Big Dog Station I'm in an airport waiting area. I'm on international travel but I don't know where to. There are some big dogs in the area. I think that S would be happy to see them. One is a big poodle-looking black dog. I also see a big long-haired german shepherd looking one. I'm talking to my brother on the phone, and he is responsible for my bag being missing. I'm upset with him because he made the decision to leave it behind so that I could make my flight. I tell him that there are things I need in the bag, like my $300 headphones and work ID. Fragment I have vague recollection of a smokey-train station as well. Most likely connected to the above dream about travel.
Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:03 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In high school / university mix situation, being bullied by Monica and her minions. Even in the bathroom, they burst open the stall where I am sitting on the toilet, demanding something I don't have, just to humiliate me. Then later on class, we're getting our grades and she scores higher than anyone else. I believe she is cheating, but everybody praises her and she gets a round of applause. I don't want to look petty but I gotta say something. I don't accuse her of cheating, but I say I won't clap because she is a bully and she's been bullying me constantly to derail me. Even if she really is smart, she's still a bad person. Nobody denies it, they tell me everybody knows that she bullies, but they still think she should be praised for her grades and they clearly think I am petty for bringing this up. I am appalled. As soon as everyone's attention goes elsewhere, she sneaks in close to me and pinches me hard, hurting me and I say I am sick of it and I am no longer going to be civilized with her. I do a choke hold on her and throw her on the floor and she kicks the air struggling to breath. I eventually let her go and we still fight a bit more, but I can tell she is scared of this new side of me. After the class everybody is going out somewhere and I join just to avoid being cast out, but I wonder if I should, since nobody likes me much anyway and I don't owe them anything. It starts raining as we walk down the street. It's already dark. I pull an umbrella out from my backpack. Everybody gathers in pairs or bigger groups under different umbrellas and I offer a ride under mine to anyone who needs it, but only Monica accepts. I yell there's not a chance in hell and I turn to a group that has like 4 people under one umbrella and offer to welcome at least one of them. They don't accept so I just carry on. I am tired of being nice. We walk into a grand central station and everyone heads to a subway line, but I miss them in the crowd. I don't know which direction they're going. Then I get distracted by some bijouterie lost on the floor. I pick it up and some lady who is just standing there notices it and says she had actually seen it before but was too embarassed to pick it up. She then points out to more bijouterie under a ledge and I am surprised with the finding. Like little kids who found a treasure, we pick it up piece by piece, making pairs with the found earrings and admiring the colorful stones and I fill my pockets with it. The lady doesn't want it for herself, she is just happy to help me find these. Then some other lady comes by and says she doen't think all that bijouterie is lost, but that it belongs to a seller who is there during the day and leaves her things hidden in there for the night. I feel bad and put it all back, except for that one piece that was efectively broken and in pieces on the floor and which seems like it was really discarded. Meanwhile, I am approached by Rupigo who asks me where some other colleague went and if he joined the others. I say I haven't seen him but I suppose so. Then decide to go after him as he probably knows the direction to go. But I don't want to go down the stairs against the flow of the crowd, so I just jump a balcony, the height of one floor, and gently land in the main central area of the station, near a ticket booth. I realize I am dreaming and that I can do whatever I want. I still debate a little with myself if I should go after the group lucidly, or not and I realize it is completely irrelevant. Instead I fly over everyone's heads and I move to the exit. I play a little with the fact that I can cross walls and columns and don't really need to find a door, but I am still planning my next move. Unfortunately the dream isn't stable enough and I wake up.
