non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Working at a restaurant. One day we have to close early because there is some problem with vampires going on. Not really sure. But then we go back to business as usual. I am also doing a side hustle receiving farmers and agri-business clients at the restaurant, to do consultancy and certification for them. One day my parents come visit me there and some client asks me for free information and I refuse to give it a way. My father just doesn't get it and he starts shaming me and trying to tell the person what he wants to know. I have to intervene and clarify that he is providing wrong data. Then my dad gets really upset and says he has been listening to me and he has heard me making such recommendations to other customers before. I explain to him that I am doing consultancy to different types of farmers, and he isn't qualified to understand the differences. I also explain that I don't just provide info for free or I ruin my source of income. Normally, he should understand the idea and even defend it, but this time he is just disappointed and lectures me about principles and I just can't take anymore. He shifts positions so that nothing that I do is ever ok. I just want to leave and to get away faster I fly away and I become lucid. I just enjoy flying and then walking through the city, which is a giant maze of buildings, streets, gardens, stairs, never ending and with so much complexity and detail. I marvel at the complex design of this city, then I stop at some street vendors and also marvel at the feeling of textures of fabrics and foods they are selling. I smell some food items and I chose a biscuit to taste. All senses are incredibly detailed and I am simply enjoying it, no other goals. Then I see some tanks on a road from a perpendicular street and I go check it out. People on the sidewalks are nervous and they are being handed some device similar to a pager which shows them instructions. It says it will be activated on a certain date and will provide info that people should follow. Seems a bit authoritarian to me and I am concerned, so I go around trying to get more info from other people. But soldiers come down from the tanks and tell us to line up and look at their parade or else they'll consider it disrespecful. Then I spot a suspicious dude driving a bus after them, with what seems a bomb ready to explode. And indeed he jumps out of the bus, which then smashes into a tank and explodes. The guy disappears in the crowd and the military are too numb from the explosion to go after him, but I do. I spot him and he notices that I am chasing him. He tries to lose me, but eventually I grab him. He doesn't struggle much, because he doesn't want to bring attention to us, but he asks what I want from him in an agressive tone. I tell him I just want to know who he is and what he stands for. I tell him that I dislike any authoritarian military government, but I do not support anyone putting bombs unless their cause is worthy and I want to know if his cause his worthy, so I can help. He doesn't want to say anything, keeps shaking me away and I keep folowing him and asking questions. Then I spot my dad, pretend not to see him, but he sees me and calls for me. I lose sight of the guy I was chasing and my dad catches up with me. I keep walking away, because I really don't wanna talk. I enter the back gate of my university (not my university in real life) and continure to a path on the right, trying to go inside a building and lose him. But I enter the wrong door and it takes me down some spiral staircase that keeps going down and down and has closed doors on each floor, so I decide to turn back up and I bump into him, as he kept following me. I just wanna get rid of him, so I try to break into one of the doors along the staircase and it opens to the backrooms of a kitchen. From there I try to find a way into the main halls of the building, while avoiding being spotted by the staff because I don't want to upset them. I do find a door with glass windows on top, which opens to the canteen and I see lots of familiar faces on the line. People like Jigme K. and his brother, L. Vicente and some of my friends. My dad is still behind me, but now I get lost in the crowd and surrounded by my friends and acquaintances I feel relaxed.
