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    1. Night of Saturday 4/6/24 (Comp Night 9)

      by , 04-08-2024 at 02:12 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm on a hockey team and I know I am the worst player.
      My hockey stick wont stay together. There is some mechanism to put it together that I can't get my mind around.
      There is a warmup the team is doing that required eggs.
      My entire carton was busted, eggs cracked and leaking inside.
      Then the was an issue with my skates. The coach had to ask another player to help me.
      I feel useless and like a burden.
      We eventually make it to the pre-game huddle.
      The coach calls me out for my bad mobility on the ice.
      According to him, I struggle to turn around and keep my balance while doing so. I know it is true.
      I contemplate leaving the team so that I don't drag the team down anymore.
      Maybe I will practice on my own to reach base level, return, and get my honor back.
      I wake up feeling defeated.

      Updated 04-08-2024 at 03:10 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Night of Monday 4/1/24 (Comp Night 4)

      by , 04-02-2024 at 07:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Mount Grump:
      I'm standing on a mountain, with the cliff to my left. The area resembles Pride Rock from The Lion King.
      On the rock wall to my right, there is a slot hole. It appears that a hand would fit in there.
      I'm trapped in a mountain cave.

      I'm watching the Game Grumps play a modernized Donkey Kong 64.
      They are controlling Squawks the bird from Donkey Kong Country 2.
      Arin is having the bird shoot red pellets at wasps as they ascend a square-ish grassy area.
      As he ascends, there are buttons he needs to shoot in a sequence.
      Dan makes the comment: "This is soooo much better than the 2D original version!"
      He also comments about being trapped in the mountain earlier.

      After WBTB

      My friend B from back home is crawling through a vent. We are in a sort of manufacturing facility.
      The vent has poisonous gas in it, so he is making a sacrifice for us.
      He is trying to get a game cartridge. It might have been a Nintendo DS one.
      Later I'm playing Pokemon with someone. The player has a "fat" Pikachu.
      It's a regional exclusive Pokemon. It looks wide, sorta like Hey Arnold.

      I'm stranded in a park-like area with my coworker H.
      I believe the scene started off in a rocky-cave, but later transitioned to the field.
      We aren't directly working together, but she has her own area off to my left.
      At one point she has taken off her top, presumably to try and wave it around and grab attention.
      I crane my neck so that I can see her, and I notice that her chest is different than I expected.
      Not mad about it though.

      I'm at a small bar with H from the Tots.
      I notice there is some spilled water or beer on a hightop nearby.
      There is also a karaoke setup off to my right.
      The owner of the bar comes out and tells us that we can have the bar if we want it.
      I start to imagine the possibilities, and the logistics of owning a bar.

      I'm at a Doctor's office with my Dad.
      He breaks the news that his brain inflammation has gotten bad.
      And also that he has cancer.
      I'm struck with grief. Frozen. Unsure what to say.
      I slide down the wall I'm leaning against and sit on the ground.

      Updated 04-02-2024 at 07:42 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Tuesday 3/19/24

      by , 03-20-2024 at 05:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      Something about my friend J from the Tots.

      I'm at a baseball diamond. The plate is part of my driveway. I am up to bat.
      There is something going on strategically, such that the pitcher is forced give me an easy pitch.
      I'm nervous because my team is expecting me to nail these.
      I mess up the first one. Strike. Then the second. Strike. And the third. Out.
      I'm mortified and leave the plate. I go to the side of my house, through the gate to sit down.
      I'm sitting over where the trash cans normally are, on the rocks.
      I'm trying to remember what the strategy that forced the pitcher to go easy was called but I can't.
      J from work comes over to me. I open my conversation with him similar to how I do in waking life:
      "So, dumb question but..." I don't recall his answer.
      I'm feeling nervous because I recalled that I still have to perform my band solo tomorrow.

      I'm in a warm-up room at a school with my sax.
      It's Solo and Ensemble, where I will be performing a classical music piece
      similar to this one for a judge.
      My brother is there too. He's already warming-up. It's the same solo piece (with piano) I will be performing.
      I'm concerned about whether we are allowed to warm-up yet.
      I'm in a small bar.
      Lifelight, from Super Smash Bros is playing on the Karaoke machine.
      There is a DJ off to the left. The music is low quality over the speakers.
      The DJ leaves and I go over to his station. I try on the headphones and notice that the music is low quality there too.
      I reason that the original file might be low quality, not necessarily just the speakers.

      Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808

    4. Night of Friday 2/16/24

      by , 02-22-2024 at 04:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm getting married to my girlfriend.
      We're in a small-ish hall with chairs setup to face the altar. Standard setup.
      But I've just realized that I never wrote my vows. Panic.
      How did I forget? Isn't that something the wedding planner would remind me of?
    5. Night of Friday 2/9/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-12-2024 at 05:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Nostalgia Band:
      I'm in a highschool gym at indoor band practice. I'm a senior who will be graduating soon, so feeling nostalgic.
      I walk over to our saxophone cases and join the group. I feel the familiar rush of uncertainty.
      Where are we going? What are we doing? Gotta do it fast!
      I'm with the same group, this time outside. We have our instruments and backpacks.
      It's a grassy mountain hike, spiraly.
      I see PK, a senior from my 2nd year. He is talking about burying time-capsules for future years.
      There are already a lot of time capsules buried in the ground waiting to be opened.
      We're in a large, cylindrical, dimly lit room now. There are pictures of previous band members along the wall.
      My brother's picture gets pointed out. It is his picture from 1st or 2nd grade.

      Sunny Day Lucid:
      I'm in my childhood neighborhood on a sunny day.
      I'm running through the backyards, with the grass being typical vivid dream green.
      I have a sense of urgency to get somewhere soon.
      There are some horses up ahead, stabled at somebody's house.
      I'm on a garden path moving toward them. I try to leave the path to avoid alerting the horses, but I can't.
      I eventually pass by them without a problem.
      I stop and stand still, realizing that my childhood neighborhood and sunny days are some of my top dreamsigns.
      I perform a nose reality check and I can breathe.
      I check my hands and I have 4 fingers and a thumb. That's strange, shouldn't they be off in a dream?
      I keep checking my finger and nose, and eventually
      conclude that I must be dreaming.
      I try to summon somebody, but it doesn't work.
      I feel the dream start to fade.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:15 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Night of Saturday 1/13/24 (Comp Night 8)

      by , 01-15-2024 at 05:16 AM (Dreamlog)
      The Legend of Honda:
      I'm driving a 2018 Honda Accord EX-L in Hyrule Field from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm testing out how fast I can go. The dream is in first person.
      I accidently drive into the Lord of the Mountain deer spirit, and immediately feel bad about it.
      I get out of the car to look around and notice some arrows that I shot earlier.
      I'm surprised that I can still pick them up.
      I've been transported into a high-resolution version of Ocarina of Time's Water Temple.
      I'm admiring the graphics as I descend into the lowest floor underwater.
      I'm remembering where I need to go to progress into the dungeon essentially off mental memory.
      As I go, there is some narration about what I am doing, similar to The Stanley Parable.

      Nintendo has a new partnership with Honda to help sell used cars.

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 05:59 AM by 99808

    7. Night of Tuesday 12/12/23

      by , 12-13-2023 at 10:24 PM (Dreamlog)
      Wild Burgers:

      I'm in the woods with my brother. It vaguely reminds me of how I pictured a scene from the book 'Hatchet' from middle school English class.
      It's raining, and we have a small cave for shelter.
      But there are some wild animals coming. High feeling of urgency and stress.
      We run.
      I see a homeless man coming out of the wilderness in third person.
      He walks onto the street and enters a bar.
      The man is concerned about how he might smell, but nobody brings up the issue.
      I'm with Danny and Arin from the Game Grumps.
      We seem to be in a sort of Power Hour scenario (Youtube show the duo does).
      There are three burgers in front of us in a chemical hood.
      The task is to assemble one full size burger by disassembling the other three.
      I sarcastically split each burger into thirds, and then combine one third of each piece into one as a joke.
      I'm concerned whether the joke will land.

      Unclear Suns:

      I'm in a classroom that resembles a conference room at work.
      A Carl Sagan-like person is teaching a lecture about the sun.
      It may have been about the sun exploding.
      There is some algebra on a chalkboard as he explains.
      An Asian guy calls out to him, not believing something he is saying.
      I can follow the algebra on the board, except for one part that is unreadable to me at the bottom.
      It looked as if letters were combined.
    8. Night of Friday 11/24/23

      by , 11-25-2023 at 07:46 PM (Dreamlog)
      Fall Town:

      I'm the new kid in a town. It's very orange with a fall theme. Falling orange leaves cover my view.
      There are rivers flowing alongside the streets, and I'm currently walking alongside one, following it to the end.
      I reach the end, and see that the road-rivers all feed into a larger river that people are tubing down. It looks really fun.
      I'm on a date with a ginger girl, but it isn't going well. She is upset about something.
      Later we have found an underground sewer area and we are exploring down there.
      It opens up to a labyrinth-like dungeon. There are narrow rooms and turns.
      We are being chased by tough-strong lizard men.
      I'm captured and I can't move. There is some sort of candy I've found and I try to use it against them.
      But the candy is used to control people, and it backfires.