Updated 09-17-2022 at 11:19 AM by 34880
8th August 2021 Fragment: At one point I'm in the bedroom with H. It's morning but the light is wrong. The sun is towards the end of the street. We keep hearing noises outside interrupting our sleep and we check out the window a few times. At some point through this we hear a woman and man, struggling or fighting, we think. H looks out the window and asks her if she's OK and if she needs help. She says it's fine, but I think the man is upset still. They look fairly local I think. Then a taxi thing comes by and picks both of them up? It all happens somewhat fast. Later, we're in the car. We go around the roundabout in front of where the civic centre is supposed to be. We remark on how it was all changed, with this newer and bigger roundabout that has a glass dome building and gardens and so on in the middle of it. I comment "but still, there are no seats? what's wrong with people? first they don't like being outside, then they need to be outside but aren't allowed and then they are allowed and there's no incentive". Fragment: Something on a space station. Me and H are reclaiming it or something and we need to get something, I don't know what, some modules maybe. I remember seeing the station from the outside, in a sort of 2.5D view and it has glass on the side, or is shown as a bisection, like in some 2D and 2.5D games. Notes: - The arguing couple may partially be residue of one of the couples in our street, who are frequently getting into domestic arguments, and the man has been arrested on occasion. - The angle of the sun would have suggested mid/late afternoon, but the colour and so on indicated morning. - My thoughts on the roundabout mirror some of my waking/conscious thoughts on that sort of topic. In the dream, the area inside the roundabout was much larger than in reality and partially under construction. Come to think of it, the way we were going around it was reverse to what it should have been. - The space station is probably some Starbound residue.
13th September 2020 Fragment: Some segment where I was in a ship in space, like Freelancer. I think I'd bought a space station, but I can't remember how. Distant space looked dark, not as much as it should be in reality but there were only a few background nebulae. The station had a bit of a T shape and it spinned around its longest axis. I think when I took my ship to dock with the station, the whole station rotated toward my ship and stayed fixed in that orientation. But the station didn't look quite like one from Freelancer. It had more details and looked "realistic". I remember interacting with someone, either through a chat interface or voice chat. Fragment: I'm with Hnk in an open area, it looks like WoW but it's not any actual area from the game. We have a raid group with us and we're killing something like a dragon boss. I'm a warrior and I have T2 gear, I think. I'm alternating threat with another tank. I remember planting Alliance banners. When the boss finally dies, all the currently placed banners from either faction (there were some Horde ones too for some reason) change to the opposing factions'. The area looks a bit like Teldrassil. I remember after the boss is dead we run toward an arch of sorts, gnarled wood and stone? (recall gap) Something about Naxxramas, but it wasn't the "true" Naxxramas, which had some specific meaning in the dream. I talked to someone in the dream about this. Fragment: I'm in a completely flat desert (salt flats?). There are a couple of odd buildings, reminds me of BL in some way. Some dream characters, but recall faded too much. Fragment: Something about winning some kind of chocolate lottery or contest and as the prize I'd get chocolate for a lifetime. Some kind of chocolate bar. This tied in somehow with some kind of chocolate portals and rental servers? Notes: - A lot of the themes from these fragments are pretty well embedded in my head. Both games were games I played for a long time and between which I often alternated. - The chocolate lottery probably comes from having watched "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" but also just from an underlying desire to win a similar kind of lottery, but involving actual money. - The WoW dream is probably partly a reminder that I should talk to Hnk again, as I haven't remembered to do so for some time.