29th July 2021 Didn't make any initial notes for this, just left the recall and ended up doing other things all day. Scraps: Some bit in a "mall", but it actually looks like a 1500-1800s palace of sorts, English or Germanic style. There is a large open courtyard area and something about a rebellion or conflict happens, I become the leader of a defence force for this "mall" and start giving orders to impromptu soldiers, who wear some sort of appropriate medieval soldier outfit, wearing flowing yellow tabards with a white trim. Some of the helms have plumes, blue? At some point after that, I climb up some place high but it also looks like the area outside H's village. There's some kind of pipe organ structure but it's half-natural or built into a natural area. I activate something, a mechanism of some sort. Then or before that, something about a car and being driven around, with H driving I think. (rest of recall has all faded)
20th July 2021 Fragment: I'm with H I think and someone else, a woman, maybe a lead character from something. At first we're "silently" killing Combine soldiers with desert eagles as we descend through a compound via some long and wide stairs, not unlike those in HFC instances although the setting looked sort of Half-Life-ish I suppose. (I say "silently" because the guns are actually stupidly loud but if we kill the soldiers with one shot or two very quickly, nobody else is alerted even if they are standing next to them) I'm constantly low on ammo as I can see on a Half-Life 1-like GUI. I feel the other two are picking up all the ammo and leaving none for me, probably not on purpose. Near the end of this segment, we screw up a silent kill because of the distance and gun inaccuracy, all of the enemies have now become alert and we have a kind of stand-off at a landing on the stairs, we have the higher position. We use smoke grenades to force them to come a bit closer to reduce ammo waste, especially since I'm so low on ammo. I recall I have an UZI that I swap to but see that it only has two bullets left and become annoyed, since my DE is about to run out too. Then for some reason, lots of food stuff is out next to us in the middle of all of this, tinned food mostly. Fragment: Near the end of this fragment. Something about a facility with a reactor in it, which has been running on edge. Earlier in this dream I was at this location but many years in the past, and this present is a time of post-destruction. Someone wants me to have a look at the reactor. (The area of this fragment reminds me of a deathmatch map from HL1 that I must have spent a considerable amount of time playing in with my siblings.)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Slipping through an underground garage with someone. We need a trick to distract a security guard, so we attract the attention of another female guard outside and we manage to hide. We walk through a train track and we get caught by soldiers. They don't know us, think we're just lost, so we obey their orders and walk the direction they take us on. But we are on a mission, we have something or we know something and we need to escape. Then some other soldier who identifies us, sees us and starts shooting us all, including the soldiers. He's got a machine gun. I survive by pressing myself against a wall as I watch others going down. I manage to get closer to the soldier and I ambush the guy. I knock his gun out of his hands. Giant killer alien outside. One has to move carefully around town. I go to some place but it is not safe. The alien infiltrates the building and we have to be masters of disguise to escape him. A friend of mine has no bones (?). I am a researcher at a university. I write a letter to a teacher about a theory I have and want to deliver it in hand. I am a bit afraid of the elevators, so I enter a tower of stairs that leads to the lobby of his department. When I arrive there, there is a bunch of noisy guys coming out of an elevator and I get mingled with them as we walk to the entrance of the department. We need a card or someone to let us in. A man unlocks the door and lets me in. The other guys also want to, but he says one at a time. I arrive to the office of the teacher and he asks me about my theory, but it is a different one from what I want to deliver and she is puzzled. She asks her assistant something and they realize there was some mistake. She was expecting the other guys outside who also had sent some email with some theory and that's the ones she was expecting. They come in. I explain I didn't want to fool anybody, just wanted to hand my letter. She looks at me with contempt but I hand the letter anyway. I am sure once she reads it, she will be just as excited as with these guys' theory, but I don't know if she will even read it. They kick me out. I go back to my dorm room. It actually has great space, several extra beds like bunk bed and sofa bed, I can sleep in different beds everyday, but I clearly have no friends to make use it. It is so sad and pathetic I feel sorry for myself in this life. Helping two guys who are being chased by the police. Actually the cops don't know they are two, or three since I'm helping them. They are looking for just one guy, so they keep passing by us and letting us free. We are not simple thieves, it's something for a greater good and the cops are at the service of a corrupt system. Walking through some artisans crafts market. Meet Zilla and her friends and tag along. Then meet Riverstone and we all head for a building. We find the elevator not working and two maintenance guys come. One of them is my pre-teen sweetheart Marco, don't know if he recognizes me, so I don't say anything, but he calls me by my name and asks for help. I leave my friends and go help him. He has to dangle from some cables and needs me to push him in a certain way, I help but at some point he swings out of a window and I see him falling to the ground outside. I am terrified to go check on him, but he is fine, just hurt. He fell on something soft, he said he knew it was there since he knew this could happen. I go downstairs and sit on the sidewalk as he recovers from his soreness. Zilla and the others are passing by again and also sit to show me some cool things they bought at the market. Lovely boots and glasses, very steampunk. Marco also loves it, he is also into steampunk. As we talk I feel we have so much in common. Then some people come take a car that is parked by our side and we notice they have a dent on the side caused by his fall, but we don't say anything. Something about a vampire community and a bad vampire that has the power to kill others and is wiping them out. He just blasts some energy field and they are reduced to ashes. And I come to help them, because some of these vampires are my friends. He has two other very strong allies by his side. I get to fight the woman and I find that I can't defeat her, so I just distract her long enough so others can attack the bad vampire in the hope to win. The final fight between us is on top of a cliff by the ocean shore.
