non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am leaving Soraia at some junkyard temporarily for some reason and I don't want her to follow me, which is hard because the gate doesn't perfectly close, it has gaps and she manages to escape through it. So she follow me. I pick her up again and hand her over to the junkyard guy. Then I go to a class at the university. I sit at a desk with some other girl I know and she offers me a bag of meat for my dogs, which I start shredding with my hands hile the teacher talks in the background. Some people see it and make some remarks about it. Not so much for doing it in the class, but how can I be doing that if I am vegan? Then I spot Soraia going around the room looking for me - she escaped again - and I select a portion of meat to offer her. I bend down closer to the ground and call for her to come, which she does and I give her some meat. The room is now an ampitheathre outside in some old archeological ruins. On each side of the amphitheatre there is a corridor sided by stone walls ending and both ending in an area with large steps or small platforms where we can also sit. I followed Soraia here. I see a nice stone that I think would be great to take home and put under the leg of a table that is unstable, so I pick it up. Then I see a shadow and hear a noise and look up and there is some sort of catapult that I accidentally triggered by removing that stone. First I am afraid to be squashed but then I notice the catapult's arm is long and will actually hit the people sitting in the amphitheatre. I yell and warn them and they see it. But they are packed together and I don't know if they manage to escape. As I come closer, I stumble on people leaving the place, some that I know and I ask them if everyone is ok. They say no. Two guys were instantly killed and a 3rd person died soon after plus many are injured. I panic. No one seems to know it was my fault and I am torn apart. The right thing to do is to turn myself in before they find out, on the other hand I feel I can't admit guilt right now or I'll be killed by the mob. Don't know whom to talk too. I join them mourning and trying to figure if there is any way anyone will find out it was me. I look for security cameras and there is one in the distance pointed at the corridor. Probably hard to tell that it is me in the video, but if they identify me, and probably will, i'll be suspect number one. So I better tell. Then there is some kind of gathering in an indoor auditorium to countinue mourning and honouring the dead and I stay way in the back just trying to figure out what they are saying about it. Seems like no one is pointing to culprits and assume it was a freak accident, so now I have doubts if I should come forward. I am torn apart and I also cry for the victims. Either way, I now carry the feeling of guilt for killing people accidentaly and it feels absolutely horrible.
30th December 2021 Fragment: I'm on some sort of hill castle's ruins. It's sunny and the area seems arid. There are guards below constantly firing arrows at wide intervals, many arrows hitting the walls. Eventually, two guards scale up the hill and the walls. I stab them with a gladius-like blade, one of them I stab in the chest and he falls back against the wall. Later on, they all leave, as if uninterested in continuing the attack. (not worth the risk?) (recall gap) Some bit later, in a sports centre of some kind. There's nobody in but myself and I think I'm filling something out. I seem confused about something, not sure what. Then, the centre quickly starts getting packed and I notice the time to be around 12:30 at this point, thinking about how it's an odd time for it to be getting busy. (recall gap) Then some bit at old home. MB is there and H is too. We're talking about rugby and I'm interested in it or something but I get the impression H thinks I shouldn't be. There's an odd (maybe tense?) atmosphere. Notes: - I have never been especially interested in rugby. I've thought about it as interesting, but never gone much further than that, disliking playing it. - The atmosphere probably had something to do with H getting a gut feeling about MB and as if I was being seduced. Likely metaphorical context. - Gladiuses, gladii, whatever, seem to have been appearing a fair bit in my dreams around this time. Perhaps of relevance, I was struggling a lot with mood and energy in this final part of the year. - Thinking about the odd timing at the sports centre was a bit of a pre-lucid moment. -- Feeling confused and then everyone coming in seems partly symbolic/metaphorical of answers trying to rush through and around me.
