A vortex howls in the gray sky above. I'm standing on the ruins of a neighborhood. Behind the vortex is a dragon the size of a mountain. He is the time dragon. I'm running to a house nearby where I need to find a gold-plated book called the Domini. The dragon claims that change isn't real, and that all will return to the way it was. He is loud and commanding, like a god. I think about how a Pizza Hut building on my street had changed. The dragon doesn't like that, and comes closer to me. I'm transformed into a tiny dragon, and I'm now in a side-scroller type game. I had an abilities menu on the left side of the screen. I had a dash move. The vortex from before was on the right side of the screen, pulling me to it. I resisted. I used the charge ability to push back to the left but it isn't enough. I'm consumed by the vortex. I'm searching around a house that has two floors, vaguely resembling The Burrow from Harry Potter. The dragon tells me to find the Domini book. While searching I find a work-from-home math booklet. I have been dreading working on. It has thin-paper, and sub-booklets for at-home exams. I also notice a letter from my GF about bills.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:09 PM by 99808
I'm on a vacation with my family. We are at a beach, but the sky is gray. There is a pool nearby the beach and it has multiple "floors" under the water. My sister tries to show me a deep dive area, but I can't hold my breath and I have to go up for air. I'm cleaning my childhood house with my brother A. I'm annoyed because he keeps assigning me chores to do. At one point I had moved my bed mattress into the garage, but then had to carry it back because I misunderstood what he was asking for. We're outside now, on the east side of the house. I'm playing some game with my brother. Maybe we are doing more chores. The grass is super green, like the way it looks in old pictures. A fighter jet flies very close over us. It does a cool flip trick and I give it a salute. The fighter jet drops two bombs down near us. They sit there a second before exploding. It doesn't hurt, but I feel the heat rapidly go up. I say "I love you, S" and then die.
Updated 03-09-2023 at 05:30 PM by 99808 (Title might have been a bit too dark.)
The earliest parts of the dream I can still remember involve going around a house at night so that I can listen to different pieces of music being played on various radios and other equipment. All the rooms are dark, and I think I’m trying to avoid being seen by somebody. There’s a deliberate quality to what I’m doing, like it’s some task I’ve got to complete. Then, walking through a large room, possibly some kind of storage space, I remember that I’m dreaming, and so I can just do what I want. I walk further. Up ahead are two large windows set at an angle. I can see scenes playing out on the other side – it alternates between a bird’s-eye view of a large herd of dinosaurs of various kinds that looks a little unrealistic and something else I can no longer remember. (This was circa 4-5 am, not long after I’d finally managed to fall asleep, which would explain the relatively fluid, early-dream quality to some of the imagery.) I decide I want to get a closer look at the dinosaurs, so I jump through the glass when they’re visible. I start somewhere above them and to one side, but flying seems unusually difficult. I just feel too exhausted for it and float down towards the ground. But once I land, there’s suddenly someone there – I think at first that he’s my father, but it’s immediately obvious that he isn’t – the thought was probably a lingering remnant of the nonlucid dream that preceded this one. I ask him who he is. He seems a little sad at the question and, in fact, never actually answers it – he only says something that implies my not knowing already indicates some unfortunate state of affairs. We fly together – it is much easier now, with him. He wants to head back into the building I originally came out of, which is quite tall, almost like an office building. I ‘recognize’ various rooms I see through the glass. Among our surroundings out here, though, I can now see a place that strikes me as familiar among the array of them surrounding us in a rather physics-defying way. It’s hard to describe my impression of it – it’s like I’m looking into a realm that is the night sky, filled with colorful ballooning shapes, a little like kites, which I know to be sentient beings. I have good memories of that place. It isn’t just familiar: it feels as if, in some way, I belong there. I’m reluctant to go back inside when it is once again right here in front of me. But I follow my companion back through the glass, somewhat higher up than the level I exited from. We walk through a close, dark space which I know to be a puppet theater and into the room beyond, at which point I awaken. 3.12.22
It started with a normal dream of going to work, me and me dad and his friend got off of a train, it was some kind of futuristic train station, we were going to work Then went downstairs where the stairs were empty at times But I was always lucid somewhat When we got down there things were different it was like a scene from my old school life blended in That's when I started to dig down into my negative feelings, mostly of how I didn't get a girlfriend in school in high school etc. I started to hear and see alternate stories of the same things, I became my alternate selves, re living their bitterness, or that was my dream memories, and just got deeper and deeper until I accepted death wholly or something similar to that And then I was at home , or at least at some kind of level, with no hope and kind of consumed by hopelessness, I went out and the sky was covered in storm clouds, like multiple thick layers of cumulo nimbi only lighted by a light source high up in the sky, it was like a painting, it was beautiful, Then I was ready, for the unknown, usually I don't engage with scenes like that in a dream or so that's what I thought, but this time I didn't give a damn I knew there was something there, the place represented my mind my whole being I think I'm not sure, So then I said hello? Come on take me. My voice was weak but it echoed everywhere. And as I embraced the sky I rose up into the sky and started spinning slowly , and my whole body was overcome with this feeling of healing and comfort, and I heard an upbeat kind of ambient music and I started to have some kind of monologue about the death of the suffering, and how I set it off and someone named mark The sky cleaned up and it was a warm blue sky and I floated there, marinating in healing energy And then I heard my mom's voice, but it wasn't real because she is still sleeping side note: my feet need cold water, they heat up a lot and causes me to wake up, but some cold water calms my nerves down like nothing else in the world and then I sleep like a baby
