So I had this bad dream last night. There were five people in the dream. Me, Dad and my sister were visiting someone(5th). (There was a 4th person who was not Mom but was also a visiting person and they're in the car as well). I was going to get back int the car. I was going to get into a different seat but for some reason I couldn't so I closed that door, and I opened up another car door. But before I could get into the car Dad is driving off.--so I'm like holding on for dear life yelling at Dad and sister to "STOP THE CAR I"M NOT IN THE CAR YET" and the two in the front (Dad/Sis) are telling me to *shut up" and "put my seatbelt on" not realizing I am NOT in the car to even be able to put a seatbelt on. I think Dad says that "If I don't stop Complaing I can walk home or find my own way home" I think we're like driving for 20-30mins in the dream with that "conversation" happening over and over again until I had to wake up because the bathroom was calling me.
I had the car dream that I have started having again last night. The things I remember most from last nights dream were arguing with mom when she told me to go get in the car and when the car had the dead battery. When mom told me to get in the car and buckle-up in the middle, I first tried to argue about sitting in the middle trying to explain to mom that my sister could handle the middle better than me since she was younger/shorter/smaller than me but mom snapped at me that is was my sisters day to choose her seat today and that I got to have the font seat in her car yesterday and would get to choose my seat again tomorrow. When I then tried to explain that it would be really embarrassing for me to have to ride between them she told me that was the craziest thing she had ever heard and that she was sure no-one would noticed how we were seated. I then tried to talk mom into letting me and my sister go to the park that was a few blocks away rather than waiting in the car for her. I tried to convince her that this would be a better idea and that she could just come to the park and pick us up whenever she was done at granddads. She told me that she didn't think this was a good idea because she wasn't sure how much longer before she would be done and that the park was not on our way home. I kept trying to convince her to let us go to the park until she finally got tired of hearing it and got in my face and reminded me that she was in charge and that I was to get in granddads car and buckle-up in the middle seat now. She said she couldn't understand why I was making such a big deal about riding in the middle and waiting in the car, but that I needed to get a better attitude. I then went out and got in the car. While waiting with my sister, I remember she kept wanting for us to talk about granddad and share our feelings about him being sick and in the nursing home. I kept trying to get her to talk about something else, but this was all she wanted to talk about and the kept brining it up again whenever I tried to change the subject and kept trying to get me to share my feelings which I did not want to do. Once mom finally got in the car, I remember she was really snippy when she discovered the car had cut off when she tried to put it in gear. When I tried to keep telling her I thought the car was in drive and needed to be put in park in order for it to start, she would snap at me and get in my face and tell me to calm down, that she was doing the best she could. I kept trying to tell her this is why nothing was happening when she turned the key, but this just made her more frustrated and she ignored what I was trying to tell her. When the battery went dead after mom discovered the car was out of gear and tried to start it once she put it in park. I kept trying to talk her into letting me and my sister get out of the car while she looked for a jump start. I woke-up from this dream while mom was in my face telling me that she was in charge and that me and my sister were to stay buckled-up in the car. She was making it clear that I would not like what would happen if I did not do what she wanted me to do. In this dream, I really felt a lack of control as no matter what I tried to suggest or ask for I was stuck buckled to the middle of the front seat of granddads car.
