I was on some floating platform with my father, a sheet of ice I think. There were some of those pretty aura things in the sky and he was pointing them out to me, but I fell off the ice. It had drifted away a bit so I started swimming for it. I noticed my boots were really loose on my feet, one of them fell off, but it floated up to the surface. I grabbed it and thought about how awesome it was. I was in some sort of hotel like place, I went into a room which turned out to be a bathroom. I was assaulted by a piss smell so strong I almost fell over. I looked at the floor, it was plain cement almost completely covered with puddles, some fresh, most had dried into a crust. My father just walked in and used it like normal, I hesitantly walked into the room. My foot slipped forward and I fell on my back. The only thing worse than the liquid soaking my whole back was the crust I could feel with my hands, it was sticky and oily. I got up and started going to the sink to rinse out my clothes. I was in a dark warehouse like building, there was a hole in the ceiling and a few feet of water on the floor. I was on a sort of mission, I had to go into a room. I felt a slight sense of danger so I went under the surface and hid behind a box. I watched around the corner, and when I decided it was safe I made my way to the hall. It had a warm relaxing lighting and a luxurious red carpet. There were a couple robots at the end guarding a plastic door like the ones in the back of a grocery store. I was trying to come up with some complicated plan to get past them, and I decided to just make a run for it. I ran down the hall, they didn't shoot, but there was another set of doors to my left so I dove in. I then saw a giant ball fall and start rolling towards me. Fortunately there was a cement pole thing like the ones in front of walmart, so I flattened myself behind it and the ball rolled past me. I went back into the hall and just walked into the main doors. I walked down a giant mansion room. I then realized I passed my target. I pulled up a map of the room. I was a pink arrow and there were a bunch of yellow dots behind me, one smaller than the others. I walked back to look for who it could be, I noticed a ring of light on the ground. I stepped on it, and trees sprouted out of the floor which I thought I was measuring for some reason, I then saw pillars of light flash over them once. I was in a suburb with red rocky mountains in the distance. There was a small boy with me and he started playing with a wolf, so some guy with a clipboard started scribbling things down and muttering to himself. I looked at one of the mountains which had a bunch of houses carved into it and tried to remember when I had seen it before. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the mountains on the road to flagstaff. There was a helicopter noise, I looked behind me and there was a white and red helicopter, but it looked wrong, It was more rectangular than it should have been, and a lot of the parts looked like inflatable pool toys. I was right, as it touched the ground, the helicopter parts deflated and disappeared, leaving some camo print rv. I went to investigate, the back was open and there was some middle aged guy with a bunch of kids lined up in the vehicle. He cheerfully greeted me,"I got ten drunk kids in here!" I decided that the best response was 'Make that eleven!' and I walked into the back and he handed me what appeared to be a white gatorade. I forgot about my drink and punched the ceiling in excitement, leaving a small dent. He told me I'd get something special if I did some real damage, so I punched harder and left a hole. I was then standing in the center, and water pushed me up like some sort of park ride. I failed to punch the ceiling a third time, and was then slowly let to the ground. I then stood in a group at the back and watched another kid get shoved into the air. I walked outside where they had two picnic tables. There was a bunch of food on them, I saw a box of french fries, so I grabbed one and the bottom was covered in black grease. After I ate the worst fry of my life, I walked to the other side of the table and started eating off a plate that had refried beans and some green stuff I assumed was spinich. My grandfather sat next to me and we started a conversation on some service or something to do with housing and why it wasn't communism. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]rcs-1 nlds-4 total -5 comp total-69.5[/COLOR]
A Girl that I know from highschool is there In my dream I was in a dark navy blue with bit's of green type carpet area. I was looking down until I looked up and saw a girl (M) with dyed hair. I can't recall with what she is saying but she's apparently showing me a large rack of infante shoes that cost only a few cent's. I was so surprised all these shoes where high quality with many different sizes. White and black Jordans are only about 30cents when they cost hundreds of dollars. I noted the Jordans that would go well with my outfit and awoke. Note; Im not a shoe guy at all. This is my first Dream Views Journal entry. Shout of to JadeGreen for the inspiration..