16th August 2021 Left recall too long. Some in-line notes. Scraps: Some bit that initially takes place underwater but then it becomes more space-like, in a seamless way. RT messaging me on Discord. (but about what?) 17th August 2021 Fragment: (near the middle of a dream) I'm in some kind of space station (implied) but it's also like a hotel. A character that looks like Major Kira (DS9) lives here but some other characters she knows are unaware (of the fact that she lives here?). Something fast-paced is taking place. There was something else relating to me, but details gone. (some later segment) Outside at some ruins. It's dusk or something alike. There's a forest, maybe a pine forest. (I'm vaguely reminded of Hunger Games scenery, which I think at the time of this dream I saw MoonageDaydream had mentioned somewhere). I'm in a party group with MoonageDaydream and a random dream character. Moonage is separate from us at first, but then she comes to find us when I spot two solid chests (WoW) and tell the group to roll for the chests. I pass on rolling; I see the random DC's roll in a chat log. Another three-person group approaches us. They take one of the chests, which I find annoying; I don't think we can do anything about it because they're not hostile. I think we guard the other chest until Moonage arrives, because it would be hers to loot I think. (On waking I realised it would have been a better option to open the chest without auto-looting and keeping it open until she got there) (When I first spot the chests I think I wonder why I didn't have my treasure finding racial on. And all of this segment took place in first person but with UI elements present.)
4th August 2021 Poor recall, didn't feel particularly motivated to write initial notes either. Fragment: First I'm in some kind of hidden little place. It reminds me of a chapel. Arabesque. There's a woman and she helps me in some way? I stop some psycho in our midst from killing someone because I already knew he was going to try something, as I saw a hidden blade in his hand, but I wait until I can catch him in the act. There's some context of a cult. Cho'Gall makes a brief appearance, we speak or maybe I eavesdrop, not sure. At some point I'm getting ready to leave and everyone is wishing me goodbye. I have a lot of things to carry, two backpacks and some other items, plus my old boots to carry in my hand because I'd put away my newer ones in the backpack by mistake. I feel pressed so decided I should swap them later on. (gap) I'm outside, at the entrance to that place. It's a little secluded cove bit, with sand, water and so on. It's sort of below a bigger hotel complex that is on top of a reinforced hill. (certain aspects remind me of old home but details are gone) At some point, I start jumping from place to place, over the water. I find some secret collectible books and think that they are quite obvious finds and that they need to try harder. At the edge of town(?) or something, there are some ancient ruins, half Greek, half Elvish. On some level, I dismiss this as part of an asset mismatch or incorrect loading (as if this was part of a game). (another dream later on but recall was lost) Notes: - It's peculiar that Cho'Gall appeared in the dream. He's not a character I've ever had any particular attraction to but also not an unmemorable character for me. Considering his intellect in lore, I feel that his symbolic meaning may relate to brutish wisdom or some part of hidden wisdom, a concept a bit reinforced by the fact that he is a cult leader, both in this dream and during certain events in WoW lore (i.e. Cataclysm for one?). - There was something familiar to the architecture both of the hotel and the "hidden" chapel place, reminds me of some hotels I remember we stayed at when I was a kid.
27th July 2021 Fragment: I'm climbing up some semi-ruined concrete structures. A kangaroo person of sorts is following after me. Then, something about needing to go to a supermarket and something about school. I'm on a flat rooftop and I get a bag with stuff in it? Fragment: Something about playing a level 83 warlock. Unknown zone, hilly and deforested, partially ravine-like with cliffs on either side and there's a river running along the centre. I meet a bear form druid that tells me to look out for a tauren hunter in the area. The druid is level 110 or something. In the dream I know max level to actually be 80 but I understand that it can go up to 110 to gain some small extra bonuses or something. At one point I see the tauren hunter in the distance. He's across a lake area where the river ends. On selecting the hunter, the profile status bar is green, not red, implying he's not hostile. I think his pet is finishing off a mob while he loots or skins something else. Fragment: Something about a flood of blood wine and a group of five or six klingons, we all need to drink so much of it in order to get away or be able to call a lift. There are disagreements on what to do and who should be doing what. Notes: - I used to be more into Star Wars than Star Trek but over the last few years I've spent some time re-watching Star Trek stuff that I had mostly forgotten about. In Star Trek, most races and characters fit certain symbolic archetypes and motifs very easily, so I think situations such as this with the klingons draw from that aspect, partly based on my conscious and non-conscious perceptions and thoughts about the lore. -- Incidentally, I think this is the first time I've dreamt of klingons. -- I'd like to write some thoughts on potential symbolic aspects but a bit too tired right now. - Unfortunately I lost visual recall of the last fragment because I left writing these for a couple of days without thinking about them again in the meantime.