Morning of September 9, 1966. Friday. I am apparently on a spaceship, though there are no others around except for a couple of adult males who are talking near the end of a hall until they go around a corner (a common event in early childhood dreams). As I wander around, not being focused on much of anything, I see what I first think is a baby lying on the floor on its back, though partly covered with a ragged blanket. I soon consider that it is probably a plastic doll that someone dropped, but upon closer look, it is a heavy metallic statue of a man in a combat helmet, though unrealistically rendered somewhat as having a baby’s body proportions. Later, a young girl with a lion shows me to the “front door” so I can go home. She is carrying the “statue”, which is now a ragged cloth doll with no apparent face, which is smaller than what this oddity had been minutes before. The “front door” turns out to be a semicircular ceiling (somewhat like the essence of a cave rather than a building or spaceship) that first seems to display outer space, though eventually I see the buildings of La Crosse and my apartment building. My dream fades from here. The night before (September 8, 1966), I had watched the first episode of “Star Trek” ever shown on television; “The Mantrap”; as well as the “Tarzan” episode “Eyes of the Lion”, which came directly before it on the same channel. This “Tarzan” episode (as well as movies like “The Lion” from 1962, which also featured a young girl with an adult male lion) had influenced a number of my dreams later on despite the fact I had confused it in my teenage years with “The Haunted Lighthouse”, an episode of “Lost in Space” that also featured a girl (Penny), a lion, a cave, and “going back home”, though that did not air until October 18, 1967. In the “Tarzan” episode, a young blind girl who lived in a cave used an adult lion as a seeing-eye animal. (I am still wary of lions in some dreams, depending on my level of unconsciousness in relationship to my dream state awareness level, as it is a natural factor of potential RAS modulation as the waking alert factor, and additionally as emergent consciousness coalescence, as a lion can swallow the dream self, though this coalescence factor has been re-symbolized as hugging in some dreams, by way of virtuous circle, as with “Changing the Lion of Coalescence into my Wife Zsuzsanna" from December 3, 2016). I can easily see the autosymbolism of this dream. The soldier statue was implied as a RAS modulation precursor, as RAS is often aggressive if I subliminally decide that it is not time to wake yet. However, I eventually accepted consciousness reascension and there was no conflict. Learning the nature of the dream state at an early age was very beneficial, as nightmares or even “bad dreams” are extremely rare, other than when biologically premonitory. This online dream journal entry was reformatted from the source material, abridged, and clarified on Wednesday, 21 February 2018.
I start off in this dream playing a game called Evolved. The monster I was chosen to be was the Predator! And so the weirdness began. I'm fighting people off in a dark room with some kind of blue light and I beat them. I roared at them as the rest retreated away. I feel big and bad and then I see a kid in a hallway. I ran up to him so that he can freak out when he sees me. He looks up at me and seemed unafraid. He walks away and I follow him into his room that was well lit, revealing my unmasked face. I thought for sure he'd be afraid now.I thought about how the Perd's mouth mandibles twitched when he show it to Arnold in the movie. The kid says something and in response I tell him that he has balls of steel to not be afraid. My voice was normal at first but then I switched it to my monster voice I use IRL sometimes. After that I become friendly to him and people. I left out of his room and back out to fight. There was a solider there who had given up on life. I=He had an explosive in his hand and he threw it at me. It stuck to me but I ran back and made it stick back on him. It was a device with a flashing blue light on it and I thought wait a minute. I can't let him die like this, it is not right. I went to him and took what I thought to be the bomb and walked off with it but then realized that it was not it. I quickly turn to him and ran at him in an attempt to get the bomb away from him but it was too late. It exploded, not bothering me too much but them man was done and blown away, leaving nothing but glowing blue stuff. Upset I screamed/roared like the pred did but my voice was slightly there and heard. The kid walked up to me from behind and I shielded him from looking at the dead man and took him away, down a hallway somewhere.
