Non-dream stuff. Woke up at about 9, only vaguely recalling a non-lucid dream fragment and a nl short dream. Fragment: I was playing some sort of strategy game, possibly a space strategy game, and I was in a lobby menu and my partner was going to play with me; then one of my siblings (T) joined the game lobby too. I remember discussing the game with T too. Dream Sequence: It was night time, I was in some sort of rural backroad and there was a little girl, blonde I think. Some snakes started coming out of the hedges and going toward the girl, but very very slowly. There was a car some 100/150ft away with headlights on; the dream implied it was mine, and I went to get inside the car to drive over to the little girl and grab her to take her in the car (why didn't I just do it in the reverse order?). The whole scene happened in third person view. I entered the car and drove up to the girl and got out again; the girl got confused because of the strong headlights on the car and squinted and covered her face and was confused; and I was about to grab her to get her into the car but dream ended. Some notes: The game in the first dream fragment will again be a waking life echo of playing something like Homeworld again.In the dream, I don't remember feeling threatened by the snakes, nor do I remember thinking they were a threat to myself; but they were clearly distressing for the girl.Only when writing the journal entry now did I realise it was an odd order to go about things, when I could have just grabbed her before getting to the car, especially given how slow the snakes were.For some reason, as I recalling the short dream, the snakes made me think of hares, and then the October competition. (Do snakes hunt hares/rabbits?) Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 10.0 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.5 ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment: 0.5 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0 ++ Help someone in need: 1.0 = Total score thus far: 12.5
Non-dream stuff: Woke up and got up at about 9:20. Remembered a few segments from the last dream I was having. Sequence 1: I was looking at an interface for picking a map in a real-time strategy game, for some sort of Command&Conquer game. I remember my partner being next to me and as I generated a random map with a "continental" style, I thought it looked a bit different and too small compared to most, but my partner said "no, have a look at the preview, it will be fine", so I clicked on preview and then my vision went into the screen and the map thumbnail image; as it zoomed in, the map became detailed and I viewed it from above but my vision kept zooming in closer and then there were 3 player factions, one being mine, another being my partner's, and the last one being someone else or an AI. We all started with some vehicles specific to our factions and the cars were racing through beaches and roads, with my vision still zooming now on a car I had, which looked a bit like something out of 1940s Germany, with white/grey colours and chrome accents. The AI had some military trucks, including one with a mounted gun, and they were chasing me and gaining speed, but I overtook my partner's cars and they blocked the chasing trucks a bit. I remember now seeing in first person, and the car was stopped near a road tunnel that oddly enough was just after an intersection with a main road and a road that went around a bend behind a hill. I remember it was a clear sunny day and there were tropical forests. Sequence 2: Then I was at an area with pavement in a town, this was an open area on or near a quay and was reminiscent of my native country; there were subway entrances and this was all still part of the game somehow, I felt. In one of the subway entrances some gangsters were running up the stairs with sub-machine guns and I threw grenades and rockets at them, watching them not blow into pieces but fly around with wonky physics, just as one would expect with most games. Their "AI" was also poor; they ran against walls and corners sometimes and just idled even though I was being aggressive. Then I noticed I had a toolbar thing on my interface and picked a massive plywood plank item, and placed it over the entrance; for some reason it was steady standing on its own and was large enough that nobody could pass; I read a little tooltip on the interface saying I'd recently placed a blocking barrier and could not do so again for 15 minutes, but that I could upgrade any existing ones to increase their duration; this barrier I placed was going to last for 1 hour, apparently. The people that showed up the steps from behind the barrier, that I could still see just over the top, looked a lot less threatening, and in fact some were complaining like "hey I gotta get to work, come on!". I pretended to not care. The dream ended at some point soon. Some notes: Although I separated both sequences into their own parts, they were part of the same dream, I just can't remember what went between them exactly; I don't remember a sudden transition from one to the other.The RTS map interface looked a bit like C&C:Generals and Warcraft 3; I remember the players had assigned colours and numbers, like for teams.The other generated maps were more representative of real Earth continents, picked at random, but the one I thought was odd just looked like a coastal section of a place.The fact that the whole of the sequences took place in a game context makes it very difficult for me to remember to question reality. Even when I am playing games in waking life and remember to do reality checks, it is difficult for me to pick good moments, i.e. weird ones, because games are generally very predictable and the only "weird" things that ever happen are bugs, the frequency of which depend solely on the specific game.The vehicles in the RTS were supposed to be base-starting vehicles, so in a way I should have remembered to do a RC over this, because in the dream context, the dream-awareness indicated something different from what actually happened.
