04/16/13 Field of Dreams I am lying on a blanket in a green field, I have just entered a WILD. The field is a very nice place, and a gentle breeze is blowing across the grass. I see I am alone in the field. I try to get up but there seems to be something holding me down. I can't move. I wonder if I am experiencing sleep paralysis. That seems odd, I haven't had a problem with that in the past. I try again to get up, but when I find I can't move, I decide to let myself relax and enjoy the feel of the soft grass beneath me and the gentle breeze blowing over me. But I feel like I'm not alone… so I don't want to stay still. I look around and I don't see anyone. But I feel them there. I lie back in the grass and try to feel who might be around me. I sense hostile intent. I don't like the idea of being in sleep paralysis and surrounded by enemies. So I focus on the song Dark Power of Abyss and try to do an Immortal Fire. The spell goes off, though it isn't as powerful as it usually is since I can't move. What it does do is break my sleep paralysis so I can get up. I look around and I don't see anyone, there is no sign that there was anyone there at all. I focus on opening a portal to the moon, I remember plans to continue healing. A portal opens and I go through to the balancing pools. When I get there I see that Nomad is already there, as is Winter. I go over to Winter and focus healing energy through her, hoping to keep her fibromyalgia under control. I direct healing energy to Nomad's foot to get rid of the remnants of the sores he has there. After that is done I sink into the balancing pools. It is very relaxing. I sink into the warm water and fall asleep in the dream. The Goblin King I am with a group of other people at the entrance to a castle. I recognize the people I am with. Nomad, Spike, Bakura, Altaïr are all there. What I notice is that while I recognize them all, everyone looks like a Templar. I look like a Templar. I wonder why we are all dressed as Templars. Templars are a dream sign, so I do a reality check and become fully lucid. There is a group of Templars going into the castle, and we go into the castle with that group. No one notices us there and the gates close behind us. Nomad says we have to find out where the Goblin King is being held. I look around for some sign that might tell me where he might be. I see one door that has a couple Templar guards on each side of it. I wonder if that might be where we need to go. It doesn't look like they're even letting Templars through the door. I get over closer to them and notice they are watching me closely. I focus on reading them telepathically. The door does indeed lead to a dungeon, and that is where the Goblin King is locked up. They are under orders to keep everyone out except for a select few Templars. It also appears that the guards are under orders to kill the prisoner if there is any sign of a rescue attempt. I move on before anyone becomes too suspicious. I tell the others I know where the Goblin King is being held. I am thinking one of us will have to disguise ourselves as a specific Templar when I see someone approaching the door. I pull invisibility cloaks from my pockets and pass them around, we slip through the door behind the Templar guard that they allow through. On the way down to the dungeon Altaïr takes out the single Templar, who has a key to the lower areas. The dungeon is empty except for the Goblin King and a couple more Templars guarding his cell. Nomad takes out one of the guards and Spike takes out the other. Inside the cell we find there is a goblin chained to the far wall, he looks very cranky. After letting him know who we are we try to unlock the chains, but the key doesn't fit. I use the Harry Potter unlock spell alohamora to open the locks and free the prisoner. He is clearly not in the mood to make a stealthy exit… he charges out of the room like he thinks he can take on every Templar in the place by himself. We follow him out of the dungeon and get to the main level of the castle just as he is bursting through the door into the main courtyard. Nomad fires off a flare, no doubt indicating it is ok to make a move now. I hear a commotion from outside the castle, it sounds like there is an army attacking the castle. The Goblin King is under attack, though no one is attacking the rest of us since we still look like Templars. I use Battery and call down lightning to strike Templars as they attack the Goblin King. No one seems to know exactly where the lightning is coming from. They notice when it appears several Templars are helping the Goblin King, however. Something is smashing at the main gate of the castle. Nomad gets over near the gate and pulls the lever that opens it, allowing a swarm of goblins into the castle. Now everything is chaos. I make sure to switch back to my usual Assassin robes, I don't want to be a target for the goblins. I use the song Damage, Inc. to call fireballs to hit Templars. The fight doesn't take long before the entire place is overrun by goblins. I see a portal in the back of the castle with the last few Templars retreating through it. The portal closes just before the goblins reach it. I am thinking that must be the last of them, and it is here I wake.
03/28/13 Back to the Night I am with some other people in a barren place, there is no sign of life anywhere near us. I look around and see who is with me. It looks like a quest group from DDO. I am dressed like a paladin in black armor with a large sword, Nomad is decked out in black armor and has a big axe… There are other people there, too, I see someone who is a humanoid fox. I think it must be Pablo. I see him as his long fluffy tail disappears down into a cave entrance. Others are following. I follow the group, not noticing everyone who is with us. I do catch a glimpse of Spike dressed in leather armor, black leather armor, he is looking HOT! We all descend into the darkness, into the caves. The caves are like an endless labyrinth of passages. I hear the screams of people being tortured echoing through the passages, screams of pain I wish I could block out of my mind. We explore through the halls and find an area that looks like a prison of some kind. There are cages with people locked up inside, the people aren't all human. In fact I don't think any of them are purely human. I see some centaurs in a cage much too small for them to hardly move, a tank of foul looking water with merpeople in it, some bird cages with fairies locked inside them. There is a guard pacing down the hallway between the cages, periodically stopping to mock or taunt the prisoners and laugh. The guard looks partly like a demon and partly like a Templar… a Templar bastard… my first thought is to want to get rid of him, but before I do something stupid I see another guard there. If I'd attacked the first one the second one would have sounded an alarm and alerted every Templar in the place. Instead I see the humanoid fox sneak right up behind the Templar guard and snag the keys right off of him without being noticed. Pablo brings the keys back and we start unlocking cages as the guards pass, letting prisoners quietly out. I open a portal to the healing glen, the prisoners go through to safety. This is going smoothly until we reach an area with some giants chained to the walls. The giants aren't content to be silently released. As Nomad unlocks one of them he pulls free and tries to step on one of the demon Templars. An alarm goes off and a fight ensues. The demon Templars are coming from all directions. I am focused on the fight now, using my sword to cut down Templars near me and using Battery by Metallica to call down bolts of lightning on those farther back. We fight to hold off the Templars just long enough to allow the prisoners to be evacuated to the healing glen. Once all the prisoners we have found are free we follow them through the portal, closing it immediately behind us so the Templars can't follow. I look around the healing glen but then I wake. Halls of Healing I am at the balancing pools on the moon with Nomad. He is relaxing in the water, cleansing some disgusting stuff off of him. I focus healing energy into his foot, focusing on making the healing proceed quickly. I think the problem I have with dream healing is sometimes I quit before the healing is done… so I won't do that this time, keep healing it until it is completely gone. Nomad wants to go somewhere else, says something about Templars wanting to destroy us, have us end up dead, in prison, or in a loony bin… I tell him they can't touch us here in the dream state. He says he hates them for what they've done. I tell him to try not to, I let my hate go too far and I sent people to the Dark Realm, a place no one should ever see. It is poison that will kill us just as surely as direct Templar attacks. He says it is time to go back to the Temple of Angels to be healed. I tell him we could probably both use healing. I open a portal focused on getting to where he wanted to go. On the other side of the portal we are in a temple in the clouds. There are angels there, they have healing potions. There is someone else there with us, a man who looks to be part bat… a form of batman? He looks familiar, and Nomad clearly knows him, refers to him as Koomo. I