Summoning F: I'm at my Grandma M's condo in the kitchen. There are a few of my family members there too. I notice there is a game on the table relating to prospective memory. I recall that I've been working on prospective memory for my lucid dreaming practice. I perform a nose reality check and become lucid. I try and summon F, but it doesn't work. I recall that sometimes it is easier to summon using a door. I leave the kitchen and go to the laundry room, shutting the door behind me. I imagine F standing in the living room. I open the door. It works. She is there. Either my family is gone now, or I simply ignore them entirely. I go over to start some naughty stuff. I feel the dream stability "shake" when we embrace, but it doesn't fall apart. I feel relieved about that. ... I've lost lucidity by now. I'm in a downtown city area underneath a highway. I'm with F, looking for somewhere to continue. I notice that there are cameras all over the bottom of the highway above us and tell her this is too public. F is now a man wearing a trenchcoat, and the story changes such that he is my buddy cop partner or similar. Rude: I'm in an elevator filled with water in an inner tube. I'm with a bunch of other people also in inner tubes and wearing bathing suits. This is some kind of ride at an amusement park. Over an intercom, a man announces that we will be racing the 1st years. I get excited and sarcastically say outloud to the group "WE'RE GONNA CRUSH THOSE KIDS!" One other person and me get pulled aside and removed from the race. Apparently this was unsportsmanlike conduct.
Updated 03-12-2024 at 02:34 AM by 99808
This has been a surprisingly busy week for me... I have stuff to do every day It's my birthday week though, so it's okay. Night 2 Meditated a bit before bed, didn't record times for any of these nights. I also did some decent reality checks. Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): I can't really read my handwriting here, but there was an autistic boy who said something strange when he meant "thank you," and his mother had to translate. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): This girl, a senior in high school, was sexually abusing her brother. Their parents were dead and he was cut off from the outside world so he constantly went to her for head pats. She left for school and was almost killed for mocking a deity, but avoided it by pleading "love" for her brother. -_- It was decided that she would be executed as soon as she graduated, though. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): I was a super muscular guy with super powers, and this other muscular guy was fighting Todoroki with me. He had jetpack boots and special moves but we still beat him, slamming him into the wall of the arena. Later there was a scene change, a dungeon, where horses and monkeys were trapped in jail cells. The monkeys could (and wanted to) sacrifice themselves for the horses. One asked if he could sacrifice himself for a human but we didn't allow it. There were also some cats wandering around in there. Dream #4 (Fragments, Non-Lucid): Frag 1: Playing word games with (S) and their brother, similar to Bananagrams except we took turns. Frag 2: I brought something to a circus-like place. Night 3 Did decent reality checks. Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): I had somehow been transported to 1964 and all I had was some then-unreleased Korean candy. I decided to sell it and make a killing. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): A boy was pitching a new Owari no Seraph series, called Niko something, made by the director of Yurikuma Arashi. It was a fan fav, rated 4.87 stars. Later someone was asking a bear, “Sir, please give me your yuri.” But something felt off. The progression of the relationship was weird. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): My mom was being really uptight… (illegible). Later I was pulling back my hair and saw I had white hair underneath. This horrified me for some reason and I was doing everything I could to disguise it. Later I watched an anime an talked to (S). Night 4 Did good reality checks. Dream #1 (Non-Lucid): Stephanie Soo was recording herself in a cheap apartment, except she was an anime loli girl. She stood on a coffee table and gave a tour. Scene change. I was making hearts in a pond. I was very bothered when someone pointed out that as a child I only made rectangles. Scene change. MC was an anime girl who was also a lesbian. She was in a parking lot and two people, a man and a woman, pulled into a spot in a Jeep. The girl was completely spellbound by the woman. The two claimed to be firefighters and stole a bunch of her stuff. When the girl said she liked the woman because she was “petite,” she got chased around the lot, but she liked it. Then they left, saying their name was “UTY,” and shouted “US. TRUST. YOUUUUUU!!!!!” as they drove away with all her stuff. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): People were killing Titans, also known as Guardians. They were mind-controlling them to walk into walls and kill themselves. But a small one (the size of someone’s palm), had magical powers and was able to bring them back. Drawings: Night 5 Did decent reality checks and meditated briefly. Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): Again I had another dream about having white hair underneath my normal hair. This time I tried to take a picture in the mirror, but struggled a lot. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): I was at some interesting hotel place instead of school. But my dad found me and stole a school bus and started speeding down the street. He nearly hit a car but it turned just in time, but on school grounds he crashed into a mound of dirt and killed two kids! As soon as the bus came to a stop I bolted out and into the school, dropping a moon rock I’d picked up earlier. The interior was different and there was a disco ball hung from the ceiling. My friend (A) walked in and I complained to her, but she didn’t believe me. I screamed at her that two kids were dead and he was always doing stuff like this—how could she doubt me?! Night 6 Did good reality checks. Dream #1 (Lucid): I was at a carnival. A dude was selling donuts in a strange neighborhood. Later I went home and my grandma was there. For some reason this struck me as extremely strange and I stared at her for a while before realizing, Oh, this must be a dream. Then I woke up. Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): My dad called me a whiny complainer. I was about to go off on him, but woke up before I could. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): I was trying to fix my mechanical pencil, singing in my head. For some reason it was a very complicated process and I was on edge. Then my mom told me that my brother’s friends had stolen my rock-climbing passes and we needed to go meet them at the place now. Apparently we were late for my birthday party (which IWL was the next day). I broke down crying and stumbled up to my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. My dad was in the bathroom and yelled at me to shut up. Night 7: Did decent reality checks. Dream #1 (Non-Lucid): Crocodiles were killing seniors. We followed a friendly one down a path to escape, but still had to fight a few on the way. No WBTB this night Night 8 Did decent reality checks. Dream #1 (Lucid): This dream was in anime format, with episodes and everything. A middle schooler was trying to save this girl named Mari. He was stuck in a time loop, running to the school roof over and over and over, where she would be standing, and then he would get teleported back down until she sent him a few texts. He met a couple friends, Xu and Enta. Xu was kind or a punk, Enta was a good honor student. At some point a giant frog detached from another building, a dramatic song playing in the background and the sound effects very vivid. It hopped onto the middle school roof and started drinking the girl’s life force. Anyway in one of the time loops he managed to save her from hanging herself by dashing to the roof the second she texted, “It’s the end.” But then she said she had also taken poison hours ago and it would surely be in her system by now. So even if he went back in time again, how could he stop her? Suddenly he was in my body (but still himself) and taking a bath while talking to Enta on the phone. Enta had forgotten him and Xu, so MC was trying to convince him they were friends by talking about the test scores he’d just recieved. The only reason he’d taken that test was because of them. He wanted to get into a good college and make a lot of money to take care of his mom and siblings. MC started choking up when talking about what a good person he was, looking at a yuri towel that doesn’t exist IWL. Then my brother barged into the bathroom and I took over the position of MC. I yelled at him to get out, then realized my dad had been on the toilet this whole time. Suddenly I became lucid. I got out of the bath and telepathically swung the door open, manifesting forks and knives and throwing them into the wall. I mind-controlled my dad to have a desperate urge to collect them all, and started throwing popcorn as well. I wonder if these items come from somewhere in the world, I thought. My lucidity level was not the highest. Then there’s no guarantee they’re all fresh, right? I ate one of the more buttery-looking kernels, but it was nasty so I ran to the sink to wash my mouth out. Then I flew up to my room, phasing through the door easily. It might be the first time I’ve phased through an opaque surface without losing lucidity; I felt super powerful in this dream. (Still, I was only vaguely thinking of the competition.) I knelt down on the floor and closed my eyes, imagining a complicated T-shirt design. When I opened my eyes, it was only partially formed, so I had to manually fix it by running my hands down its length, the rest of it forming before my eyes. The design was a bit dim, so I made it brighter by doing the same thing. I was trying to take a picture, even though I knew I couldn’t bring it back to waking life. I just wanted to see if it would show up on camera as well. It took a lot of effort to keep it materialized, and my mom broke my concentration by yelling at me to take a shower. It woke me up, but I’m really happy about this LD ^w^ Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid): Frag1: I was in a fantasy world and killed two crows. Frag2: My dog was cuddling with a cat. I was surprised because he usually wants to eat them. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): I was on the phone with a little girl. She was lying between two houses, pretending that a boy named Jake had possessed her by stabbing her with an icicle. Her real name was Jane, and she was copying a behavior my friend (S) had been doing lately. I called (S), who was at college, demanding to know what was going on with them. They were always away, and if they weren’t they were between houses, or with some weird guy. During the phone call I met up with them in person, and they explained everything to me. The kid apparently thought they were a super powerful reincarnated deity, and they had to keep up the act. The kid joined us, and (S) slammed down a dangerously hot gold hammer into the ground, pretending it was a manifestation of their powers. I became less and less myself as the dream went on, pushed into an observer role. The one who had replaced me joined in on a shared delusion of the two that the school principal was behind all their problems. They marched to headquarters and fought the guards, one of which was a super cool neko girl with a black-and-white mask. She talked like a robot and for a decade had been in charge of China. We were losing but another girl joined us. She was inexperienced but managed to tie with another powerful guard. They both died. (S) had weak fire powers and was engaged in combat with the weakest of the guards, while the MC who had replaced me was standing in the middle “charging.” She was enraged at the death of her friend, her powers growing and growing until she lost it and blew up the entire hallway, killing everyone in it, including her friends. (The “narrator” was really dramatic about this, repeatedly saying she forgot to shield them, trying to get just the right tone.) The MC walked into the vault which was being guarded. Turns out the principal actually was evil and had been possessed. She would put very little funding into the school, using 90% of it on herself. I woke up as they were talking, but it seemed like the MC was going to become the new principal, under the condition that she be isolated for the rest of her life. Drawings: Points: Night 2 Brief meditation and RCs - 1 point WBTB - 2 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points Total: 7 points Night 3 RCs - .5 points WBTB - 2 points Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points Total: 5 points Night 4 RCs - 1 point WBTB - 2 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points Theme - 3 points Drawings - 2 points Total: 10 points Night 5 RCs and meditation - 1 point WBTB - 2 points Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point Total: 4.5 points Night 6 RCs - 1 point WBTB - 2 points DILD - 10 points Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point Total: 14.5 points Night 7 RCs - .5 points Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point Total: 1.5 points Night 8 RCs - .5 points DILD - 10 points Telekinesis - 5 points Advanced Summoning (I could see the forks appearing in my hand) - 10 points DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points Eat/Drink Something - 5 points Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points Basic Summoning (Partially-formed T-shirt) - 5 points Advanced Summoning + Third Chosen Task (forming the rest of the T-shirt) - 25 points (**This counts because it's for the 3-step tasks, right?**) Drawings - 2 points Total: 97.5 points Comp total: 149 points
Updated 01-15-2024 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (forgot to add night one points)
After over two weeks without a lucid, I finally got one! And such a fun one, too! I'm quite happy. Slept at 11:50. Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): I was at an abandoned carnival and intentionally ruined my phone with "Fn poisoning." I figured it would be fine since my phone sucks and I need a new one anyway, but I was trying to come up with a lie to tell my parental units. Later J&L and I were talking… (illegible). I was quite lazy with journaling this dream so I don't remember most of the details. Don't know when I woke up from it either, nor from the next one. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): My childhood friend Mason was in our basement. I hid my discomfort at him being there and tried to act cheery, smiling and chatting with my brothers. Eventually I fled upstairs and looked in the mirror, smiling at myself. A circular piece of purple cardboard was wedged in my gums. I was terrified, although I had the sense that this had happened before, and went to my mom. Much to my distress, she yanked it out and let it bleed. My dad was pretty mad at her as well. I could feel the air flowing through the wound and tried to assure myself that this kind of injury didn't matter, that lots of people have holes in their gums. I was taken to the hospital and a doctor offered me three treatment options. One was a full face mask with the label: "Is this fabric bad for your skin? Screw your skin!" Needless to say, I quickly disregarded it. In the end I selected a nasal spray and felt quite comforted after squirting it into my nostril a few times. (I'd forgotten that the wound was in my gums.) Then I disappeared from the dream, and the scene switched to a group of teen boys running from the hospital, one of them jumping on the roofs of buildings as they went. The others followed along, but with hesitance, and one nervously voiced his concerns. The boy said it would be fine because they were all sick, citing a time when his poor health scored him a get-out-of-jail-free card. At some point they were on a bridge and started making up a gay story featuring characters very much like them. One character was described as a "sick boy who plays soccer." I re-entered the dream and ran ahead of them, toward a hill resembling the Big Hill in my neighborhood. A girl, or rather the silhouette of a girl, was standing there. She was made up of a gradient, flowing rainbow. I was under the impression that she was part of an MV, and I had entered the MV using virtual reality or something. Since I believed I was an MV, my moves were quite dramatic as I chased the girl around, spinning and doing cartwheels and striking poses. I thought that if I caught her, something special would happen. In the background was a Japanese song with English subtitles singing a song about schizoid issues. The voice sounded like a mix of Raon, Yorushika, and Tsukuyomi's vocalist. I kept trying to pause the video to figure out how to say "schizoid" in Japanese, which is difficult to do when you're literally inside of it. It wasn't working, but one of the "whoa" vocalizations was supposed to sound similar to it. I thought it was the most accurate schizoid song I'd heard (that intentionally depicted schizoid topics), then thought of another (false?) Japanese song that was a close second. I found it mildly remarkable that they were both Japanese. I gave up the chase and looked at my wrist, finding a single itchy bump there. The song ended with the girl throwing her hands into the air and the lyrics reading, "The world of human connection is so large." Then I woke up. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): J and I were hunting down a monster. He had been created by some god, with the specific purpose to perform evil acts and kill people. He was also a writer, Herman Hesse I think. I felt bad for him, but he said he was not opposed to killing and requested we exterminate him before he did. Despite his request, he wasn't cooperating and made us chase him to a large field where families were having picnics. J threw a dagger at him and missed, and the surrounding people murmured excitedly. He shrunk down to plushie size and I grabbed him by the leg and took his gun. J pinned him down and I said, "It'll be over soon, Hermann." Then I shot him in the right side of the chest. He let out a long, piercing scream. Then he lay still in quiet agony, tears forming in his anime eyes. I sat next to him to be of some comfort and waited for him to die. A strong wind suddenly rustled all the trees' leaves, and an ominous presence fell over the area, accompanied by the sound of something approaching. It sounded like an extremely large tractor, but I knew instinctively they were footsteps. I worried it was the god who'd created him, or perhaps his monster buddies responding to his cry for help, so I bolted. I ran down to a different neighborhood, figuring it was okay to leave J since I was the one who killed him, and therefore the one in the most danger. I decided to stay and listen instead of running farther, but I woke up before anything happened. When I opened my eyes I saw a cartoonish, squiggling black scribble on the wall. I stared at it for a few seconds, thinking, What a simple hypnopompic hallucination. Then I sat up and recorded the dream at 7:30, doing SSILD as I fell back asleep. Dream #4 (Lucid): Don't remember much about the beginning of the dream, just that there was a warrior with long red hair who was being ridiculed for being a woman and wearing a white dress. Then she used transformation magic to form a heavy suit of armor, which was apparently very high-level magic. She walked past them, scowling, and the armor changed back into a white dress. I entered the dream later. The setting was similar to my house, but somber and monochrome. It was being used as a base for kids in training to become soldiers. I bounded down the stairs and saw chicken on the table, while someone on the intercom kept saying ミート (meat) over and over. I asked one of the kids in charge about it, saying that I thought meat was rare in times of war. He said it was, and that that was all the meat we had. I was displeased by this answer. At some point had a false awakening. Now I was in the living room with my mom and brother N. My dog Nile was on the couch and my mom patted his chest, asking in an affectionate voice if he would eat his food now. He whined in response, and I was so amazed that he understood her that I laughed out loud. Somehow we