19th October 2020 Fragment: I was helping H. There was some kind of old lottery machine thing which we'd salvaged, but it had stops like an organ, almost 100 of them even though only about 50 were required. (Think that was dream intuitive knowledge) But as H put in a dowel thing for a stop, a wasp came out (but not really, it looked like a midge) and it bit or stung him. I suggested they might all be infested and we might be better off making all of them ourselves (the stops I think) but I think H found this to be frustrating. 20th October 2020 Dream: I was in Syria, Egypt or a country near these. I was at a USA military camp. Not sure how I got there in the dream but I remember it was in a valley. From the camp I could see in the distance steep, dusty, rocky mountain peaks. Toward one direction was a city of some kind on a sloped area. It looked more like ruins or slums and I could see flags. They were black with white Arabic script on them, but also a stylised animal trailing off the script too. This area looked vast. In the camp, I remember hearing some soldiers saying that all new troops coming in were being parachuted instead of coming in a ground march. Apparently it'd been this way since some incident with one soldier (there was a name but can't recall) where he'd been surrounded and ganged up on (by whom?). There was a female soldier sitting and listening. She had fake blonde hair tied up in a short pony tail. She looked worried and I realised on some level she was thinking of what I'd already thought of. If this place was a valley and the camp was surrounded by mountains and refugee camps and ruins, how would all the soldiers return home? (recall gap) Inside some hospital. Looks normal/clean. Similar in some sense to the one in the town where I live now. Again, somewhat vast inside. There's some kind of fighting going on but it seems like it's day-to-day business here. The fighting was happening on some other level, a basement? And there was some kind of mini plot about someone being injured and having to be carried away stealthily because he wasn't local. (recall gap) Commanders or captains. Some discussion about charging some kind of portal in a low basement level. Something about hearing reports of the portal's destination being in the Earth's core and really hot, rocky, red and black and also impossibly flat. Some soldiers openly said they didn't want to go or something. (recall gap) Inside some place, still the hospital I think. Mostly sitting on the floor? By a window, it's like a cafe or something this part. Someone tells me about being able to buy things. There are items along the sill and the prices are displayed on folded pieces of card/paper like mini billboard things. Some items were puddings and others were weapons and just random crap in general. I remember wanting some kind of dried out mousse thing, it cost 1.50. It was chocolate-y in taste and looked slightly purple but at first it just looked like a candle. (mom used to have some purple candles that smelled nice, only remembering this now) (recall gap) In the downstairs place. But looked like a warehouse area with certain bits having skylights or something. There were robots and now I had some kind of level-up system and there was another system that meant I could get upgrades from scavenged parts from the robots. I remember trying to create a new fully fledged robot. They were all about 3-6m tall. Notes: - The second dream was odd. The theme of war hasn't really appeared so directly or about a real context so clearly very much in the past. The dream setting and environment all had a very genuine feel to it. There was a certain amount of thematic consistency to the dream plots, for the most part. - The black flags with white script seem to remind me of certain terrorist/rebel groups in waking life, but in the dream they were just the flag of the nation of this place. I think the animal on the flag was a lion. The American army seemed to be there mostly to provide some sort of logistical support to the ruined city/region. But obviously there was still some kind of animosity and fighting going on, but I remember no mention of who "the enemy" actually was. - In the hospital I didn't note anyone wearing any medical equipment or the like.
