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    1. Backrooms

      by , 11-08-2022 at 05:31 AM
      This isn't so much an account of a specific dream, but more a reflection on a theme in my dreams at times. Or a feeling that I get.

      Sometimes my dreams seem so monotonous and mundane that they can be a little unsettling to think about going back to. I don't know as much about the internet world as younger people probably do, but yesterday I came across the "creepypasta" thing and the "backrooms" idea specifically. Not sure I understand it entirely, but it seems to match the feeling I have with some of these dream ruts. Something so boring and monotonous that it is unsettling.

      Anyway, it's interesting to me because I usually try to find the artistic or poetic side of things. I like the thought of monotony itself being intriguing.
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    2. Simulacrum Maintenance in Dreams Page 3

      by , 07-18-2018 at 11:38 AM
      Night of July 18, 2018. Wednesday.

      For this page, I will review, with more clarity, some of the potential attributes of the dream state. The utilization of these pages as a virtual course or study guide in developing a greater clarity of mind is possible for some, but likely not for all. Do not be tricked into believing the following factors of the dream state are directly related to each other.

      One can define “vividness” as to how aware the dream self (subconscious self) is.

      One can define “lucidness” as to how aware the conscious self (waking self identity) is.

      One can define “modulatory factor” as to what extent the subconscious self can shape or control the ongoing dream or the dream state itself whether or not it is aware it is dreaming.

      One can define “realism” as to how realistic the dream is in contrast to being surreal and unlike waking life factors.

      One can define “cohesiveness” by how the dream progresses. Remember though, that the subconscious self lacks a viable sense of time and linearity (temporality).

      Additionally, the types of vestibular system correlation are a factor if one wants to establish and mediate or modulate virtual physicality. As described before, the challenge is to balance the illusion of physicality with the illusion of space (as well as directional orientation). In many dreams in childhood, I lucidly and non-lucidly became incorporeal. In some dreams, invisibility was my choice, while still maintaining virtual physicality.

      Take a look at the list that includes vividness, lucidness, modulatory factor, realism, and cohesiveness. Try to come to terms with the truth by practicing pairs of reasoning in contrast to each other, all of which are inherently true. For example, dreams may be lucid without the factor of control. There are vivid dreams that are not realistic. You can sustain and control dreams without lucidity. There are visually realistic dreams that do not have viable temporality. The list goes on.

      Such variation explains the nature of emerging consciousness simulacrums. You can perceive illusory physicality as problematic or project that anticipation into a simulacrum or avatar. Again, the most common potential for this is flying or falling. Walking is inherently more difficult when the focus is present. In the highest levels of lucidity, the feeling of walking is more thrilling than flying. That is because the illusion of weight and momentum is so well-defined (as well as augmented tangibility). Flying dreams sometimes have this, but it is more defined when closer to the conscious self identity as it exists in waking life.

      Before I close this page, I will address a couple of habitual types of focus and projection regarding simulacrums of the emerging consciousness. Again, the vestibular system correlation is a factor, which can lead to flying, falling, rising, hovering, and many other situations. Another obvious factor is to what extent RAS is active and to what purpose. (For example, environmental noise, ultradian rhythm, biological need, and so on.) To what extent; subliminal, liminal, or lucid, is the subconscious self aware of being asleep in bed?

      Readability score: 48

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    3. Simulacrum Maintenance in Dreams Page 2

      by , 07-17-2018 at 08:38 PM
      Night of July 17, 2018. Tuesday.

      In continuing from page one, in simplifying the context and detail of simulacrum maintenance, I will focus on the attributes of the emerging consciousness in various circumstances. How does one know how to mediate or modulate the dynamics of vestibular system correlation? It is a challenge. Orientation is erroneous and illusory in dreams for a few reasons. A dreamer standing or walking while his physical body is asleep in bed is only one reason.

      Oneironauts dismiss the notion of interpretation. It comes from a mindset that does not understand what the dream state is. Several key factors must be understood and utilized. I will again make a note of a few here.

      Lucidity, vividness, and dream control are all different factors of the dream state. If someone claims that in becoming lucid he or she can then control the dream state, he or she is propagating a common misconception. (This is especially true with lucid dreamers who show no comprehension of the dream state.) All it takes to control dreams is understanding dream state autosymbolism. It does not require the conscious self identity, as the preconscious link to the unconscious mind supplies the subconscious self with the essence of comprehension without the direct awareness it is dreaming. I believe that an intelligent person can learn to be more familiar with their reticular activating system and how it works.

      Dream state symbolism (autosymbolism or simultaneous symbolism, of which is concurrent with the sleeping, dreaming, and waking transitions as well as a result of thoughts rendered in REM sleep) cannot correlate to waking life symbolism. Knowing this is only the beginning in building a viable knowledge of the dream state. Literalisms, from the self or the interconsciousness, create an ambiguous enigma. There is no way to resolve this as waking life thoughts sometimes have the same ambiguity. Threads of prescience resonate with the autosymbolism of the dream state.

      Utilizing facts that you can validate in your own time, you have an exponential advantage over typical mindsets that have a passing interest in dreams. These mindsets can be seen on the Internet, typically exchanging their skewed jargon, often borrowing it from invalid sources and playing games based on a misconception.

      In addition to understanding that lucidity, vividness, and control of the dream state are not dependent on each other, one needs to understand that the subconscious self is not the conscious self. The preconscious is not the conscious self either. The preconscious and its avatars serve to build metaphorical bridges from the illusory subconscious self to the conscious self, sometimes by creating conflict scenarios to force the dreamer to awaken. The interconsciousness establishes links to the transpersonal; that which exists without the dreamer.