try to remember who Koomo is, my mind isn't entirely clear about it, though I am sure we have seen him in dreams before. Koomo is thanking us for helping free his people from some demon wraith. He says he has gifts… for me? I don't feel I have done anything to deserve gifts, but it feels like a bad idea to refuse… he gives me a golden amulet with a dark crystal in it, says it will help keep the dark and light energies balanced. When I touch it, it forms into large raven wings on my back. He also hands me a bracelet, golden with a dark crystal, that transforms into a snake with jet black eyes. He hands me a golden tiara that also has black crystals in it, I feel a bit disoriented when I put it on, he says that is normal, he says something about sonar… what the tiara has given me is the eagle vision off of the Assassin's Creed games, I can see the auras of people around me, all of them in the area are glowing blue, indicating allies. I find I can will my vision back to normal. I thank Koomo for the gifts, but he says he has one more… but I have to fight him for it. He tells me to fight him. He throws an attack at me, which I dodge before taking to the sky. He is fighting me with a spear. I figure it is a good chance to try out what he just gave me. He attacks with the spear and I use the snake whip to pull it away from him. He dives to the ground, disappearing into a vast labyrinth that seems to radiate darkness. Maybe this is just a test to see if I can use what he gave me… so I activate eagle vision, and I can see him in the dark maze. His aura is now a swirl of blue and gold, indicating he is a target, but still an ally… which seems appropriate to the situation. So I dive into the maze and there is a fight between Zoomo and me, which he finally concedes I have won. I help him up. The spear he has been fighting with turns into a glowing ball of energy, which he says will form into anything I need at the time… armor, weapons… the golden energy flows around and fuses with my Witchblade, the Witchblade bracelet glowing with a golden light. Zoomo says something to Nomad, and I hear him saying something about his planet needing healing. I tell him I would be glad to help with that if I can. He says any healing would be helpful after the damage the demon wraith did during its rule. I make it a plan to do what I can there. We enter a chamber that is very relaxing, that must be one of the healing chambers… I am surrounded by some kind of comfort I can't really describe, and I fall asleep in the dream. World Concert I am flying in my Fire Valkyrie over a place I don't recognize. I look down and see there are cities down below, I still am not sure where I am, but I have a feeling as to what I need to be doing here. This place has too much negative energy, unstable negative energy, and I am here to help with that. So I broadcast a song out over the cities and mountains, broadcasting it so everyone can hear it. Transmitting through every receiver within range, which is every receiver in the world. I am broadcasting the song Touch My Heart. I follow that song with Liberate by Disturbed, and another anime song, Full Moonlight. The planet wide concert doesn't really take very long, but I can see the positive energy flowing over the surface down below as the healing songs have their intended effect. As the last song finishes I head back out into space, flying out through a solar system I don't recognize before I finally wake up.
03/27/13 Pools of Healing I am in my room, in bed. Someone is yelling at me. That is all I am aware of at first. Who is it? I open my eyes and see there is a single Templar beside my bed and he seems to be in a bad mood. But I notice he doesn't seem to be sending off the attacks I have come to expect. He is asking questions. He wants to know something. I assume I know what he is talking about, but I assume wrong. I expect he will be wanting to know where I have hidden the thing I stole from them, instead he is asking what I did to someone. The three Templars that went through that portal aren't acting normal at all, what is wrong with them? I am a bit annoyed at this Templar being here yelling at me, my first reaction is to tell him I'll show him what I did to those other three… he falls silent and takes a step back, clearly not liking that idea. My mind clears and I remember that there were three Templars I got pissed at and sent to the Dark Realm. I'm not about to send another one there, but I am glad the idea of it has made him shut up. In fact I remember I had plans to get those three out of the Dark Realm, no one deserves to be left there. But first to the moon. I focus on opening a portal, and it opens right away. The Templar moves away from the portal. I tell him it leads to the balancing pools on the moon, not the Dark Realm… and then I go through the portal. I get to the other side and it is right next to the balancing pools. Nomad is already in one of the pools and appears to be relaxing. I get into the pool and focus healing energy on his foot where he still has some sores, though the injuries look like they're improving. After doing that I let myself sink through the warm relaxing waters to the bottom of the pool where I am having no difficulty breathing the water. It smells fresh and clean. I am relaxing there as I fall asleep. Out of the Darkness I am with Nomad, Link, Altaïr, and Spike. I immediately don't like the place. We are in what looks like an underground hallway, part of a labyrinth perhaps, a long stone corridor that is illuminated only by torches set in the walls. The passage is stiflingly hot, the stone walls are practically too hot to touch. The look of the place isn't what I find worst about it, however. It's the sounds. From seemingly all around come the echoing sounds of people screaming in pain, like someone is being tortured. I wait for a moment for my mind to clear and then I remember I am actually there to get three people out, because this is probably the area of the Dark Realm they have been brought to. I sent them here, I need to get them out. I notice everyone else is wearing black, black versions of the usual Assassin robes, and I realize that is much harder to see against the dark stone than the white ones I have. So I change my white ones to black. Someone I don't recognize comes down the hall, my first impression is that she is a Templar. But she seems to be helping us… well maybe she would be since the goal is to retrieve three Templars from the Dark Realm. She says she found the way through the labyrinth. There is a torture chamber, she shudders but offers no further description. Another scream of pain echoes through the halls making further description unnecessary. She says there are more than three of them there, she wasn't aware of which ones were the Templars I had sent here and who the others were. I figure it doesn't matter… if they're prisoners here they need to get out. We all follow the woman down some halls to a room of nightmares. I see a sight I am sure I have seen before. A man is naked in a metal cage over a fire, his skin is blistering and cracking as it burns, his face is a mask of pain but he is silent. Nomad says they will see about getting more free before we're discovered, though that probably won't take long. I go over to the man in the cage, he is not even aware of my presence. There is a demon of some kind watching him, completely absorbed by the sight. The demon is not paying any attention to me. The demon looks almost like a human, in fact if I hadn't already known it was a demon I might have thought it was a Templar… but a Templar wouldn't be torturing another Templar, would he? I charge my hidden blade with light energy and sneak up behind the demon, pumping him full of the stuff before he can sound an alarm. I open the cage with the half-dead Templar in it. There were three I sent here… where are the other two? I find the other two near where the first one was. The second one is another man, he is impaled on a pike that is set in fire… burning and impaled… and a demon is watching that. There is a woman in a small pit hogtied and there are bugs all over her, nasty demonic looking things, eating her alive… another demon is observing. Somewhere around here someone must have gotten some attention, however, as the demons depart their posts and began gathering somewhere. I take that opportunity to get the other two free. I focus healing energy on them, healing up burns, bites, and other injuries, and blocking any pain. I see the others are there, and they have more prisoners with them. They are in an alcove, and I see there are demons searching the place. They seem a bit confused, and not sure where to find the intruders. The rescued prisoners all look like they're still in shock from their experience, they aren't very responsive. Nomad says they need more healing, and opens a portal to the Healing Glen where the crystal golem takes care of those who have been seriously hurt more than just physically. I'm not sure how many prisoners we rescued, though I am sure the three Templars I sent to the Dark Realm are the three I got out. I am thinking there are still more of them back in the prison, more of them that shouldn't be left there… but I'll not be getting them out now, I wake up.
