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    1. 13 Nov: Travel to paralell universe, space station mission in the future

      by , 11-13-2021 at 09:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am with a bunch of high school kids. After some earthquakes, we get "attacked" by clouds of glitter which gets inside us and we start seeing the whole universe and feeling disoriented, like tripping. After a while it gets more clear and we realize we are on board of a train and everything feels a bit different. Outside it is desert and the clouds are white and red. We talk about what to do. I vote for keeping going and seeing more of this place, Zilla and others want to get out and walk. When the train stops at a stop, they get off. The conductor and other local people try to dissuade us of doing so, but this group is very stubborn. Most kids though opt to stay on the train. I join Zilla and her group, despite not wanting initially. I ask the locals for the nearest village and they point towards a direction and say there is only one around. We get there and we go to the only club/bar where we can drink and eat something. It now feels like we are in some Latin American country in the 40-50s. But the bartender says we are actually still in Portugal. We sit down at a lounge room while waiting for some food and we discover a cabinet full of geography and history books. I ask the girl serving us if there is any book about Europe and she opens a book on our table. She has to go back to work and we gather around to read it. My idea is that somehow we were transported to a parallel universe and I am sure history and geography will be different from what we know. I plan on stealing the book if it proves that, so we can bring proof of it back to our universe.

      I am at some space station, as part of a skilled workforce who is sent to any planet where we are needed. At the moment we are here awaiting our next assignment. It is normal to hook up with someone for the months we are stuck somewhere, casual relationships that may or may not become serious. My best friend, who's Indian, hooked up with some guy who looks like Idris Elba and she can't believe her luck, because she is just a very average girl. So am I and I am dating a guy who looks just like Chris Pratt and is just as goofy. We are all at the laundry room, washing our clothes and there is a rumor we are about to be assigned to new missions. My boyfriend gets butt naked and asks me to check some pimples on his butt and he sticks his ass up. My friend's boyfriend yells disgusted that he didn't have to see it, while covering his eyes. I ask him to please put his pants back on, but he insists I check his pimples. There are a few indeed, a bit red and swollen and I tell him to just not scratch them and please put his pants on. Then someone comes in and right there starts saying where we'll be sent. My Indian friend is asked to go back to India for some time, there is some mission there for her but she doesn't want to go. People say "But isn't your family there? Don't you feel lucky to be sent home?" But apparently not and I suspect it is because she knows her boyfriend is probably going somewhere else. I and my boyfriend are going to go on the same mission to another station, in the most distant boundaries of our known universe. During the travel there, he keeps making funny scenes like pretending he is going to open the door of the shuttle to get some air. It is actually making me nervous because there is a button we just have to press for the door to open and a secondary safety door is not closed, because people just feel so comfortable they stopped using those. But I insist on feeling safer, so we close that safety door. At our destination, my boyfriend is supposed to test some new secret ship (he is a pilot) and I get to see him doing maneuvers outside. The ship is amazing, looks like a toy plane with a large round nose and tiny chunky wings, but the surface is all metallic, no windows, also with sharp edges giving it a geometric look much like a dodecahedron and it is bright shiny red.
      There is some unfortunate episode where some dude is ejected into space after a mutiny on some other ship, on purpose or due to some malfunction, can't tell, and my boyfriend happens to be on the spot and manages to grab him with mechanical arms and in just seconds shoot straight to a station hangar with the dude. He saves him, but soon after there is a strange infection spreading in the station and the director comes out to announce we have been compromised and it is my boyfriend's fault. The guy he saved brought with him an infection. The director explains we are in an area infested by these little aliens - they aren't viruses or bacteria, literally they are like tiny microscopic people who enter someone's body and exploit its resources like a planet. I get to see images of them coming out of a tiny ship inside some body and spread out through the organism to harvest whatever they need. I just don't understand how they multiply to be able to infect others. As he speaks, the director starts showing symptoms and everybody runs away. I, my boyfriend and another friend with her kids, we get on some escape pod, hoping none is infected and we head back to Earth, where we land in Lisbon. Life is normal back on Earth, we go eat some sweets at a café and talk about what to do next. The kids never been to Lisbon and are excited to see new things, but my boyfriend is insisting that we should stay home and rest.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 10:09 PM by 34880

    2. 13 Jul: Lucid surreal stuff, chased by Darth Vader into tunnel, college field trip

      by , 07-13-2021 at 03:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice.
      There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me.
      Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it.
      Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat.

      There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down.

      Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike).
      We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't.
      We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason.
      I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
    3. 10 Mar: Hanging out with actors, disneyland like place and lucid sex fantasies in a palace

      by , 03-10-2021 at 10:31 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a space station in the shape of a ring. But not really in it, more like looking it from the outside. They project movies and ads inside the ring's inner wall and are playing a Star Wars movie in it. Turns out I am not in outerspace, but in a movie set. Carrie Fisher's daughter is there and she is a teenager. I find out she has been crashing the set uninvited and unnoticed and she ends up being caught and sent home. Her father in this situation is Nicolas Cage and he comes to get her and scolds her. Next day I am coming to their mansion as a guest and as I arrive at their front door, he is calling her to the car to drive her to school. On the radio someone is talking about her misbehavior and he is still upset by it.
      Anyway, he tells me to go inside and I am welcomed by an old lady, also some actress. Inside, the house is really different from the outside. It is an old victorian mansion in bad shape and also in a mess. Many actors live there as in a commune. There are newspapers on the floor at the entrance, full of dog pee. On the second floor the lady takes me to a dining room with a long wooden table, and there are clothes hanging on ropes from the ceiling. I meet a few younger actresses still going to acting school and they ask me to hang out with them. They discuss great movies, classics and not so classic and debate their virtues and qualities. Then they ask me for favorite directors and I have trouble recalling any. Then they ask me my favorite movie and all I can think about is "The Matrix". They are shocked and then I have to explain that I am a nerd and sci-fi is my favorite genre and that I also love classics and dramas and character movies, but that Matrix played an important role in my teenage years and was the only movie I paid to watch 10 times in the cinema and know all the lines by heart. They have this snobbish attitude like "poor ignorant thing" but I don't care. Then they take me to their school with them and Nicolas Cage is there at the library, dressed up in a past era clothing, doing some monologue to half a dozen students. Since we interrupt it, we are kicked out of the library. They then take me to a sort of playground area. There is a maze and Robin Williams is there playing catch with everyone else. We are assigned numbers and letters and he has to catch the people with a designated letter or number that is picked out by chance. If he catches us, we lose. Although it's a fun game, I am actually afraid when they call my number and he chases me. It feels threatening, So I cheat by climbing to the top of the maze wall to have an overview and I am also kicked out of the game for breaking the rules. I then go to an area that is more like a playground for kids, with slides and carousels and tiny play houses. It is already dark, but some kids are still playing. I decide to enjoy playing to, since I am not allowed in any of these on regular occasions. I have to turn the lantern on my phone on and I chose to go inside a fake diner. It has fake drinks and burgers, made of plastic and cardboard on a table. Then I hear voices on my back and I turn to see some teenagers hanging out on the opposite side of the diner. They are not so happy that I am there too, clearly were enjoying their little secret hanging place. Outside, there is a huge line of kids to go visit the Disney castle that stands tall on top a hill.

      Maybe in the continuation of the previous dream, I am at some big place like a palace with ballrooms and lush gardens. It is crowded and festive. People are drinking and talking loud. At some point a big group is heading to a staircase to a lower floor and some girl in crotches is trying to break her way through them. Me and others tell her she better to go through a different path or it won't be easy. But she is rude to us and insists on going that way, so she ends up being dragged by the crowd which was pushing aggressively towards the stairs. Me and some folks just have the time to push her to the side or she would have been trampled over. I am also dragged by the crowd to the lower floor. Apparently the party has moved downstairs and I hear a music that makes me wanna dance. I start floating around in the air dancing sensually and entertaining all the guests. Men in particular, seem to be enjoying it a lot. I float to the garden but the music does not follow me there.
      I am half-lucid by now and decide to just play a song in my head, I chose Lamb's "Soft Mistake" from the album Fear of Fours. I see my reflection in a mirror and think to myself I should learn how to dance like this in real life as I am doing some great moves. Then I am at the door of some secretive part of the palace and see other beautiful women dancing. I join them and realize it is some kind of harem. I feel a slight rejection growing inside me regarding being there, and I almost leave, but end up entering a room where an Asian man and woman are making love and they don't feel disturbed by my presence. I actually feel attracted to them and I dance for them, while they make love. Then they touch me and offer me a totally realistic dildo, like a cut-off penis. I am so horny now that I don't think it is weird. I do get lucid at this point and think "do I go on or do I drop it and do something useful instead?"... Well, nah, I didn't. I pleased myself with that dildo until it started to fall apart like grounded meat. But it wasn't real meat, it was Beyond Meat. I had an orgasm and I woke up.
      I wonder what's up with all the masturbating with food... Freud would have enjoyed coming up with explanations.
    4. Heart of an Android

      by , 01-06-2017 at 03:20 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)

      I'm in some mad scientist's basement. He has made androids that look exactly like humans. The male android has short black hair and a fit body. He looks generic. But the other android looks like a girl I know from high school, Emilia. She sits quietly and looks unhappy. She is bound by the scientist's programming, but the male android is free. I believe I can save her. Her heart is on a small metallic cart next to her. On the outside the heart is pink and silver metal with red lights. One part of the heart is open and the insides are full of glowing, red yarn. A long bunch of yarn loops are hanging out. They are slowly being reeled into the heart. I realize that the heart has to be wound to keep it going. The loops are almost inside the heart. I grab and pull the yarn, but it's taking all my strength to keep it still.

