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    1. February 22, 2023 9:13 am

      by , 02-22-2023 at 09:39 AM
      I slept in an uncomfortable position with my head between my pillows and bad a collection of short, strange dreams.

      • I was working different audiovisual related jobs, such as operation a radio tower
      • I was in a pop up bank in Utrecht Central Station, where a robbery started to happen and had people with rifles and RPGs shoot the place. I try to distract the robbers and make a run for it towards the exit, but suddenly wake up. I might've been shot and woke up or forced myself to wake up until realising that I was dreaming.
      • Half asleep, half awake after waking up from that terrifying bank dream, I stare into the dark as my tired brain generates psychedelic visuals of a vibrantly coloured desert where I blow away the sand, and come across strange, colourful creatures
      • I had my theatre school graduation, my family as well as the women that did my hair were there, one of my family members was playing GTA on their laptop and I've been told my classmates and school walked by during an inappropriate scene from the game

      There were more, but I forgot what happened. A lot of capitalism-themed dreams, and I know exactly why :U Can't disclose yet but I'm happy about it
    2. 18-03-28 Shootout, Noah

      by , 03-29-2018 at 03:52 PM
      I was in a building that's honestly too hard to properly describe. A bunch of corridors and rooms. One little building looked like a guardhouse, like one you'd see next to car barrier gates. The whole place felt mildly industrial. The place was littered with corpses. A massive firefight was going on. I'm not sure who killed them all, me or 'him'. I had a pistol I was wielding. I was on the ground at some point, crawled over to a dead enemy, and took his revolver. From another corridor came two men. I aimed, shot and killed the first. He was wearing a suit, and didn't look like a merc like the others, but everything happened too fast and I didn't think. Right behind him was Noah Bennet. I immediately recognized him, and disarmed my revolver (gently letting the hammer down). Noah was cautious and kept his weapon on me. He had me put down my entire arsenal (I'd collected several handguns during the fight). We briefly talked (he wasn't really hostile anymore), and I followed him into another room. I briefly thought about asking him about Claire, but decided against it.
    3. Shootout

      by , 12-29-2016 at 05:49 PM
      Soooo, This one is kinda weird. I was in a skate park doing bmx tricks(I can't do that shit in real life), So i go to the back and then shit starts to get violent. I shot an innocent woman before i had to shoot 5 others with guns. I was using an M16-A4 rifle, Semiautomatic. So the shootout only lasted about 3 minutes because in real life....I know all about this weapon. So, we get away and we are driving away pretty fast but, I feel nothing as i disassemble my rifle and store it away. I notice that its kind of dark but then, there is a bright ray of sunshine just blaring through the clouds. I say to the driver...."I just killed 6 people", and he says, "Yea you did you fucking savage". Then I woke up thinking, Im not that savage lol....Just a Musician.
    4. Walgreens Shootout & My Donation is Undermined

      by , 12-20-2015 at 05:35 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Walgreens Shootout (DILD)


      I’m going inside a store that resembles Walgreens, and outside is fairly dark. The dream itself is in this haze as if most movements made have a lingering trail of slow motion blur to it. I’m not sure what I’m going for at the moment, but I hear some stuttering and screams in the background, and quickly noticed that someone is armed with a gun in the store.

      He was black, wore a gray vest and dark colored pants, and had a muscular body. His hairstyle was probably a buzz haircut, and I could barely see any details in his visage, mostly because I was trying to hide from him like the others are doing. I kneel on the floor immediately, and started to panic a little bit, but then reigned myself back into place, and took advantage that I could see what’s going on in my surroundings in a third person viewpoint, and noticed that he, and potential accomplices were located.

      I remained in a stealth position with my knees bent, and literally fluctuating in standing on my toes, and having my feet firm on the ground. I’m wearing a black shirt and dark colored pants, and my main mode of stealth is this gray cabinet that stretches out for maybe ten feet, or so, and has this white backdrop sheet on the top of it. There’s also others like it with varying sizes, and I take advantage of the mini-labyrinth.

      I noticed that he wasn’t the only concern, as I get this weird vibe based from a mélange of sensations with peripheral vision, and what have you, that there were two women that were armed. However, I felt that they could be after him, but there was too much equivocation going on. I’m on the right side of the main base of the cabinet, and this is the section of the store where there’s more light.

      I see a random Caucasian female appear, and she’s holding a basic black gun akin to the Western movies, and she turns around and points the gun at me. But after looking at me, her visage of terror turns neutral, and she moves on. I breathe for a little bit, and presumed that she’s after the male, and then just as I’m trying to reconcile myself again, I look around to my left while still maintain the third person camera view to see there’s an Asian female with a hair bun hairstyle and some black pins inside of it carrying a larger weapon; maybe a shotgun of some sort.

