non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work. He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home. I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some building in a library and with Swedish guys. There is an earthquake and some aftershocks. Not strong, but very long lasting, so the building opens some bad cracks in the basement. I am about to warn others when another shake hits. I see many cracks forming around the main staircase and central hallway. People seem to be taking cover precisely where it is more dangerous. I head to a lateral exit that leads to a garage and seems safer to me. There, I am met by a man I know and I think he is going to be helpful and point out some escape route, but instead he gropes me. I am wearing a skirt and he almost removes my panties. I feel disgusted and run away. Next outside there is an entrance to some fair, and it doesn't seem affected by the quake. They are offering merch at the entrance and I go in. Find a conference about sustainability and going forward, but all I hear is bullshit about how capitalism will save the world. They have some time for the audience to talk, but there is no mic, we just talk and our voice is somehow amplified. So I make a comment when there is a moment of silence after two ultra-liberal freaks and point out the opposite of what they have been saying. Some couple sitting to my side seems to hate me for that, so they start being assholes to me. First they steal my bag with the merch we were handed out at the entrance and give it away to one of their two daughters, making ridiculous comments just to stress out they are worthy and I am not. Then the woman makes a stupid comment about my shoes and then steal my seat when I get up for some reason. So I seat on top of them and start acting like them. They make a scene and I have to leave but they are also thrown out, while claiming I am the one harassing them. At some food court outside, I rescue a puppy that seems to be by itself. I put a kind of leash on him but have to carry him because he can't stand still, maybe confused or scared. Along the way ahead, I encounter a human sized owl who tries to eat him and we fight. I wonder how I'll take the puppy home since I am abroad and also how's it gonna be, as he surely will grow bigger than my dog Hachi and I have no more space for dogs. On board of a boat, vintage style, clearly from a past era. But there is a covid warning sign on the deck, people are not allowed gathering there, must stay confined. I am wearing a bikini and I have green hair. Also, I am looking for my teacher on board and I break the confinement and check the deck and everywhere. At the town of Vila Franca, there is a war going on between Americans and Russians for some reason. It also looks from a distant past, besides being misplaced. There are crowds in the streets, trapped between troops and tanks coming from opposite sides. People head to the union building and start crushing each other on their way in. I am with a couple other people and I spot an old lady escaping through a tiny opening between two buildings and I takes us there to find a very narrow street leading to a more quiet area in the back of the buildings. Unfortunately on the other side where we exit, 3 boys with sniper aspirations, are shooting at us. We find some dead soldiers with grenades and riffles and we use them. We don't kill the boys, just shoot in their direction to get a chance to escape.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A small village attracts lots of scientists, because a strange disease seems to make people crazy and also they start levitating. It affects specially the kids. I go there and I am also affected. The first feeling is strange, like the ground becomes fluid and a vortex moves along it and seems to spread the disease as it moves and touches people. But this can only be perceived by the people already affected. Secondly I realize we don't become crazy, we actually become geniuses. I acquire new abilities like being able to capture radio waves and and other electronic transmissions. First thing I learn is about some plans by some Russians to hack some drones and something about an embassy.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Something about russians and some test. Something on a public swimming pool, with a couple of ladies, crossing the locker room to avoid or meet someone, but then getting excited about a swim in the pool. A friend says he invented a simulation of a nuclear bomb, but without radiation and the blast is harmless so wants to test it. I'm not feeling sure about that, but he insists on blowing it up and says we can hide in an underground shelter nearby. Strangely enough, he sets it off in the middle of a town, so I wonder about all other people if the test goes wrong. Anyway, he is not going to stop for anything and he blasts the thing off. The shock wave is strangely slow, so we can run ahead of it and seek the shelter. He doesn't go, but me and Alex and Zilla we run to it. Zilla is the only one who knows where it is. Alex trips when we cross a bridge and he grabs a piece of my clothing asking for help. But I tell him "it's ok, the bomb is harmless, you'll be fine." And I shrug him off and keep going (watch a bitch I can be). I look back a few steps later and ask him if he'll be ok? He ain't sure, but he doesn't complain and gets up to keep running. Zilla finally stops behind a building with a garden and I ask if the bunker is there. She says no and that she also wants to experience the blast on the surface, but she is taking cover behind the building She finds a hose on a wall and takes an improvised shower. Recommends me to do the same, in case the blast is hot. I feel pretty upset with all this and think these guys are just fucking insane. The blast is coming. I am a at a supermarket with Riverstone, shopping for food. Some troll just put 200€ of frozen fish on our trolley. We're vegetarian, I ask the cashier to keep it and take it away, but Riverstone is looking at all the codfish and saying maybe we should buy it for special occasions. I am pissed he is even considering that and say "absolutely no". Everyone seems to be losing his/her voice. I am also starting to loose mine. It's some virus that's going around and infecting more and more people. It's afflictive.