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Clearly inspired by some episodes of "the Walking Dead: world beyond". I am traveling in a van with some friends I made along the way. Nobody knows exactly where we are going but we expect to stay together, until one of the girls says she wants to go to some university nearby and that she studied for the admission exams and wants us to take her there. We go. The procedure is a bit strange as each candidate goes to a booth with one person that interviews them and hands them the test and they do it all in front of the family and friends who sit in front at some row of chairs. Looks more like a trial. She is asked questions about her background. She is asked about her parents and she says they died because of the zombies. The examiner replies that's the case for the majority of the applicants, so being orphaned doesn't give her any real advantage. But then she tells about our group experience during our travel, hoping they'll be impressed with the courage she showed and the skills she developed. Instead, the examiner looks at us and makes some not so unveiled comment about us not being appropriate material to even enter the premises of such school and wonders if she is fit for the school. But eventually gives her the chance to take the test and she scores really high, so she is accepted. The whole group is heartbroken because now we need to leave her behind and we don't know if we'll ever see her again. We depart without her. I am in the outskirts of London, waiting for a tube that is never coming. I finally take a bus and I am looking at some notes to figure out where I am and where I am going, but can't really figure out. I check how much money I have and gather it and stuff it in some hidden inner pocket of my bag for safety. I am going through some shitty neighborhoods and people on board of the bus also don't look so friendly. Some weird crazy guy starts harassing people and a kid on his mom's lap his scared and says so to his mom, but his mom says to suck it up, because taxis are awfully expensive. She mentions a £96 cost to get home, which I find absurd, but makes me wonder if I could afford taking a taxi considering those prices. I find my phone on my bag and think I can use the gps and maps to find my way. Then I see an area that looks more touristic and I decide to hop off the bus and just make a plan from there. I go down some narrow street that has gorgeous view over a neighborhood by the Thames bank. Ground level brick houses with lots of flowers on the windows and doors. I want to take pics but I can't. The things I want to photograph keep disappearing from the screen of my phone and the camera always points somewhere else. I break the phone in half and start panicking as pieces start to fall off and the image on the screen fades away. Now I am lost and with no gps any more. I freak out as I see the evening coming to an end and getting dark. But then realize I am just dreaming and I don't have to be afraid. I tell myself to just have fun with it. So I keep walking to a very posh area of the city, with high fashion shops, fancy hotels and I decide to indulge. I go to a very high end mall and start looking for a dress worthy of a princess, but immediately everybody looks at me and says I don't belong there. I am wearing jeans and some shitty sweater. I don't care. I see an event where some lady full of plastic surgeries, is on some type of arena with spotlights and announcing they'll have a fashion show of the most beautiful and elegant ladies and outfits and I barge in and start walking around like a model in that arena. People are shocked and she is furious. She tries to push me away but I push her instead and she falls on the ground. I say I am sorry, that I did not intent to harm her and she insults me in every possible way, so I keep mocking them all by continuing to catwalk in silly ways. Then I decide to keep going. I don't get the dress I was looking for at first, as I am afraid will lose lucidity while distracted dressing and undressing. Also, I can simply summon some outfit. But I am no longer interest in that. Instead I go outside and see some kind of Carnival fair and I want to enjoy that instead. But it is so very dark, the sky is covered in black dense clouds that threaten to rain and besides, the darkness is making me lose lucidity. So I decide to make the sky blue and sunny. It doesn't happen right away, so I point my hands to the clouds and start pushing them away. It is getting a little bit clearer but is taking too long. So I project a vortex that sucks it all up and it works so much faster. The sky is clear in seconds and I feel proud of it. But then the vortex shatters like a mirror and all the sharp pieces come tumbling down over the fair. People scream in panic and all I can figure out is getting inside a mini car for 1 person, that I see parked in front of me. I take cover inside and hear the rumble of all the debris hitting the car. Then I get out. A couple of girls is rummaging through the debris and I check out what or whom they are looking for. Even they don't seem to know or don't want to say, but I find a bag with some dolls and clothes and