Type: regular dream.
Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It began with me simply walking along the sidewalk in the day time. I was in a city area, but not the grungy inner-city sort of area. It was more like a polished, nice area where all the glass business buildings were. I walked past banks and coffee shops, and then a dog ran up to me.
It was mottled black and brown, with small accents of orange-brown all over its body. It was a cuter version of a golden retriever with longer fur, so it was a bit fluffier, and was about the height of my waist. It came up to me and started licking my hands. I crouched down and petted it, and I could have sworn it nodded to me slightly.
The dream fast-forwarded and I was in a large room that looked almost like it'd belong to part of a mall, with light speckled tiles and large windows along the walls, leading to other smaller rooms. It looked like this, minus the futuristic wavy stuff and blue tiles in the center, as well as the brand names along the walls.

There was a circle of chairs, the kind that one would find in a school, each with legs at least ten feet tall. There were a person sitting in each of these chairs, including me. I looked down momentarily and we were quite a ways up, since the chairs' legs were so long. I recognized one of my classmates, a taller, lanky girl with blonde hair. The other was a girl, shorter with messy black and plum hair, and a black hoodie with tighter blue jeans. She went to my school the previous year.
It was a mental institution (I was one of two caretakers), and I knew this immediately. The girl with the black hair quickly wiped her arm across her nose and looked around, seeming slightly awkward. The blonde girl was sitting in the chair beside me. I got some strange vibe from her, and she kept looking at me and then away again, but not in a creepy manner. I became slightly unnerved and decided to talk to her. "Hello," I said, trying to sound interested, "you're new here. What's your name?"
She looked away and scoffed minutely. "My name doesn't matter. You know who I am."
I looked away, raising my eyebrows, and when I looked back I saw the same dog I met earlier in the dream. The girl was gone. I gasped and a few other people sitting in the circle turned their heads. They looked at me, then at the dog, and looked confused. "You can't see what just happened?" I asked them. They nodded their heads back and forth.
They can't see it.
I looked back and the girl was there again. "I came here because you're very kind. I want you to be my owner. But don't tell the others... They can't see me."