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    1. First fully intentional and complete WILD - Neighborhood exploration, my students

      by , 08-29-2017 at 02:54 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      So this here is a big deal for me. A REALLY big deal!
      It's been a little more than 6 years since I started with lucid dreaming, and like many other hopefuls I was also aiming at WILDs. Suffice to say they were very elusive to me for the longest of times. Painfully slowly over the past years I had more experiences giving me insight, like waking up unusually slowly out of a dream, basically an unintentional reverse WILD and all sorts of things like that.

      So then today was the big day. I got into bed, decided to get out again and read a couple of things on WILDing again as I was planning that for a while anyway. Set my alarm for a bit more than an hour, sleep, get up briefly and put in earplugs.
      They were a bit uncomfortable at first but rolling over and pressing my head into the pillow actually helped. They were just noticeable enough to give me an anchor while shielding me from outside sensory input.
      As I was laying there I felt a heavy and tired sensation quickly, the one that's been dragging me back into sleep all sorts of times when I wasn't supposed to remain sleeping, but at the same time I felt my mind be decently alert and awake.
      Maybe a minute or so after seriously lying down I start getting intense feelings of motion, I patiently feel into them and wait for them to pass, then I get up.

      I'm in my room, it's dark and everything looks normal, and this surely would've made for an FA, but I didn't lose my consciousness at all, so I immediately reality checked with a nose-pinch, and sure enough, I was in a dream. Incredibly smooth and direct transition too. Perfect.
      I open the balcony door, and as I wasn't exactly dressed I grabbed a t-shirt and quickly put it on while strolling through the neighborhood. It was very close to my actual living place in K, but there were some differences. I strolled through the place, and there were 2 persons, I levitated up on a building and then jumped down in one swoop close to them, like I often did in a Power Armor in Fallout 4. They did give me a weird look and I made a small impact but it wasn't much.

      I conceived a plan to test out more stuff so I thought why not try summoning some beautiful girl? So I went into an apartment building, around a staircase corner and there was someone waiting who was very likely inspired by someone I knew from real life. Had red short hair like my wife currently but looked otherwise a lot different. At least the concepts, proportions, facial structure and the like were a compound of actual people known to me. She wasn't what I was looking for though, so after a few words I got out and repeated the same process (enter an apartment building, go around a staircase corner, meet someone) 2 more times.
      The next time was a person that was inspired by one very particular person I know and remember from real life. I asked her about her height which just cemented my realization that she was directly inspired by person IN I knew from many years in my past. Again a few words and I moved on.
      The third and last time there was yet another person in the same line, sort of okay looking, but not what I had tried to summon as eye candy, leading me to the realization that somehow my summoning parameters must've gotten restricted to known persons and looks.

      I entered one of these apartment buildings again and basically entered a separate space with no way to get back, and it was bigger on the inside too. Hammer space time.
      The place was very dimly lit and the architecture was almost persistent, changing just ever so slightly with every passing minute of me strolling through the corridors. I opened doors and explored rooms.
      One of the rooms I distinctly remember was a storage chamber, and while looking into it and the vicinity I heard some disembodied voice talking about inheriting riches and getting through an awful time in an awful city, with him thinking he wouldn't have made it otherwise.
      Odd but okay.
      I also stumbled upon a room that was described as my classroom, with me being the teacher, but no one was there. It also had elements of a kitchen, a train station and not enough chairs.
      Here I'm not perfectly sure about the chronological order, but some time before or after those rooms the dream sort of dimmed, and thinks became hard to see, I had the feeling of slipping away. I really focused on everything I was feeling, similar to ADA exercises, and a pulse ran through everything, giving it an invigorated and strong color for a moment. Also the corridor I was in when I did that had some mixture of grass and tiles on the floor.
      Towards the end of the dream I heard a screeching sound to the left of that corridor, a terrifying cacophony, which only after a couple seconds I recognized as the train delivering my students.
      I went to the room again where I saw them, I think like 5 or so. There was some Yu-Gi-Oh theme to them (for whatever inexplicable reason), and one of them was a snake dude, with scales and weird eyes.
      Upon looking into his eyes the dream ended somewhat abruptly as I felt myself waking up, I knew there was no going back so I got up and happily started writing down this entry.

      Now I'll see if I can repeat this semi-reliably. Sure, I might not be able to pull it off every night, but this was to deliberate and specific for me to believe it to be a fluke. I can do it again. And more importantly I then should be able to actively incorporate Ryuuko into these dreams.
    2. Arsenic meat is good for lucidity

      by , 02-03-2016 at 07:45 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Now this dream had a seriously weird start. I think there was something happening before I got lucid but I don't remember it.

