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    1. Dream about climbing on roof of hotel where I was staying

      by , 01-13-2020 at 12:52 AM
      This weekend, I was leading a retreat for the rest of the leadership team for an large event that I will be running this summer. We were staying in a hotel that was in an old art deco building downtown in a city a few hours away. I was staying in the penthouse suite where we held our meeting and planning sessions.

      I had a dream last night where the rest of the team and I were opening the windows and walking on the ledges outside which were 17 stories over the street. We walked all the way around the outside of the building and then we scaled the building and climbed up to the roof before repelling back down to the 17th floor where my suite was. I vividly recall a strong wind, hearing the traffic on the street below, and seeing the other buildings downtown light-up as the sun set and we went from late afternoon to night. I do not have any recollection of why we decided to climb out to the ledge and then scale the building to the roof, but all of the details were very vidid and when I woke-up, I actually go of out bed and checked all of the windows to see if we really did go out of the roof. All windows were latched, so i guess it was all a very vivid dream.
    2. Rooftop Bar

      by , 07-09-2019 at 11:49 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in some kind of bar on top of a building trying to find someone I know. The bar's first floor looks pretty normal, nothing super fancy. However, somehow I find the staircase that leads up to the rooftop. I have to use a ledge on the side of the building and a railing placed against the wall to climb around. Once I reach the main area. I see the person I know and sit down with them.
      Tags: bar, rooftop
    3. June 22nd, 2016

      by , 06-22-2016 at 05:38 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Dream 1 (fragment):
      I was on a rooftop of a high rise building, and the roof was a pool. I was with my sister, and we had this giant floatation device in the shape of an octopus, it was huge and pink, and somehow it fell off the roof into the street and I could hear crashing and horns and screaming. Oops!

      Dream 2:
      I came home but my apartment was way bigger than normal, though I didn't question it in the dream. There were children running around, and I knew my roommate was supposed to be babysitting them, but she was talking to some tall mysterious men on a screened in porch. The kids were crying, and I had to give one of them a haircut, but she kept thrashing and running away, and then she said she hated the haircut cuz her hair looked curly. I tried to get her to sit down to let me finish, and I offered to blow-dry it so that it would be straight but she was just crying and freaking out. Eventually my roommate came out to take care of them and then the parents came and got them.
    4. The Chicken Breast Rooftop Challenge

      by , 01-19-2016 at 06:17 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      The Chicken Breast Rooftop Challenge (DILD)


      I’m standing on top of a blue, pastel stylized rooftop with another dream characters. The plot of the dream was to ensure that the chicken breast packages that you would typically see in grocery retail wouldn’t topple over.

      How I assessed this was by standing in the center, and then analyzing the environment through different angles to calculate which crevice underneath the peculiar roofing would have the chicken breast packages fall over. There was one moment where there’s an old lady underneath walking out, and I had the feeling that the chicken breast package on that side would topple over.

      I dash over, and managed to place it back through the slot in time. Fortunately, there was about 30 seconds left on the timer displayed on top in the dream. And as soon as it reached zero, I take a jump into the blue abyss below me, and start looking at the area I was just in. It was contained in some transparent sphere, and I’m falling at a moderate pace while smiling at someone, but I’m not sure who.
    5. Love on the Rooftop

      by , 02-17-2015 at 12:29 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in some unknown place with some people who felt like family. A guy playing as a "troll" was supposed to be coming for us so we need to hide properly or climb high. There was a sense of fear but at the same time fun. The guy was wearing a mask of sort to signify the troll. In one instance, he was just standing there waiting while we look for ways to create a high but stable tower made of furniture. One was a table and sofa but with wheels so it's not stable. We tried going up after a few tries. I walked around, jumping from ledge to ledge, avoiding the troll.

      I was staying with a woman on one of those high ledges. I was worried that somehow I'll lose consciousness and get drunk and have sex with her and then she will get pregnant. (That escalated quickly.) I thought of how I didn't want to be responsible for that and maybe she should get it aborted but worried that we have anti-abortion laws and that some people get really angry about abortion. (Worry and blowing things out of proportion are bad tendencies of mine.) I went out of the place.