      The mystery I have often pondered is why people create devils to chase them. Reticular activating system modulation creates unpleasant scenarios for some people far more than others. It should only come into play either when there is a health issue or a genuine concern for the immediate environment’s status. Prescience may also be a factor (even though many people do not believe in it so thus ignore it). It is otherwise normal to maintain a subliminal, liminal, or lucid sense of vulnerability while sleeping. That is how dreams evolved in the first place. Consider that a person is usually undressed while asleep in bed. It is, of course, a reason for having dreams of being undressed in public. Consider that there are people who believe that being undressed in the dream state has a so-called interpretation. One could argue that it is a bizarre trait to exhibit such an extreme example of empty-headedness. For me, such a situation is moot, as I am always subliminally, liminally, or lucidly aware of being in the dream state. It is biology. Additionally, experience and understanding manifest the virtuous circle effect, especially after years of developing clarity of mind.

      Readability score: 51.

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    4. Simulacrum Maintenance in Dreams Page 1

      by , 07-17-2018 at 10:20 AM
      Night of July 16, 2018. Monday.

      The emerging consciousness factor is one of several factors in the establishment and utilization of lucid and non-lucid dream control. This series will briefly address dreams based on this factor.

      Dreams originally evolved out of a need to establish a degree of awareness while sleeping, to determine concurrent environment threats or concerns. From here, additional processes came in, with the reticular formation being a part of the process, two key factors being hunting and evading. Abstract thought and autosymbolism began to develop. Autosymbolism developed from the biologically diagnostic stages of dreaming and waking. Religious fanaticism transmuted predator forms into the delusional fixation on so-called devils and demons. In modern times, such “demons” still have the attributes of animals but are often transmuted into domesticated animals (such as goats and bulls), which is anomalous.

      Awareness of the subconscious self, through which in non-lucidity has no intelligence, temporality, viable memory, or even inherent tangibility became a dominating factor, which came about from the augmented self-awareness of more developed individuals. In modern times, the majority of people do not clearly remember their dreams, and even when they do, lack any understanding of them. In contrast, people like me are not only able to recall their dreams but retain the memories of them indefinitely as well as typically understand their meanings as they are occurring, with additional hypnopompic revelation also being a common factor.

      In non-lucidity, the subconscious self is isolated. It does not have a viable link to either the unconscious mind or the conscious self identity as in waking life or as in lucid dreaming. However, because of the virtuous circle effect in working with and understanding my dreams from early childhood, non-lucid dream control is a factor of importance. I often have more control over my non-lucid dreams than many others have in lucid dreams. My knowledge of autosymbolism is one of the reasons for this. Remember that autosymbolism is not symbolism in the conventional sense. Many people mistakenly believe and propagate that dreams contain waking life symbolism, which is typically not even possible. In fact, many so-called interpreters fuse literalisms into dream content and pretend they have interpreted something that is often a self-evident factor.

      In non-lucidly attempting to establish my link to the emerging consciousness, virtually infinite possibilities arise. The catalyst is the vestibular system correlation of the waking process. It varies. The focus may center on physicality or the level of discernment of the space around the illusory physicality. The mode of the dream self and its fictitious body varies from dream to dream. Many people like to pretend that the dream self’s illusory body is like their physical body. It is a bizarre fallacy of which most people never attempt to resolve.

      A challenge of both lucid and non-lucid mediation and modulation of the dream state involves vestibular system dynamics. It is easier for me to fly than walk in dreams. Flying is natural and automatic. So is falling. A dreamer should not pretend that vestibular system correlation has an association with waking life other than biologically. For example, the first falling start of each sleep cycle is more defined, vivid, and intense when I had walked more in real life. Pretending that muscular literalisms are “symbolic” is a game of the unintelligent. It is chaff of the mindless and purposeless content of so-called dream dictionaries and the woo of so-called interpreters.

      In these entries, I will focus on the vestibular system correlation of type two. They will reflect upon the mediation and modulation of the physicality of emerging consciousness. Type one nuances occur in some examples.

      This entry has been scanned, reformatted, and corrected by AI. It requires at least a 160 IQ to comprehend. Public readability is only 38. I did not intend this. It is difficult for me to write at a level below a 160 IQ for this type of content. I will try to make other entries in this set clearer.

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    5. Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15

      by , 07-05-2018 at 10:20 AM
      Evening of July 4, 2018. Wednesday.

      This entry contains brief details in a list of complete online entries for 15 fascinating dreams that meet the criteria for designated type: PRECONAV-VSCPCEL. This entry’s internal code is PRECONAV-VSCPCEL-01-15, for personal statistical records in over 50 years of studying and resolving tens of thousands of my dreams. The entries are not listed in any order. They include the specific causes of each dream’s autosymbolism, meaning, and outcome. To hold the PRECONAV-VSCPCEL code, a dream must meet the following criteria:

      The preconscious avatar during waking process autosymbolism must be a celebrity, in their real-life identity, a character they play, or their appearance without my dream self’s recognition as either (for example, erroneously perceived as a relative, friend, or member of the public of which would not imply their celebrity status). Both celebrities and unknown or unfamiliar people are common preconscious avatars, as neither is a part of waking life (other than when literally prescient threads exist).

      Vestibular system correlation of RAS (reticular activating system) mediation or modulation and the mediating or modulating personification of vestibular system correlation as such must be the primary basis for, and cause of, my dream’s autosymbolism and outcome in both lucid and non-lucid transitions and in both controlled and passive dream state scenarios. It must be as a waking process factor (in its autosymbolism) rather than an induction factor as in other cases, though some induction autosymbolism is typically present to render the particular dream’s foundation.

      To understand the causes and meaning of this dream type requires the intelligence and experience of knowing that dreams are mainly autosymbolic of the sleeping, dreaming, and waking processes, including concurrent biological dynamics and ultradian rhythm factors as well as environmental circumstances. This dream type, depending on the dream, is a result of subliminal, liminal, or lucid awareness in anticipation of the waking process as well as various levels of non-lucid and lucid dream control based on the knowledge of dream state autosymbolism. Although flying, falling, and rising are a biological factor of dreaming and waking (inherent in vestibular system correlation on how the dream self cannot viably discern physicality while in REM sleep), the preconscious often serves as an additional factor of RAS mediation and modulation as an anticipatory projection of the subconscious self. The main factors behind this type of autosymbolism are in the desire of having both a helper (in the anticipated “fall” from the dream state) and a witness (and companion) of the waking process. I began to understand much about dreams at age four and by age six, had an astounding level of both lucid and non-lucid dream control. This dream type, like most others, may include obvious dream state indicators, such as a bed or being undressed (in subliminal realization that my physical body is usually undressed when I am sleeping in bed).