      The mad scientist shows up, sees us and rushes to put on his battle suit. "We have to get out of here! Help!" , I ask, and the male android acts. He grabs both of us in his arms, looks up and flies through the building. He doesn't stop until we are in space. He flies to a space station and puts us down inside. Seems to be an empty station. Emilia is fine now too, somehow. We start talking about some plan, what to do next. I also tell them stories of my past. All of them are false memories. These flashbacks make it impossible to make any sense of what really happened next in the dream. I recall a concert hall and another female android that was injected with some techno drug that removed her compassion. Since she wasn't treated well by the rich people around her, she didn't mind killing them. I also recall doing mild drugs and feeling relaxed in the space station. At some point I visited my hometown.

      Updated 01-06-2017 at 03:24 PM by 87844

    5. Crash Landing in another Universe

      by , 01-01-2017 at 12:31 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      Happy 2017! So, I've just been focusing on getting lucid. After Caiocontieri talked about wanting space dreams on IRC, I decided to incubate some too.
      Autosuggestion worked nicely.


      Crash Landing in another Universe
      I am the commander of my own space station, just like I visualized before bed. The station is massive and capable of travelling from a universe to another.
      We are orbiting a new planet with alien life. I want to be part of the first party to land on it. I take two crew members with me to a spaceship with three seats.
      The ship looks like a bit like the one in Star Wars. The ship Luke flew when taking down the AT-AT. We get in and the ship is slowly being lifted out of the hangar.
      We are on a ramp and we see space, the planet and part of the station in front of us. The locking mechanism is malfunctioning and our ship starts sliding down the ramp.
      "Oh fuck!" I yell as I look at the part of our station we are falling towards. It's at least 1km until we hit the station and several kilometers below that is another level that we might hit.

      We hit the station and start spinning out of control as we fall towards the planet. We are still picking up speed. This is going to hurt.
      I try to calmly put on my seat belt, which is difficult thanks to the ship spinning. After I get the seat belt, all I can do is wait and hope for a miracle.
      Maybe we land in an ocean or something.

      The ship softly stops just before hitting the ground. A large red alien man with tentacles used telekinesis to stop our ship. We are in an alien city.
      The atmosphere is denser and deep blue. It's also toxic to humans. We hold our breath. A lot of humanoid aliens rush to help us.
      I try to communicate that we need air. My crewmate tries to draw this on a piece of paper in a way they could understand.
      I also tell them that we came from another universe. I take a few breaths as a test. Breathing doesn't hurt, but I still believe it's toxic.
    6. Evolving Androids

      by , 12-30-2016 at 06:43 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      This is an older dream that I felt like sharing here.
      Emergency teleportation kit

      I'm on a space station. There are people and very advanced androids. I feel far away from Earth.
      I explore the station and encounter something I thought was impossible. Some of the androids have evolved.
      They have stronger parts. One in particular had arms made of shiny black metal alloy that was nowhere else on the station.
      We didn't know what it was.

      One of the androids became evil as it evolved. He saw me as a threat and dragged me to a room where they stored malfunctioning androids.
      I was packed tight between two androids. A force field activated around this hexagon shaped...storage unit.
      Before the walls encased me in darkness, the last thing I saw was the corrupted android's white, motionless, human-looking face.
      It was like a mask and it was smiling with empty eyes.

      I was in stasis. Years passed in seconds. I didn't feel hunger, thirst or fatigue.
      Suddenly my life was allowed to continue. An android ripped the wall open and I saw light again. He was the one with black arms.
      His arms could pass through the force field, he was the only one who could do it. I followed him through the dark space station.
      By the looks of things, I slept through a few centuries. I felt sad, angry and alone.

      The android led me to a storage room with old machines and supplies.
      I managed to turn on one of the machines, but it didn't do the amazing things I thought it would. It was broken.
      A few androids joined us in the search for one specific item: emergency teleportation kit. It was our only chance to get out of there safely, I assumed.
      I also assumed the corrupted android was still around and that's why we were in a hurry.