      I was up on the rooftop of a building after climbing it. I was with some people. It felt a like a continuation of the previous dream this morning where I was climbing a hill in the school. I was with some people who are supposed to be familiar to me but they're faces are not. Friends. While we were chatting about and some are arriving, the building moved, like it had wheels. It was a bus, and we were on the roof. I held on so I don't fall off and event went a bit farther into the center and away from the "rails" of the roof. Some are still sitting in a position that could get them to fall off if the bus makes a turn (due to momentum", so I told them to arrange themselves so they can hold on to something. They don't seem worried, and as we turned, they don't seem to be that much affected by momentum.

      There were two guys in front of me who were talking. One of them felt familiar but not sure if he looks like someone I know (Emman); he's dark skinned. The other is fair skinned, and acts a bit childish. He's like a younger Baron Geisler. After a while, they were kissing. I was right behind them, and they were touching my knees. I got turned on and moved my torso closer. I tentatively approached and kissed Emman, wondering if he'll push me off or accept me. He kissed back lightly, but then I became aggressive, so he stopped me and said playfully "Whoa, whoa. Chill." Something like that.

      We were walking down the beach at sunset and then night. It was dark. We played around, but no sex, at least not according to my dream. (Maybe it was censored?) I missed them along the process as I went to a different storyline in the dream. Something about jumping over vaults that looked like the blocks of a pyramid (Incan or Mayan, not Egyptian).

      I went back to the "roof." I saw Chela there (really her looks this time). We talked a bit, then I heard/saw/felt Emman and Baron. I went to them and kissed them on the mouth casually, which they were fine with. They said something about looking for me. We went back to the "center" of the roof (surrounded by 6-feet walls but has door-like openings on all sides and with no roof). I saw Chela again and she showed me on her phone an app that showed a kiss mark (black background) and two people. I think it was supposed to represent the two guys I was with and that it showed I kissed them. She was playfully asking who they were. I was hesitant but not afraid as I quickly looked (with just my eyes) at the two guys to my left and they slowly retreated, cartoonishly. I didn't know if they're out (even though they kissed in public). I guess I kinda outed them when I looked at them retreating out of the walls. (The place looked like Intramuros).


      - Afternoon dream (Approx. 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
      - Took phenylephrine for the stuffy nose
      - Set alarm, but I woke up before the alarm.
      - That was weird. I feel that I am very monogamous but this dream with the polyamorous relationship seemed fun and silly, as if I didn't feel any weight while I was in it. I was never in a polyamorous relationship, and I usually say/think I never would be since I'm very selfish and don't want to share my partner (to be).
      - I would have thought that I'd feel the same feeling of disgust and worry over the polyamorous relationship as I did with the thought of having sex with a female.
    6. Stab stab stab

      by , 12-29-2014 at 08:09 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 28, 2014

      I was running around the roof of some strange, giant building that was reminiscent of the Sky Tower in the new Pokemon games. (I've been playing them pretty much nonstop since Christmas...)

      I was running because I was being chased by a giant monster thang. It was like Rayquaza, but had Benedict Cumberbatch's voice (well, the mind-knowing-not-really-speech equivalent of his voice). If you were completely still, this creature couldn't see you... Unfortunately, I had moved a slight amount, and it locked onto me.

      I ran inside, and saw a friend of mine in a pile of pillows. I hid under a table nearby, hoping the creature wouldn't be able to find me. But it had my scent or something, and easily spotted me. I ran back outside, onto the roof/balcony. I stood very, very still, hoping the wind would wash my scent away or something. It came out soon after, looking for me. But there were now many other people, all standing completely still. The creature went past me, and I dashed inside. There was a magnetic knife rack on the right side of the doorframe, and I grabbed the biggest knife I could, and pressed myself against the wall as flat and still as I could. I waited. I could hear it coming back in, having fought my movement. It was now in the form of a human-like woman, but I knew it was still the monster. It had a smaller knife, and lunged at me with it. I somehow held the knife off with one hand, and then stabbed the creature in the chest. It staggered backward, then fell onto its back. I knew it was dead, but I straddled it and stabbed it at least 15 more times, over and over again even though it was very, very dead.

