This is Day 42 because I noted some fragments during the competition, and forgot to send them in... Two dreams tonight! I'm inside a house, in a white dress, holding a baby. The front door opens and a man enters, he's wearing a hat and sunglasses and his expressionless, confident manner creeps me out. It seems I'm used to his entry, and I keep my head down and stand still while he walks up and down the living room before leaving. I don't remember arriving - I get the feeling I've been here for a long, long time. Sometime later, my parents have come to visit, and I break down. "I don't want to live here," I sob. My dad pats me on the back but they both have expressions of not knowing what to say. This house looks a lot like my own house. I'm outside, standing near the bottom level of a sort of Roman amphitheatre, a hand resting on the iron fence surrounding the arena. A soft shawl wraps around my shoulders. The theatre is sandstone-coloured and completely empty, weeds springing up through cracks in the stone. A man approaches from the arena and we talk for a while. I feel relaxed and peaceful, breezes are blowing. Then I am in the house once more. I go to open the front door and let my mother in. She is outside and a little way back, waiting, is the creepy man. I hurriedly usher her in and shut the door in his face - I don't want him here today. Through the peephole I can see his face peering boredly in. I show her into the lounge, and wanting to be far away from the man at the front door, suggest we go and stand by the far window. She agrees and we walk to the back of the room, gazing out. And then, the creepy man steps into view. He's come around the back of the house to the very edge of the window. I stand frozen in apprehension and he, too, is still - until he winds up his arm and smashes a wooden chair through the glass. Still expressionless, he moves to climb through the window. My mother and I seize another chair and use it to hit him and push him back. He doesn't yield. Suddenly my dad is here, and so are the police. They have a 'stun gun' - not a taser but actually a tranquilliser gun with very short darts - and start shooting rapidly towards the man, and us behind him. He's knocked out, but I feel and see a dart pierce my skin. I try to tell my dad that I've been hit, but no-one is listening and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. My eyes close as I'm babbling, grabbing at his arm. 2 I'm on a 'snowmobile'. No idea how those are actually supposed to look or what they do, but mine has a wide driver's seat and wheel, two seats behind and one on the back facing backwards. I drive it through the market street in the evening when who should I run into but a boy from my primary school (who I actually just met yesterday for the first time in ages) and his friends. We both exclaim at the coincidence and they ride on my snowmobile for a short distance. They drop off as I turn out of a narrow street onto the main road. Regarding the first dream, the setting was a sort of dystopian society under heavy surveillance. I don't know how to fit it into the journal, it was just a feeling I had; the creepy man was there to watch me and how I lived. The baby might not have been mine, either.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some kind of seminar, tables are set around the room forming a square and people are sitting against the wall. I spot a spider the size of my hand going under the chair of a lady nearby and then climbing up the wall behing her. I warn her, she sees it and screams her lungs out. Then some practical joker on her side grabs the spider and threathens to throw it her at any of us. I freak out and try to run away, but all the people sitting block my passage. He is on other side of the table (inside the square) so he approaches me with the spider on his hand and throws it at me. He misses me, but the spider clings to the wall beside me. Then the dresam shifts and I am in my bed, supposedly in my room at my mom's house, but the spider is also in here. It got cozy in a corner of the wall near the ceiling and made a web there. I watch in horror as some really big animal gets stuck in it and she is about to kill it. The animal is a rat and right away another rat comes into the web and together they kill the spider. Then I freak out that I have two rats in my room. They look at me and they don't seem afraid. Actually, one of them seems to like me. They come down and jump into my bed. I am not afraid of them either since they seem to be nice, only of the flees and ticks they might have. They seem to be some kind of hybrid between a ferret and a rat, they are huge and have dark stripes over a brown fur and the female has a red fluffly tail. She just lays down purring and asking for pets, so I pet her. She is a sweet, but her partner is more shy. I let him know it is okay to come over, but the female rat actually keeps him at bay, showing who's the boss. Then a dog comes in the room, it feels like he is my dog Hachi, but he looks like a white fluffy samoiedo instead. I am afraid that he'll want to kill my new friends, but instead he lays by the side of the female rat and she jumps on his back and all is well. I am amazed. I get up and