ask if that's what they are looking for. Some clothes are damaged but the dolls look ok, just covered in dust. But their reaction is strange, they no longer want the dolls. I give up. Meanwhile not much to see here anymore, so I keep walking and enter some palace like building and rub my hands to keep lucidity going. It is all decorated like for Xmas and some gentleman gather in a circle chatting, with drinks on their hands. They also look at me like "who's this?" and some butler comes to me, very gently asking me to leave, as this is a private club. I declare I couldn't care less and that I am up to no good. I spot an hallway where they set up a table with all kinds of goodies and I go there. The butler is in panic and calls me "Please, please, you must leave. Don't touch that food." And I stop in front of it, defiantly, and stretch my arm to grab something and just watch his panic growing and also his inability do deal with me. I eat some hors d'oeuvres and I find it repulsive. It's some kind of pickled vegetables, but nasty. I say "How can people like this shit?" And then the butler goes from panicky to insulted. "This is a very expensive selection of fine Japanese pickled daikon and vegetable sushi." Then he tells me the names of each piece and that they must be eaten in a certain way and order. Then he goes on exemplifying. Eats a slice, by first removing a detachable part in the center and then the rest of it. He makes a face of delight and sounds of pleasure, like he is having an orgasm and I laugh. Then he challenges me to try it exactly as he says. But unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:07 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Very long dream inspired by Doctor Sleep, which I had watched. Long chase by evil beings. Can't remember details but there were several of us in a building and several of them and I am the last survivor. I escape through an elevator to a basement with access to outside. Turns out there is still a friend of mine alive, she kinda reminds me of Zilla but it's not exactly her. We devise a plan to attract the monsters and kill them in some accident. We need to pull them into our minds and make them go from one to the other to confuse them. We create a loop of events in which to trap them. I start. My eyes turn white, I levitate in the air and visualize the events. It all works out but me and my friend find ourselves also trapped in the loop and we panic for a bit. Then we manage to get out. It's night, full moon, sky very clear. I am at some place looking through the window and see a most weird thing in the sky, like a cloud formation that looks like some object entered the atmosphere by crossing a portal. I try to photograph it but I need to get in a weird position or the image becomes all distorted. There is only a tiny window of an angle in which it is visible and still I am having trouble capturing it. I fall on the ground and eventually give up. But I go outside to see it live and also just enjoy the full moon. I go for a walk and find an abandoned palace and then bring my mom and friends there. Mom is happy to see someone dumped a lot of the fancy furniture and objects near the entrance gate and suggests coming later to take some things away. We are in love with a marble fountain, she says I must take it to my farm, but it weighs tons and I have no clue how to take it. We try removing pieces one by one, but it is mostly one piece about 5 mts long by 2 meters high. Then I am at a rural village early morning. It is very peaceful until strange things start happening. We hear a strange chilling scream of an animal and then several animals running in panic towards a road. Nobody knows what it is, but I think of a werewolf attack. Then some old lady comes outside from a house, acting like a zombie, carrying a kid of 2 or 3 years old in her arms and throws the kid in the trash bin. We are shocked and while one goes pick up the baby, we go ask her why she did it. She looks like a zombie and says her daughter is dead, no point in keeping the kid as he will only attract the devil and be taken away, like it happened to the other one. Meanwhile, we feel like the monster is coming in our direction and we are preparing ourselves to face it. Again trying to get away from some evil, I walk into what seems an empty modern building. At the staircase I wonder if I should be going up or down and I chose down. I go down two floors and encounter a couple of housekeeping workers with their trolleys going inside a service elevator. I decide to join them and go wherever they are going. They go up. Then they start making out passionately and undressing each other, despite my presence. They are overweight and not at all attractive but I still get a bit turned on and think "should I join?", but nah... I go out when the elevator stops and I go around a corner and see a reception desk and a long line of very attractive people. Ask what it is this place and it is a public swimming pool. I think that's exactly what I'd like right now, a plunge in a relaxing pool but the line is so long. They tell me not to worry with the line though, because they are all there just to pick up a token or whatever from the receptionist and immediately go to the locker rooms. I follow them but when I undress I realize I don't have a swimming suit or a towel, so I head to the reception fully naked to ask if they rent some. They mock me saying I should have brought my own towel, but about the swimming suit not to worry about because this is a nudist pool. I'm like "Ooooh!" and then look forward to see all those gorgeous guys naked in a pool. I have plans to turn it into something even more interesting. When I get to the entrance, a bunch of naked people are stuck there and I am told some dude got in with a girl against her will and locked the door behind, so the mood is not cool. They are trying to figure out what to do, negotiating with the dude and I feel like maybe I should just go full lucid and move on and so something useful but instead I wake up.