1st October 2020 Dream: In the van with H. For some reason, some part stopped transmitting power (to or from the engine). The drive shaft? Not sure, but it was still rolling and the engine itself was still going. But the van was only rolling (uphill, somehow) and couldn't accelerate, the throttle did nothing. We were rolling at about 40 in the middle of a town. H put on some hazard lights and other things and steered gently into a side bit stopped the van. Then something about a vest he had to put on and I was attaching some untinged leather straps to velcro bits? Two other people were here and we were talking to them. They were the ones that told H to put the vest on? One of these people was an artist and I don't remember what was said exactly, but I turned around at some point and now faced an alcove-type bit and all my paintings were there. I remember mentioning that there really weren't that many (I felt) but this small room still looked cluttered by them. Dream: Not sure how it started but some random character was the centre of it all now and there was this "ending of the world" thing going on. Some brightly coloured spheres went up in the air and then different things started happening but I forgot the details. I do remember some people and all their stuff, inside their houses, would get sucked/warped through reality into some kind of dimensional containers. I remember having a feel as if I could control some of what was going on, through a console? But otherwise I was not directly present or involved. Then some other part after it's all over. There's two anthropomorphic mice and they are wearing motorcycle-gang type leather outfits. They are talking to each other and one of them has a coin about half his size. It's supposedly a 30 cent coin from the USA but he mentions it would be worth several hundred now after everything that had happened. The coin was shiny. There was a filmic or cartoony characteristic to this scene, but I think it otherwise looked realistic. At some other bit in the middle of a ruined city. I feel more present in this section. I think something about how things didn't need to have turned out like this. I think to myself that if people had been more sensible, even with what was happening, there would be more to return to, or something to this effect. Neo or someone like him is here. He has a mobile phone and there are other people and there's now some kind of stigma (that I intuitively know about in the dream) about using this "old" technology and I remember a travelling section of the dream through or over the ruined city where nobody has guns or advanced technology but are all using improvised clubs. But this Neo character talks to someone using this mobile phone and the nearby characters get angry at him. He tries to be quick about it and tries to lose their attention? But the dream ends shortly after this I think. Notes: - I think the two mice were probably a reference to Biker Mice from Mars, a show which I did watch a bit of but not a lot, my siblings had watched more of it, I think. But I haven't really thought about it in years. - My previous entry also featured motorcycles. - It's possible that it's just imaginative leaking from daily life, as a few times we've been going past signs that mention motorcycle accidents. - The transmission/power issue with the van was probably related to a discussion I had this week with H in the van, in waking life. - The second dream was particularly long, but I lost many details on waking, in part because of motivation issues though.
Interruption to the DJ catch up to put one from the past night. Some particularly detailed dreams, but I ended up having so much initial recall of so many dreams that in the end I let go of many and only made notes of a couple. Of note is the fact that last night I took for the first time a multi-vitamin B complex. It somehow did increase dream vividness far beyond what I expected. 2nd August 2020 Dream: In space. In a game like Freelancer, flying a ship with a similar camera view as the game would have. I am on a server and I interact with some other people, but it's a small and private server. I remember at some point discussing something with someone and then bringing up a list looking at all the potential guns and turrets there were. There were Nomad weapons that went by names such as "Redeemer" and came in three different marks. I remember thinking that it was silly to call it redeemer because there should be a Class Ten weapon using that as an acronym. The turrets list was like a "give mode" menu too, but I didn't have access to that function. Everything was so detailed, I remember asteroids and distant nebulas and overall the sense of scale was just about right. I'm not sure I flew with a specific aim in mind but I found a Klingon wreckage of a Warbird or something. I shot its turrets so that I could loot them, and I wanted to do so quickly so that someone else couldn't interrupt me or steal them from me. Then very close by was a station where I landed my ship. I got out but don't remember doing so physically, and then was inside the station. It was like a hospital mixed a bit with an office, and now the server people were here with me as a group? But something has a Farscape feel to it. Seems poorly lit or dark, but visibility is OK. I forget some details but eventually H is with me at some point and we are waiting at the end of some hall. There are other people here, just sitting on some kind of benches, all waiting same as us. It was like a lobby? The light here mostly comes from the floor, a bit blue-ish, not even just a cold light, actually blue-ish. There are some commercial type fridges with the metal framed glass doors and they have cans of drink in them and I open one of them behind someone and fiddle with or organise some cans. Then eventually we go through a doorway. We're outside, it's day time, slightly cloudy but bright though I didn't notice shadows properly and we are visiting a church here to do some work. The transition into this area was perfectly seamless. The church was unusual, it was very open and seemed to be in the ruins of a massive old cathedral, some parts more ruined than others. But overall there was no "ceiling" to speak of and it was an open church. I could hear the wind and the leaves of tall trees surrounding the area, I could hear this very clearly in the dream. The floor was all just grassy turf and there was no flooring really, but there were brand new things and some