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    1. Hostage trying to run away

      by , 06-02-2024 at 05:47 PM
      It starts off with me being outside the drugstore and I'm on the phone.. I'm not sure whom I'm talking too but I know i'm calling for help. Either if its 911 they don't believe me, or I'm calling someone to have them call 911 and they don't believe me. I think someone else is beside me after I'm done my call I try to go back inside the drugstore and an employee there said the store's closed.. I say something to the effect of "we're are hostages" meaning me and whomever I'm with and we're back in the store. We go back to big guys aka the kidnappers but they have the attitude or at least they'll have later on the attitude of Elmer Fudd.

      Whenever they get a moment's distraction -I'm off like a shot trying to escape the drug store or whatever store I'm in and its like something from Looney Tunes I'm like Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck but I do go back to them eventually for some reason I don't know. And about 10-15 times of this little "game" of me running away and them trying to track me down again. I'm think the store might have c hanged from the drug store to a clothing store- and one of the kidnappers is asking "Why do we have to bring Ava in (my dream-self name) in? Maybe we should forget about them, we still have the other one". The other one says something along the lines of "the boss wants us to bring Ava in". So it seems like the unknown boss and my Dreamself Ava, had some history prior to the dream. And I had to wake up at that point.

      Updated 06-02-2024 at 07:06 PM by 33295

      lucid , memorable
    2. Dream Journal Day 12: Night of Friday 17.11.2023

      by , 11-28-2023 at 11:05 PM
      I love Sailor Moon. Does this count as a scary dream? I wouldn't call it a nightmare...

      I am Tsukino Usagi (the main character of Sailor Moon) - appearance-wise, at least. It might be better to say I'm alternately watching her and being her. She has one sister and a father who is very controlling and doesn't let her go outside. But one evening, somehow, she manages to leave. As I'm walking down the street away from the apartment, I see my father outside a pub on the adjacent street. He is talking and drinking in the warm light and doesn't seem to have noticed me, so I continue walking at the same speed, head down, to avoid attracting his attention. As soon as I'm past the street corner and out of his view I run as fast as I can into town. It's dark out, and there aren't many people about, however the night this time has a dark brown sky rather than a blue one. It reminds me of an old photograph and imparts a sense of finality.

      Some time later. I can see inside the apartment while not being there. Usagi's father is there seething over her disappearance while her mother frets, her younger sister (who looks a lot like another character) sits on the floor at his feet. I get the feeling that they are all afraid of him. He vows to find Usagi and bring her back.

      Usagi goes to hide in various places. I see her inside a closed shop, a single dim light overhead. Her wristband glows (when did that appear?) and some waves radiate downwards from the lamp. I know instantly that they are transmitted by her father and he now knows where she is. I feel a terrible foreboding.

      I don't remember much after that. I feel that she ends up being caught but continues to plan another escape.

      I'm not sure if this dream is scary so much as unsettling. It's been years since I had a proper nightmare.
    3. Running from home, and captured by men..!

      by , 04-02-2018 at 09:30 AM
      I had a dream last night..!
      The first that I've remembered in a while..!

      It was more in bits though. I was myself, at home for a time, but then ran outside. I think I was running away from home, I remember hearing my parents call after me. But I continued to run away from my home.
      In the street, I was surrounded by a few young men (In their early 20's maybe?), and they grabbed me and started to pull me away from my home. They grabbed me by the arms, pulling me backwards along the street. I remember the police arrived on the scene, but the men were too fast and seemed to know exactly how to sneak away from the scene. I was locked up in a caravan, with a man.