I had another car dream last night after not having any for several nights. When the dream started last night, I was in the car by myself buckled to the front middle seat waiting for my mom and sister to come out and get in the car. I almost immediately noticed that something smelled really bad in the car, but couldn't figure out what it was. I kept looking around trying to figure it out. I finally convinced myself that it was some of the stuff that was occupying the back seat that was causing the smell. When my little sister came out and sat down in the passenger seat next to me, she immediately noticed that something stunk after she closed her door and buckled her seatbelt. She kept talking about is and accusing me of tooting in the car. I kept trying to convince her that the car smelled bad as soon as I got in and that it was something it the back seat that we were smelling. She just kept accusing me of tooting in the car and kept telling me how gross it was. If there was anything that smelled worse than the car it was her breath which reeked like it always did. To try to get on my nerves while we waited for mom to come out she kept putting her head on my shoulder and her tan sandals on the glove box to show me how much more room she had than me. While we continued to wait in the car for mom, she kept alternating talking about the bad smell in the car, her having the window seat, and us waiting for mom to come out. I finally had enough of listening to her and getting whiffs of her putrid breath and turned my body to focus on the empty drivers seat, the tan steering wheel and gauges on the dash, and the back door to our house where mom was nowhere to be seen. After waiting in the car for what seemed like a miserable eternity, I finally hear my sister say here come mom while I was focusing on the tan vinyl driver seat. I turned and saw mom at the back door going through her purse to find her keys which seemed to take forever. She finally found then and locked the back door and then walked towards the car. When she got to the driver side door, she fumbled through her purse again for a while looking for the car keys and then finally found them and then opened the driver side door and sat down in the driver seat on my other side. While she was getting all of the mirrors adjusted, she also noticed the car stunk. My sister immediately told her I had been tooting. I denied it and tied to explain to mom that I had not been tooting and it was something in the car that smelled. I got a whiff of moms breath while she was getting on me and it was just as bad as my sisters breath had been. Mom finally got done adjusting the mirrors and then put the key in the ignition and turned it to start the car. the car didn't start-up and instead the dash was full of red lights and there was the annoying buzzing sound. Mom kept turning the key, but each time, there was the red lights and buzzing sound rather than the car starting up. Mom eventually started pumping the accelerator before each try turning the key, but it didn't do any good all that happened was there were the red lights and buzzing sound instead of the engine starting. After several more times pumping the accelerator and turning the key, mom decided she should get out and look under the hood. I asked her if I could get out and she snapped at me, getting in my face telling me that I needed to calm down; that it was her job to get the car started and mine to stay bucked in my seat and stay calm; that she would get the car started; and that she promised that I would not like what would happen if I took my seatbelt off. As she continued to get on me, I again noticed how bad her breath smelled. While my sister and I waited in the car while mom looked under the hood, my sister kept putting her head on my shoulder and then trying to put her arm around me. I kept trying to move away from her because I really did not like the way she was invading my space and keep getting whiffs of her breath even though I was trying to ignore us. It seemed like mom was taking for ever looking under the hood. Finally, I saw mom closing the hood and then walking towards the driver side door. When she was opening it, I moved my body back to the middle to give her room. As she was sitting down in the driver seat, I felt my shoe brush against my sisters leg and then heard her scream really loud. I then found out the smell in the car was dog poop that I had stepped in and that I got some on my sisters leg. My sister and I got out of the car so she could clean her leg and I could clean off my shoe. I woke-up from the dream while I was out in the yard trying to clean the dog poop off of my shoe.
After a break of several weeks, the car dream has returned this week. I spend some time dealing with some issues regarding my fathers estate over the weekend, and expect this is what has caused the dream to come back. As in earlier instances, the dream starts with me waiting in my grandads old reliant in my parents driveway for my sister and mom. I am in the middle of the front tan vinyl bench seat and have the tan lap belt fastened around my waist. My younger sister is opening the passenger side door and sitting down in the passenger seat next to me not long after the dream starts. She is wearing the same red overalls and tan sandals she always wears. After sitting down in the passenger seat, she closes the door and then fastens the tan shoulder belt. My sister and me then spend a really long time waiting from mom to come out of the house and get in the car. My sister keeps trying to talk to me, but I keep trying to avoid her because her breath is putrid. She also keeps putting her head on my shoulder to try to get my attention. I just want mom to come out of the house and get in the reliant so we can go. She is nowhere to be seen though, and I am stuck waiting in the car with my sister. Finally, I