Just some short dream fragments. Woke up but didn't get out of bed for a while and got distracted so didn't retain many thoughts. Dream Fragment: Something in space. Felt a bit like Freelancer but I think I could command ships that weren't my own? I remember an asteroid field and an asteroid space station. The system looked like it had a light source coming from underneath but was mostly black space with stars with some blue-ish nebulas on the lower hemisphere. The system felt "sunny". Omega/Sigma/Tau type system. Earlier I had a clearer idea of which it reminded me most of. Dream Fragment: There's a bridge that I'm trying to place somewhere. I sort of have some kind of visual interface to move it around and rotate it but I struggle for a while to get it to a position I'm satisfied with. One of my siblings (T) is in the dream somehow but I think only in some form of chat. I remember having a conversation about the bridge and how it wasn't quite working out. I remember I then had to add some extra support pillars. The bridge location was some kind of crude game-like valley. It looked like the type of terrain/landscape I might roughly make before having worked on any detail for it. The area seemed to be covered in shadow, like there were other objects above. No notes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Meet my father at a train station. He is using crutches and we need to take elevator down. Problem is, dozens of people are taking the elevators and at some point they break. The other people could use the stairs but most just wait for the technician to fix it. Meanwhile we all stand at a balcony that is dangerously giving in to the weight of all the people waiting. My dad assures it is safe, but I try to really stay out of it. Meeting a group of friends. V. Palmeirim and some other famous dude join in the group. They don't seem to know me. I notice we all are wearing shirts with white and blue patterns, stripes, waves and checkers. I suggest a group photo and we make some nice poses. We then stay at someone's place. A couple of my friends, Zilla and some other, want to go on an urgent mission to Porto, but it is late in the evening and I warn that we will be out all night if we go now. We take a cab, but the driver stops somewhere to pick up something and delays us even further, so the girls change their mind and agree it is too late to go out on such journey. Back home they are still making contacts and checking other ways to go, but meanwhile we start watching "Across the Universe" on tv and time passes. I say "no way we are going now. It's 10 pm." Then I notice Jaime is among the friends and he also just spotted me watching the film and singing along and he looks like his heart melted. In the morning I go out to the nearby chinese supermarket to buy some stuff. The staircase and lobby of this building is from the 50s and majestic. Everything is grand and high ceiling and huge open space. I am joined by my dog Hachi who is hanging around for no reason. We hug really tight and then he joins me for a walk in the garden of some museum close by.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening It's the future. I am a sentient android. Some bad dudes are kidnapping androids of my type and reeducating or damaging us to become obedient and enslave us. They test us afterwards with a simple reaction test but I fail, so they want to eliminate me because I can't be trusted to obey. Then Evangelion is there, but he is one of the bad guys. He provokes me with abuses to see if I react. I know I have to endure or I am dead, but they can tell I am faking and the procedure didn't go well. I beg for my life, I promise to be good and obedient, but a guy keeps saying I will probably turn against them. So while I am being rounded up by them, I spot a chance to escape through some window and I run, get into some garden. Then enter some door into a building, don't know what it is. People react naturally to my presence. So I follow some people and end up in some auction place. To blend in, I look at the pieces with interest, an android would not buy, but could be at the service of an owner. I spot a couple antique Buddha figures and it reminds me something of past lives. I pay homage to the Buddha, feel familiar with it. The walls of the front of this place are glass and I see my chasers looking for me outside across the hallway. I also see some stairs leading to an exit and lots of people going up, so I run to disappear in the crowd and reach the surface exit. I notice I am surrounded by university students. A lady engages with me, asks me what I am studying there. I make up something, she believes. I guess androids also can go to school. Once out, there is a bit more garden and some gates to a road. The road seems to lead to either nowhere or to the city and I choose the city but it is far away still. I go back when I realize everybody is actually going the other way to a subway station. Meanwhile I notice a big dog tied up in the garden and he barks at me in a very familiar way. It is my Hachi and I just have to go get him, but he is in a part of the park that is being locked down for the night. I jump the wall cause there is no way I am leaving my dog there. Taking a train in Lisboa at Santa Apolonia station with my dad, but all is so different. He can't find our train, the old line we used to take is no longer there. Instead there are some stairs that bring people in from the houses on the hill. And there are lots of people coming through there so companies have some marketing stands in the way. Today there is a table with offers from some cosmetic and accessories companies. Basically they have boxes and people can take what they want. First nobody touches anything, feeling suspicious or not wanting to look greedy, so I start hoarding it, that's when they decide I have to share and start taking things to. But many ladies basically start ruining some items instead of taking them, like notebooks, on which they write messages and leave it there anyway. Some ladies are gossiping and say that Michael Fassbender lives nearby and sometimes they see him crossing the station. Studying at a university abroad with friends: Zilla, Licas and some others. Our math teacher is horrible, so we decide to skip his class and meet at the movies. We discuss how stupid it is that those classes are mandatory. We arrange ways to escape classes multiple times without being noticed but we have an enemy that does his best to expose us. Once he finds me on the street, he is on a car, he films me with the phone, but I film him back. If I am exposed so is he. The campus is totally high tech, with hologram concert shows in the hallway of new upcoming bands and other dazzling tech stuff. I live in an improvised room at an attic, a really cozy place, which has basically a mattress on the floor and where I can't even stand up. It has a skylight as only window and I have the company of pigeons.