old things here in the main congregation area of this new church. There was a wooden house of some kind, which was full-size and looked just like the typical thing seen in a nativity, just bigger effectively. But two kids were following us, they seemed curious. Though I got the feeling from H it'd be better if they weren't following us, so as we approached a wall panel between some old pillars, we went behind a wooden carved statue of Jesus. The statue featured prominently the colours red and blue on the clothing, and His hair was curly and dark, as was His beard. He did have a crown of thorns, too. The colours seemed a bit worn but probably better than could be expected for something out here in the elements. Anyway, H pushed some panel behind the statue and we went through and it shut. Though the structure was very open, this didn't really limit the kids following us, but it made it more difficult; H then went around more sneakily trying to just get past them or spook them or something. Either way, the whole time H seemed to know what he was doing and I just followed his lead as with any normal job. One of the kids was gone at this point, but the other one remained and followed more closely now; his father or grandfather appeared and was trying to convince him to go back with him, but the child seemed insistent in following us and seeing what we were doing. The man apologised for the behaviour, clearly nervous and feeling a bit foolish in some sense. I did not mind him or the kid so much at this point. Eventually we are on a rooftop part of the old cathedral building. It's high, but not as high as it would have been on top of the actual cathedral; I got the sense that this was a secondary, inner, chapel, built to be inside the cathedral itself. We got on the rooftop simply, because the grassy terrain ramped up to it, I recall. It's all leafy and there's lots of Autumn-coloured leaves on top, a contrast to the green grasses from earlier. I remember stepping on the leaves and feeling them under my boots, which made me more aware of what I was wearing. I remember walking over and maybe stepping on a dead sapling that was growing here. Its wood was dark and bendy. Somehow it's a truly beautiful area and scene but I don't think or realise this in the dream. As we get near the opposite end I become concerned and tell everyone to stop. The roof slopes down more quickly ahead and there are no leaves. I start to realise the danger of being on a roof more than before. I tell H, "there are no tiles here, we'll slip right off". So in agreement we start to walk back. I had thoughts of the kid falling and didn't want to feel responsible should something happen, but I also think about how the parent/grandparent would feel should such a thing happen. At this point my fear of heights seems to kick in a little and I stick more toward the inner edge, where there's a vertical structure jutting out the middle of the roof; I step up on a stone ledge of sorts and as I keep walking back with a tight grip on some stone stuff, I start to realise there had been a music playing for quite some time, in a quick crescendo now. I could hear a jackdaw or crow cawing for the same amount of time too. These sounds were immensely beautiful and as they became more and more vivid I eventually woke up. Dream Fragment: Only made brief notes of this one. Dream about visiting a therapist to treat some narcolepsy (that I do not suffer from in real life). I basically kept falling asleep throughout this dream and having different dreams within the dream. In the last part, there was some joint therapy dream thing about recognising that I was asleep, and we had a timed round to shoot enemies and shoot their limbs off with guns. Then an old skeleton is under some bushes or canopy on some grass. It was Kerrigan's skeleton? The front of the skull was missing or smashed, but some of the lower jaw mandible was intact. Someone took off what was the bones of a tail part of the skeleton and then I or someone else tossed the full skeleton towards someone, Sol, I think? She suddenly had to go though, and we all criticised her for doing this every time. Scraps: - A small Spartan-like nation? They had a strong military that seemed American in some sense and they were testing some nuclear weapons and special bullets. It was sunny. Lots of concrete structures. Notes: - There sure is a lot to make note of here, and I didn't even record all the detail of the first dream fully, it would have taken me too long and most of it is ultimately filler in some sense. But I greatly enjoyed that dream's experience. - I probably remembered scraps of at least five long dreams in total, but all dreams were fairly vivid. They also all felt like they changed very quickly. - In a between-period of sleeping and not sleeping after my initial waking up, I tried to focus my mind on drawing but did not have any dreams relating to that or art in general. - The children following us were both boys, probably between the ages of 6-10. I don't remember having a great look at them, mostly because they followed us from behind most of the time. - This first dream is the longest dream sequence I have dreamt of for quite a long time now. - In the second dream, the skeleton was whole, all joined together, something that I know in waking life is impossible except if it had been put together as a museum piece of some kind. The bones were particularly yellowed and somewhat pitted. - The guns/shooting thing probably came about from playing KF quite a bit with H lately. - The weapons-testing in the scraps dream likely came about from a general enjoyment of controlled loud noises and explosions (despite their dangers and harmful nature). - The therapist figure seems to be recurring a little recently. I think it's part is an inner representation of a guide because I have often sought help from therapists for guidance with the psychological side of life and because I've had some good ones, I suppose I feel on some level that they can be very useful guides, even when they say things I'm not happy with or don't agree with. - This type of figure is also ironically likely to be the antithesis of my frustrations with healthcare systems; these dream therapists actually care about me and there is no payment or any such thing involved, there is a genuine feel of interest in helping me as if they were devoted to that. - The narcolepsy and the falling asleep thing may have been subconscious cues about dreaming reality.
