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    1. 17-02-25 Sith Girl Redux, Night Flight Over Los Santos

      by , 02-27-2017 at 02:44 AM
      Now it gets weird. I was in 'reality' (or so I thought), and I was watching yesterday's dream about helping the red-headed Sith girl on TV. I was dumbfounded, and for a second I was convinced I had predicted the future, as I remembered last night's dream in the dream... amazing.

      I was in Los Santos, GTA's version of Los Angeles. There was a slightly older guy, a pilot, who wanted to take me along for a little night flight in a small but fast single-engine prop plane. For some reason I did not feel like I was 'in' the plane, but rather 'hanging onto it'. Bizarre. Anyway, he flew really, really fast. You wouldn't think a prop plane can do that fast (it can't), it was really jetfighter fast. He said that flying this fast and this low was illegal and you couldn't get away with it during the day. I enjoyed the view from up there. The colorful display of the city lights below me. He 'landed' near a food stand somewhere he was just suddenly standing there) but I was still attached to him via a rope. I expected to hit the ground at speed, but my 'natural anti-gravity system' kicked in again and broke my fall. I even kept floating a bit. I told him Los Santos looked beautiful at night, much better than Liberty City or [insert other city from non-GTA game]. He confirmed this.
    2. 17-02-24 Sith Girl, Dry Riverbed

      by , 02-27-2017 at 02:30 AM
      I had visions of a red-headed young woman, who was a Sith. Darth Vader's apprentice. She was hurt while on assignment. Later on, I found her (not the all-knowing observer anymore, but as my own character). I still knew what she was, though. I think I helped her up, and wanted to get her out of there. I told her "Lord Vader won't be pleased". I knew her Sith career was finished. The Sith do not tolerate failure. I doubted whether helping a Sith was a good idea. She could hurt me, if she wanted.

      I was sitting in the grass, next to a dried out riverbed overgrown with grass. It used to be a big river, reinforced with concrete, and it used to have ships going up and down its length. It looked somewhat post-apocalyptic. I had a little house on the grassy hill next to the river. My mother was there, and told me "they" (the government?) would start working on restoring the river, which would cause quite a bit of noise for weeks/months. I thought to myself that I didn't mind, I rented the place and could leave whenever I wished.
    3. Lucid, TARDIS flying, house vibrating, Sith base

      by , 09-06-2013 at 11:56 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/6/2013, 10:10-6:25

      Regular Dream Lucid Dream Awake

      I went to sleep after meditating, repeating the mantras, "I remember that I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming," and, "I remember my dreams when I wake up." During meditation, I repeated those mantras, too. I took a drink of water, went to the bathroom, and went to bed with the air conditioner on.

      Dream 1:

      I remember a Sith base, and people running around it. I was watching from the ceiling, but it was really a camera dream, without me being in an actual body. I watched as the base was apparently under attack.

      I woke at 3:21 (with a reality check of course). My dog seemed to need to go outside, so I went out with him. It was cold out there. As he took a piss, I looked up at the stars, and tried to sort out any constellations I could find. None. I then got back inside, drank some more water, took another piss, and went back to bed at 3:26. I couldn't really sleep because I was thinking of too much about my dream from last night AND my dog was barking a lot. I eventually got frustrated and put him in my neighboring room, where my grandma was sleeping. I eventually got back to sleep.

      Dream 2:

      I remember playing Empire: Total War. That is all.

      Dream 3:

      This one was a false awakening. I went out of my room and started reading a book on the living room couch. Then I started noticing that the house was vibrating! I went downstairs into the basement and noticed that the house wasn't completely on the ground. It was lifted up slightly by a piece of wood. "That must explained the vibrations," I thought to myself. I probably thought the boiler was making the house vibrate, combined with the house lifted up slightly.
      (In real life, it probably was the train passing.)

      I eventually noticed the illogical sense behind this, and turned lucid. A sudden rush of energy and vibrations came over me. I heard a sound similar to a helicopter starting up as I turned lucid, too. I suddenly imagined the TARDIS (probably as a reality check). I suddenly saw the TARDIS levitating off the ground, and me, as a camera, rotating around it as I lifted off the ground. I then tried to do something else, but I "pressed the wrong button", and accidentally opened my real eyes. I woke up to the sound of my dog barking again.
    4. Kissing a girl, Nuclear Threat, Open Minded Villain

      by , 09-05-2013 at 11:55 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/5/2013, 10:00-6:00

      Drank water before and after waking up. Didn't wake up at all in the night, except at 5:18, and stayed up till 5:21. Didn't go to sleep after that, though. I had a few dreams, and a few dream fragments:

      Dream 1:

      I remember being with a girl from school. T was her name. We were talking and hanging out at school. She had to go, and she kissed me on the cheek. She then kissed me on the lips. It felt amazing; I felt her lips on mine, and "sparks" almost flew! I then either walked or teleported home. I then started picturing having sex with her (lulz). I then thought about her fat, and that I didn't really like fat girls. In real life, she's not even really chubby. Anyway that's the dream.