I am at work (it is some store, but not mine), when I notice a short, pudgy black lady come in that I instantly get bad vibes from. She has a large and empty looking tote bag that rolls behind her and is wearing flip flops. My first thought is that she’ll be heading for the shoes to load up her bag and put on a new pair since there’s no way she’s really wearing flip flops in this colder weather. I follow her a bit, trying to impress upon her that she is obvious and is being watched, but she easily deflects everything I say to her. Now I think I have to leave her for a while because it is busy with shoplifters or there is something else to do and it is just me here. When I come back to her, I see that she is leaving the shoe section and heading towards the front doors. I can see a shoe box in her bag (definitely not the only one either) and see that she has a new pair of what looks like Vans on. I ‘customer service’ her as much as I can, stopping just short of calling her out, because I wasn’t watching her the whole time. I say something about getting the box for the shoes she is wearing, but she is still not having it. She avoids me all the way to the door, when I get in front of her and tell her to come back. She is with a younger girl now and they both take off running. They go to the left and into a WinCo. I stop at the doors and watch as they’re lost among all the people.
I am back at work after having been gone for a few days. I take the elevator up, noticing that it’s different. There is a different interior of different colored panels and maybe a different floor. One of the small ceiling panels is popped open and there is a ladder left under it. I peer up into the space, right before the elevator settles at the second floor. Walking into reception, I see Princess and Mairin. No one says anything, but we smile at each other as I walk through. I briefly think that Mairin will think I’m already going to the bathroom or break room, but I’m going to the known theft. I don’t see the bin, but there’s a bunch of stuff strewn on the floor. I start consolidating shoe boxes, papers, tags, and a lot of brand new pairs of shoes which I grab by the security lanyard. I don’t get why they keep putting merchandise in here, and I think I really need to start telling everyone not to. I think I put everything in a cart and end up outside with it. Emmanuel is out here and talking to me; he is not exactly annoying, but I feel like I can’t relate all that well to him. For some reason I am transferring the things to another cart? This cart is also up in the back of a truck. I also add two or three sodas (orange and in plastic bottles) to the basket part of the cart. I then lift it out and set it down and push the other, empty cart off towards the concrete base of a light post (there are two other empty carts haphazardly left by it). We walk back now and end up awkwardly close to an old lady with a cane walking the same speed. When we get to the doors, she, for some reason, holds it open for us. I’m thinking now that I’ve got this done I can go back to the office and listen to some music. I consider Pink Floyd and maybe something that’s around an hour and a half so I can maybe listen to a few. Inside, this looks more like a high school hallway. It’s fairly crowded. The associate Jared comes up to me and asks me what to do if he thinks a kid switched shoes. I ask how old, trying to gauge intent. He then sees the kid approaching and nods towards him. He looks to be at least ten. He has his hood up, looks somewhat sketchy, and I think is also carrying his old shoes. I’m honestly not sure if he’s trying them on or trying to switch, but I am distracted by a girl who is clearly trying to walk out with our shoes. She has two huge groups of them, one in each hand, holding them all easily by the security lanyards. She’s wearing a tracksuit, and I think I recognize her from trying to do this before. I turn around and start walking out in front of her. I take my radio and turn the dial where she can see it. I wait outside, for some reason facing away from the doors, but never hear her come out. *As I am waiting, I am woken up by my alarm going off.
I am at work with Lainey. We have stopped a teen girl right outside the mall entrance. I think it’s the same girl that she stopped in Sephora and had me be a witness for. Her mom happens to be right over here, so we have her come over. I kind of explain what happened and tell her it’ll be easier since she’s here. The mom seems pretty understanding. I am holding a shoe box that is apparently what she stole. I start to go through it, and I find ear buds (which I think could’ve been hers since they’re a little tangled and not exactly brand new looking) and a smaller pair of shoes shoved inside a larger pair of shoes (they’re like a converse or something with a high ankle area that allows this to happen). I noticed that the box did feel a little heavy. I talk to just Lainey for a second - she wants to let her go, but I really don’t since the shoes are around $100.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Once again at my friend Zilla's home, actually her mom's. I go outside on the neighborhood for a walk and find lots of new shoes from a shop discarded by the dumpster. Some are still in the original boxes, but I will need bags to carry them with me. My friends, Zilla and Licas, they come by and we arrange to go get bags at home to rescue those shoes. At some point I am there guarding it so that no one else takes it and a couple of policemen comes ask me what I am doing. They think I am responsible for all those shoes on the ground and I could get a fine for it. But I explain what I am actually doing and ask if they can wait for my friends to come with bags. Later on a department store, a vintage thing, looks like it's the 1930's. I am with a friend, a cute curly blond lady. She sees another lady she dislikes, paying for some very luxurious towels and leaving them unattended at the cashier's balcony. In a moment of distraction of the cashier, she steals the towels and runs towards me, so we go away before anyone notices. I become accidentally involved. We head to an elevator and she acts all paranoid as we descend to the garage level. I