Yesterday the same as usual lately, wasn't able to make notes in the morning and then forgot too much. Managed to make some notes this morning. Dream: World of Warcraft dream. I was a dwarf paladin and I remember being teleported to the Scarlet Monastery. I was next to the instance entrance doors and from there I went across the halls, down to the stairs at the other end. I don't remember seeing any scarlet troops. I had a two-handed weapon, and directly to my right after coming down from the stairs was the meeting stone (which I think isn't the correct location for it). Across the way, where the meeting stone should probably be was an orc hunter, around level 90, sitting. I don't remember seeing or knowing what my own level was. I walked for a bit but then decided to get on a mount. In the dream, I remembered or realised I had just bought the 100% riding skill, and then summoned a worg-looking mount. The worg looked thin and sort of rough, which seemed a bit odd, but I didn't really care at the time. Starting to ride away, I could see with my camera rotated that the orc was getting up and then he started using his auto-shot attack. He didn't use any special abilities but each of the arrows was hitting for about 900 damage, which seemed to be about 10% of my health each time. I took about three shots in total, managing to ride away far enough but the last shot had hit me from what I thought was an unreasonable distance in the game, over 90 or so yards. I rode the worg through the plagued and sombre woods of Tirisfal and toward the Western Plaguelands. I remember the atmosphere clearly, with its slightly dead blue-green tinge. I remember seeing something in the sky, but not sure if it was the moon or the sun. As I rode the mount through the woods, I went past a ruined human or scarlet tower, but I didn't see any enemies or creatures anywhere. When I got to the area of Tirisfal that is closest to the Western Plaguelands, it was more like a volcanic area, more like something I'd expect from Cataclysm than a classic area. At first this bit was sandy with shrubs here and there, somewhat desert-like, but there were burnt trees and courses of lava. I remember it was day time but as I went further into this zone it got darker. It felt like it had been an extremely long ride from Tirisfal and I can't recall all the details of the journey. I do remember a number of different passing thoughts, mostly about potentially being attacked, but very vaguely. Going along a road in this zone, I headed towards some tunnel I saw before on my map interface. To the north of the tunnel entrance was a ruined building. It looked like an Alliance fort or barracks, but it was supposed to be a hospital in the dream? Someone, I can't remember who, suggested I go there, but I said I'd already been there or something. As I entered the tunnel, which had a car-tunnel feel to it, I noticed another player riding their mount come up behind me. I think it was an undead but he didn't seem hostile and he had this orange hat that I remember from early quests in TBC. He had a strange blue mount that I can't really remember very well. I checked my character panel and it said my mount speed was 140% with all my bonuses, but this guy still managed to slightly faster, probably at about 160%. He overtook me and eventually I lost sight of him. On the other side of the tunnel I explored a little rock island surrounded by lava courses and I heard the distinct sound of a character in stealth nearby. I dismounted and tried to find the player; it was a tauren druid prowling in cat form. I attacked and used kidney shot, a rogue ability; and before the stun ended, I used a cat form ability too and used a different stun, not really giving the druid a chance to fight back. He took a ton of damage, or what felt like it but eventually died. Oddly enough, the form effect should have ended for him at that point, but didn't, so the corpse looked like the cat form and not the tauren form. I realised while attacking that he was level 137 or something, which then made me realise I was 19 levels below that, and that was why it took so long to kill him. Other stuff happened, not sure what. I think I used some other druid forms but the next thing I remember I'm at my old home, as "myself", in the downstairs part. Mom and other people are there, but I'm not sure who. There was this man with no top on, a dream character and I think he was injured? This part of the dream went on for a while but I've forgotten most of the details. Dream Fragment: Something about power going off, but in a weird way, where only a few things went off. I think I was in the kitchen? Notes: - In the dream, my character level didn’t seem to be well defined but the mixed usage of abilities could have been a clear dream sign, as well as the dream-created volcanic landscapes. - Like with my other dreams that involve old known locations, this was also one of those dreams where the dream mind is starting to take more liberties with how the places look. This is interesting because recently I was thinking that the reason those old places were being so altered in dreams was a result of not visiting them for a long time, but I have played WoW recently enough that this theory doesn’t really seem to make as much sense anymore. - Plenty of somewhat obvious dream signs in the last few months, but not being obvious enough for me to pick up on them yet I guess. But that and some other general things about dreams through these last few months have been giving me a sense that something is progressing in a positive way. - The topless and injured man may have simply been a figment brought about by a show I watched for the first time the previous night, but his presence really was completely out of place in that dream, there was nothing else to tie the two contexts together. - I’m remembering now that in that part of the dream it was a bright morning daytime, though only a small bit of it came through into the living room, where I was. - The WoW dream was typical for a game dream, I didn’t have the sense of sitting at a desk or anything, just completely existing in the game, even despite the use of third person camera. In a way this is not too different from how I feel when playing games I’m immersed in anyway; usually it just feels like an extension of self, more than anything else. But it does make me feel that I’m almost too used to the sense of altered reality, which is maybe why I normally don’t pick up on dream signs that when I’m awake I consider to be pretty obvious.
