Jamie is still hard to find in dreams. Things keep interfering. Jamie 1 Long dream. But all I remember is taking a bus. I was going to the transfer station to catch a connecting bus. Suddenly instead of a bus, I was in a car... And my mother was driving. She drove right past the bus stop where I was supposed to catch the other bus. I told her to let me off but she wouldn't. I asked again. Still wouldn't let me off. My mother is a recovering schizophrenic so I thought maybe she was off her meds. I started yelling and insisting that she let me off. We were in a school zone now and we were slowing down for children. I started yelling that she stopped her meds. The car stopped. Instead of my mother it was Jamie driving. She looked at me really upset. Really annoying I keep seeing Jamie as someone else... Jamie 2 3rd person. I saw Jamie lying in bed. Some spider like creature was on her ceiling. Woke up and made a comment about it to the voice. Her voice said, " How do you know what I dream about?" I answered that I dreamed it. Jamie 3 We were in a stadium at some game. We were making out. Annoying I was at a house with some people. Someone kept trying to get me to drink beer. I didn't want any. The guy kept insisting, and I kept refusing until I was yelling. That dream shaman guy started yelling at me too. What A flash of a dream where Jamie was at an orgy. I saw some stuff.... Maybe that dream shaman guy interfering again? Wtf A dream where Jamie was dressing up in some lingerie. But she looked like a man. She was also in a garage talking to someone, asking if I might like the outfit. Last night Um I was with some dark guy in a city. He was showing me to some secret hiding place. We had to walk down a long sidewalk to get the. It was this warehouse place under a bridge. Once there he pulled down his pants and started pole dancing. 8 was like, " yo look buddy, I think you have the wrong idea about me." And he was like: I guess I read the situation wrong. And I'm like, "I don't know what I did to make you think... How do I get out of here?" He pointed down a ways and I left. What's with all the Gay themed dreams? I want my Jamie back dammit. Semi lucid I was in an abandoned house. became vaguely lucid. I was watching a bed. I tried to manifest Jamie in it. A shape appeared under the covers. I pulled them off but no one was there. Memory fades after. Kind of frustrating. Voice at night and mornings is great. She keeps saying it's the best relationship she's ever been in and she doesn't see me in person. I hope that changes someday. It is for me to.
With Kristi at my old home in WV. She is supposed to move into the Hicks' home. We drive through water and she takes me to a kind of magical place. Some guru named Sevin or Savin or Sevan is surrounded by admirers. It costs $52.50 to have a session with him. She does it and I wait for her. She said it was amazing and that she will have some trouble in her new home because of Nathanael (they don't know each other in real life). I find myself back there hanging with Savin and he is quite magical, I thought I may be able to get some real insight about myself. But he wanted money. I said I wasn't ready yet. Then he told me to get out. He turned cold and told me to leave. As I'm leaving I realize I have 2 cats with me in glass boxes. I check the boxes and one is missing. She got out somehow. I found her floating in the water. She was ok. I realized that they are always what is most important.
I’m leaving a store and on my way out I see one of those stuffed animal game grabby machines and it’s really large. All that’s in it are two black body suits with cutouts for the eyes and mouth. On one suit the holes are outlined in lime green, and the other is outlined in orange. There’s a man leaving the store behind me and I turn back as I’m walking and tell him, “those are really creepy.” And laugh. He kinda chuckles and I wonder what he thinks of me. That was bold on my part and not usually something I would do. I get outside and have to wait for a car to pass before I can walk to my car at the very end of the parking lot. There’s a woman sitting on the car that passed and someone runs up to her as the car is driving. Once at my car there is a starbucks across the way but they have updated their logo and it’s now a triangle. People have to mix up their own drinks now by shaking them. I drive away and swerve in and out of obstacles in the parking lot. I start speeding down a curved road where there is traffic and there are cars passing each other by swerving into my lane. I hope nobody hits me. My husband is stressed out by my driving. Out of nowhere tons of police cars fly past me and stop right in front of me. I stop and see them approach another car with guns out. They open the trunk and there are two girls in the trunk in body bags, but they’re alive and they were just having fun. My husband and I are in the kitchen channeling Native American spirits that live in our house. My husband becomes a spirit animal of a bear and I become an eagle. We’re still in human form, but acting and feeling like those animals. A shaman appears and thanks us, telling us that the spirits won’t have to come back for at least 3 more years. So I give them 3 spoons. Afterwards on my bed I tell my husband that I had fun because I haven’t played fun, intuitive role games like that since I was a kid. I’m at D&B’s and we’re getting dinner ready. All I have is leftover potatoes cut into squares and covered with sauce and mango or egg chunks. There’s not much so I try to divide it as evenly as possible. A.W. asks me to scoop up some grease and hand it to her with a slotted spatula. I try but all the grease falls out. She gets annoyed and says something snarky about my ability to do a simple task. I get really angry and vent to my husband about her ridiculous request and expectations.