I only ever see a part of the city I live in. It's huge, with wild swaths of forest around residential areas, and divided by a wide river. I follow Sam into his apartment, in the dream he's my co-worker but in the waking world I haven't seen him in years. We gather here after work sometimes, but this time I see many people I don't know. I round a corner and Sam is lifting pizzas from delivery boxes and laying them out on platters. "There's enough for everyone." He says. For some reason I feel unwelcome. A narrow room runs alongside the kitchen, like it's the top bar in the letter T. I step into the kitchen feeling uncertain. The kitchen is dimly lit, with white tile floors and two short lengths of cabinets, all white. On the left is a set of cabinets with the sink, on the right is the stove. There's a man in there, he reminds me vaguely of a guy I knew back when I knew Sam IRL. The resemblance does not please me at all. It's something in the shape of his nose and the way he speaks. He's dressed all in black too, just like Jason, but his hair is cut short. "What are you doing?" He asks me rudely. "Um...he said there's--" "He didn't mean YOU." He shoves a serving tool into a plastic container with a couple inches of water, under a slice of pizza. It looks odd, like it's not fully baked and there are no toppings. He smears what looks like chocolate over the top. The whole thing grosses me out. "I didn't realize..." I decide to leave, the food isn't appealing anyway. I brush past him out the door on the other side of the kitchen. Apparently he can't just let me leave, he has to follow me, all the while making comments. "People like you, it's unbelievable! How you just worm your way in anywhere, no matter what anyone else thinks." I walk a little more quickly but he keeps pace with me, and I don't want to actually run. "This is a gathering for his CLOSE friends and family. His sister, and ME who is her fiance. Do you see where you fit in there?" He asks, chuckling meanly. "Because I don't." He pauses. "Really, I want to know." I run the last few steps to the door, someone is on their way in so I pretend I'm trying to catch it before it swings shut. I do. I even almost make it out with my pride, but I turn to him and I do something. I can't even remember what it is, some sort of insult that sounded better in my head, a petty jibe, or a slap, maybe I shove the door at him. I don't know, but it makes me feel childish and unjustified. I leave, feeling like I'm going to cry. The city is built in tiers, outside this level of the apartment is a wide pale cement walkway with a curved metal rail. Behind me the walk slopes downward. I'm heading toward the bridge though. Sam and several of my co-workers have followed me out, there are maybe 5 of them, including his sister who looks nothing like him. Sam has dark hair and eyes and olive-toned skin. He's wearing a grey t-shirt that has a smiley face on the front. His sister, is more pale and has shining blonde hair pulled back into a pony-tail. It makes me happy that they cared enough to come after me. For a second I doubt that notion, I wonder: are they here to ask how or why I've upset Richard? "Hey, you heading out?" He asks, it's not like me to leave without saying goodbye. "Yeah, it's just..." "We heard, we're going to have a talk with Rich about how he interacts with people." Sam says, glancing over his shoulder, hands on his hips. "We just wanted to make sure you're okay." His sister says, smiling at me. "Yes, thank you. I just wasn't prepared for other people to be there." I'm tempted to tell him his brother-in-law reminds me of Jason, but I don't want him to think (in any way whatsoever) that I spend any of my time thinking about him so I keep it to myself. "We'll get together again later." "Okay." They go back to the apartment, I continue on my way to the bridge, feeling better. The bridge descends, becoming a set of stairs. It lets out into a park of sorts, more like a plaza. There are many of these around the city. This level is a little closer to the water (though we are one above the bottom level), the plaza is filled with tables and benches where people have gathered to relax. There's a wall across from me with wavy metal bars from end to end. There are 8 sections of bars, none of the bars line up with the bars in the section to either side. There are places where they hug the wall closely, and others where they bow out. They're painted white, pink, and yellow. I see what the others are doing, storyline dictates that I've played the game before, I only have a moment where I don't remember how. The wall sits at the center of the plaza, there are curved ramps on either side, connecting the bottom tier with the tables, to the top tier with benches sheltered by trees. Many people lean on this wall, the bars are a couple feet below the lip, though at each end (the starting points) the wave of the bars is level with it. I take a moment to enjoy the view. From here you can see an entire level of switch-back city. It's beautiful. I climb over the top of the wall and drop down at the center of the bars. I can feel them under my hands. You have to dodge all the other people playing but you must move constantly, as much to keep up the rules as to avoid getting hit. There's a girl heading my way, I drop down a couple bars and sidle over a step. A man appears next to me, so I leap up a few bars as he's taking the spot I just occupied. I can actually feel my muscles, the bars under my shoes and in my hands, the air moving around me, and each breath of cool air I draw into my lungs. I make it to the left side without hitting anyone and start to make my way to the right. There's a lapse, I become aware again, I'm laying on my side sandwiched between two people. I don't remember how I got here, and I'm afraid. Especially once I hear them talking. The man pressed to my front, the top of his head level with my chest, sounds like Spike from Buffy, I can even make out his leather trench coat and the peroxide blonde hair...he doesn't have a face though. His head is a blob with hair, given a little structure by his skull. He's talking to his wife, the woman pressed to my back. My arms are pinned to my sides, and their legs are twined through mine. I can't move. "Darling, I think I'm turning." He says, sounding excited. I get an image of the woman as she begins to speak, like I'm seeing one of his memories. She's standing in a doorway, wearing a sexy nurse costume complete with nurse hat, she's wearing her blonde hair in pigtails. I realize somehow that she is Sam's sister. She's like an ugly Harley Quinn without makeup. She kinda looks undead. There's bruising around her mouth and eyes, the inside of her mouth past her teeth looks dark and oily. Her skin has an unhealthy purplish cast. "Good," she begins, in this image I see. They've had this conversation before. "You can turn, and then you'll turn me and I'll be healed!" "Yes dear, but first, I have to feed." "Well, we have your meal right here don't we?" I struggle against them and they laugh. "Good, she's awake." I have a frustrating moment where I know I'm dreaming but I don't think I can do anything about my situation, like there's no feasible way for me to break free so I can't implement my lucidity. He presses his featureless