started talking about dreams and I jokingly said, "Haha, what if this is a dream?" I plugged my nose and was in disbelief when I could partially breathe. You really can be dreaming at any moment, I thought. My mom and brother exchanged a look, and for a moment I worried that they would turn against me like some other people's dream characters do once they become lucid. (I know this is just a schema.) I brushed off the thought, but by that point my mom had grabbed me by the legs, restraining me. "Mom, let me go," I said, but she just smiled at me in a way that was simultaneously playful and creepy. I phased through her by imagining myself already in the location of the living room that I wanted to be. It took a couple tries, but then I effortlessly, without even thinking about it, phased through the window onto the balcony. It was so cool, there was a clear visual transition, and I may have felt an interesting sensation as well but I wasn't paying attention to it. I flew into the air, but it was a little unstable. I wondered if my mind could not properly calibrate my body size, though some part of me knew that was silly. I touched down on my neighbor's deck, looking out at the neighborhood. It was so incredibly accurate—the woods, the path, the wall, the fence, the retirement home. I refrained from thinking about stability and took flight again. In my peripheral vision I tried to summon a burger in my hand, but it didn't work, so I thought back to that non-lucid dream where I summoned chicken nuggets right before my eyes. I cupped my hands in front of me and visualized a burger. Just like last time, it appeared first as a dark shadow, then an outline, and then I realized I was trying to imagine lettuce and tomato on it even though I don't like veggies. Once I stopped that, the burger formed completely. I thought that if the competition were still going this would have earned a lot of points, but whatever. I bit into it and said delightedly, "Ha! So much for 'limited meat!'" (Referring to the pre-FA scene.) I dropped the burger and decided to find J, but didn't want to waste dream time flying all the way to her house. So I called for her, hoping she would appear somewhere. In the distance I spotted someone running down the path. I could tell it wasn't J, but chased after them anyway, for some reason tempted to shoot them down. I followed them all the way to the road, but they wouldn't approach me, so I intentionally fell off my drone (I was now riding a drone), crying out "Ah!" in hopes that they would be sympathetic. They were, tentatively coming over to help. It was a young girl, 12 to 14 years old, with short, curly brown hair. I quickly lost interest in killing her. "Why were you running away?" I asked. "The drone scared me, I thought it was an attack helicopter." (We were in war times.) "Also, I was getting a very 'predator-hunting-prey' vibe from you..." We walked beneath a tree, and she explained that she was fighting in the war to strengthen her cheek muscles. I jumped and tore a few leaves from their branches, enjoying my lucidity. "I thought kids and children weren't allowed to fight in the war," I said distractedly, thinking back to the first part of the dream. "Oh sorry, I meant kids and women." She shrugged. I clapped her on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Well, good on you! I think that rule is stupid anyway, get stronger all you want! Even though you'll probably be traumatized for life, hahaha." She smiled weakly. During the conversation we had occasionally been ducking behind cars and running around to avoid bullets and laser beams from attack vehicles. I asked if she would accompany me to J's house, but she adamantly refused, probably thinking it was miles away. Out of nowhere K appeared, assuring her that it was just down the street. Sure enough, we were somehow much closer to J's neighborhood than before, only having to turn the corner and walk to the end of the road to reach her residence. But before we could, J came around the corner herself! We all called her name in excitement. "How is she here?" K asked incredulously. "Because this is a dream!" I replied, then pointed to my old friend S.E. who was passing by. "J loves shooting and killing—J, kill that thing!" J made finger guns and shot S.E. in the forehead with a chi bullet. She went on to shoot other people, and each time she did, an itchy lump would form on the back of my right hand. I showed it to the girl and explained that it was the result of the dream characters' deaths, as everything in this world was made of my energy. A small bump formed on my left wrist and I remarked, "Ah, she must have shot in the other direction." We entered a building, but a black placard above one of the doors reminded me of the dream with Herman Hesse, and I was unsure if I wanted to go in there. ——— When I woke at 8:20 my hand was actually itchy, indented with clothing lines. I'm so happy though, this lucid was long and stable and chill and fun and... yeah Though I did notice all of the dreams were violent and/or stressful in some way. The one with Hermann Hesse was the closest I've had to a nightmare in a long time.