      I was in some kinda camp close to a small creek. There were tents and some structures which I guess were placed to dry clothes or so. I had some self made "arsenic meat" with me, it was in an aluminum pot and was essentially raw meat in a clear liquid that consisted mostly or to some degree of arsenic. It smelled abhorrently chemical and I know that I accessed a Wikipedia page on arsenic via some kind of direct neural interface, no intermediate electronic device needed. On the page it talked about its psychoactive properties (not existent in real life as far as I can tell). Either I ate a piece of that or the smell alone was enough to induce said effects and I experienced visual distortions and some degree of control over these. That promptly made me lucid.

      Spoiler for TL;DR: I had sex with my wife:

      After that I had a FA but I did not wake up. I was in my home, and for once it was spectacularly close to my actual home, only minor details like color were off which is super rare. I was standing in the bathtub and was fiddling with a tarp that had seemingly become dirty when my wife and me had fun. I had also worried about my wife getting pregnant since we didn't use any contraception. And the tarp was mostly in the toilet... the weirdness of it all snaps me back into lucidity, I do the nose pinch RC. I go onto the bed in my bedroom, and my wife was also there, talking about something. I know I half consciously listened but since I knew it was DC I didn't pay it too much attention. I thought about trying shared dreaming but ultimately didn't try.

      I jumped outside, I'm pretty sure from my balcony. I look at the sky and... it's obviously bright day from all my surroundings yet it's actually night in the sky, it's black and I see the stars.
      (I only saw it in the dream but found it weird after I woke up and thought about it, this mix between night and day at the same time is new to me.)
      I thought about flying up but didn't want to spent too much time in a black void, so I improvised and filled the space partially with a beautiful green nebula, it worked quite spectacularly. I fly up into the sky, aiming at the border of the nebula. I was rather disappointed to see that the night sky was only a texture several kilometers above the planet. Instead of fixing it I turn back towards earth and spin it around to take a trip to Japan. It takes me a moment to find it, and it's not a normal earth globe either but I managed. The globe w
      as... it was still a perfect sphere and the countries had roughly the right shape but it was vastly scaled down, so that each country was only barely a large city. I entered Japan on the east in some kind of harbor and went westwards into an industrial area. I remember seeing some soldiers and then I used a weird high precision zoom interface to inspect my surroundings. I see some products and wares and eventually find and pick up a lead-pouring game, you know that Sylvester tradition thingy. Right then I'm violently yanked out of the dream and wake up.

      And incidentally I realize I had this dream right on time to finish my first TotM (I had this dream only hours into February), and I didn't know the task by then either.

      Updated 02-03-2016 at 08:00 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    3. Parallel dimension company

      by , 04-28-2015 at 07:05 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I'm not perfectly sure where precisely this dream started. I was together with a very large group of people in a 'company'. Actually this 'company' was just now being built, it was being built in an entirely separate dimension from ours, that began empty, but eventually the building, the parking lot, and indirectly also a beach, an ocean and a sky where created.
      There was this one girl which had black hair, at first. To be honest everyone had black hair but that was a cloaking from the normal human society, their true hair colors where all somewhat purple or lavender. Her hair was lavender and she seemed to have a strong love interest in me, and it felt that while we were sitting in a train her interest in my calmed down, but I became interested in her. We arrived in a parking lot where I became weirdly
      lucid and parked a car by making it fly, though I really had to consciously fill in a lot of details which were not filled in by the dream (like sitting in the car, opening the door, and how I should be placed while doing these thing). Then the dream faded.

      To be honest, I've been playing around with layering crystals close to my bed while sleeping, I picked the crystals according to Chakras, because why the hell not, the worst that could happen is nothing. Two of the stones I picked were the Atlantisite and the Tiger Iron, which previously had brought me the dreams with the purple haired dream demon Maya.
      So the same stone helped along with putting 3 things into my dreams, more lively and engaging people, love interests and purple hair. My conclusion is that there is a high statistical chance that the crystals or at least those two had a positive energetic or at least psychological effect. I'll resume the experiment, hoping the positive effects won't fade, like usually all things of the kind do for me.
    4. There is no Dream Guide

      by , 04-23-2013 at 12:41 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      For some reason I can't really recall the first part of this dream or how I got lucid in the first place, kinda weird as I was lucid, and with some good quality as well.