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid Dream 1: Driving I'm driving my old moped. I've got my Indonesian classmate on the back. We're going to the train station. She handles navigation but is not too good with left and right. It's mostly a curvy road with just a few options to go left or right. Ahead of us we see her [so she's there twice] going to the left on her bicycle, while the train station is on the right. I mention that that is what happens when you leave navigation to her. Luckily I know the way a bit. Just before the end there is a small uphill part. I struggle with it, as if I'm bicycling instead of using my moped. As soon as I'm on top I smoothly park to the right side, just left of an orange beat down motorcycle. Another Indonesian classmate and one of my best friends show up with another moped and park to the left of me. I open the seat of my moped and allow for them to put their helmets in. My helmet is too big to fit, but my classmate and my friend can easily stuff their helmets in there. Fragment » It's daytime and I'm sitting on the couch with my girlfriend. On the right side of us is my little brother. My girlfriend and I get a little bit flirty. On the left is another block of houses. There's a dude with an afro who spots us and says something. I think it's about something sports related, though I don't remember what exactly. » It's daytime and I'm riding a bicycle, with someone on the back. Perhaps my girlfriend. I'm going through a neighbourhood and a part of the road has been blocked for construction work. I take another route. » Still daytime. Walking outside, I think with some friends. We pass an intersection where a car accident has happened. » I'm having a fight with my mom, though I don't remember what the fight was about. Dream 2: Leaking » Daytime again. I'm sitting in a public transportation bus with one of my best friends. It's just us and the bus driver. There is a pipeline similar to that of a sprinkler system on the left side of the bus, near the ceiling. It's leaking in several places, causing gas to come out. I mention that it's dangerous as fire is put out by taking away oxygen, exactly what this system does. I turn one of the handles to close it, but this just increases the pressure on a different leak. I don't wanna close them all, afraid of what all the build up pressure will do. In the end we exit safely. I remember the bus driver having brown hair, almost shoulder length. With curls. [aka: he had a mullet].
Updated 10-22-2015 at 08:55 AM by 71740
I was in a dorm. There was a cleaning crew. I was worried they might be killers or something. The other people I was with in the room kind of read my mind so they stayed. Some of them reminded me of theater ensemble in college. Some are from my LGBT friends. I felt anxious. I was in the train station. I was going to ride one. I went up the escalator, and the train just arrived. I was with Sharon, and she was on a call standing on the left side after the escalator. The train waiting area is on the right. She was still talking on the phone. When she was done, the train already left. I was going back, because I forgot my facial cleanser or something. I needed some "class." She said not to worry; she brought some of her own and she can lend some. Just to note that when I was going "back" to the escalator, it was again going up, not down. I saw some food stalls up there. NOTES: I slept for 1.5 hours starting around 7 p.m. I was very sleepy. I woke up alarmed hearing the alarm. I worried I might forget the dream, but I thought of the keywords. I wondered for several minutes how I lost the monsters in the dreams and they're now replaced by feelings of foreboding, monsters that I cannot challenge or hug. It's unnerving.
Updated 01-14-2015 at 03:45 PM by 47454 (Add notes)
- I was watching a League of Legends match, but instead of the usual map, it was a piece of a world map showing land a lot of ocean. Weird. - We were going on a field trip with my college classmates. The research site was really damp and a storm was on the way so we took refuge in town. After doing some shopping and get something to eat we found an abandoned house with a sealed door. We use the rails nearby to send a train flying through the door (yeah). Inside it looks like a normal house but we know it's the hideout of a dangerous band of criminals. After some action we manage to escape. - I'm riding my bike on my way home. It is nightime, apparently past midnight. I take a turn into a deserted street and i'm able to look at the sky. There were 4 moons! I realised that was strange (yay for awareness practice!) but i got distracted by the dream and continued my way. After a while it starts to get clear, and a bunch of drunk people are following the same path as me. I arrive at a station, i meet a lot of people i don't see anymore, and i even fight a (really dumb) thief. These dreams were really vivid and long, so i'm happy my recall got better and this was the second time i remember noticing something strange while non-lucid. Lucid dreaming i'm almost there!