      I don't usually get all that violent in my dreams (and if I do, it's almost always with good reason) , so this was disconcerting for me...
    7. 14th Nov 2013 Various Fragments, Complex, Video games, Fights

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      Some kind of video game.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I have entered some underground complex and was using radio to communicate with someone. I was searching for quite a while around various areas. Then i finally found what i was searching for and found way to disable security on it. I went through opened passage and reached a chamber with massive futuristic energy weapon, there was a panel near it where i switched a few things and went back through the passage, i could switch lights on and off using some kind of cursor on the way. Then i've found way out of complex and there were castle ruins near the exit. Group of rebels were fighting someone, which then turned into a large fight between two sides and i had to get through that. I"ve found a truck and started getting around but then road got blocked by random rocks. Luckily a bunch of dynamite packs were nearby which i used to blow rocks up.
      Then i've reached some kind of glass underwater passage and then some dude appeared and started using sleep inducing weapons, i resisted them, retreated a bit then counterattacked. Then later as i continued through passage there was something about butterflies.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some doom mod and there was a level that was like huge maze complex set from sections 4 by 4. Some enemies were different and there was one enemy that was throwing skulls. I got lost for a bit but then found way out using a map, exit was unlocked but i was trying to 100% level, soon part of map opened revealing a horde of lost souls, against which i used a rocket launcher.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was playing serious sam and there was some desert temple map with enemies appearing in groups, i was trying to get through it without saves.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      There was some fight on ruined rooftop where i have teamed up with someone else and we had to fight a team of two girls with some kind of psionic abilities.
    8. 2013 September 5; Shooting

      by , 09-05-2013 at 11:34 PM
      Some people were shooting as if it was Call Of Duty on a rooftop and at the end the person I saw the eyes through jumped off a building without having intended it - He overshot or didn't look where he was going.
    9. 25th Aug 2013 Random fragments, DEILD, Dragon - Day 15

      by , 08-25-2013 at 03:45 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about girl with psionic powers or something and some people tried to catch her, then there was fight on rooftops.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and i had claw-like attachments on the foot that were apparently made from lego( ), and then i was playing a video game with SilentEternity. It was kinda sandbox game and unique thing about it was that it was controlled using... a pencil and a piece of paper, drawing something materialized it in game and removing something with eraser dealt damage to it. We were building some weird forts with weird physics applied to parts and then were fighting using eraser powers.

      Dream 3:

      At this point i wake up briefly and go for DEILD, i don't feel transition so i decide to risk and open my eyes, i immediately notice that placement of everything in room is apparently mirrored along the axis from door to balcony, it's also nighttime, but it's not as dark as for usually and also there are no lights outside.
      I get up and go to balcony, dream destabilizes for a bit and i rub hands to stabilize. On balcony, i notice full moon straight ahead in the distance, pretty big and unusual, no wonder why it's less dark. And in the light, i notice something else in the distance, something flying. As i look more carefully i notice that it's a dragon. I immediately take off and fly, feeling my wings. Roughly halfway during the flight i strangely find myself back in my room, i fly through balcony doorway and in same direction, i see that dragon is still here. I find myself flying unusually quick this time, so i reach him pretty quickly. He appears to be black scaled. As i slow down and try to change trajectory to fly along... suddenly i find myself back in my room again, this time there's some kind of dark energy sphere which shortly transforms into a DC. He says something about time, which i can't hear well so i ask to repeat it but dream shortly fades out.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was chatting on skype with somebody(Probably SilentEternity).