Updated 06-24-2023 at 03:23 AM by 99938 (words)
Behold! Procrastination Lucid #1 - Some time in 2015/2016 I was in fourth grade. At the time I was friends with a girl named K, she could be mean sometimes and I must've been mad at her when I had this dream. All I remember is we were at the neighborhood hill and I knew I was dreaming. She was running away from me, so I lifted my hand in the air, summoned up a giant cage, and trapped her in it. It's probably the most effortless and powerful dream control I've ever had. Lucid #2 - April 17th, 2021 What a coincidence that this took place almost exactly two years ago today! In this dream I was at a cabin-like place, and entered a room with nothing in it but a piano and a chair. A girl in overalls that looked like the normal version of Samara from The Ring was playing the piano. I was creeped out by everything. I was about to leave, but for some reason said, "You know, this is very much like an unpleasant dream. Not a nightmare, but..." The girl said something huffily and continued playing. I sat down on the chair and said, "I dunno... it just has such a dream vibe to it!" And at this moment I thought that it could not possibly be a dream, because everything looked and felt so solid and real, I was clear-headed and nothing was spinning... But nonetheless, I continued, "Wait a minute... is this a dream?" The result was instantaneous. The girl suddenly turned into a doll. I thought, Oh my goodness, I'm lucid dreaming, try to control something! But it was weird. I had a sense of my real life body and was barely hanging on to the dream. Instead of controlling anything, I accidentally opened my eyes in real life. Lucid #3 - January 22nd, 2023 This dream started out normal, the main character was some dude in a wrecked but prosperous city. There were a bunch of AoT-like people who used wires to get around. He was one of them but apparently could just fly on his own as well, which he did after talking to some of his coworkers. He must have become me at some point, because I recall flying in this flappy-bird way and remembering it was something that happened a lot in my dreams. That's when I became lucid. I descended to the ground and entered a big throng of people heading somewhere. I was next to J and L, telling them and anyone who would listen that this was actually a dream, taking care not to get too excited and wake up. I tried to control something, but it was extremely difficult: tried and failed to telekinetically lift up a signpost, tried and failed to turn some dude's hair blond. Finally I focused on my hands and tried really hard to make a grape. It worked, but J and L were still skeptical so I made an apple. It was kinda small but still. That's all I remember so I guess I woke up after that. Lucids #4 and #5 - March 25th, 2023 I actually had these the very night I got back into lucid dreaming. Spent the entire day researching it obsessively, and it paid off! I was in school, but missed 6th period because I was playing a VR game with my dog. There was an emotion-measuring device he used on me and it kept saying I was almost dead. I could physically feel my heart beating and I was laughing a lot. In the VR my brother N fell into a toxic lake and I was like, "Dw, this is a dream, I can save him." Then I flew over the lake and telekinetically lifted him out, though it was kind of difficult. Next thing I remember, I was in school, more lucid than before. I kept touching the ground and walls (they felt dirty) to stabilize the dream. I even went up to this girl and touched her face and talked to her, but not for long because I was worried I would talk in real life as well. She was weirded out anyway. Then I found my friend A and asked what period it was and she said 7th. I was waiting for an opportunity to tell her it was a dream, but I was sleeping very lightly and when I moved my arm in real life, it woke me up. But then I tried the hypnagogia-WILD technique for the first time. The visual part wasn't working, but in my head I could hear a teacher talking and before I knew it I was in the back of an unfamiliar classroom sitting next to J. I talked to her while touching everything to solidify the dream. She had a red hardcover book with a title written in white/yellow bubble letters. She was really impressed when I was able to read it, and it was somewhat difficult for me to do in the first place. I noticed the words changed soon afterwards. Same thing with a couple sentences I caught on the inside; I was really delighted. She said that something was weird and I said, "You know why it's weird? Because it's a dream." "How do you know?" she asked. I could tell she was a little disconcerted that I was proposing it was my dream and not hers, that she was imaginary. "Because none of this makes sense! Whose classroom is this? Who is that teacher? Why is it so difficult for us to read the title of a book, and why does it keep changing? Sorry to break it to you, J, but this is a dream." She seemed to grudgingly accept it. Then