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    1. Night of Saturday 12/2/23

      by , 12-04-2023 at 06:25 PM (Dreamlog)
      Seeing Guilt:

      I'm at a waiting area with my sister. Looks similar to an Optim-Eyes building.
      There is a girl my age there playing Pokemon Green on a gameboy.
      Later I'm at the girl's house.
      It's a bit dark, low lights. Somewhat gloomy feeling.
      She's showing me her Pokemon in the game.
      We kiss, and my sister sees it.
      I'm driving my sister and I home.
      I'm concerned that my sister will tell my girlfriend about the kiss.


      I'm at a spring-time college setting, somewhat similar to the campus from The Magicians.
      The 'popular kids' are playing tennis on a court nearby.
      I'm sitting on a bench and it deforms strangely to accommodate the way I am leaning on it.
      I'm watching a speech being given by a person on stage.
      The person is somebody I had met recently. He calls me out as his best friend in front of the crowd.
      It's night-time and I'm on an initiation mission. It's winter now.
      There is a target home I'm supposed to enter. I find it and there is a basement window from below.
      It's covered in snow but I can see it and begin to clear it, but the glass breaks.
      I see the Durselys from Harry Potter eating dinner in their dining room.
      They panic, thinking I'm a monster, elf, or something magical.
      Later I'm back at a base. Still the same winter night.
      The base is in a park lit by some torches. The torches show the Triforce insignia from The Legend of Zelda.
      Green Arrow from DC Comics is the leader of the group.
      He's calling out another member for messing up my mission.
      This individual has essentially set me up to fail.

      Updated 12-04-2023 at 06:27 PM by 99808

    2. [15-04-2015]

      by , 04-15-2015 at 01:54 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      A Winter morning. I was in my old school. I entered the sports hall, and then students from other classes joined me there. I watched as they were playing, and felt somehow strange. As if I really wanted to go back in time, and be a student here again.

      I decided to just go away. I took the second entrance, and found myself on a graveyard. I was walking between graves. It was warm Autumn afternoon. I knew that this place would not be the end. I went out of the graveyard, and took a road hidden within bushes.

      The road led to my home. The weather has changed. It was hot and sunny Summer day. The place looked like it traveled ten years into past. I felt calm and relaxed. I lied on the grassy ground, and closed my eyes.
    3. Last Month's Dreams

      by , 03-08-2015 at 05:08 AM
      (That I bothered writing down. I've been super lazy about the stuff recently with starting a new job and whatnot.)

      February 13:

      Catching cats in a specialized car that has a giant bin in the back for cats to fall into. Driving around on roads and cats are falling from highway overpasses/out of the sky/etc for me to collect. Totally made sense at the time.

      February 14:

      At a shady Kia dealership where I bought a car before. Came with my mother, brought my work MacBook with me for some reason and was trying to get on their Wi-Fi. Sleazy car salesman shows up, I want to test drive some of the newer Kia Rios. Leave the dealership on a bus. Start asking people where this bus is going, and nobody will tell me. The scenery changes from desert to snow and starts going up the road to the ice castle from Frozen. I have an 'aha' moment and wake up.
    4. 16th July 2013 Season clash and more video games

      by , 07-16-2013 at 11:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I and some other person were dragons, but we were in human form to stay hidden. We were visiting some landscape where multiple seasons were clashed together, there was some wooden house in winter part of the landscape where we were talking to someone about history of the place.

      Dream 2:

      I was in some group on some site, we were discussing something about dragons, then someone else joined the group and we were discussing in other chat whether to accept him or not. We accepted and went to play some video games. I was showing off how far i can get in some 2D platformer/shooter game, where i controlled some glitchy square thing that could change size and eat enemies, the levels were made from orange color blocks and said enemies were some yellow circles with emoticons that could shoot bullets. The level was pretty mazey and i was not really good at navigating it, i got pretty far but eventually failed.
      Then someone from the group started streaming some game that looked like front mission 3, except levels looked different. There was one level in docks where enemy controlled wanzers got shotguns and an ability called "Big Guns" that increased damage.
      Then we all started playing some version of XCOM TFTD that was really different, for one the game started with nothing at all, no squad, and an menu of submarine creation where we had to build submarine from parts and modules and then buy soldiers and stuff. Then the game itself was more difficult than TFTD(which is already difficult) and we were failing hilariously.
    5. Nerrrrd

      by , 04-23-2013 at 07:17 PM
      I started some new medication last night that I was a bit worried about... I'd been on similar medication in the past, and it caused me to stop dreaming entirely.

      This was not the case with the new medication, though. I dreamed plenty

      I wasn't lucid, but I think in the back of my mind, I had some idea I was dreaming, because the whole time I was thinking, "This is the nerdiest thing ever":

      I dreamed I was in some sort of... mountainous, forested region. There was a train running through there. Anyway, Goku from DragonBallZ showed up and we were fighting the forces of evil together... there was a team of "good guys" who were all women and their names were themed on colors of the rainbow (and matched their hair). Color coded for your convenience. There was also a team of villains who were named after seasons.
    6. Forgotten clear dream

      by , 07-08-2010 at 11:53 AM
      I remember waking in the middle of the night irl remembering a dream. I tried to force myself to get up, grab a pen and write it down but I was too lazy. D: I think I even fell asleep briefly dreaming that I had a pen in my hand to write it down with but i awoke from it fast. Then I fell asleep for real and now I don't remember much of it. This is what I can recall:

      It took place mainly outside. I remember that the seasons changed very rapidly. It started out as spring with small buds on the trees. The more the dream progressed, the more the seasons progressed. At some point when the leaves had turn all orange and yellow starting to fall down, it started rain and I ran in the rain. It felt very nice and fresh. I put out my arms and just ran.

      There was more to this dream as well. I have vague memories of interacting with people but I can't recall any of it now. :/ It is a shame because I feel that this dream was extraordinary in its clarity.