I went to bed at 2:30. Fell asleep at 3:30 more or less. Woke up at 7:30 and recalled some dreams: I dreamt being in the house of my grandfather. I was with my grandmother and my sister Sofia. We were conversating, i was about to leave. Suddenly we hear a noise... that came from my stomach. It sounded like a fart, but i didn't fart, lol. I said that the air was adjusting in my body, but nothing went out. I was on the school yard. It was dark. There was a lazer at the end of the pitch, like the one that come from root powers in Avatar the leyend of korra. It pointed at me and wanted to kill me. There were cameras everywhere, so everywhere i went the cameras would recognize me with infrared light and the other lazer would aim and shoot. I couldn't get to the other lazer because it was about 120 meters away. I manage to move... and go to a lower ground so the lazer had no chance to shoot me. It was tough but didn't have to be so tough since i just could do that. Anyways there was the sports teacher, called Diego. In the dream he was not in good mood, maybe he was involved in that lazer stuff... I was not going to hang with him, no matter what "authority" he had in the school (actually in this dream the teachers had no authority whatsoever. I think im letting go that ). So as soon as i started walking away and turned my back on this teacher for good the headmaster came. Again. He could order, yell, whatever, but i gave him no authority. He didn't even talked or if he did he said something about economy... but it was related to Diego's Class. So i was not interested, not going to get involved and waste time on it so i left. Nobody complained. Then i took notes on the following dream but i don't remember very well the dream, so i don't understand them. I dreamt i think being in the apartment. Eri, my sister, was there and some friends of her: Magda and Emi. Then i wrote that my sister asked me why people were listening to different music. I said something like i don't know, none of my business, besides i was listening to my own. (It was like a question to complain). I did a WBTB and one hour later i lied down in bed to try WILD. I failed. But i had a nice dream: I was definitely on a dream... but not lucid. It was a dream city, so i don't know where it was. There was a building and a grill of an apartment in the third floor more or less set on fire. A lot of firefighters came with hoses to turn off the fire. They did it every action with no hesitation and a nice work. They said that the fire got up to the 8th floor (i only saw the grill on fire, but nothing else... lol And it was a sudden burst of fire, out of nothing. There was a man there though about to make an Asado (Barbecue)). I was on the bottom floor, in the streets actually. It was night. Some militars wander around to show people where the bathrooms were, and since i was one of the young people i had to help other citizens to get to the bathroom. Actually there was only a guy, 30 years old, looked like marine but just looked like, he wasn't militar. He didn't need any help since he followed the soldier. But as we came back and i saw him he was with no expression but i think he was kinda grateful i went. Then i go back inside the building and a classmate greets me, and she asked me if i could go with her to the bathroom. I thought i just came but ok, i could later talk to her (these nights i been wanting to interact with a DC real or fictional. She was real). We go to the bathroom and when we get in there were only three toilets separated by a transparent plastic sheet and with no doors. I thought ok, i might have to go out now. But before i could do anything i saw this girl walking in fron of me and going to the third toilet, she put down her pants and sat there and started peeing. "Alright... i guess" i said and went to the first toilet. Actually one couldn't see anything through these plastic sheets, but it was a shared bathroom and no privacy whatsoever. I took out my thing and started peeing as well. She finishes and waits for me outside the second toilet. Meanwhile i was not finished, and she starts to get harrased by a guy (probably of my age). When i first heard him i thought if i had to go to and engage in some fisticuffs. I was afraid, not about fighting, but about him nocking me or even killing me and she getting raped or something like that. So i remained calm, so far she could defend herself for a bit and i would be much more light when i evacuate all the urine from my bladder. Then i hear her say "don't spit at me". At this moment i was about to go out and just but i remembered that i would be better fighting if i had no sensation that i want to urinate. So i finally finished. It took very long, like 2 minutes dreamtime. I do three steps back and i saw that the bathroom was a bit different already (no more plastic sheets but the normal kind, more spatious, and with more people (people i knew and that actually could back me)). The first person i see was my friend Fran O (he was a thin guy. 2 years ago he started gym, and made a lot of muscles. Now he is in normal shape) with lots of muscles. I stared him at the eyes and he at me and we both knew we each had our backs. Then i turn to see this girl (which i won't name) and he was in front of this guy. I ask if there was a problem, and she tells me that he wanted to charge to use the bathroom. I stare at him at the eyes as well, but with no ill-will, however not friendly either. He was smiling, with a smile like or of evil or wicked fun. I asked the girl if she wanted to go and she said yes, lets go (she understood that no was for engaing in fist-fight). So throughout all that moment there were some preocupations but nothing went out wrong (the only thing unclear was the spit however, but when i asked her she didn't say anything so... since i didn't see it maybe it didn't happen like i thought it could). We walk out in the streets and back to the building. There was a restaurant and i wanted to wash my hands there. We were leaning on a desk, and she sees that there was no gas, after reading a poster. So we go outside and to a dining hall, where there were rooms as well (it looked like the old hospital of Rio Cuarto, but with orange lights and still at night). She was about to leave to her room, but i saw that i had some alfajores de maicena (small ones) and i thought that i didn't want them but i could share half with her. So she returned, maybe to say bye, and i offered her this half-alfajor. She thanks me and eats it really liking it. We go outside (like the outside door of the University [First time i dream with the university i think] and i saw a guy eating a lot of pizza. I tell him that he doesn't have to eat it all, that sharing it could be good. Then i go outside and eat the alfajor. With that tiny piece my mouth was full, it was a lot, and very sweet. I didn't want to eat something sweet at that moment, but too late. As we walked we talked about microeconomic concepts such as "needs and wants" and how we could translate it into spanish. She told me "expectation" or something like that (actually i think she told me something else). Then i woke up. The last dream was just like any other dream, but just it was more memorable. Also during the dream i made right choices, because i didn't hurry.
