" will really come to life once more. She says she’ll explain that afterwards. I make a comment like "Oh man, I just wanted to help! They are not accepting anything that you say, so I was trying to make them at least understand the science behind it. She smiled gratefully, but at the same time shocked with the way I talked to her, so she scolds me to set an example. The guys behind me laugh at me really hard. They ask me to borrow a pencil and then they use it to remove ear wax and then return it to me. Like little kids. Disgusted, I throw it back at them.

      Back door seduction
      I'm on a tram or bus with Zilla, Licas and Gonçalo (a boy I knew from school who wasn’t exactly fond of me). For some reason the driver stopped in the middle of an intersection and went away. We only notice it when we almost get hit by another bus and a passenger in a seat ahead gets up in panic and runs to the back.
      We exit the bus/tram and walk down a ramp on the right. When we are near a viaduct and a back entrance to a building and we pass by a small pond where I see a large butterfly, 40 cms wide, apparently drowned. I touch it and I realize it is still alive and I place it on dry ground. After drying off, the butterfly takes off and stops at a tree trunk ahead. We chat while we admire the butterfly and Gonçalo starts flirting with me. I play along and pretend we are lovers. I grab his ass, which feels very bony and I tell him he is extremely skinny. He replies that I could also have bigger boobs. We all laugh. The girls enter the building, but he grabs my arm and we stay behind. It seems like he actually enjoyed the play and wants to do it for real. He leans against the door almost violently and wants to have sex with me. I kinda share the mood, but we are interrupted by three ladies who wanted to enter the building and look shocked by the sight of us. We entered the building in a hurry so they don’t have time to identify us and shortly after we are in a balcony with two couches and although my mood is gone he is still thinking about it as he tries the couches.


      "In one year the world will enter into the darkness"
      I’m on a bus that seems to be leaving a village I know. At the last crossroad near the exit of the town, I see a man in a wheelchair who seems to have fainted. I am in shock and I look around to see if someone comes to help him but nobody comes. I go to the front of the bus to ask the driver to stop, but he also collapses at that moment. I just have time to grab the wheel and push the breaks. Zilla is also on the bus. We go outside and we see another person who just fell off a bike. We take her bike and ride it. Just a bit further ahead, from the opposite direction, comes a truck in zigzags and runs over a pedestrian who was on the sidewalk. Still in shock and confused, we pass beneath a tunnel and emerge in a city where we see heaps of people lying on the ground or just hanging around disoriented. We don’t know what is happening, but we fear being hit by the same “disease”. We enter a building and we meet other friends on a loft to discuss what might be happening when we feel something in the air and a great commotion on the street again. I go to the balcony, the sky is golden and warm and I am fully hit by a kind of energy wave that makes the air vibrate. I feel a heavy weight and a pressure in my head and I stagger, stunned. A powerful and deep voice seems to come from the sky directly to my head. I can’t recall word by word, but the voice delivered a message which was more or less like: "The time is coming. Within a year the world will enter into the darkness. Only those who remain as strong as a rock will not be taken."
      I become lucid with this energy wave on my head. When the wave is over and the message ends, I ask the others what they understood of the message. Zilla asks “what message?”. Nobody else heard the voice and they also don’t seem to believe me. They are probably just DCs.

      Fight with ninjas at Buddhist temple
      I go back to the balcony and down an emergency metal ladder. At the rear of this building there is a hill and looking up I see what looks like a giant stone Buddha at the top. I see a stone staircase and I go up, because I really need a calm place where to meditate on this revelation I just had. Reaching the temple’s entrance I do prostrations to the Buddha and burn some incense. I hear someone crying behind me, I turn around and I see Zilla, who followed me. But she passes by me hiding her face, not wanting me to see her suffering. I then get inside the temple. I do not see anyone around. I follow a corridor and I find two large doors open to my left, revealing an inner room not normally accessible to the public. It has beautiful Buddha statues at all four corners. Then a sort of ninja appears and says that I shouldn’t be there. He attacks me and we fight. Then two more guys come to help him. I continue to anticipate their moves but I start feeling tired and they manage to dominate me. I kick one of the guys in the crotch, but they seem trained to withstand pain, so it doesn’t affect him. So I got the brilliant idea to caress him instead of hurting him. I touch his private parts gently and the guy gets really disoriented. Unfortunately that gives them the wrong idea and they decide to drag me to a room where they plan to rape me. One of them gets undressed really fast while the other two hold me down. I ponder whether or not I should play along, but I look at them a bit disgusted and decide not and to follow my first plan, which was to use sex as distraction. As soon as they let their guard down a little bit I fly through the window.


      Alien witch
      I am with a horrible itching in my right hand. I see some skin lifted and bugs moving underneath the skin, like fleas. I squeeze them out in disgust. But there is also a kind of gelatinous creature that does not want to leave. It slips deeper into the skin, but after much struggle I manage to pull it outside. It is a kind of viscous red bag that seems to grow every second. I throw it to the ground and smash it, but this only frees the some kind of embryo from within the viscous bag. It continues to grow an becomes a monstrous fish, which struggles on the ground in distress. My aunt Lisa appears beside me and seems disgusted with the creature. Grabs it by the tail and throws it to the ground again, but I feel compassion for the beast. I say to Lisa that it is dying and there’s no point in hurting it even more. I cuddle it but the image of it choking is unbearable so I run to get a bowl of water and put it inside. Lisa says I'm crazy, that I should let this thing die, but I can’t. I put it in water. Shortly after, it is breathing on its own. Then it becomes a kind of monstrous and disgusting cat furless cat. Now it is choking in the water, but even before I reach to help, he jumps out and after a few gulps of air, it flees to another room. I don’t know what to do, so I wait. We hear really strange noises from the other room and then a sort of witch alien creature appears at the door. It definitely isn’t a friendly creature, but because I have saved her life, she is thankful and wants to be my friend. She comes to me and I feel the urge to get out of the dream.