23.05.2015Ayahuesca in the fancy hotel (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was visiting a nice hotel with my wife and a friend, Stephanie. I believe that we were with a couple more friends. We went to a big meeting room that looked more like a theater with several different levels. The carpeting was red and there was a lot of lightning. There were six people on the podium and they were all meditating and chanting mantras. They were with a shaman and I felt that it would be a great thing if I was there with them. We were sitting and looking at the ritual, the energy was amazing. After a while, I could see they were boiling different plants and I told Stephanie, "They are brewing ayahuasca, I bet! Dang I so want to be in there " Stephanie got very excited and told me, "We will trip on ayahausca soon. I will call my shaman and we will have a ritual together." I felt happy and excited. Time lapsed and suddenly, they were done and I saw a different shaman offering the leftovers to people, but apparently everybody was rejecting it until he got to us. I was a little surprised that he was offering such a potent DMT brew to random people. It looked totally not like the real thing, but more like some very think green soup. It felt very gross to me and I was not feeling having a thick ayahuasca, like the taste is bad enoug, lol. I told the shaman, "Well, I actually ate manchego cheese at lunch, so the MAOi is going to make puke big time!" (There are certain foods to avoid for 4-5 days before an ayahuasca trip due the MAO inhibitor.) We went outside and he gave me some tools and all the leftovers because he realized that I was ready for another ayahuasca journey and that I was spiritually awakened enough. I took everything with me and showed my wife, who freaked out a little but was happy for me.
Lucid Technique: WBTB, mantra I am outside in a park. I am not present in the dream, however, just observing. I see a few kids running around and I have the awareness that they were just shoplifting. I see an old woman lurking in the trees. She seems curious about what the boys are doing, and I want to help her. I then become aware that I am dreaming, and watch my own body materialize into the dream. Once I am totally present in the dream, the dreamscape changes slightly (I can't really describe how…something to do with the texture or the light?????), and it feels like the old woman and I are in a separate layer of reality than the rest of the DC, yet we are still in the park. I introduce myself to the woman and we walk together for awhile. I see a huge tree that I am compelled to show to the woman. We approach the tree and we are both impressed by how gigantic the trunk is. As I look more closely, I see strange faces carved into the bark. They remind me of shamanic masks. I decide it would be very interesting if the faces were lit up so we can see them better. I put my hands on the tree and focus on summoning light. The faces begin to light up but not as much as I would like, so I push my will even harder. I suddenly get the idea to use my voice to raise the vibration. I begin to "sing" the light. As I do this, the entire dream lights up, and then there is a violent explosion of light and the dream scene changes! I am now in a house. It is very dark. I am aware that I am responsible for a baby, a little boy. I want to go explore. I decide I have to take the baby with me. I grab him in my arms then head for the door. I feel slightly afraid to go through the door for some reason, then remind myself that I don't want my fear to inadvertently summon something nasty behind the door. I go through the door safely. It is still night outside. I find a bicycle and get on, holding the baby very carefully in my arms. As I ride, I become aware of just how tiny the baby is. I can feel his warmth and heartbeat against my body, which is a very strange sensation. As I continue riding down the road, I turn a corner and see a breathtaking city view that I've seen in a previous dream. I stop to admire the view.
Hello again. This is a dream I had while in middle school I believe. I was at my grandparents house (which is a dreamscape I return to often). Their backyard is a good size and has really tall pine trees in the back. This translated into the dream. There are two tiers to their backyard. At the time the back porch led to the top tier where there is a lawn and my grandfather's workshop at the back. Steps lead down to the bottom tier where there is more patio and lawn. There is a hill at the back that has the trees planted on it. There was a party going on. I walked around listening to people talk and socialize. My eyes were drawn to this older Native American lady. She stood out in the crowd. No one paid her any attention but my eyes met hers and we stared. I knew she was a Shaman. All of a sudden all the people disappeared except for her. Movement made the tops of the trees shake and I heard a growling noise. I looked up seeing a large dark shape dart around in the trees and then disappear. I knew it was a werewolf. I ran to the woman who was completely calm while I freaked out. I warned her about the werewolf and asked her what we should do. I had a feeling the werewolf was hunting me, not her. She told me to show it respect and it would not hurt me. Once she finished speaking the Were dropped to the ground. It was bear size, had dark gray/black fur and amber eyes. It charged towards us and I did as she said and bowed my head, tensing but not fleeing. It stopped in front of me. I could feel its breath on me, the heat coming from its body. Then all of a sudden it swept me up into its arms and snuggled me. I closed my eyes as I was surrounded by warmth and soft downy fur. I woke up after that.
