I had a dream where I was being held captive under a contract by a very large and powerful company. The contract specified that I was forced to play chess against a very powerful opponent, until I beat him. I'm around 500 elo and the opponent was roughly around GM level. This took place in a large nature/grass area, with a nearby stream, that I know from real life. The chess games were played on a computer and were streamed live and with millions of people watching, and there were what seemed to be roughly a million people standing around me as well, spectating. As the days blended together, I kept losing time and time again. I had access to the stream chat, and I sometimes typed in there, but nobody in chat noticed it was me. I was world famous, but I was essentially a slave to the company as I couldn't leave. One night, I tried to escape at dark, but the security, consisting of around 20 people, ended up catching me, bringing me back and forcing me to continue playing chess for my freedom. Days passed and i slowly went mad with rage. It started out with me slapping papers in random peoples faces as i tried to vent my anger onto others. It eventually got to the point where I would target my aggression on the guy managing the whole chess event; I spat on him and threw water in his face. My mental state declined exponentially. I became more ruthless and violent. At some point I gouged some guys eyes out from rage, but nobody could do anything to me as I was under the protection of the company since I was making them tons of money. Essentially everyone around me became the victim of my anger driven torture schemes. On a early autumn morning at around 5 AM: I beat him. I was barely paying attention, but I saw the checkmate pop-up on my screen as my heart rate increased rapidly. I checked the stream views and they went from around 16 million to 600 million+ viewers. I earned my freedom. But I felt that I had to handle the situation properly. As I was a big asset to the company, I knew they wouldn't let go of me, so I went to ask the manager to see my contract without letting him know I won (I for some reason didn't think any staff was watching since it was early in the morning). I asked to see the contract so I could check for loopholes and have a raw copy in case they tried changing the contract in an attempt to prevent my freedom. As I asked for the contract, the manager ignored me and by then I knew it was too late. They must have already done something to the contract and I knew I was never gonna be freed. I cracked. I took out a knife and stabbed the managers stomach, cutting him open like I was gutting freshly caught prey. He was still alive and screaming in pain, I cut off his ears and eventually his genitalia. At this point around ten people were desperately trying to pull me off of him, and as they tried to subdue me I ended up slashing some guys eye with the knife. I had become fully insane, with my only goal being to hurt as many people as possible. Nothing mattered more to me as I became a fucking torture machine, desperately trying to cause harm people. Then i woke up. Please comment your thoughts!
Updated 11-15-2024 at 04:05 PM by 102033
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some foreign country in need of a job to support myself. Meet some girl who brings me to a place where they need people to welcome and serve some VIPs. All seems very proper and respectful. Most are scientists, Nobel prize winners, rich investors, all dressed up for a gala. I am helping at the entrance, checking out who's listed or not. When things calm down, the lady boss managing the workers comes to ask me if I would like a better paid job, joining a special group of girls entertaining a few select guests at an upper floor. My friend encourages me, excited about it, but I immediately think it can only be prostitution and in fear of falling into a prostitution ring and just become a sex slave, I refuse to do it. They insist I'd enjoy and I could just go take a look, but I am afraid they'll kidnap me. Later on, I find out it was merely an entertaining position, like a geisha, nothing sexual is meant to happen. At my grandparents home in Moita, but a totally fictional situation. My late cousin Rui is there and the garden and the house are magically maintained as in the old days. We are sitting in the couch talking about our past. Incestuous feelings take over and we hold hands and I cuddle his hair. Then we kiss exactly when his mother comes in and reacts with great shock. She then pretends she didn't see it and sits by his side, says he needs to cut his hair. Goes get a scissor and starts doing it. Then she also cuts bits of my hair with the clear intention to make me look awful as a punishment, but she ends up giving me a very avant-garde asymmetrical look that with a few adjustments looks pretty cool. Staying with a community living in an abandoned school and exploiting it as a hostel. I stay there for a couple days while I am meeting with some friends. Then it is time to go catch a train and I realize I don't know where my backpack is. I suspect they stole it. They deny and say they'll help me look for it, but first they need a hand preparing lunch for the guests and insist I help them. Someone shakes his head slightly and tries to warn me about something. I have the feeling they wanna keep me there for forced labor and won't give me my documents and stuff to keep me stuck there. But for now I play their game, because they don't know I can fly and have other powers and I know I can easily escape later if I want to.