      I'm in a large open polygonal space. It feels sort of like Tron aesthetically. It's a hub.
      There is a police-officer getting ready to have his first day in 'the maze'.


      I'm in a secret upper-alcove area with my Dad. It's similar to an attic, and has a bunch of computer screens giving off blue lights.
      My Dad talks to the other people there, and they decide that it is OK to reveal their plans to me.
      They give me a newspaper and I read about a bunch of conspiracy topics the turned out to be true.


      I'm working at the Krusty Krab, I might have been Squidward.
      I'm about to close the restaurant for the day. I need two people with two keys to activate the security system.
      The other person there is resigning, so I call for Mr. Krabs.
      He comes over, but tells me that he is also resigning.
    9. Night of Saturday 11/12/23

      by , 11-21-2023 at 07:02 PM (Dreamlog)
      Chainsaw Arm:

      I'm in a large space with my brother. It's a nice home with white carpeting, white walls. Not dissimilar to one of my Grandma P's homes.
      We're working to place cushions on top of chains, but there is something tricky about the process.
      My brother understands it, but he won't help me. I get frustrated and attack him.
      He ends up hitting the chandelier with a chair on accident.
      I keep fighting, but my right arm is getting weaker. I notice there is now a chainsaw where my right arm should be, but it is heavy.
      I'm losing the battle.

      My girlfriend wakes me up because I was making noise in my sleep.

      Recorded at 3:45AM.

      Updated 11-21-2023 at 07:06 PM by 99808

    10. Afternoon of Saturday 11/11/23

      by , 11-21-2023 at 06:58 PM (Dreamlog)
      Missed Signals:

      I'm outside my house on the sidewalk.
      There is a man that claims he has proof that I shot someone.
      The scene transitions, and I'm now in a restaurant that resembles Bennigan's.
      I'm conflicted about whether I actually hurt someone or not, I may have been drunk or high.
      There is a work-meeting happening at a table nearby. They are together for a 5-year anniversary. My boss is there.
      My dad is defending me against the murder accusations.
      I wonder (while dreaming) what problem my brain is working through, or what inspired this dream.
      But I don't become lucid.


      I'm at a game night in a large home. We might have been playing hide and seek.
      HM from the tots may have been on my team.


      I'm on a grassy hill with someone and it's a bit chilly outside.
      We're inspecting the hill for evidence of a person living in it.
      We find an air-pipe and water-line device nearby.


      There is a battle with a queen-like figure.
      It took place in a 2D-platformer game style.
    11. Night of Sunday 10/8/23

      by , 10-09-2023 at 05:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1AM.

      I'm at the airport.
      My Grandma P, Uncle J, and brother are there to pick me up.
      I'm angry with them about something and I storm away with my bag, outside, and across the street.

      I'm at a football game at my highschool field.
      It's nighttime, under the lights.
      A cheerleader girl bumps a microphone boom on the sideline and apologizes.
      Initially I'm on some bleachers on the endzone side of the field.
      There's a football game on a screen, and I see the cheerleader bump the boom and apologize exactly the same way.
      I'm in a bar that looks like a Pizza Hut with my girlfriend and my friend J.
      J is having a rough time from too much weed.
      The bartender looks like Ryan Reynolds and he is making us a series of strong looking drinks.
      The bartender also lays out some joints and calls them 'enchiladas'.
      I realize that I need to be able to drive home so I take it easy.
      There's another guy here (seems to know the bartender), and I'm concerned that if I get sick, he will try to get with my girlfriend.

      All recorded on waking around 8:30AM.

      Updated 10-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808

    12. April 26, 2023 6:?? am

      by , 04-26-2023 at 06:13 AM
      I was in the hallway of my old community college, browsing my social media when I saw a tweet from a chillwave artist I wanted to see live but won't because the festival tickets are beyond expensive.

      The artist spoke about this fictional artist called Ferrol Farraque, apparently a city pop artist they used to sample. Someone even subtweeted "Go sing over Ferrol Farraque again"

      Thos mysterious artist usually keeps to themselves, even their interview was just them saying a whole lot of nothing.