      01] Fictitious Lloyd Bridges Movie. March 10, 1978. My preconscious avatar is actor Lloyd Bridges, serving as the virtual replacement for my subconscious self that is otherwise only a witness (to the fictitious movie titled “Bridges”). This mainly stemmed from a nostalgic focus on the TV movie, “The Deadly Dream”, first viewed in full on September 25, 1971. This dream even ends with ending movie credits rolling as I wake. While the real movie was based on a dream that turned out to be real, my dream is autosymbolic of the dreaming and waking process and includes the play on “bridges” as representing the concurrent changes through different levels of consciousness in REM sleep. “I just hope he comes down all right” is a reference to the waking process and the biological anticipation of “falling awake” (waking start).

      02] Shopping with Silas Weir Mitchell. June 22, 2018. My preconscious avatar is actor Silas Weir Mitchell, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. I reset my dream while semi-lucid after he falls off the curb two stories down to the street (which is impossible) but then I decide to wake. This was a different form of the first dream of virtually every sleep cycle for over fifty years but which involves me directly. I take a step while walking on the sidewalk and trip (with an unusual misstep) or fall off the curb and experience the vestibular system correlation and hypnopompic kick of the waking process. However, this process is far more vivid after I had walked a lot more on that day. This otherwise stemmed from the association with the character he plays on the TV series “Grimm”, which is Monroe. I lived on North Monroe Street as a child. This same association has triggered other dreams of Silas walking down the street near me. The intersection is autosymbolism for RAS mediation and the choice of waking for the day or returning to deeper sleep for a time (ultradian rhythm factor).

      03] Dancing High (with Jordan Gavaris). June 1, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor Jordan Gavaris, serving as a parallel avatar to my subconscious self. This dream stemmed from nostalgic associations with my “Money Cat Minion Saves Me from Falling from Roof” from 1966 (age 6). Jordan starred on TV series “Orphan Black” as Felix, and I associated that name with cats and supposedly “always landing on their feet”. (Cats have often served as witness to the dream state in liminal space autosymbolism and as a form of the preconscious avatar in both lucid and non-lucid dreams, including in cases where a cat, including such as a lion or a tiger, becomes a person in my dream’s final scene). With this dream, there were resets back into the same elevated scene, both lucidly and non-lucidly.

      04] The Flying Carpet (with Lucie and Desi Arnaz, Jr.). March 23, 1973. My preconscious avatar is actress Lucille Ball, serving as a liminal emergent consciousness precursor. The song “Magic Carpet Ride” is a dream induction influence (especially as its first line is “I like to dream”). It also takes on the dream state indicator analogy of being like a bed. A parking lot is dream state autosymbolism that represents the physical body being inactive in sleep.

      05] The Tiny Man and the Apocalypse (with Gregory Hines). April 12, 2017. My preconscious avatar is actor and dancer Gregory Hines, serving as a catalyst for the waking process of a very long dream. In this dream, a sketchy version of Gregory was rendered as impossibly sliding down the side of a building (though of which was ambiguously in what was perceived as also an indoor setting as in many past dreams).

      06] Ralph the Airplane Fixer (with Mary Canfield). December 13, 1969. My preconscious avatar is actress Mary Canfield, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. Mary played the character “Ralph Monroe” in the TV series “Green Acres”, and as explained above, this (North Monroe Street) is an association with where I lived as a boy. The rest is a bilocated essence of autosymbolism of the dream state itself (flight) as my bed also somehow being a flying wooden airplane (even though I remain in my bedroom).

      07] Amusing Helicopter “Rescue” (with Pierce Brosnan). May 19, 2016. My preconscious avatar is actor Pierce Brosnan, serving as summoned helper to my subconscious self. In silliness, I place a miniature model of me as meant to represent me being asleep and dreaming. I associate Pierce Brosnan with James Bond, which relates to spies and a loose association with detectives, which are a preconscious factor of liminal space, in needing to understand the transitions from sleeping to dreaming to waking.

      08] Yet Another “Uhny Uftz” Dream. August 4, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Dick Van Dyke, serving as a virtual replacement for my subconscious self. This was based on a nostalgic association with an episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” titled “Uhny Uftz”, first watched in full on September 29, 1965, though in my dream, it is a “real” flying saucer rather than a toy as in the TV episode. This dream brought about an elevated sense of peace and love.

      09] Nichelle in a Small Rocket. March 8, 1997. My preconscious avatar is actress Nichelle Nichols, serving as a virtual replacement for my subconscious self. This association comes from “Star Trek” but also links to the concept of communication in liminal space (as she plays the communications officer), between dream self and conscious self (as well as the dream self with the transpersonal interconsciousness).

      10] Saul Rubinek and the Airplane Crash. May 28, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor Saul Rubinek, bringing attention to the nature of the vestibular system correlation of the dream state. This dream was partly a result of environmental noise as well as the usual vestibular system correlation autosymbolism that renders in virtually infinite ways. I associate Saul as a good avatar due to his association with the TV series “Warehouse 13”, as warehouses are autosymbolism for memory processing in REM sleep (even though non-lucid dreams themselves rarely have any form of accurate memory or viable intelligence).

      11] Talking About a Dream from a Don Knotts Movie. May 3, 1998. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Don Knotts, serving as witness to my liminal awareness of the dream state and my appreciation of the surreal nature of dreams. I am very vaguely lucid and relating to the nature of autosymbolism of vestibular system correlation, which is linked to flight symbols, in this case, the surreal scene from the movie where the stealth bomber transforms into a manta ray (one of my favorite and most nostalgic movie events).