    5. Birthday Stunts and Indian Artifacts

      by , 01-17-2011 at 03:00 AM

      I tromped on a small dirt path towards a small raised crest. My grandfather led the way and all around me were my sister and two cousins, Emma and Luke. We got to the small crest and looked down. Below us was a steep slope and then a beach of rocks. There was a bayou, or maybe it was a stream, running by it. This was the only accesible part of the beach, there were trees on the other parts.
      Grandpa told us that Mayan indians used to live here, and that we could find many great artifacts here.
      We have a place near his farm where we can pick up old Civil War and Indian objects from the ground.

      We began to look all over the ground. I tried to pick out unusual things from the smooth stones and soon found an odd oval shaped, beige stone. it was about the size of my palm and it had a carving on it that made it resemble a closed fist. One finger pointed forward. I excitedly showed my Grandpa my find and he praised me for my good work. not too long later, Luke picked up an identical rock, but it seemed to be the other hand. That is, he found the left one and I found the right one. My grandpa excitedly picked up a spherical, cream colored stone. There were indentions for the eyes and mouth and a protrusion for the nose that made it resemble a human head. There was a headband on it and some sort of headdress carved in. He showed it to us all.

      We began to search again, but then my grandpa shouted excitedly. We ran over to him. He was standing by a tree. on the tree, hanging, was a clay plate held up by a strip of leather. On it was a large indention, and around that were intricate designs. My grandpa carefully placed the head inside the indention. He decided to leave it there. i thought this was a good idea, as it seemed like it held some special purpose there.
      Grandpa mentioned something about Grandma having dinner waiting, and we returned to her house.
      My dream skipped forward. Somehow I knew i was at my grandmothers house, even though it wasn't.

      I was in a huge arena, with green below and stands all around. The stands were a third of the way filled with my family. i was on a raised platform, high, high in the air. Directly below me were a bunch of red balls. It was my birthday. I was supposed to jump into the balls. They might have been bouncy balls, a puffy trampoline, balloons, or pillows. I was unable to tell from the distance I was at.
      Somebody from my family climbed up to tell me something urgent. Emma was dangerously ill and she wanted to see me. i rushed down.
      Skipped ahead

      I was in a tiny room, about 12 feet by 6 feet. There was no such room in real life. There was a narrow bed and a large window. The bed seemed to double as a sitting swing. I stood by the bed and Emma lay there, talking to me. I laughed with her. She seemed fine, and it was time to go back home, anyway.
      Skip to my lou, my dreamling.
      We were in front of my grandmothers house, getting into our cars by the front gate. I was in third person view watching this, I seemed to be about 40 feet in the air, watching everything. We said our goodbyes.
    6. forest dream and psychic september 23

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:32 AM
      dreamed i was in an area by a forest and after a gathering i sped off to the forest down a long path. I decided to come back very quick and i used my ipod flash lightat a person wearing an orange t shirt, he was bald. I then got to a crossing point and jumped to a broken bridge(glass) that didnt cross and was blocked by a fence a light was behind it facing me flashing light down upon the mini river. went on an island under me. bridge to my right covered in overgrowth that crosses all the way but too far away. i was either too stressed to jump back or i didnt want to swim or jump with my backpack on.

      phase2: at moms store(she doesnt own one). she is a modern psychic and utilizes wrist bracelets with beads clip on and forsee the future. she would hang them on a pole infront of the door after use. I asked her about going to cross country and she said she didnt want me to go to practice because one of our sheets said some vulgar words on it.
    7. Public Library by the River

      by , 11-24-2010 at 06:50 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm standing just outside the window of a cream-colored building, looking up and into the building through the window. There is a sort of rectangular tower or column inside the building, wide enough for the name of the building to be displayed at the top in tall, narrow, bright teal letters made of molded metal. [The font is Times New Roman, or something like it.] I'm controlling what letters appear there by typing on a keyboard. First, I type “Walgreens Bookstore.” Then, my mom is standing next to me and rebukes me gently, telling me to put in the real name of the building. I backspace over what I've typed, and the teal letters disappear. I then type the real name of the building, “Public Library.”

      Once again, I realize easily and naturally that I'm dreaming. Saying something like “Wait” to my mom, I turn away from the window and look to my left, intending to go and explore. The sidewalk I'm standing on outside the public library runs right along the edge of a river, which has more sidewalks and buildings all along both sides. The dream only lasts a couple of seconds before fading, though.

      I'm lying on a mattress on a floor somewhere. There are blankets covering me, and my dad is bending down closely over me, as if to tuck me in. I'm breathing hard, and it feels like I'm being smothered. I start to panic, but then I think, It's okay. It's just a memory. I can't breathe because I have a stuffy nose in reality. [Which I don't, by the way, but it seemed logical at the time. Also, that must have been either a false memory or one from when I was really little.]

      Dreamskip. I'm still on the mattress on the floor, but my dad is gone and the blankets aren't over my head. I'm in between two raised platforms [loft beds, maybe?] with shelves built into the sides, and there are all kinds of toys and books and stuff all over them. Someone says something about being in seminary. [I don't really remember this part.]

      I find myself looking up at a white stucco ceiling high above me. Thinking I've woken up, I try to DEILD back in, and succeed. [LOL, I just performed a DEILD within a false awakening! Awesome!]