I was in an unfamiliar store (white theme). I was alone. It's facing some sort of field, and then beyond it, I can see the mountains. The sky is blue with whispy clouds. Then, there were invaders. Boneys? (from Warm Bodies) I tried to run. I tried to close the door but there's no lock. I ran to the back, and tried to close the door. The lock was a small, flimsy hook that's upside down. I can't escape. A Boney went through. I wasn't afraid. I was like, "Oh, well, what did I expect?" I died, but I didn't see how. It's like a game. I died and then I try again. This time, I hid below the desk, and then rolled out. I closed and locked the door behind me as the Boneys got inside. I then somehow made the place a trap, and explosive. I ran to the train station. From their, I saw the explosion. Somehow, I thought of Ukraine. I was in the train station, waiting for the train, going somewhere. I was alone. Then suddenly, there were lots of people in the station. We were waiting for the train. Someone needed to pull the lever, and somebody called and instructed Mark. The train the showed up was on the other side, going to the left. After a while, a train from our left arrived, which is weird; we're at the end of the station, supposedly, so we're in the wrong place, but it went back (left side, facing the tracks from the side) after we boarded. People seem to be in a hurry to board it but I was just not in a hurry. When we were inside, there was still a lot of spaces, as if the people didn't board, or went elsewhere. I went around, looking for cooler area in train. I was going to the mall. I was with friends (suddenly). We were looking for a place to eat. KFC? Others (Mang Inasal image but different name)? Leo was there, I think, and so was Jen. Then I was in the mall, but I was alone. My friends were gone and so were all the people. There was nobody there. I was in a part of the mall that was familiar. I was there in another dream before. I believe it was attached to a port: once a boat port and then an airport. I was thinking that something was a trap. Everyone went to attend an event, but I didn't go. Then I saw (in my mind) a snake man. Poison. I called the president asking if the event had something to do with snakes. I saw the snake man handling a cobra. It's still wild, not a pet, but somehow, they understood each other, so it's not biting him. A parking area, like the gravel parking area "behind" our university.
Aug 8, 2013 Third person view of me. I was in a train station. I saw myself come out of the train with another guy. An acquaintance? His face was unclear. Someone (a friend?) was being interrogated by an officer just outside the train. I asked 'What's going on, officer'? He said something about the friend, and I crossed my arms and faced my friend, asking 'What did you do [this time]?' A map. Top-down view. A town. Various locations we passed by. There was a lake with monsters. NOTE: I was partially aware that I was dreaming. In fact, I was interpreting the dream while watching it. I see it as a battle between my ego, superego and id. The officer is obviously the superego, id the erring friend (although I was unclear what he did wrong), and 'I' was the ego, trying to work between the two, but obviously downplaying the id's desires.