face to my throat, and somehow bites me, though he doesn't have a mouth. He seems to be having trouble. Before I can hurt him, he needs a face I think, and his face gains features. I somehow wrestle my arms free as he's shifting to get a better biting angle, and I box his ears as hard as I can. He screams in pain. The woman seems to be too undead to do anything to me. As I'm fleeing from the bed, Spike sicks one of his friends on me. It's a cat about the size of a fox, it snarls at me. It looks vicious. It stands between me and the sliding door on the north wall. I run across the room, striding across the mattress to do it, and head for a railing that overlooks the tunnel. Each floor has one of these, where you can lean over and look down the stairway tunnel. I dive headlong over the polished wood rail. They had crafted this for easy traversing, there are polished wood bars running from the top floor to the bottom. Not all one bar, but sections of them. I right myself as I grab one of these bars and start sliding. The game I played earlier helps me here, it makes my instincts sharp. Before one bar can end I leap to another, and another. "Well, GET HER!" I hear him yell. I smirk to myself. The cat creature is catching up with me, it even tries to grab me by leaping from one side of the stair tunnel to the other, but I'm too fast. Instead of taking the bars on the last ten foot drop, I let go. I land in a crouch then make for the door. I run outside and slam the door in the cat's face, laughing just to rankle her. Since she's a cat, it's not like she can open it, she'll have to wait on the vampire to get it for her. I flee. I'm not really concerned, I know she's as vicious as they come, but I'm faster...and if she catches me, well, I'll just have to find a way to deal with it. I'm on the top tier of the city. It's high enough that there are clouds drifting by. I hear the door open behind me. Oops, better get going. I look over the wall. There are trees that have grown so tall, their crowns press against the bottom of each layer, the branches grow toward the sun, hugging the wall. Well, I guess that's my way down. This next part is kind of a blur. I remember dropping over the side, and using the vines (I can feel the texture of them and the smooth coolness under my palms) and tree branches to descend. At one point I slip and fall, I'm caught in the arms of a massive cherry blossom tree. The limbs are about as wide as I am, with the tiny beginnings for flowers for the season. It creaks in the wind, but my weight is not enough to bother it. I can even smell the flowers. I consider trying to jump to the other massive branch to my right, and then realize just how high up I am. The wind is sweet, I hug the branch and relax a moment. The clouds clear and the river far below is hazy. Nope. I am NOT jumping. You'll be fine. My subconscious whispers. Logic tells me I will not, so I climb back to the base of the tree. There's another lapse. I'm almost to the bottom tier. The river is on a hill, the only way to get to the heart of the city is to swim or take a boat. I can hear the cat behind me, I know now that she's a shapeshifter. I slip into the water hoping that will deter her. She follows me without hesitation. I climb out on the slightly lower level and the people there gasp in horror at the creature. They have never seen one before. "Stay in line beside me, she will not harm you. I'm her target." The people line up by a wall. People ahead see what is happening where I am and they line up on either side. The streets, I notice, are cobbled. Whispers meet me as I run, "She's here." they say, "She's leading the Beast.", "Make the way ready." I can see a stone archway, the people have made a human barrier, and before that there is an...obstruction. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's actually an offering, I know I'm supposed to walk on the top of it. The people take my hands and help me hop on top of it, since the thing is about chest high. The base is made of loose pink stone bricks, the top has pastries on plates. A woman, I know she's a tour guide for the city, hands me a piece of pastry as I walk. I pop it into my mouth. Something strikes me, a think I know the people will see as very symbolic. As I reach the end of the walkway, I grab a raspberry and cream cheese pastry. I tear it in half, I wait until the Shapeshifter is at the end of the walkway, she sniffs at it but does not get onto it. She eyes me uncertainly. I hold out half of the pastry. When she takes it and eats it, I eat my half. She almost looks more dog-like, with a brown/black brindled coat, and narrow muzzle. Together we pass under the arch into a tiny courtyard. There's a house wedged between all the other houses with a robin's egg blue door. I go inside, she follows. Once she passes the threshold, she becomes human. I don't know if she's forced to, or if she has a choice. but I have not seen her yet. "Of course you would lead me here." "Of course." I agree. "Why?" "Why not? I need to know the story, from your lips. You've murdered people for your master, here we will determine your fate." I reply. She looks a little smug as I turn to face her. She has some sort of white garment with big pockets all over it. Kittens leap down from several of them, I know they are her children. She removes the carrier. Kind of like a tabard. She's willowy, has a tiny frame, with long bronze-brown hair. "So arrogant, all of you." "Maybe, but I don't murder people." "What exactly do you think they'll do to me once they've heard my story?" "Prison, probably. We'll decide that once we know your...caliber." "Fine. My husband and I have the ability to shift for a day each year. This year we spent as animals. He shifted first and said to me, 'let's have children', so I said 'why not' and followed suit. My master put us into service, keeping my husband and children hostage if we did not do his bidding. But I won't lie, mostly because I can't at the heart of the city, I enjoyed every moment of it. I'd kill you all if I thought I could get away with it." Two people appear and lead her (and her children) through a bright red door at the back of the property... AAAAAAND my phone rings, waking me up.