15th November 2020 Fragment: A vast and somewhat empty place apart from some abstract platforms as I recall. There was a "sky" made up of pastel colours, light oranges, pinks and blues. There was a demon queen, or something. She looked mostly humanoid and had purple skin? She wore some ornaments or accessories like gold bangles and chains but apart from that she must have been almost naked. She was bigger than me but not a lot bigger. Thought I suspected so, I asked her midway through some conversation if we were in an alternate dimension, to which she answered yes. The demon queen and I were on one side of... a table? Not sure. And opposite from us were two other people, maybe a couple. The queen was able to alter or modify certain traits with some species like humans and elves, but not dwarves. But these two other people looked human even though one was supposedly an elf and the other a dwarf. So I asked her, what if they have a child together, could that child be altered in the same ways? (recall gap) Vague recall of an office-like place, either from the inside or the outside. Notes: - My last journaled dream featured mystical aspects like demons, but the setting and context were entirely different. The theme here was of a more medieval/fantastic aspect, by comparison. - Unfortunately, I couldn't retain recall very well with this dream so I've completely lost any details that would be left of the other characters and the dream location. - The demon queen as a dream character had some aspects relating to my own personal interests in transmutation and transformation. The purple skin may have seemed random when I first recorded the dream but in retrospect that element is present in some characters I've created and is a colour I generally like, although her skin's hue was a bit brighter/lighter. -- "Queen" was an implied intuitive feeling about the character, not something that was mentioned or explained literally. - There was a feel of "sunset" to this dream and there were no changes in light while in the platform dimension.
The dream had begun around my mother's old house. We were walking on her street. I was next to the mailbox when I started to realize this was a dream. Everything became so vivid. I wasn't in control but I had the thought that it was a dream. The sky above was a beautiful light blue with the sun shining onto the clouds that made them a light orange. I walked up the street amazed at how vivid everything was. At the top of the street I got a better view of the sky and was in awe. I thought 'this couldn't be a dream, it seems so real.' I was so confused by how real everything seemed, I couldn't tell it was a dream. I turned left and walked down the street. I passed a dream character who acknowledged me, it felt like I was the main character in a movie and people were doing finger guns as they passed me. I walked up the hill and the same dream character I walked by would appear again and again each time I looked at them while they passed. We stopped by an old neighbors house and the same dream character was laying on a chair sunbathing.
