Musical Arms: I'm with my Mom, brother, and some others in a small music practice room. We are oriented specifically on the floor, sitting down. My Mom has me move to a slightly different position. I'm now near the front. We are playing music together. There was a specific tune. Mom is struggling to explain, so my brother, somewhat begrudgingly, helps her. ... I'm outside now, at a marching band visual rehearsal. I'm at the secondary parking lot from highschool where we used to rehearse. My blanket is stuck between some mud and cracks in the concrete. I'm trying to pull it free. ZW from highschool marching-band, is calling me out for being weak. I feel embarrassed. But somebody else behind me says that rotator cuff surgery is a serious surgery, so obviously weakness is expected.
Updated 12-04-2023 at 10:41 PM by 99808
Morning of July 12, 2018. Thursday. My dream is set in our present home, though it is rendered as somewhat larger. I am in the lounge room. A beautiful little parakeet, mainly an atypical mix of green, yellow, white, and blue, is hopping around from one of my hands to another, also up and down my arm. Zsuzsanna comes into our lounge room. The bird flies up and onto Zsuzsanna’s left shoulder. I have a vague expectation that the bird might fly off, but it continues to sit on her shoulder, watching me. I experience a sense of peace and joy. On one level, I realize that I am controlling the bird’s actions and behavior, though this is in the back of my mind. (This is similar to how, in apex lucidity, I manipulate vestibular system correlation autosymbolism when rendered as birds in flight so that they freeze in midair and become suspended silhouettes, though I am not lucid here.) This dream is NOT based on memory or memory processing as many so-called researchers or “experts” claim. This dream is NOT a result of events of the previous day as many people claim. The only traceable thread relevant to waking life is based on how our oldest daughter carries mice around, as they run up and down her arms, and I sometimes ask her if they might jump from her, but that has not happened. This dream is NOT symbolic in waking life context, which is typically not possible when not conscious and not lucid, despite the misguided claims of both “professionals” and random people in society. This dream is autosymbolic (simultaneously symbolic of sleeping, dreaming, transpersonal, biological, and waking processes) of transpersonal communication between Zsuzsanna and I (which occurs in waking life as a flash of “blue fire” in my left field of vision). Additionally; it partly stems from vestibular system correlation and the absence of the viable discernment of physicality when in REM sleep, which I have experienced in various forms in every sleep cycle since earliest memory. What, do people think the physical body flawlessly goes into the dream state and then back out when they wake? What do you think causes flying and falling dreams? In waking life, you have a real physical body. In dreams, you do not, as it is only a model; an ephemeral illusion. This is all moot, as my dream self’s focus is on exploring the nature of the dream state and waking process and its transition in anticipatory liminal focus, not waking life as a rule (other than when literalism and prescience are factors). #stop_dream_disinfo_now
Updated 07-12-2018 at 01:46 PM by 1390
I woke up on a metal stretcher, immobilized from the diaphragm down. My right shoulder and my right arm are also immobilized. I try to get up but these two body areas are too dense and heavy, I can not get up. My diaphragm and my right arm have both a grotesque appearance. The fingers of my right hand take the form of three claws made of flesh. My diaphragm is a coarse set of muscles. I'm not panicking, but I think this is all very strange.