2019, 12-11 Skyrim: The Slaver Trap Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes I am at a mall with my mother. The fact my mother is coming with me into a mall should have triggered a reality check... she NEVER does that. But it seems normal to me. We go into the mall and start looking around. I have the idea the place is just about to close so we don't have much time. We go into a clothing store and I look to see if there is anything I like that will fit me. Neither my mom nor I find anything in our sizes. We leave and go to a video game / music store. There are both new and used games. I try a demo of a Mario Cart game, but I'm not doing very well. I keep driving off of the road. I start thinking the controller might be broken, because no matter how steady I hold it the car veers off to the right. I leave that and look for my mom. I don't see her. Apparently the game store is open later than the rest of the mall, it is still opening and showing no signs of closing. I go to another demo station. This has a cordless VR headset. I look at the price and cringe, it is almost $2,000. But I can still try the demo! I put the headset on and find I am in Skyrim VR. The graphics look great! I realize there are no controllers, but I can see my hands. My hands are the controllers! I want this sooooo bad... so I get into the demo. I find I am in Windhelm just outside the Palace of the Kings. I have a quest marker near the main gates to Windhelm, so I hurry to there. Ambarys, the dark elf from the New Gnsis CornerClub is there waiting. What does he want? He's one of the most racist assholes in Windhelm, along with Rolff Stone-Head. When I approach him he says he was about to give up on me coming. I wonder if I could help him get over his racist tendencies. I have decided I need a way to do this that doesn’t involve a fus to the face. That is not very effective. With this in mind, as Ambarys and I leave Windhelm I start singing the song See Who I Am by Within Temptation. “Is it true what they say? Are we too blind to find a way? Fear of the unknown clouds our hearts today. Come into my world, see through my eyes. Try to understand, don't want to lose what we have…” Ambarys asks if I’m now a bard, too? I don’t answer, I just continue. “See who I am, break through the surface. Reach for my hand, let's show them that we can free our minds and find a way. The world is in our hands, this is not the end.” Light energy forms around us and flows through Ambarys. I don’t know what brought him to hate those different than him, but this should help more than a fus to the face. We soon arrive at an isolated part of the road from Windhelm to Kynesgrove. I tell Ambarys to keep hidden, I’ll go out there and be a traveler to hopefully draw the orc out. Ambarys says if the orc gets me there’s nothing he can do. I say if the orc gets me it will be the orc’s problem, not Ambarys’. It is late afternoon as I walk down the street as if I’m in no particular hurry to get anywhere. I hear someone call for help from behind a bush. I carefully approach and find a male orc leaning on a tree, holding his side. I ask if he is ok. He says a bandit attacked him and he needs help. I get a little closer and he jumps on me. I respond immediately with a fus. FUS-RO-DAH! The orc is launched into the air. He flies out across the road and slams into a tree. He struggles to get up. I tell him I know he is the one who has been kidnapping travelers and selling them as slaves, that ends now. He is pissed and says I won’t live to tell anyone. I ask where he has been taking the slaves he captures. He says he’ll never tell me. I use my telepathy and read it from his mind. I tell him he just did tell me. He pulls out an axe and comes at me. It is too easy to cut him down with my Alex Mercer blade. I return to Ambarys and ask if he has seen anyone else involved with the slaves. He says no, just the orc. And he only made the one deal with him, he’d never done anything like that before. He seems desperate to make me believe that. He says I have to tell the jarl that. I say my word might not mean a lot since I fus’d said jarl in the face for being rude. He looks shocked and asks what the jarl did… I shrug and say he fus’d me back. Then I start to wonder if I screwed up and will have to load a previous save. Fus’ing Ulfric in the face probably isn’t the best way to get his cooperation, but maybe solving the slave trade issue will make up for it. I tell Ambarys I won’t mention his involvement, but I can’t say that for anyone else. Tell everyone it had to look like he was in on the slave trade to keep from tipping that orc off. And the orc is in multiple pieces, he can’t argue. We are headed back when I wake up.
2019, 12-06 The Dark Tower: Slaves in Skyrim Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes I am at a school. I am looking for my class. It seems I have forgotten where it is. I have some idea, but not an exact one. I need to look at my schedule, but I don't have that with me, either. The office should be able to give that to me, but I know I will be late. I head for the office. Even if I miss class today I will need it later. When I am on my way to the office I see an area that looks familiar. A circular building with rooms around it. Maybe I remember now... I count doors until I find the one closest to the main building. I peek in the window and see it is my class. With a sigh of relief I go inside. It doesn't look like the teacher is in yet. I sit at my computer and load up the project I'm working on. This is a programming course and my project is game related. I ask my neighbor where the teacher is. He looks at me like I'm an idiot and says this is a free study period, we just work on our projects. I feel a bit dumb. I drag a couple things around and edit a line of code then I compile. It looks good, I need a test. I put on a virtual reality headset to test my progress. I am now in Skyrim VR. I look around, surprised to see this instead of my project. I am in the New Gnisis Cornerclub in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm. I do a double-take as I see the man beside me is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. There are people sitting around eating and drinking and chatting. Roland does a double-take, he seems as surprised to be here as I am. The bartender, Ambarys, tells us that our kind aren’t welcome here. The room goes quiet as everyone turns to see what is going on. I see everyone in the room is a dark elf. I tell Roland we have to find our way back to the beach anyhow, I am thinking to get Roland back to the right place at least. He says to wait, he hears something. He walks to the far wall, which seems to alarm Ambarys. Roland says someone behind that wall needs help. Ambarys says that’s absurd, there’s nothing beyond that wall.I use Aura Whisper to see if there is anyone back there. Laas-yah-nir… There are three people back there! I search the wall and find a loose panel. When I pull that panel the wall slides open. A blast of gas comes out of a small room. Two men and a woman are chained up in the room. The woman is weakly calling for help. The men are sleeping. As the gas clears the prisoners start waking up. Roland talks to the woman. She says she remembers very little… an orc needed help but then he blew something in her face and said she would make a good slave… A woman I recognize as Suvaris from Skyrim