Not a lucid but two nights ago I had a nightmare, I was in my room at my dad's old house, and I was lying upside down and when I looked up there was a scary girl with dark hair like in the ring. This morning, I had SP, I kept thinking I was going to imagine something scary into my room but nothing came, I was struggling to lift my arms, I could feel them detaching slightly. Random note, I'm starting to think it's messed up that when I'm caught in those situations, the immediate thought isn't "it's hard to breathe" but it's "please don't imagine something scary coming into the room." I had a chain of lucids as well, I'm having trouble recalling all of them though. It seemed like in each one there wasn't a dream sign that made my realize I was dreaming, the first one I was kinda just like 'oh wait this is a dream' and then went into a lucid, and then the rest were me going back into dreams with a slight awareness that turned into a lucid. In one of the lucids I was in what looked like a diner but was a bit bigger, the floor was checkered black and white. There was a person behind a circular counter. I turned to them and said "tell me a joke" and then they just started saying "plane crash plane crash plane crash" over and over, I shrugged and turned to another guy and said the exact same thing and then he said "plane crash plane crash plane crash." I turned to a guy and asked him to tell me a joke and he starts explaining a joke but it was like the words were rearranged in the sentences and it sounded really strange like he was saying random words out of order. I turned to a waitress walking by (it actually may have been a robot waitress) and asked her to tell me a joke, and she explodes into this really intricate joke that sounds more like an elaborate story but the dream faded. In another lucid I'm inside my friend Will's old house, I start thinking "okay this is a dream" and rubbing my hands together to feel the friction. I then start doing math, 1+1 =2, 2+2 = 4 etc. There are people in the house walking around and I'm like "hey guys this is a dream" and people are kinda just looking at me and then going about their business, it feels like if you tell somebody something and it should elicit a reaction but they aren't really listening but instead are nodding and smiling. I turn towards a window overlooking a lake. I decide I'd like to go through it, so I put my hand up to the glass and I merge through the glass and out to the backyard. At some point I'm in a parking lot and it's dark outside. I start rubbing my hands together to feel friction. I then think that it's too dark out and I'd like to make it day time. There are giant trees in front of me over a moonlit sky in my view. I shout 'ILLUMINATE!' but it doesn't turn to day, it just gets a little bit brighter. I shout "CLARITY NOW!" and it gets a little bit brighter but it almost was like a strange filter got put on my sight, like it was still nighttime but there was now a purple and green hue on the outlines of trees and clouds in the sky. I take note of the weird colors and then look around. There are a bunch of random people from different directions running together into a single path. I jump over a row of bushes and down a set of concrete steps with railings next to them and bushes. I see people running on a concrete/brick path which takes a left and then curves right next to a row of buildings. Thinking back this was probably inspired by the quad at my university. I think to myself I wonder if I could imagine Liz into the lucid. I see someone in the pack of runners who looks like her from behind. I start running and weave in between people, I start doing math out loud to try to stabilize the dream 3x3=9. When I get near her I grab her shoulder and she turns around but instead of her it's vic g. from my high school and she's wearing pink and blue makeup. I stand there in confusion as runners shove past us up the path.
In the earliest part of the dream I can remember well, I’m with a group of people from work. We’re in a house rather than an office, a mostly empty one that’s not in the best condition and which strikes me as reminiscent of somewhere in the past (it's not a vague memory in the dream – rather, my waking self can’t pin it down to anywhere familiar). There’s something in the way everything is happening that suggests we’re maintaining order in the midst of a chaotic situation and extemporizing as necessary. Some disaster has struck the world – although it seems less like this is the aftermath than that it was so bad that what remained of humanity actually had to flee to some sort of parallel dimension. Kate, the director, tells us we should all go outside to see something. Stepping out of the house, I can see what looks like a large town square across the street, round-ish in shape, possibly cobbled. Above the old-fashioned buildings on the opposite side, the sky is turning pink and purple in a certain area. In the middle of it, a black spot appears, clearly visible against the light. I recognize it, as does everybody there: this was what happened before, the thing that came and destroyed the world. But something is different this time: instead of appearing large and far away, the spot now seems to be quite close, in the square itself. Somehow, I know that I can make things turn out differently this time around. I run towards it, the others not far behind. The dark sphere is floating there, too high to jump for but close to a flagpole on the far side. I scale it. The flag, which is dark blue, isn’t flying – rather, it seems to be tied to the pole, and (on later reflection) entirely too large for it. The thing actually looks more like a mast than a flagpole. But I manage to make it up with no trouble until I'm level with the sphere. It’s very small now, smaller than a cotton ball. I reach out and grab it, enclosing it in my hand. The moment I touch it, it changes, becoming material, taking on a definite shape. It has become a key on a keyring. I know what to do now: the keyhole can’t be too far away. I actually find it on the way back down, on the base of the pole. I put it in and turn, and keep turning. And as I do, something is happening to the building closest to the pole: the whole façade is unfolding, revealing a large airplane inside. It looks like a typical jet, but in the dream, it strikes me like something out of another era, concealed here for who knows how long. A dirty, light brown liquid is pooled near the nose. An inner voice that seems to belong to the plane itself tells me that it needs an oil change. I think that it probably needs rather more than that, considering how long it’s been here. But I’m aware that this situation is out of my hands now. It will be others who fix it up and who make use of it somehow to avert disaster. I’ve done what I can. 10.5.20
I am with Makayla on some city street (I think it is New York). The sky seems dark though the surroundings do not. There are constellations in the sky that are bright and huge, almost comically so. I notice one cluster that I sometimes see in the sky (*it’s that one that I actually do see, almost a trapezoidal outline with more stars inside); it is also exaggerated in size. I think or say something about seeing this on psychedelics, and Makayla hands me two tabs of acid. I take them without hesitation and chew them into a ball instead of letting them sit. We walk around and I think I notice my perceptions start to subtly change.