      Updated 08-25-2013 at 03:51 PM by 59854

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    10. Existentialism & Red Asian Temple Rooftop [WILD]

      by , 05-02-2013 at 01:11 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Existentialism & Red Asian Temple Rooftop (WILD)


      Spoiler for Side notes:

      The setting is night time, and it's really beautiful outside, the stars are visible, and I quickly realized this is an Asian-Temple themed environment. The night sky is very expansive, and has a very dark turquoise color with sparkling white and yellow stars.

      The weather is perfect, it's not too cold, and it's not humid at all. It's like the air is perfectly wrapping around my dream body, keeping it in perfect condition, and I realize I'm wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants.

      I'm standing on top of a Red Asian Temple Rooftop, similar to the image below, except just replace the obvious with what I'm describing.

      The rooftop is very large, spanning at least 50-60 feet for its curved composition length (if you're looking at just it side-view. It's width however, is even more than that, maybe 100-300 feet wide, and there isn't much of detail on it because I don't really emphasize my focus on it.

      I could blame the night for not really bringing out the details as much, since the temple rooftop itself looked like it consisted of red clay or red cement material.

      It could just be dream logic not really having consistent proportions for the building, especially when I would become passive and go into spectator mode and see the temple a bit smaller than usual, but that's probably because things are really zoomed out.

      The surrounding environment, it was like a mini-village, and another highlight in this area was the very long river going parallel to the Red Asian Temple.

      The moonlight shines on the river, glistening it to show its dark blue/ dark turquoise hue, and the water itself looked enticing in itself. It felt that if I were to enter it, I would be cleansed or purified or something related to feeling renewed.

      I gaze at the long river for a bit, and then I shift my focus back to the person that's sitting about 4 feet away from me to my right.

      We're on the left side of the temple rooftop (just imagine looking at the temple roof top in side view), and it was Eva. She's wearing some kind of gray or milky swamp-ish green
      kimono blouse with a matching short skirt that only extended to her mid-thighs.

      The blouse itself makes a large V-neck shape that just barely shows cleavage, and the base of the blouse for her stomach region is wrapped with something slightly thicker, most likely to keep the skirt and the blouse in place.

      This base was maybe 4-5 inches in length and her blonde hair is glowing a bit to the point where it looks like it's a slightly bleached blonde hair.

      The hairstyle is similar to the image below, probably exactly like it, except brighter.

      Her skin, it's glowing (not literally), like the type of glow you would see in a woman when she just had a shower and had lotion applied to her. Her thighs seemed to be eye-candy for me, since most of her visage wasn't as detailed, mostly just the outlines and maybe grooves to imply there's an eye brow, nose, and mouth.

      She's just looking at the environment, and I started to wonder if this was just a temporary doll-like body of her, but she quickly came to life when I started to have a conversation with her. It seemed she was phased out like I was and was gazing at this beautiful environment at night time.

      I can't remember if I stood up or sat down, but either way, I decided to keep my distance from her for a bit, and started talking about reality and dreaming.

      I can't remember the specific details, maybe a paraphrased recall will be enough.

      "Isn't the night sky beautiful?"

      She doesn't respond, but I know she was listening to me. She most likely knew I would just go into a monologue about random things, and how I felt about certain aspects of reality and dreaming life, so that's there wasn't much for her to add on.

      I greeted her and asked her how she was doing, and I get the usual generic response,

      "I'm doing fine, how about you?"

      I turn back to looking at the environment in front of us again, then I started to shift my perspective to third-person for a bit and looked at myself side-view.

      I felt very calm, and I think I went through a stream of consciousness and began talking about how sometimes I wonder if I'm in the waking state or dreaming state anymore.

      I shake my head quickly, realizing how foolish that statement was, and stated how I already knew the huge difference compared to waking life.

      I just wasn't stressed out, there wasn't any kind of doubt, there was no need to worry about anything. I could be myself, and she would be the one where my subconscious would sublimate and exchange thoughts with the unconscious and all that stuff.

      I noticed she moved a bit slightly, she leans her left arm onto the surface of the temple rooftop, letting her elbow hit the surface. She brings her right arm over so she can clasp her right hand with her left, so that her arms formed a geometric shape like an imperfect square or rectangle.