I got an itch in real life and woke up. Lucid #6 - March 26th, 2023 Yep, I had this the very next day. I was daydreaming about a white-haired writer in his thirties with three pens on his butt, and a black-haired guy in his twenties. [Don't ask me why, I must have been half asleep.] Next thing I knew, I was the writer, playing with the other guy in the snow. I was kind of lucid, trying to solidify the dream and marveling at the snow [didn't get any substantial snow this year]. But at the same time I wasn't, because the dream kept going into third person and the writer guy would start flirting with the other guy. Eventually a teen girl came over and told us to come inside because of some disease. I then became myself, and fully lucid. We were in my house and when I looked at the mirror, there was some dust in my hair, I guess from the disease. I tried to focus on clarity and stabilization, but when I locked the door, it looked oddly blurry and my fingers were too thick. It freaked me out a little and I got dizzy. It became difficult for me to walk. The other two had gone down a hallway I couldn't see, and I called for them to come get me, hoping their hands would solidify the dream again. They said okay but didn't come soon enough. There was writing on the walls, but I was too disoriented to read it and woke up. Lucid #7 - March 31st, 2023 The dream started out with some hitchhiking scenario. Later on I was at school crying and screaming because my mom was accusing me of something AO3-related and my parents were stalking me. It wasn't lucid at this point. Nobody cared and after that I lied down on the hallway floor (classes were in session but I didn't care) and some girls came over and started bullying me. Eventually I got up and was walking in the hallways with J, and she said, "I hate (something something)." I responded gloomily, "I hate myself." She seemed to notice something was wrong and said, "Oh no, why don't you talk to K about it?" [Different K than first dream.] "What? Why would I talk to K?" I don't remember what she said but I was like "she can't help me nobody can, blah blah blah" and I don't know if I already was lucid or suddenly became so, but I decided to fly away because it was a dream! J went "wow" and I flew like superman to the end of the hallway. For some reason Kel from OMORI was there. I talked to him and we climbed into this weird window/dumbbell thing. I saw Mr. C walking around like a hawk and was worried he would see us, eventually he did but I realized I could control his reaction because this was a dream. So he wasn't angry, and even climbed in with us. While we were in there I was in pain for some reason but since it was a dream I just made it go away. (Not sure when this happened, but at one point I was in a classroom and did the finger-palm reality check. It was difficult and didn't go all the way through, but it still confirmed I was dreaming. I then did the nose-plug RC and it felt like breathing through a stuffy nose. The dream started to fade and there was a dark vignette around my vision. I was trying really hard to stay in it, talking to J, touching stuff, and telling myself I'd still be dreaming when I "woke up." I don't remember what happened, but back to the main story.) Eventually I got bored of Kel and Mr. C and went to some building, reflecting on my choices up till now. I climbed some brown petticoats to the top, a loft-church hybrid area. I think it was here that I looked around and was truly amazed at how real and solid everything looked. I did the finger-palm RC again, same result. Then I did the nose-plug reality check, same result. Finally I tried to phase through a window, but it didn't work. I pressed my hands to it and really tried to expect to go through, but it still wasn't working, so I said aloud, "Please help me, dream." The windowpane started getting warm and ripple-y but I still didn't go through. Now I was surprised that I still hadn't woken up yet, so I left to find a mirror. (It was the only one of my goals to occur to me.) The dream went into third person and it looked sort of like an RPG videogame as I walked up to a mirror (still in a church-like area; I was walking down a red carpet). I ignored the old lady beside it because I felt like I should hurry just in case I was close to waking up. Then it switched to first person again and I looked in the mirror. When I researched LDs I had been avoiding posts that said mirrors were taboo/scary because I didn't want my subconscious to internalize that, but when I was watching a YouTube vid some guy said that in a lucid dream mirror, you'd see the version of you that you want to become. So I guess if anything, I was expecting that. But when I looked, the reflection just showed my normal self... or so I thought in the dream. I realize now that it was not normal at all. My hair was long, and I was wearing a stiff, purple, cape-like cardigan. My hands were on my hips and my chest was puffed out. I looked more like an anime-superhero than anything else. I even had a line-smile like this: V. Anyway, as I was looking, my reflection suddenly split in two (as in there were two of me in the mirror). In the middle of them appeared another me, but a more disturbing one, though I don't remember how exactly. The disturbing me's multiplied until they were filling the mirror and maybe spilling out; I could only really see the tops of their heads. A bright white light drenched them and flew by like a train, and an unsettling sound accompanied it. I had to turn away and I think I woke up soon after, because I don't remember anything after that. Anddd done. Don't have time to color-code right now so I'll do it tomorrow Edit: Color yay