Updated 10-21-2016 at 10:31 PM by 53430
I am part of a task force. I think I am a tech specialist rather than a fighter. We are sitting in the VTOL as we are briefed to ambush and take over an enemy base. It is dark when we land, and we rush out. I am to head towards a building in the centre of the base, as we fight our way through ruins and buildings of smooth black stone. My squadmates are with me, but we are spread out as we attack the surprised soldiers from the dark, shooting our way through like knife through butter. We take control of the base, and I am called in to deal with the central building. I pay attention to my squadmate's instructions, which make me realize that I am dreaming. At which point I stop paying attention to him and start to examine my hands and stabilize myself instead. My hands are freakishly small, and my right hand has about eight fingers. Regardless of my attempt to stabilize, I wake up.
First dream, false awakening I was in school, sitting in a classroom. It was already evening, but we were all still sitting in school. There was a new teacher - a redhead woman in early forties, wearing jacket and trousers in pale purple colour. She was really bossy and rough, almost everyone was scared of her. She said "This class would need a good head teacher to become as effective as it could be..." Then I interrupted her saying "We already have a head teacher, and she's the best one we can have!" I woke up in a bed in parent's room, it was dark all around but I could see parents sleeping in their bed. I woke up saying the aforementioned line. My mother was saying it at the same time with me. I got out of bed and went to toilet. I couldn't see anything through the window as the glass pane was completely frozen. Then I was back in school, in different classroom. People were preparing for lierature classes, some asked me if they got the right book. One of the girls asked me if I heard of a "Kim Kardashian - American Virgin" movie. I denied, saying that it's the first time I actually hear about it. Then I said that I know someone who can get that movie for her, for a small favor. Then that new teacher was back, this time a soldier with an uzi accompanied her. I got into argue with her again, she came closer and really lightly hit me in the head. Everyone laughed and she asked why, to which I replied "They're under impression of your powerful punch." She got angry and slightly scratched my forehead, I commented with "Thanks, it was kinda itching." Everyone laughed from her again, she got mad and ordered her soldier to shoot me. I grabbed her and used her as a shield. Soldier shot out a magazine at her and she fallen dead. Then we all got out of classroom, everyone congratulating me for dealing with her. Second dream It was early winter, with two teachers and a bunch of friends I was at a pier. I talked wih teacher about storms that can greatly increase water level in this usually dry pier. I looked at the sea - there was no water at all, just some ice scattered around. The sky was overcast but bright. Then the wind started blowing strongly and sky went grim. I looked towards the land, and saw a flock of seagulls escaping. Then I saw a huge wave of water incoming. It hit the pier, we barely held on. Water was raising rapidly, the wind and water flow was so strong that first it pushed a big van at the pier. We were lucky enough that it missed. Then it pushed a bus with high velocity and it hit the pier, breaking it completely. We jumped down to a small boat and started paddling with our hands. I paddled with my leg for some reason. I heard teacher shouting "Swim to N-40!" We paddled on, swimming into some swamps. I was a bit afraid of paddling as there were some venomous snakes swimming in water, but we got to land safely. Then we started wondering "What means N-40?" - one of friends asked. Another replied "I think it's "Now swim on for 40 seconds"." I asked "Isn't it North-40 degrees?"
My dream transitioned to a virtual reality version of Second Life. There were many people around. My virtual house was in the middle of a grassy plain. It was mostly made out of wood, and had a look that won't be out of place in a magazine for architecture. I was a buxom woman with a male's part. I just finished having my time with a black-haired, slim man, and is trying to convince a jovial, muscular, white-haired, soldier-looking man to let me top him. We were all naked. I did not recall actually sleeping with the black-haired man. Later, I was myself again, but I was still trying to sleep with the soldier. There were people going around my hosue and I was trying to convince them to leave. One of them kicked all of us out of the house despite not being the owner, teleporting us all out.