I awake with a jolt, and leap out of bed. Wait? Glycon? I must be dreaming. The great hand puppet snake god of anarchy laughs into mist. I create a portal with my ChaoStaff, and fly to the moon. I battle with some kind of gross astral parasite mother creature in the wormhole with a wormhole Wyrm. I spin out of the wormhole, burning with violet flame to kill those lil buggers. I land on the Green moon with a Boom, slamming my staff into the ground. Raven appears flying in the sky wearing as Queen of Night, wearing a long black dress, with onyx horns spiraling out of her head, riding Shadow, a winged black panther. Oh, you silly Nomad! Let’s go on a Mission. Vegeta appears out of a wormhole. “You two! You have not trained for some time. Want some training?” He says angrily challenging me. He slams his fist into his palm, and his hands burst into flame. He growls like distant thunder. I charge at him. I am so angry, and I don’t even know why. He sidesteps me, and laughs mockingly. “Look at you. You’ve grown weak. You’re so pathetic. You have no excuse for your weakness, the once-great Nomad! Ptah!” I see Raven fighting a double of Vegeta in the distance. Hmph. I multiply myself and surround him. He morphs into a million tiny versions of himself and swarms over me like army ants, striking me as he runs over my body. I scream in rage, and he laughs again. He claps his hands and shouts, ‘SCENARIO!” Raven and I are in a forest, on a hill overlooking a bowl-shaped valley. We have lost lucidity. “There, she says. The Beast lies within. From it, we will have our treasure that was stolen from my people so many ages ago.” I look at Raven. She’s an elf with black hair and violet eyes. She’s wearing some kind of dark metallic armor that makes no sound when she moves in it. “Underground, the labyrinth. Nomad, don’t you remember the mission?” A geometric shape comes out of her third eyes, and into my mind. Download. Mission: Recover Artifact in center of Labyrinthe. The Artifact is guarded by a great Minotaur. Raven and I levitate, and fly over the ground in a vertical position about three feet off the ground. Around the labyrinthe there are puddles of water collecting. I am wearing the markings of… A Templar? No! Wait… I see on my chest are many sacred symbols… I am wearing the armor of an elven knight, and have sprigs of vines in my hair, and the hilt of my sword has a strange red jewel… The Bloodstone. I am a Drow. I look at my Dark Elf face in the water. I have a long face, pale lavender skin, white hair, pointed ears, nose, chin. My eyes are slanted and black as night. My sword drinks the blood of my enemies… yes. My sword, with the sould of an ancient vampire infused into it, forever cursed, bound to me. In my right hand I wield a staff with a Chaos Star emblazoned. I am a Chaos Paladin. Fuck. Yes. The labyrinth entrance is a rectangular hole in the ground with a ramp leading down. Raven and I float down. I slam my staff on the ground and a magical fire burns. Raven casts a Glow spell, and light moves down to the end of the hall. We walk for a few minutes uneventfully until we are deep inside. I see a map in my mind. The ground shakes. A stone is pushed into the hall from a wall, a rotted hand reaches out. Fuck. Zombies. They come at us from all angles. We race down the hall, burning our way through the zombie hordes, blades aflame. My sword complains that there is no nice blood in the zombies. We come to a great abyss with just a small ledge. We see the hole on the other side, our destination. We take to the air. Suddenly a flapping of a great many large leathery wings is heard, and the din of a hundred harpies screeching in rage. Raven laughs at them, casting wind spells at them, flinging them to walls. I sonically counterattack, and the harpies get vertigo and fall. Raven and I make it to the other side. Right here, it’s on the other side of this wall, I can feel it, Raven says. We rub the wall with our hands and vibrate it until the molecules resonate, then walk through. We are in a large room with the sun shining on a golden orb floating above an obelisk. Raven smiles at it, and walks to it, in a trance. “Raven!” The Minotaur leaps from the shadows and tackles Raven. She grabs him by his great neck, and then he laughs and morphs into a Dark Elf. “My love?” Raven says. She grabs the man and kisses him. I feel confused. Hail Eris. Eris whispers in my ear. “Turn around.” A great snake with long hair, about 20 feet tall, the size of 5 busses rises and whips me with its tail. “HERETICS!” it screams at me. Raven and the elf fling knives into the snake’s throat. My sword flies at the fresh wound, drinking in the blood through the air before the red liquid can hit the floor. The Bloodsword pulls me into the snake, and we slice it up from the inside out. “SCENARIO. END.” We are standing on the Moon. Vegeta is floating in front of the three of us. “Good job. Til Next time.” Who is the man we were with? I look at him. Oh, Spike. The Vampire returns.
03.29.2012Kaomea in White Dress? Short Pink Dress...Alyzarin? (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Dream 1: Kaomea or Lady in White Dress? I can't remember much about this dream other than the fact that I think I met Kaomea in a white dress (I'm not too sure if it was her or someone else, never saw her in a white dress in a dream, mostly red or some outfit with a red color). I was trying to fuse with her, and when we did, we would teleport somewhere I believe. After this, there was this weird inter-dimension (like a medium to be between that had a really dark pink space time of background to it. There was this random floating surface that was light pink, and it was gridded, but I don't know the exact number of squares. The whole perspective in this shift was me spectating and see things in third person perspective. There were small little dream characters, and I believe I was on the square as well, and I was trying to avoid them because everyone can phase and fuse into each other if they stood on the same square, which would apparently let them have a shared dream. I think I managed to avoid them, barely escaping other DCs. They didn't move as fast, but it was like playing a game of chess, one move I made, would initiate someone to move somewhere else to get closer to me or someone else. I think somewhere in another dream shift, I met Spike from Cowboy Bebop as well. (I think this was because I was playing Chess on the computer because I couldn't connect to the Internet late last night). Dream 2: Short Pink Dress....Alyzarin? I was sitting down near a table with a few people. I know there was at least one female, and maybe a friend of hers who was also a girl. The first girl I mentioned, she was wearing one of these two variations: 1. A really short pink (slightly dark pink) skirt dress that had the length of going all the way down where it barely covered her private parts. She was probably wearing panties, but the skirt was so short that if one was going under her, they could see whatever it is there. 2. A really short skirt, with a pink blouse with thin straps for her arms to go through. She was also wearing a long black rain jacket (the one with that velvet kind of feel to it). She had black hair (with some shine to it, but that was probably the light bouncing off), it was short, maybe going all the way down to her chin or at least the bottom ends of her ears. Her skin tone, she had a peach color or apricot color to it, but it was a little dark, just slightly. She was talking to me about something, and things are first-person perspective for me when I'm listening to her talk. Eventually, I stood up moved a little closer to her, and spread my arms out. At first she's wondering what I'm doing, she's still sitting down, but she answers her own question and said something along the lines of, "Oh, because I stopped doing.......(something)" And she gets up and hugs me as well. I think the only people I would think about hugging naturally like that would be Alyzarin, Kaomea, or even Melanieb (but I already know how Melanieb looks, and Kaomea as well, and they didn't fit the description of the girl I met). Maybe it could've been Melanieb, since she does have black hair, but I doubt she has it short in waking life. And it definitely couldn't have been Kaomea...maybe I met the blonde DC Alyzarin met that had black hair instead.