try to turn the ceiling lights on but there is something wrong with the switch and I can't figure out what it is (dream sign missed). Anyway, I go to the kitchen and put some stuff in the oven to cook. Meamwhile Riverstone and Nighthawk arrive and I say I am cooking pizzas and other stuff but I take a break to join them sitting to talk. I notice Nighthawk is feeling really awkward and doesn't even look at me, but after a while we get cozy under a blanket on the sofa and somehow I end up half naked hugging him. We have more people coming over and I suppose Riverstone is entertaining them in some other room, because we only hear their voices, but we don't want them storming in, so I grab Nighthawk and drag him to an empty room, push him against the wall and we kiss. We slowly slide down to the floor, we make out, but then people come in. I quickly sneak out through another door, hiding, since I am kinda naked, but he is not and he welcomes them as if nothing happened. I magically get clothed again and recall that I left stuff in the oven. The house is now some big place like a central train station. I have to walk a long walk to get to the kitchen. When I get there, it exploded and I feel despaired that it was my fault as I left the stuff in the oven burn and somehow caused a fire which caused the explosion. Then from the blaze comes a guy that I know in the dream has a crush on me - he looks like Raita for some reason. Due to the explosion he mutated and is now is 10 mt tall and has a belt with living people attached all around, from whom he sucks their vital force. When he sees me he says "now you'll be mine!" and he chases me down as I run through other people in the large main hall of this building. I try to head to some elevators but they are all busy, so then I go up a spiral staircase that is full of women going up. They all start to run up the stairs with me when they see the monster chasing me. They help me by letting me pass to the front and reach the top first. At the top there is a door with a bunch of locks and knobs and for a second we panic but some ladies come to the front saying they have the one key that unlocks it all. It is a race against time as the monster approaches, but they manage to open it. Behind the door is a platform looking over what seems like a zoo enclosure with lots of different animal species coexisting. Unfortunately not all of them are safe and peaceful. We close the door behind us and we get rid of the monster, but now we spot some wild boars and when we try to come down, they charge, not letting us go across the enclosure. There is an access to a lake which gives access to an area of empty land with a door to some other building. We plan to go that way but I fear there might be dangerous animals in the water too. Some of the ladies take a chance and jump, but soon enough there is a huge crocodile coming their way. I spot the sillhouette under the water and warn them to get out. They get out really at the last second. Then we are hopelessly stuck. Then I remember to call Superman. Nobody knows, but I know him and we've had an affair. It's guaranteed that he'll come if I call for him, so I start yelling "Superman, I am in danger, please come!" I expect to see him right away but he doesn't come. I call two times, three times and he is not coming. Then someone points to the skyline and nearby behind some skyscrapers, there is a battle of titans going on, but it's not Superman, it's a giant Spiderman fighting my giant stalker from before. As I call Superman one last time, Spiderman removes his mask and throws it at me. It's enormous so it covers me like a blanket. Everybody is asking why did he do it and I am worried people will see his face and get to know his identity. I see his face and I am confused as the guy under the mask is Axman. Sure, he is also in love with me, but I didn't know he was also a superhero.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a chemistry class. I start feeling bad and with pain, so I just get up to leave. Teacher asks where am I going and I say I need to go. She then starts mocking me, saying "oh, so what's streaming on the web that you so much need to go watch?" And I reply, not amused "I am sick, I am very sick and maybe if you actually cared, I might tell you what my problem is and how much I need to leave right now. But I am going anyway." And as I said this to her, my voice started to fade until I no longer could talk. She said nothing else as I packed my bag and picked stuff from over a couple tables and left. Outside, I meet a couple ladies, one of which is a blond girl I detested from my former office and they are trying to sell me some hair products based on coconut oil. They are super expensive and I wonder why. Seems like they just mix the oil with some other shit that turns it pink and then put it in oversized jars to overcharge. I tell them I use a much cheaper version of simple oil and I have a small package with me and put it in my hair to prove my point. They want me to give them a ride and I really don't want to, but they keep following me outside, not taking a no. When crossing a street, I take advantage of some truck passing and sneak out to the next street to lose them.