Updated 10-09-2016 at 10:06 PM by 50816
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid Dream fragment I remember some dream about being in my bed, I had woken up and was just pretty pent up from not 'doing the deed' because of the Brainbuddy app. Some stuff happened and I was annoyed because I convinced myself to do it despite knowing I didn't want to. I had watched Rick and Morty season 2 about a week ago which I think had some influence. When Little Rick is around and is like "a teenagers worst enemy is his own mind" or something along those lines - felt like I was under a similar influence. Yesterday was my first day doing ADA (and some more meditation), I felt like at the end of the day I had some intense mental fatigue. My head ached slightly whenever I brought my attention to focus on the things I was doing instead of slipping into autopilot. I slept pretty well, it didn't take too long to fall asleep (an hour I think, which is really good for me ). I think it was a combined effect of the mental fatigue from ADA and physical fatigue from running... But during the night I just had absolutely horrendous dream recall. My mind was just too exhausted to have the mental capacity needed to recalling a dream. I decided I'd like to write up a dream from my book when I first started, before I transitioned to posting online. Dream Journal Book #1 - Rugby Throwing around a rugby ball, I think with someone else? - the first dream I ever recorded I've come a long way lol #2 - First death in a dream / Shapeshifting weretigers Dream 1 - First death in a dream I was some kind of official who had acquired some information, and I had some friends who decide to protect me by confessing to my crime for me and taking the blame. They then weren't in the room (I had left before) that I returned to because I had a bucket that had my shoes in it or something... O_O? I left again and went up a flight of metal spiralling stairs. I waited there thinking for a bit and then a high ranking official in a military uniform (kind of reminds me of a Gestapo) walks in and shoots me right in the heart. I can feel the blood warming my chest.. I'm lying on the ground still. The man walks away. I reach around and touch the wound and I'm overwhelmed with disbelief. Some part of me seems to think that everything will be okay though. Dream 2 - Shapeshifting were-tigers Shapeshifting were-tigers take over the town in part of a conspiracy. It's a place to use these funny flying things to take over the world (I drew a picture here, it looks like a cross between a manatee and a puffer-fish that is 15 inches long with brown skin and spots on it. It looks really weird). Third-person style dream, it follows a kid who is a were-tiger that is shocked to see so many were-tigers killing the human townsfolk mercilessly. Then the view shifts to a bunch of campers in these large double-decker bus-sized vans, some of which have colour patched up blankets all over them. The main camper-van leader sees what's happening and tells his friends to run and his wife to start the van so she can take the kids and escape.. He plans to be a voluntary scapegoat. Were-tigers approach in a gang-like style, and by this point it has become first person with me as the camper dude standing his ground. I punch the biggest were-tiger straight in the nose and start brawling to divert attention so my family can escape. The boss were-tiger makes a comment to his friend like "Haha you got socked in the face!", to which I add "Yeah he's the biggest so I figured I'd start with him". I seem to realise that I won't live if I continue fighting (since I'm outnumbered and well.. They're were-tigers O_O). I decide to cool it down and hang with them, biding my time. They're apparently cool with this and maybe I earned their respect?
I'm re-enacting the movie Soldier, where a ragtag bunch of crash survivors need to defend themselves from genetically engineered soldiers who've been ordered to eliminate them... with the help of a discarded genetically engineered soldier. A friend (who was in the military at one point) wanders in and asks why we're watching this movie, when it's a stupid movie. --- Last year for Halloween, I had black-painted branches decorating my walls. I had to throw them out when I moved, and I was kind of sad about that. In the dream, I find these discarded decorations in a pile when I'm out doing errands, but I know that they'll be a little bit unwieldy to carry on public transit. I pick them up, but they've turned into a combination of a floor joist and some kind of beam at least ten feet long. I'm in an alley, and I'm going through my wallet looking for my bus pass. A young man makes a quick grab for the wallet—and I stare him and his shifty-looking friend down. He hesitates for a moment, and says "I was going to ask if you needed help with that." I smile brightly and say, "Absolutely. You can pick up this beam and help me get it on the bus!"