      Then I woke up..!
    4. 6/14/16 - Leaving with Jongin

      by , 06-14-2016 at 08:37 PM
      I'm sitting in a small restaurant/bar at a table near the entrance. It's a table that seats about 6 or 7 people. I know the people I'm sitting with but I can't really see their faces. I'm looking towards the entrance and watching people pass by. It looks like I'm at a place inside the Circus Circus hotel. My attention is drawn back to the table and I notice that a female server has come to take our order. She leaves after the order was taken, but I can't remember actually saying anything to her. She comes back a few minutes later with food and drinks. I notice that she is really rude to me and keeps giving me dirty looks. I ignore it and look at the food in front of me. It's there but I can't really see it. It's not important. I do see the drink I was given. It's in a take-out cup with a lid and straw and it's really small, like a child's sized drink. I don't say anything about it but I'm not happy about it. As everyone finishes their food, we start getting up to leave. The same female server comes up to me and tries to snatch my drink out of my hands, I keep it away from her and say that I'm not done and I want a refill. She's gives me the dirtiest look and says that they don't do refills. I get angry and tell her to get a manager. She stomps away and a large, ugly man walks up to me. I calmly ask him for a refill since the cups are so small. He repeats that they don't do refills and starts walking away. I get really angry and cuss him out, throwing the cup away and going to the counter to pay. When I get there, Jongin is smiling at me. A man comes up next to me to pay and I know I'm with him, but I can't see his face. I can only smile shyly at Jongin. After the man pays, he grabs my arm and leads me away. I keep looking back at Jongin, and every time I look back, he's looking at me. I'm finally outside of the bar. I walk off to the side by myself, the man I'm with having gone to prepare something. Suddenly I look up and Jongin is in front of me smiling. I smile back and he asks why there's a huge canopy bed being set up near us. I laugh a bit dryly and say that that man is probably expecting something from me. He becomes serious and says that we should go. I look up at him and smile. He grabs my hand and we leave together.

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 08:40 PM by 61973

    5. The Razor Man.

      by , 11-17-2015 at 06:49 PM (Here be dragons)
      Disturbing part in spoiler.

      I'm in a industrial building, all cements and metals staircase. It's nighttime outside, but the inside are lit with harsh neon lights and green night light. I'm with a brown haired, thin woman, a little taller than me; the light make her looks sick, and put emphasis on the dark circles under her eyes. The air is cold and damp, the kind of atmosphere that seep into your bones and chill you for hours. We're headed outside, but a man cross our path. He's not very tall, but very charismatic, with brown hair and very white skin. He wears a crisp white shirt, without any wrinkles despite the late hour. He makes us walk to a lower part of the building, into a big room divided by metal fences. He makes us enter one of the small room delimited by the fence. There is a medical chair in the middle, with straps to keep the head, arms and legs in place. He straps the woman in, and she starts to shiver.

      Spoiler for here go my lunch:

      I get out, down another staircase, to the parking lot under the building. Once I'm outside, I start running. There are other people in the parking, trying to get away as fast as possible. A man walking in see me running and turn on his heels, running too. We pass a couple of garbage collector, one telling the other that he gt sick and now he can smell everything in the garbage bags, "from cambell soup to kitty litter." The street are lit with city light and colorful neons, the road go uphill. The ground is slick with a recent rain, the sky pitch black. Lots of commerces are still open, spilling lights on the sidewalk. I keep running, past a laundromat covered in white tiles and a chinese restaurant with red and black paper lanterns.
    6. Semi-Lucid 10.14.15

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:41 PM
      It's been a few weeks since I've had a lucid dream (even longer since I've written about one).

      I remember being transported to the "future" which seemed to follow the ideas of the TV series Fringe, in the way that in this future there are advance humans that have the ability to read your mind, and try to control ordinary citizens with this ability. I remember being in the future with my boyfriend, and a friend of ours. We had gone to an old run down movie theater which apparently we had made long ago to be our "headquarters" for the resistance against these advance mind-reading humans. When I had walked inside, I had found everything to be falling apart and covered in dust. I had also found our faithful dog companion, and it looked like he had been living there for years, waiting for us to return.

      I had felt so bad for the dog, as it had looked like he had not been eating well for quite some time. I had decided to get a hold of some dog food to help nurture our friend back to health. All three of us had gotten into a car, where my friend had suggested that I drive. It was at this point that I became somewhat lucid because I had said to her "Are you sure? I'm not really great with driving cars, especially in dreams..." I had shown her the difficulty with driving while in a dream when I tried to stop the car outside a gas station, and had trouble getting the car to come to a complete stop. The car only stopped completely when I had focused my attention and "stopped" it with my mind. I walked into the gas station where I began picking out bags of dog food. It was then that a few of those mind reading humans came into the station, with their guards right behind them. I knew that they would be looking for us, or at least sense us to be suspicious, so while I was attempting to pay for the dog food, to combat the obvious mind reading, I began reciting musical scales in my head. I had to focus all of my will to think only about music, and not anything else to give me away.

      The gas station attendant had trouble running my credit card to pay for the dog food, and was obviously nervous about those who had just come in. He was so nervous he just let me have the dog food so that I could get out of there. I quickly left the store and found my friend, she was worried I had been caught. I told her I was fine and that we needed to all get on the next city bus to get away.

      I woke up.
    7. Old Dreams: Lunatic Test Facility

      by , 04-28-2014 at 10:31 PM
      Note: This is a part of a much longer dream, but this is the only part I can remember clearly.

