For a moment I see myself: a tall man, dressed in black and with black hair. I'm not myself in this dream, I am him, seeing everything through his eyes. I don't feel like a girl anymore. A street at night. It's wide enough, paved evenly, though the slabs vary in colour and shade. The streetlamps give off a low, cool white light that's like moonlight. The sky above is dark blue without a single star. In the middle of the two-lane road is an industrial-looking island, a tangle of thick pipes and ducts that come out of the ground and go back in again, twisting over one another. It's confined into a strict rectangular patch of ground. In the light the curves of the metal are glinting dully. I walk with quiet but sure footsteps onward, past railings and railings and railings, black and gleaming along the length of the street and around the corner. As I near it, eerie music starts playing from one of the corner houses. The house is purplish-grey and has three stories and a basement. On the first floor only the house's corners are missing and covered with a thick dark grey mesh. From here a bright purple mist is wafting out from inside. A purple van in front of the house reads in bubble letters above the windscreen: 'Ultra Shelibatology'. I pass the house and walk through many more residential streets, across main roads; everything is dark and cool and quiet. Until when passing a garden square I catch sight of a man inside, watching me. He has light hair sticking up in tufts and his whole face is obscured in the dark except his staring eyes. Our eyes meet. Another person walks by in front of me.
I'm in my cousins house I suppose it is, it's unfamiliar in real life but their mom is in downstairs doing something and I'm upstairs waiting in their combined room fro them to come from school. I begin realize things, I combine one thing with one things and create some sort of herbal thing that effects the mind. The more things I make the more I seem to become ancient primitive like. And for some reason I can't stop, I feel compelled. Then my cousin come home and I try to convince them to make some things, one of my cousin doesn't care and sits down and gets on the pc, but the other cousin takes mine instead of makes his own, i didn't mind because I can feel that he can\t comprehend how to make it but he wants the effect. Well he takes it but he doesn't eat it, so meanwhile I\m still changing and now I'm like crawl walking like Tarzan and I decide I need to go and live in the wild and to have more access to the ingredients I need to make more of these things. Suddenly it's dusk and I'm in this square room cave and the ceiling is low and is entirely icicle like stone downwards. At first I have no fear, it's like a maze of stone walls and there's things painted on the floors ans the outer inside walls from the ancients who created this presumably 10 of thousands of years ago. On the floor paintings that warn of snakes in here. On the walls painting that warn of some sort of snake/bore animal and a human is running from it and one has a spear, and then some regular painting of people in Egyptian style art. I'm just walking around thinking about where I'll get my next ingredient and where in here I will sleep when the sun goes all the way down and then suddenly the sun goes down and it's dark and moonlight is shining in and I become scared shitless, and the paintings on the floor of snakes begin to look like real snake bodies all shiny in the moonlight and then I realize there's probably spiders and snakes in between these low hanging stone points that are just above my head so I begin to panic and run out of the cave, and now I'm naked, I'm naked crawling like and jumping and running like an ape and in complete fear and I don't feel like I can survive and I begin to think that it was stupid to go in solitude and that it would be simple if I had a tribe, there would be someone who jobs was to kill the spiders and snakes, surely someone wasn't afraid of spiders and snakes, and I would be the one to get out ingredients and someone could collect food. But I also new that I had no idea of how to get a tribe to live ion this cave with me.
I'm talking to a friend of mine before entering a hospital. I see myself lying on my left side in the hospital bed and I'm sleepy, but I can hear that nurses are talking about me. At that moment I feel that someone is naked in my bed. I open my eyes and a naked man goes running out of the room. I wake up. I do not move in bed to try to continue the dream. Almost immediately I enter a scene where I'm playing a Puzzle Town. I'm building high towers and imagine how they would look if they were real. Then something interesting happens. The towers appear on a television screen and are not only towers but buildings, a complete city. I think in the dream that what I was seing were hypnagogic images. But then I think they were very stable and therefore I was dreaming. Realizing that I'm dreaming I get out of the hospital bed and head for the door but before I had to wrestle with something that I was preventing me from oppening the door. When I opened the door the dream began to fade so I started to rotate. And the scene changed. I was in my backyard in Cuba. But it was not as it is now a two-story house. It was the old colonial house where I was born. Immediately I began to experiment. I put my attention on a piece of clear plastic hanging in the yard to see if its appearance was "real" and to be honest, looked perfectly real. Then I remembered how hard it is to read something in a dream and look for anything written and this time it was difficult to read something twice. The text looked similar but not exact. What I remember most about this dream was a feeling of Solitude. The courtyard was empty and no one was living in the house. It was as if the whole thing was nothing but the past. Then I woke up.
Last night's recall... Meh, at least I took notes. Still not much stuff. Let's go back to the past again - it's always funny to notice how your dreams haven't really changed that much and finding connecting themes between your current and three years ago dreamed dreams. Still, I'm so tired that I'm going to do a super short one. Voice in the Darkness Date: August 28th, 2009 Lucid: No I was going outside. It was a winter night and it was very dark outside. Weird that the seasons are so often not consistent in dreams - I mean that this was dreamed in August, yet it was the darkest time of the winter in the dream. Only light-source outside was the light that came from the inside. As the door closed before me, darkness engulfed me. I was alone in the darkness. I felt distressed. Voice from the dark said: "Well well, Jakro came out." It had an evil tone and I got terrified. Something grabbed me and started dragging me away. I started screaming as hard as I can, hoping that someone would hear me and come to help. The voice just told me to shut up. I still didn't see anything. My own screams woke me up in the bed. I wrote to my dream journal that "I had planned to try a FILD if I wake up in the night, but I was too terrified to do it." Simple, yet intense dream. I had some serious emotional problems back then. Well, I guess I still have.
I was just there in what looked like the Fortress of Solitude and Bruce Wayne was talking to Catwoman about their relationship I guess. Anyway Catwoman stormed off and Bruce Wayne was like She walked down the stairs and left. Then I was in a bar where some guys came in and mugged someone at gun-point like Saints Row 2. I even saw the money fall out.