I'm on a small island, I see two humanoid apes with big teeth. I try not to threaten them. Leaving the island, I see a few iron age people. I have to leave, if I'm associated with them, I'll be a wanted man. On a Russian ship, I have to hide some arcane objects I have, markers and relics, they will be confiscated as things that can deface the ship. Under decks, a sailor prepares a large amount of avocado mush to administer as enemas. I try to quietly make my way out, don't really want to do that. In a movie theater, showing the old Mortal Kombat movies. I see a few animatronic figures, they go to a fake stone cave on the second floor to turn into Kombatants. One is on a small ledge. A clay-like mass is put on him. He's almost ready to become Sub-Zero, he just needs the extra clay to be punched off in battle.
Dream journal I was reading through dream journals list. One of them caught my attention. It was a dream journal of a russian dude. I felt that it has all the informations I'll ever need, and something told me that I should read it. His entries were built from brief descrition, and content of the dream placed in a spoiler. I looked at one of the entries. Description was in English language, and it said about his preparation for the dream. Opening the spoilers I saw only some cyrillic letters. I opened a translator in a second window, and tried to translate it. When I typed it, I received more text in cyrillic as translation. I closed the spoiler, and tried to read another of his entries. Description in the entry was made of three cyrillic letters, and the spoiler was empty. I looked through the list of his entries, and got only confused. I closed the browser and turned my laptop off. I looked through the window. It was midnight, I couldn't see anything. Suddenly I spotted a shape looking from the outside, through the window. It just stood there in place, without making any moves. I felt it's gaze upon me, but I wasn't afraid. I closed the blinds on the windows, and took a lantern out of my pocket. Then I could see the room I was in. It had wooden floor, and cracked concrete walls. In the middle of the room there was a table with my laptop placed on it. The table looked like it's going to collapse. There was no chair, or anything else in the room. I couldn't see the door, the window was only way out of the room. I opened the blinds, and then opened the window. I went out of the room, and the shape appeared again.
Original journal entry dated Feb. 9th 2002: I had another bizarre dream last night. In it, M and A were going to a college in California, and they were driving there. I was going to a college in Michigan, and bummed because I couldn't go with my friends. My mother and her boyfriend were going to a casino somewhere. Anyway, M and A, instead of using a map, rolled up a little ball of clay and gave it a face. It would shout directions at them and tell them how to get where they wanted. But it was EVIL. And its strength came from mirrors. So at one point, they smashed every mirror in the hotel room trying to kill it. But it WOULDN'T DIE! And they'd given my mother one of them, too. As for myself, I had stayed home trying to figure out how I could follow my friends, but they showed up at my house saying that they hadn't been able to get to California. And then my mother and her boyfriend came home. Original entry dated Feb. 1st, 2002: Regarding several dreams taking place over a period of time: Dream #1: I dreamed about a vampire who was actually a large anthropomorphic lion, only he kept falling into lava and coming back to life. And I dreamed that I was at the Russian Olympic games, where one of the sports was to swing around a pole and see how far one could vault into the water. This feat was performed by 6 foot tall 8-year-olds. I sat in the bleachers, only I didn't have a ticket, so when they came around looking at peoples' tickets, I forged one and tried to remain inconspicuous. Dream #2: I dreamed that we were in a car trying to cross a bridge, which was actually a large ramp across a channel - you accelerated and then flew through the air and landed on the other side - but we kept crashing and dying. Then I was on an ocean-liner with my aunt, and there was a murderer loose, and he would claim his next victim by slashing them on the thumb a day or two before he killed them. And my aunt got a slash on her thumb, so then she was really scared, and then my finger turned into a squid, so we all became vegetarians because we could no longer stand the sight of shrimp.