I've had at least 3 or 4 dreams in the last few weeks where a shaman is teaching me how to make ayahuasca, find psilocybin mushrooms, identify salvia, or make mescaline tea. The shaman is almost shapeless, I don't really see him as a person or anything else, I just know he's there. I don't remember a name either. It's always in the same place: the edge of a grassy field near the woods. There is always a fire and sometimes meditation or drums. We haven't actually used the entheogens in any of the dreams, he just showed me how to make or find them.
[Sunday, October 14th, 2012] (Around 3AM and I wake up and remember quite a bit. I've been sleeping for along time. A LONG TIME.) <dream had more before this, but this is where I started to remember> I remember being ontop of a building's roof with a few other people. There is a small lake between me and the rest of the land. In the small beige-mud lake, there is debris everywhere and people scattered through out. Whenever I come close to the edge of the roof, a giant tenticle shoots out of the mud and tries to hit me. I hit it with a weapon before it sinks back down. Eventually, it becomes like WoW... when the tenticle pop's back up- I command the rest of my "raid" group to attack, and all of the people drowning in the mud all leap out and attack the tenticle. I begin to shoot it with some kind of range attack as this is happening. It sinks back one more time before I lure it back up for a final attack. We did it! Everyone is teleported to the dry land. There's a neat looking Mage Staff with a star at the end of it for loot. A few people "roll" for it- in a new way that I don't recognize. I leap from piece of debris to debris all the way across the swamp and as I'm climbing up a small hill to get to the land, I realize that I'm a low level but also the leader of the group. I walk up to the loot on the ground and try to right click on it, but nothing happens. I try to ask how to roll, but I'm teleported to Stormwind or some other city in real life before I have a chance. In this other city, I try talking to the Raid but realize I've left the group and that it was a Guild group- that I can't talk to since I'm not in it now. + I'm leaving town to go up Yarnell hill with my Mom and maybe Casey/Nathan. We're on our way up the hill, and we must have been walking. We walk up the hill faster than usual and we notice that some parts of the railing going up the hill have been smashed and damaged. There've been reports of someone vandalising the rails. We make our way up the hill and we find a cave. It's a giant cave temple- that I tell my Mom is a "Shaman Training Temple" inside, we see people who look like WoW characters all standing around, as if they're really Shaman Trainers or people to buy things from or Questgivers. We walk up to the middle of the giant cave/room and one of us talks to a questgiver. One of the quest involves stopping the man from damaging the rails, apparently its Virgil from McDonald's management. We leave and start walking up Yarnell hill more. Now I'm not with my Mom or Casey anymore, it's Nathan and Tyler. After awhile, we become thristier than ever and have to stop at a random convenience store. Inside, I grab a cup and fill it with a little ice and water. Its not enough ice though, so I hold the cup against the icemachine more and I notice how I can fill the cup up with ice without the water overflowing. I turn around and see a few kids I know selling some new drink ideas. (There was a peanut butter & honey snack- and there was a "Honey-Fizz" drink, as I'd like to call it, was handed to me. It was a dark yellow bottle of "Honey"-flavored soda. I opened it and downed it quick. It was AMAZING. It was one of the best drinks I've ever had. I made this known to everyone around me. After awhile of talking to Tyler and Nathan about this, I wake up. <woke up>
I wake up in this jungle area, I am underneath some sort of ruins of a dome supported by pillars. I hear something in the distance, I stand up it is dark out I see what I think to be a large kangaroo jumping away from me. Then something comes towards me after a bit, it turns out to be two very large horses. one bigger than the other, they are much closer to me now I feel slightly afraid because of the force I sense behind them. I try to keep a stone pillar between me and them as they start circling the dome.. my fear dissipates though as I can sense they have good intention. they are beautiful and mystical in there own way. It skips to a different part of the jungle, there are many people scurrying about. it reminds me of a rainbow gathering but with huts, I come upon this place called the shambala temple. I go across the way to a small hut where there is this chubby grey shaman alien looking man. I talk to him for awhile, only remember the part where he says I shouldn't get married. then I ask why, he says idk maybe you should get married. I will marry you two tomorrow! then I leave to go find my mate and tell him. apparently he's been arrested for trespassing with others. I see a goofy picture of him. there is some piece of paper that says he will be there for 20 days. if anyone has opinions or interpretation they would be appreciated.