I'm driving my car through a neighborhood around sunset time when I spontaneously realize I might be dreaming. I continue to drive the car, talking to myself about being lucid and focusing. I park the car on the side of the road and step outside. I walk to the front of the car and touch the hood before getting down on my hands and knees and feeling the pavement. I pick up a handful of dust and dirt from the road and roll it around in my hand. I want to sit down somewhere, so I imagine a bench on the other side of the road and release the dirt from my hand imagining it transforming into the bench. It was hard to do this, however, so it doesn't happen, but when I look farther up, a bench is there in front of me. I go to sit down and just observe around me for a while. I look up at the sky which has gorgeous colors of sunset with light and dark blues contrasting the streaks of clouds floating stationary high above. A bird also flies over head. I imagine the bird swooping down towards me, and sure enough, it heads straight at me with great speed. I duck out of the way exclaiming how close it was. The bird jumps up on the bench, and wants to climb on my finger. I hold it out but realize the bird is larger than I thought. It looks like a fluffy falcon or hawk with some kind of fancy feathers crowning the top of its head. I hold out my whole hand instead and it leaps onto it. A group of people comes up to me and starts talking, including me in their conversation. The whole time they're talking, I feel like the dream is speeding up and I try to slow it down by keeping myself grounded. Eventually, they walk away but I want to remember their names. I ask them but I can't recall any of them. Looking down at the concrete, I see the small ridges and patterns on top characteristic of smoothed concrete. I get down on the ground until my eyes are level with the ridges and imagine the sides of the ridges being trees with a path running down the middle. As I get up slowly, I find myself in the forest, still with the group I was talking to. The trees sway overhead, but I soon wake up. The title of this dream is to commemorate my physical dream journal being completed by this entry. May the second journal be more amazing than the first!
Morning of March 19, 2019. Tuesday. Dream #: 19,083-04. Reading time (optimized): 3 min. This incredible dream sequence is long but with the longer second part offset from a vivid foundation where I eventually mediate and viably control several common REM sleep processes understood since early childhood, atypically in the same dream, yet with no emerging awareness that I am dreaming at any time. Sky mediation integrated with window (liminal space division) mediation (which is a form of concurrent environmental monitoring with subliminal RAS/cortex gating): In the beginning, I am indulging in atypical sky mediation (from indoors rather than outdoors) without viable lucidity. I am in the lounge room of the Stadcor Street house (incorrectly recalled as my present home) and standing near the front windows. This anticipation is low-key. I do not focus on “something coming down from above” as in many past dreams, but I am subliminally manipulating the amount of light and color in the sky. At the same time, I am vaguely aware of an “invisible” video superimposed over one area on the windows, but I focus only on the sky beyond. I consider, without emotion, if the sky represents the “end of the world” (analogous to the “end of the dream state”). Many colors are present, but red and yellow dominates. I gaze at this process for several minutes. Identity mediation integrated with doorway mediation (as sustaining the dream state) as well as subliminal dream state awareness (the presence of the beds). I find myself in the King Street mansion in the second floor’s middle room of the east side. I have a false memory of the landlady having changed the way she rents rooms. She now has it so that two people have to occupy each apartment, each paying twenty dollars a week instead of one tenant paying that amount. My false recall is ambiguous, but I consider that she has done this to make up for me having lived there without paying rent for so long. Leonard is sharing the apartment with me. I walk across the hall and see a young platinum blond male in his room near the right side of his bed. He is unsure of who he wants as a flatmate. I suggest my friend Rick (saying his full name) but then consider that Rick might be too old to live with this person and state as such to him. (This does not make much sense, as I perceive Rick as being about twenty years old, even though in reality he is in his fifties as I am.) I have several different types of keys, one a skeleton key that I joke about with Rick, to determine which one works with the door of my room. There are little keys as well as more obvious house keys. I eventually find the correct one. Rick now seems to have taken Leonard’s place. From here, I go downstairs (transitional vestibular system correlation). The landlady seems cheerful. Two unknown people stand in the unlit foyer talking to her. I hear the woman say her name, and her last name is the same as mine. I comment on this as I leave the house. It is now daytime. It turns out that the woman, now a young girl, is my niece. I walk atop a fence (linear vestibular system correlation and mediation of liminal and enigmatic space), and she becomes the vestibular system simulacrum (personification of vestibular system adaptation). She continuously cheerfully talks to me about how I should walk atop it, regarding balance and distance of steps, which now becomes a series of fences. She is usually on one parallel to the one atop which I am walking. I now get the impression that we are walking to school (relearning emerging identity and subliminal cortex awareness). Two nieces and two nephews (on my father’s side) are present, though they are much younger than they should be. After becoming aware of this scenario without full current conscious self identity, I walk down the sidewalk near the front of an unknown house where two of my nephews are standing. The oldest is talking about how much fun he had surfing recently (a result of reinduction processing which does not continue). I tell him that I saw him surfing in a photograph as if to validate his experience (which seems like a false memory) and he seems puzzled by this as I consider I may be mistaken. The process fails (water not moving, melatonin flow stopping, similar to water lowering waking autosymbolism), and I then meander around the unfamiliar neighborhood until I wake.