says, “Oh, Ambarys… slaves? You’re trading slaves?!” Ambarys says he’s just holding them until their owner comes back and takes them to sell them. That damn orc said they would stay asleep the whole time! Revyn Sadri asks, “What have you done?” Other customers are voicing their disapproval. Ambarys is surprised at their reactions. He says he did it for them! With the coin he makes he can make a better life for all of them! Suvaris says people like Ambarys are why things never get any better around here! I get the chains off of the prisoners. One man is disoriented, the other mutters expletives about an orc. They have only minor injuries, so I use a healing spell and fix that up. Ambarys is worried someone will tell the jarl about the slaves and he’ll be executed. I tell him to help me catch the orc and I’ll make sure he’s safe. He finally says he heard the orc talking to an outsider about a place he waylays travelers. A guard comes to arrest Ambarys. I say no, don’t. He says the jarl ordered it. I tell him to tell Ulfric that Ambarys is working with the dragonborn to stop to this slave trade bullshit, which is what he asked me to do. So unless the guard wants to explain how the slave trader got away… the guard asks how he can be sure I’m the dragonborn. I fus Ambarys with one word then ask how many people can do that? The guard says he will inform the jarl and leaves. Ambarys asks why I fus’d him. I say it was for getting hooked in this slave business instead of reporting the orc. He says he doesn’t care who is sold as a slave unless it’s a Dunmer. I hold my thumb and forefinger a centimeter apart and tell him he is that close to getting a full fus for being a racist asshole. He says it’s the Nords who are racist. I agree some are, and I fus them for it, too. I tell Ambarys to show me where the meeting point is. He says no, the orc will kill him. I say the orc would have to get past me first, and that won’t happen. Is he going to show me or was I wrong when I said he was helping me stop the slave trade around here? He reluctantly says he’ll show me. He needs to get something and I should meet him by the gate. I tell him to make sure and be there. He says he will. He goes upstairs. Roland is looking sick again. Suvaris asks what is wrong, I tell her Roland has been poisoned… Suvaris says Wuunferth should have a potion, just get Roland to the palace. She says she can help me get him there, but she won’t go in, her kind is not welcome. I tell her that’s bullshit; anyone is welcome there. She says I clearly don’t know how things work here. I say I do, and I know it is going to change really fast or the Thalmor are going to tear this place apart and break the tower and plunge Nirn and Mundus and all of the planes of Oblivion into chaos and… I think I said too much. Roland is getting worse, so I accept Suvaris’ help. But as she is helping me with Roland I wake up.
2019, 10-17 Underground Slavery Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes I am playing Skyrim VR. I am in a cage. There is a Dunmer outside the cage gazing in at me. He is wearing green robes and has some mechanical device over his left eye that makes it look like he has been assimilated by the Borg. I ask who he is and he says he is Shanath Selthri, we are now in Sadrith Kegran, and I am his property. I say no, I belong to no one. He says he bought and paid for me so I am his. I tell him I’ve heard enough of that bullshit, I’m out of here. He says not until he lets me out, I can’t even get out of that cage unless he lets me out. I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and cut through the cage bars, creating an easy exit. Shanath steps back and stares at this and repeats that I am his slave and I must obey him. I find myself speaking in Disturbed lyrics. “I’m no slave, are you feeling brave? Or have you gone out of your mind?” I am thinking to cut him in two but then I stop… he’s no threat to me so there’s no need to kill. Instead I cut my blade through the air just centimeters from his chest. I’m rewarded with a look of fear and smell of urine. He has wet himself. Good enough. I unform my blade and walk out the door. I exit Shanath’s house into a city with huge glowing mushrooms. Graceful bridges span streams of phosphorescent water and strange crab creatures have glowing things on their backs. It is as bright as noon, but when I look up I see I’m not outside, I’m are in a huge underground cavern. Everything glows a different color, the result is beautiful. I wander through the town looking at the sights. The town is filled with mostly Dunmer, though there are some other people around. I notice the other people are all wearing rags while the Dunmer are wearing brightly colored robes like Shanath had been. I approach a woman in rags and speak to her. She looks at me but doesn’t answer. I try again. A Dunmer in dark pink robes comes over and tells me to leave her slave alone. I tell her she just lost her slave. And unless she wants to lose more than that she will walk away. I am feeling angry as I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and fix the Dunmer woman with what I hope is an intimidating glare. She starts responding with, “How dare you…” but then thinks better of it and hurries off. I turn my attention back to the woman. She looks scared. I tell her she’s safe with me now and will soon be free. I ask her if she can respond to me. She shakes her head and opens her mouth to reveal she has no tongue. I ask if these foul slave traders did that to her and she nods. I am even angrier now. I focus healing energy on the woman and it is able to regenerate her tongue. Her speech is a bit slurred as if she’s forgotten how to talk properly. She then points behind me. I look and see the woman from earlier along with a Dunmer man in green robes and several guards. The Dunmer woman points at me and says I’m the one who was so arrogant as to think I can take her slave. I glare at both of them and say true arrogance is thinking you have the right to abduct innocent people and bring them into an existence of forced labor and imprisonment. I tell her that ends now. I am taking the slaves with me. I will heal them and set them free. I brandish my Alex Mercer blade and add that if anyone interferes they will find themselves minus more than just a couple slaves. I keep the slave woman close to me as I go to look for more. The guards block my way. I still have hope of getting out without killing so I fus the group of five guards. FUS-RO-DAH! The guards fly backwards and land in a pile. I tell them that is the last non-lethal method I will use, so do not interfere! The Dunmer man says I can’t leave so I might as well give up. I ignore him and go off to find more slaves. I find more and heal their tongues. I have a dozen slaves with me when we head for the exit. When I go to pass through I feel my energy getting drained. I see I have an amulet on that is doing it. I pull the amulet off and throw it on the ground. I see they are all wearing the amulets so I take all of the amulets off and leave them in a pile on the ground. We all walk out of a cave and into the sunlight. Everyone seems to be unsure of what to do. I figure they need money to start a new life. I pull a purse full of gold from my robes. I have tons of it! I give each person 10,000 gold to start with and I still have tons left. What do I want to spend it on? I’ll hang on to it for now. I wake up here.