This one was kinda lengthy. It all started in some new house I got. The house was incredibly technology focused. I apparently got the house because the kid that used to live there died. Creepy. Anyway, the house was huge, it had big rooms with wooden flooring, and it looked very much like a mansion. It probably was a mansion. I remember going into this kid's room, and seeing what he had. All the things he owned were now mine apparently, so I looked around for cool stuff. He had a bed that had drawers underneath it, so I remember pulling a drawer out and seeing a bunch of things. There was a little bit of various clothing, a GameBoy, a microphone, small portable speakers... I even saw my own Pokemon Silver Cartridge in the drawer. I could recognize it because it has an old sticker on the back. There was a bit more than that, but that's all I can really pinpoint. The thing is, I own those things in real life. Even the GameBoy was purple, like the one I actually have. Something really didn't seem right. I picked up the microphone and showed it to my mom who was standing in the doorway. I had to remove it from the tangle of cords first though. I was excited specifically about the microphone for some reason, still not sure why I even would be. What frustrates me the most is that I ALMOST went lucid when I pulled out the drawer, but especially when I picked up the microphone. Something about touching things in dreams makes me almost lucid. This happened before in a really old dream I had that has an entry here on this site. In "These Guys Want Their Pepsi" I'm pretty sure I picked up a football in this dream, and when I did, I almost went lucid just like in this one. Oh, but we're only 1/3 done this dream, so let's continue... Then next part was that in the house near the entrance, but also near the kitchen, there was a button with the Steam logo on the wall, and I remember pressing it, then heading into a dark room. Maybe it was the bedroom again? I remember picking up some random toy and it was a transparent Walkie-Talkie that displayed the time digitally, and played music. The music was sort of alien-like, and I'm not sure how else to describe it. I remember there was a big screen in front of me at this point, maybe for a gaming console? My mom was there and was trying to play something for some reason but I kept on having to guide her through the basic menus. Sounds like something I'd actually have to do in real life if she ever decided to play my PS3. Oh joy. I'm not sure what happened after this, but next thing I know, I'm a soldier in a series of tunnels. A series of very very hot steel tunnels. There's a bunch of automatic doors, and other soldiers. Eventually everything started to get hotter, even though I couldn't actually feel anything. Everyone's armor was just glowing orange and melting, killing the people inside the armor too, obviously. It didn't happen to me, I took off my helmet and I was able to get out somehow. The tunnels all turned glowing orange from the heat and started collapsing. Not sure why all that happened. Now for the next part... I was suddenly very far away from the mansion and the tunnels, walking down the street with a woman who was (apparently) my wife. Then suddenly out of nowhere, we gazed off into the distance and saw a HUGE explosion. Like a disaster level explosion. My wife and I started running down the road very fast. The shockwave never came, but the explosion itself was heading our way. It was pretty far from us, so we had some time. We ran and ran... All the while, she was behind me, so I was never able to focus on her face. We came across one black car on the road that looked like it belonged in the 1930's. It stopped for us, and without saying anything, I opened one of the rear doors, and saw that the car was full. My wife closed the door quickly and the car sped away. I never really thought it was creepy at the time, but the 4 people in the car were all dressed in 1930's attire, and as soon as I opened the door, they were all staring at me with a bleak expression on their faces. There appeared to be two women and two men, from what I can remember. My "wife" ran on ahead somehow without me even seeing her, and I ran to some random place. I ran inside a building and was stopped by a woman. I asked her what this place was and she said it was the Disaster Center. I remember asking through panting where my "wife" was. She was just around the corner in some waiting area. I joined her, but for some reason was instantly transformed back into my normal self, and my "wife" took the form of my mother. She was sitting down chatting with her friend who had 3 kids. I remember having a lunch there with a ton of things in it, peach yogurt, potato chips... A bunch more stuff I can't remember. The youngest of the other woman's kids was a toddler and started trying to take my food, one item by one. As soon as one was taken, I'd take it back immediately. This went on for what actually seemed like at least two whole minutes. Eventually I got the hang of it and started predicting what food item the kid would go for next. I shouted "Stop taking my food!" and then suddenly everything changed again. This next part happened right before I woke up. For some reason, I was out of the dream now, but it kept going. ( You know, when a dream sorta becomes a movie that you watch.) It was about two "monster" parents letting their daughter be a part of monster combat training...? This really reminded me of Monsters Inc... Some big monster boss guy said that her colors made her more unique. Then, I woke up. That was the longest dream I've had in a while, whoa. And all that was still the third dream I had last night. (Check previous entry for other one that I remembered little of, and the other one that I remembered absolutely nothing from.)