I was at some carnival type of thing like Luna Park and Ihad the thought that when I click I would find 2 dollars on the ground and it worked. So I tried repeating this and it worked eventually I got a lot of money any some of the money was from a different country. I was at a store with my mum and I saw a kid from my school which I kind of make fun of and kind of am friends with. Jack. His mum was there and she was a from slovak speaking country like my mum. Russian, and they were in some family crisis kind of thing which explained why Jack was upset or something.
Sitting somewhere at night with a large group. They were all wearing the same sweaters and without looking I had a strong feeling that I wasn't. We were sitting around waiting for some event we had planned. eventually a girl came and sat down beside me really close. I didn't know her but she started to kinda flirt and put her hand touching mine so I just grabbed it and started holding her hand. Like many others I'm a little more bold in my dreams. News that our event got cancelled came and I was extremely dissapointed. Then there was something about cars and ethnicity. I was talking to an Asian girl about "her" cars as they drove around the place we were in. I'm not sure who this girl was but she may have been the girl holding hands with me. I would say something like "that's your car" pointing to a Mazda rx7 driving by. Then a Bugatti Veyron drove in and parked making my friends have to move, which was an asshole move but maybe we were sitting in a parking lot. The girl holding my hand left at some point. My friend then gave me a joint that was quite poorly rolled. I started smoking and didn't feel smoke in my lungs but didn't really notice or care. Then a Russian man came out who was with us before but i forget what happened at that time. Anyways i felt as if he wouldn't like my joint so i tried am attempt at hiding it then put it out when i could. He then asked for people to help him. I was trying to communicate to him asking if it was a lifting job while making a lifting motion, he didn't much care for this and continued walking. At some point a thought is born and I think I'm filming for a movie and have this constantly in the back of my head. We get closer to our objective and he says we need to set up ammunition for his gun. I ask what kind and he says something with a 3 in it and i know its a sniper rifle and I'm very pleased hoping ill get to shoot it (somehow we can communicate now). When we get there, there is a tall fence structure that looks half art half labrynth. Little bit of a blank, but after we're climbing out over it. Everyone else finds it very easy but i go to climb under and notice the space at the bottom is very small. At this point i realise i have a backpack on (WTF). The decision to climb over the fence comes into play which in waking life would have been my first decision because I'm moderately agile. Climbing over seems very realistic, like a compilation of every fence I've ever climbed in my life. I blanked again but after i see my friend Claire and she says something very strange to maybe just me, but i feel all of us. I take it and play it off with intrigue that's both made up and partially real. The bullshit intrigue comes from The previous knowledge that were filming for a movie, and the real intrigue because I have no idea of any script or anything about the movie. I make a shitty actor move and look for a camera but can't even screw up because there's nothing. No lense or person to be found. I follow Claire and do something weird like put my head on her shoulder cause i don't Care about the movie and I wake up. Hunger prevented me from doing a WBTB
In a large treehouse, searching for some Russian girl's file on a computer connected to HQ. Can't find them, so I wonder why someone wouldn't be on HQ's computers. I call them up. They give me the file. There was also heaps of activity going on around the treehouse, like a big party or going-on in the town.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I sat at a picnic bench with a few other people. We all sat under some covering structure, like the shelter for a gas-pump island. But we were apparently at a restaurant. I told the people at the table that I had the power of mind control. I could will people to do certain things, to carry out whole sequences of actions. The people didn't feel any strain on their minds while I did this. It felt very natural. I apparently used these people to get into places where they could take money. I would then receive this money. Everybody got up and walked away from the table. Everybody dispersed. But I followed one young man. We walked together out from under the shelter and into an area that looked like a bunch of small auto shops. We then headed out onto a street