      12] Russell Johnson and The Cane Toad War. October 6, 2013. My preconscious avatar is actor Russell Johnson, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. This was the typical hovering and floating around near the ceiling dream, though no lucidity came about in this case. As with Josh Holloway, my association with Russell is as being a castaway on an island (the dream state).

      13] Female Robotic Suit (with Barbara Bain). August 22, 2014. My preconscious avatar is actress Barbara Bain, serving as both vestibular system correlation and as an autosymbolic representation of my annoyance with my real environment. Barbara was an association with my perception of Zsuzsanna being annoyed by the noise next door as well, and the association with needing “protection” as such while sleeping. (Barbara Bain shares my wife Zsuzsanna’s birthday of September 13 in addition to playing Helena on “Space 1999”. Helena is Zsuzsanna’s mother’s name. Barbara’s character was also a doctor on this show, hence the associations with needles and medical features.)

      14] Helicopter to Spaceship to Helicopter to…. June 9, 2016. My preconscious avatar is actor and model Josh Holloway, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self in the last scene. After a dull and sustained focus on vestibular system correlation in a faux sleeping scenario outside on the ground, my dream begins to progress toward the presence of the preconscious, who shows up as Josh. I mainly associated Josh as being “Tom Sawyer” as a castaway on an island (an analogy to being in the dream state, especially as associated with water induction).

      15] People of Powder. September 18, 1990. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Don Knotts, serving as a parallel witness for my subconscious self. “Can’t be…there aren’t any airplanes anymore”, which he says upon hearing an airplane flying in the sky outside while we remain in the ruins of a commercial building in New York, comes from his role in “The Reluctant Astronaut” and how he was afraid of being on an airplane or in space. (However, it also tied in with threads precognitive of the September 11 attacks in 2001 and the grounded airplanes after that event, the 2001 anthrax attacks, as well as my as-yet-unknown-of upcoming marriage.)

      Additional notes as correlation samples:

      Associations with dream state induction: Lloyd Bridges (“Sea Hunt” - water induction, being like a fish), Silas Weir Mitchell (werewolf-like character as analogous to dreaming and waking), Russell Johnson (isolated on island, dreaming), Josh Holloway (isolated on island, dreaming), Don Knotts (“The Incredible Mr. Limpet” - water induction, becoming a fish).

      Associations with outer space (augmented ambiguous vestibular system factor): Lloyd Bridges (“Stowaway to the Moon”), Dick Van Dyke (“Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show”), Nichelle Nichols (“Star Trek”), Barbara Bain (“Space 1999”), Don Knotts (“The Reluctant Astronaut”).

      Transitional autosymbolism (liminal space): Lloyd Bridges (play on “bridges”), Gregory Hines (cop in “Running Scared”), Pierce Brosnan (James Bond movies), Barbara Bain (“Mission Impossible”), Saul Rubinek (curator in “Warehouse 13” - secret service agents also feature in this show).

      Enhanced vestibular system correlation: Lloyd Bridges (“Sea Hunt”), Jordan Gavaris (dancer), Lucille Ball (dancer), Gregory Hines (dancer), Nichelle Nichols (dancer), Barabara Bain (dancer), Don Knotts (as an animated fish in “The Incredible Mr. Limpet”).

    6. I'm back & I had 4 LDs last night

      by , 06-06-2018 at 11:12 AM
      Yay. I did not visit this forum for soo long. But I didn't have a break from LDs. Recalling my breams and writing my DJ is luckily a habit for me so I wrote down at least a few dreams every week (5-10 dreams maybe) and even got LDs every now and then. I wanted to get LDs but because of school I either couldn't have them or they were not really worth it when I sometimes had them. So up until now I only tried to get LDs on the weekends. I tried to have WILDs whenever I happened to wake up during my sleep but never succeeded.

      But now I'm on summer holiday. Because I don't have to wake up for school I get more sleep and LDs are easier for me. I can finally focus on this more . I'm hoping for LDs to be like a "summer hobby" for me, thought obviously I would love to continue having good LDs when school starts, if I succeed in summer of course. I'm looking forward to it.

      I got four LDs last nights, two of them remotely better than the other two. I didn't do anything great on any of them but the better ones were finally vivid. It was a great feeling after only having bad LDs for so long. I stabilized the dreams by brushing my hands on the walls nearby. The biggest things I did were making a fence disappear, flying and trying to call people with my phone.
    7. Fun with Various Creatures in Autosymbolism 01

      by , 05-10-2018 at 08:36 PM
      Afternoon of May 10, 2018. Thursday.

      Although these dreams are documented and at least partly explained in much more detail elsewhere, here is yet another rundown on several dreams of the same basic template. They are all forms of the same waking process autosymbolism but with different preconscious and emergent consciousness factors as well as different depths of liminal dream control. (Liminal dream control is control of the dream state without awareness of being in the dream state. This is due to understanding autosymbolism and the nature of the dream state by way of the virtuous circle effect.)

      The Skunk (August 21, 1965; age 4). Doorway waking autosymbolism (doorway as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor (with emergent consciousness correlation): Ambiguous; unfamiliar girl around my age to an uncertain transformation of her being my mother coming in to wake me. RAS modulation factor: Implied by the curious girl wanting to see what sort of creature is in the center of the dark room. Emergent Consciousness Factor: Sleeping skunk that suddenly wakes up forming question mark imagery with the white part of its body. Brief liminal dream control in non-lucidity. My dream self is puzzled by sudden vague lucidity, briefly uncertain if dreaming or awake, thus the floating question mark.