Dream 1(fragments): I was searching for something in a forest. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some 'virtuality' place with green grid-like theme and glowy walls and stationary lasers, i had to do some mission and fight some drone-like things. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some hack and slash game and was doing combos with a sword and then in chat i was discussing with someone some difficult aerial combos. Dream 4: I was playing some RTS and there was snowy map. I've had a base near allied base and had a selection of various units to build, which were very obviously team colored. Massive waves of enemies started appearing but we managed to overpower them with our units, then i've found long way towards their base which was diagonally along the map, close to it we got attacked by a number of enemies and after the battle we only had a few units left in attack force. Then we used some units that were super effective against enemies and attacked their base and won. Then i switched to warcraft 3 and there was weird custom map. It was cinematic about some japanese village near lake, some villages walking and then panicing seeing enemies in the distance and then talking to samurai in the village, which says that he will defend the village.
Dream 1(fragment): I was playing some shooter game. Dream 2(fragments): I was on dreamviews and somebody was creating usernames very similar to other people's names. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some rts and was rushing down enemy base and then had to retreat and defend my own. Dream 4(fragments): There was some racing game and i was racing a few opponents through maze made of minecraft fences, one of opponents was riding a goat but i was quicker than everyone else by simply running. Then there was also some egyptian based track next. Dream 5(fragments): There was some story about some dude which was taking some people to an abandoned house and torturing them in various ways and he was making other people eat body parts of those people.
Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some game and there were important statistics i was looking at. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some game that was kinda mix of rts and fps, we were doing some research about hats and i was talking to some scientist dude. Then there was one enemy hiding on our base and spying and we had to take him out. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing starcraft 2 and there was a big battle.
Dream 1(fragments): I was at K.'s home(Which i've never seen) and apparently it was my home too? There were many rooms and we were moving stuff from one to another. Dream 2(fragments): I was reading a review of a bizarre video game that was some platformer themed about pole dancing and stuff like that. Dream 3(fragment): I was playing some rts. Dream 4(fragments): I was playing some game and i was assaulting enemy base. There were huge guard towers and i've used heavy machine gun and flares that summoned kamikazi paratroopers. Dream 5(fragments): I was playing pretty dark 2D platformer with no vertical scroll. Dream 6(fragments): I was playing some RPG game with player classes, coop together with SilentEternity. Game graphics looked anime-ish and we were easily fighting through enemies and bosses. Then there was final boss, a witch, which was huge difficulty spike in game and had 999 HP, we tried changing player classes and in last attempt managed to get her down to like 500.
Dream 1(fragments): There was some kind of survival game and our team was searching for someone, we have found a semi-ruined building where that someone should be but then figured out that he appears only during winter. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing multiplayer FPS that was mi of UT2004, TF2 and some other games. It was ridiculously glitchy and some players were using them alot, one of glitches involved temporarily turning played into ragdoll which some used as feign death. Dream 3: I was playing creeper world 3 and it was small level. I've started in south, and base got surrounded by suddenly appeared enemy missile launchers and like four of delayed emitters, i had to act very precisely and quickly to build nodes and nullifiers to destroy them before they could cause any trouble, there were also strange yellow flowers on the ground in a few places that blocked everything. There was small castle to the north which was filled with enemy structures and i've started assaulting it with my units. Dream 4(fragments): SilentEternity was streaming Fire Emblem and i was watching, for some reason graphics were very vandal hearts 2-like. Dream 5(fragments): I was assaulting some train together with a few anime characters, we were navigating through wagons and some of them were on fire, some characters got very confused then we have reached the front of the train but it started slowing down and then randomly fell to the side. We have continued on the ground, following another train.