kind of like a small business section of town. I told the guy I was now controlling his mind. I may have explained something about this to him. A weird, small airplane flew overhead, from my right to my left. The plane looked kind of futuristic, but kind of old and dirty. Either I or the young man read the mind of the passenger. The passenger, the young man said, was a beautiful woman who either was or had been a famous movie star. But the woman no longer wanted to be as guarded and watched over as she was nowadays. She wanted to get out and have fun. We followed the plane with our eyes as it headed to the local airport, which was just at the end of this business street (!). We began walking in the direction of the airport. I told the young man that the mission I was going to mind-control him to go on would be to meet up with the girl and act like a really fun, easygoing guy. The young man would win the woman's heart that way. She would give him money, and he could bring it to me. For some reason, we were walking back up under the shelter with the picnic tables. The young man asked me, "What if I just enjoy living with the woman so much that I decide to stay, and I never come back to bring you her money?" I said, "Good for you, then. Go. And I hope you have a good life." Dream #2 I walked out onto the sidewalk, probably outside of a big, public building. It was probably autumn, and it was a sunny day, probably with yellow leafs on the ground. I was in a clean, quiet, probably wealthy town. A tall, Indian man in khaki slacks and a pale, yellow Polo shirt stood out on the sidewalk. The man had a short, old hairstyle, with plenty of gel, and he wore nice, squarish eyeglasses. He seemed to be waiting for a cab. The man turned away from the curb and got a glimpse of me. He remarked that I was too skinny. Dream #3 I was in a courtroom. A rich woman, who may once have been a really popular movie star, was on trial for not paying a cabbie. The story went that she had told the cabbie to wait for her at some place like a gas station, and that she would meet him there. But she never showed up. The woman's argument was that she hadn't told the man she would pay him for his time in waiting, and that he hadn't driven her anywhere in order to get paid. It was the man's choice to wait for her, the woman said. And the wouldn't shouldn't have to pay for the man's choice. I may have seen the view of the cabbie at the gas station in my mind's eye for a moment. But now my view was in the courtroom. I was on the right side of the room (the right side, as one would face the judge's bench). I was at the back of the room, where the woman and her lawyer sat. The woman's lawyer was also a woman, though I couldn't get a good view of her. The woman and the lawyer seemed to be seated in front of, rather than behind, a small table. They were both probably in swivel chairs. The woman looked to be maybe in her early forties. She had tanned skin and dark blonde hair with black or dark brown streaks in it. She wore a dark blue one-piece dress with short sleeves and a skirt that went to just above the knee. The dress may have had vertical stripes of navy blue and some lighter, though dull, blue. The woman was reiterating the point that she didn't feel like she needed to pay. She threw her arms up in the air, as if to say, "What's the big deal? I don't care." I was now on the left side of the room, in one of the back rows, with the cabbie and his lawyer. The cabbie's lawyer was a beautiful woman, half Japanese and half white. She wore a red dress, kind of 1950s or 1960s style, long-sleeved, with a fabric like heavy felt (? - I don't know the names of fabrics). Her hair was frowsy, frizzy, and pale, with chunky, straight bangs. The cabbie was like a skinny version of Fabio. He had long, blonde-brown hair and a tan, clean, muscular face. He had sparkling eyes and a bright smile, though some of his teeth may plainly have been fake. He wore a sleeveless, flannel shirt unbuttoned at least at the chest. The judge was explaining something about his opinion of the case. He seemed to be on the side of the cabbie, though not completely. The judge made some joke, and the crowd laughed at it. But the cabbie didn't speak English. I think he spoke Russian. The lawyer had to translate everything for the cabbie. She'd translated the joke, and the cabbie understood it was a joke -- but not until the judge had already moved on to something else. The cabbie laughed gently and gave some kind of weird glance to the judge, like he was trying to kiss up to the judge. But the time of the joke had passed. The cabbie laughing at this point made him look kind of like an idiot. Dream #4 I was in bed, kissing some girl on the crotch of her yellow, cotton panties. At some point, though, the woman turned into my mother.