I need to remember to update my LD count on my profile. So last night was exceptionally memorable for whatever reason, and I also was privileged to wake up a lot in order to write them down, but was able to fall back asleep pretty quickly. It's a shame that college is starting up again so soon. Don't get me wrong, I love college, but it's hard to get enough sleep. This time, though, it's going to happen. I will figure out a way! Okay so last night's dreams: Dream 1: A new romance novel is coming out. A middle-aged lady (pale skin, black hair) of about 45 falls in love with like a 23 year old man. She decides to cast a spell to make him a bit older, but only by 2 or 3 years. Hmmm. Non-lucid. Dream 2: Non-lucid. I was in some sort of park or playground, by a large open entrance to what looked like a sewer. There was a guy there with superpowers, and a group of friends. I was standing by the sewer entrance, and there were tons of flies and rats. The rats were slowly being driven insane by the contamination of the sewer. I watched one panicked rat as it was slowly devoured by the flies. As the illness started to take control of its mind, its eyes started to turn hostile looking. Now, I think that rats are kinda cute IRL, but in that dream I completely flipped out. Turns out, I can fly, so I do, towards the group of people and away from the rats and flies. ._. Someone in the group of friends "fell asleep to see if we truly cared" - I don't recall that though; it's just in my dream journal. I also think that I was someone else in that dream, or had a different appearance. This doesn't happen to me too often. Dream 3: I became lucid a short while into a dream where some of the people were anime characters and the rest of the people were normal. A friend from college (Dylan) was there - not in anime form though; he looked normal. I got really excited and asked him if he knew that we were in a dream. He said something along the lines of "Well yeah. You know not everything is real right?" And I said "Yep!" and went to the kitchen for some reason. :') Lots of anime people all around~! I think I asked some other people about that as well. There was a vending machine by the kitchen, and my mom was there, getting me milk and apple juice. Why, when I am a fully grown adult? I have no idea. But for some reason, I'm getting really annoyed because my mom got like 3 apple juices and 1 milk, but I wanted more milk than that. I was getting confused because I looked inside the vending machine, but the milk was completely gone. I think that this might have been either part of another dream, or my lucidity had faded by this point. Dream 4: In another dream, I think I was trying to sleep in some room, protecting myself from spiders and a bear in another room by putting blankets and stuff under my bed so that way the blankets would deter them (underneath my bed, a hole in the wall led to another room where the bear and spiders dwelt). Weird stuff. Non-lucid. Dream 5: I was going to be sold into slavery, but I didn't care because I quickly realized that I was in a dream. Randomly. It's weird; I didn't do an RC or have any dream signs or anything. I just knew. I realized that I wasn't wearing any shoes, so I made some appear. They were black and another color; I don't remember which though. A lady led us into a room, into a spaceship or something that was supposed to take us to the place where we would be enslaved. I was there with a bunch of girls and only a few guys. Tess (my tulpa!) was flirting with me and hitting on me, and other girls were there too occasionally taking part. We were all in a really good mood and I think it's because I knew it was a dream. :') Dream 6: A split second dream. Tess and I were in front of a revolving door at some mall. I was lucid during this time, but then I woke up before I could do anything.