Updated 04-15-2012 at 08:45 PM by 47756
I think for some reason Nomad wanted to fight the Crystal Golem… whatever. I stayed with Spike and contributed my healing energy to his recovery. I stayed by Spike's side for a while, I had the idea I was going to wake up. Well, this time would no doubt mean I was waking up for real since I have never succeeded in doing two time dilations in one dream before. But hell, there was nothing to lose by trying it again… I wondered exactly how long I could spend in just one dream doing time dilations over and over before I reached the limits of the laws of physics and could go no farther… I wondered if there was a limit other than my own abilities… would trying to dilate time too much create problems? So I focused on using Allura's method of time dilation again. That wasn't working… if anything it seemed to be causing the dream to go more unstable, which was the same thing that had happened last time I had tried to dilate time for a second time in a single dream. Ok, I would give it one more shot… I put my right hand on the ground and tried to focus on it… my hand looked blurry, I wasn't able to focus on that… so I turned and focused on Spike… he was part of the dream… I could see the rest of the dreamscape… ok, that part was good. Now what, count? Yeah, the next part was to count and focus on each count extending time, I wasn't sure if I would get that right or not, and focusing on everything at once was getting a bit disorienting, which was making the dream slip more. I forced myself to resume my focus, then count, 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… Spike, the healing glen, this minute in waking life stretching out to allow for more minutes of dream to fit into it… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10. I was still crouched on the ground, I could vaguely sense my physical body in bed as I tried to hold onto the dream. I stood up in the glen, trying to get my dream body in a position as different from my physical body as possible… I didn't want to sense my physical body… I heard a voice, please tell me it isn't a waking voice… that some asshole was about to wake me up… But it was the Crystal Golem, he was coming back to check on Spike, he asked if I was ok, he said I didn't look well. My attention was redirected at the Crystal Golem, and the dream stabilized as I was distracted from the sensation of my physical body. I wasn't sure if that counted as successfully using Walms' method of time dilation or not, since I had been sure I was about to lose the dream until the Crystal Golem had directed my attention back into it… The Crystal Golem was saying Spike would be fine now, but he could not truly be safe until we went back and defeated the Vampire King once and for all. The Vampire King? He had called himself Death… but I really didn't care what the asshole called himself, he would not be going after Spike again. Nomad was with the Crystal Golem, he said he was ready to kick some ass. Our Spike said he would teach that bastard what he could really do. Pablo seemed somewhat hesitant to come, I don't think he liked the idea of fighting Death (which was still how I was thinking of him) again. So this time the Crystal Golem opened a portal and those of us who wanted to fight went through… On the other side we were in the desert again, I looked around to see who was with us, I saw Nomad, Altaïr, Spike, and Angel with me… where had MoSh gone? Had he woken up? As if reading what I was thinking and knowing who I was looking for, Nomad said MoSh had woken up while we were back in the glen. Damn… that was one fewer people to fight this Vampire King who calls himself Death… I noticed that the midday sun was shining brightly on the land, making everything almost blindingly bright, would that have any effect on Death? If he was actually a vampire, it seemed like it would… but I realized it didn't when the ground shook and he came flying out of it like a bullet, landing on the sand in front of us looking as evil as ever, he was laughing at how we were looking at him, he said of course the sun didn't hurt him, he was Death… the king of the vampires. I said I wasn't amazed that the sun didn't hurt him… what I was amazed at was that I had just discovered a life form that can exist and function without the presence of a brain! That clearly pissed him off a bit, and now more bats poured out of the darkness below and flew right into Death, into his cloak, becoming part of him… there was no doubt about it, this guy was made of bats! As the bats continued to add themselves to him, his power level was increasing and he was also physically growing until he was about 20 feet tall, blood dripping from his fangs, eyes glowing red… um… I wondered if he had actually put any effort into his powers or if he just wanted to look scary. So the fight started. He unleashed hoards of the bats now, from inside his cloak, they were all glowing with dark energy auras, and those auras made me think of something… Walms might want to kick this guy's ass! So I telepathically tried to contact Walms, I was hoping it wouldn't wake him up as my telepathy has done in the past, I was trying to be careful with it… As I was focusing on contacting Walms, the enemy had grown to about double his original size… more bats had been flooding from the ground and adding themselves to his mass, so now he was about 40 feet tall… I felt a contact of some kind, had I gotten through to Walms? Hopefully I had… I told him that there was an epic fight just starting where I was, so if he wanted in on it, get out here, and there was some yummy dark energy in it for him… the response I felt I was getting was confusion, and a response sounding like, "Who the hell are you?" That took me by surprise, I thought he would have recognized my energy since we've shared several dreams, but whatever… I identified myself as Raven Knight and said there were snacks in the form of dark energy covered bats… and one really big guy that was creating the smaller snacks, he could be dinner. Walms seemed to be about to give me a response… then I lost all contact… he had woken up. Damn! Of course after the confused response I had gotten I was wondering if I had actually gotten through to Walms at all… So I turned my attention back to Death, he had picked Spike up in one hand and was laughing at him, it seemed he thought none of us could be a considerable threat to him… there were thousands of bats attacking us, so I summoned a natural enemy of the bat… there were large insects in the area that were a lot like praying mantises, and they came and attacked the bats in huge numbers. Nomad had also done a summoning, and a huge flock of black birds dove from the sky and attacked the bats… there was a battle raging in the sky, the other creatures of the desert were just as anxious to banish Death as we were, I'd contacted the insects but I was not exerting any control over them… they were attacking completely of their own free will. Angel was creating walls of white fire that were incinerating the bats on contact, Death was still over there laughing because we were so busy with the bats that we hadn't even gotten close to him… Well, it was time to change that. The birds and insects were keeping most of the bats busy now, Death was holding Spike up for everyone to see and saying he was just going to have to crush our friend like the gnat he was. That was much easier said than done, however. Out of nowhere Altaïr came from above and literally cut the hand that was holding Spike clean off. Spike, of course, got free easily and jumped up and onto Death's back, quickly striking at the exposed target, tearing into Death's neck and drawing his energy right out. Death was roaring incoherently in pain and rage, trying to reach back and grab Spike… if he was weakened, he would be opened to attack… so I called scarabs, flesh eating beetles, from the ground to cover Death, consuming the flesh right off of him, Nomad was bathing Death in flames at the same time. The scarabs didn't seem to notice the flames, their carapaces were protecting them while Death was being burned. When the scarabs were finished and the flames passed, there was nothing left of Death than a charred skeleton… but he still would not die! He just kept yelling maniacally that he was Death, the Vampire King, and nothing could kill him! He could never die! Death was trying to crush whoever was at his feet, we all got clear of him, Angel was firing some kind of white light directly into Death's eyes which seemed to be both hurting and blinding him at the same time. While she was doing that a couple of Nomad's ravens swooped down and plucked the eyeballs from their sockets… yuck… and dropped them into the sand, where Death proceeded to step on his own eyes by accident… also yuck… Nomad was blasting Death with what looked like acid, it was smoking and dissolving the bones on contact, Death was screaming something incoherent again… maybe I could hurry his demise along. There were tiny worms in the desert… worms that fed on the bones of animals that had died in the desert, so I called some of them, basically ringing the dinner bell for them. They came out and burrowed into Death's heel bone, Nomad was giving me a strange look, I said they would infect and consume the bones. Nomad turned into a huge dog and was gnawing on one of Death's bones, an arm bone, while it was still attached. Nomad tore the bone off and ran off a ways and buried it, he seemed to be finding this to be an amusing game. I saw the signs of the worms spreading out from the place where they had entered, causing a spider web network of cracks to form throughout Death's entire bone structure. The bones crumbled as the bones were consumed, I could understand some of what Death was saying, he was saying this wasn't possible, he was immortal, he was Death, he was the Vampire King… and then he turned to dust and blew away on the desert wind. There was movement around us, there were still some bats around. We didn't attack them, I figured they were without a leader now and would just return to the safety of the caves. But they were not doing that, instead they gathered around Spike, changed to their vampire forms, and bowed to Spike. They were all hailing him as Spike, the Vampire King. I wasn't sure what had happened, but one of the vampires answered Nomad who also seemed a bit confused. One of the vampires, an attractive female, came over and said the old Vampire King was dead… and the one to have most recently drank of his blood was Spike, so that meant the crown would be passed on to Spike for his part in the demise of the Vampire King Death. The vampires seemed quite pleased to see the last of Death... I looked at Spike, surrounded by his worshippers… he looked a bit awkward there, but wasn't showing it much… He told them they could stop bowing, the sun did seem to be draining their energy, so Spike told them to get back down below before they all burned up. Spike came over to me and commented that his being the Vampire King was certainly unexpected… he then added that he had already chosen his queen. He kissed me. I felt the dream slipping again. I'm not sure how long I could extend a dream for, but this time I didn't fight it, I was kissing Spike as I woke.