actually think she might have gotten away with it. I feel like I'm in a Hitchcock movie. I go home by train. Unfortunately there must have been witnesses or something, because days later I receive a notification to pay for the towels she stole - they considered me accomplice - and they even charged me 9€ for a pen I took by mistake that I had used to sign a cheque. Some epic story, I think in China , but could be in Korea, Mongolia. This one felt a bit like a Bong Joon-ho movie. It was about some invaders, from another kingdom or tribe, and some people being driven out of their lands and persecuted. Their rulers are probably dead but there is a prince and a princess whom they believe are still alive but were captured. They escape through the mountains and reach an arid plateau. they are walking in two parallel lines along a path crossing the plateau, when their prince and princess appear at the end of the lines, running, looking beaten down. They rejoice, happy that they escaped. Unfortunately they were being followed by the enemy army, which is coming ready for an ambush. They have like a giant white sleeve-like trap they pull along the line of people, capturing them like fish in a net. I don't know how it is possible, but it works. And I am trapped with them.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 09:31 PM by 34880
This dream was so bizarre that I wasn't sure if I was even gonna journal it. But I remembered it, so... It was a dream that was all about the concept of "not closing your velcro shoes". I was in a train station with 2 friends of mine, and the 3 of us were wearing velcro shoes, and they were open. The train arrived, and the front looked like a big unclosed velcro shoe on a railway. We went on the train and the train conductor warned us not to close our velcro shoe, or else something bad might happen. We went on the train, left our shoes open, and nothing bad happened, we were just talking about not closing your velcro shoes.
Date Of Dream: WED 16 AUG - 2017 Dream No. 179 - Hospital Confusion For the first part of the dream, I was at some unknown athletic reserve with my family, I forgot what I was doing there. Next we were going to see grandma, from my dad's side, in hospital. Apparently her room was number 611. My parents wanted to ask someone where the room was but I wanted to find it on my own. The doors had heaps of numbers on them but I took a guess as to which was the correct room. I eventually concluded that I couldn't find the room. My parents started walking off and so I ran after them. They told me to stand with them on the lookout. I was right not to because it was a lift that shot them up super fast. I stood with my arms folded and a closed mouth smile and then continued to walk off somewhere else. My parents eventually came back down to where I was and told me off for not going with them. We ended up climbing heaps of flights of stairs but never found grandma's room. The dream then shifted to me being at the shops and looking at all these fancy pairs of shoes. This scene was short and I can't remember anything else about the dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: WED 19 JUL - 2017 Dream No. 156 - Owner Of The Mall At the start of the dream, I remember telling Mr. Hickey and a whole group of Killester girls that I owned this shopping centre. I then went off by myself to look in this store that looked like Dangerfield but wasn't exactly. As I progressed through the shop, the layout of things started becoming more unusual and almost distorted. In the main part of the mall, I eventually found my family who were doing their own shopping and I also told them I own the centre. I ended up taking them on a tour around some of the shops. I ended up in the food court and noticed that an ice-cream place wasn't doing so well in business performance, so I asked the worker man there what was going on. I was then in David Jones and was looking at shoes, sighting a pair that cost around $600. There was a label at the bottom of the shoes though which said that the price was now $139.87. Still, those shoes were too expensive and so I didn't buy them... But then I also wanted them. I went into Kmart and found the exact same shoes for $3.33, the shoe sizes were 107, 109, 110, 112 and 114. I first tried 114 but they didn't fit my feet and then I found out the right shoe for me had a size 112.45 printed on the label. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Cell Fragment of Sad Place (nl) I'm viewing an odd-shaped hairless humanoid figure sitting in a cell. It is sad. A man is with it and he's concerned about her wellbeing. Few thoughts in my head: is that me? why is it sad? what happened to cause this? was she locked up? am I being emotionally distant or is this really someone who is not me? Some moments later after intense and focused staring I conclude that the person is not me, that it was locked up and now it's not, and that likely the person only feels trapped and the cell is a creation of its mind to demonstrate internal emotions. There is some sadness from me for it; imagine being free but not feeling free, that must suck. That is worth feeling sad about. Neither seems to notice me and I don't want to interrupt their exchange so I slip out, seemingly unnoticed. Bed Play (ld) I'm in some room that I don't recognize. Rectangular, nothing noteworthy. I'm trying to make it a comfortable environment to sleep, but there's no curtains, too large an entry point, it's just ... not conducive to my sleeping preferences. A bed appears I lay on it to sleep. A man appears from nowhere and belly flops on me. He laughs. He's definitely not a threat, but his goofiness is almost contagious and I need to stop this emotion before it gets out of hand. After shoving him off, he flops on me; more laughter....and the comforter is blocking my annoyed facial expression and I don't say anything because I don't talk a lot. I send him thought-daggers instead because somehow that makes more sense to me. He's still trying to wrestle so I manifest a secondary bed and head in that direction, but the dream shifts instead. Woman (DawnEye?) (ld) I'm with a woman I've never seen before, but she's adorable. We're at the mall, I think, and she