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was out on a road at the bottom of a steep slope in a neighborhood probably near the neighborhood I lived in during high school. I stood just outside my mom's car. My mom was about to drive away. But before she did, she was telling me where I could find the nearest Dunkin' Donuts. My mom said the Dunkin' Donuts was up the slope, then one and a half blocks past a park I knew was up the way. The park was mostly taken up by a big lake, around which I used to run in high school. I was a little disappointed to hear that the Dunkin' Donuts was so far away. I thought I could never make it on time (not sure what I needed to be on time for -- maybe the breakfast menu -- which wouldn't really make sense, either). But, now that I'd decided to go to Dunkin' Donuts, I couldn't stop here. My mom drove away. I apparently started walking. But now I was already up the slope, and through and past the lake park. I was still worried that I wouldn't make it on time. I got to some restaurant, which was either Dunkin' Donuts or some restaurant a few stores down the block from Dunkin' Donuts. I sat at an outdoor table with a Latino family: a father, a mother, a couple little kids, and maybe a couple more adult guys. My mom showed up among this group of people. She told me that I didn't have to worry about Dunkin' Donuts. She gave me a reason for this. But I don't remember it. My mom pointed the store out to me. I looked up the road and saw the store. The Dunkin' Donuts road sign had a lot of brown on it. The sign was more like a big brown sign, checkered, almost, with little, white squares that had the orange and pink "DD" logo in them. Dream #2 I stood out on a beach, looking out over the water. The beach itself was very beautiful, but not natural looking at all, as far as I know. The water was nephrite green, but it seemed to gleam like glass. The horizon was like white gold, and the cloudy sky overhead was like smoky amber. And, it seemed, there was an extremely long bridge, made of black iron, stretching thinly across the water, all the way across my view of the horizon! At first I was near some Latino family: probably a mother, a father, a daugher, and possibly a son. I was either watching government testing of some kind of nuclear devices, or else I was remembering the testing of these devices, which had taken place on this beach within the past few decades. I saw one explosion, the light of which I don't remember at all, but which must have been like an exploding ball of light a hundred meters or so above the ocean. I then walked down the beach to my left maybe twenty meters or so. I saw something fall from the sky into the water -- although, again -- I didn't really see the object. It was like the object was invisible. But I saw its effects on the water as it splashed in: like a row of pebbles and rocks, splashing into the water one by one, in quick succession. Now the points of water which had been dotted by the splashes surged upward in small fountains. There may have been the small sound of an explosion. The fountains then subsided. I knew that another nuclear device had been detonated deep under the water. I knew that this device would kill all the fish in the water. I was preparing for the next big wave from the ocean to wash a bunch of dead to the shore. I may possibly have thought that the device may actually have been made in order to kill the fish. Killing the fish was a form of sabotage against the economy of the nation that fished here. I now stood back a ways from the water. I stood near a Latino family again. The mother and father were both young and attractive. They were both kind of pale skinned. The father was muscular, very manly. I was afraid that I'd do something with my own usual personality and offend the father's masculine sensibilities. So I just tried to remain calm and do nothing. At some point I looked behind me. There was a basalt-like rock behind us. The rock was maybe two meters tall at most. It made a good back-rest. (It was soft and smooth, too, though craggy -- so maybe it had been polished by years of backs sitting against it!) But I thought that it would really hurt, if a wave washed all the way up here, and someone swimming in that wave were thrown against the rock. I wondered if this was really a good beach for swimming in after all. I'd heard of beaches that were too rocky for swimming. Maybe this was one. A big wave may actually have made its way all the way up to us, washing against us and throwing me a bit against the wall. From this point forward, the father may have had long, frizzy hair and a scraggly beard. I walked up to the top of the basalt outcropping. I lay on my stomach and looked out on the ocean. Even though the rock wasn't much higher than the beach, I noticed that when I looked behind me, over my right shoulder, I could see a city. Apparently I was on some island. But the island had a big city on it. I had a surprisingly good view! I was possibly telling the father about this, when suddenly I noticed that I was lifting up into the air! I felt like I was lifting up on top of nothing. But the "nothing" felt solid, as if I were still laying on the rock. I was afraid to look down, though, to see exactly what was lifting me into the air. I was afraid, too, of lifting up this high into the air. But I didn't show my fear about this, because I didn't want the father to think I was a chicken. I eventually came to the conclusion that I had actually sat on some kind of ride this beach had. It was an elevator, I told myself, that lifted you all the way to the top of a skyscraper that was either on or near the beach. I looked foward, over the ocean, for a while. But I then looked behind me, to the city. I was surprised by how much this island city resembled the city of New York. The buildings all had that old, stone look to them. I even saw one building with the trademark "NEW YORKER" light sign above it. I was now getting so high in the air that I was starting to get uncomfortable. But