Updated 09-16-2021 at 08:31 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the grocery store, some lady is messing with some guy over his plastic bags and trying to convince him to switch to cotton bags. I am thinking to myself how that ain't necessarily the best option and remembering a video I've watched about it, but I chose to stay quiet because I am sure I'd just add confusion. But then they start talking about environmentally-friendly options in general and other customers join in the debate. At some point the cashier asks us if anyone has tried Iberdrola or Coopernico as energy providers and I say I am a Coopernico client. Someone else claims Iberdrola is 100% renewable and someone else claims they also have nuclear. I am not sure but I say I think not. I still argue that Coopernico is better because it is a national co-op but no one seems to care much about that. I pass by a festival at a park. The actor Diogo Morgado is playing DJ while dressed as Jesus and embarrasses himself. Everybody laughs at him and someone tells him to get a girlfriend. He strangely replies that I am his girlfriend. I say no way and I get out of there and go for a walk. I am told there is a more underground festival going on at a hidden place in this same park. We have to step on some tires piled up against a wall and go through an opening on that wall into a derelict building with a maze of walls. Across corridors with no roof and some small rooms, lots of punks and hippies sell their crafted jewellery and vegan food. Then some creepier stalls where they pierce us with nails. A dude insists that I go through the procedure, I argue I don't have money but he says he borrows me the money and I pay back later. I run away. There is a food court with tables on an open area. I sit with some friendly looking people but a bunch of lesbian activist girls come bully another girl because she ain't activist and they claim she has to and fight for their rights. I don't like their attitude and shout that it is ok for someone not to be an activist if they don't want to, but they ignore me. I get tired of being there, so I go away through the same place I came. Evening is falling and I decide to just go for a walk in a quiet place of the park. There are big beautiful trees and no people. Until I spot a dude acting suspiciously, following me from afar. I decide to levitate to a height he can't get me. He tries to reach me by jumping and then he climbs to some kind of terraced building to be at my level and I find his attempt funny, because he is basically stuck there. But I get closer to ask him what he wants from me. He says he just wants to talk. Says he sent me a work related email back in September and he never got my reply. I say I am sorry but surely I never got it or I would have replied. Ask him why he didn't try again or called. Tell him to resend it that I will reply on same day. He is pleased and goes away.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Nordic country during summertime, there is a street market with a fortune teller, some local dude becomes obsessed by me and stalks me around. There is a gorgeous natural lake with clear water up on the mountains. This local guy insists I must go take a dip. Wasn't planning on doing so before the next day but he convinces me. I go to the place where I am staying, get my stuff, and I get out through some other exit to avoid him. There is a path going uphill through a forest, it gets dark and I have an encounter with a wolf. I jump over a fence and I run back. I encounter a guy walking a big dog and I ask for his protection. He kinda mocks me although he sees the wolf at distance. Back to the venue I encounter the crazy guy who stalks me again to the laundry room. I find a back door and run through service corridors, looking for an alternative way to get to my room. Once there I still don't feel safe. I have an odd feeling that the wolf I saw is actually a werewolf and that he is around. I go meet some friends and they say actually there is something going on, but they think it is more like a zombie attack. We make a plan to escape soon, but I still I go to bathroom for pooping and I change clothes. My friends then say there is a strange lady outside looking for me. They suggest I don't talk to her, but it is Marta, cousin of my friend Carla and I feel curious. She wants to tell me about her mother dying of cancer and that she is going through difficult times. I offer my assistance, remember I heard she is sick too. She confirms she does have multiple cysts in a leg. I thought was on the uterus, she says those too, but leg is what is killing her. I tell her I am in a hurry now, but we should meet some other day and have a coffee. I leave her outside at the street market, where some lady paints landscapes based on our description of it. She stays there providing details of a forest landscape, doesn't know the name of the trees she is thinking if and I tell the painter she means conifers. With girl friends at some city where I will attend some teachings. On arrival we go to a shopping mall. They want to go to some famous brand shop. Their front is like a giant screen with their advertising and apparently no door. But right in the center there is a place to walk through across an hologram. Vera attempts to do it but fails and crashes into the screen wall, but I manage to find the entrance and go in. The feeling is strange and pleasant. Inside, costumers are doing photo shoots. I don't understand the idea but my friends say something like, the shop provides a makeover and then clients do a free photo shoot to promote the store and that is why they wanted to come. We get in the waiting zone. Meanwhile I am getting really excited that I will soon see Rinpoche.