The whole dream was oriented around a Train. Me and my dad were in a train station, and I knew I needed to take over the train because it was full of slaves (the slaves were like little goblin/oompa loompa things). The train station was like a post apocalyptic settlement. (a bit like a Fallout 3 settlement, kinda reminded me of a lighter version of the Metro 2033 station) We stole the train, but it was coming off the tracks like they weren't even there, it was like spinning and stuff. We were then in another train by the slave train suddenly driving near where I live down a hill past tree's etc... we then jumped into the other train and started riding it down the hill, although, it was hard to stop. -End-
Updated 04-21-2013 at 08:14 PM by 62566
(DILD Low level Lucid, little control)(From last night, tried WILD earlier) I'm with my sister, and were on a train to Auckland New Zealand, we've still got a while to go . The journey passes (story jumps) We arrive at 'central station' and get off the train. The station has a glass canopy roof, like they do.. I recognise the "GLASS" (dreamsign), I start to question my reality & perform an RC using the text on the train info boards (They're the old fashioned 'split flap' mechanical displays)Low level Lucid!! We walk into the city and explore it on foot for quite a while & see famous sights like 'the skytower', the harbour with all of the yachts with there sails up, and in one of the side streets we get burgers from the 'white lady' burger bus. <<Never been to NZ in waking life, flight too far & expensive, but would like to go & have read stuff about Auckland>> We meet an old woman beggar, who waves a wet-wipe/baby wipe at us, and mumbles something about it. .. I reach into my day napsack and give her a large paper cup, and then she wanders off <How random's that?!?> Lost Lucidity during this encounter After a short while, we've decided we want to do something else.. ... So we find some transport to go elsewhere.. Soon we find a small terminus halt, which has tram track, and a very low platform (about 3-4 inches).. At this platform, there is a queue of two seater'bubble cars' on the track, we get into the front one, close the doors and get transported away... ...We end up in the countryside, with rolling hills and grass meadows. We get out and walk for a while, and find people riding quad bikes over a rough terrain course A guy comes up to us and tells us we will have to wait 3/4Hr for the bikes, and we can wait over there, pointing to the edge of a desert (we didn't notice before) I walk over to the desert edge, and walk on the sand for a while. (Don't think my sister joined me here) I can feel the sun on my back & can see shimmering heat haze on the sand. <Recall and/or dream itself faded here>
Updated 06-09-2012 at 07:39 AM by 55107 (Checked global category tick boxes "Lucid" & "Non-Lucid")
Alright, this makes up for the nightmare LD I had last night. Oh MAN this dream was great. The dream was as realistic as real life. I know that probably isn't a big thing for you, but I am pretty fricken excited. I have never had such a vivid LD. Alright, I guess I should tell you about it now! Also, my next goal is getting better dream control. Alright, I should probably give you quick backstory. This dream was actually a bit longer than I thought. You see, I lived with my parents, but they weren't really my parents. They were different people entirely. And one day someone came to our door and trapped us in. The guy somehow was scamming us for money and when he left we had nothing. Then the world got upgraded with these high-tech items, but they didn't work, and this was causing a global outburst. Well, the dream starts with my friend and we need to stop everything that is happening. We go to tons of places and start to take care of what is happening. We leave the house and start to cure the world of its problems. We end up with another one of my friends and we enter some sort of casino. People are crowding for money pouring out of machines and I suddenly become lucid. I have never had an LD like this. Everything was so vivid. There were no blurry views, and the world was so active. We ran out of the building in the the town I was in during about two past dreams. I will find out which ones later. Suddenly we realized the guy that started this all was in a gas station about a mile away. Due to my poor LD skills I wasn't able to fly. Oh well, I was running with my friends. Suddenly a goon comes up and tries to kill us, but I think up a strange beam coming from my hands to kill him, and thank god it does. We continue running and one of my friends runs faster and ends up at the gas station. Suddenly the gas station begins to crumble. We run faster and actually make it as the place is falling apart. I noticed my thoughts were getting cloudy so I shouted for clarity. Nothing too strange, except for a few people staring at me like I'm an idiot after yelling that. We try to talk to the bad guy, but he won't listen. I realize if I go to my parents I could prove what he has been doing, and report the cops. I run out and run to my house. I quickly run to my parents working on the house and loose lucidity. I tell my parents about whats happening and they want me to help around the house. I do a small job and go behind my barn and see my dad working on a fence. I realize that if I stay there I will have to work, so I run. I suddenly remember I am dreaming again. Alright, time to get my dream flying down. I go behind my house and attempt the jump. It doesn't work, but the jump actually felt like I was using my muscles. The dream was so realistic. I decided to climb to the top of my house and attempt it. I got on top and started to run. I turned my head for a second and this moved my real head. Coolest dream ever! I loved it! Totally makes up for the horror that was the mirror in my last dream. Man, I am so excited right now!