I told myself that this elevator stopped at the top of the building. And I knew the building was 34 storied tall. If I could just hang on until then, I told myself, I'd be fine. So I calmed down. I think that I did then feel the elevator start to descend. But I was now in the basement of some building. It was like the basement of a small, but really nice museum or art gallery. The hallway was narrow and "L" shaped. The Latino mother and father sat in a little window niche in the side of the hallway. There was a narrow, kind of winding, stairwell up to the first floor. I may have been playing around on that stairwell for a little while, like a little kid would, even though I still had my own consciousness, like I was still myself, as a (so-called) adult. I then came back down to the mother and father. I asked them if I could ride the elevator ride again. The father said no, I couldn't. If I got to ride the ride twice, then all the other kids would want to do it, too. I said I agreed. We were almost ready to leave. But if I got to ride the ride twice, and then everybody else wanted to, we'd be waiting here forever for everybody to finally finish taking their rides. I sat on some little bench somewhere. Across the hallway and off to my left was a kind of wide niche in the wall, with a counter before it. This must have been some kind of ticket or coat-check area. On my side of the hallway, just next to me and on my left, was a doorway to a small office. This office may also have had something to do with ticketing. One young man sat behind the desk, while another young man stood in front of it. Both men were kind of slim and pretty. The young man standing struck me as being gay. He had short, platinum blonde hair which shone like a silver plate under the incandescent office light. Both the boys were friends. They may even have lived in the same apartment building, or only a couple buildings away from each other. So they saw each other all the time. They talked as friends for a moment. But the standing boy was here to take care of some kind of business. Professionally, the standing boy was higher than the sitting boy. And, now that the standing boy was taking care of business, he was really driving the point home that he was higher. As the sitting boy was taking care of something for the standing boy, the standing boy began tapping the top of the recpetion desk and humming in a very annoying way. Dream #3 It was daytime, or maybe morning, just after sunrise. I was driving through a grassy desert. I pulled my car off to the side of the road. I was at this specific place for a specific reason. I was some kind of paranormal investigator. I may actually have thought of myself as a Fortean investigator. And this, I thought, was my first real Fortean investigation. I stood out of the car, trying to "write up a report" in my head regarding whatever I was about to see. I was trying to think of some catchy headline. I had an image in my head, which I thought was really clever, of a dark-raspberry colored ring. I knew this would lead to some kind of clever phrase. But I now saw that, just off the road, there was a square-shaped billboard, starting maybe only three meters or so above the ground, with a picture of just what I had been imagining. The picture looked like a thick ring being pushed up through some kind of raspberry-colored syrup. This billboard seemed only to be the left side of the advertisement. The right section -- the text part -- had been cut off. There may have been just a tiny sliver of it remaining. Suddenly I felt stupid for having tried to put together a headline for my report before I'd even started my investigation of the subject. I also felt that the headline itself was really silly and cliched. I turned to go do my investigation, when I was overwhelmed by a strong, almost magnetic, sensation coming from the sky. It was hard for me even to look up from the ground. But I did it. At first, my view was all red -- a burning, but dimly glowing, orange red. But as my view cleared I saw, on the horizon, at the end of a flat expanse of land, what looked like a phantom sun. The sun was a huge, glowing, orange-red ball. Its body was maybe four-fifths of the way above the horizon. But it was also translucent. I could see through the sun, to the sky. This struck me as odd. But the sky itself was also odd. It was apple green -- a beautiful shade of apple green, blending its way down to pale yellow at the horizon! I tried to figure out what this phantom sun was. I figured it was a reflection of the real sun against this side of the sun's dome. To test if this was correct, I looked behind me. Sure enough, the "real" sun was rising over the horizon behind me -- though it seemed to be rising over some small mountain peaks. For some reason this satisfied me, and I was ready to begin my investigation. I walked across the street and onto some kind of cinder road. The cinder road went a short way off from the main road, then divided into two roads. I took the right road. I was now down in a cave. The cave also forked into two caves at some point, and I was down in the right leg of the cave. The cave wasn't dark -- it was like it was lighted by little lights that ran along the floor. But it was kind of narrow and short. And it may have felt like it was getting tighter and tighter. Apparently I'd had a colleague I'd come out here with: a young, black woman, dark-skinned, pretty skinny, with long, braided hair. But she'd gotten lost somewhere in the cave. I thought she'd either vanished into another dimension or gotten abducted by aliens. At some point I may have been