      She still maintains steady focus on the environment, and was probably looking at me when I wasn't looking at her. I was about 1-3 feet in front of her, and I kept shifting my perspective from third-person and spectator mode.

      I talked about how certain people in my life that I would place so much significance don't have much of an emotional impact as before. It was only when I started to care about them is when I would go back into being part of their lives in some way.

      I started telling Eva that the people I interact with, how I place certain emotions towards them were all delusions in some way.

      I started getting into Existentialism more and more, but I tried to keep myself from going too much, and just kept the thought process limited to a few people in my life.

      I knew there was no point trying to express extreme disappointment when I could just talk about things casually. I continued stating how I'm only making certain people satisfied by letting them see what they want to see.

      Yeah, I don't even know what the hell is going on as I'm typing this, I was just speaking for the sake of speaking the dream. Just wanted a steady communication with her.

      And damn it, my laptop shut down just when I was finished typing this dream down.

      Having hatred or dislike for them seemed pretty pointless, and how they decided to react to people and the situations that come to them would just be their own worries and not mine. I would just have to tolerate how they reacted to me until they wouldn't become as much of a bother anymore.

      Then I tried to break the seriousness by joking around with her by asking if she would try to run away from me again.

      I even had a mental image of her doing that, or at least both of us running together on top of the huge temple rooftop, but the idea goes away because I felt it was just too silly. This only made things more awkward, and I started to wonder why I used that in jest. But it seems Eva doesn't really mind, just listening to whatever it is I wanted to say.

      I decided to break the awkwardness by sitting next to her and braced against the rooftop surface. I spread my arms open and clasped my hands together so I could rest my head on them.

      I looked at the sky, and decided to spend a few minutes just relaxing and staying in this position with her next to me. I go back to feeling the weather in this dream, the environment and such, and I eventually decided I should get closer to her.

      I turn to my right and hugged her and braced my head against her chest. I told her she smelled nice, and I could feel the slight sweat from her body that trickled down from her neck to her cleavage.

      I liked rubbing my face against this area, even though it was kind of creepy rubbing into someone's sweaty chest. It felt cold, but very nice as it extinguishes my heated body.

      Then I embraced her by hugging her tighter, and then ignored the environment as I closed my eyes and embraced her warmth.

      There wasn't much else to do in this dream, other than possibly go and see if there were people in this large village. But I didn't really care anymore, and I decided to wake up.

    11. On a Dark Rooftop

      by , 03-07-2013 at 06:15 PM
      This lucid was extremely short (perhaps 20 seconds), a length that I'd normally consider a micro-lucid and not journal here. But it was so vivid and striking that it's really stuck with me. It's one of those dreams where you just remember every detail.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #73: On a Dark Rooftop

      I'm pawing at hypnagogic imagery, and I sense that I can reach out with my hand to touch a solid floor. It works, and a dream scene takes shape. It's night and I'm crouched on the rooftop of a one-story house on the crest of a hill. I'm dressed in head-to-toe in black (yes, I admit, like a ninja ) and I feel silent, coordinated, and infinitely agile.

      I look all around me. Suburban streets lie in every direction. There's a faint reddish glow on the horizon, and I sense some kind of threat or danger gathering in the distance.

      In my head, I clearly hear the voice of an old man: "Even in these dark days, my people yet retain a shadow of their former glory."

      His words fill me with an enormous sense of urgency -- I have work to do. A cold wind picks up. I prepare to leap to an adjacent rooftop,
      but the dream ends.

      I work at DEILD for a while, but just can't get back in.
    12. Pillow Cover, What's Cooking, Playing with Cat, Climbing Rooftops

      by , 04-23-2012 at 06:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Looking for a Pillow cover (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a store, and I'm talking to this female employee, she looks like she's an employee, and she's being fairly annoying towards me.

      I don't know if she's doing it to mask what she really feels for me, but it starts to irritate me a little bit. I don't know what she was doing with me, but my father comes in and assumes that I was flirting with her.

