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    1. November 12, 2023 5:20 am

      by , 11-12-2023 at 06:04 AM
      I move into this condo, they have a pet cat named Destroy Lonely, I whistle and try to get the cat's attention. The cat gets tense at me upon seeing me, I notice but carefully stick out my hand so it can smell who I am, but it doesn't react. I then ignore it and enter the elevator. I get attacked by the cat who turned into this Belgian YouTuber, I kick him down the elevator then make a call saying I was attacked, getting sent a digital form and I check "cat attack". I awkwardly wait as I selected that then got on a bus. There's a girl in the bus whom I've never met that studies at a theatre school in Rotterdam, she looks problematic. The girl makes a fighting motion at me as I walk past her, I ignore her and look at the security camera behind in the bus, filming us.
      I exit the bus and a woman is seen at a table cutting a cake, she tells me it's a peanut butter cake, the peanut butter layer is soft while the edges of the cake are hard and feel like thick layers you'd find on onions. I know to never criticize someone else's cooking though. She cuts the cake and brings the cake to a posh suburban white family sitting at a table in a restaurant, I help her as I carry the forks. The woman and I join the family, she introduces herself and I introduce myself as her husband, much to her amusement.
      The woman from the family says her entire family compliments my "Bob Marley beard"
      I then woke up.
    2. cccxli.

      by , 12-31-2021 at 12:14 PM
      16th October 2021


      Something involving myself in my reptilian form. (I had slightly raised awareness for a while but recall was lost.) Some kind of laboratory facility or complex? I recall some bit involving swimming and someone had invented some equipment that had nano forge vents that would absorb oxygen directly into the bloodstream, from the water.

      Some other part, travelling on a highway but in an odd place; sunny and mountainous/cliffy. There's an unfinished road on the return trip and I'd have to build the bridge somehow.


      I'm at the old home, it's early morning and S needs walking. I want to, but can't find the things I need and get confused by a different layout of the light switches.

      (For brief moments I'd wake up and realise I was actually not at the dream location and that there was really no dog in need of a walk but then I'd drift back to sleep and the dream would continue on the same theme. H was there with me.)

      Then I'm at A somewhere near the mall. The layout is different and the buildings look different too. As I observe, I make conclusions about how I draw buildings based on the look of these buildings, near a threshold of awareness that's almost lucid. I remember carefully studying the outlines of the buildings.

      18th October 2021

      Recall faded for leaving it too long.

      Dream (fragmented):

      I'm in a town or city. It's very dark and night time, and I'm in a car or something with someone driving me, possibly H or family. Then I notice these empty buses being escorted into a residential suburban area. In the dream there's some pretext about overpopulation and some event to which people will be going to, the next day. I comment on this out loud, I think in a disappointed or judgmental way.

      (When I woke up, I thought about how this seemed like a preparation phase for a change in my personality. A lot of dream characters to move.)

      Earlier in the dream. I'm with H in the car and we're stopping somewhere. We're in a similar residential area with detached housing, it's daytime and overcast. Then we're in a house but it has a more office-like feel. There are two white men here, both older than either me or H. One is an electrician and the other someone relating to this place. We help with some issue, a rug trapped under a bit of carpeted floor. The office guy appreciates the help but doesn't quite like the result of what we've done even though the previous situation had caused him an injury. There's some kind of table nearby? A pool or cue table, maybe.

      Earlier again. Something in a city, outer view from above of a skyscraper which I'd previously seen in the dream, only head-on or at street level. The top view showed a weird outline, it had the shape of a Liberty star from FL but something else too. In the dream it made sense as to explain something about the building, when seen in a profile view. I was in some kind of complex before any of this.

      19th October 2021


      Vague recall. I'm in our bedroom but in the dream context I'm not sure it feels that way. It's dark and maybe night time. I'm ordering food somehow? Getting fast food, I think someone recommended I get McDonald's. Dad is here at one point and we're talking, we're outside somewhere, again night time. I think the dream jumps between these two settings a few times.