      I'm back on the mattress on the floor again. This time, I reach out from the mattress to feel the carpet beneath it. It's brown and semi-shaggy, the kind we have in our current house. I'm not fully immersed or engaged in the dream, though, and it only lasts a few seconds.

      When I woke up for real, I remembered and remarked aloud: “This house doesn't have stucco ceilings! All its ceilings are flat!” Only then did I realize that that had been a false awakening.

      Side notes:
      I really like that brown carpet. I've noticed that in my dreams, any indoor space where I'm residing usually has that kind of carpet, even if it's not my current house. I think the reason I'm so attached to it, and therefore, the reason it shows up so much in my dreams, is because I helped pick out the carpet for this house, unlike at either of the other two houses.

      Also, that public library is so going into my current NaNoWriMo novel. Most of it is set in a dream world version of Louisville, where I lived once and which is by a river.

      Updated 11-24-2010 at 07:45 PM by 37356 (adding more detail)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes
    8. Aquatica

      by , 11-23-2010 at 04:49 PM
      I was at a friends house, which was somewhere in the country, sort of in the middle of nowhere...though the area wasn't deserted. They lived in a rural suburb of some sort...but the houses were built on cliffs and were old and crumbling. As we drove up to the house, we had to wind our way around a cliff face and I looking up and saw all these magnificent old houses in various styles of architecture: gothic, rococo, art nouveau...and it looked as though they would fall apart at any minute. As though they had been battered by years of sand and wind raking against the cliff faces. I remember putting my hands up over my head to avoid getting hit with anything that might fall.

      Once we reached the top however the land changed very much and became more flat, like the countryside. I remember being inside this friends house when everything just started flooding. The water was pouring in...it was clear, bright water...and I went outside and saw rivers of this gorgeous water flowing over all the land. We lost our footing and got swept up in the current. The water was flowing like a river over the roads, and it was several feet deep, as though some invisible barriers were keeping the water in the road.

      Once I hit the current I realized I was dreaming...and swam like a dolphin moving quickly with the water, through the streets...as they curved downwards, and went under bridges and railroad crossings. There were lots of other people in the water too, and they were sort of floating along like it was a lazy river.

      Then I noticed something dark in the water...it was coming after me. But what was it? It could swim faster than I could. I kept watching it, just thinking to myself that I could fly away if I had to. Then I remember that I have had trouble flying out of water with strong currents, and that I would sometimes get pulled back into the water. So before the dark thing got closer, I willed myself to float up and out of the water. It worked, though my feet were still skimming the surface and the dark had come out of the water now, it looked like a man. I turned my head toward the sky and flew away...waking up shortly after.

      I enjoyed the dream so much that I decided not to move a muscle upon waking, and used the dream re-entry technique (or as I call it, instinct, which is what most "techniques" on this site basically are). I immediately entered a new dream...or wait...was it the same dream. I was back at the friends house, but the flood water was gone. What remained however was an enormous swimming pool, full of crystal clear water. The landscape looked like the american south west, I guess, not having been there. But it was sort of a rocky desert.

      My sister was relaxing in the pool. Suddenly it was as though we were on vacation. She turned around and gasped...and I did the same...as we looked at one end of the swimming pool we saw that the waters flowed down a very steep slope and into, what appeared to be...a cenote...way down below. A cenote is an underground cave or sinkhole full of water (we went snorkeling in these before in mexico) The sun was shining on the water and rocks down below and suddenly the waters of the caribbean were beckoning me forth and I dove down into the cenote.

      I think I woke up shortly after. I again tried to reenter the dream, and I believe it worked, but I don't think I was lucid, or I forget what happened. After that I had a few nonlucids.

      I wish I could remember more. But I do remember how incredibly happy I felt swimming around all night...I love water.
    9. 13 Nov: Family matters and future

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:00 GMT

      Stormy flight
      On a big plane flying into a storm. But just an observer. I think there will be the day when I will be in such situation.

      Looking at a map of Barcelona with my BF and asking him what he wants to visit – I suggest we should see stuff I haven’t seen yet, but he wants to check some important spots I already visited and I have to agree to go there for a second time.

      Deadly parents
      I’m watching some spy thriller movie and then I am inside it. On the margins of a river and someone’s just explained me that in this particular place there are some strange undercurrents, probably resulting from some underwater structure, like a tunnel entrance to some secret facilities. I’m lying belly down on the grass, watching for suspicious movements, when I detect on land some kind of entrance to a bunker. I go check it quietly, think it’s safe to go in but then I’m spotted by some ugly guy coming out of it. He holds a big knife in his hand and then a second guy joins him in trying to kill me. Luckily I also get some backup from a colleague and as we are on pairs, facing each other and waiting for someone to make the first attack, all of a sudden, the enemy guy’s are my mom and dad and my partner is my BF. My mom is holding the big knife and I’m like “Sorry, what!!!?”.

      2:00 GMT

      Future attached to past
      It’s night. I see the city nightlights and against the dark sky I see a spaceship just like Enterprise. That’s when I notice I’m in the future. Day comes and I also see airplanes moving around, but they are different, more like rockets – although totally similar to today’s airplanes, they lack any wings or tail and they lift off and land vertically. Yet, they still look more like planes than rockets. They are everywhere, like they are the buses of this future time. City looks pretty much like current day cities, though. I am walking through a park amongst the buildings and I see an old steam-engine train as an open air exhibit. I meet a lady there with whom I talk about the past and present times. I get from her words that people in this age are very attached to “old” times. They have this incredible new technologies but they avoid being too innovative, because they don’t want to break with the past so quickly. That’s why they make ships resembling planes, they keep their ancient machines exposed on their parks. They are a bit too obsessed. I tell her they shouldn’t be so attached to old days, because everything changes and even that steam-engine will rust out there, for as much they try to preserve it and will disappear from people’s memories one day. She seems disturbed with the idea.
      Then I see a guy appearing to be doing a stunt over a monorail sticking out of a skyscraper side. I ask what’s that and I realise they are just testing if it’s safe to ride a bike through these narrow trails up there. They want to implement them between skyscrapers so people can go by bike through them. I say they are crazy – why not simply making some pods that would glide through the rails? Once again, it’s their obsession with keeping it low tech and not go to far from their roots.