      After a while of searching we found a locker full of the kits we were looking for. I grabbed one and checked it. It wasn't empty. Awesome.
      Loud noise from the door. The corrupted androids found us. We all hid. The dream fell apart as I was trying to hide.
    7. Neuschwanstein

      by , 12-07-2016 at 10:08 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am in Fussen, Germany. Duplicates of Neuschwanstein Castle surround me. Why is my dreaming self so stupid and not realise how ridiculous it was. I then take plane trips all around the world. Eventually, I am loaded onto a rocket and lauched to a crowded space station. I feel I have special piority for room, but no body pays attention.

      A vague dream about being bullied...

      Oh, I have stopped the bizarre 'rituals'.
      A 'voice' in my head says I have do certain things in waking life to have a lucid, and the results are a blank head when waking up. I did not listen to it, and my dreams are back.
    8. [23-03-2016]

      by , 03-23-2016 at 02:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Cold, cloudy afternoon. Apocalypse has come. With a blonde woman wearing a special forces suit we were rushing through flooded streets. The water have temporary lowered, giving us chance to move further. Bodies, destroyed vechicles and ruined buildings were seen after the water lowered. We ran forward, there was a huge whirlpool, and we had to somehow get across it. We tried to go around it, but then we discovered another whirlpool. We've ran past these two when they stopped, but there was one more - a huge whirlpool that we were unable to get past. Then we've got an idea - shoot ourselves with something to the other side.

      Second dream

      A dark mansion in the forest. I was there with group of other mercenaries, hired to kill someone hiding in there. The building was a bit rundown and everyone had to watch their heads and feet. I spotted my target - it was a black male in cyan t-shirt. He shot at other mercenaries, hurting them. I sneaked up and surprised him. I shot him in the head with my shotgun. There wasn't much left of his head. I reported that the task was done and ran away.

      I was running straight a forest road. There was a car following me. I thought "There is a city nearby. They said that it was really far away from the mansion, but I'm almost there in no time!". To lose the tail I ran deeper into the woods and then back on the road. The Sun was raising in the horizon. I have reached the city-station.

      An elevator led inside a huge building coated with some kind of protective metal. There was a woman that wanted to get inside too. She was wearing sports clothes, probably coming back after some jogging. I opened the elevator and held it for her. She said that she's going to push first floor button. I didn't knew where to go, so I decided to leave with her.

      The elevator opened and I saw a huge hall looking like a space station. There were many troops in protective suits patrolling the area. I jumped down a platform and landed safely. Soldier passing by just looked at me, and went away smiling. The hall was filled with computers, it was some kind of IT party over there. People were playing strange prototype games.
    9. Mars station - the forge, Reactor core coolant error

      by , 09-28-2015 at 10:39 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was on the planet Mars. A space station was built on it's surface, with the most modern technology currently available. Something strange have happened there, and a red fog was covering all the tight corridors. I was walking inside some dark tunnels, trying to find my way around that strange place. I heard two persons wandering these tunnels, and even saw them once too. It was a scientist and a technician, they were talking about some kind of massacre happening in the station.

      I finally found my way from tunnels, which were in the lower sector, to the surface dome. In the middle of the dome there was a huge pool of lava, and there were some building on the sides. In the middle of the pool there was a powerful demon, though I somewhat can't recall it. It shot missiles of red energy at me, which were hard to avoid. An idea came to me - building a forge, to create armor protecting me from these missiles.

      After a while of wandering in the dark, I heard a speaker voice "Reactor core coolant error!". Blue emergency lights turned on in the tunnels, and I heard machinery turning on - the coolant reached hyperactivity, and started to freeze all the space station. I thought to myself "I should be invincible now." and so I was invincible, and I have gained abillity to phase through walls and objects.

      I watched as the ice slowly covered walls of the tunnels, and walked there for a while. Then I floated up to the dome - the lava was still present, but demon was nowhere to be found. I ripped some tiles from the floor, getting to lava underneath them, and started to build a lava powered forge.
    10. Lucid Frags

      by , 02-02-2015 at 03:05 PM (Lucid Time!)
      There was a long and particularly drab space travel dream. I was landed on the moon with two other astronauts. One of them was dumping liquid fuel onto the surface of the moon so that our capsule would be lightweight enough to fly home.

      When I got on the capsule (That was huge on the inside despite being tiny on the inside.) my parents were there, along with many a familiar member of my family. They told me 'Happy 19th birthday' (IWL that isn't for another couple weeks. And they gave me this weird cake. It was like a small loaf of bread and filled with this thick buttery like cream. I didn't really like it and told them when my real party came, I wanted a chocolate cake.