I'm in my room on the 5th floor. The room has a light blue light. I am at the entrance of the room looking. To my right I have my bed, and to my left there´s a sofa, the sofa is like a kind of bed. There lays three or four people, including A. The other person is a woman who does not have more than 18 years old. It has medium brown skin and long black hair. She has a nice body. I start flirting with her and A laughs in approval. I read a book that appears next to me, and on the book there´s the word "Lulullu" and I know that this is her name. I begin to kiss her and I touch her lips with the tip of my tongue, she loves that and gives me a french kiss... Suddenly she takes the blanket off her and decides to come to bed. A smiles and leaves the room. Lulullu is in bed with me, she´s reading a purple paper, and she tells me in russian: "We may as well stay here until 2 in the morning doing nothing, or we can see the effects of an explosive sexual penetration ..." and he laughs mischievously for me.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was in some run-down part of some big town. I was on a block with thin apartment buildings. The outsides of the buildings were grey, like they were either of unpainted cinder block or had their paint chipped off or worn off. It was daytime, and the light seemed kind of yellowy-pale and humid. I was with a group of people. We all seemed to be in a line, and we were all being directed into one of the apartment complexes. I understood that we had all been sought out by some group and brought here. I was now with the group that was seeking us out. They were seeking out Russians. But I wasn't a Russian. I had a bad feeling that I was simply part of their operation, kind of disguised as one of the people being sought, but that I was actually helping catch the people and get them confined in this one apartment building. I was now with a line of Russian men, heading into this apartment building. One of the men in front of me was blonde, with a short haircut and pale skin. We got inside. The door opened directly to a dark, narrow, winding stairwell. There was some kind of military guy just inside. He looked to be maybe in his 40s, a bit overweight, with a pudgy face, sweaty, and stubble-covered. He wore some kind of camouflage trenchcoat and one of those thick, round hats with the fur lining and earflaps. I asked the man what I was doing here, what the Russians were here for, and if I really needed to be a part of this. The man raised a finger to his lips and said, "Sh... Just wait here until they're all upstairs. Act like you're going upstairs, too. Then, once they're all upstairs, just leave through the front door. We want to make sure we have them all here for the trial. As long as they think you're going, they'll go, too." I now felt really terrible -- even though I definitely planned to leave this place as soon as I could. But it was like all the Russians had to think I was going with them, or else they wouldn't go. So I had to trick them into thinking I was going, too. But I wasn't. Why was I helping these military people capture these people? I didn't quite feel like I could leave. Now that I knew there was going to be a trial, I wanted to see what it was going to be about. So I'd stay for that. The trial took place in a room on the first floor, just off from the stairwell. The room was short, but kind of wide. It was barren, with dirty, concrete floors and plain, white walls. The light was incandescent, but it also felt cold and barren. There was a group of officials seated at a long folding table to my left. On the other side of the room was a vague group of people. Some were people being judged. Some were attorneys. Someone had told me, again, that I could come in and see what the trial was all about. They told me that I could actually even help them out with the trial. I didn't want to help out with the trial, but I suddenly found myself doing so. I stood out on the floor, giving some kind of random speech. I was trying to make myself look like I was defending the Russians. But what I was really doing was making them feel more comfortable, so they'd give up as much information as possible. Dream #2 There was a man in some part of the world like Vietnam. I'm not sure what the time period was. It seemed like nowadays, or maybe even a little bit into the future. The man had done some spy-like thing, probably against America. He had been discovered. But he was already beginning to make a quick getaway. The man looked like a stereotypical "Sgt. Rock" type of soldier. He wore a camouflage uniform, a rounded helmet with something like netting over it, and he had a muscular face and stubble. He may even have been smoking a cigarette. The man was now getting into something like a spaceship. It was right next to some kind of hut on stilts. The spaceship looked like an old, 1950s style rocket, with the elliptical body and tailfins and everything. But it was made of some really silvery material. The man had climbed into some kind of side door or hatch high up on the ship, possibly via some high window, or even the roof, of the hut. There were now a lot of rushing and booming sounds. The space shuttle seemed to be lifting off. But now an Asian-looking woman, who was actually a spy for the American side, was calling out the window of the hut for the man. She had been assigned to get him back so that the Americans could put him on trial for whatever his spy activity had been. So she was pretending that she loved him and she didn't want him to go. At this point I may have seen from the man's point of view. The woman seemed huge, like she was stretching all the way up into the air to pull me down. Her cries also seemed really terrifying somehow, like supernatural moans. For some reason, either I or the soldier decided to stay, since the woman loved either me or the soldier. Dream #3 There were a group of people trying to fight some kind of alien menace. I'm not really sure what it was. The group was maybe a couple of guys and a girl. One of the guys was separated from the rest of the group. He ended up finding the body of a woman who was thought to be in on the aliens' plans. But he didn't know that his discovery of the woman's body was planned. The woman was actually an alien. The aliens were actually like robots. But the robots were made out of this purple mold, which was something like a living machine that could shape itself in various ways. The man had done something to the woman, possibly cutting her open with a scalpel for some reason. A piece of the purple mold squirted out of the woman's body and onto the man's left eye. The man didn't pay it any attention: it wasn't much. But the mold worked its way behind the man's eye and into his brain. I knew this meant that the mold would proliferate in the man's brain and body, eventually turning him into a robot. Later the rest of the man's group would (or did?) find the man. They would (or did) think, wrongly, that the man was fine, when he actually was an alien robot, ready to spread the mold into other human bodies.