      He starts smiling at me, and leaves me with the girl. I try to convince him that I'm not flirting with her, but he's still smiling and presuming I am. After that, I look around the store a little bit more, and there's quite a few people in it looking around.

      The store overall is kind of weird, I think you could use a washer somewhere on the sides, because I do remember someone trying to take their clothes out of some kind of machine. Then I realized that one of those shirts had to be mine.

      It was a maroon shirt with logo of the university's name I go to on it. It takes a while, but the man moves the shirt a little bit out of the pile, and I see a ripped hole near the top right chest region on the shirt.

      I told the man that is my shirt because I know there was a hole on one of mine in waking life, but he quickly responds back to me that he had a hole in his as well. That leaves me in an awkward position, and I have to let it go.

      (I believe the hole was actually on the left side in waking life instead of the right, kind of a minor thing, but still, if I was that serious with all day awareness, that could've made me lucid instantly!)

      Then I tried pumping my pillow I think?? It was no use, the pillow, or whatever it was I was pumping was constantly deflating, then I decided I should buy a new pillow and cover. I believe my mother was walking with me on the right when we got out of the store.

      When I told her I'm going to buy a pillow and cover, she complains about something, but I try to ignore it.

      Then as I'm going to the other store, I see my father in a vehicle, but he's looking at something else from another angle, he's sitting parallel from our view, and I quickly go inside of the store before he gets the chance to see the other side.

      I don't know why I'm worried about him finding us though. I go inside the store, and I think me or someone said "Howdy!"

      (Wait.....I would only say that at the university....not a store...unless it was a store within the area...).

      There was an Asian man as a cash register along with a black female as well. They looked cheerful overall, but probably because the store didn't have many people, so they just appreciated whoever came.

      Then there's a female employee who is headed her way to me and asks me if I needed any help. I told her that I'm looking for a decent pillow cover. She acknowledges my response, and turns around for me to follow her. She shows me one that's black, but it's too girly because it was some weird stickers or some kind of girly girly stuff on it, no thank you, next item please.

      She goes to the front of the store, and tries to pick some random pillow cover, but I can't remember anything after that.


      What's Cooking (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a random house with my father......and even my mother. The house is fairly wide, and the walls I believe had a slightly darker due of canary yellow.

      Both of them are cooking something in the kitchen, and I go over to see what it was.

      Kind of a boring dream...


      Playing with a Black and White Cat (Non-lucid)


      I only remember resting on the floor, and some random image of a transparent and empty water bottle appears in the air.

      Things get pitch-black for a moment, and I can see all the edges and curves from the water bottle. I think I was moving it around, either with my mind or with some kind of device.

      Some cat was attracted to it, and I basically spent the entire dream trying to make the cat do random things while it was trying to catch an invisible water bottle.


      Climbing Rooftops (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember a lot from this, but I believe it starts out with me hanging on the edge of a rooftop and getting on top of it. Once I'm there, the rooftop is pretty big, and it's slanted as well.

      There are some random people throwing water down the rooftop to prevent me from getting inside the house. I had to do a bit of dodging, and I honestly don't know how I'm doing it, but I'm just going with what happened.

      I think I finally get inside the house, and I see some random people inside, forgot what I did after that.
    13. 4/?/11 - Rooftop chases

      by , 04-19-2011 at 04:15 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I'm in some school building with my friend K from school, and we are making ruckus and running around on top of AC vents, and sometimes dropping things on people below. This goes on for some time with teachers chasing us.
      Dream 2:
      I am in some hotel suite with 2 blast doors that are see through. For some reason my Dad has gone crazy and we are trying to keep him out. The smaller blast door takes 10 seconds to close and the larger blast door takes 30 seconds. The doors block the entryway to 2 separate balconies, and the balconies aere accessible by ladder. My dad chases me around when I accidentally open one of the blast doors and then I escape by swinging away on a rope dangling from a window a story above me. I eventually make it inside safely.
    14. Lucid Dream 210: First Parts War

      by , 04-07-2011 at 04:12 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 7, 2011
      Lucid Dream 210: First Parts War
      Series: Meiseki na Yume, Episode 2
      around 5:00am

      I was walking around in the local Magic Mart (which is now out of business). I was looking for the electronics section, but it wasn't where it used to be. I walked around the store several times and couldn't find what I was looking for. I walked around for a bit more and became lucid for no particular reason.