      I got distracted from the birthday party scene because I had to dock the caupsle with a space station. I got the strangest sense of Deja-vu, as though I had done this in a previous dream or a long time ago.
      Why does docking with the space station feel farmiliar...?

      I was watching the superbowl, live from the stadium. The game had just started and the football froze in midair. All of the players started dog-piling and jumping to get at it.

      "Uh-Oh, looks like that's an illegal anti-gravity ball. Minus 20 points! And *some player* to the time-out square for you!"

      I realized how absurd this was. (Now IWL, I don't watch sports, and TBH I don't even know the rules of football all that well.) But this was just so strange that I had to be dreaming.

      I woke up though. I took a leak and then it was WBTB time.

      I found myself on my bed. (False awakening.) Though my bed was replaced with this odd powder, like finely-ground flour. I realized right away that I was not fully awake. I began to mess with it. I thought that the reason I was in my bed was because I was still partially awake and I shouldn't move too much because I might start to move my waking life body and wake up.

      At one point, I decided to smell it. It did have a smell, though faint it did smell a bit chalky, sort of like baking soda or flour. I can't say so exactly, but yay for finally smelling something in a dream.


      I was by a lake. My friend pointed out that there were squidfish in the water. I asked him what a squidfish was and he showed me. They were these fish, perhaps a foot long with all of these tentacles on the front of their face. They were carnivorous and ate other smaller fish whole.

      I then noticed that there were large fat fish swimming around in the air, a few feet above me.
      I became lucid, but the dream promptly faded.


      There was one other lucid fragment from this morning, but I can't recall what it was, just that there were three frags involving lucidity after my WBTB. I had the number on my mind all morning.
    11. Attempting to Address the Dream Itself

      by , 11-23-2014 at 07:20 PM
      Good morning, I just woke up, got my Timmies, and now listening to Krokus, preparing to dream journal. Yeah, I’m a Krokus fan, I’ve got all 13 of their best albums off iTunes! Yup, I even got my leopard skin spandex on (Joking!) Anyway, I’ve often heard about people talking to the dream itself. This was my attempt last night to communicate with the consciousness, if there is such a thing, behind the dream. It’s all part of my quest for no violence or bad behavior while lucid.

      I was involved in another ½ hour long lucid dream where I was on a huge space station, probably because I’m all 'wrapped up' in the ‘The 100’ series on Netflix. I did drop out of the lucid dream momentarily about 3 or 4 times, but I just stayed still and calm, and focussed on the dream, and then I immediately went right back in where I left off.

      Okay, back to what I’m trying to describe. There are these 3 dream figures standing there in a room, and they all know I’m lucid, because they were just watching me practice forward, and backward summersault flying tricks. I talked to them momentarily about the fact that I was Lucid, and I was probing them for information about what this lucid dream world is really about. Actually, I’m pretty sure I already know, but it’s my own theory based off my observations and experiences. They were very interested in me querying them, but they were unable to give me any details, but it was obvious they knew. I then turned, and put my back to them, and stared at the space station wall and said, “Consciousness behind the dream, please tell me why there’s violence and bad behavior in my dreams.” I waited, a second, and there was no reply. I could hear the 3 guys behind me giggling. I turned around to face them, and they spun their backs to me, and they started to giggle even louder. I said to them, “Hey, wait a minute, there is a consciousness behind the dream, and I’ve heard its voice before.” They looked a little more serious, and then faced me again. I think they did this because they were a little scared of me, and it was not so much an understanding. I put my backs to them and addressed the dream itself again, “Consciousness behind the dream, why is there violence and bad behavior in my dreams? I do not want that.” Well the three dream figures behind me started to laugh again. I turned and faced them. I told them, “You guys have me at a bit of disadvantage here, please do tell?” They looked at each other and one fellow said, “Let’s send a space probe down to Earth, and examine this guy a little further.” I then retorted, “What, you’re going to give me anal space probe?” He didn’t like that comment too much, and said, “We’re going shut off you lucid dreaming abilities.” I blasted back at him, “I’m too smart for that to work, and you’ve tried before, and it didn’t work!” He got angry at that point, and his facial features faded to almost nothing (no nose or lips), and his eyes turned black. He looked at the other guys, and said, “Give him a pill.” I then created a jar of strawberry hard candies in my hand, held it up to him, and then I popped a couple in my mouth, and said, “Ohhhh, I love pills!” They were not at all impressed. They then turned and walked away, and stupid me, I followed! They led to a room with three wrinkly, dark skinned, 7 foot tall, alien type beings. I haven’t seen anything like it before, but I was not scared, just fascinated. All of sudden, the lights go out, and one of these giant aliens grab me, and stuffs what feels like a baby octopus in my mouth. It was latched onto my tongue, and trying to go down my throat. I grabbed onto the little bastard with my right hand and pulled for all I was worth. I thought my tongue was going to rip out of my mouth. The creature finally let go, and I threw it on the ground and immediately woke myself up. Thinking back on the dream, I seem to be the problem, not the dream figures. The dream answered my question about bad behavior. I have some personal problems that I need to work through in order to improve my lucid experience.