I was stalked by L, I was going home ,and she followed me around with a camera , made pictures of me from the corners. I was pretty surprised , but not creeped for I thought that she can't physically hurt me , she is just a petite girl (I was weirded out a bit to be honest). So I decided to confront her if she follows me home to my house, which she did, and she literally just stopped in front of my house and kept clickin her camera, like what the fuf? Really? Don't you feel yourself a little bit in danger? On my property? Then I just decided to go out . I first just looked through the window and see that she sees that I see her and got scared so she ran behind a corner. I went out like " what the heck are you doing " and she seemed to be all confused and conflicted and angry and started to back off , she thought I'm gonna attack her. Then I just opened the door and waved to come in and told her that I wont hurt her, that I want to talk to her and then she came in. We talked for a bit but I don't remember a single detail of our conversation. Then at a point I was in her house, wooden floor, and old staircase ,and a white wall I think(?) , somehow I knew that her father is abusive(dream memory), and that if he sees me here he'll definitely be hostile. Then I woke up.
I’m walking home to a house I lived in 6 years ago. I notice a blue station wagon is following me. I cross the road to get away from him but he does a u-turn and parks in front of me. Then I look through the windscreen and see it’s Bert Newton! For anyone that’s not an Aussie... I look at him and get a creepy feeling. He beckons me over, and I wonder what he could want... he might just want directions!? I cautiously walk closer, he leans out and asks me if I want a lift! I friggin’ knew it At that point my alarm went off and I woke up. Why would I be dreaming about an elderly famous Australian entertainer stalking me?
Updated 03-06-2018 at 10:31 PM by 94531 (Misspelled Name)
Hi everyone! I had a dream last night. I don't remember much of it, but I remember part of it. I was walking with someone, not anyone I recognised, but I got the feeling that the two of us were friends walking home from either a group activity, or perhaps shopping, as we were carrying bags with us. Part way along the walk I noticed a person following behind us. On second glance he was carrying a grenade..! I was instantly panicked, and tried to get us to move faster. The person behind us was right on our tail though, and he suddenly pressed the button on the grenade. I knocked him down the hill with his bomb, but unfortunately he grabbed my friend's leg, and took her down the hill with him! I then woke up, or so I thought.. I got out of bed like usual, and began to move over to my door. While I did so a shadowy figure followed straight behind me! Then, I properly woke up!
First fragment I turned on my laptop and started working - I was making textures and models, then used them to make maps for a Half-Life mod that I was creating. Second fragment I was writing a forum RTD game set in S.T.A.L.K.E.R games universe. A first reply was about another game like that, only a few days older and quite worse.