look towards the house and see mom locking the door. She then walks towards the reliant and then fumbles through her purse for the keys when she gets to the driver side door. When she finally finds the keys, she unlocks the driver side door and then opens it and sits down in the empty driver seat on my other side. I feel really squished and trapped between my mom and sister while mom adjusts all of the mirrors. When mom finally has all of the mirrors adjusted how she wants them, the turns the key in the ignition to start the reliant. The car makes a few groans but doesn't start up. Instead, the groan of the engine trying to start is replaced by a buzzing sound and the dash is illuminated with red lights. Mom turns the key a few more times, but each time the engine doesn't start and I see the red lights and hear the buzzing sound. After a few failed cranks, mon stops tying to tell me I need to calm down. She tells me she is doing the best she can and she will get the car started.. I noticed her breath is worse than my sisters when she is taking to me about needing to calm down. She then starts pumping the accelerator and turning the key, but each crank still ends with the buzzing sound and red lights. She eventually decides to get out and look under the hood. Before getting out, she again tells me I need to calm down. When I ask if I can get out, she tells me I need to keep my seat belt on. I feel really trapped while she is out of the car because I am still buckled to the middle seat and my sister is still next to me invading my space. We wait in the car for a while. Mom eventually closes the hood and then gets back into the reliant. She starts pumping the accelerator and then tries turning the key, but again the car doesn't start and there is just the buzzing sound and red lights. She keeps pumping the accelerator and truing turning the key, but the reliant sill fails to start and I hear the buzzing sound and see the red lights. After a few more cranks, mom again gets after me about needing to calm down and I smell her breath again. I have no idea why she keeps getting after me, because I think I am being calm and not saying anything to her. I wake up from the dream while mom is getting after me about needing to be calm before she tries again to star the reliant.
I had the car dream I have been having again last night. This was the 8th night in a row since not having it at all for a few weeks. When my sister got into the passenger seat, we had our usual long and what has become an increasingly unpleasant wait for mom where I tried to ignore her and her putrid breath. I kept focusing my attention on the empty tan vinyl driver seat to my left and toward the back door of our house hoping I would see mom coming out. When mom finally got into the car, she started getting more and more frustrated each time the engine failed to start up after she pumped the accelerator and turned the key. I don't remember saying anything to mom but she snapped at me and told me I needed to calm down, that she would get the car started. She got out to look under the hood for a few minutes and then got back in the car and started pumping the accelerator and turning the key again, but was again unable to get the engine to start. I could feel my sister leaning on me as I watched mom pump the accelerator and turn the key and saw the red lights on the dash illuminate and heard that annoying buzzing sound. Eventually, after spending a while longer trying to get the car started mom decided to get back out and look under the hood again. I told mom I didn't think I wanted to go with them anymore and wanted to go back in the house and stay home. Mom said something about I couldn't go back into the house since she had locked it up already and then snapped at me. She told me she was doing the best she could with getting the car started and that I need to calm down. She said it was her job to get the car started and I need to keep my seat belt on and stay calm. She said that she knew she would figure out why the car was not started and would be able to get it started when she got back in. She stayed out of the car for a really long time looking under the hood. I woke up from the dream while I was starting at the empty driver seat and trying to ignore my sister who had put her arm around me and her head on my shoulder.
Last night I had the car dream again. This was the 7th night in a row. I had the usual long an unpleasant wait in the car with my sister where I tried to ignore her so I didn't have to smell her breath. She kept trying to talk to me and I kept looking at the empty driver seat to ignore her. When mom got in and got the mirrors adjusted, she started turning the key and then also pumping the accelerator after a few cranks, and I kept seeing the red lights on the dash and hearing the buzzing sound. Mom then became worried that she had left the curling iron on and when back in the house to check on it. I started to reach to undo my seatbelt, but mom told me I needed to leave it on since we would be going soon. We waited in the car for mom for a really long time. When she finally came back out, she told me someone from church had called her and she couldn't get off the phone. She started trying to star the car again, and I woke-up after she had tried several more times to get the car started.
I remember being with my mom in her car. She was driving us around. It seems like we were younger than usual. My little brother was with me in the backseat. My mom talked to us about how dangerous driving could be, and that you always have to be careful and aware. She told us to buckle up. While my mom was stopped at an intersection, I tried to buckle both my brother and I. It took a bit, but I finally got the right buckle in its right slot. I remember my brother laughing and saying, “That’s cool.” When I accidentally buckled us together.