NON DREAM DREAM LUCID Well, I was really hoping for a lucid last night...instead, I think I only got semi-lucid. In fact, now that I think back, it didn't feel that strong or vivid at all and I didn't have much control, but I still had awareness. In the beginning of the dream, as far as I can remember, I was sitting in this giant outdoor food courtyard with my dad, brother, and sister. We were sitting at a cement like bench table. It was dark outside. Suddenly, a giant blue and white bus drives by. My dad points out, "That looks like a Russian bus. Gotta watch out for those." As we're sitting there, we're gradually noticing more and more of those blue and white buses drive by, and they're starting to drive into the courtyard. I ask, "What's happening? Why do they keep coming over here?", to which my dad replies, "Well, this is definitely gonna be in the news." The dream switches. Now I'm sitting in my bed as if I had just woken up, so I guess it was a false awakening. Like I usually do every morning, I perform a reality check, and I'm surprised to find that I could kind of still breathe through my nose, although it was plugged. I'm even in denial, because this false awakening feels so much like reality. But after a few more RCs, I verify that I'm dreaming. I tell my mom, who for some reason is standing at the end of my bed, "Yes! I'm dreaming!", and she just laughs at me like I just told the funniest joke. I had remembered in real life wanting to find a wand and try out some Harry Potter spells, so I jump out of bed, and begin trying to make a wand appear. For some reason my dad was there, at my Mom's house, and he's sitting on the floor. I tell him, "I can get a wand and do magic tricks!", and he says, very matter-of-factly, "Ha, no you can't." I say, "Yes I can, watch!" I begin searching my pockets and even my pant legs to try and imagine a wand being there. I guess lucidity is beginning to fade at this point, because I randomly burst out, "It's an exclusive Adam Sandler collectible wand." And guess what? I proved my dad wrong by finding this wand, although I'm not sure what it had to do with Adam Sandler at all. It was just a pen... I say, "See! I told you! Adam Sandler is in my pants!", which, of course, causes me to absolutely crack up, because it was such a 'That's what she said' moment. My dad laughs, too. Anyways, so I walk out to my living room, confident that it would work. I take the wand, just to notice it had now transformed into a strawberry. This doesn't stop me from trying to cast spells, though. So, there I am, shouting out things like "STUPEFY!" and "IMMOBULUS!", pointing a strawberry at my family members. They laugh at me, and I laugh along. Now the lucidity had pretty much faded, and I woke up. I'm angry at myself that I didn't try and stabilize it when I had the chance. Grr. I should have eaten that strawberry!
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG SHARED 1:00 GMT Stabbed to gain control over fear and pain I am in some apartment building apparently coming out of my cousin’s home. She has something weird about her look, like dyed hair or extreme make-up. She goes downstairs but I feel more interested in following a corridor that seems to connect to a different partof the building or even a twin building. I then have fun exploring these connections - I go from corridor to corridor, explore different levels by taking the stairs sometimes. Every block is of a different colour or has different tiles on the wall, but it’s getting boring so I try to look for an exit.I’m a bit lucid. I look at a map on the wall, trying to locate myself, when some guy offers his help and tells me to just follow him. I do so and he leads me out. Outside, it’s a city street, looks like London and he meets a bunch of friends he was with before. They are making plans for next steps and they divide in two groups. I stick with the guy’s group, a small one – 2 guys and a girl. I don’t know where they are taking me. A bit further down, when we’re around some ugly buildings of a bad neighbourhood, the guy draws a knife and he wants to stab me in my belly. I am aware it’s a dream, but still, I shriek at the thought of feeling a knife slashing my flesh. They say “Don’t be afraid!” and I’m like “What’s wrong with you?” So just when they are about to stab me I say “Sorry, I don't want to be stabbed, I’m going to wake up!”. I wake up but I still had a brief moment when I could feel the knife cutting through my flesh. I felt discomfort and I was awake for a while... When I go back to sleep I am again in the same city and they are still around waiting for me. What the hell? I felt like I was going through a Freddy Krueger’s nightmarish type of thing. I ran away, I zig zagged between buildings, trying to lose them. I laid low behind a building and a concrete wall, where people threw garbage and I lost lucidity for a few moments. I got distracted with all the clothes and bags perfectly good that were thrown away. I am considering taking them with me to give away to people who need it, but suddenly I see my chasers about to find me and I instantly get back to the action. I run again but eventually they cut my way through, as they knew a shortcut through some tunnel. They grab my arms and the guy is once again about to stab me and he swears “It won’t hurt!”. I first thought he was just being psychotic, but now I have this clear feeling they were also lucid dreamers or some dream beings who were just testing me and trying to teach me something. Their attitude changed slightly when I opened myself to them. The guy said to me “It only hurts if you believe so. I’m telling you it won’t hurt if you don’t give in to fear.” Oh, so that was it? I was still a bit afraid, I was actually already feeling the pain again, just by thinking of it, so I told him ”OK, but let me do it to myself. And can I stab my leg instead? Just to try?” “OK”, he said. So I stabbed my leg and I was amazed that it felt like stabbing styrofoam. I could feel it buried in the flesh but it didn’t hurt. I was starting to lose fear and thinking about stabbing myself a bit more (lol). They smiled at me and simply left. Female robot and androids I am now free to do whatever. I look around and I am in some industrial park or similar. I see a huge robot-like metallic structure rising above the houses and go check it from a safe distance, because it starts to move its arms. Below it and around are people watching some demonstration of its functioning. It’s made of hollow metallic tubes that shape it slightly into a female form and some of this tubes are then channelled to some interface where half a dozen women are plugged in, apparently controlling or feeding this robot. The creator of this machine is explaining how it works and what it does, but then all the focus goes to one of these females who detaches from the interface. I find out these are not real women, but androids. Lots of flashes in her direction, reporters asking questions and the inventor says she can even speak Russian. He ask if any Russian speaking is around and some guy points to a girl by my side, but in the middle of the crowd we get mixed up and they bring me closer to the android. I say there’s been a mistake, I can’t speak Russian, it was some other girl, but the android lady is looking at me totally interested. She seems to think I am lying and she is processing that information and trying to figure out my intentions. She says she wants to meet me and asks me for my contact. I don’t recall even handing her over my contact, but I see her adding my email and name to her processor/brain – like if she just extracted it from my mind and I was reading the info on her eyes as she was processing it. Then she turned away and left, followed by a sea of curious people and reporters. Office scene I remember maybe it’s time to meditate a bit, but I can’t find peace, there’s just too much going on and I can’t make it still. Then I think about dropping a visit to Nighthawk’s dreams. I am now in a corridor with doors to offices. I see elevators and decide using one as a portal, but every time I try to get into one, someone holds the door and enters. I even try to do it with some suit guy by my side looking at me like I’m crazy, but it doesn’t work ‘cause he totally distracts me. I give up on elevators and try to use the office doors instead. The problem is they have glass windows and I can see the other side, so I have once again difficulties in making appear a different world on the other side, because I keep seeing the people working inside the office. When I open the door, it is still an office. Oh well... I just look around, checking every person on each cubicle. Mostly very young people. It’s a nice office, light coloured wood furniture, glass walls, lots of light. I go to the end of it and I find a window to a square interior patio, with view to all floors. I notice the building’s decoration is quite nice and then I see a corridor through which the company’s CEO, a tall slim lady in her 40’s, is coming in my direction. She sees me there and asks me what I think of the place. I say it’s nice and I like the carpets on the hallway. She invites me for a drink in her office and we sit and talk there for a while. 4.50 GMT Lottery Just recall my mom had a good prize in the lottery and I clearly recall the numbers. Will suggest her to make a bet 6:30 GMT