      My recall started when I was looking at the seat of the living room of one of my prior homes in M.
      The dream could have started somewhere entirely different, and I'm sure that I was lucid for some minutes already and that I did something else, also I know that my girlfriend was in the room and that for once she didn't just exist, but we were actually talking about a lot of stuff.

      I looked up from the seat I was staring at (something was lying on it but I don't know what it was) so now I was seeing the aquarium in the back of the room. My mind was clear and this time I wanted to summon my dream guide for real. I focused my mind and clarified what my dream guide should be and do, and then tried it. Even though I knew I had quite a bit of control all I got was a piece of wood... I then tried to pull a person out of it in case someone was hiding in that shape, again without success, it was indeed a dead piece of wood. Then there was a weird scene with some tiny cassettes I can't explain, but I know that they told me that as a matter of fact I don't have anything like a actual Dream Guide.

      Maybe my girlfriend is my Dream Guide and I should try to teach her how to make me lucid in dreams and stuff like that. Maybe I should scrap the idea of a Dream Guide in my dreams altogether in favor of focusing on something else. Oh and the kind of dream guide I was talking about is something internal, not a spirit guide. I already wondered whether my summon attempts maybe went in that direction or whether I maybe should try to summon a spirit guide intentional.

      Anyway, the fact that I had a lucid so fast again is a good sign, it's now going up for me and I have a little hope that it will never go down again. Also I woke up a lot more often and can recall at least 2 more dreams as well as being yet a little step closer to WILDing thanks to talks about not trying to stay aware but simply choosing to do so, it really made more of a difference to take that approach than I even was expecting.

      Updated 12-26-2013 at 11:45 PM by 48127

    5. First shared dreaming attempt

      by , 01-05-2013 at 08:18 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      It's so damn long ago I had a reason to make a DJ entry, but finally here is one, even if it's not much.

      I was in a room that looked kinda like the cellar in my tertiary home (M), but it was brighter, cleaner and more colorful. I was there with my girlfriend and we were talking about something. I totally randomly pinched my nose and 2 seconds later I realized that I could breathe through the pinched nose and what that means, so I repeated the check and got lucid.
      I immediately wanted to try and pull my "real" girlfiend into the person in front of me, hence start a session of shared dreaming. She seemed to be interested doing other things but I still tried, woke up a short time after that though.
    6. From the human catapult to the winter forest into the forsaken complex

      by , 06-30-2012 at 11:51 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Everything started when I was in a city and I was about to witness the launch of someone. He was supposed to be launched by a catapult; I think he was wearing some kind of armor. Not sure whether I was actually existent at that point but I'm sure I was watching the scene in 3rd person, it seemed to be spring and it was rather bright. Upon launch I followed the "human projectile" which flew quite a long way until landing in a winter forest. The snow was 10-20cm deep, the weather itself was pretty clear, though not much light came through the trees. At this point I was definitely existent, and I was searching the dude. Not sure if something more happened here but then I found an entrance to the underground and went in.

      I'm pretty sure I went down a dark staircase into a big forsaken complex, which remembers me a lot of the Talenta boarding school I was in some years ago. The building itself was pretty long stretched, 4 or 5 levels high and there was no real separation for rooms, it seemed to be more or less one big room. I seemed to know that place really good as I always knew where to go. Somewhere around this point I had a girl who went with me, she had green medium-short hair and was a few years younger than me (15-18 I guess).

      Minute for minute I heard more and more sounds in the building and it seemed like suddenly there were a lot of people, though there should have been no one, then there were people (primarily girls) with brooms scattered everywhere, they were apparently part of a project to tend to this forsaken complex once again. They were however hostile to us as we were seen as intruders. The girl which was with me used some incantations (that's when I saw her the first time by the way) to defend us while I navigated through the corridors to avoid contact, I specifically remember she used a "Defensive Map" spell allowing us to see where people were in this complex. At that point we were in a sort of canteen, left of us a lot of tables and seats, right of us a small stair and the kitchen. It was pretty bright, as it was day and one side was pretty much a big window.
      Some minutes later in the same place I think it was dark and I was being attacked by a weird dude, he seemed to be dangerous. His eyes were a little weird, he had a strong green iris and the pupil was cross shaped. He tried to stab me with a weird tool but I catched his arm and started to stab him with a similar but longer tool into the face, specifically targeting his eyes, though I didn't seem to make much damage. I told my companions (thinking that there are a few around) they should help me because he raised another knife already. At that point I woke up.