      Avoiding dad
      Seem to be on some sort of Inn on a ranch. The whole place is a big long one-floor building, where there’s a cafeteria, rooms, etc. My father is looking for me everywhere and I’m trying to avoid him at all cost. I see him entering the main door and I’m further away, in the rooms area. I go inside one room and meet my mom and grandpa there. Mom is reading a magazine, I eat some snack with her and we laugh about some picture on the magazine I say could go to Fail.blog. They are announcing an exhibition related to some event and there are some pictures of the event’s mascot and on one, something on the background makes it look like it has a huge phallus coming from between his legs. And because it is a kind of kiddie mascot it makes it even more outrageous. I say I have to leave because my dad will find me there eventually. I pass by the cafeteria, but I spot my dad inside and he seems to be with some kid. I have this feeling that he has a secret family I don’t know about and I don’t want to face it right now, so I go over some handrails and get out of this place before he sees me. I go around the building and exit this area. Then I’m in some other place sitting on a table with two other guys, who happened to be sitting on that exact table when I sat there to eat something. One of them is Indian, they are teachers and they are talking about relationships and how to deal with kids in classes. The Indian guy asks a very specific question: how to deal with a student who is very flamboyant. The other guy just doesn’t know what to answer to that.

      4:45 GMT

      Something about a meteorite falling and then it is an alien with tentacles.

      ESP and lucidity
      Home scene with my BF, my aunt and her kids. We’re talking about or trying out some ESP tricks. Something about robots. Then I’m lucid and decide to write the dreams I’ve been having on my DJ. I forget to wake up and just do it on the dream. I remember the radio was playing and I was thinking about how nice would be to have a radio show on Lucid dreams. My dad was asleep. Then I realise I was still asleep.

      7:30 GMT

    10. Indoor neighborhood, mysterious subway, crazy man and river

      by , 11-13-2010 at 05:09 PM
      (Good morning, everybody. This is a really long entry. Sorry.

      I remember three dreams from last night. The first two dreams happened sometime between midnight and 5 AM. The third dream was between about 5:30 AM and 7 AM.

      I became lucid in the third dream, and sustained my lucidity for quite a while. But I think it was mainly because I “conserved my energy” and didn’t really try anything out of my normal range of dream-activity.)

      Dream #1

      I was coming back to “my apartment.” I was walking through a building that itself was as big as a small neighborhood. I walked through one area, a huge room with tall ceilings and wood walls.

      As I walked through the area, I went past a young man and woman who were possibly standing outside the door to the woman’s apartment. The door may have been pale blue.

      The woman was very pretty, with copper-colored skin and long, straight, black hair. The man was handsome, white, tall, with blonde hair about down to his shoulders. He wore a grey, wool cap and some winter clothes.

      The man was telling the woman that he would make sure her move went smoothly. She was apparently moving to another place, and she was nervous about it. I gathered, from the man’s speech to the woman, that the man would make sure she didn’t experience the same harassment she’d experienced at her present apartment.

      But as I was walking past the couple (I didn’t actually get very close to them, and I had to exit via another door into another room in order to get to “my building”), the man and woman expressed some kind of concern that I was going to get them in trouble. It was as if, as well as the woman experiencing harassment from some group of people, the man and the woman had themselves been accused of causing trouble in their neighborhood. They thought I was the kind of person who would get them in trouble again.

      I walked softly and quickly through the door, trying my best to give an impression to the man and woman that I was nice, that I wouldn’t harass the woman, and that I wouldn’t get the man and woman in trouble – in other words, that I would just mind my own business.

      I walked into the next area, which was like a mix between some completely forgotten room or corridor in an enormous mansion and a back alley. A light shone from high above, and at the heights of the room, it was dark as night, though it was light enough near the floor. The walls were wood, and the floor had a pale, blue-grey carpeting. But there was junk everywhere, like tattered cardboard boxes, wadded up pieces of wrapping plastic, and other garbage. There seemed to be turns and staircases here and there, leading up to other “apartment buildings.”

      I walked toward my building, which didn’t even have a front door, just a staircase leading up to a winding ramp into darkness. My landlord, an older, black man or woman, stood at the top of or on one of the curves in the ramp. He/she apparently knew I was coming home, so he/she was waiting to welcome me back. I may have been away for a few days, doing something like visiting my family.

      I didn’t realize, but the young man had followed me all the way here. My “building,” it turned out, was the building that the young woman would be staying in. I thought that for sure the man would now be panicked. He and the woman had been so afraid to begin with that I would get them in trouble. And now it looked like I had “reverse followed” him all the way to the woman’s new residence.

      I tried to act natural and cool, to make the man understand I wasn’t going to do anything mean to him or the woman. I spoke a little bit with the landlord, in a kind of easy, happy tone. I then said I was going to head on in to my room and get a little rest.

      As I headed toward my room, through a door along a dim balcony facing at an odd angle to the ramps and the long alley-corridor, I heard the landlord now speaking with the young man. I thought, Why not prove that I’m a good guy, and let the young man see inside my room? Once he sees how lived-in my place is, he’ll know I’ve been here a few years, I’m a decent guy, and that I won’t do anything rude or mean to the woman or him?