      The dream follows on from me and a group of people I don't know escaping a prison facility. We escape into a large mainly metal city, which has a very steam punk/futuristic look to it, with rusty brown buildings and smoke coming from vents etc. we are in orange jumpsuits, and are running from guards in black armour.
      Note: I can kind of draw, so I will probably add sketches/illustrate these dreams at a later date.
      After running away form a while I get separated from these two guys, and i make my way for quite a while, I manage to find a sort of futuristic police station and commandeer a flying ship (too hard to explain what it looked like) as I fly this ship away to rescue my friends, it transforms into a high tech steam punk glove that looks like a pointed foam finger, which I use to direct my flight over the city.
      I land and lose the glove, as I find my friends chained in a line with other prisoners, who have been caught and beat up pretty bad.
      I am caught as well and herded into a room where we are sorted into two groups, one group go to a normal prison because they were employed and had family.
      I saw one of my friends from school was wearing a black jumpsuit who had obviously switched sides to work with the guards.

      My group were to be sent to a lunatic asylum/test facility because we were unemployed and had no family that would miss us. We enter this facility and it actually looks pretty good, sort of like a luxury resort. I meet a girl from my old school and we start having a conversation about her favorite musician.
      Then a woman walks in and orders everyone to get on the floor and put their hands on their head, adding that the first to do so would get $500. I comply, as does my friend, but there is a girl who is arguing and resisting the woman and the guards. The woman counts down from 3 and the guard executes her on the spot with a syringe filled with clear liquid.
      Then we are told to sit in these seats, in rows like at a cinema. They were large, dark red and surprisingly comfortable.
      I notice some more of my friends, all from different times in my life. I am called down to the front along with 5 or 6 other guys for the first experiment.

      We gathered in a circle and we each held on to a large syringe in the middle filled with clear liquid. We were told to try force the syringe needle into the person opposite us, we all start pushing, and it's clear one guy is weaker than the rest as we target him.
      The syringe punctures his neck, and I think he died from that. Then there was a second part of the experiment; we were told one of us will try to use the syringe again, this meant we had to decide whether or not to let go, because if we did, we could get injected. I take responsibility and make everyone else let go.
      One guy is sweating and repeatedly glancing at the needle, so I break it off and put it in a bag, handing it to the guy in charge, feeling triumphant.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 10:28 PM by 68996

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. Strangeness At Sea

      by , 04-07-2014 at 02:38 PM
      So this was quite a while ago but i still remember it quite clearly. I was standing on a beach looking at the sun when some of my friends wanted to go riding on a boat so i did and it was nice but all of a sudden the wind began to pick up and the waves grew higher and higher and the small boat turned into a massive ship and there was a captain yelling at the crew to keep the ship afloat as we were getting pounded with wave after wave. I was holding on to some netting and that is all that i felt that was keeping me on board. The captain yelled very loudly as a massive wave came rushing toward us . The wave had thousands of zombies in it for some reason and as the wave came over the boat the zombies came on too and started tearing everybody to pieces real gory like and i started to freak out and i realized this could never actually happen so i realized i was dreaming but i couldn't control it and i got up and ran up the boat past the captain who was shooting them with his pistol( idk where he got it from he just had it haha) i ran into a room on the boat and shut the door. I was inside of an entire new surrounding inside of an apartment or something. Yet i could still hear them knawing at the door outside. There was a man with a shotgun that told me to follow him so i did, we went into his apartment and there was a big door that was covered in metal. He shot the door four times with the shotgun and i began to discourage his efforts of trying to open it. On the fifth shot it opened as he walked by me with a grin. And i woke up.
      nightmare , lucid
    9. CCB, céu estrelado, fuga

      by , 11-12-2013 at 07:18 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Eu estava em uma grande reunião de irmãos da CCB. Olhava para cima e via o céu mais estrelado da minha vida. Saía para tentar mostrar pra minha esposa e me perdia. Acabava nos fundos da casa da minha tia Regina, trancado. A escada dos fundos estava faltando os últimos degraus, então eu saí me pendurando. Saía pela frente da casa e via que havia alguém no quarto, e a luz estava acesa. No portão encontrei uma irmã de saia jeans longa, blusinha rosa claro, cabelo preso, por volta de 40-50 anos, e seu marido dizendo que o bairro é perigoso, e se alguém me vir pulando o muro pode estranhar. Saía da casa e era abordado por 2 homens em uma moto que tentavam me matar. Eu fugia me jogando em uma grande ladeira parecida com um escorregador. Pegava um ônibus com um motorista louco que quase batia em tudo. Tinha uma criança sentada do meu lado conversando com a mãe sobre o seu aniversário e as bexigas da festa que farão.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 01:47 PM by 66176

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Daydream Chase

      by , 09-01-2013 at 03:06 PM
      During a nap had another "chase" dream where I'm running from someone.... it's the 3rd on this week.