Somewhat decent recall for once! Dream 1(fragments): I was doing some moderator stuff in dreamviews, and there were some weird rules and kicking going on. Dream 2(fragments): Some concrete place with blue lighting. Dream 3(fragments): I was watching some scene that kinda described creating of some ingame scene, but actual people were acting, there was some dialogue and i thought acting was pretty good. Then i started watching video about a few people breaking into some place with lots of lockers and someone commented 'Nobody have seen the end of that movie' Dream 4(fragments): I was watching some kind of gameplay that reminded me of resident evil series, there was fight with zombies/mutants in city and then one of characters felt like he's about to turn into one of mutants, his name was Chris. Dream 5: I was playing some game that looked like warcraft 2 and i was playing with SilentEternity. We have started some 1v1 map with ridiculous amounts of resources. I've started in top-left corner, he started in top-right. Between us there was huge forest, mountains at south and some AI controlled 'cities' in remaining two corners. I've started building buildings and noticed that we also had access to about all stuff from beginning, then i've made mostly melee group. I sent it and it met his group halfway between bases, which consisted off... Some infantry from KKND2 and Series9 kamikazi units. I micro'd my units to reduce losses and managed to take group out, but only few of my units were surviving. I've noticed he started getting some air units, so i started getting dragons and built some anti air towers. I also silently build barracks near his second base which he was building in bottom right corner. I get more units but he starts outnumbering me. At that point i use some kind of global ability that sends all his air units off from the map and then i notice a black dragon to the south of my base, which is on my side, and actually looks 3D. I also then notice that dragon's name is 'Scionox'. I send me towards SilentEternity's base and end up destroying everything in like 1-2 hits and winning. Dream 6(fragments): I've found dragon plushie giveaway of some kind but link on page leads to some site with silly cosplay vid of people dancing in suits. Dream 7(fragments): Some kind of forest. Dream 8: I was watching some anime where main character arrived onto some rather silly cartoonish island which was drawn in different, more handdrawn kinda style. There were some mountains and near them there was a house. Main character entered it and was welcomed by some silly people, they were talking about some things(And at times view was switching to first person). Then after a while enemy spaceships have arrived above island and main characters battled them. There were explosions everywhere and then main enemy character arrived as well. They talk and they apparently had fight before and enemy goes into trance to contact his master, in trance his trance-body gets pierced by 8 swords of ultimate power. He transforms into some green thing with 8 arms, each of which having weapon. He mentions that he's not exactly expecting this result. One of swords was sword of fire, another giant blade of light, then sword of shadow, then green colored short sword somehow combined with a shield, then a katana called 'Naginata'(What's up, random dream naming), the#n a sword made of blood, then blue colored sword and a sword i can't recall. He starts charging powerful attack but main character moves ridiculously quickly and saves a kid from near house. Then as he jumps away, massive wave of power goes by and destroys house and then splits whole mountain in half.
Updated 10-30-2013 at 03:05 PM by 59854
Dream 1(fragment): I was playing terraria. Dream 2: I was playing some doom modpack coop with SilentEternity. We were doing some hellish fleshy level and i've found BFG10k which was even more overpowered than one from skulltag. Then we have reached more open area and large enemies started appearing from everywhere, cyberdemons, masterminds and floating variant of masterminds that spawned ghosts on attack, buffed BFG10 was killing them in like 4 hits but they kept coming, walls were opening revealing even more enemies, but my BFG made short work of them all. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing an RTS and i was using lots artillery to fight enemy forces in mountains, i have reached some kind of tower building. In tower, it turned into an FPS and i had to fight through guards, guard bots and some kind of mutant worm spawners that were placed on walls in some metallic tech level. There were some tough ambushes and i was using ladders to get higher and higher. Dream 4(fragments): I was apparently playing hearthstone and there was a difficult situation involving powerful cards on both sides.
Dream 1(fragments): I was somehow a moderator on some random forum and there was someone who multiple times kept annoying me with alts. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some FPS and there was boss fight in some ruins. Dream 3: I was playing creeper world 3, and once again, it was not standard game. I've started on south-west and there were mountains and passages linking that to 4 creeper emitters, and also some kind of fortress on far north-east. Those were not standard emitters, but they build tanks instead. I've spammed some of my tanks around before enemy ones activated fully and then built nodes and nullifiers, getting 3 of emitters quickly, but the last one was alot of problem because it spawned alot of tanks, so i had to sacrifice some of mine, i've also built some air units and in the end i've managed to win. Dream 4(fragments): I was playing warzone 2100 and there was some mission with objective to capture oil, then SilentEternity messaged me that there was a patch that would fix impossible tiles and reduce amount of enemy mortars. I was having problem with those, especially one of objectives was to place a mine in specific place, but it was blocked by water. Dream 5(fragments): There was something about changing enemies and a memory card.