      Here are a couple of highlights from the same lucid dream:

      1) I was in the space station storage area for pets. There were all these beautiful dogs, and one cat (my dream sign). I was kneeling on the ground petting them all. There had to be at least 25 dogs. I was buried up to my neck in jumping, licking dogs. Tails all wagging. It was real fun.
      2) I called for my daughter to join me. She went running past me full speed, down a space station corridor with two friends, and I chased after them, but they were too fast for me to catch. That was odd, because I have unlimited speed when lucid.
      3) I found an empty space station utility room, and went inside and closed the door, to get away from the crowd, so I could maybe meet with my daughter in peace. The door opened and my boss from work walked in. He was smiling, and I grabbed him by his arms and lifted him up onto a counter. He looked shocked that I would do such a thing. I felt I was being somehow tricked; perhaps I was a bit paranoid. I apologized and said, “Let’s have a beer!” He said, “Sure!” and he pulled two beers out of his suit jacket. The beer tasted so damn good! We got half way through the beers, while having a good chat, and then the door opened and a stranger walked in. My boss went invisible, but his beer didn’t, and his beer was moving around the room. It looked like it was floating. I said, “I can still see your beer.” Then his beer vanished. Well, invisible dream figures? That’s new.
      4) There was a small, control office building at the space craft docking bay. I was practicing jumping from the ground onto the roof, and then forward summersaulting back to the ground. During the first few tries I was face planting, or landing on my butt, but I finally got it right!
      5) As I mentioned earlier, I did momentarily wake a few times during this ½ hour long, lucid dream, and during one momentary waking, I heard my daughter scream at me for some reason. It was like she wanted me back in the dream, or she was giving me crap for my bad behavior, so I quickly went back into the space station, lucid dream, and tried again!

      Updated 11-23-2014 at 07:32 PM by 71173

    12. Chased By Government, Morpheus Bodyguard (LD #132)

      by , 11-07-2014 at 12:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was a female reporter for some kind of news agency who had gotten some serious dirt on the US government and they had sent some secret service agents to try and stop me from leaking the word. I was working with this man who looked and dressed just like Morpheus from the matrix movies. I think he was my bodyguard or something.
      The funny part was as we were being chased by these guys he was piggy-back-riding me around. We were in a park area but there were many tall buildings around. Somebody pointed out that a speck in the sky was actually just the space station. My vision zoomed in and I could see four large solar panels coming off of it.
      He continued running with me on his back. A couple of tranquilizer darts flew past us. I can recall this funny looking helicopter was being used to chase us, with a sniper in it firing the darts. It didn't have a tail or any stabilization. it was just a pod with a big propeller on it. I looked at it and realized that it wouldn't be able to fly, and it crashed.
      Eventually we somehow created this portal on the ground and jumped through it.
      We wound up in this beautiful sanctuary area; some kind of virtual reality or alternate dimension. There were these shallow concrete pyramids with waterfalls running down the sides and various plants and flowers planted in the steps. There was a huge lake; in fact, I think we were on an island. But you could see mountains in the distance. There were also many tall deciduous trees with brightly colored leaves. Everything was tinted autumn colors. (Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Browns). Even the sky was tinted orange.
      The Morpheus man told me that the government agents could still find us here, but it was probably safe to rest for the night. He told me to gather wood from the forest so that we could make a fire.
      I recall walking into the woods. I see a orange Chinese dragon, about fifteen or twenty feet long flying in the woods, weaving its serpentine body through the trees. It blends well with the leaves, but I'm certain that it's there.

      I became lucid. I changed myself out of the female reporter guise. I decided to summon Manei for our sit down question time that I've been visualizing. I yelled for her name, and heard her yell back. I looked and standing about a hundred feet into the autumnal forest, I could vaguely make her out.
      "Manei, I have some questions for you!"
      "Hurry up, the dream is about to end!"
      "How come if it's my dream, I can't picture what happens and make it happen?" (I was trying to ask her why my visualization doesn't work.)
      "Because you didn't like your cookie from 300 years ago!"
      I woke up.

      Typical Manei logic...