      Im in a hurry while driving down a country road, there's 2 guys after me. I turn off onto a side road and turnj off the car. I feel relief when i see their mobster style car pass by.

      [scene change]
      I think I'm on a plane an fleeing to the front so get away from the 2 guys. I find a large walk-in closet and hide behind a bunch of coats, but leave to door open. The 2 men walk-by the closet and are looking in. One of them is quite distinct and ID him as a large white bald shaven man resembling Steve Austin in size. They apparently don't see me and disappear from sight.

      I start to leave my hiding place but get grabbed and lifted off my feet and held out at arms lenght by the huge and who's now glaring at me. I feel afraid/panic and swing a large wide knife that stabs his face and cuts open his cheek and right eye. He screams and drops me and I start to run again! I can here him sounding pissed off shouting that he's going to kill me now!

      Wake up, phones ringing.
    11. 3/28/13 - In plain sight and Aisle apologies

      by , 03-29-2013 at 05:06 AM
      I'm walking through the very crowded breezeway at my old elementary school. Though obviously visible, I'm trying desperately to not be seen. From head to toe my body is covered in black clothing. I stop walking when I see two of my cousins. They haven't seen me, so I run to the flight of stairs next to the office and don't look back.

      Dream Fragment 1: I'm standing really close to a man who looks like John Barrowman (an actor). We're in an aisle of a store. He looks so upset and I feel really apologetic. He moves closer to me and smiles.
    12. 7/27/12 - Almond Drive Running

      by , 03-22-2013 at 04:45 AM
      Stiles Stilinski and I are walking fast out of an apartment complex. He's holding my hand and we hurry to the parking lot. We walk up to a light blue, 50's-looking car. The doors are open and it looks like it was broken into. Stiles tells me to get in and I do. He starts the car and we speed away. We end up in my old house on Almond Drive, but the inside is my Uncle's house. My dad is there. I walk up to him and punch him really hard in the face. I then leave the house and start running down the street. Someone, a man, is chasing me. I can't see his face and he's right behind me. I finally stop and fall to the ground in front of a group of people. I recognize some of them. I turn around and the man is right in my face. I close my eyes. When I open them again a few seconds later, Stiles and I are in the Almond Drive house kitchen, staring at a fish tank. We are watching a beautiful white cat with blue eyes. He's swimming and looking at us. I know that the cat is still too young. But as soon as he is old enough, I will take him from the tank and keep him. Stiles agrees. And then we are back at the apartment complex. We are leaving in a hurry again. Stiles is holding my hand tighter and we are walking faster. I look behind me and there is a woman staring at us from a balcony. It makes me horribly uneasy. Stiles notices her too and hurriedly pulls me into the same old car. We speed away.
    13. 7/26/12 - Strangers, SUVs, Dogs

      by , 03-22-2013 at 04:14 AM
      I'm running down a street with someone. It's a street that I know. I can't see the persons face. We slow down and are walking together, keeping very close. I am constantly looking around me. A black SUV drives past us and then slows down. I instantly get a bad feeling and grab the person's hand. We start running. We cut across yards and jump over fences until we are lost. I see a closed off, square place with a little opening. I pull the person inside with me. The walls around us are concrete and no one can see us. I sit in a corner, away from the opening, with my legs spread open. I pull the person down in between my legs, their back against my chest and my arms tightly around their waist. My chin rests on their shoulder and the person relaxes into me. We wait for a while in silence. A black dog then walks into the small space and looks at us. He comes close and starts licking our faces. I pet the dog.
    14. 3/4/13 - non lucid

      , 03-06-2013 at 07:35 AM
      Running away on a train with some people (Mike W.) Also climbing steps. An open field tons of yellow transformer like air craft flying over head.
    15. Prison Camp and Dying For the First Time!!!

      by , 12-23-2012 at 08:11 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Prison Camp and Dying for the First Time (Non-lucid)


      Just a mere nap, and I have this crazy experience, damn, it felt like it was at least a 10 minute dream, or even more. It felt so condensed, a lot of gaps in between, but those parts I recalled had huge significance in my overall experience.