Dream recall from today"s WBTB/nap. Dream 1: I was playing creeper world 3, custom level. Started in top right and there was apparently some sort of enemy base near the bottom left corner of the map which was connected through rotated S-like way to start. There were also creeper emitters all around and bunch of stuff to the right of the base. I've started progressing and apparently had to fight enemy forces like an RTS, as well as creeper, which was apparently controlling those enemy forces. I've managed to clear enemy base using turrets and destroy specific building, which freed the base and gave all it's units to me. I've built two artillery cannons, one on charger, and easily cleared up the remaining part of the map. Dream 2: I was playing SK with some T3 newbie, we have reached some dark purple place with obelisks that was apparently newly added place to arcade which allowed to access danger missions from arcade runs. Also custom models were added and my player model was a black dragon. We decided to do Compound 42 but i forgot to change equips which were weaker versions of fire breath and fire ball that i was leveling up for upgrading. I've left to change equips and we decided to restart mission from mission menu. Then i wake up and feel that i am dreaming. I stabilize and go to balcony door, i try to phase through it but something goes wrong and i get outside of the place's boundaries into the void in some glitchy state. I try to get out but then i wake up again, or rather, get awaken by somebody, i still feel that i am dreaming and i go to try again with balcony door. Halfway towards it i wake up again, bed is in wrong position and i feel that i am dreaming, movement is glitchy but i manage to get up eventually. I look around for portals and then i just decide to teleport by going through the wall. It works and as i go through wall view kinda gets pixelated for a bit with white pixels forming squares. Then i find myself falling through some large dark tube, i glide with my wings to the bottom and there seems to be exit to the side, but i wake up before i can look into it
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1: I was playing an rts with SilentEternity that looked like c&c generals. We were playing on some deserty level with hills against bots, one of which was using green color and gla faction. We were winning but bots were very stealthy, all of their units and buildings sometimes were becoming invisibele and they kept rebuilding main base building all over the map which was saving them from losing. Eventually level timer ran off and made enemies automatically visible all over the map and we finished them off. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some kind of RPG game about dragons, i was moving around various islands and there was huge dragon statue on one of them. Then i was chatting with someone which name started with W and ended with 3 on skype(Not an actual someone i know). Dream 3(fragments): I was playing an tbs that looked alot like battle for wesnoth with with 3D movement of units, there were some units that were giant birds and some units that were dragons. I was scouting the map and then some voice asked "Will you wait?", i responded "Yes".
Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some game and i was going through some foggy bush maze while fighting zombies, then i've found a gate leading to some building where some transparent enemies attacked me and i ahd to fight them too, then in building everything was kinda old and ruined and new ingame character appeared that was a doctor and game suddenly turned into an FPS. He was talking about something. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing custom levels in a game that looked like a mix of wacraft 2 and 3, one of levels was especially difficult, located in swamps and with enemy bases placed in 2's all around the level, covering each other. I was trying to find working tactic vs them. Dream 3(fragment): I was at some icy place. Dream 4(fragments): I was at home and there was some problem with lights and refrigerator, which took some time to fix.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1: I am at home in my room, i spontaneously realize that i am dreaming but the dream is highly unstable, i try to stabilize it by focusing on senses and it works, then i go to balcony door and open it. I take off using my wings but dream quickly fades. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing various creeper world 3 maps. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some RTS and there was hero unit that had ability to turn into a dragon. Dream 3(fragments): I was in subway on platform and trains were stuck apparently, there were some other people one of which started exploring subway rails and another was saying that we need to find a driver? Then out of nowhere another train came and 'very softly' crashed into one of trains that were stuck.
Dream 1(fragment): I was playing some rts. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some shmup and was at final bosses, one of which was huge battleship that was also flying and had various attack patterns on different sides. Then there was some kind of core boss which turned into robotic girl apparently, attack patterns were tough but i apparently already knew good tactics and positioning vs them, also my ship was firing like Infernal Sabbath shot type from Hellsinker.