I have gone into a building for some sort of surprise party for me. It seems like a restaurant that has been reserved, just one big room. There is a man guiding proceedings as people show up. Melissa and Makayla are here, seated at the long, wood tables, their coats draped over the back of their chairs. Now, about ten people are here, and everything has been moved back against the walls. At the front of the room is a smaller wooden stage. It is very plain. Everyone stands in a circle in the floor space in front of it. I get the impression that we’re going to be running in a circle and jumping/doing tricks off the stage, but we don’t. I think we’ve been waiting for food too, but it never came. The group now moves down a hallway, and the place looks like an elementary school. I pass inlets in the wall that have some windows and rows of desks. There are pictures and things on the hallway walls that are all Hawaiian themed, i.e. Hawaiian history, that makes me think this may be in Hawaii. We end up in a computer lab and seated again. I think we’re waiting for food, and again it never comes. A guy with light brown skin comments that this event is only a few hours and ending soon, not giving us time for everything. In my head I envision a three hour block? starting at 7pm and us being a majority of the way through it. I now go over to a sink in a counter against the wall (like high school science classrooms). There is a chunk of ice protruding from it. The ice doesn’t seem solid, but more so shaved but still compacted together. I run some water over the section under the faucet, inciting it to start to melt. I think Bird Song is playing from my phone during this. It then occurs to me that I’m pretty sure that this is our food thawing out. This room has now transitioned into an unfamiliar kitchen in a house. It looks pretty nice and clean, marbled earth tone counters, stainless steel, and darker wood cabinets, I think. (As I write this, it reminds me of Scott and Kelly’s old kitchen). Renee and Kelly are here, one seated and one milling around, and they tell me happy birthday. Renee says she can now get me a glass of wine (as if it’s my 21st). I nicely say “Oh… you don’t have to”, but I’m willing to let her just to be polite. I start looking for white wine (as if it’s my place) and look all over but do not find any. I’m thinking that they might also want to have some. I end up in a different room of the same house, by Linda, who’s seated at a dark wood table. She starts asking about my favorite red wine, isn’t it a blend? I recall what she’s talking about, another get together/celebration where I had/brought different wines. I offer a non committal reply of either ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I don’t remember’. I think that if my favorite was a blend that it isn’t now. I see she has a personal bottle - the dark label says it’s a Lodi Zinfandel. She’s now asking didn’t I throw up at that event, but phrasing it more gently. Dad is here and inquiring the same thing. I again offer a dismissive reply, though I do remember throwing up then (*This event/scenario did not happen in real life). I pass some people what don’t have drinks and think that I should go to the store really quick for some wine. In another room now, there is a record playing on a smaller turntable on the brown-carpeted ground in the corner. The song sounds familiar. It then ends, and I go over to put it away, even though I think that was just side one. I think it’s the Cranberries or Zombies? (*Though I wake up with Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar stuck in my head). The cover is a dark green with the band name in large letters taking up a good amount of space. It’s at an angle. I think there’s a band photo on the back. I take the record off the platter; it’s a marbled dark green and very flimsy. I slip it into its anti-static sleeve. I now leave, driving to wherever I’m going. I end up at an elementary school that I think is right by another elementary school. I park and walk in the fairly large entry way. The foyer is filled with the black retractable crowd controllers that lead up to metal detectors. There’s a darker skinned younger lady at a counter beside the detectors. Two guys about my age are turning around willingly. I see they both are casually carrying handguns. One has slightly long and stringy dirty blond hair with a messy middle part and thin-rimmed glasses. I think his shirt is tucked, revealing a black holster on his belt. He is not attractive but not completely unattractive. He somehow seems genuine, yet aloof. He honestly looks the type to get unfairly made fun of. Seeing this causes me to pat my pockets. I feel some hard objects in the jean pockets, but nothing I’d get in trouble for. I continue on, past the metal detectors. The enormity of this place is revealed as I walk through this hallway. There is no way it can