I woke up in an old hut. I went out of bed, and looked around. Everything was old. There were rusty pieces of metal scattered over the floor, the window was cracked. There was a table in the middle of the hut, a few chairs and cupboard. There was an AKS-74U rifle lying on the table. I come closer, took the rifle and loaded it. There were also some grenades, so I strapped them to my belt. Then I went outside. The hut was placed in an abandoned village, in the middle of a wilderness. I felt somehow uneasy in that place, so I went to a small nearby hill. I took a map out of my pocket, and saw that I'm in the Zone around Chernobyl Power Plant, the one from S.T.A.L.K.E.R games. I decided to move away from the strange village. When I entered the forest, I was attacked by a horde of bloodsuckers. I was running away, trying to shoot them down. Meanwhile some fleshes joined in, and I spot a controller in the distance. I took a grenade which was strapped to my belt, and thrown it in the group of monsters. Some of them died in the explosion, the rest ran away. Suddenly, the controller that was walking in the distance decided to join the party. I readied my rifle, while he was preparing to launch a psionic attack.
Another nice long dream. I dreamed me and my friends were attending a party at one of my favorite radio personality's mansion. This person hadn't been seen in a while in the public light, and irl this person basically fell off the face of the earth unless you were a super fan. My friends, by the way, were just random dream people. "B" from my last dream was certainly there. Later portions of the dream deal heavily with her. Anyways, me and my random dream friends were sitting inside a tiki themed cabana by this mansion's pool. (Thatch roof, glowing Hawaii/island colored lanterns, coconuts. Things of that nature.) Suddenly our host revealed themselves at the party and sat down next to our group, and it was quite a sight. This person looked thin, sickly, pale, like they had been stuck inside of their house for a long time, not interacting socially with anyone. They also were stinking drunk. Literally. They smelled like alcohol. You would think I meant drinking alcohol, and if we were talking about real life that would make sense. But what I actually smelled was antiseptic/medical rubbing alcohol. This person smelled very sterilized, like they came out of a hospital. Or like bandaides. But I know it was supposed to represent actual "I have been drinking" alcohol smell. I tried to be nice to the stinking drunk host, talking to them, trying to joke with them, but it was embarrassing to me to try. They were just too drunk. I think they tried to kiss us, and I think we all played along, but from that moment on I decided to just stick to my group of friends and try to avoid them. All of us were sitting on a diner styled booth that ran the length of the Cabana, and I decided to scootch more to the left to talk to my group of friends. The owner of the home, in their drunken stupor, I guess didn't notice, or was too drunk to care. They just ended up sitting there alone staring off while me and my friends talked about how they smelled. I felt kind of bad, and went back over to the right where they sat to try and talk again, but I think I did this to get a better whiff of the alcohol smell so I could continue to gossip to my friends. It was night time at this pool tiki party. Next I remember it being daytime and me and "B" were on the road leading up to the mansion. I remember stepping back from this road, which in this scene was paved, and surveyed the entire area where the large home stood. I started thinking about how alone the home owner must be in this big house, and wondering if someone could move in next to them to keep watch on them and keep them company. There was a traditional styled home to the right of the property, basically ON the property, that may or may not have been occupied by random neighbors. I thought to myself that the mansion owner should buy up this extra house on their land and get someone to live in there to hang out with them. Next I recall being on this same road with "B" again, hopping up and down, playing "leap frog" or some other such game to pass the time. The road was dirt this time around, and looked alot like a road that leads to a large mansion over by a spot me and my BF frequent in the summer. Suddenly, a large tractor trailer or tour bus pulled up into the driveway. It looked like one of those "Pimp my Ride" style tractor trailers, or may have even been a "pimped out" tour bus. It was royal purple in color, with decals on either side of it. It also had flashing yellow lights on each side, for extra fanciness. I guess "B" knew what this tour bus vehicle was. It was a vet bus, and the people driving it were delivering some pets they had taken care of for a couple of days. I think at first these pets were supposed to be the mansion owner's pets, but it morphed into being pets of "B". There were 2 tiger