Updated 02-19-2020 at 12:35 AM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am being shown future human civilization but not sure if it is on planet Earth. First is just an overview of what seem like an industrial exploration on another planet, similar to Earth or one that has been terraformed. There is a huge plateau with giant machines like trucks with in built platforms, and they can pick up shuttles and carry them to a place near the edge of this plateau and then tilt the platform they are on, so they are launched into space. Below this platform, the planet is green and luxurious, but this area is covered in roads, machines, big trucks and shuttles, just like an interface to ship materials in and out of the planet. I wonder if people live there. And then past this plateau and entering the forest I do find people and settlements. They live in small, almost primitive looking villages, with houses that look like Mayan and Incan pyramids, but then seen from a different angle, they have large panoramic windows, like bioclimatic houses that blend in the environment. They farm, but the way they have their plantations integrated in the natural environment is so beautiful and artistic that it makes me cry. People look like Celts and I wonder if these are just the hippies of this era, yet they have just the right amount of high tech facilitating their way of life, which is very discreet. People are gathering and walking towards a stone path, made with large flat basalt stones going uphill and I am told it's some kind of religious celebration day and they head to some kind of temple. But what I find is an old city, with the old buildings, the beautiful ones from 20th century and before, totally preserved and being used, alongside avenues of old uglier buildings abandoned, in ruins and apparently just being displayed as an open air museum. I recognize one street as Avenue João XXI in Lisbon, still with some billboards from banks and other institutions hanging behind their glass walls, but the outside is very decrepit, the concrete is worn out, paint is gone, walls look very grey, covered in dirt and metal parts are rusting. Then I am invited to sit at a nice café in one of the recovered building where they serve cookies and cakes from the past, according to recipes they have preserved. But all this left me emotional and I have no hunger. They insist that I sit and just enjoy and they start bringing me samples of cookies and I do feel so much better.
Morning of September 22, 2018. Saturday. Reading time: 1 min 22 sec. Readability score: 62. I am sitting in a wooden chair that is first in a mostly undefined featureless room, though with a vague essence of our present home. It is possibly late morning at first. The passage of time seems unusual at the beginning. Several years may have passed very quickly with a brief awareness of different seasons. Soon, it is in an overgrown field. A Twin Wasp engine is on the ground, a few weeds growing around it. It seems to be golden at one point. The rest of the airplane is elsewhere in the field. There is a 1940s feeling, though based on movies of the time. It seems my task is to fly two ballet dancers (male and female, about thirty years of age), in white, from the area, where they have been for a very long time, living in the minimal ruins of an unknown region. They have still been able to thrive somehow. Although they sit in the back of a small airplane, they seem to be mentally flying it as I sit in the pilot’s seat. There is a sustained awareness of motion. We move through liminal space of only vague definition as the sky. When I look back at the waking point, they are no longer present. Vestibular system avatars sometimes have attributes associated with dancing as a result of the subliminal, liminal, or lucid control of, or focus upon, the illusory physicality of the dream state, the fluidity of adapting to changes in consciousness as well and anticipation of the waking start, even through hypnopompic transitions when they occur. I began to realize this when I was four years old. Airplanes and virtually all flight-related factors (including flying under my own will) are a common dynamic of the process, being present throughout every sleep cycle for over fifty years. Not counting flying under my own will, mechanical forms of flight, such as airplanes, helicopters, and spaceships, when compared with birds, seem to occur with about equal frequency. Gold always correlates with dream state vivification and the emerging consciousness factor.