      When I do get my long conversation dream, I should ask her why half the time she makes sense and the other half she says totally random things like that.

      I went back to sleep; it was still quite early. I think it yielded a Nonlucid dream, but I cannot recall it.
    13. Kung Fu Movie, LD #110: Vveven

      by , 09-05-2014 at 01:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I'm putting these dreams in out of order because I like to put lucid dreams last. I actually had the lucid dream at around 1:30 in the morning, and this non-lucid upon awakening.

      So I am in/watching a Kung-Fu movie. The dream is periodically glitching between having the main character be autonomous and it being me. That said the main character looks a little like Bruce Lee crossed with my typical dream self. (Bicolored eyes and goggles).
      Anyways, I remember talking to a sensei (Not the person from DV, just a typical sensei character in a kung fu movie.) He was glitching too. He sometimes looked like the typical sensei character with long white hair and a beard. But at other points he looked like this very fat rat type creature.
      Anyways, apparently my character had disowned many teachers before this one for various reasons and was happy that he had found one that conformed best to his teaching style.
      Back to watching it. We were training together, both of us standing on the rocks in the middle of a huge rushing river, doing synchronized movements. There are huge mountains off in the distance.

      There is a part in the movie where this boy and my WL parents came to visit us. The boy was supposedly six despite being about 5'10" and 200 pounds. He had some kind of growth disorder. Also, at this point we were training on a tropical beach.

      Now the climax of the story. The character that I am supposed to defeat is this demon. It kind of looks like the golem that appeared in that dream a couple nights ago, and has red vines wrapped around its body, and is made of dark stone pieces. But this one is much smaller, like 10-12 feet tall.
      Also we were fighting in a very strange location, some kind of birthday party for one of the secondary characters. Nobody ran away from the party. They all made a big circle around the two of us and started taking pictures/video with their phones.
      I think this was actually my second time fighting him. The first time, my character had lost, horribly. He had bloody bandages all over his body from where the vines had hit him during the first battle, and the atmosphere just felt like that of a rematch.
      I am watching once more. The character then closes his eyes and begins 'feeling' where all the vines are going to come from. He then strikes them and knocks them away. Some of them even rip apart and become unusable. It was a remarkably exciting scene and there was some epic Chinese drum music playing while it was happening. He eventually runs at the golem and begins fighting it directly.

      Very odd way of the dream starting. I start to feel someone rubbing my feet and the dream begins to materialize with that.
      So for some reason the dream has decided to materialize like so: I am in a huge mall or food court where there are a ton of people of all different ages, races, ethnicity, etc. There is no more seating available because of the crowd, so we are now sitting propped against the wall.

      And Manei is there, rubbing my feet. Okay, I officially have the weirdest dream guide possible to think: I want the dream to start with me rubbing his feet in some random public place and then we can start talking.
      So lucidity comes on after like ten whole minutes and some very strange dream glitches occur that I can't recall now.
      I turn to her and ask this, knowing that I will get an interesting response.
      "Your hands are so soft! What do you use?"
      "Tomato Juice!"
      "You took a bath in tomato juice?"
      I pause for a moment.
      "Okay, time to do one of the lucid tasks, if I can remember it..."
      I try to recall a lucid task. I recall what I think was one of the old ones, to ask a dream character to tell you a word in another language and it's meaning.
      "Tell me a word in your language and it's meaning."
      "Okay... Vveven! It means god is above. God is love. I love god."
      "You know I'm atheist... right?"
      "I know. I'm telling you the word. Not what to believe."
      Can I get wings for this?
      I get up and indicate that she could follow if she wants to. I want to leave the crowded area.

      Then there is a strange dream glitch. I become nonlucid and see this game set up to be played in the middle of the public place. The game is called 'F**k off, Rabbit!" and you play it with a pack of colored markers and all of these different coloring pages. I don't know how, but it has something to do with the drawing of a rabbit is hidden in each of the coloring pages, and the game is supposed to be very hard.