      So I called attention to the landlord and the young man. I had them come over to my room. I opened the door to my room. The room was humongous and dim. But I could tell, just by glancing inside, that the room was a complete mess – a disaster! Plus, the place just let out a horrendous smell, like tons and tons of socks that hadn’t been washed for months!

      I quickly closed the door and told the landlord and young man nevermind, that I must have forgotten what I wanted to tell them. They walked away, kind of disappeared.

      I suddenly felt suspicious of the young man. I felt that, now that he’d seen even just a little into my room, and he’d seen where I live, that he’d try to break into my room. I closed my door. I walked slowly away, as if I was trying to put on some kind of show that I didn’t really live in this apartment.

      I suddenly recognized that, just beyond my door, the wall to my room only went up to about the middle of my chest. You could see inside the room just by standing out on the balcony. I looked inside, hoping that nothing of value would be easily spotted, prompting the young man to break into my house and steal things.

      All I could see, though, anywhere, was a bunch of clutter and garbage. I felt like there was no way I could have left my place this way when I’d left. Had I been that neglectful of things? Or had I been gone so long that my place just kind of dissolved into these shambles of itself?

      I walked around the corner of the balcony, now facing some dim corner of the alley-corridor directly, but still having a good view into my room.

      Down below, in my room, I saw a huge, pale-blue, L-shaped couch. It was completely torn up. The stuffing of the couch was bloating out of the cushions, and a black, metal frame jutted out the edges.

      Suddenly, my mother burst out from the inside of the couch. She scrambled out of the couch cushions. She then rabidly twitched and scratched against the couch, tearing it even more to pieces. She looked terrible, like she’d become some kind of wild animal.

      I was terrified by this. But I quickly became indignant. Who had allowed my mother into my apartment? I ran down the balcony to find someone to complain to.

      I ended up on some dark hilltop, under a small tree. It was pitch black night, but I could see, as if a car from somewhere were shining its lights on the scene. There were a few people wandering around, possibly Hispanic.

      I found my father, who was almost cartoonishly wide. He was also dressed somewhat like a clown, in red clothes with pink and orange polka-dots. He may even have worn a clown-nose.

      I yelled at my dad, “Why did you let my mom into my apartment?”

      My dad gave me some kind of excuse that sounded half-hearted but official, so that I couldn’t really argue against it.

      Dream #2

      I was in a subway station, waiting for the train to come. I was in a far-off, unfamiliar neighborhood, and I had been doing some kind of activity that made me tired and ready to go back somewhere familiar.

      The subway station was more like the lobby for a building like a hospital. I sat at a table in an area that looked like a makeshift café. The serving counter may have been in a small room, off to my right. Behind me, there may have been the main lobby area, large and bright, with a lot of sunlight flowing through the window-walls.

      To my left was a wide doorway, through which I could see one subway platform. Through a kind of dim, plasticky window at the opposite end of the room and in front of me, I could see another subway platform.

      I pulled out a book, crossed my legs, slumped in my chair, and started reading. A couple of teenage boys sat down a couple of tables away from me. They were making jokes with each other, pretty relaxed. They seemed cool. But for some reason, I didn’t want them to notice me. I thought they might start trouble.

      Suddenly I could see, from some kind of reflection, that the train on the platform to my left was coming. It seemed to be coming without warning and very quickly. In a rush, the boys and I stood up from our tables and ran to the platform.

      But I didn’t want the boys to know I got on this train. I felt that if they knew this about me they could hurt me somehow. So I tried to act like I wasn’t getting onto this train.

      But when I got out to the platform (which was huge, wide, with tall ceilings, nothing like in NYC), the train wasn’t there. I heard the rushing of a train to my left. I looked and saw, down the platform, and up at the top of a tall staircase, a different train arriving at another platform. Was it just that train I’d heard? But I could have sworn I’d seen the train arrive on this platform, as well as heard it.

      I looked down into the well for the train and tracks for my platform – and was terribly shocked! Instead of tracks, the floor was completely empty, trackless, and painted a bright yellow. There were no tracks! No train could ever have arrived here! But I was sure this was where the train was supposed to be – where I had actually seen it arrive!

      I felt terribly foggy all of the sudden, as if I had fallen into a different world.

      I heard the train on the second platform, off to my right, arriving. I thought I’d take that train. But I knew it wouldn’t get me anywhere close to where I wanted to go. I knew I’d just have to take this train, at this platform, whenever it came, no matter how long it took.

      So I went back into the café area to go back to reading my book.

      Dream #3

      I was in my great-grandmother’s house. I had apparently been there for a long time. The place looked nothing like it had looked while my great-grandmother was alive: it was dim, grey-blue, and strewn garbage, household items, and even streams of toilet paper.

      I walked around in the kitchen and dining room, possibly picking up and eating and drinking pieces of food and drink that had been left out for a long time on dirty plates and in dirty, grimy cups. There may also have been dirty, rusty knives, or something like that, somewhere.

      I walked back into the living room. I felt like I had isolated myself in my great-grandmother’s house for so long. It had been days. Here I’d been, back home all this time, and I hadn’t visited my mother once!

      I thought I’d give her a call and let her know I was at my great-grandma’s house, and that she could come visit me or maybe even pick me up so we could go somewhere to visit with each other. But I hesitated – I now felt so guilty having neglected my mother for all these days, that I knew just calling her would cause me a lot of heart-breaking pain.

      I was suddenly in “my bedroom” at “my house.” The room was clean, a little barren. Nice sunlight flowed in through the window. It was cheerful enough. But it felt somehow lonely – not just lonely, but sterile, padded.