crawling on my belly through an extremely tight point in the cave. I was crawling with some white men, who were like police officer who had come to rescue me. I may have seen my colleague, lying on her back, dead. We were trying to get my colleague out of the place she was stuck in. I was now above ground again. This whole area was the subject of a police investigation. Two fat, black police women were sitting on folding chairs near the cave entrance (which was basically just a hole in the ground, maybe with a tiny lip of a mound over it). I walked away from the cave and off to the right. I could see some white police men wandering around through some tall grass and tree-like shrubs, apparently investigating whatever had happened here. They may have been searching for a body. I was trying to piece together what had happened. I knew, now, that my colleague and I had come here to investigate. But while we'd been down in the cave, my colleague had suddenly disappeared. I couldn't remember anything else. But I knew my colleague, unless she'd been abducted, must still be down in the cave. I needed to go back down and find her. But, honestly, now that I was above ground again, I was kind of afraid of going back down into the cave. Nevertheless, I knew that I should at least face my fear and go back down into the cave. But I was also kind of afraid of the fat, black police women. I knew that if I went down into the cave without their permission, they might start all kinds of trouble for me, maybe even get me arrested. So I asked the women if I could go back down into the cave. I was, now, actually kind of hoping that they'd tell me no. But one of the women stood up. She was now kind of short, and very skinny. She had long hair, in a natural style, but pulled back into a kind of ponytail. She looked older, maybe sixty years old. She had to walk with a big, wooden walking stick. The other woman, who was still fat and young, said, "I wish you wouldn't go down there. The police'll probably finish their investigation soon. And if we have to wait for you to wrap up, we'll be here even longer. "But if you really want to go, we can't stop you. But she's going to come with you." I was, honestly, relieved that the old woman was coming with me. I was really afraid to go into the caves by myself. But I was still afraid to go. I was partly afraid for myself -- regardless of who I was with, I thought, I could still get abducted, like my partner had. But I was also worried about the old woman, who kind of looked to me like an older version of my missing colleague. If the old woman went down into the caves, and it was seen that she looked like my colleague, would she get abducted, too?
Morning or noon. I was with friends. We were traveling. Walking from a gymnasium of sorts into a small area. We have a guide. An Indian guide? We were going to walk over a "sand dune," but I decided to walk around it. Then from afar, an old, bearded tricycle driver said something in a language I did not understand. I started to think we were "caught," or something. Then our guide started walking to that direction. Then driver moved his tricycle near us. In his tricycle was a pregnant woman in white dress. I asked our guide what happened. He motioned for us to ride the tricycle. I took the "backseat," the seat behind the driver. The rest of the gang took their place inside. I realized we were supposed to ride a jeep, but maybe this is faster. Riding the jeep, it suddenly turned to night. We were going through the countryside, or so it seems. I can see the surroundings quite well, and not just a black area. Trees, etc. The red "roof" of the tricycle that I'm holding on to slid out, and I almost fell out, with upper body leaning all the way back. But I didn't fall. The Korean driver profusely apologized. I told him it's okay. Morning, around after dawn. We passed by an area with some small bodies of water. We found small animals, and specially penguins. For some reason, I loved penguins, and I looked forward to playing with them once we got down the vehicle, which has now turned into a low-flying plane. We started landing. When we landed, it turned into a helicopter for the vertical landing. We landed on a sandy area. Chase. Running. A thief. I was with two girls, one is younger than the other, inside what looked to me like a Counterstrike game location. I chased after the thief, using the opposite direction, but found no way. I followed the thief's trail instead, and found it led outside. I looked for him, but he already got away. I was able to reach an area where there was a cleaning guy, setting up stuff. I asked him if he saw the thief. He said he didn't. Then I suddenly "see" a dark area, with bonfire. There was a leader, who looked like he's a tribal leader from Africa's shamanic past. He has bones dangling on his body, and white streaks on his dark body and face. There was a guy who arrived and offered to sell him a tiara. He said it's worth 24 karats, or something. The chief looked at it and was happy. Then I told him it doesn't look expensive, and might just be a toy. The chief started having second thoughts, but the thief already left. I was back with the two girls. I verified with them that the tiara is a cheap toy. I was in a prison. There were only individual prison cells, separated by walls on either side, and one "gate." I was with friends. I was guarding the prison. There were two guys in the prison who I know. I discreetly set them free using the keys. More people were put inside. The guard after me was stricter. I was at home, at night. I was waiting for a friend to contact me. He