      She’s walking slowly, and for some reason, the angle at the time felt as if I’m looking at her through a mirror that she’s walking towards. She’s swaying her foot motion in this “C” formation on her right side, and an inverted C for her left, and this is probably due to her wearing heels in general.

      She eventually gets to me, but she doesn’t shoot me at all. The guy is getting closer, and I have a clarity of his location, but I’m not afraid anymore. I can’t remember the rest.


      My Donation is Undermined (DILD)


      Strake Jesuit tennis player with bowl shaped hair hands over $600 when I thought handing $40-50 was good for some donation at a neighborhood. I was riding a bicycle in a neighborhood somewher.e
    5. The Heist

      by , 07-13-2014 at 04:04 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Entry 7/13/14

      Blue: Non-Lucid
      Bold: Lucid
      Black: Awake

      I dream that me and a crew of guys are walking towards the entrance of a bank. The bank is located in the inner part of a large city, and people are all around us. Our getaway is ready and waiting, a helicopter on top of a roof. Before we enter the bank, we do something in the street(I can't recall what) that ends up distracting the police. We then enter the bank, and I pull out a small handgun and fire into the air. Everyone immediately freaked out, and my crew all began shouting at them.
      "Everyone get down on the ground! I want everyone lying face down on the floor! Don't try anything! We won't give you any second chances!" the crew leader said.
      I now pulled out my rifle, a G36C with an ergonomic grip, green laser and an ACOG scope. All the people on the bank were frightened for sure, not daring to move. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew was setting up to open the bank vault. This bank would never exist in real life; no security guards, no cameras, and the bank vault was in an unprotected room for everybody to see.
      One of our crew now began placing satchel charges on the vault, and the rest of us guarded. I was walking around the room, when a couple of people sat up. My gun was down, and I took a hold of it.
      "On your face!" I screamed at them. Two of the three people listened, but the third, a young woman, didn't. "On your face!" I screamed again. She simply gave me a dirty look, and didn't budge an inch. I pulled up my gun, and before I could lift it up at her she laid back down on her face. I moved along in relief, glad I didn't have to shoot an innocent civilian. I continued walking around, and a couple more people sat up.
      "GET BACK ON YOUR FACE!" I yelled. They immediately obliged, and got back down on the floor. The vault was now opened, and our crew grabbed all the money. I however, stayed to hold guard over the bank. Two normal policemen entered the bank, and all of us hid ourselves. They looked around, confused as to where we were hiding. We were lucky no one in the bank was ballsy enough to give us away.
      I then peaked out and aimed down the sight of my G36C, and I lined up the sight right over the first cop's head. I fired, and the cop spun back. I then shifted my aim over to the next cop and took him out as well.
      All of my crew got up now and rushed out of the bank. I stayed at the entrance as they crossed the street. SWAT cars and police cruisers were all speeding to the scene, and it was about to get messy out here.
      I held my G36C as they police converged upon my position, and I was ready to return fire. In a matter of seconds SWAT were coming from both sides of the street. My team had crossed the street and entered into the building where our chopper was waiting. I had stayed back to fight off the coming resistance.
      SWAT were coming from both ways, so I stepped back into the bank and prepared to fire. Three or four guys came in the front door, and I fired rapidly, spamming my trigger until they were all dead. My gun was single-fire only it would appear, so I had to be quick with my shooting. More cops rushed in, and then I took them out as well.
      I stepped outside shortly afterwards and looked around. No more cops were coming to me. Instead, they had shifted their focus to the building my crew was in. I could see the SWAT team running past windows towards my crew, and they'd be screwed if I didn't stop the police. I aimed down my scope and began taking pop shots at the police, hitting a few of them in the back. It wasn't until long my crew reached the chopper, and they flew off to safety. I then ran off and made my own escape.
      I soon reached my crew mate's home and he let me in. He was freaking out because a policeman was coming for a search of his home. He still had his bag of money and his gear from the heist. So we took the money and gear and hid it someplace special(I don't remember where). The cop now came, and we let him in. He started looking around for suspicious objects, when I spotted what he was looking for. There was something from the heist on the floor(I don't remember what again), and so I grabbed it with a tissue, and I walked off with it unseen. Without getting any prints on it I hid it away so no one would ever find it.
      My crew mate now entered his room with me, and we saw an open pizza box on his bed, and three or four pieces left in it.
      "We gotta destroy the evidence man." he said. So we ate the pizza, and it wasn't before long when I
    6. Worst Bank Robbers Ever/Completed 1 TOTM

      by , 03-20-2014 at 03:19 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Had another lucid! That's two for March, which is getting my hopes up for the future since I've been absolutely unsuccessful at lucid dreaming since my return in June. So hopefully I can keep the consistency alive!