      Dream 2:

      I was running around my town. I kept thinking in my mind that I had to find a nuke somewhere, and that if I didn't find it in time, the world would blow up. I think there was a countdown, too. I don't remember anything about the countdown, but I kept having this "countdown" feeling.

      Dream 3:

      There was a villain in a place. I felt like this dream had to do with Star Wars, in the time of the Old Republic. The guy was part of the Sith, and wore a strange costume, kind of like a Mandalorian outfit, or Boba Fett's armor. Anyway, he was sitting in a throne, listening to one of his commanders. The commander was telling him about something. The Sith guy kept saying no about it. The commander then told the villain he should be more open-minded. The Sith guy said, "maybe I should." That's all I remember.

      Dream 4:

      Something about a boardwalk next to an ocean. Not even sure if this was a dream. I "remembered" it after I got up.

      I also remember the songs "Holiday" by Green Day and "Bang a Gong" by T.Rex.

      Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:47 AM by 58207

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Apparently, Star Wars factions playing soccer.

      by , 07-18-2010 at 11:32 PM
      Ok, this dream was the product of me being bored today and wanting to see how well i could do with dream recall as i have almost 0% recall. I took 2 1 hour naps in the living room, awakening between each with my cell phone alarm. I only remembered 1 dream. Here it is.

      Star Wars Soccer
      Ok, so the dream started with me being in a 1st person shooter type scenario. Im situated in a rocky, hilly field. Im shooting at some far off little animals, and theres reticles and health bars and the whole nine yards as far as the video imagery goes. I then start taking fire from presumably a sniper in a far off rocky outcrop. I take cover and return fire, killing him. That then alerts nearby enemies to fire at me as well, and a firefight ensues. I try to run to a better cover spot, and then the battle explodes. People pour out from everywhere, most of them star wars related, people with light sabers, storm troopers, etc. Im running in this stone valley bordered by rocky highlands on each side, there were thousands of places for people to take cover, so the battle was extremely epic. I was sprinting through the crossfire towards a certain factions main congregation, a faction i guess my brain synthesized, called the Crystal Sword Warriors. Of course they have giant multi-colored swords made of crystals. I tried to sneak up on thier leader and kill him, but somehow my mentality did a 180 and i became the Crystal Warriors second in comand. At this point the fighting stopped and the leaders of the respective factions agreed to meet in he center of the field to discuss a truce. At first it was very serious feeling, but then it suddenly changed and i became aware that this was actually the team captain meeting before a soccer game and that we were about to play, army vs army, and that this was currently being telivised. Oh, and the US soccer team was there as well . We for some reason start making jokes to eachother, and the Sith team captain tries to be a ham and make an epic speech in front of the cameras, but one of my crystal guys sneak up behind and kics his legs out. Everyone laughs and to my surprise the Sith doesnt slice my dudes head off. Then someone else, i dont remember who, tries the same deal, to make an epic spech. The US team captain, he happens to be Han Solo, comes over and pours toothpicks all over the guys head, also resulting in laughter. Han comes over to me and gives me a cheesy smile, which results in me backhanding him across the face pimp-style. More laughter, however this laughter is very forced and over-the-top as to appease the camera men and thier stations. After the cameras are gone, everyone turns on thier heels and briskly walk away from eachother back to thier soccer armies. I wish Han good luck before i go and he responds pleasantly, i forget exactly what he did. I then woke up. Which is sad, cause i really wanted to see thousands of storm troopers, Sith and random American athletes playing soccer at once.

      I also had a fragment of a dream. I was in my dinning room, and my mom was sitting outside in the back yard. I looked at the table, and there was a tiny basket with two gross looking mice in it, their features were all distorted and actively changing, they looked like reflections in a pool of water. I frantically called my mom over to deal with it. She came inside, grabbed the mice and, crying, wrenched thier necks, resuling in a horrid cracking noise. The secod mouse she accadently removed the head from, resulting in our collective disgust.

      I guess thats it, hopefully i can recall some dreams tonight when i can get some longer REM cycles going on.