      I performed a few quick stabilization techniques and went exploring around the store. I was looking for something cool to do and I noticed something very interesting. There was a huge display that said, "2011 ATs." ATs are basically, fully customizable fancy roller blades from the anime, "Air Gear." So, I grabbed a pair of black roller blades with blue flames going down the side. I put them on and began skating around Magic Mart. I was jumping up on top of the isle shelves and leaping from isle to isle. I was the only person in the entire department store. I decided to start skating backwards (which I have never done in real life), and I was doing awesome. I suddenly slammed into a wall and fell over. I stood back up and saw I had put a large hole in the wall. I exited through the wall and skated outside.

      This parking lot is pretty big and almost completely vacant. I started at one end and tried to see how much speed I could get without teleporting/skipping ahead. I kicked off hard and then leaned forward and imagined fire blasting from my ATs. I began to pick up speed at an incredible pace. The scene around me was starting to blur and I turned my feet sideways and skidded to a halt. I stabilized a bit and I was now standing on a concrete path/sidewalk in the middle of a city park area.

      I noticed there were many other skaters/riders around me performing stunts and what not. I found a set of stairs that were massive. I leapt into the air and started spinning. I landed at the bottom, but the spin cause the dream scene to change. I was now back at the Magic Mart parking lot.

      I saw a very attractive female watching me. I skated up to her and noticed it was Simca the Swallow. Her extremely sexy voice put me into a sort of trance-like state. She said, "How is my little crow doing? Ready for the big time my King?" I took her in my arms and kissed her. I then backed away and she pointed behind me and let out a sexy and menacing giggle. There was a group of AT riders behind me. They looked like bloods. Several had red bandannas covering their nose and mouth. I skated up to them and said, "Parts War for emblems?" They agreed and I lined up ready to race their top rider. He had dreads pulled back by a red bandanna. He had a Tupac-esque nose ring. Simca stood in front of us and held up her arms. She dropped them and we took off.

      I had no idea where the course was. It wasn't marked or anything, so I just skated around the to the back of Magic Mart and leapt up to the roof. On the roof there were obstacles set up like walls, vehicles, air ducts and vents. I was jumping, spinning, and skating backwards across the obstacles. My competitor caught up to me at the end of the rooftop and we jumped off of the roof and landed below. We were beside each other as we were coming down the final stretch. I leapt into the air and took flight several feet above the ground. I leaned forward and zoomed across the finish line.

      We were at the end of the parking lot and there was a field beside it. The grass reminded me of the task of the month. I skated around in the grass looking for flowers. I finally found a patch of flowers that looked like roses, but they were a brilliant blue color. I picked a bundle of them. They had thorns on the stems and were just a beautiful shade of blue. Simca had now skated up to me and I handed her the flowers. She then wrapped her arms around my head/neck and I picked her up. I began kissing her and squeezing her ass. I got excited and felt the dreaming slipping. I badly wanted to f*** Simca, so I tried desperately to hold on to the dream, but it didn't work. I woke soon after.

      Series Details
      "Meiseki na Yume" is Japanese for, "Lucid Dream." In this series, I take my passion for anime and combine it with my passion for lucid dreaming. Join me as I explore the world of anime the best way I know how, in my dreams! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    15. Just one fragment.

      by , 01-11-2011 at 01:37 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)
      Magic fragment (Non-lucid)


      I was a wizard in a world where magic was made up of the four elements. I was fighting an evil wizard in a rooftop made of wooden planks (where you could easily fall off) and I defeated him using a power that was better than ordinary magic. Then I saw a pedophile trying to trick children into thinking he had a magic school.

      Notes: Exam season has begun! Goodbye good recall
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