      Witch Cat (February 14, 1969; age 8). Doorway autosymbolism transmuted into using the doorway to sustain my dream in non-lucidity. Preconscious Factor: The unfamiliar black cat with human-like intelligence and magical ability. The cat’s head seems to float and move up just in front of my face (from where she is in the doorway) in an eerie startling event - which is my dream self using the waking alert factor to deliberately but liminally sustain my dream - thus transmuting what would otherwise have been the RAS modulation factor of this dream. This is liminal awareness of my own eye movement in REM sleep. As such, the emergent consciousness factor (the presence of the cat) is sustained until my dream fades. (Note that this is only one event of many for this dream.) Mainly influenced by “Bewitched”; the episode “Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?“ where Serena turns Darrin’s mother into a cat, so this dream can be seen as modulating my dream by borrowing this plot in the liminal goal to keep my mother from waking me.

      The Orange Monster (October 30, 1970; age 9). Doorway waking autosymbolism (doorway as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor: A hairy orange anthropomorphic monster had knocked on the front door. RAS modulation factor: The threat of a creature of unknown intentions at the door late at night. Emergent Consciousness Factor: The creature turns out to be my brother Jim, who is wearing a Halloween costume. Liminal dream control. Original threat transmuted into a familiar association with my cheerful brother Jim.

      November Second Halloween (in three acts) (November 3, 1973; age 12). Doorway waking autosymbolism (doorway as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor: My best friend Toby (who remains unseen). RAS modulation factor: The threat of several dogs on the carport, though not a real threat unless I choose to open the door. Emergent Consciousness Factor: The “dogs” turning out to only be flat images on a large poster (photographic) put over the doorway (by Toby) while a cassette of dogs barking was playing on a table on the carport (liminal space setting). On one level, this can easily be seen as liminally modulating my dream over the original RAS modulation, based on many previous dreams where a dog was a challenge to apex lucidity (in my will to lucidly modulate the dream state, as a dog is autosymbolism for obedience).

      Surprise Aardvark! (September 19, 1981; age 20). Checkout waking autosymbolism (checkout as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor: The implied cashier, though not present, though another dream character (unfamiliar female) goes to the checkout to take the role of the preconscious and drops a book behind the counter. RAS modulation factor: Not directly present, only implied by the “missing” cashier so that I do not “check out” of the dream state in a passive manner. Emergent Consciousness Factor: Sleeping aardvark that wakes up when the book is dropped, perceived as myself, starts talking and walks to the left (a liminal attempt at dream state reinduction). Brief liminal dream control in non-lucidity. The setting implies a library, which validates this as consciousness activation autosymbolism, as the non-lucid dream self does not possess viable reading skills (as most of what is read in the non-lucid dream state changes when looking back at it) or reasoning skills.

      Snow Bear (November 17, 1982; age 21). Doorway waking autosymbolism (doorway as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor: Polar bear. RAS modulation factor: The threat of the polar bear that I had thus far evaded, including with projected staircase autosymbolism earlier in the dream and even perceiving a setting as upside-down. Emergent Consciousness Factor: Polar bear standing up in doorway when I open it while expecting a mailman delivering a package. Non-lucidity in RAS modulation. The polar bear becoming the preconscious to emergent consciousness factor in this case may be coincidentally based on the typical shift to doorway waking autosymbolism because of environmental noise - evidenced by expecting the mailman autosymbolism, which represents communication between the dream self and the conscious self identity in the waking transition, especially when there is a need to wake and attend to real physical needs or to discern the source of a noise.

      Holographic Toy Tiger (March 14, 2016; age 55). Doorway waking autosymbolism (doorway as autosymbolism for the exit point of the dream state). Preconscious Factor to Emergent Consciousness Correlation: Zsuzsanna. RAS modulation factor: Sublimated (as toy tiger). Emergent Consciousness Factor: Stuffed toy tiger. Sustained liminal dream control in non-lucidity (the fake tiger still licks its lips upon seeing Zsuzsanna in the doorway). My dream self tries to safely intensify the dream state by testing tactility, which is here a dream state indicator (subliminal awareness of being in the dream state) as evidenced by the blanket and the “sleeping” tiger (stuffed toy that begins to have living attributes in the last segment). Liminal modulation of the dream state.

      Updated 05-11-2018 at 05:15 AM by 1390

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    8. Redefining Dream Control as Unrelated to Lucidity 02

      by , 05-04-2018 at 07:52 PM
      Afternoon of May 4, 2018. Friday.

      This entry is for presenting a more concise understanding of some of the material of part one.

      Lucid dreaming does not equate to having control of the dream state or of a dream. In fact, some dream journalists express terror in dreams when they become lucid, with far less conscious self identity control than in their non-lucid dreams.

      Having control of dreams and even of certain processes of the dream state does not require lucidity. It seems to be a result of understanding RAS mediation from early childhood on, to where the virtuous circle effect becomes inherent in REM sleep.

      Most people have the inability (liminal space blindness) to understand that non-lucid dreams are autosymbolic, not symbolic in the conventional sense, which means that a dream’s autosymbolism, especially the induction and waking process, represents the dream state and waking process itself, concurrently. RAS mediation and RAS modulation sometimes utilize waking life experiences, but they do not “represent” them. If there is no waking life conflict, RAS personification will still have the potential to be rendered as a waking alert persona, even in lucid dreams, especially when environmental noise is present, or when biological factors need to be addressed, such as hunger or the need to use the toilet. There are also literal threads (and of course prescience and other transpersonal factors) that integrate into the dreaming experience.

      I have experienced viable lucidity in dreams continuously since earliest memory with no attempt to bring it about. This means that terms such as “practice” and “skills” have zero meaning for me. Additionally, the concept of “reality checks” or “reality testing” I cannot even comprehend anymore, though I have played around with various ideas I have read since childhood. (Some people actually do this, that is, actually ask themselves if they are dreaming at various points during the day. I am not making that up.) If I know I am awake, why question it? Presumably, this is an attempt to utilize the virtuous circle effect, but all that is required by way of the virtuous circle effect is to viably understand the dream state in the first place and to study what one is dreaming and have a feasible approach to working with dreams. “Reality checks” imply not even understanding that the subconscious self is not the conscious self, or that the preconscious, RAS personification, and transpersonal interconsciousness are not, either.