      Then I saw them at my community college through the door talking to someone, but they're voice was muted and it just showed subtitles saying they're never playing at this event again after this.

      I go downstairs and they do a panel where I can here their voices a little when paying close attention.

      I then wake up in a room with someone else, we're colleages apparently and we overslept, my colleague takes the blame by premiering their music video over a projector in the hallway while the supervisor is mad at them.

      I then wake up and snooze multiple times in real life as I'm still tired.
      Been sleep poorly lately, got early shifts at work and no apartment yet while I have to move out soon.

      Dream was in English.
    13. Night of Wednesday 3/22/23

      by , 03-23-2023 at 04:14 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm walking through the second floor of production at work with MM. There is a stressful situation and they need my help to solve.

      There is a marching band show happening in a stadium. My view is from above. The formation is a large spiral shape and it takes up most of the football field.

      Updated 03-23-2023 at 11:32 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    14. A lot of pressure DILD

      by , 05-22-2019 at 09:41 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I got out of bed and the strong urge to check under my bed occured. I check under my bed and say a man body underneath the dark corners of my bed. I felt shock and suddenly out of no where a hand comes and grabs my ankle and starts pushing inside the bed. The shock causes me to gain lucidity and I tell myself there's no way this can be really happening. So I tried to wake myself up but instead the dream scene changes. I still have lucidity and can see myself in a dark hallway where I saw on the wrote something about incest. I decided to run up the stairway and see no way to cross over. I then hear something behind my and decided to jump off a high point in the stair way to the bottom of the floor. Once I hit the bottom after feeling the gravity bring down. Everything went black and then I woke up and check my phone. My phone showed that the only friend I ever had deleted me and this caused me to feel a sense of dread. I then wake up again
    15. Why Smoking Marijuana is considered as the Best Narcoleptic Treatment

      by , 04-22-2016 at 07:44 AM
      One of the chronic neurological disorders that have been spreading across the world is Narcolepsy. It is the loss of brains function to have a peaceful regular sleeping cycle. There are different signs and symptoms associated with it out of which the most common is daytime sleeping. People usually don’t understand if they are the victim of narcolepsy unless they stay awake for 24–48 ho without sleep but later start feeling fatigue in the day time. It is more of a disturbed sleep and has different treatments associated with it. Failing to take right treatment on time can lead to moods wings, muscle weakness and stress. Recent study has proved that smoking marijuana is considered as a narcoleptic treatment.

      Know more about Sleeping Disorders:
      Issue of Insomnia or Narcolepsy is top rated sleeping disorders for which people might have tried enormous treatment options. Such disorder results to sleeping issue and asked to buy modafinil online UK, fatigue, and being lethargic for the entire day. This makes even the daily simpler task kooks complicated. People who suffer from such type of disorder are also the victim of depression, stress and anxiety issue which needs immediate attention. It has been estimated that nearly 10-340% of people opt for supplements to get rid of this problem. The fact is any treatment you follow beyond the limit causes problem.

      Everything you need to Know about Marijuana:
      Marijuana also known as ganja, weed is an herb that has a greenish-gray mixture of leaves, flowers and dried Cannabis sativa. This hemp plant is for many people one kind of addiction while other uses it to deal with different health issues specially sleeping disorder. It holds a great importance for recreational purpose. Marijuana has a significant impact on sleeping cycle. It also reduces other signs such as depression, memory loss and stress.

      How Marijuana Helps in Dealing with Sleeping Disorder?
      In the old traditional records, it has been found out that marijuana s an Ancient sleeping aid that has been followed on the large scale in India to deal with Narcolepsy. Insomnia is a common sign of sleeping illness. It is endocannabinoid that controls the sleep of human body. Dysfunction of endocannabinoid in the system can lead to many problems. Marijuna increases the sleeping time of patients and reduces the problem of insomnia. It does not have any sort of psychoactive effects and is completely safe to consume. It reduces the REM stage of sleeping and provides as slow-wave sleep. To avail its effect in the right manner, the REM sleep must be achieved with caution. It is the stress reliving option only if taken in a right manner.

      A regular dose of marijuana can control the sleeping issues. There are many professionals who don’t completely support this fact. So far, this type of treatment has offered a relief to the patients dealing with insomnia problem. These users have given a positive feedback claiming that marijuana does help in fighting against sleeping issues. Although there are different effects of it but if you consume it in the right quantity, you will get good results which stays for a long time. Overall it seems that marijuana is the best alternative to those rigid sleeping treatments.
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