      Something about this feeling made me realize I was dreaming. I realized I was now lucid. I told myself to keep calm and just go exploring this place as if it were a real environment.

      (Oddly enough, when I became lucid, I may have “transformed” into a tallish, white, young man with tanned skin, blue eyes, and short-shaved, blonde hair. I have no idea why.)

      I walked out of the bedroom and into “my living room.” I was in a suburban house. The house looked small and nice. But it was completely empty. It had thick, brown carpet.

      I walked very slowly, to keep my emotions calm. I was heading for the front door. This was a kind of challenge for me, and I knew (even in my dream-state), that I had to keep calm in order to do this. I knew, I remembered (the truth, not a false memory – I mean, insofar as etc., etc.) that when I’d become lucid indoors in the past, my lucidity would end as soon as I walked outside, as if I hadn’t believed my imagination could “create” an outdoor space.

      I got to the door. It had a strange bolt-lock on it, which I thought was kind of over-doing things. I worked the lock out and pulled open the door.

      It was a bright, sunshiny day in a suburban neighborhood. I told myself to remain calm, remember this was all a dream, and just explore the place like it was a real environment.

      My front yard was a tangle of flowery vegetation and rough, dark shrubs. There was a driveway off to my right, with a big, brown, 1970s-style car.

      A blonde man, very tan, with a long tangle of hair and beard, was messing around near “my car.” He looked crazy, and I was afraid of him. But I was also pissed that he was messing around my car. So I yelled at him, “Hey! Hey! What are you doing?”

      The crazy man hunched up (he never really stood) and turned toward me. He shouted and growled and barked all kinds of weird things at me and started rambling toward me violently. For some reason, he was holding a Panini and a paper plate in his hands, as if he had been eating a Panini when he’d seen my car and decided to vandalize it or rip it off.

      It seemed as if the crazy man were going to try to invade my home. So I yelled at him, “Don’t you come near!”

      The neighbor from the house to my left, an Asian man, in his late 30s or early 40s, wearing glasses, a pink-red polo shirt, and khaki shorts, walked out of his house and into my yard. He’d heard the commotion and was coming to help me.

      I yelled again at the crazy man to back off and not to come anywhere near my home. But I also tried to make it seem to my neighbor like I had the situation under control. I felt like this crazy man was somehow important to whatever I was supposed to learn from this lucid dream. So I had to keep him at a distance without scaring him away entirely. I also wanted to make sure my neighbor didn’t scare away the crazy man.

      Off to my right, in my garden, I saw a strange plant that looked like a Cleome topped with a cabbage. The cabbage was pink and white, like Cleome flowers.

      Somehow, either my yelling my neighbor’s yelling had finally scared away the crazy man. He ran off. I, and possibly my neighbor, ran after him.

      He ran down toward a chain link fence that ran along the crest of a kind of tall, kind of steep, cliff-like hill. I was calling to the crazy man to stop. I wasn’t trying to do him harm. But my neighbor was running faster than me, and he was chasing the crazy man quite violently.

      The crazy man found a bent-up part of chain-link fence and crawled under it. I followed. I saw the crazy man run down the steep, brown hill-face, jumping into a shallow, muddy river or creek at the bottom.

      My neighbor was still ahead of me, intent on capturing the crazy man. But once the crazy man was in the water, he did something to himself so that my neighbor could no longer see him. He had changed his wild, blonde hair into a weird, pink, green, and white, spiky flower style, looking like a hairdo-mix of a Cleome and a lotus. He ducked down low in the creek so that only his head was above water.

      But I could still see that it was the crazy man. I wondered why my neighbor couldn’t. Nothing was different about the crazy man’s face: it was just his hair that looked like a lotus floating on the water.

      I could see that the crazy man was drifting toward a group of copper-skinned, black haired children who were playing and splashing about near the creek’s banks. I thought that it might be a good idea to get the crazy man away from the children. He had gone over to them to blend in with them until we left. But I had a feeling that if he suddenly went crazy again, he could hurt the kids.

      But now the crazy man and my neighbor were gone. I stood in some rocky area, looking down to the kids playing in the creek. At some point I looked over to my right and saw that there was a subway station, just jutting in a platform out of the hill, as if it were half-finished, forgotten. But it also looked new, clean, modern, even futuristic. And it was functional.

      I saw some kids, maybe pre-teen or teenage, playing around near the platform, waiting for the train. I was up near the top of the hill now (which, instead of being muddy or earthy, was now rocky). I was at a pretty level view with the platform and with the kids. I hoped they wouldn’t notice me, because I didn’t want them to start trouble with me.

      My emotions got so unstable that I felt my lucidity fading away.

      But instead of the dream continuing, not lucid, everything blacked out. I told myself, you’re losing your lucidity. You’re waking up altogether. Go back to being in the dream, and being lucid.

      So now I was back in the dream, lucid. I lay, stomach down, over some ledge of rock, looking down to some of the kids playing in the creek. They may have been a boy and a girl. They noticed me and started handing me toys to play with with them. One of the toys was a plastic horse.

      I played around with the horse a little bit, then handed it back to the kids, who went back into the water.

      I walked into the subway station. Inside, it seemed like it had become night. The station was lit gently with a kind of street-quality, greenish, fluorescent flood-lamp. The walls were a brownish stone, and the floors were some kind of granite-like grey. There was a downward staircase in the center of the lobby-area, and there were a few different corridors leading off from the main lobby-area.