I'm talking to a man, a great inventor or artist of some kind, who's been given an arena to work in. The structure is very white and the sky is very wide and very blue, and the arena's filled with shadowy figures he's been given to work for him, something like automatons, not alive. Human-shaped, but when I focus on them they look a bit like something that's been burned to charcoal, flaking at the edges, except for their teeth, which are white and sharp; inactive right now. Until this moment I had a lot of contempt for this man. But he's saying to me, "I'm not an idiot," and that he knows he's already made his last great work. Though he's currently working on a project, and though his masters who gave him this arena have great expectations of him, he doesn't expect to live to complete it. His bitterness makes me think a little more highly of him. Working for these things was a mistake. I don't say this to him out loud. There are a couple floating hooded figures with white masks in the arena, and we're both putting on something of an act for them. They're not his bosses, or guards, exactly, but they are effectively monitoring him at the moment. Something more like citizens, as opposed to slaves like him, however honored a slave he might be. He turns off the music he's been listening to while he works, and he's trying to give the impression that he's simply stopping work for now and going to bed as usual, that there's nothing wrong.
I'm traveling with a woman who most recently has been climbing these giant stairs cut into the mountains, leading a very large group of people, guided by her visions and signs. Now she's reached an old shrine that's of great personal importance to her. But that's not what she was looking for - she thought her visions were guiding her to a place where all these people could be safe. Now it seems it was just something personal. She believes she's led them all this way for nothing. I'm extremely frustrated by all this, because the place I've been trying to guide her to with those visions I've sent her is still further on - I wanted her to see this shrine first for personal reasons, because I like her and I thought she deserved to know this part of her past, but it's not our final destination. Unfortunately, the stairs end here; there's no easy path after this point. How am I going to convince her to keep going now that she's doubting the visions? I'm almost tempted to just suggest scouting ahead myself and then conveniently 'finding' the place - but I need her to be the one to discover it, not me. I'll think of something, but I need to talk to her privately, and there haven't been many opportunities for that on this pilgrimage. Right now she's busy talking with a priest I dislike - I'm not fond of priests on general principle, but this one in particular irritates me. She's apologizing. She's saying she shouldn't have rejected the idea of divine guidance - maybe if she'd believed, she wouldn't have gotten them lost like this. The priest reassures her, saying, "You delivered what would not be prayerful." (Woke up. Back to sleep.) Still in that same mountain range, but this time I'm working separately from the main group, it's just me and a couple of her soldiers. I'm talking with a slave trader - he's got a group of people I've been looking for and I need him to release them. He says he can't possibly do that, they're an extremely sought-after species. He shows me a cage with a human man and woman instead, and a falcon that comes with the woman, and says that he'll give me one of them as a sign of good faith - he'll even trade me all three, the two humans and the falcon, if I'd be willing to give him one of my soldiers. He has a buyer who likes that specific shade of skin. Incredulous, I tell him this isn't a negotiation. He's going to release the people I came for, I'm not going to give him anything, and I don't care about his humans or whatever else he's selling. But then he takes the hood off the human woman - white hair and a young face. I know her. I'm shocked, and she looks just as shocked to see me - I'd thought she was dead. Last time I saw her, she'd sacrificed me to her people's gods. It didn't work obviously, I can't die that way, but there was no way she could have known that. When my 'death' didn't stick, her people reacted very badly. I'd seen them holding a funeral for her later, but I'd been watching from a distance - they must have held the ceremony without a body. I'd just assumed they'd killed her. I'd liked her a great deal, sacrifice aside.
Updated 02-10-2015 at 12:03 AM by 64691
There's this pair of vampires in an apartment, a young white girl and a tall black man, and today slavery has officially ended. There's celebrations in the street, fireworks. But the sense of time's a bit off - although the vampires and the apartment look like the 1800s, at some point in the conversation it's mentioned that this is 1933, and the view outside the window looks it. The girl turned him a long time ago and they've been traveling together since. It's been a good deal for both of them - since she looks like a kid, she needed someone who looks like an adult to get by in the world; and under slavery, he needed someone to pretend to belong to. Now that's over, he intends to leave. The kid was surprised by this, hadn't expected it at all - they're close, it's not just a convenient arrangement for survival, so it hadn't occurred to her that he'd want to be on his own if he could. They went straight from celebrating to fighting. He's saying, "You don't think I prefer another kind of life for-" I'm not certain which pronoun he used then - I wrote it down as 'you', and I think he'd been talking about his concern for her at this point, but she responds as if he'd said 'myself.' She went cold and distant before answering. By another kind of life, he'd meant as opposed to vampirism, and she doesn't take that well. So after a long pause, she says, "But you've got mine." (Woke up. Back to sleep.) I'm Howl, a version with black feathers cropping up - a patch of it at my throat at all times, and mixed in with my hair - speaking English throughout the scene, but no Welsh accent. I speak very mildly and seem distant - it's an affectation, particularly when I'm annoyed, and at the moment I'm very annoyed. Sophie got fed up with me and left after a day or so in the castle. But now my spells have alerted me that she's back in town - just sitting there, inexplicably, not coming home. I'm seeing an image of her sitting down on a low stone wall somewhere, grumbling to herself. Since she's gone to the trouble of coming back to town, we both know she'll be back at my door eventually, she's got nowhere else to go - I'm convinced she's just refusing to come back now out of sheer stubbornness. So I spell her back, have the winds scoop her up and carry her through town, into the house, and drop her in a chair at the table. She complains about this of course, but now that I see her up close, it occurs to me that possibly she couldn't physically walk back to the house - she looks tired and sore. I'd been in the middle of making dinner when she turned up, and I bring her a plate while she complains at me. Talking about dinner and ridiculous stubbornness, at some point I compare her to my brothers, and she looks aghast at the thought of me having brothers. Did she think I sprang from the ether? "Monstrous. How many of you are there?" I have quite a few brothers actually. Our mother's immortal, like myself - I've visited her just recently as a matter of fact. Sophie says, "You're like rats in a field." When someone