      The Wake Back to Bed Method of lucid dreaming may work for some people due to the change in ultradian rhythm. In fact, any change will cause changes in dream content, including sleeping in a different orientation and especially sleeping in a different house. Facing toward an open window or open door while sleeping is inherently more likely to augment preconscious mediation (and modulation) as a throwback to the survival factor of RAS modulation. A more vivid dream will likely result, not necessarily lucid, but possibly. (Sleeping in a different location may also trigger nightmares.)

      Now I will look into some dream self modes based on these two entries. The more lucid, the more accurate the subconscious self mirrors and models the conscious self identity to where consciousness is perceived as existing in the dream state (though this is somewhat of a misnomer, as otherwise lucid dreaming does not imply being conscious; only holding the awareness of the conscious self).

      The dream self can be non-lucid and control the dream (by way of subliminal conscious self modulation and the virtuous circle effect of dream study with the understanding of key autosymbolism). The dream self can be non-lucid and have minimal or no control of the dream due to preconscious modulation. The dream self can be lucid yet not only not have control of the dream but be in a conscious self state of terror. (I have personally never experienced this other than when my dream’s modulation was biologically premonitory, but many people have written of it as an apparently automatic process for them.) The dream self can be lucid and have partial control of the dream state. The dream self can be lucid and have full control of the dream state by way of the summoning factor (apex lucidity). The dream self can be in a state of lucid omnipresence or being the dream state itself. This is utilized by manipulating waking process autosymbolism such as doors, staircases, or deliberately jumping from a high point as well as “freezing” the perception of vestibular system autosymbolism (for example, willing the manifestation of bird silhouettes hovering in midair - the “frozen bird shadow” effect I have utilized since early childhood, as well as the obsidian owl statue or the “cobra in the hayloft” events of very early childhood).

      Thank you for reading. This concludes the two-part set “Redefining Dream Control as Unrelated to Lucidity”.

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    9. Redefining Dream Control as Unrelated to Lucidity 01

      by , 05-04-2018 at 05:43 PM
      Afternoon of May 4, 2018. Friday.

      Writing an entry such as this is very challenging in a world where almost everything believed and propagated about dreams by the public is fallacious (in respect to my own personal experience since earliest memory). This is mainly due to liminal space blindness, which is the inability of someone to understand the meaning of his or her own dream even in what would otherwise be the hypnopompic disclosure stage, especially when threads of the subliminal conscious self are responsible for much of a non-lucid dream’s content (though this excludes prescience and transpersonal mediation). In this entry, I will attempt to address the widespread misinformation about lucid dreaming at a simple enough level for the average person to grasp. Ultimately, I can only write about what I know to be true and of which I have directly experienced continuously for over fifty years. It is not, and never shall be, a target of debate by the unknowing.

      An unfortunate term I coined years ago has apparently confused a number of people even though I often describe it as clearly as I can each time. “Subliminal lucidity” is an ambiguous term, problematic for most people (especially those who have not had the experience), and needs rewording as “liminal dream control”. This will be a more consistent and technically correct term within the totality of my lifelong work. Realistically however, it is infeasible to describe the dynamics of a condition that people cannot even perceive foundationally, but it does provide a more logical term for the condition. “Subliminal lucidity” is a misnomer, as it was meant to mean control of the dream state in non-lucidity, where the dream self identity has non-lucid ties to the conscious self identify. Of course, dream control itself is not evidence of viable lucidity either, which requires extant current conscious self identity, not just vividness. Some people confuse “vivid” with “lucid”. “Vivid” means the dream seems very realistic, while in contrast, “lucid” means being concurrently aware that it is a dream.

      Ultimately, “subliminal” should not even be used as a descriptive factor of the dream self’s mode, as the subconscious self is already a subliminal persona. A perceived need to use the word to relate the dream self to the dream in contrast to the conscious self identity is probably also a factor of ambiguity that the average person would likely not grasp, as most people seem to misperceive the “I am“ of the dream self as being analogous to the conscious self’s “I am”. I have tried to come up with a better term, but all are taken, for example, supraliminal, as even though it can be used to contrast the conscious self in respect to the dream self, it is only valid while within the dream state, as it otherwise is a reference to being above the threshold of waking life conscious awareness. So far, there does not seem to be a feasible word to describe the synaptic gating of liminal dream control, by which the dream self is non-lucid but the conscious will (not conscious in-dream awareness) is extant.

      I will explain here why this change is forthcoming (with all references to “subliminal lucidity” to be removed and tagged with different keywords depending on the dream). Lucid dreaming does not inherently correlate with controlling a dream. Controlling a dream does not inherently correlate with being lucid. Therefore, the term “subliminal lucidity” is of no use to those who do not have a basic grasp of the difference between being lucid and being in control of the dream state. I have had as many dreams of which I have modulated by way of subliminal threads of my conscious self’s will (not necessarily current, for example in fully controlling a dream without even having any viable memory of the last twenty years of my life), by way of my subconscious self, as I have in various states of lucidity. Here I must still clarify the obvious according to current consensus.

      Being lucid, in consensus terminology, means that the subconscious self is aware that it is in the dream state to where many more viable threads of the current conscious self’s identity, desire, and will are extant than in non-lucidity, but in stark contrast, controlling a dream means influencing features and content, including by the summoning factor (both subliminally and non-subliminally). One does not depend on the other. I emphasize this because many people propagate the mistaken belief that dream control only occurs with being lucid. In fact, a person’s dream self can be lucid without having any control of the dream state at all (for example, lucid nightmares). A person’s dream self can modulate the dream features and content over that of the preconscious factor or RAS precursors without having any awareness of being in the dream state, and typically for me, without even having any memory of what a dream is. A full understanding of this is required for coherent thinking about dreams in general.