      I walked down one of the corridors off to my right. I heard a bunch of teenage kids who sounded like they were joking and having a good time. I decided that I should probably talk with the kids instead of being nervous and shy around them. This was a dream, and I was here to explore whatever I ran into.

      So I saw the kids. They were a group of white boys and girls, dressed in kind of loose baggy sweaters and wool caps. They were making a bunch of jokes which struck me as intelligent and funny. I thought I’d talk to them. But they really didn’t pay any attention to me. So, rather than trying to hard to get their attention and getting hostile attention, I walked down another corridor.

      But now I heard somebody calling for me. I wound around through the corridors, back to the area where the kids had been. It had definitely sounded like one of the boys, calling me back to be part of the group.

      But when I got back to the area – something like a lobby, with a long, wooden counter at the front of the room, and a tall, nice painting on the cinder-block wall to my left – there were no kids, only two women. The women were both naked. They walked toward me, side by side.

      The woman on the right was very tall, maybe a foot taller than I (or “I” in the dream). She was naked, but she wore a dark-blue plume of feathers as a headdress and a spray of dark blue feathers around her waist and back. She looked like a burlesque performer.

      The woman on the left was still taller than I, maybe by an inch or two. She was pale, with long, curly, light-red hair. The women were both offering themselves to me for sex. I chose the shorter woman.

      The woman stood right in front of me, almost to the point of pressing up to me. I asked her a question, and she replied. Satisfied, I began kissing her body.

      We had sex in two or three different positions. But in one position I realized I was just doing a terrible job, and that I must just be making a weird situation for the woman, even though she did at least appear to be having fun. Regardless, I got so ashamed of what I perceived as being my stupid clumsiness that I woke up.
    11. Awesome thrill-ride experience

      by , 11-08-2010 at 07:46 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      [Fragment] I'm in dream!Las Vegas, passing behind the back sides of several of the large casinos. There is a wide strip of empty desert between me and the buildings.

      [Longer dream] I'm in a sort of club with dark-brown wood on all the walls, being followed around by a cartoony-looking blonde girl with pigtails, close to my own age. While I'm there, I get a phone call from the coordinator of our tour group (yes, I'm on a tour as part of a tour group) saying that they're offering me the opportunity to extend the tour for a couple of hours, and if I want to take them up on it, I should meet them at the nearest [some kind of store whose name I can't recall].

      So I head for the exit of the club. There are steps leading down from the door of the club onto a large, open space of concrete, which is on a street corner. As I leave the club, I realize that I'm surrounded by several of my favorite actors, who are leaving it at the same time as I am. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are there, and I hear Patrick Stewart's voice. I don't speak to them, though, because I don't want to bother them with my fangirling while they're trying to hang out and have fun. I know that I'm in Barcelona, and that the club I'm just leaving is known for being a popular hangout for famous people.

      Out on the street corner, I see the aforementioned some-kind-of-store directly across the street from the entrance to the club. It has a green awning with white letters on it. I decide not to go there, though, because I see all the other people from my tour group walking along the street and turning the corner to go up a side street. I decide to stick with the group. The cartoony-looking blonde girl is part of the group, too, but she hasn't come out of the club yet. “She'll catch up,” I say, and start walking up the street with the group. The street goes uphill. We walk several blocks, turn at least one more corner, and end up on an open-air elevated light rail car. I sit in the corner seat on the end of the car that points in the direction it's traveling. It starts moving and goes really fast along the track. It's quite thrilling when it turns a corner, and I cheer and whoop in exhilaration, as if I were on a roller coaster.

      Eventually, the track for the vehicle we're in ends abruptly, high above a river that has broad beaches along its banks. Somehow, the vehicle has morphed into one of those circular whitewater rafts, like the ones they have on Grizzly River Run at Disney California Adventure. Our raft shoots off the end of the track and starts falling toward the river. I know that we're not actually falling all that distance, because we're inside a simulator ride. The raft starts tumbling and turning end over end as it falls through the air, but I don't feel the sensation of being turned upside down, and I know that that's because I'm not actually being turned upside down, it's just the video in the simulator ride making it look like I am. Just before our raft hits the water, I realize that it's going to hit with enough force to plunge pretty deeply into the water before floating back to the surface again. I hold my breath just to play along with the simulation, even though I know it is one, and, indeed, there is no real water; I don't feel wet, but I see the deep-green-tinted underwater video all around me.
      [LOL! Maybe this is what happens when MILDing is only partially successful? ]
    12. Two firsts, and two very brief moments of lucidity

      by , 10-22-2010 at 03:32 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [I don't remember much about my first dream, except that I went,] “Hey, isn't that Ken Watanabe?” I realize that I'm waking up from a dream and attempt, for the very first time, to DEILD. It doesn't work, probably because I have no idea what I'm doing. I wake up and take some notes, as usual, and then go back to sleep.

      [Warning: Disturbing imagery ahead!]

      False awakening in my current real room. [I completely fail to catch it.] My parents' alarm clock radio is playing music really loudly.

      I go down a big slide made of foam padding with canvas on the outside of it. It takes me down to a beach, but this beach seems to be the bank of a river rather than the shore of an ocean. When I get to the bottom, the end of the slide goes on for a little way so that riders can come to a complete stop. When I do come to a stop at the end, the end of the slide partially deflates under my weight, and I discover that there's a cute little kitten lying on the end of it. It has some of its fur and even a lot of its skin missing, so it's mostly gray bone plates. It curls up into a ball and gets the most awful look on its face. The lady who is there watching it says that he's freezing. I decide to give the kitten my beach towel to keep him warm, as well as my fried chicken. There are lots of other people around us on the beach. I'm a little afraid of them, because I know I'm in the middle of a very large city.