      - In the 18th's dream, there had been transitions, but like many other dreams lately, when I come to writing recall down for dreams, the transitional periods between scenes often just fizzle away from memory and I know that in some cases the dreams were long and continuous.
    3. Suburbia

      by , 12-03-2013 at 11:06 PM
      1. I dream that I am in a grocery store, and that part of the grocery store is a bar. There's a girl in a cutoff shirt, or something. I pay for my groceries and park my cart outside the bar. The bar's very dark - the walls and floor have been painted black. I have a beer and buy a 6 pack of cider. When I return to the cart, someone has stolen half of my loaf of bread, and 6 eggs out of my egg carton. I complain to management and show them, and ask if they will reimburse me for the bread and eggs.

      2. I dream I am in the attic of an old house. I've broken in. There's a lot of old stuff stored in here, some of it mine... how my stuff ended up in here, I don't know. Some friends and I have packed it into boxes. The attic is filling with water, and I'm moving through thigh deep water trying to sort through these boxes.

      We hear people in the house below. I get worried that they will discover us, so I start trying to put the boxes away neatly so they don't realize that their attic is full of someone else's things. I'm also worried they'll notice the water pouring down from their ceiling, since it's draining but I don't know where it went. Another friend gets on a cot that's built against the wall and starts talking about how in his college dorm, it was so tiny that he had to pull his knees up any time someone opened the closet.

      We decide the coast is clear and start handing boxes to someone on a ladder outside the door. From there, it's easy to go down the ladder and through a hole in the fence into my own yard. The boxes have some of the homeowners' stuff as well... I plan on selling it at a yard sale.

      My house is an old white two story. It's about a hundred years old, and there's nothing particularly special about the house itself. The yard is full of trees; one is much older than the house, and towers above it. It is an old oak tree. My grandpa is there now, and he is talking about how everyone cuts down their trees, and everyone's yard looks the same, and it's bland and sterile. I look at the yards of the other houses on the street (somehow they are bland-looking mansions) and see that they are all treeless and perfectly manicured. I flop down on my side and roll down the hill, and my brother (who is suddenly there) does the same thing, while our mother walks behind us. When I look up the hill, the contrast between my yard and the rest of the yards is striking. The trees rise above my house, and their branches weave in and out of each other. My grandfather comments that having so many trees in the yard is pleasant and adds character to the house. I pat the perfectly mowed, perfectly green grass at the bottom of the hill and tell him that the rest of the neighborhood seems very sterile in comparison.

      I wake up briefly and then go back to sleep, and the dream resumes, although it has lost some vividness.

      I continue from the bottom of the hill into a neighborhood beyond the bottom of the hill. I walk along a sidewalk. It is bright and sunny outside, and probably June or July. There are some preteen girls standing in a yard, chatting, and a little boy in a red striped shirt on a big wheel. This neighborhood is also quite uniform - suburban America, at its most mediocre. The vividness is returning. I realize I am dreaming and try to push through into full lucidity, but the dream is still too thin and everything goes black, and I wake up.
    4. Robbery

      by , 04-01-2013 at 12:37 PM
      It started a little bit different this time. I'm inside a cafeteria just under a multiple story home and I'm not sure how but, I became lucid when I was facing a set of drinking machines. It's creepy how some of the mantras worked before early this morning. I was laid on my bed, under the sheets and just to give it a try, I whispered to myself, "I'm going to have a lucid dream" a couple of times. I used to never believe they'd work.

      Now that I was lucid, I tried to maintain my cool. I didn't want to lose lucidity so fast, so I relaxed and tried not to do anything big at the second. At the time I also thought about being in a actual dream and how amazing it felt knowing my body was still in reality. I escaped the real world to take a break from it and explore a whole new world filled with all of my wishes.

      After calming down for a bit I started to try and destroy the world around me. I tend to use my magical powers to destroy things in dreams. It's not really one of my goals to use in dreaming. There was nothing much in this small cafeteria to destroy so I moved up to the higher levels using EcoCityCraft's compass powers.

      I decided I wanted to do something in the dream, like steal. I walked down the hall of a nice, cozy suburban home. The rooms were silent. I walked in to a room that was almost empty. To my left was a closet room. I walked towards that area, open the door, and found something to steal. Maybe not so much steal but breaking too. I saw a lot of candy bags on top of the closet shelf. I started grabbing some of them but couldn't tell whether I should rob them or rip the bags apart. It sort of gave me a feeling of excitement.

      There was a door behind this area I first walked in to. I made sure it was closed so no one else would walk in. But as soon as that happened, I noticed someone coming. I didn't get a chance to do much, but to fight with baseball bats. Neither of us got hurt, but that's how the dream ended.