I had said something about checking back on MoSh to see if he wanted to go on an adventure, but I figured I could accomplished another task of the month for Mortal Mist in the process. I would go through a mirror to get back to the biodome! So with the goal of going through a mirror to get back into the biodome, and thus back to MoSh, I summoned a mirror right in front of Pablo and myself. The mirror was a full body mirror, oval in shape, and it was sitting up off of the ground on a stand. It would easily make a large enough portal for Pablo and me to go through. I am not very familiar with using mirrors for travel, so I tried a couple of times… I tried touching the mirror… it was solid. I then focused on making the surface of the mirror fluid, picturing it as if it weren't solid but instead was the perfectly still surface of a pool of water, so when it was touched it would ripple. I visualized that clearly in my mind and then reached out and touched the mirror again. I got the ripples I was looking for. So now I just had to set the destination. I focused on the portal leading to the hot springs in the biodome. As I was focusing, the mirror changed from a still reflective surface to an actual portal in the mirror… I thought that looked really cool, a wormhole starting at the mirror… so I picked up the Pablo fox, held him close against my body so we wouldn't possibly get separated, and stepped through the mirror into the wormhole. The ride through the wormhole was a rather wild one, like going on a really intense roller coaster… only much faster than any roller coaster I have ever experienced. The wormhole seemed awfully long considering that the distance between the surface of the moon and the biodome isn't that far… It seemed to me that in that case it was senseless to use a wormhole since it seemed to be taking much longer than just teleporting there or using a normal portal. But whatever, I wasn't in a huge hurry, and the ride was rather fun… or at least I thought it was fun… the fox in my arms looked a little nauseated… and then we finally came out the other side of the portal… and fell down over a desert, I landed on the back of a horse… wtf? I was on Stardust's back, Pablo was clinging to me, no doubt as surprised by this turn of events as I was. I looked around and saw I wasn't alone, Nomad was with us… so was Angel… and MoSh… and Altaïr… Spike… they were also riding horses… and we were being chased by Templars also on horses… what the hell was going on here? I had set a portal to go to the biodome and now I was here… Ok, while I wasn't sure what was going on or how I had ended up here, it was pretty clear that I would have to fight the Templars… I rode over closer to MoSh and asked him what was going on, had Nomad found him in the biodome? Were Asuka and the kids ok? He gave me a strange look, but I didn't have time to think about that, Templars were shooting arrows at us. I moved away from MoSh and started throwing fireballs at the Templars. Nomad was throwing white blasts of energy, MoSh was throwing what looked like small daggers that were sparking with a green light… We were doing that, then suddenly Angel jumped from her horse, pulled out a couple of short swords, and proceeded to hop from horse to horse, killing the Templar on the back of each horse before moving on. She soon got back to the rest of us and got back on her horse, which had continued running the whole time. I used Battery and called down lightning to strike as many Templars as possible, taking them out while leaving their mounts unharmed. I didn't want to hurt the horses… We rode farther across the desert until we came to an enormous sink hole… we got off our horses to investigate. The horses were getting fatigued, well Stardust wasn't, but the others just had normal horses… I looked and saw the Templars' horses had continued following us even though they had no riders. I focused on teleporting them… not sure where, but I could see that it had lots of green grass and plentiful water… it looked like paradise for horses. All of the horses disappeared, including Stardust. Nomad was looking down into the sinkhole with obvious interest, he said he wanted to jump in it. I asked why, pointing out we had no idea where it might lead, he said it didn't matter since we were dreaming and could not be hurt. I felt movement under my Assassin's robes, which I was finally able to take the time to notice I had the Assassin's robes on, and I realized Pablo had burrowed down under the robes to where he apparently felt safe… or as safe as possible. All of the others were dressed in Assassin's robes, too. Altaïr commented that not all of them were dreamers, Angel, Spike, and himself were not dreaming… but at the same time he didn't really have any objections to exploring someplace new… he did that all the time. What's the worst that could happen? MoSh said death, Altaïr said no, death is not the worst thing that can happen, some things are much worse than death. Spike said he couldn't die since he was already dead. Nomad had already made up his mind and jumped into the sinkhole, I figured I had better follow him, and everyone else apparently decided to follow the both of us. The sand was flowing through a hole at the bottom and into a cave underneath, I grabbed onto a ledge with a tendril of Witchblade… and felt claws digging into my stomach as Pablo grabbed onto me with his claws… then some weight hanging off of me as Altaïr had grabbed hold of me… Spike flew over the hole in the ground and landed on solid ground at the opening of a cave. Altaïr jumped to that ledge and also climbed out, Angel floated over there, Nomad and MoSh both flew over and Witchblade pulled me up with the tendril. So now we were all in the entrance of a cave watching sand fall past us just outside the cave… it seemed the sand must eventually stop, there couldn't be an infinite amount of sand… but the only way for us to go was forward. I took a couple minutes to disengage Pablo's claws from my stomach… ow… and then I set the fox down, he immediately changed into a state that was half human and half fox, looking something like Fox McCloud from the Starfox games. He looked over at me and said he was sorry about the thing with the claws, it had just been an instinctive reaction, I told him not to worry about it as I quickly healed the stinging cuts in my stomach. So the group of us started walking down the passage, through the dark caves, we couldn't see much. We groped along a bit longer, I heard Angel up ahead saying something was hers… it sounded like Gollum talking about the ring of doom, I almost expected her to demand someone give her back her precious. Wtf? I also heard Nomad curse… something was going on around us, I needed to see what. I adjusted my eyesight to see in the dark… I did that a bit too soon, because a blindingly bright light extended from Nomad as he tried to light the area, I couldn't see anything! I heard a commotion all around us, sounded like a lot of bats, he had probably stirred up some sleeping bats… way to go… I finally got my sight back, and the bats weren't running for a darker part of the cave, they were viciously attacking us… scratching and biting… something was odd about their energy. Their energy was off because they weren't typical bats, they were vampire bats… and I don't mean the kind of bat that drinks a small amount of blood and moves on, I meant the type of bat some types of vampire are able to transform into… Nomad formed a shield around all of us just as I was about to use Enter Sandman, I told him to drop it long enough to do the spell… he looked at me strangely, then dropped it, and I activated the spell… the whirlwind of dark and light energy pulled a lot of the bats into it, burning them as it did, and the others headed off in different directions through small passages in the cave. So now all of us were in the cave alone, we were actually in a small chamber rather than just another extent of cave, and there were many exits from the chamber. The only problem was that most of the exits were much too small for us to fit through, at least too small to fit through in our current forms. Someone asked what had been with those bats… I said those weren't bats, they were vampires, we had somehow wandered into a vampire lair. There were four passages that we were able to fit through. One of those was where we had come from, the other three were new and unexplored. MoSh and Spike went left, Nomad and Angel went right, Altaïr, Pablo, and I went straight. We traveled