      I realize this is a dream just as it's ending. I woke up and was very surprised to discover that I'd actually fallen asleep while lying on my side, something I've never done before (okay, I probably have, but it was when I was too young to remember it).
    13. The Elf Prince

      by , 09-07-2010 at 07:24 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am lost in a dark forest and though I cannot see them, I know there are goblins chasing me. The trees of the forest are huge and look like sequoias except that their bark is grey and white rather than red. I can see the full moon sometimes between the branches of the huge trees but it offers little light to find my way through the forest.

      I come to a river that is is not very wide but it is very deep and the water is moving very fast. I am afraid that I will be swept away with the current if I try to swim across. I head downstream, following as close to the river as I can while staying amoungst the trees.

      Because of the noise of the fast flowing water, I cannot hear goblins sneaking up behind me. One of them grabs my arm but I shake him off and in a panic I jump into the river. The water carries me fast and far away from the goblins but I have trouble keeping my head above the water and start to drown.

      I am almost out of air when someone grabs me around the waist and pulls me to the other side of the river. I cough out all the water I swallowed as the man who saved me pats me gently on the back. When I have calmed down a bit I see that we are in a clearing and with no trees blocking the moonlight I can see the man who saved me.

      He looks like Legolas (as played by Orlando Bloom in Peter Jackson's rendition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy), and is dressed in royal silver and blue robes. A silver crown sits on his head and catches the moonlight in such a way that it looks as if there is a glowing halo surrounding his head.

      I lay in awe on the ground and look up at him and he just softly smiles at me. I cannot remember any more of this dream.
    14. Medieval writings and a magic orca

      by , 09-01-2010 at 11:15 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in my old bedreeom at my parents house sometime in the early 90s. I appear as I did when I was about 14 or 15 or so. It is nighttime and the sun has not quite yet begun to rise. I can hear my mom and dad stirring in thier bedroom down the hall. Because I like to sleep in and afraid that my dad will try to get me at the same time he does (which is something he did throughout my whole teenage life) I get up and quietly close the door to my room.

      Even though I have the intention of going back to sleep I turn the light on for some reason and see that my bed is now covered in many books. Many are on Medieval folklore or literature but there is one book about how to write stories. I sit down on my bed and open it up to a section that is like a 'choose your own adventure' and also has many ideas for names. On the wall running parallel to my bed a vision or hallucination is projected of how my thoughts and imagination are processing the information of the book.

      The dimensions of my room suddenly change and it is much larger than before with a much higher ceiling. An orca whale appears and starts swimming around the air of my room like it was in water. Somehow I know that this orca is magic and also my animal companion.

      Reading more of the book I learn in the dream how to write fantastic stories and when I am done and put the book down I don't even need to use paper or writing implements because I can just project the images from my imagination onto the walls or floor of my bedroom and the images become real. Somehow I know that my magic orca is helping me do this but I don't know how to explain exactly in what ways.

      Because I have so many ideas in my head the scenes change quickly until one catches my eye. At first I cannot tell what it is. Projected on the floor of my bedroom something appears to be moving quickly under the water of a seagrass enclosed, shallow river channel along a Medieval looking countryside. It takes a few moments for me to recognize the creature but I finally realize that it is a beluga whale. My orca companion becomes excited and begins swimming around the room rather exuberantly.

      I take a picture of the beluga scene for my orca companion with my imagination powers and my friend seens happy to float over my shoulder and look at the postcard sized image for a while, though for some reason he seems rather sad all of a sudden. The beluga in the projected scene seems to realize this somehow and starts blowing bubbles.

      One bubble is very big and the orca swims towards it, shrinking insize as he goes, until he is small enough to fit inside of it. As soon as he goes inside of the bubble both the orca and the bubble disappear along with the scene that had been projected on my floor.

      At first I am confused and unable to make the scene reappear. Then I notice that the postcard sized image has changed and now shows both the beluga and the orca swimming happily in the shallow river channel rather than the beluga alone. I somehow know that my orca is now with a friend and this makes me happy.

      The dream ends there.
    15. Wolves and buried bombs in a Japanese settlement

      by , 08-14-2010 at 05:35 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off in a light temperate forest by a rivers edge. There is a Japanese settlement by the water's edge at the bottom of a cliff. Most of the people there dress in traditional Japanese clothing and are miner's and fishermen but lately they have been complaining about wolf sightings near the settlement and claim that the fishing huts are being raided at night by the wolves.

      I am sent in with two other people to search the forest and do an zoological study of the wolves and alleged behaviour but we search the forest for many days and find no sign of them at all. When we tell the Japanese settlers this they start claiming that they are being haunted by ghost wolves. That same day active but undetonated bombs are unearthed around the village, leftovers from American bombing during World War Two. The village shaman says that the spirits of these hidden bombs were what the villiagers saw as wolves. The people believe that they will no longer see the wolves now that the bombs have been removed.

      My team and I are not convinced that the wolf sightings were just apparitions and search the forest again. We split up to cover more gorund and in the middle of one sunny day I am on a mount or a hill or something deep in the forest when three grey wolves appear and surround me on the hill.

      They do not growl or otherwise threaten me but also do not let me leave, blocking my path whenever I try to back away or run. They do not speak to me directly but I sense that they are trying to communicate with me somehow. I use my digital camera to take pictures of the wolves and after I have done so they finally back down and disappear back into the forest.

      I contact my collegues and we reconviene at the settlement but when I try to show them the images I captured on my digital camera, my camera will not work despite having a new battery in it. My collegues said that they did not see any wolves themselves but felt that they were being followed.

      I cannot remember anymore of this dream.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:07 PM by 6048

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