      The falsehood of lucidity equating control must be dissolved for one to develop a full understanding of the dream state. Dream control in non-lucidity has been continuous for me since early childhood and over time, has developed by way of the virtuous circle effect. Additionally, the conscious self identity’s expectation is a major part of a dream’s autosymbolism, of which I have understood the meanings of for over fifty years. This is important because there are a number of people, including a number of religious zealots, who believe that a dream can never be controlled or influenced at all even in lucidity. What they express provides proof that they have zero understanding of either lucidity, dream control, or even hold a basic understanding of dreams. Neither the truth nor even a thread of truth is even visible to them. All they could do is deny what they could not even comprehend (liminal space blindness).

      In part two, I will try to simplify the information in this entry with a more concise approach of certain concepts and a list of possible dream self modes, of which are otherwise inherently transient through the different stages of sleeping and dreaming.

    10. Known Key Symbolism 2018: Common Liminal Space Settings (1)

      by , 01-09-2018 at 04:41 PM
      Afternoon of January 9, 2018. Tuesday.

      Three common waking space settings (in my fifty years of dreaming history since earliest memory) are as follows:


      Parking Lot

      Store checkout

      (There are many more, which I will provide information on in future entries.)

      The fallacy of “interpretation” (often incorrectly referred to as “meaning”) works like this: A random member of society (even an “expert” or “professional”), who almost always lacks the understanding of what a dream actually is (or what is occurring unconsciously), will see one of these three settings and pretend it has a concurrent meaning related to real life, in the pretense of nebulously “indicating” something about real life. That would be a good trick since the above settings have occurred on a regular basis in my dreams for over fifty years, typically in the last segment of a dream sequence.

      When rendered as settings in a dream, these elements are typically symbolic of the dream state itself and the waking transition, and as such, often have nothing to do with “interpretation” or waking life. I know this from having continuously studied my dreams for over fifty years. There is no doubt in my mind, especially as I am aware of my own dream self and its viewpoints as I move through such waking transitions, with the actual understanding (though subtle) at one level, of what I am experiencing. That is, I am otherwise (though vaguely) lucid enough in waking space to understand the symbolism. (For some reason, just as with other common factors of my dreams, the majority of other people do not seem to experience this. Consequently, from a very young age, I have believed that much of society is either missing a major part of the thinking process, or, using the example of mathematics; people simply are not interested or consider it too difficult or unfamiliar.)

      To quote (verbatim), the first text that comes up on Google with a search relating to liminal space: “Liminal spaces, such as waiting rooms, parking lots, stairwells and rest stops, make you feel weird if you spend too much time in them because these spaces exist for the things that come before or after them. Their ‘existence’ is not about themselves.” However, this is not entirely true. In contrast, “The Beach as a Liminal Space” (chapter 28 of “A Companion to Tourism”) and “Porches and the vocabulary of liminal spaces” (Ruth Walker) relate the positive factors.

      “In anthropology, liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals.” (Wikipedia.) Certainly, a dream could be viewed as a type of ritual in its waking process and the symbolism that represents the waking process, as a person is between dreaming and waking. This is what such symbolism actually means in contrast to the belief it has an “interpretation”.

      Are there specific differences in meaning regarding whether my dream ends on a porch, in a parking lot, or at a store’s checkout? Is it just incidental to the nature of being unconscious and the mind trying to make sense of the shifts in unconsciousness during the sleep cycle? The only time I have validated any sort of connection is when my dream has a prescient thread as such. (Still, prescient threads are most commonly linked to the known symbolism of the dream state itself, something I have found peculiar since childhood.)

      I could note that, while a parking lot is often considered an open space (excluding enclosed or multi-storey car parks), a porch and a store’s checkout are usually enclosed spaces. (A carport, originating in my dreams from the years I lived in Cubitis, also represents typical waking process symbolism, especially when that house’s door was used as my dream’s liminal space divider or purposeful exit point, though a carport is more open than a typical porch.) However, the dream state perception (irresolvable by my conscious self) sometimes presents the essence of being indoors and outdoors at the same time, which is different than when I feel the essence of bilocation based on setting dynamics. Even so, this ambiguity so present (and dominating) in some dreams does not occur at all in other dreams. It depends on which neural patterns are active in the waking process.

      A store’s checkout as a preparatory symbol in leaving the dream state has an additional factor in some cases. Such a waking process is sometimes more focused (depending on my dream) than other waking transitions. For example, it sometimes has the additional feature of a wallet, which symbolizes the transition of the temporary fictional dream self coalescing back into the conscious self during the RAS mediation (as the cashier can be understood to represent the preconscious in such a scenario), because a wallet “holds identification”. However, porch scenarios also often include RAS mediation or a dominant preconscious “intrusion” (though not in every case, as it depends on the stage of the sleep cycle and whether it is the first or last dream). A parking lot, other than in certain childhood dreams, is less likely to have RAS mediation, resulting in a less dynamic waking process. All three settings occur in different stages of sleep, which validates their connection to the dream state itself in most cases (again, other than when there is a prescient thread).

      There are also forms of liminal space of which are perceived as mobile, in which case vestibular system symbolism links to the RAS mediation, which may depend on sleeping position, though is typically more about temporarily ambiguous perception of the physical body while unconscious (especially as the dream self does not have a real physical body). For example, an elevator would be a waking process symbol, though as with other types of liminal space settings, it can also serve as induction (as it is deliberately used in some forms of meditation and hypnosis as such), that is, deeper into the dream state and sustaining it while also vivifying it.