wants to shop for shoes. I'm not doing anything in dreaming and I guess the bed wrestling wasn't worth managing, so--shoe shopping it is. I try on some shoes while she and I chat about stupid stuff. It's not really stupid stuff, it's important to her to communicate and talk and this sort of talk is easy. She reminds me of a younger sister; a simple and enjoyable relationship where the only pressure is to hang out and laugh. I put a pair of platform shoes on--they're surprisingly comfortable. She approves but isn't excited. I don't even think she's shopping for shoes as she's just sitting beside me watching me put on pairs, haha. This is HER dream, she wants to dream of being in a shoe store but has no interest in trying shoes on. How weird is that? I'm not shopping for shoes either, but if we're going to be in a shoe store, I can't escape putting shoes on my feet. I take off the platform pair then reach for a pair she's sitting in front of. A colorful butterfly sequin pair. They're quite beautiful, but not as shoes. I point to them as I raise my eyebrows at her, clearly asking for her opinion on the pair. She giggles and I can tell she's trying to be polite by not saying they're hideous. Her concealment is hilarious and eventually, she leaves. There's a small fragment with her where I think we're also looking at keyrings but I can't remember what we were saying about them. Basically, I think she was moving the conversation into an interesting direction as she was holding a couple of keyrings. I don't remember if the dilemma was about the keyrings themselves or if they reminded her of something. We chatted a bit about it though. She was pleasant; an easy person to talk with.
Morning of February 17, 2017. Friday. During water induction (my most consistent form of autosymbolism for dream state entry, as water is autosymbolism for sleep and the dynamics of the dream state), I find myself in the shower on the second floor of the King Street boarding house. I get the impression that I am still living in the L-shaped room at the end of the hall (though I have not lived there since the 1980s). A young version of Zsuzsanna (who has never been to America let alone King Street) is in my apartment at the end of the hall. The opaque sliding door of the shower is halfway open. Zsuzsanna walks around in my apartment. Curiously, both the south bathroom wall is missing as well as my apartment’s north wall, so the shower can be viewed directly from that apartment. (Missing walls as well as the ability to see through otherwise solid walls is a fairly common feature in my dreams and has been since early childhood. This is associated with the “mystery girl” of my dreams having lived in a house with missing exterior walls. This turned out to be true regardless of its high unlikelihood; that is, Zsuzsanna lived at one time as a child in an incomplete house with missing exterior walls in an area of New South Wales called Heaven.) I realize that I still have clothes on. This is very annoying and I take them off, but they are somehow on again later. I also notice a pair of tennis shoes near the end of the bathtub. These apparently belong to a very old man who comes in to get them and he soon leaves without speaking. While still showering, I begin to get more annoyed at having to remove my clothes more than once (but that does not trigger the realization I am dreaming). Somehow, several unfamiliar people end up in the shower with me (though of course there would not be enough room in reality), and I can barely move. This soon changes though, as part of the typical illogical sequencing of the dream state. I eventually notice that part of the east wall (directly beyond the end of the bathtub) is also not present. An older version of Zsuzsanna is making sounds of arousal but I can only see her from just above her knees and downward. The north wall (adjacent to the bathtub) also seems to not be present. There seems to be a mostly featureless room, but which may also be part of the same bathroom as there is a drain in the floor. Becoming annoyed in a dream at the realization that I am wearing clothes has occurred since childhood (not just with shower dreams or those where I am in bed, though my non-lucid dream self most often does not focus on whether I am dressed or not anyway). There are a number of reasons for this. One, the association with being embarrassed with the idea of “sleeping in my clothes”, which is proof of liminal dream state awareness (as why would my dream self associate with the idea I am sleeping unless I was somehow liminally aware I was in the dream state, even though with liminal dream control I do not even remember what a dream is). Two, this sometimes throws off my association with phasing through walls or flying up and out of a dream (only being aware that it is a dream in the last moments - though as if I subliminally knew the entire time). The idea I am wearing clothes occasionally interferes with my association with being incorporeal, or in some cases, even with a greater corporeal full-body flying ability. There are other reasons depending on the dream type. In the majority of my more vivid flying dreams (not always lucid) I am only in a bed sheet or cloak. Ultimately, it is natural to have dreams of not wearing clothes, as I do not sleep in my clothes. Wearing clothes in a dream is an unusual distortion caused by the lack of awareness of the self in unconsciousness and its actual physical status (unless one is dressed while sleeping, though the weight of a bed sheet probably causes this distortion in most cases). Regarding my dream’s cause and meaning, this is simply a typical form of RAS mediation and modulation as the waking alert factor, often activated by way of the preconscious and its personification and the sense of intrusion. As my dream self in non-lucidity is a fictitious entity, any perceived link to my conscious self identity in waking life in some levels of unconsciousness can potentially be viewed as an “intruder” (just as someone half-asleep might perceive an environmental sound, even a noise made by a family member, as liminal evidence of an “intruder”). This is one of those common factors of dreams of which many people cannot grasp at all.