striped domestic cats, orange, a dog and a Siamese cat. They had names, but I only remember one of them. The orangest of the striped cats was, of course, named "Tiger". I think the Siamese was supposed to be B's Siamese she has IRL. (IRL B has many cats.) All of the animals were in their own metal cages, stacked one on top of the other and placed on a rolling serving cart to be delivered like a parcel delivery. All the animals were sleeping, I think they were drugged to prevent them from getting nervous over where they had been. Me and B stopped our goofing around, signed off for the animals and took the whole cart into the house to take care of them. Inside, the cage situation became much different. Now instead of cats and a dog, we had a tiny double cell cage the size of an egg carton, with different kinds of animals inside. Chicks. For some reason, as if we were hatching them ourselves, we couldn't free the chicks from their cages right away. Either they were hatching from their eggs, or they needed to stay inside their cages until they woke up, since it was an incubator type of thing that kept them warm. We waited a little for the machine in each cage to do their job. I began to worry, thinking they were staying in there too long, but my friend insisted on waiting a few more minutes. Finally I convinced her to open up one half of the two cage egg carton to see how the chicks were doing, since it had seemed they were moving around for a short time. It was too late for this half of the animal cage, however. I poked one of the heads of the now browned chick, and it made a sound like I was poking a freshly cooked crispy chicken tender. We quickly opened the other half of the cage, that wasn't heating as long, before it was too late for all of the animals. What popped out of this side was not your typically shaped or typically sized chick. They were about half the size of a traditional baby chicken, maybe about the size of your thumbnail. (Perhaps they hadn't fully "cooked" yet, then.) Incredibly tiny, but also incredibly cute! They also didn't look like animals, but rubber toy versions of them instead. I also feel that they weren't all chicks. Some of them were small frogs, some may have been rubber duckies. They all acted as if they were living breathing creatures. I held my hand out to a small duck-thing, and it quickly crawled up my arm excitedly. As it got closer to my eyes it also got bigger in size, until it was a normal sized animal I could pet. These were also not the only pets inside the box. IRL my friend B has all sorts of plans to own all different sorts of animals as pets. Briefly she mentioned an interest in owning a Tarantula. YUCK! So, in the dream, B had pet SPIDERS! Suddenly, small little baby spiders, perhaps 5 or 6, crawled out of the box. As stated in a previous dream, I respect all life, even that of a spider's. Although they weren't as cuddley or cute as the little chick-things that came out of the incubator cages, I still understood they were B's pets, and I had to be nice to them. Also, a couple of them looked like Daddy Long legs, one of my favorite types of spiders. I knew they were hungry, so without a care in the world I allowed the little guys to crawl all over me and start sucking my blood. Where the cute duck-thing was by my face, now a spider was making its way there instead. All the cute animals ran away as the spiders did what they wanted. I saw them take nibbles on my skin, and pondered about why a daddy long legs, that doesn't bite, would now be feeding off of me like a vampire. One Spider made a circular pattern of red bite marks on my arm, the center of which was the color of ash. They took blood from this ashy spot, and it stung! On my leg, the larger daddy long legs was making a bite trail up my arm like a bedbug. When I saw the awful bites and lumps all this feeding was causing, I immediately stopped the spiders from sucking my blood! On my leg, by my left knee, a large lump the size of my hand raised itself, the last bite the daddy long legs gave me there. I called B over and tried to show her what her awful pets were doing to me, but she seemed to be ignoring me. Also I was distracted as I swatted these insects away! Next I remember one small scene where we were running from a stalker person throughout the mansion. The one scene I recall had us in a bedroom with large windows that looked out over the mansion's yard. There was a pine tree forest that bordered the yard on this side of the house, and there was a door in the room that lead out to a little patio area with steps that went down two floors to the yard below. It was all painted in white. Me and my fellow dream friends decided here was the best place to hide from a stalker. Of course it wasn't a good spot, and we soon saw the creepy man sneaking up the patio steps to the bedroom. Our plan to fend him off? We started dumping fake lemons into a decorative bowl that sat on the ledge of one window. I guess this would scare the stalker