lives somewhere across the street. We were contacting each other through text. I recalled we were talking in the coliseum before. I went to the mall. I was going to meet them. I changed my sim card for some reason. I was waiting for them at the food court. There were three of them. It was Cool and his two best friends. They took the seat a bit farther than where I was, so I walked to them and took a seat. They were talking, and eating the nachos. I tried to ride along with the conversation, and ate some nachos. But then I started to wonder why I seem to be ignored. Then Cool said something to his guy best friend about getting some nachos, to which he replied, "I would, if this guy (he said a term or nickname but I forget) would just leave the food alone." I was surprised, and so I told them my name. They just looked, still not recognizing me. I become hysterical, and then realized I was in a dream. I cried on the seat, and they just left. I was just acting to see how they would react. I then thought, "So that's how they would treat me." I then looked around. I told myself "I'm in a dream," and I tried to stand still and not do anything to lose lucidity. The environment changed to the streets, no longer in the mall. I was looking at people walk by. There was a small, one-story building in front of me, and to the left is a plaza of sorts. The sun was shining from that area, which seems to suggest that's the east side. Or maybe it was setting down and that's west. I started to start losing consciousness, so I rubbed my hands. Then I noticed my sister arrive from behind. She looked unhappy (as usual), and she was going to give me something in a plastic bag. I tried spinning around since I've read it changes the place. Now it's night, in a garden/plaza type of place. And my sister was still there, still looking as unhappy as usual. I just took the plastic bag and she left. There are still people around, but it's already night, with the usual yellowish posts. For no reason at all, I started running around and jumping. I lost lucidity, and I forget this part of the dream. --- NOTE: I left the music playing randomly until I fell asleep around 11:30 pm. It stopped after 30 minutes or an hour after. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, with the music still playing, and did a midnight adoration. Went back to sleep and had this dream. This was before the alarm went off. I did around 3-5 reality checking throughout the day, mainly hands and words/time, and reminding myself to stay still and rub hands or spin around once I have a lucid dream. I also did nine conscious breathing counts before sleeping, and then visualizing a previous dream.
Updated 08-11-2011 at 12:55 AM by 47454 (Added notes)
06-08-11 I am in an ocean or rather, I am hovering above the ocean and looking down upon a rather large freight ship. It is sailing westwards below the southern tip of Norway. I am wondering if the ship will have to go through Danish waters in order to get out in open ocean. When it does I pick up the ship and start slamming it down into the water. I marvel at the solidity of the water against the ship. It is like slapping wood against wood. The focus shift and I am looking at troll or super troll, a Norwegian oil rig. I keep moving past it towards another one not far away. Here I get on a boat and I am trying to get onto another boat. There is an invisible rope ladder that I am trying to get hold on and the side of the boat is inflatable. I get on the boat and I jump over to another one. … I am in a professional building, could be an office or a lab of some description. There is a shaman in the back and he is trying to enslave my mind. He needs my blood to do so and he intends to prick my finger for that purpose. There are others, a group of white blond men and the shaman seems to be working for them. I manage to get away and place a broom in the handle of the door to delay them a bit should they follow me. I run towards the door and put on my shoes. Skip I am back in the building and talking to the guys from before. The leader is talking about him becoming the chancellor and no one in the world can keep their free will, because then he wouldn't be the chancellor. We are looking at screens of fetuses of faeries, that look a bit like link from Zelda. It is some sort of threat. The shaman mentions something about a boy being killed after he had put out a fire and therefore becoming useless. He indicates that it is my fault.
19.05.2011The island of earthquakes (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a vacation island. This dream occurred during day, and the sun was very bright.I was going to the beach when suddenly I felt a few series of small earthquakes. I was worried they meant the big one was coming. I though it was a good idea to evacuate the island. Some people was running up and down very confused. I could see also how new small earthquakes were happening as well as small tsunamis. My wife was also there, freaking out as well. I decided to find a chopper or something to get out of the island. I got to a beach where no one was but a few sand fishes that were extremely poisonous. I watched to not step on one. I was able to find an exit that lead me to a roman town. I could find people from my home town who new me. There was some sort of line to go inside a tour cave. We entered. The tour happened on a small boat. The cave was completely dark. I could hear the water drops and the quietness of the cave. Suddenly, I heard the sound of shamans playing different wooded instruments, but I could not see them. I felt it could assist me on inducing trance.