      And I died, which is a first thing, and I was in prison, so obviously, my feelings of being trapped is related to how I feel about people in general and the image I'm trying to sustain, but knowing that trying to do so might actually send me into deeper and more difficult tasks to get out of.

      I was meditating, and what a perfect dream to signify that I'm trying to get out of, my thoughts and attachments of life.......And to finally reach freedom in this dream was so amazing, until a small ad hoc of soldiers shot me down like I was nothing.

      Now on to the dream. There's a lot of sexual references here, but there wasn't anything sexual, just a lot of representations of how I conceptualize certain things, and the mere mentioning of that representation isn't going to be a bother, except the death of course, or it could be a joy to some sadists.

      So, let's go on with the dream.

      I'm on the run, I don't know where I am, but I do have a weird connection to this place and the nooks and crannies of a few specific areas. It's like a dungeon, and I'm constantly finding myself going up stairs, random hallways, reaching upper levels where there's natural sun light, but never going too far into the light.

      My mind is mixed at this point, so many interchanging thoughts at once ranging from the fear of possibly being found out, captured, and recieving a more cruel punishment for endorsing the escape of other prisoners. I felt I had obligations, but at the same time I felt I needed to engage in this neutrality of trying to help others or save myself.

      I needed other people to find ways to know more about the large Prison/Dungeon Camp I'm in, and the gargantuan size of this area, the many areas within it, all too much for one person to even conceptualize possible escape tactics for freedom.

      There's too many things going on at once that it's hard to keep track off and make it into a cohesive and comprehensible chain of events. I remember someone in a black latex suit, a female, probably resembling Catwoman, that I would end up helping or trying to avoid.

      Her role in this was temporary, and I feel I also met Robin as well, but his purpose fades away quickly. There are guards coming after us, and I remember that each time that I run, I end up going to a specific set of stairs that leads me to a myriad of paths that I can take.

      I also noticed that there are anal toys laid of on the right side about 2 feet away from double doors consisting of dark red colors with 4 rectangles going vertical formed as if they were split from a bigger rectangle on the door.

      Seeing the anal toys kind of bothered me, and I won't go into full description of what they looked like. I remember running up stairs that are made of concrete or some kind of gray marble materials with a red carpet in the middle of the stairs going all the way up and down the areas of this huge prison camp.

      When I go through the double doors, random things happen. I remember falling down a deep ditch, feeling perfectly fine, and them climbing my way up to get to more doors to have to choose randomly.

      Basically, the whole dream was full backtracking and pinpointing important locations and adding on to the mental map I had in my mind. It involved a lot of practice, a lot of trail and error, but I eventually learned the nooks and crannies and found myself at higher places in less time than I thought.

      Then I tried helping a few random people escape, and when I tried to escape, I felt I needed to go back to the prison to help more people.

      I don't know why, but I just felt I had to be responsible for saving some people. I keep using that area with the double doors and the anal toys randomly placed 2 feet away from the doors as the major reference point because I know anything beyond those doors is has subjective outcomes.

      I eventually meet an old man who I'm confused as to whether or not I'm helping him, or he's helping me. Anyway, after escaping guards inside the large building, I head outside and find an Asian man is coming inside the base.

      The electrical wired fence opens, and my perception of it opening or closing is a bit skewed. It looks like it's opening, and the old man dashes for the gate as the Asian man goes through it; he's wearing a gray hoodie, and he looks like he's in his mid 20s.

      I can feel the electricity surging in my hands for a while, but I took my hands off the fence quickly and dashed a bit to avoid it completely closing in on me and possibly shocking me.

      I follow the old man while looking both ways on the highway.

      The cars are kind of going slow at the moment, and I head to the left side of the highway where the rough part of the part is. I see a vehicle that crashed for a while now, and decided I should hide there , but I wanted to catch up to the old man.

      I saw soldiers coming up, and as I'm trying to play things off like I'm a normal citizen, things start getting hectic. I turn to the right to get a peek of the soldiers, they were wearing dark gray uniforms, and they're holding to old rifles that look like they were from U.S. Civil War times.

      A random soldier starts screaming, and everything goes in slow motion for me. I turn my face to see what's going on, when in fact the soldier is screaming in a foreign language while pointing at me. I become shocked, and I tried to run, but it's too late.

      The soldiers, at least 10 of them, shot me right where I was standing. I immediately drop on the floor with no control whatesoever, and I remember being dragged immediately by someone, and that's all I remember.

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