Updated 05-15-2018 at 06:20 AM by 1390
PE lesson I was in my old school, I left changing room and went to sports hall. We had a new PE teacher. I was just about to enter the sports hall when I noticed that I don't have one of my shoes on, and the other had an enormous hole in it. I passed by students from other class and entered the hall. The teacher took some old shoes from a cardboard box and gave them to me. I took them on and started tying them. Failed WBTB attempt A favor With two classmates we were in a city, wandering around blocks of flats. It was a sunny but cold day. We were going to a house of some girl one of classmates wanted to invite to a prom. We got outside her flat, there was some dark haired girl outside, standing with her mother. Classmate asked me to do him a favor and ask her mother if her daughter will go with him to a prom. I went to that mother and asked "Could your daugter go on a prom..." She cut in and asked me about her name. I didn't knew it and stood there in silence. After a while I explained "Well, I'm doing a favor for a friend who is too shy to ask her out." She said "I see..." I went back to these two dudes and suddenly we heard a voice shouting through megaphone. Her mother was angry at us. Waterslide DILD I woke up in a bed in other room than usually, confused. I felt as if I wore a jacket, but when I moved my hand over my body but haven't felt any jacket. I started suspecting that this might be a dream and made a nose-plug RC. It confirmed that it was a lucid dream. I got out of the bed and moved towards doors. I used them to teleport outside. It was really early morning but it wasn't that dark. I was standing on the middle of the road, completely naked. Staring at the way the road led, I got an idea to make a waterslide. I jumped on the ground and created a wildly flowing stream of water flowing along the road. I slided across whole village, increasing or decreasing flow of water until I got close to my friends house. There was an enormous shopping mall in the middle of the road. It looked like it was just recently open for business. I entered it, it was really dark inside. In the darkness I could see all the clothes shops - there were only clothes shops with mannequins. I clapped my hands expecting the claps to turn lights on, but it wasn't working. I got a wild thought that these mannequins could turn alive and attack. I immediately got a feeling that I'm surrounded, that thousands of them stare at me at the same time, I felt lost. I managed to calm myself and stabilise the dream a bit, thinking "Wait, they can't even turn alive if I don't allow them to do so!" I continued along the shop. Suddenly I lost lucidity. Mirror DILD I woke up in a bed in another room again. Immediately I realised that it's a dream and made a nose-plug RC to confirm it. I got out of bed and moved to hallway, there was a huge mirror hanging on a wall. I waved my hand in attempt to telekinetically smash it, but it only made the dream much less stable. The reflection in the mirror showed the hallway in strong moonlight. I woke up.
I was standing outside on a sidewalk in a small unfamiliar town. I saw a guy on a roof above me. He had a crow sitting on his arm, one he was rehabbing. Although he crow wasn’t doing tricks or talking, it seemed significant. There was a crowd of people around him on the roof. Later, I was in a campus atmosphere. I felt awkward, was by myself. A kid I went to school with [F] walked over to me and sat close to me. He put his arm around me in an indirectly threatening way. I was afraid of him, but also was happy to get attention. He commented on my cool red combat boots. Strangely I wasn’t wearing them, they were sitting on the ground next to me. F then moved to smell my hair and started to kiss the back of my neck. I was paralyzed with fear even though we were out in the open. He had a power over me that I can’t explain. In the same campus atmosphere I went to steps nearby and sat there and then pulled my panties down and peed in what I thought was a discreet manner. People saw me I thought, including my professor. I suddenly realized that I should stop doing this, I’m not being as discreet as I thought.