characterizes me as a monster, my habitual response is to prove them right, so I'm leaning into her from across the table in a way that's not physically humanly possible. "Our father's place is human," I say, very mildly. And in response to something else I know she'd been wondering about, I add, "And I'm a married man." I retract back to my side of the table. The point there was less a reference to my wife, who's out of the picture, and more a reference to the existence of my son, confirming that the boy whose pictures she'd been looking at earlier is my son. (Woke up. Side note: It's been ages since I've had a Howl dream, so when I saw the HMC task of the month I'd hoped it would spark something like this. Success! Not a success at the TOTM of course - this wasn't the task, or lucid at all - but a non-lucid dream with the plot I wanted is even better.) And a quick dream from yesterday: As Rumpelstiltskin, I'd been following someone who'd stolen something from me. I used a spell to keep the light from falling on me, and then another for shadows to hide me. Then I'd walked myself off the road and left my body hidden among the fallen leaves while the rest of me went on. Finally I tried some spell that failed - I lit up with golden light from within with the effort of it, shining through the lines in my skin, but I was unable to succeed. Giving up for now, I call Belle. She asks, "What has (some name) got on you that-" I interrupt her. "My dagger." She goes silent. It's not the thing they stole at this moment, and they don't know how to use it, but they have it; they're a threat to be taken seriously.
Updated 08-23-2014 at 07:34 PM by 64691
I'm a man in a room full of people. A woman's being escorted into the room to pick out two of us for slaves. She's known for her harsh treatment of her people; she's got a shaved head and has two servants behind her. I'm standing a little apart from everyone else - there's something different about the way I got into this situation compared to how everyone else got here, most of them came from the same place. The woman looking us over is disappointed by us, says we don't begin to compare to the ones her settlers captured in the wild. We're a group of people selected by Dorothea, and this woman makes plain her distaste for Dorothea's preference for "pretty pets." She declares she doesn't want any of us and leaves again.
I'm lying in my IRL bed, looking out into the hall, and I seem to see movement, as if there are several small creatures on the floor. It's too dark to be sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. I reach for the lamp - as I do so, I think I see one of the maybe-creatures-maybe-tricks-of-the-eyes come into the room and look up at me - but the lamp won't turn on. Although I'm aware the bulb could just be out, I suspect this is a dream. To test it, I will myself to float up into the air, but nothing happens. I close my eyes to test whether I can see through them anyway, and I can't (in fact, after closing my eyes here, there were no more visuals for the rest of the dream). But I'm still convinced this is a dream. As one more test, I reach up and touch the ceiling, sure that it won't be solid. I encounter solid material, but it's spongy, my finger sinks into it, creating a depression, and then reaching some limit - the material breaks, creating a small hole. For a second I consider whether this might not be a dream and I've really poked a hole in the ceiling. But I keep digging at it until I create a larger hole, large enough for me to pass through, and I climb up into it. As I pass through, I find I'm now moving downward, not upward - and this makes me wonder if opening up this hole was really a good idea. I have a vague thought about moving down into a basement which stores unpleasant things. But once on the other side, I become aware that I'm lying in bed, and that I've woken up. Fragments from later (insomnia's been killing me this past week and my recall's a mess): A desert in a futuristic setting. I'm talking to my wife about some intrigue going on within an elite group of all-female guards who work for us. They're slaves, and I'm thinking about the tensions created by relying on people while keeping them in slavery. Different scene, same POV character. I'm in a small spaceship, with the pilot - a good friend who works for me - to my left, and a boy whom I'm kind of mentoring sitting behind us. I'm explaining to the boy about a weapon I'm expecting our enemies to use, something that increases the heat of a star. It's related to the lifespan of the star, and the boy deduces that since the star in this system is very young, the effect will be very great. He sounds horrified, but I'm not feeling particularly concerned; it's just one more thing to take into account.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was in some kind of building construction setting. As I was in this setting, I had some kind of conversation going on in my head, probably just a conversation with myself, but possibly a "remembered" conversation between myself and some person I looked up to. The conversation had something to do with the way capitalists exploit people, and how anybody with a conscience shouldn't be part of the corporate system. Of course I felt bad, thinking about my own life in this context. The building construction site was enormous. It was almost like some kind of futuristic landscape, where everything in site was part of one kind of building complex. But the whole area seemed to be under construction. But it was in complete disarray, as if things had been destroyed, or as if the place, instead of being a construction site, were just a gigantic dump. I was now either swinging on a huge crane or watching some kind of robot swinging from the crane. The crane had a red metal frame. It swung back and forth in front of a half-built building. As the crane swung back and forth, I heard the voice in my head talk about my boss, referring to him as a "lucky boss." Something about the way this had been said made me feel bad about myself all over again, as if I were part of some awful system where the bosses were all "lucky" and everybody else was being exploited. I was now definitely watching a robot swinging from the crane. The robot was yellow, like a tractor. It may even have been made out of old tractor parts. But it had cute, big eyes that looked half like oogly eyes and half like empty headlights for a car. The robot dropped itself off the crane. It fell down toward a huge pile of other tractor-like robots. I knew that the impact of the landing would kill the robot. But I knew that the robot had meant to do this, and that it had wanted to die. Dream #2 I was in some kind of forest or rural area. I was in front of a cabin. It was a warm, partly sunny day. I jumped up into the air and flew over toward a dirt road or dirt path. As I did this, I thought to myself something about the history of the United States and slavery. I landed on the path. The path was blocked by a patch of weeds, some of which were quite tall, even flowering. I jumped up into the air again and flew over the weeds. There may have been another patch of weeds not too far after the first one. So I may have decided to keep on flying. As I flew over the weeds, I continued my thoughts on slavery. I thought to myself that African Americans had been kept down first by slavery. But then, even after slavery, they had to deal with so much oppression. I thought to myself, Well, I shouldn't be surprised if there's resentment because of all this. But now the situation is definitely changing.
I'm a prisoner at this Egyptian camp. There's a huge rebellion and all the slaves break free immediately. There's a location where we're all supposed to meet up at, and plan to free the everyone else. Instead of going there and staying, I spent the rest of the dream traveling back and fourth stealing supplies and water, and freeing other slaves.
The dream begins in outer space, some time in the future, where two opposing factions are vying for control of an area of space somewhere in a remote galaxy. The beginning character of this dream is a "bad" guy renegade of the enemy group. He appears as my dream character Walter and he is a tall man with firery red hair and goatee. His ship is attempting a covert mission to penetrate a line of defence set up by the "good" guys. The mission fails and Walter and his small crew of renegades are captured. Imprisioned aboard the "good" guys ship and because they are renegades and not officially listed as members of a military, Walter and his crew are subjected to experiemental science testing to achieve alternative physical forms during combat. The experiments require chocolate bars to activate and at first there are only personality changes in the renegades, but after months of experimentation, physical slave labor (to build up muscle), and mind altering drugs and reprocessing (brainwashing) Walter beings randomly transforming into a white tiger in his prisoner cell at night. Soon his right hand man begins transforming into a grey wolf and other members of Walter's crew assume other animal forms. The leader of the "good" guys has been following orders this whole time though he has secretly morally opposed the way he has been ordered to treat his prisoners (I think his name was Greg or something). When Walter and his crew begin transforming into animals, Greg is ordered to lead use the experimental prisoners to a nearby abandoned planet to decontaminate it of harmful chemicals and remove pockets of pirates and smugglers who inhabit some of the abandoned cities. After the planet has been liberated and cleansed, Greg is ordered by his military leaders to capture more enemies and subject them to the experiemental transformation process as well. Greg protests and refuses and as punishment for defying orders Greg and his crew are subjected to the same experiments that Walter's crew endured. When the process is complete Greg begins transforming into an African lion and some of his crew also assume the forms of other sahara creatures. With their new transforming abilities, superiour strength and skills, Greg defects to Walter's side and the two commanders then lead their crews to rebel against the oppressive military factions vying for control of this area of space. I cannot remember the end of this dream.
Updated 08-30-2010 at 11:22 PM by 6048
This is the second dream I had on October 7th, 2008. It is sometime in future. Starts off with young students excavating remains of ancient school and many small bones of children are found. The remains of only one adult is found and not only is the body completely intact, but it is Vincent Valentine. He wakes up with little prodding and flies outside where he tries to jump straight up a very tall brick wall (or side of building) to escape the curiousty of the children, (and his own confusion at where he is). He is able to jump dozens of feet in the air but despite several attempts he falls just short of reaching the top. Exausted he collapses in a pool of blood which has formed below him. He wakes up in a vat of thick milky/clear liquid in a futuristic looking room. The group of children who initially discovered him surround the vat and stare intently. Vincent is uncomfortable because he is still confused about what is going on and also completely naked and his golden claw is gone. He tries to escape using speed and agility, and finds that he can partially air- and water- bend, which is useful when demons show up and try to capture him. He also discovers that he can temporarily make himself invisible as well as strong enough to smash through concrete and tear through metal. Somewhere along the way he acquires a pair of black pants which he aquires from a particularily difficult red and black horned demon after he defeats it. Vincent escapes but ends up in a room filled with creatures that are half demonic and half machine. He cannot hide through invisibility from them but they also do not attack. It is like a giant business office but disorganized and hellish, and covering everything are tiny multicoloured entities called nanoites that are the workhorse of this operation. They outnumber the robodemons but are enslaved to them and at first seem non-sentient and complacent. A few robodemons are just chillin' and ask say Vincent his name, and ask that he be inspected/processed by some nanos. He doesn't tell them his real name and instead tells them that his name is "Chaos," which impresses the robodemons. Millions of tiny nanos inspect his body and report that he is an advanced machine. Vincent is confused, but says nothing. At this point Vincent notices that on the wrist of his left arm is a tattoo with multipul triangles and/or a diamond shape. As the nanos run over his body his mind briefly connects with their collective consciousness and for the first time he realizes that they are a sentient entity entirely on their own. Being briefly connected with the nanos Vincent sees the fabric of existence that makes up this future and sees a gargantuan machine creature that asserts and protects the robodemon's domination of the world by devouring anything the robodemons comand it to. Its body capacity is unaffected by normal physics and it can go between physical reality (consciousness) and digital reality (unconsciousness) at will. While the nanos exist within most things in this world, they cannot overcome such a formitable foe and are thus forced into servitude by those that command the digital beast. In the same futuristic demonic office Vincent meets some fellow organic humans (slaves to the robodemons) and complains about the lack of shoes (he keeps stepping on tiny nanoites that look like humans) and the robodemons agree to let a few of their human slaves take Vincent into the human world to buy some footwear. There are three burly looking men covered in scars and tattoos and two women. One is a platnium blond who eyes Vincent suspiciously and the other is a pretty and thin brunette woman who attaches herself to Vincent's arm and leads him down and out of the robodemon's futuristic world. While the buildings and things in the robodemon's world are advanced technologically, most of the human settlements and technologies are primitive and many of the objects that people use and wear were dug up in excavations of the "old world," which the pretty brunette explains was the time before "the Reckoning" when most of the world was organic, before the robodemons appeared and enslaved the organic world to their futuristic technologies. One of the men mention something about it being 1.5 million years since that time but Vincent has trouble believing that he has slept for that long and the the world he once knew and the people in it are completely gone. The shoes that he is shown are silly and retro, one pair being ridiculously oversized. He finds a decent pair of black leather boots which he is given for free because the human slaves believe he is a robodemon and regard him with great fear induced respect. At some point the platnum blond talks to Vincent and reveals that her name is Lucretia. Vincent is shocked but she explains that she was named after St. Lucretia, the Lady of the Crystal, who is secretly a hero for the humans because she fought valiantly against the robodemons and allowed some humans to initially fight back and remain free from the demons for a time. There was a religion centered around St. Lucretia but the robodemons stamp out any external signs of it and thus the reverence for her sacrifice are often carried out in secret. It brings Vincent much peace to know that his former lover ended her life in an act of bravery and not suffering. The blond Lucretia eventually reveals that she wants a perfect and immortal machine body like the robodemons and that it is she who has been betraying the hidden settlements of rebel humans to the technological oppressors. In exchange she has been promised a machine body for her loyalty. Vincent is infuriated not only at the desecration of his former love's name, but also when the blond tries to kill the brunette, with whom he was starting to develop feelings for. They fight and though the details are fuzzy, the blond dies, not by Vincent's hand, but because she is betrayed by the robodemons, who mock her inferior organic body to her death. Vincent now knows that his awakening and is new powers are needed. He makes it his goal to defeat the robodemons and free the organic world from their technological oppression. He rallies the organic humans to fight and distract the robodemons while he forces his way into their central stronghold. Vincent starts battling the giant digital monster that allows the robodemons to control the world. Between Vincent's new god-like powers, and the giant digital monster's devouring of the physical and etheral deimensions, holes are ripped open through space and time. Vincent uses his powers to blast parts of the creature (and the essence that it is feeding on/being powered by) to bits. Through his physical body does not change, Vincent can feel the entity Chaos, the harbinger of doom of the old world, working through him once again. After a long and epic battle, which lays waste to most of the world, he defeats the demon, then destroys the robodemon's strongholds on the world and thus frees the nanoites and remaining humans alike. The collective consciousness of the nanoites explain that his purely organic yet immortal body was necessary to fight the robodemons since there are no nanoites in his body for them to control, (since all of the other "organics" of the world, plant or animal, have nanoites embedded in their genetic make up). Now that the oppressors were gone the organic world could flourish again since the nanoites could not grow or reproduce themselves and relied on their organic hosts to do that for them. In return the nanoites gather memories and feelings of the lives experienced by the individual organic humans and add that knowledge to their collective consciousness. There would be a balance between organic and technological, with not one being better or dominant over the other, but working together to create and sustain life in perfect harmony. After telling Vincent what became of his friends in the world he once knew in the past (and revealing that his new brunette lover is actually the reincarnation of Rosso the Crimson) the nanoites offer to release his consciousness to the lifestream, or allow him to live on in this new world, where his immense god like powers will remain intact. Vincent chooses to live in the new world and while uncomfortable with the new religion which has begun centered around him by the greatful humans, he looks forward to watching, with the reincarnated Rosso and new human friends, the newly freed technorganic world recover and develop. Whoa, dude! I think I've been playing way too much Dirge of Cerberus!