      The dream starts with myself and my friend Robert. We are in the process of robbing a bank together. I don't recall the actual hold up very well, but after we take the money the authorities show up to thwart our devious plans. However Rob and I take extreme actions and I believe we kill one of two cops in an attempt to escape the bank.

      We successfully escape the bank and rush out into the parking lot. The cops are showering Rob and I with bullets, but luckily their aim sucks. I tell Rob that we'll never get to the getaway car at this rate. So, we take another extreme act of insurgency and get into a police car that is unguarded and drive off. The cops continue firing at us as we drive off, but their terrible aim allows us to get away unscathed.

      I toss the money into the back as Rob drives the cop car away. As we're driving off I soon take notice that Rob is doing the speed limit of what I think was 35. I look at Rob cock-eyed and wonder what the hell he's doing.
      "Rob, what the hell are you doing?" I say.
      "Gotta go the speed limit dude." Rob replies.
      "We just robbed a fucking bank!" I exclaim. "We're already going to jail if we get pulled over! Just go over the speed limit!"
      "But they don't have the make on this car yet." Rob argues.
      "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I snap. "We stole a fucking police car! They'll know who we are in a single glance!"
      "Whatever man," Rob says. "Still gotta do the speed limit."
      I facepalm as Rob turns onto the freeway now and takes the on-ramp. We pick up the pace ever so slightly as the speed limit goes up to 55(just an FYI for anyone outside the US or UK, we use miles per hour, not kilometers, so 55 is actually considerably fast).

      We now exit the freeway just as the speed goes up to 65. I wished Rob had been driving that fast from the start, and now we'll probably end up on some dumb 25 road. Sure enough, we end up on a residential street(which are all usually 25 in America). And before we know it, the cops catch up to us and cut us off.

      Rob and I get out of the car with our hands up. The cops pull out their guns and aim at us, they're going to shoot! I begin to cower in fear as the officers prepare to fire, and I think about how I can let it end this way. That's when I become lucid by pure luck. I jump up high into the air and come back down, testing my power out a little bit. I go up to a police officer, thinking of the February task of the month, to pull your own heart out. I get the idea to try and pull his heart out, but I can't do it. I grab on and end pull it forward, but it won't come out. The officers all freak out from my clearly superhuman power and leave the scene quickly.

      Rob and I travel inside where I look around and think about the TOTM. I recall the middle name task and turn to random DC.
      "What's your middle name?" I ask.
      "Krejelt," (I think that's what she said, I recalled it this morning but I've forgotten now). "That's K-R-E-J-E-L-T."
      "Thanks." I say, and then I leave.

      Time to do two tasks in one dream! I remember I need to pinch someone who isn't wearing green. I begin searching around, only to discover that everyone is wearing green. What the fuck?! This isn't fair! I continue searching desperately for someone in green, and then I come across my friend Hannah who is sitting on a couch with what I think was a cast on her right leg. She isn't wearing any green, she's the perfect victim. Someone from behind says something before I can, and I turn to see who it is. It's my friend' solder brother Nick, and as I acknowledge him, I
      awake. NO!
    7. A Shootout at the Carnival Corral

      by , 08-25-2013 at 06:33 PM
      I was at a carnival and some girl (who liked girls) was trying to hit on another girl and her friends didn’t like it. Her friends decided they were going to shoot at the girl when she went to her car at the parking lot. They started shooting and bullets were flying all over the place. People started running to their cars screaming. The girl was dunking and dodging bullets all the way to her car and out of the hundreds of bullets shot, they all missed her.

      1. Kelly Roland singing “Kisses Down Low.”
      2. Cleaning and cooking fried chicken with Andre Zimmerman from, “Bizarre Foods.” (BTW, I'm frying chicken today)
      3. Man and a Little girl and I think the man was my husband. (BTW, I don't have a daughter, I have all boys. I wonder if I'm pregnant )
    8. The ONLY way to travel, Greenhouse shootout

      by , 07-22-2013 at 05:06 PM
      1. I was in a flying car, or something along the lines of it.

      2. This one is weird (another one of my nightmares). It was as if I had woke up from a dream, and I couldn't remember anything. Then my mom said "Your lucky to have survived in that!" I started asking questions and she said that I got shot by a crazy guy in a greenhouse.

      Note: In waking life my mom is in medical school, working to become a nurse. The only reason I say this is because in the dream she did all her medical checkout stuff on me.
    9. Kitsunes and the Wild West

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:34 AM
      Wild west 2 layer lucid dream

      the dream begins

      i find myself in a field, surrounded by flowers. i begin to wander around trying to find out where i am when i encounter
      a kitsune, the kitsune walks up and asks "do you want to be like me" i nod, and it begins to walk up to me when the dream ends and i awaken. when i awaken i look around to find myself in a room made entirely of brown wood and its extremely hot, i sit up and look out the window to find myself in a wild west town. i open the door to a large saloon, and walk down the stairs, i sit down next to a young woman about my age, and she turns to me and ask's "so, you ready for the shootout" i ask "what shootout" and she responds the shootout between us and those outlaws that came to town, i heard they were kitsunes so you'll want to be careful" i said "i had a dream about kitsunes" she turns to me and asks "really, what happened" i respond "i don't really know, to be honest, there was one kitsune, and it asked if i wanted to be like it. at this point i notice that i feel strange and the knowledge that i am human, no longer exists, i became a kitsune, but decide not to tell her. she looks at me obviously disturbed and says "don't let it distract you, you and me are the best shooters, and we cant afford to be distracted, last time that happened, i fell off that building when someone got a lucky shot at me" she points to a large building outside, the place looks familiar, but before i can identify it, the dream ends and i wake in my bed.
    10. The Canteen Matrix

      by , 08-22-2010 at 01:49 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)

      There's something about vampires.
      There's definitely something about vampires. But was the vampire thing before or after the cafeteria? I don't know. Let's pretend it was before.
      [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm some evil guy, fighting another guy. There has been vampires involved, but I have been trying to turn into a vampire, and I know the final steps to become one. Apperantly, I just need to drink a lot of blood now, so I try to scratch this other guy as much as I can, and I'm sort of chasing him around a black and red evil-looking pillar. A pillar which apperantly also helps me become a vampire. I don't know what happened to the other humans or vampires, whether the vampires were killed or if it was the humans, and in that case I don't know who killed them, or if they all died... But one thing is certain, this big, dark, evil-looking room only has me and the survivor human in it. Maybe we used to be friends?

      I think we got out of there, there was something about a pool, and a big white house, a bit like that christmas level in Hitman Bloodmoney, except with more summer and blue pool. You know, high up in the mountains, [/COLOR](Not sure about that)[COLOR="royalblue"] white, square, modern arcitechture [/COLOR](Has to be white, right?)[COLOR="royalblue"], and guards walking around with uzi's and black suits.
      Obviously, a shootout came out of this. I think I was hiding behind a small white wall right next to the pool, maybe I even emerged from the pool? Anyways, there were guards everywhere, around the pool and coming down a long staircase from an upper level of the house.
      Again, I'm not sure if this was before or after...

      I'm in a canteen, or a cafeteria. I think I might be on a school, but I don't think I go to this school. Maybe I'm new and I just don't recognize people. I think there are 2 or 3 people that I know who are, so I just follow them, but I don't really [I]know[/I] them, so the situation is quite awkward; We're standing in a huge queue, waiting to get some food at the counter. I feel slightly claustrophobic. I get my food and sit down at a table, I realize that there's a bunch of stuff missing on my plate. Apperantly I dropped a lot of it on the floor, under the table. Luckily, it was in some sort of packaging, so I just reached down and picked it up again. I don't remember eating anything, because I think I decided to get out of there.
      I went to the end of the room, not the way we came from, a lonely, gray door at the end of the room.
      I enter it, and I'm in a long, white-gray, boring looking hallway with lots of identical, boring, gray doors.
      I enter one of them, and now I'm in an equally boring, tiny room with absolutely nothing in it. This didn't amuse me, so I made a door in the wall in front of me out of thin air. I entered it - another small, boring room with nothing in it. But this room already has 2 doors in front of me. I take the left one.
      Now I'm in a similar room, but this one has been lived in, so it looks a lot more alive - But it still gave off that nerd-who-never-cleans-up-and-never-goes-out feel to it. An overall gray feeling still remained.
      There was a man lying on a couch, watching TV, I think he was holding a can of soda or beer. He looks like he's somewhere between 25 and 35 years old, he's got short, brown hair. [/COLOR](In dream, I don't recognize him, my Dream Intuition tells me he's a gymnasium teacher at the school I was just at, and in retrospect, I think he reminded me a little of Remus Lupin, perhaps more than just in looks.)[COLOR="royalblue"]
      I notice there are a bunch of drawings on the wall right next to the TV and the couch (it's a very small room), I start talking to him. I tell him that drawing like that, random doodles on his wall seemed like a thing I would do. We had a nice conversation, but I forgot pretty much all of it. Somehow, our conversation turns to lucid dreaming, and I suddenly realize that this could be a dream. With a smirk and a feeling of mild interest, I pinch my nose and close my mouth. The teacher is looking at me, looking interested and expectant.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="darkorchid"]I try to breathe, and sure enough, it's easy to. I'm amazed, confused and a little sceptical. I continue to converse with the teacher, but it's kind of a one-way communication, as I'm probably more thinking to myself. I think for a moment about what I should do. Should I head outside and fly? But then I realize that I don't know where the exits in the canteen is, I think it's a little too bothersome so I decide to stay,[/COLOR] (Laziness at it's peak.)[COLOR="darkorchid"] besides, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a dream yet. I do the nose pinch RC a few times, but now it's a little less clear; I can breathe alright, but the breathing is slightly restricted when I do it. I decide I need to perform another test, even though I'm still in the mindset that this actually is a dream. There's two doors in the room, one right beside TV which leads back, and another door on the wall opposite to the wall with the drawings. I open this door: A huge croud of people is standing in a circle, this door led back to the canteen. I look around on people's faces. I see three people talking, and I turn and see 4 people all in a big conversation, doing their own thing, completely unrelated to anything I could have made up. I notice that their clothings is so different, so colorful and various. The entire crowd is so extremely vivid that I simply decide that the dream is too vivid [/COLOR][COLOR="royalblue"]to be a dream, there was no way that I could have created all those people so vividly and alive.[/COLOR]
    11. 3 old, half remembered dreams.

      by , 08-03-2010 at 08:27 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)
      [B]1. Undated, quite old.[/B]
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm in some park-like place. An open spot with grass and trees around it. I grab a branch from a tree. With the branch, I am able to swing up and grab hold of another, higher up branch. At the end, I have a branch that swings me around as if I was wearing a pilotable parachute. My old teacher tells me I shouldn't do it, it's too dangerous.
      [B]2. Undated, quite old[/B]; after watching The Dark Knight, I was really fascinated by the Joker, so that's the cause of the Jokerfication of my dreams.
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm in a big store, they sell DVDs, there's a whole bunch of posters with the Joker on them. People are dressed up as the Joker, too. Want to buy The Dark Knight.
      A little girl aged around 2 to 4 in a pink [URL="http://www.ifocus.dk/nyheder/04-10-07/Reima-T-Pige-flyverdragt-m.jpg"][missing word][/URL] pokes me on the shoulder (How she does this, you ask?) She says, roughly translated "You may" / "You can" / "You're allowed to", something like that. ([I]Du må godt.[/I])
      She points to the exit, she ants me to go somewhere. I follow her to some trees and bushes. There's an army of cats, she wants me to read some little piece of paper on the ground where the cats were. It says something stupid, something starting with G but making no sense.
      I take the girl up on my shoulders and carry her back. Walk the wrong way at first... "Y'know, this is really weird... Because... (Exhausted) I don't... Usually do this"
      Walk back around and find the right way. Meet K on the way, I put the girl down when I get into the store. Felt weird but made me feel sort of proud...
      [B]3. Undated[/B]; again with the Joker...
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm in a place that looks like a bank from a movie. The color themes are something like dark wood and gold everywhere. First I fistfight some guards or whatever, then I get a shotgun and have an epic shootout "scene" where I kill a few of them. I hide behind a counter while fighting another guy with a shotgun.
      I'm fighting a guy and a lady with katanas. We move up on a table and fight there. The whole thing is very movie-like, and I'm the villain. I cut the lady and grab her from behind, using her as a shield from the guy. The two are lovers. I tell the guy he has to choose between me killing the lady, or him killing us both. He tries to kill us both, but I move out of the way just in time and then we fight on. We move out to the streets, I severely injure him. I try to make him give up by giving him the [URL="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheReasonYouSuckSpeech"]The Reason You Suck[/URL]-speech. At the peak of hopelessness, he turns the situation around by saying something epic that I have forgot, but it seemed to hint that both he and his lover would survive. I laugh it off while laying on a sidewalk, wet ([I]We had jumped into some water below a bridge at one point aswell.[/I]) I tell him I do hope he meets his lover again, I actually have nothing against him. He walks off. I do that weird thing the Joker does with his mouth in The Dark Knight and then I let myself fall asleep on the sidewalk.[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-04-2010 at 12:28 AM by 18506