Preface: After a bunch of family drama on Saturday night, its only fitting that I should have some pleasant dream activity. DR 1 I at a dinner party in a foreigner's house; a couple has invited me for dinner. It seems as if I am on vacation. The walls and floors are white, and the house has a calm color scheme. I go down a hall to the bathroom, but I never make it there. I am compelled to go outside. I walk outside of the house to the parking garage. It seems I am in an apartment or townhouse community. I go to find my bike (motorcycle) and its parked next to another way cooler looking black motorcycle. I look to my right, and there is a handsome guy standing next to me. He is tall, with black hair and brown eyes. He has some facial hair, which I find sexy. He tells me that he was going to leave, but that I'm beautiful, so he wants to stay. I laugh because whatever he is saying sounds cheesy. I look down and I notice that I am wearing tight black fake leather pants and high heeled ankle boots. I keep kind of looking down, because I feel shy talking to him. I smile a lot and he invites me out. I'm about to get on his bike, but I remember that I left my purse inside. I tell him that I have to get it...I then say,"let's go" and he follows me back into the dinner party house. The couple is pleasantly surprised when they see us enter and they show me where my purse is. They admit to me that they have gone through the purse in an attempt to try to contact me, and that they have seen that I have four tickets to the Kanye West show (they are obviously good seats because their eyes are gleaming). I tell them, "you know what? You can have all four because I hate Kanye West!" The guy laughs. The couple gets so excited and thanks me. I leave with the guy. Notes: A guy for once! And a motorcycle! ( A wild side, I like it.) Again with the color white, and relaxing surroundings. Also the color black..last time it was my friend with the black mink coat and today its me with black pants. Black shoes, which i hardly ever notice. I do really hate Kanye. Not as a producer, but as anything else, including as being a human being.
I was entering an auditorium for some kind of job-related announcement/seminar. Donald Trump is there. The crowd was told that they can’t stay unless they are wearing a certain kind of shoes or attire. I looked down to see I am wearing a pair of strange high-top black with white markings canvas tennis shoes. I had to leave. Someone tells me I should have worn my silver shoes and I feel irritated by this remark. I went to my apartment, which is similar to an apartment I rented in waking life over 10 years ago. My mom was there, she tells me that Donald Trump has bought the company I work for. I told her he did not, I don’t even work for a company, I work for one woman who calls herself a company. My mom laughs at me, telling me Im wrong. The way she is treating me made me angry. I asked her where are her facts?! And she sort of went catatonic, looking off to here right, not acknowledging me. I yelled at her but Im confused why she isn’t answering me now. Then I realized I was dreaming. I still felt angry so I pushed her and then I decided I was going to through the television out of the window. We were on the 2nd floor, but since I knew I was dreaming i knew there would be no consequences. I did this, and then I left. I was outside on the drive with my dog and I decided to fly. (ho, hum) I had my dog under my left arm and I was holding sandals in my right hand. Once I was floating I realized I didn’t need to hold onto my sandals and I could let my dog to the ground as well. I thought about running with my dog too. The outside of the apartment and the street are almost identical to the apartment I rented over 10 years ago. (#4) My husband wakes me up to tell me he is leaving for work. Thoughts: This apartment seems to be an important location. In waking life I lived tree for only a year. When I moved in things were great- I was dating a new guy, I had just started a career I loved, I could pay my bills and I had friends that I went out with regularly. Over the year that I lived there my drinking became out of control, my closest friendship enabled my bad habits. We were robbed together at gunpoint down the street from this apartment while walking to a nearby shopping center. I starting dating a drug-addicted-sociopathic-compulsive liar. I lost more than one good friend and a good job. I ended up moving out of the place and into the house that my crazy partner lived in with some friends. This was the beginning of one of the roughest periods of my life, but that ended up teaching me a lot of valuable lessons. Maybe the apartment symbolizes a transitional period between good and bad? The dreams where family members hate me or treat me horribly are so common now that I have decided to really focus on becoming lucid in these moments. Instead of throwing things out of a window and flying off though I would like to do something else. Something to break this cycle. Maybe just tell them I love them? Shoes were a theme in this dream too. I guess they must symbolize how I feel about myself compared to others.? And how dare Trump invade my dreams!