for a short distance before emerging into a huge chamber, there were platforms hanging precariously over molten magma, it looked like it was a volcano… if it erupted, those platforms were history… but for now it looked like a bad platformer game. There was a man on the highest platform, he was dressed in a dark cloak and completely covered, he was mouthing off about how we had made a big mistake to disturb him… but he had been expecting us. This is the first time I really noticed that I was alone… Pablo and Altaïr were gone, probably they sensed the hostility in this creature just as I did, and they were getting into a good position to respond to an attack. I saw Nomad and Angel emerge from a cave and onto a platform to my right, Spike and MoSh emerged on my left… all roads lead to this hell hole… The cloaked figure turned around and faced us, he seemed to be looking mostly at me since I was in the middle, and he said he was assuming we had come to get our friend back… he indicated a cage hanging over the tallest platform, there was a man in the cage who looked an awful lot like Spike… but that was impossible, Spike was right here… I looked to my left to reassure myself Spike was still there with MoSh, which he was. I figured the one in the cage must be a twinner… The cloaked figure continued to say he would be glad to let our friend go, after we defeated him. So it was going to be a fight! His loss… or very soon it would be his loss… Nomad wanted to know who the fuck he was, and he just said he was known as Death. So the fight started then, Death appeared to be made entirely of bats… he grew in size and then released a cloud of bats from his cloak, more bats than could possibly have fit in that cloak, and they all attacked us. I used Enter Sandman again, creating another whirlwind to destroy the bats closest to us… and then they all turned back to their master, re-joining him. I saw Altaïr and Pablo were right behind Death, each of them had a hidden blade stuck into Death's back… He was pissed and in pain, trying to reach back for them, but not getting anywhere… Now everyone there combined out attacks. MoSh was a naga, breathing green flames on the asshole right as Pablo and Altaïr jumped clear… Angel fired a white arrow, Nomad threw something that looked like a spear, Spike popped up right in front of him, which clearly caused him quite a surprise to see Spike healthy and free, and sucked the energy out of him… and then he collapsed and turned to dust. As the dust blew away I could hear Death's voice saying he would never die… for Death is immortal. I flew over to the cage that the other Spike was in and forced the lock open, then I flew in and landed beside Spike, he looked horrible. He was battered and beaten horribly, parts of his flesh were hanging off in loose chunks… yuck… he looked deader than undead… I got beside him and spoke his name, he weakly looked up at me and managed a small smile. He called me Buffy, and said he knew I would come… the Vampire King had said I wouldn't, he had said no one would care what happened, but he had known all along that I would come. I didn't see the point in arguing that I wasn't Buffy… he needed blood, that much was clear, and a lot more healing than that could do… I commented to Spike that he needed to feed, he said nah… he wasn't hungry… he was being sarcastic… I told him to bite me, and take some of my blood. He said no, with the state he was in he wasn't certain he could stop himself before he took too much. I told him not to worry about that, it was complicated and I would explain later, but I wasn't the Buffy he knows, and there is no way he can kill me here. He looked at me blankly. I repeated to him to not be stubborn, to go ahead and bite me, dammit, and drink some of my blood. He finally did. If I had been a normal human, I think it probably would have killed me… but I also think he could have stopped. He paused a time or two to check on me, and only took more when he realized it had not had any ill effect on me. He finally stopped, he looked some better, but he was still in desperate need of healing. Everyone was there with me now, and I opened a portal to the healing glen… On the other side we were in the healing glen, I heard the sound of the Crystal Golem approaching, shaking the ground as he approached. He wouldn't be sneaking up on anyone… I called out to him that we'd been in a big fight, and needed his healing! Nomad prepared his weapon… um… why was he going to threaten the Crystal Golem? I told Nomad there was no need to fight here… I thought maybe he had lost lucidity. The Crystal Golem said he would heal Spike… He applied some herbs, did some energy work, and then he and Nomad headed off to do something… I think for some reason Nomad wanted to fight the Crystal Golem… whatever. I stayed with Spike and contributed my healing energy to his recovery. To be continued…
Note: My plans tonight included having a DDO dream with Tigress, meeting up with Walms so he could play games with L, and meeting up with MoSh to talk to his guide. I have actually been losing motivation to keep trying for a WILD… I decided to take a break and just go to sleep. So I didn't try for or get a WILD. I was in my house. I was sitting and watching television with my mother. I looked at the show on the screen. It was about these people who had learned the secret to flight. Flight just through the power of their minds. It looked very simple to learn, too. I wondered if I could learn it… I decided I had nothing to lose by trying. I told my mom I was going outside for a bit. She asked me to bring the mail in. I grabbed the remote for our gate and went out. I tested the technique a bit. (No, I don't really remember the technique any more… ) I found I was being able to fly a bit. It could really work! I found that idea amazing! I quickly grabbed the mail… a lot of junk and bills… and took it to my mother. She wasn't impressed by the mail. I told her I was taking a flig… er… walk. She said fine. I went back outside and flew more. I managed to get into the air completely. It worked! I was flying! Yay! (Um… possibly a good time for a RC here? ) I started flying over the desert down below. It was beautiful. Flying felt wonderful. Just as good as it ever had been in dreams. (RC here? ) I was gliding along and I decided to go faster. I flew faster and faster, it was way fun! I finally slowed down. I looked down at the desert below. I saw something strange. There were a lot of cactuses together. It looked really weird. Like the cactuses were forming a building of some kind. I flew down to take a closer look. I had found something interesting… I was looking around the cactus building, looking for some sign of what it was. I found an entrance and looked inside. I then jumped about ten feet in the air as someone behind me spoke. "You do know you're dreaming," Spike said, "don't you, luv?" "No! I can fly in my waking life now!" I was so excited to be telling Spike this… so excited to see Spike IWL… Wait a minute… Spike was in the sun! Vampires can't be in the sun! "Spike! You're in the sun! Get into this weird structure of cactuses, into the shade!" "Come on, luv," Spike said, "You know the sun doesn't affect me any more. It's been forever since that would work. What you need to be understanding is that this is a dream. Go on, do a reality check." I looked at Spike for a bit more. A reality check? But if this was a dream that would mean I can't really fly… which would suck. But then again it would be a fully lucid dream. Ok. I did a RC and found out I was dreaming. I looked at Spike for a bit longer. I said the fact it was a dream certainly explained a lot. I had goals to accomplish since this was a dream. First I was going to find Walms. I focused on trying to locate Walms. It felt like he was close. I turned to look into the structure of cactuses. I saw someone in there. I couldn't see him very well… was it Walms? I moved a bit into the cactus structure. The man I saw in there looked at me, fell on his ass, and then disappeared. "Wait!" I called out too late, the man was already gone. I looked at the spot the man had vanished from, wondering if he might come back. I didn't see any sign of him. Ok… try again… locate Walms. I opened a portal this time and went through it. On the other side I was in someone's bedroom… I could hardly see anything. I felt so disoriented… so dizzy because of my strange lack of sight… and it was so disorienting that I lost the dream and woke.
Updated 06-15-2010 at 02:33 AM by 27700