away. I couldn't tell you if it worked or not. My dream friend did it, not me. She has dark red hair, and was quite tall and thin. ANOTHER SCENE THAT MAY HAVE BEEN IN THIS DREAM BUT MAY HAVE BEEN IN LAST NIGHT'S: I was going up old wooden steps to the second floor of a Victorian house. Me, Michael Jordan, and my red headed dream friend all went upstairs, along with my sister I think. Upstairs we took a quick left into a messy old fashioned bedroom, and began packing luggage and such to leave the area. Anyways, thats about it! END! ---------- INSPIRATIONS: Radio personality: I listen to this radio show ALOT when working, and recently I was thinking about one of the members of this show who is no longer on there. I wonder how they are doing and if theyre okay. So, I had a worry-dream about them. They live in a big mansion IRL, so I was dreaming about it! Stalker: Someone just finished reading "Penpal", the book based upon the popular Reddit creepypasta. I highly recommend it. The creepy vibes of the book have been effecting my dreams, giving me bad nightmarish situations. This dream is one of a few that was effected by this book, and I am sure it may not be the last! Spiders, cats, pets: B has pets, wants new pets, was thinking of getting a Tarantula. I also spend a good chunk of time with B, so she is featured prominently in my dreams lately. The dirt road: Me and my BF were discussion our old spot last weekend. "St. Mary's by the Sea."
Updated 03-18-2015 at 06:05 AM by 82463
What amazing recall I have...ugh. I know absolutely I dreamed last night, I just can't remember 90% of it! Here is what I DO remember - Some kind of mass disease situation going on, and alot of families driving to the local CVS and camping out there, waiting for a cure. The disease effected children, so everyone camping out had at least one child. I also remember a creepy guy there. I don't recall if he was trying to get the kids away from their parents to kidnap them, or if he was the one handing out the cure to the disease. In some way he was manipulating the parents or kids. The parents may have been hanging out in the parking lot in hopes of him releasing it. - In order for kids to be selected for the medicine, a match-up style game had to be played between two opponents. Kind of like a tournament. The game involved a shoebox sized wooden box with little wooden tiles inside. It was basically candy crush meets scrabble, I think. Matching up of different styles of the wood tiles was definitely part of it. Thats about it. Hopefully writing this down will cause my brain to leak out more detail on the next dream~! INSPIRATIONS: So obvious. I was talking to someone I call "semi-creepy guy" to myself, because he is..semi-creepy. So, as a result, I had a creepy stalker guy in my dream. Also, I have lately been addicted to the new Candycrush game, hence my certainty in the kind of game that was played in my dream.
Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some video game where i had to find something. Dream 2: I was playing some video games and there was one which was mix of half-life 2 and STALKER, plus it had wanzers from front mission 3 apparently. I was doing one of the last levels which was happening in some dark open hanger, there were snipers and i had to guard some NPCs, i also had 'editor mode' with which i was fixing lack of detail in some parts. Then there was end part but i accidentally fell down and found some stuff happening which i managed to prevent, then i've found out that there's secret ending can be triggered. Building now was rather ruined and there was Prof. Kleiner trying to do something in an office, then something was about gun and i was transported into some glitch dimension filled with colors and GMod stuff, like floating Heavy's heads. I fought stuff at first but then figured out that to trigger secret ending i've had to go through this area without damaging or touching any enemy. Luckily gravity was rather low so i managed to jump over most of enemies through the level. There was last segment where i had to run to teleporter while dodging a group of G-Man's with sniper rifles. At that the game just ended. Then i've started talking to a dragon with which i was apparently playing this game coop this whole time or something? Dream 3: I was watching yogscast video, it was something about minecraft server. They were creative mode-flying around and then Simon started punching cows into holes that were leading into abyss. Then they went into building where game turned to be GMod, they were talking about stuff and then went to cinema. They started watching another video. That video was about console gamers that were playing some fighting/racing game, they got bored and started watching another video. And then that video was about some anime people with swords arguing about something and then two of them started chasing another one around the pool and then slashing him. Dream 4(fragment): Big dragon was talking to two smaller ones.