Aliens It was a warm afternoon. I was wandering some mixed forest (mostly deciduous, with some coniferous additions). I followed a path until I reached my house and went towards father's carpenty workshop. I entered it and saw my younger sister. Then we heard a radio alert about aliens landing. I grabbed her arm and wanted to run to the house, but apparently she had broken leg for some reason and we couldn't do it as quickly. Somehow I knew that she was the key to this whole aliens problem, as we left the workshop several government agents left other buildings of my backyard and chased us. We managed to escape to our house, but nobody was there. Everyone either escaped or put resistance to aliens. I wanted to barricade inside the house and wanted my sister to stay with me, but she escaped to some swamp. After a while I decided to join the resistance, finding my sister first. As I approached the exit, my family was back, bringing sister with them. Suddenly I woke up in my bed, in the middle of some meadow. There were two other beds, one was empty and my younger sister was on the other one. The meadow was surrounded by really scarce, young forest. There was some lake and ancient ruins nearby. Suddenly we saw a bright, shining orb floating on the sky. These were the aliens. With sister we searched for some weapons and started fighting with it. I caught the orb and punched it several times, but it still wasn't enough. Then I found a laser under one of pillows and started shooting the orb, but it still wasn't enoug to win.
17-01-2017 Nothing recalled. 18-01-2017 Fountain of wish I was roaming around my backyard, checking all buildings just out of boredom, when I met my younger sister in one of them. She told me a story about a fountain that makes wishes come true when you drink from it and make a wish. As she told the story, I could see enormous, grassy hills and a tall cliff with ruins of an ancient fortress. The fountain was standing in the middle of a square, water that shone constantly pouring out of it. I told her that we really should find this fountain. Rooftops I was in some industrial era city, it was a warm, sunny day. Smoke was getting out of chimneys, rubbish littered streets with beggars trying to get anything of use in their hands. However, there was a completely different society above it. People lived in attics which could be accessed only through rooftops. Rooves acted like streets, and were much cleaner than those below. Those who lived on the rooftops were much more happy than anyone living down in the city, but the way to them was dangerous. I tried to get there, taking the only possible path - through factory. Jumping between mechanisms and dodging deadly smashers, I finally got up to a platform adjacent to a tower, through which I got an easy access to rooftops. Farming I left a farmer house and went to garage, where a tractor was waiting. I got inside and drove out of garage, then drove to hook up a plough, then drove to a field. I plowed through the whole field, hooked a cultivator and cultivated the field, then with a planter I planted soya beans. Contest & friend I was sitting in a room, watching TV. I was completely bored, the house was empty as everyone left somewhere. I went to kitchen and took some cola. Then a kinda ugly girl entered the house and told me about some contest that we have to take part in. She left and my family came back, they reminded me about that contest. My good friend appeared with them, for a while I was wandering around the house, passing by my friend. Each time I passed by him I said something like "Nope, nothing here." or "Haven't seen/heard a thing." Eventually I greeted him and we went to a living room where everyone was sitting. We took laptops, I checked the one that friend brought as he wanted me to fix something in it.
Again, lots of people. It was a pagan/medieval gathering. We are all somewhere in the mountains/caves. I'm sitting in the grass, examining people's clothes. Everything is very detailed but I'm not lucid. I still remember closely examining a leather sleeve and thinking "this is so real!". A shy young man with longer dark hair is explaining something. Soft cloth, tiny fragile teacups everywhere, also - paper stairs. I walk around and find an abandoned main station. It's beautiful inside, but it's falling apart. There's a shop with a sign that says "URBAN GRAPHIC" .... It has hundreds of graphic novels, but everything is arranged on the floor in the dust. The shop is also falling apart. Bricks, dust, old wooden planks.... I find a book - a graphic novel - and it looks amazing and mysterious. There's a meditating man on the cover and some large face behind him, I think. It has an absolutely awesome title which I can't remember anymore. Them I wake up. Zero lucidity
I am part of a task force. I think I am a tech specialist rather than a fighter. We are sitting in the VTOL as we are briefed to ambush and take over an enemy base. It is dark when we land, and we rush out. I am to head towards a building in the centre of the base, as we fight our way through ruins and buildings of smooth black stone. My squadmates are with me, but we are spread out as we attack the surprised soldiers from the dark, shooting our way through like knife through butter. We take control of the base, and I am called in to deal with the central building. I pay attention to my squadmate's instructions, which make me realize that I am dreaming. At which point I stop paying attention to him and start to examine my hands and stabilize myself instead. My hands are freakishly small, and my right hand has about eight fingers. Regardless of my attempt to stabilize, I wake up.