      I am lucid one more, and still walking out of the place. I look around to find Manei and see her melting into the crowd. Okay, not following. I get outside where there is a vast, clear twilight sky. The dream slowly shifts from the exterior of the mall to my own neighborhood.
      Although the sun is setting in my neighborhood, it feels more like the wee hours of the morning. The moon is rising where the sun should be. The moon also looks huge.
      It is cold. It must be spring or fall. Not horribly cold, but quite brisk none the less.
      I get about halfway down the street and stop. Someone drives past me in a sliver car and looks at me strange.
      Time to do some flying.
      I put my hands down to my side, and project my energy out, the way I always fly.
      Nothing seems to be happening. I can feel my weight starting to come off of my legs.
      I then tried to Jump to start the flying up. I jumped up and floated in the air for a second. Tried projecting out of my hands and felt the flying 'catch' and I was off. I also remember seeing my shadow on the pavement. I think this is the first time I have ever noticed a shadow during a dream.
      I said something like 'Heck Yeah!' and flew over the tops of some houses. I went above the woods behind my sub and turned to look back at it. I was thinking that I might try to fly into outer space.
      Now, a foot massage: weird. A tomato juice bath: weird. But this takes the cake. I turn around to see it and the dream freezes. I lose a ton of clarity and the the image of my neighborhood from above is frozen in front of me. But the strange thing is, my neighborhood is not there at all. Just a blurry black void surrounded by trees.
      The image of my neighborhood pulls back. It becomes evident that it is like a large photograph printed on a sheet of paper. I am now hovering in an empty black void, because the visual of the world has been compressed into this picture. Then, the photograph folds all origami up into a face. I am not kidding, and becomes a floating head that starts talking to me. The dream was literally talking to me.
      "Hey, Woah!, Sorry! I don't know what your sub looks like from above."
      "Not your fault. I was the one who didn't know what it looked like."

      The dream glitches agian. I am looking at this space station in orbit above earth. Apparently the moon was so huge in that dream because it was falling to earth and about to impact it, and that space station was supposed to monitor the event as it happened.
      I can recall the space station having this strange glass pod one one side that I was very focused on for some reason. It looked like some kind of escape pod.

      It was at this point that I realized that I was still dreaming and woke myself up because I wanted to make sure that I recalled the lucid dream.

      Oh, sure. My subconcious can't show me what my sub looks like when I fly above it, but it sure loves to show me what the moon looks like impacting earth and designing these random space stations.

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 06:36 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. The space station

      by , 11-06-2012 at 08:17 PM
      I appear in a space station. This old man is here telling me about all the constellations. I look out the window and the constellations were mostly from skyrim.

      Then these kids appear and they run around the place. In the middle of the room is a pillar and there is a blue substance floating around it. I accidently rip the substance a part while chasing the kids around. Then there mother comes and she is pretty mad. The kids vanish and she says "There's just so much pressure.." I angrily say "What pressure!?" She says "I've been up here for many years and nobody even cares!" I reply "Let me guess..your up here because you are afraid of the apocalypse, listen, theres no logical reason why you should be afraid, do you know why?" she just stares at me. I say "We are all destined to die one day, there is no point in being afraid of something that is inevitable" I then prepare to leave but before I do I say "I hope you considered what I've said" I am transported back to a parking lot. It is midday. I see my mothers car. I walk up to it and the dream ends...
    15. Chased by Chewbacca and R2-D2

      by , 04-15-2012 at 05:42 PM
      In my dream I was being chased around by the wookiee Chewbacca and R2-D2 from Star Wars. We were aboard either a large ship or space station. I keep managing to evade them, but every time I think I'm safe I run into them again. I try to slip by them, but always at the last moment, Chewbacca turns around and sees me. The chase begins again. This happens about 5 times total in my dream. I don't know why Chewbacca was after me, maybe he wanted to rip my arms off and beat me with them? But finally I manage to loose them for good.

      Next I'm walking around this barren rocky area. There are bones of dead creatures around, including the bones of dinosaurs. Most of the bones were embedded in the rock and couldn't be moved. I remember tugging on one of the bigger dinosaur skulls, wouldn't budge. There were some scavenger animals that came around and carried off the smaller bones that were not stuck. Moving on, I come to another area where this monkey is clowning around on these solid, rocklike boxes that are stacked up. Over to one side, where a set of these boxes are stacked, their tops are partially carved into statue like formations. Included in the carved stone was a phallus symbol, and as I walked near these things, liquid came out of that part and got me all wet. Discusted, I turn the box-statues around so they don't face in my direction anymore. A lady who was wearing condoms over her hand and forearm comes over to me to help me out with these box-statue things. The thing isn't as heavy as it looks, and I'm holding it up as she attempts to clean a pipe on the bottom of this thing. She gives up after she decides its too gross of a job to do, and I'm in agreement with her.

      We walk along, and there are still more rocklike boxes ahead. These are setting on the ground in a group, but enough space in between to walk through. These all have this blue gelatin mass on top in a cone shape, or shaped like half an egg. As I start messing with one, it is firm, but pliable. Sort of like that Dr Scholls gelatin insert for your shoes. This stuff can be re-shaped, but it does take considerable effort. I am under the impression at this point that these things are supposed to be used for a woman's pleasure. Once I understand that, I stop messing with the thing and I wake up.
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