Having snuck into a hostile military base, I hide in the men's restroom as some soldiers pass by. Grabbing a mob and bucket, I act like the janitor, and exit the room, walking casually toward the middle of the huge building I'm in. I am grabbed from behind by a soldier, but wrestle free from his grip and run. Tackled by two other soldiers, they bind my hands in thick metal bars, just about as thick as my wrist is. Roaring defiantly, I summon super-human strength and rip free from the shackles. Some soldiers see this and shoot at me. Pulsing with strength, the bullets bounce off my chest as I walk toward them and throw them across the room. More to get them to stop shooting than to kill them, but it was a hard toss. With some brief freedom, I try to think of why I came in here in the first place. Nothing coming to mind, I walk out, and see all my friends just lounging around on top of and leaning against the high walls of this building. Just enjoying the sunny day, they wave at me as I look for a spot to sit as well. One of them calls out to me from atop the wall, "Aren't you forgetting something inside there?" as he points back into the large structure. I suppose he could be right, so I go back in. Now abandoned, I walk right up to the middle, and see a glowing red and orange hole in the floor. It looks like it goes all the way down to the magma. It sure is hot. More pieces of the floor fall into it as the hole expands with a terrible rumbling and shaking like a demonic earth quake. The building seems like it is beginning to collapse now. I run through falling debris to get outside just in time for most of the building inside the walls to cave into the fiery pit. Erupting from this massive hole, already about 1 mile across, is Satan. None other than the devil himself. The ground buckles up forming a giant crater around him as he rises to spectacular heights in the sky. Like a giant mountain, his torso sits upon a swirling vortex of fiery magma, as wide as the hole. His body appears to be composed of the same, all encased in some thick black spiky armor. Thicker than I am tall, it covers his whole torso, most of his arms, and also forms a horned helmet with slits for eye holes. Inside of the helmet just glows the color of a hot fire. I suppose I am the one tasked with defeating him. I still have the capability of increasing my strength, but looking up at him now, it looks like quite the challenge. My thoughts are interrupted by Satan's attack. He swings a large spiked mass. A mixture of whatever his armor is and liquid magma, all connected to a large chain. The school bus sized spiked mass lands with a loud thump as I jump out of the way. Swinging it so fast, it takes all I've got just to get out of the way in time. He laughs and swings again. I have hardly enough time to regain my footing before I sprint and dive out of the way again. Small craters where he has struck make it harder to move around. I don't have any weapons at all other than my fists. I look around for anything I can use, and there is nothing. The sky swirls with dark gray clouds above Satan's head. He opens his mouth to reveal yet more flames and molten metal as he stares at me. Letting out a ground trembling roar, he swings again. Since it seems rather hopeless, I decide to at least have fun with the situation at hand. I jump onto his weapon just as he pulls it back. Hanging on tightly, I soar back up to his level, about 2 miles above the ground. Jumping off at just the right time, I plant my feet on his left shoulder and kick off with all my strength toward his face. Crossing just in front of his helmet, I poke him in the eye with my finger as I laugh a bit. This seems to only further aggravate him as he clenches his jaw and growls at me. Saved by the alarm clock!
14.04.2014Tranquilizer Gun Fails, or I'm a Lousy Shot (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m hiding behind a rock that’s probably 5 feet wide, and maybe 3-4 feet tall. I have a tranquilizer gun on me, and I believe I’m wearing a black tac suit as well. The environment resembles a jungle, and the ground itself had a color of white rock material that’s covered by all sorts of minerals, dirt, and grass. The area’s pathway I’m on seems to be curved like a “C,” where if I were to reach the end, I would probably have to jump off from a pretty high elevation to get to the lower section of this area. I’m as the bottom end of the “C” shaped area, and there’s a soldier patrolling around the section farther away from me. He looks kind of like a Panamanian guard that you would see in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, though I’m not sure if the design for the Gamecube version was different from the XBOX. How I conceptualized the whole experience seemed to have involved me looking at my dream self through third person point of view, and occasionally feeling my dream body as well. I try to take my time to aim the tranquilizer gun at the guard, and it seems this experience in the dream had to be reset several times because I was either missing the shot completely, or I didn’t shoot him anywhere in the head to hopefully make him unconscious quickly. One experience within the reset was that when I took a shot, and miss, some kind of random object launched its way over to the guard. The object was hard to see from afar, but I remember that it had a violet color with a slight overlay of blue. The guard turns around, looks alert, and isn’t hesitant in calling for backup. I can visualize how said backup would arrive, and there’s soldiers wearing some kind of dark yellow camo outfit with brown spots spread around it, along with them wearing black masks where only their eyes are portrayed through a horizontal oval cut-out. _________________________ 14.04.2014120 Subjects Learned? (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Apparently, I tell someone that I learned over 120 subjects in High School and at a University. Words come out of my mouth like crazy, and I felt like it was just coming by naturally without any intention of having to cover anything up. I think I stated I learned 110 in High school, and the rest at a University. Even though the dream didn't make any sense, it's kind of true of how you barely learn crap at a University, other than: Spoiler for university/college logic: