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    1. January 8, 2024 9:44 am

      by , 01-08-2024 at 09:54 AM
      I dreamt that I was sleeping in my room, but the room was several times the size, had multiple doors and an emergency exit, and it had museum artifacts inside. Meanwhile, people kept putting their stuff into my room, it started with two people whom I overheard speaking Dutch before jokingly asking if they were speaking German before revealing that I could speak Dutch too. I then notice more and more hipsters and diverse types of people (in style, they were all still white) move into my room. I get on top of the stage, but having a dry mouth from just waking up I can't reach the rest of the group. My flatmate then offers me water whilst dressed as a water bottle like one of the people moving in is, I wake up before starting my speech
    2. 22 Oct: Meeting Nighthawk at a party and we get down to business

      by , 10-22-2022 at 08:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Meeting Nighthawk at some party at a friends' place. We end up alone in a room and when I am sure no one is coming and the ice isn't breaking, I approach him and decidedly show him my desire to kiss him. He resists, saying he can't or mustn't, but I insist. He clearly wants it to, but he claims that if he caves in, his desire will become violent and uncontrollable and it won't be possible to turn around. I say I don't care, so we start kissing and unzipping our pants and we... fuck. It is very detailed and graphic, like at some point we talk about how deep he is in and I say he could be more. So, NSFW content... Then some nosy kid enters the room accidentally and sees us. We ask him not to say a word to anyone and he swears he won't, but we know he is going right away to tell everyone and soon a bunch of people will barge in this room, so we quickly zip our pants back and we run out of the room to avoid that embarassment.
    3. 15 Sep: At an event, then try to lucid teleport, end up fighting monsters in The Backrooms

      by , 09-15-2022 at 05:30 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Visiting the location of some teachings I am attending, I am amazed by the architecture and decor of the place, the temple, the gardens. I am helping out and looking for a mop to clean something when I stumble across Em. She takes me to her own apartment to get me a mop and says she is also tidying it up. And it really needs, it looks like a hoarder's house. She claims it's her mother who likes to have stuff covering every surface. I find that odd, from what I know about her, but say it's the same with me and my mom, except we don't want to, it just happens. Our teacher is on-site and welcoming small groups for personalized conversations and teachings in a large reception hall. He is receiving a group which I join in by mistake and they are talking about Jesus and calling themselves a church, it all sounds satirical yet they are truly commited to the part. I have no clue what they are up to, but not my business, so I leave. I am then invited to join a larger group who is having some kind of reception with food and drinks. We sit at a large U shaped table that goes around a U shaped corridor. Food starts being served and I ask if this is dinner, they say no and then I reply we will be full and not need dinner later. I meet some nice people and one guy is recording snips and bits of the event and makes a short clip with me, which distracts me for like 10 minutes, enough for all the food to disappear. They suggest I go directly to the kitchen and ask for more, but the only tray they still have is taken to another group and there is nothing left. I realize I am so hungry and can't wait until the next meal. I almost have a meltdown because of it.
      Some guy and girl invite me to go out and look for some café or other place to eat and I join them. The location feels like some European city with modern buildings. I feel Berlin vibes but it actually looks more like London. We are at some terraced passageway and then we need to go down some stairs to reach the main street where there is the subway and they are asking me where I am staying and where would be more convenient to go and I have no idea. They ask east or west and I mention vaguely an area but my mind is blurry. Then for some reason I decide to not go with them anymore and we separate. I then spot two ginger cats sleeping in the street, their backs against a wall, and I approach to see if they're ok. Apparently so and anyway I can't take them with me, so I leave them be.
      Then it gets blurry again but I am with a group of 2-3 people in a room and they aren't friendly to me and are menacing somehow, so I leave and try to lock the door behind me. I can't, so I start zigzagging through rooms and realize I am in some kind of the Backrooms, as each room has 3-4 doors only leading to another room and so on. Some are empty, some look like normal rooms in a home
      . I start becoming lucid and think of what to do next. Not sure, have no plan, but I spot a door that opens to an absolute pitch darkness and I decide to jump through it as a portal and see where I land. Doesn't go as planned. I just enter a darker and most dangerous area of the Backrooms, filled with monsters. First I stumble from room to room in the darkness, finding some hints of a faded light here and there showing a door or some furniture against a wall. Then I came across the first monster. It looks a bit like Venom, shiny black slim body and a big head with sharp teeth. He just appears out of nowhere and falls on me. I just have time to grab his head away from mine and we fight on the floor. I try several hooks to keep him imobilized as I try to find a weakness to hurt him. Eventually I manage to grab some object and slam it into his head, but it takes a lot of times to knock him down and he bits me a couple times. Then I continue wandering and encounter a metal staircase leading to upper or lower levels. I go up and enter a level that has victorian decor in the hallways and beautiful colored bead curtains hanging over many doors. As soon as I cross one such doors and it makes a distinct sound of beads against each other, some woman with a kid appears running and yelling that I just attracted the creature. The creature is a hollow blue mesh figure, a bit like the other slender figure before, but more hunched and walking on four limbs. The front limbs a bit longer than the back limbs. And the head is very thin, basically a neck ending in a jaw. I don't even know how this creature can hurt, because it looks so frail, but it is scary nonetheless. We run upwards but all the next floors are still in the same style with the same damn curtains. Eventually I enter one such floor any way and allow the creature to follow me throughout the rooms. I then face it and grab its head to find it is indeed frail. I rip apart the head mesh as if it is cardboard and that is it. Then I think I see the kid again, can't tell if he is the same, but must be. I call him closer, I don't see his mother around. He stares at me, doesn't move or say a word. Then he gets closer and I noticed he has a snake like tongue and he is actually preparing to attack me. He is just another monster. He tries to snatch me with his tongue and I just have time to jump to the side and escape him. Turns out the woman was walking on the ceiling like a spider and also throwing her tongue to catch me at the same time. Instead both their tongues get entangled and when she pulls her tongue in she swallows the kid whole. I run away again through rooms and rooms, until I find a new level which looks more like the real world. I hear human voices, but not knowing what it is I hide in a room which looks almost normal, with a bed and sheets and even some light coming from some kind of window. I hide under the bed when I hear the voices approaching. It is two guys and they close the door behind them, looking scared and looking for something to block it. They seem human, so I decide to reveal myself. I don't want to startle them, so I whisper to get their attention. They are still spooked at first, suspicious of me, but they end up trusting I am also human. They say they were being chased by some being who looked like a giant leprechaun with two heads. And either he has two faces on the main head or he can send one of the faces down a tentacle-like arm and generate a second head at the end of his arm. The creature arrives at our door and starts pouncing on it heavily. I help them hold it up, but we know he will eventually break it, so I look around for something again that I can use as a weapon. There is some sharp metal thingy from the bed frame and I grab it. The monster finally blasts the door open and throws us down on the ground, but he doesn't come in right away, instead he peaks with his tentacle head first and I stab it with the sharp metal. The creature leaves in agonizing pain, but I still get to see its whole body and main head and it really looks like a leprechaun with a beard and some dusty brown clothing and a semblance of a hat.
    4. Not much

      by , 12-13-2021 at 10:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not much this week I'm afreaid. No jamie dreams this week although that's expected now.


      I was a student at hogwarts. I remember running up the steps toward the great hall. later I remember a sexual feeling. I felt like I was having sex with a ghost. But this was one you couldn't see. Not Moaning Myrtle. But more like the sex demons from the Dark Tower books. What those demons were doing at Hogwarts is anyone best guess.


      I was in my room and someone else was there. A lady and half my things were missing. I was very mad and telling her to get out.
      Tags: hogwarts, room
    5. Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation | [26.07.2021]

      by , 07-26-2021 at 08:10 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation
      Apparently, I am Gordon from Half-Life 2 in this scene. Dr. Kleiner is with me in a half-destroyed room. There are big holes in the wall and debris on the floor, as well as a bridge made of metal grating and a pulley mechanism attached to it, which can be drawn in/out from within this room to pass over to another building, like in Half-Life 2: Episode One. He tells me to do something with suit batteries, and I jokingly think that it's weird that the level designers did this, when in the original Half-Life 2 game, they used car batteries.

      Scene change. I am in the same room of my home where the 3rd dream, 19.07.2021 ended, and am myself again. I am tending to my water snails which are in a jar between many plant pots. Then, I have a fake memory where my mother apparently blew into something which resembles a fallen-off flower blossom, which can apparently transform you into whatever you are currently thinking about when you blow into it, but apparently, she gave it to me but I threw it away for some reason. Now, I want it again, so I look for another one and find one I think resembles it. I know it could be poisonous, so I am a bit anxious, but I blow into it to see if it would work. Instead of doing what I hoped for, it blew up into poisonous plant sap.

      Scene change. The previous scene transitions by me running backwards into another room of sorts which is hard to describe. It is dark and there is another metal grating bridge, and apparently, if you fall down, you fall into the bathroom of my home from the ceiling. I sit on a duplicate of the sink in my bathroom. Apparently, blowing into the blossom did do something, but it does not work because it's apparently unbalancing the forces, or something, so bad things will happen because of that.

      Waking up from that was really weird. For a few minutes, I couldn't remember where and who I was and had great difficulty to notice that the dream didn't really happen.
    6. cclx. To the three distant stars, Drawings on the bed, Hail

      by , 05-05-2021 at 01:56 AM
      27th April 2021


      Something about flying through space. There's something like DSP to this dream. I am checking out a planet, but as I approach it, I realise with some surprise that it's one of the Deuteria systems I'd already built on (in the dream). I then set course for a greatly distant star system? In the galaxy map, I can see this system has three stars.

      I arrive there pretty quickly despite the distance. The dream is not fully like DSP and the three stars are in odd placements around the system, sort of hiding within tight clusters of planets. There's an interesting play of light and ambience as a result.


      I'm in the context of old home but the dream location details are vague now. I remember being in something like my room(?) but the house layout feels different and on a bed or a table there's a number of my drawings. Some are explicit but I don't try to tidy it up. Something about being called through to another room, by dad?

      In the dream, there's an implied sense that my parents know about the type of things I draw sometimes. I feel some discomfort about it but in the dream it's more like the general discomfort or embarrassment from parents trying to be a part of things you don't necessarily want them to be a part of.

      Something about going to meet up with L?

      (I left recall too long and allowed myself to be distracted)


      In the van/car and it's overcast; hail is falling.


      - Some days later, there was hail, but I don't remember looking at the forecasts.

      - L is the only person in the family who knows that I draw explicit artwork now and then.
      -- Part of that dream certainly relates to my feeling of isolation from being unable to discuss the subject very openly with most people.

      Updated 05-05-2021 at 02:09 AM by 95293

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. xcii.

      by , 03-01-2020 at 11:42 AM
      Two or three dreams. Initially didn't hold on to details so recall is a bit fuzzy overall.

      Dream Fragment:

      I was in dad's scenic, sat at the back. Someone else, too, maybe my sibling T? Mom was on the drivers seat, which was on the wrong side for the car.

      We're in the middle of some city. It feels like a familiar place but doesn't seem to be anywhere specific; it's sunny and I remember green trees. We're close to some parking spaces. Mom gets a call on her phone and has to take it so for some reason she gets out of the car.

      I step out too and with a gesture suggest that I can park the car. She gestures back a "sure, whatever", obviously concentrating on the conversation on the phone; I then get in the driver's side.

      At first I drive forward a bit and then start reversing and turning into one of these parking spaces that was free next to some other parked cars. I get it nearly right, smack in the middle on the first try but I remember feeling the pedals and that reversing felt a bit jerky, so I tried to take care. Still, I managed to let it jerk at the end of manoeuvring, making the back hit a stone wall that ran along behind the parking spaces. I could feel it was a small impact and only the plastic bumper would have touched the wall.

      Then dad appeared, walking across the front and commenting something? I sort of proudly told him about how I did or something.

      Dream Fragment:

      Some other dream. I remember being at my old home, in my former room. It's dark, the curtains are closed. I'm uncertain about what version of room layout this is in the dream. I was looking at texts on a phone, my first phone maybe? It was a red phone. I am my current age, however.

      I was checking a text from my childhood and school friend, Di. Looking back on texts before his reply, I had apparently messaged him, ages ago.

      He was now finally replying, saying he was sorry, but that he was now pan sexual or something. That didn't make much sense on its own, but I understood it to mean that he had become trans (similar sound?). Further, he said that he wouldn't be able to meet with me [ever again] because of [two letter acronym?].

      I forget the rest of the text exactly but I remember feeling disappointed somehow. I had a number of passing thoughts about potential replies I could give, or whether it would be worth bothering at all. Other passing thoughts about how I used to remember him, and about how I could mention some funny memories in a text reply.

      Dream Fragment:

      There was a third dream but even though it was the last one, I don't really remember anything except that it was a city-building sim game of some kind.


      - In the second dream, I remember I felt overall sad and disappointed. I was happy that my friend had moved on or something, but I suppose I've never really let go of how our relationship as friends just evaporated over a number of years, for no special reason that I was ever able to discern.
      - In the first dream, while mom did use to drive, that was years ago before I was born. My mom hasn't driven since then at the very least.
      - Mom's distraction with the phone somehow feels related to how she's been behaving lately when she speaks to me on the phone; it's not that she's distracted from me, it's more that she's distracting herself. Some element of worry present here.
      - I and H have been playing a city-building game quite a bit lately, which is probably what the third dream was based on.
    8. Stuck in the Shadow Realms

      by , 12-13-2019 at 12:40 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It all started with a brief paralysis I had. I woke up from it so I thought no LD today either, and went to sleep normally.
      The coming dream is hazy for me so I don't remember much. But I know that there was this girl whos presence brought me some kind of peace and for this I started to speculate
      that this girl may be god or a form of a higher force, and that I may learn something important from her , so I tried to get near her to talk to her
      That's when it started
      I found myself at home, figured I woke up , then I went to look out the windows and saw that there are no streets anymore anywhere,
      just endless heaps of trash, and endless amount of trash men picking up stuff. Also there was a mild fog .
      I didn't become lucid yet, but I found it weird that there are no streets. Then I woke up again, I don't know how many times I woke up, but things got more creepy and grotesque and darker.
      And then I ended up in what I call the shadow realm. I kind of became lucid because I realized its morning in real life , but here there was total darkness.
      the lights in teh whole house were flickering , giving a deeper orange faint light with a reddish hue , I felt like theres a dark presence in the dream the whole time but nothing turned up.
      I went to door to check out the street, it was like in real life but all the lights were off ,so it was just total darkness with a little bit of a faint red light coming from the sky, I could barely see anything.
      But I saw that there are shadows 'dancing' all over the street, but none of it attacked me or anything. I quickly closed the door and went back in. I didn't know what to do.
      I said that I guess I'm like Alan Wake , stuck in a dream, never knowing if I actually got out or if it's another dream.
      𐤏𐤄𐩤𐤐 𐤁ߣ𐩤ߖߖ𐤏 𐤓𐤏𐤓 ߡ 𐤓𐤁𐤓 𐤅ߡ 𐩤ߖߖ 𐤂𐩪ߖ ߡ 𐤓𐩪𐤉ߖ𐤄

      I entered the room laid down and tried to wake up
      from there on my recall gets bad again
      I woke up a few times in another instances of my home , once I woke up for real and then slipped back into the shadow realm then at a point I thought I'm done for, and prayed
      and then
      I finally woke up

      It was my first instance of being unable to wake up, it was really weird and scary...
    9. 14 Feb: Wake up in a hostel in a foreign country

      by , 02-14-2019 at 01:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Wake up in a hostel shared room with half a dozen Asian girls, I think Korean. I have no idea how I got there, and I can't communicate with them. I go outside the room, it is a humble hostel in what looks like a middle eastern country. There is a corridor to the street, I pass the reception and get out. The street curves and goes down, like a ramp and then ends up in some vertical wall with a vertical ladder which is the only way to get down to what looks like a lake or the ocean shore. Anyway, there is a beach down there and I see something that makes me really wanna go, like some animal in distress or someone I know (can't remember). But halfway the metal ladder breaks or the cliff crumbles and I struggle to hold on and go back up. I decide to go back to my room at the hostel and try to ask the girls if they know me, but they no longer are there.
    10. The Triangle Room

      by , 09-20-2018 at 05:59 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in a small room with some other people sitting on a bench. The bench is up against a wall running the length of it, and the other two sides of the room are glass, forming a triangle shaped interior. I realize I'm dreaming just because of the vividness. I look at my hands and try to slow everything down. My vision feel constrained for some reason. I drop to one knee and try to ground myself by doing the finger push. It works pretty well, with some slight resistance at first. My vision, still constrained is bothering me so I reach up to my face to find I am wearing sunglasses. Taking them off makes it much better, and I have my peripheral vision back. I also take off a hat I was wearing and makes my vision better as well.. Remembering my dream intention to talk, I sit back down on the bench, about to call out to the dream, when I suddenly lose lucidity.
      Tags: bench, room
    11. Drowning At Shore

      by , 10-16-2017 at 12:50 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Morning: (somewhere along 5am-7am)

      I was staying in a mansion of sorts. Reminds me somehow of Victorias. There was very white pug that wants to be scratched on the belly. I was waiting for someone or some people. There were cars. The place feels familiar from another dream.

      Afternoon-Evenng: (around 5pm-7pm)

      I was looking for something. I ended up near or on the old place I was renting (doesn't look like it IRL). Some people are renting the place. I needed to get something there or do something. A massage? I went in. Lico was there? It wasn't him at first. There are two other rooms. One room was for business. I asked for the price. I got an answer but forgot it immediately. It was a decent, big office but mostly empty. I thought it'd be great to have the center there. It's in Mandaluyong.

      I went in. It was dark but not blinding dark. Just no light but I can see a bit. The landlady(?) handed me the papers but gave it to Lico first for checking. I asked again about the rent. I think I mentioned 18k, but I think she scoffed. I told Lico I'll just ask her when she's not busy since she seems to be going about. I left along with the others. I thought about how nice would be to stay in that place. Then I realized everybody left, and the place would be empty. I wondered if it's for rent now, and if I can get a discount. That would be nice: a place all for me.

      We walked down the stairs and along the street. It was evening, and it felt more like a medieval evening with its cobblestone sidewalk, not the light-filled evening of Metro Manila. It's reminiscent of a 3 a.m. Manila. Mostly quiet, few people about. A hint of danger.

      We kind of got separated, some of us walking with others. I was kind of in the middle. In the back, I saw two of ours (a male and a female) approach another (a couple of males). The approached male reminds me of a BL actor. They were all wearing black suit/pants/dress. We continued walking.

      We somehow ended up near the shore. And then I noticed that some of our group that went ahead are walking and almost drowning in the water. They just kept walking. Some of us realized and helped them. However, an old man and an old woman are already dead, and somehow both naked.

      Somehow it seems that some of us were possessed or pretended to be possessed and killed them. One guy in particular was walking and I felt like kicking him in the face. Not sure if he was lying. It was daytime then.
    12. Dream - Hospital Confusion

      by , 08-23-2017 at 08:57 AM
      Date Of Dream: WED 16 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 179 - Hospital Confusion

      For the first part of the dream, I was at some unknown athletic reserve with my family, I forgot what I was doing there. Next we were going to see grandma, from my dad's side, in hospital. Apparently her room was number 611. My parents wanted to ask someone where the room was but I wanted to find it on my own. The doors had heaps of numbers on them but I took a guess as to which was the correct room. I eventually concluded that I couldn't find the room. My parents started walking off and so I ran after them.

      They told me to stand with them on the lookout. I was right not to because it was a lift that shot them up super fast. I stood with my arms folded and a closed mouth smile and then continued to walk off somewhere else. My parents eventually came back down to where I was and told me off for not going with them. We ended up climbing heaps of flights of stairs but never found grandma's room. The dream then shifted to me being at the shops and looking at all these fancy pairs of shoes. This scene was short and I can't remember anything else about the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    13. Dream - The Dreadful Diploma & A Horrible Welcome

      by , 06-15-2017 at 08:19 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 15 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 133 - Separated Sections

      Dream 133 A - The Dreadful Diploma
      The dream was anticipating the Diploma of Accounting at Chisholm. Apparently it had tobe done at a different campus than where Certificate IV was done and this campus was no familiar location in real life, it also looked more like a high school than a tertiary institution. So me and a whole group of students were upstairs in this random building at the diploma enrolment. The teacher also looked unfamiliar too. They said that every single one of them in this room was going to be teaching us diploma.

      We were split up into small groups of about 3 or 4 students and teacher. I had this wacky looking man that dressed like someone from the 20th century... Hard to explain. The dream then skipped to the leading teacher, a lady, violently chasing me all around the campus. I don't remember what she was saying or doing exactly. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 133 B - A Horrible Welcome
      I remember I was paying a visit to Killester again. The dream made it look more like a primary school than high school. In the undercover area, I saw JL sitting on a bench, eating her lunch, and I decided to sit on the other side of the bench and talk to her for a bit. Ms L then walked by and she didn't look happy. She was asking me why I was here. I said I just wanted to say hello. Then she said that all I want to do is see WB again. I didn't know what to say to her but she said that she would be back.

      I then walked off and found myself in this open space area. There I saw WB and think her friend RL was with her, I forgot who else she was with. I thought WB wouldn't be happy to see me but she was the complete opposite. RL was also happy to see me too. WB and I spoke for quite a while. During that time, I thought Ms L would come back as mad as can be but that never happened. I then consciously thought that in between the time I had left the bench and I had found WB, she told Ms L not to do anything. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    14. #228: Flush / Roomswap

      by , 12-20-2016 at 04:41 AM
      I'm in my room. I've been to the toilet, but it hasn't flushed properly. I can still see some floating around. I try to flush again, but the water starts appearing from unexpected places. It starts to appear from the shower next to the toilet as well. Eventually I manage to make it stop appearing from the shower by turning the shower's lever.

      I'm in my room, in my bed, together with Irt. It's still morning. I hear a knock on the door. I'm not sure anymore if she announced herself, but it is the girl that everyone hates. I tell Irt to be quiet. The curtains are closed, so we can just pretend not to be here. I don't wanna hang out with this girl. A bit later there is a guy standing in front of my door. It's someone who is ok. Irt goes over to open the curtain and have a talk. No! The girl went to the room just next to mine, so she'll definitely notice that we are here. Close the curtain! I decide to camp out behind a clothing rack [which in reality I don't have]. I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job at hiding, but ah well, better than nothing.

      Suddenly a girl I don't know storms into my room, walks past me, takes a hanger with clothes from a nail in the wall and storms out again. What the hell? I assume these are her clothes so she has every right to take them, but manners?! This is my room and we don't even know each other. I go up to this girl, who is together with another girl, to teach her some. The message doesn't set in at all though. I explain how rude it is to just burst into my room like that if we don't know each other and then to completely ignore me. I try to reenact it to demonstrate how rude it is, but it still doesn't set in. Eventually I take the girls clothes back and tell her she can have them back if she demonstrates some proper manners (which is never).

      When I try to go back to my room, the layout has changed. I walk into the right room, only to find it much different from what I expected. My stuff is nowhere to be found. I walk out and look at the sign above the door. Yep, this is my room number. What the hell? Apparently someone decided to switch rooms with me without asking. No! I don't want to switch rooms again, especially considering that I'm almost leaving. My friend Fif is being chilled about it and says something along the lines of "I think it's best if you go back to Europe". The hell? I feel unwanted now.

      Somewhere along the dream I become violent towards the rude girl. Stomping on her head violent. There is absolutely no effect though.
      Tags: friend, room
    15. Grey Room

      by , 08-27-2016 at 09:25 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I dreamt about my liking of the color grey in a grey room
      Tags: grey, room
      lucid , non-lucid
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