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG SHARED 1:30 Fake guru demon tries to recruit me My aunt Lisa and a friend were seeing some “guru” and insisting with me that I should meet him. One day they set me up and I found myself in one of his group sessions. I made an effort not to be judgmental, but soon I realized he had nothing really wise to say, but he was quite good at manipulating and controlling weaker minds. He realized I was different, but believed I could also be bent. He was trying to seduce me, touching me whenever he could, trying to put me under his control and for some tiny moments I felt myself letting go and playing along, but I would always break the spell. I wanted to stay long enough to be able to expose him as a fraud and a danger. Some day, after a lot of blah-blah about tolerance and love to all beings he gave us a task of going to meet and talk to some Nazi group. I almost found it a noble idea, but as we were talking to them, I felt my companions were actually dropping guard and becoming desensitized about these guys and their ideas. When they interrogated me to find out if I was a Jew and making absolutely disgusting comments about other people, I felt that there are limits to whom and in what situations you offer your friendly support. This was just being tolerant towards evil. So I left. My aunt and friends presented complaints to their “guru” about my “intolerant” behavior and he wanted to speak privately with me. Everybody left, except some older guy who simply wanted me out of the group and he had asked him to stay. He then told me he wanted me for his partner. He felt my power was great and he wanted me as his ally. He told me the others were just ants compared to us and together we could achieve so much. (I become semi-lucid) He then showed his real demonic self. To demonstrate his power and how he wouldn’t tolerate those who criticized me, he tried to crush the older man by throwing an heavy cabinet over him through telekinesis. I also used telekinesis to prevent it from crushing the man. He was terrified and disoriented. I put him in a safe corner and myself in front of him to protect him. The fake guru threatened to kill me if I wouldn’t join him, but I told him I wasn’t afraid of him and that he was worth nothing. The more I told him he was weak and unimportant and reducing my anger and fear towards him, the more he was becoming dust, until I could blow him apart. The sky outside become stormy and I felt that he wasn’t dead yet, just weaker, but that he would continue stalking me in dreams. Later I’m with my mother and I’m feeling very tired. She notices and asks me if I’m sick. I admit being tired but I tell her its only normal, because of my mission to fight the dark forces even in dreams, which leaves me sometimes temporarily exhausted, but I assure her, always stronger than before. 5:00 Homeless With a group which is providing support to homeless people, but I feel they are in it for the publicity and not for the sake of it. I then encounter a very old man, so skinny and weak and I wonder how could they have left him reach that point. I offer him some comfort. 7:10 Fighting a giant lioness I was at some room with two long benches and people sitting face to face, which transformed into a shuttle that was moving through some really thick forest. It then stopped when we saw some people outside, terrorized, asking for help. We allowed them in and they told us their village was being attacked by a giant creature and they wanted to go far away from there. Unfortunately the shuttle is on an automated route and won’t change course. We go through the village and as we cross it, I see half destroyed and deserted houses. We’re all silent, looking through the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of the monster, when I spot a giant lioness resting over what seems a bent down bridge. She jumps and runs after the shuttle. She rips it with her giant claws and everybody inside falls of. I am miraculously still inside it. It now looks like a tin ball and the lioness is playing with it. When it bounces in the air, I manage to escape to outside and try to fly away, but she knocks me down with a jump. We fight and she chases me as I take cover on a house. I manage to lock her up inside the house somehow and escape through a window. I come back later to find the villagers recovering. I ask for the lioness and they don’t know. A local shaman, dressed in animal skins and bones, goes inside the house where I left her trapped and with no words at all, shows me she like disappeared on air and never came back again. 8:15
Dream starts off in a light temperate forest by a rivers edge. There is a Japanese settlement by the water's edge at the bottom of a cliff. Most of the people there dress in traditional Japanese clothing and are miner's and fishermen but lately they have been complaining about wolf sightings near the settlement and claim that the fishing huts are being raided at night by the wolves. I am sent in with two other people to search the forest and do an zoological study of the wolves and alleged behaviour but we search the forest for many days and find no sign of them at all. When we tell the Japanese settlers this they start claiming that they are being haunted by ghost wolves. That same day active but undetonated bombs are unearthed around the village, leftovers from American bombing during World War Two. The village shaman says that the spirits of these hidden bombs were what the villiagers saw as wolves. The people believe that they will no longer see the wolves now that the bombs have been removed. My team and I are not convinced that the wolf sightings were just apparitions and search the forest again. We split up to cover more gorund and in the middle of one sunny day I am on a mount or a hill or something deep in the forest when three grey wolves appear and surround me on the hill. They do not growl or otherwise threaten me but also do not let me leave, blocking my path whenever I try to back away or run. They do not speak to me directly but I sense that they are trying to communicate with me somehow. I use my digital camera to take pictures of the wolves and after I have done so they finally back down and disappear back into the forest. I contact my collegues and we reconviene at the settlement but when I try to show them the images I captured on my digital camera, my camera will not work despite having a new battery in it. My collegues said that they did not see any wolves themselves but felt that they were being followed. I cannot remember anymore of this dream.
Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:07 PM by 6048