      This dream was pretty long, so no wonder I woke up then, I probably was due some time already. Shame he didn't stab me, the standard dream invincibility would have surely made me lucid.
    7. Coon City

      by , 06-18-2012 at 01:12 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in my secondary home, in the living room, sitting on the big chair my father usually uses. He was sitting on the couch and I was playing and testing around with the TV. I faintly remember some bloody stuff and that I was thinking that this movie isn’t for children. I noticed he was trying to record the movie which was about to start, and all I knew about it was that it was about Coon City.

      Coon is an abbreviation to raccoon; I guess my dream wanted to avoid calling that place Raccoon City for obvious reasons (no relation to Resident Evil). The use of raccoon in the name also had a specific reason, all the people had some certain features of raccoons.

      Over the next minutes I’ve seen some scenes from the movie, actually everything was in a forest, and there were only very few buildings, the movie was a strange but well working mixture of anime and real. One scene I saw was of one of these buildings which had an unprotected staircase outside of the building. There were a bunch of people walking, most of them “Coons” (that’s what I call the original inhabitants of Coon City) and at least 1 human, the human fell down and pretty much blew up to red pieces. Along with that scene I learned that somehow that place was really dangerous for normal humans and that the Coons generally don’t like them.
      In the next scene I was actually present myself, I wasn’t watching the movie anymore, I was part of a real story. I was a (relatively normal) human and I was together with a girl, she was a Coon and she was really cute. I don’t remember how exactly she looked like but I think she had long hair with a color somewhat like lavender, she had a cute face, and probably some raccoon features I don’t remember. In a gentle but demanding voice she whispered something along these lines into my right ear while holding me: “Please stay here, I know it’s dangerous but I want a man I really like to be with me”.
      We were standing close to an acclivity and after she told me those words I gave her some kind of positive reply, then I picked her up carrying her on my arms and started sliding down the acclivity. There was a lot of ivy on the ground and there were a few books lying around in one place. After sliding a good 100-150m we were standing up again, in front of us was another part of the forest, it was really dark and I knew it was a dangerous place. Without saying something to each other we went into different directions, planning to meet again. The last thing I remember was that I was trying to shake whatever was watching me out of those dark woods, then unfortunately the door bell woke me up… Yes how I hate this City (B) and this cursed door bell...

      Updated 06-02-2013 at 04:12 PM by 48127

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Strange journey

      by , 04-30-2012 at 12:39 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was on a boat (not very big but formed like a really big ship) on a trip to several catastrophe location, one of them being the titanic (funny enough I didn't see anything about the titanic IRL at all yet).
      On the edge of the deck was a small cute girl, I think she was around 14-16 years and she had bright blue hair which I think she could use like tentacles; she was wearing a white dress and had an anime like appearance if I recall right. She showed a small badge to me with 2 Japanese kanji signs (which were translating roughly into "sank") and she wanted to put it on the titanic being somewhat upset no one else was remotely willing to dive down there. I myself knew she was the only one who could dive down there without equipment.

      We were arriving at a shallow area and since I knew the ride was going to get bumpy I grabbed her hand, and she seemed to approve. Then a long scene of watching the ride followed with me wondering how the ride was going so smooth even though we now seemed to be in a creek with a boat. Then it went down some water rapids so I grabbed her hand a bit more tightly, after the rapids we went up and then we arrived on a gravel street thus ending our boat ride. Some time later I was busy using strange 2 strange railroads in an odd manner (had to bend and extend one of them) to get down a hill to what seemed to be my final target location, some house in a forsaken snowy place.
    9. Fragment Collection 2

      by , 10-24-2011 at 04:05 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Twins of the maze:
      I was in some sort of huge empty building, and the lights were pretty dim. There were two girls, looking exactly like each other. They always tried to lead me to some place but when I lost sight of them just for a moment they would immediatly vanish in the silence. I would then always be able to find them at the place I first saw them. However it felt like everytime I lost sight of them something valuable was destroyed.

      On the Railroad:
      I was travelling somewhere ON a train, and was enjoying the stars of a clear night. At the next station I met my father, we walked through a forest, where my railroads where (probably trams though). Some annoying small dog attacked us, we fought back but neither was the dog dangerous nor took it any damage, so I turned it into a stick and broke it.

      Strange artifact:
      I was meeting a girl in a dream to get a artifact from here. This girl was someone really special, she didn't look normal and had a strange but pleasant aura. She gave me some sort of medallion in hex shape with 2 jags. I was completely even on the bottom and there were runes on the top. The top also had a different color for all the 6 segments the medallion was made of.