      In other entries (at least on my main site), I will go into more detail about known symbolism (of which I am absolutely certain about). I will relate more about how I have been able to understand most aspects of my dreams and sleeping anomalies since childhood, though still present alternate possibilities when they might feasibly (that is, intelligently) exist.

      side notes
    11. A weird nightmare & a LD after a while

      by , 09-15-2017 at 05:35 PM
      So, I have been trying to get LDs since I got more motivation for that. I have been trying DILD (with MILD kind of) but one night I accidentally almost got a WILD. Too bad I wasn't prepared and didn't realize what was happening so I moved... Too bad, because it would have been super easy to get to the WILD from there. But now, let's just get to the dream I had tonight:

      I was in some park. There were trees and a stand of some kind in front of me. The stand was owned/run by some old guy. He was standing in front of the stand. That old guy was a bad guy somehow. He didn't do anything. He just told me that he was bad. It was something spiritual. I think some other bad creatures were supposed to come after me or something, I don't remember (the dream wasn't really clear). I just felt/knew that everything wasn't right even tought the guy didn't even fight me yet (very typical logic nonsense for my dreams sometimes...). I decided to avoid all that and just try to wake up. The scenery went a little foggy ro something after that decision. It was like Minecraft with low graphics. But because I soon realised that it was obviously a dream if I was trying to wake up, I decided to start flying away instead. It was a LD after that. The scenery was really unclear. Too bad I heard the guy's voice in my head. He said he would be "asking guestions" during my dream. I didn't want it at all (even though now I wish I knew what he would have asked) so I told him to be quiet. It didn't work right away and I was going to say it again but then my alarm rang. Yay.

      Okay I honestly don't care that I woke up because the LD sucked. I only slept for six hours last night so that mich be the reason for that. I just hope that this nice memory of succeeding gets me a better LD this weekend.
    12. A game, a whale on the beach | Huge trees, AoT and my crush and his friends

      by , 08-30-2017 at 05:27 PM
      Okay, that's a great title but whatever. AoT means Attack on Titan (or SnK/Shingeki no Kyojin) if you're wondering. What's important about it now is that it's basically titans versus humans. (Go watch it. Contains a little blood tho. A little). But yeah, I guess being inactive here is a habit for me now. I haven't got LDs after my last DJ entry (too long ago) but I've still been active enough with my dream recalling imo. Active enough means at least one dream per day. Last week I had nine dreams in total, a week before that it was 12, a week before that...six?? And a week before that it was 13. Good enough for me. But here are my dreams from last night:

      1# I was in a game. Or "game", because it's graphics were way too realistic. My dad was there too. He had made the game. Yeah. We were on a beach. It was sunny. There was only a little water where we were standing. Like, only a puddle. I don't remember if anything happened before this, but there was a whale. It obviously wasn't under water but in a puddle if even that. It was still alive. I was looking at it. It was very small compared to a real whale. It was gray, black or blue. Not sure anymore. Then I realized that you shouldn't go too near it for some reason. It was something relevant in the game. I was too late. Somehow the whale "threw" me in the air and ate me. It had a big mouth. I saw it from a third perspective so it wasn't scary. It was a game over. I think you could respawn after that, but the dream ended.

      2# I was in a forest. The trees were very big. There were supposed to be titans, but I didn't see any. There were other people including my crush and some people that were his friends. There was a "hole" in one of the trees. Like a cave. That's how big the trees were. Or then we were small. There were red ladders in front of the "cave". We were analyzing if titans could climb to the "cave". Then we went inside. There were some furniture. We did...something. I'm not sure. We went outside too.
    13. Murder mystery

      by , 07-23-2017 at 03:03 PM
      I've been very inactive here in the forums, but I still had some LDs (not in my DJ here) a few weeks ago. I lost my motivation after those LDs and haven't been recalling that many dreams lately. Like, still atleast one per day, but not as clearly as usually. But I'm getting my motivation back. But I'm getting my motivation back slowly. Here's my dream from last night anyway:

      I'm not any character in the dream. I'm just watching it like it's a movie. There are two young boys (like 10 years old or younger). The other has blond hair and is very kind but seemed to be a little weird and weak and easy to bully on. He had a white shirt. The other has brown hair and seems more of an extrovert and stuff unlike the other, but is still propably not the most popular boy in the school. He has a white T-shirt. The boys are friends. They are somewhere near my IRL house. There are lots of detached houses there. Outside one house there's a girl and her mother. The girl is the boys's classmate and has a braided blond hair and a simple white dress. The mother is really obese and seems evil. She also has a purple T-shirt. Then there's some part of the dream where the boys deal with some code name or something. It was "LunNiMax". Really weird, but turns out it's related to the girl's name. Her first names where Ninni and Max apparently, but her surname is unknown. Then the boys find out Ninni has been murdered. The boys want to find out who did it. The dream ended very soon after that, but I felt like the blond boy might become the next victim.

      I tried to put more detailing to this than usually, so that's why the text seemed quite long for a short dream that wasn't even remembered properly. I found the dream interesting and after woking up I kept thinking about it and what could have happened next, what where the murderer's motives, how did the girl and the blond haired boy die, did the boy even die afterall, etc.

      Updated 07-23-2017 at 03:06 PM by 93459 (Added a dot. Not even OCD)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    14. Can't remember cuz I didn't sleep much/ Update on my personal status

      by , 07-18-2017 at 05:31 PM
      Lately I've had some pretty good lucids but I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm taking a break from here for a while. My family has undergone some major life altering events that need my attention. I'm hoping by writing this that it'll have some subliminal affect on me & I will want to write again here in my journal. I'm not leaving for good for sure. I do have to suspend my paying executive membership for now after I write this. My husband just lost his job of 35 yrs because a company bought them out & are making radical changes without thought to the fallout. I obviously have to cut my spending due to this change for the time being. I really miss you all & hope to be back soon.
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    15. I am okay. Had to take time off for family issues & holidays.

      by , 01-05-2017 at 11:10 PM
      I'm finally back. My daughter had to have her baby early due to her gestational diabetes which occurs in some women during pregnancy but goes away afterwards & the baby had a low amount of fluid around her. Both are doing just fine but this did cause me to be off of here for the first time ever. I had not missed one day of logging but oh well. I continued my time off because my husband had to take all 3 weeks of his vacation that was left which meant I needed to take time off to spend it w/ him. I also had to deal w/ parents who came into town after I had to host Christmas. I'm actually exhausted after the holidays & am glad it's over. I now have a hole where my pinky finger meets my hand that you could put a pencil eraser in. I got a cut & it got infected & it finally started to drain which is gross, painful & annoying. But I'm back anyway. I'll log an actual dream tomorrow, lol.
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