Dream recall from today's naps. Had some problem of not being able to fall asleep, but still got a bunch of dreams. Dream 1(fragments): I was playing AI War and i was capturing some planet that was very far away from homeworld, there were some advanced structures. I started getting some turrets up because there apparently were asteroids randomly traveling around. Then i looked at nearest AI controlled system and game switched to view of some city, where there were some kind of tesla sniper turrets on the rooftops. Then there was some loud noise and dream faded out. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some game with SilentEternity, that looked like very indev version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Alot of places were empty and we were just exploring areas. Interestingly the running speed was very slow, but sprint was ultraquick, though lasted only a couple of seconds. UI was really simple, like was made in an half of hour or something. We were discussing game while going north and fighting some bandits on the way. Dream 3(fragments): There was something going on and then dream kinda started falling apart, then red dragon flied from the right of my view and the rest of the dream became static background, he stopped in the center of the view, and looked at me and then i've had some weird thought about some names, shortly dream faded out. Dream 4(fragments): There was some discussion on dragon forums.
Dream 1: I was in some FPS video game that had used some elements from STALKER, like radiation and anomalies, but was happening in some desert. There was an enemy base i had to attack and some AI controlled character was following me and i had to defend him as well. I was trying to find best way around the base, including stealthing, ending up failing due to obstacles or something else and replaying the mission a few times, one time there was some anomaly that fired flares or something. Then decided to just go with direct assault. I've had some gun that fired high explosive bullets, though for some reason it was not effective versus enemy soldiers, they were taking damage from direct hits only, so i switched to some other weapons. Enemies came out of the base and i was shooting them while taking cover behind one of wrecked cars, then i ended up successfully clearing the base as well. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some video game and i was in some complex and there was something about dragons. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some FPS, coop with SilentEternity. It looked somewhat similar to minecraft, except not that blocky, there were slopes and such. We were doing some mission where we assaulted some kind of complex underground, activated it's self-destruction sequence and had to escape, sliding on very long slope down and then finding portal of some kind at the very bottom. Dream 4: I was in some strategic game, controlling some base, ordering some researches and unit building. Then i opened global map, which don't looked like earth at all, there were much more separate continents for one. We controlled only small partion of the map and there were various other factions of different color that we had to fight, and that were fighting between themselves as well. Red faction controlled one of the continents fully and had two of strategic points here. Our faction was dark on the map and controlled one continent fully as well, but with only one strategic point. it was not the aim though since we were going for some other victory condition. Other than two fully controlled continents, most of other continents were controlled by various other factions partially, and we controlled parts of some as well. I then sent some air transports with forces to attack resource points of white faction, but though units didn't hold it for too long due to white faction having heavy bombers, it was enough. I've got enough resources for some endgame tech that apparently added some kind of spaceship unit and unlocked another research of some green beam weapon. I've needed more resources. Dream 5(fragments): I was playing Front Mission 3, but it was different. There was some mission in some underground complex, there i've had to fight four enemy wanzers with four of my wanzers, they were all roughly in weapon range from starting point and additionally the spawn positions could be selected more widely. One of my wanzers had some claw-like weapons and massive shoulder mounted cannons and looked really cool with dark blue color scheme, but it had lowest hp. Then also i've had wanzer with some shotgun-like weapon that activated some skill right as i placed him before first turn even, and auto-attacked nearest enemy. Then during the turn, the low hp wanzer took alot of damage, but then i've attacked enemies with my wanzers and dealt with them quite quickly. Another one of my wanzers had some kind of plasma/energy shotgun weapon that dealt very high damage. Soon enemies were destroyed but mission didn't ended. My wanzers automatically progressed through complex into another area, where there were four more enemies, one of which had flamethrower. Dream 6(fragments): I was browsing some forum about forum games and there was some discussion about dragons.
Updated 07-30-2013 at 11:36 PM by 59854