be a school it’s so big. I can’t see an end to the hallway. Besides the size, the appearance is not of a school either. Everything is ornate and looks more like an upscale shopping mall. The walls appear to be white marble or something similar, with subtle niches and rococo. There are vendor carts set up in the middle of the walkway as well. Even they seem classy and opulent. I think the places set into the walls are shops and restaurants. There are quite a few others walking through here. The place has now transitioned into outdoors. I am following a slight grassy ravine with surrounding grassy hills. There are smaller, wispy trees and grasses, all very green. There’s possibly a trickle of water running through here. Dad calls me now and asks where I went, his tone suggesting it rude that I just left. I tell him I’m picking something up from the store and will be right back. His tone then changes as he tells me that there’s some light or other activity going on in the night sky. I look up and can see it. I’m not sure if it’s exactly what he’s referencing, but I see brighter circles of light that are close together and moving. There’s also a splotch of a green hue higher up in the sky. I also notice the Milky Way, probably the densest I have ever seen it appear, and it is absolutely awe inspiring. I have to spend a few moments just staring. It’s so bright that it seems to illuminate the night sky. It’s also currently parallel with this ravine. Off to the right, there’s a group or two of people sitting on a taller hill, also looking to the sky. I start walking back now, and it’s daylight again. Dad is with me. I think a dog is with us as well, because I throw a toy. The toy hits and knocks over a small statue of a boy on a slightly overgrown pedestal. The 1-2 foot tall statue was in a row of other statue children, all in antiquated clothing.
Morning of December 10, 2018. Monday. Dream #: 18,984-07. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Summary for casual readers only: While on the Cubitis carport, I see two toy parachutists hanging from the northerly eaves, a blue one and a white one. I go around and take the white one down and throw it about when back on the carport. An unknown woman looks on from where the carport meets the driveway. Readers with no interest in legitimate causes and effects of dreams need not read past this point. Preconscious precursor: My dream self attains subliminal awareness of being in REM sleep, though no current conscious self identity has yet emerged. A common liminal space nexus, the Cubitis carport (irrelevant to real life since 1978), is the setting. It represents being within the virtual space between my imaginary dream self and my conscious self identity. In subliminal, liminal, and concurrent dream self modes, I have deliberately used porches and carports since early childhood for this level of dream state and wakefulness processing. I am on the Cubitis house’s carport in late morning. The sky is blue, and I mostly focus on the northerly direction. Someone else is present who is a female of perhaps thirty, but I do not know her identity. To the north, I see objects in the sky. (One might be an airplane, but this remains unknown when I focus on the toys in the next scene.) I eventually see a toy parachutist hanging from the eaves. I had first thought that it was in the air in the distance, beyond Harold’s house on the other side of the orange grove. I walk around outside of the carport. At this point, I see two toy parachutists hanging by strings from their miniature parachutes, one slightly higher than the other. One is blue and the other white. I somehow take down the white toy (which would not have been possible in reality as it would have been too high up). I play with the toy parachutist on the carport for several minutes, noticing that it works very well, the parachute expanding and the soldier slowly floating down as I catch it each time. Its texture is simultaneously rubbery and silky. I find its perfection wondrous. Eventually, I begin to recall who I am. I remember my youngest son, though there is no other recall (such as where I live as I erroneously maintain the illusion of Cubitis until I wake). I consider that I will give my youngest son the toys. I think that someone, perhaps two unknown young boys, had lost them and probably will not return. Crucial notes: A common factor of the waking process and consciousness achievement is the preconscious simulacrum. Here, it is probably my wife Zsuzsanna, though remains dormant (unrecognized) until I wake. It does not domineer, as I am actively working with vestibular system correlation in subliminal anticipation of the falling start that terminates many dreams, though of which does not occur here as I modulate the process into a soft awakening, though with a projected transition rather than inherited.
Updated 01-27-2019 at 11:19 AM by 1390