Updated 04-17-2023 at 09:01 PM by 99938 (color code)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Nighthawk, somewhere with other people around. Looks like an office as we are sitting in office chairs with wheels, but also feels like a café as people are just chilling in nearby tables. He is talking about something and I want to get closer to him, so I give an impulse to my chair to slowly roll to his side. But I pull it a bit too strongly and I roll too fast and bump into him. As a result I grab his legs and put my hands too close to his crotch and his reaction is to flinch and push himself back. I say sorry and he asks if I did it on purpose and I honestly can't tell. I feel like it was both accidental and intentional to a certain extent. I am also upset that he reacted that way but I guess it is to do with being in a public place with other people, so I don't insist and we just continue a normal conversation. At my parent's house but the house looks totally different from what it really was. My bedroom is normal but it is attached to some shed that has the roof cracking in the middle and we are all waiting for the moment it falls apart and trying to keep everyone in safety. But when it falls apart, the roof in my bedroom also falls apart and then half of my parent's room also goes down. We are tryig to take it calmly and make plans to cover it all with plastics until we get the reconstruction done, but my father starts calculating the costs and it is despairing. Anyway, we adapt to living like this. But for no good reason I now have to shower in my room, as the shower head is right above my bed. So I wet my bed completely. My mom suggests I wash quickly to reduce the amount of water soaking the bed and I wonder how I am going to sleep on it later as it won't dry until then. Then I remember we have a second bathroom with a shower that wasn't affected and wonder why we ain't using it. Then I become aware that I am dreaming and I teleport involuntarily to a street in a city with very modern architecture mixed with old palaces at an ocean front. I want to see the place but then I notice how long the street is and I don't want to walk it all the way, so I lift off to see it from above. I see this shore line to my left, another to my right and some more in front but far away. I dive in the water just for fun and wonder what to do with my lucidity as I don't have anything prepared. All that occurs to me is to summon Buddha Tara. All I get instead is a red or pink tide on the water, as if something is gathering to form a shape, but it never does. I focus harder on any Buddha to appear and one starts forming and getting out of the water. It is actually a white porcelain figure, looking much more like Budai, not any Buddha. Not very fat but a little chubby and with thin green lines making beautiful designs all over its "skin". It is human sized and I touch it to see if it is a statue or a living being. I am still in the water and he has risen above it, but I manage to touch its arms and legs and I am surprised that it feels like porcelain but also like a peachy skin at the same time and it is warm. It feels so pleasurable to the touch that I continue caressing it, I reach for the neck and chest. The statue then comes to life and scolds me for touching him inappropriately. He gets mad and summons guardians from the water. I start feeling threathened by the figures that start emerging and grabbing me. There is a floating platform nearby and I get up on it. A strong current forms and drags it, but I allow myself to go with the flow. Then I hit the shore and some monks appear requesting me to come along. I ask what is it and they say some Rinpoche requires my presence. I hope it's what I am expecting but deep down I feel that it is not. I follow them anyway and they take me to a house. We pass through a room where some monks or lamas are sitting watching tv and they take me to a bedroom in the back. I feel uncomfortable when all I see is a bed and a lama I don't know in a poorly lit room. But then I see there is a young lady laying down on the bed, I feel like she is his companion. I ask what is it they need me for. And he explains she can't sleep for a week or so and she is going mad and they are desperate. I ask if we can talk and he asks her to come forward and listen to me. At first she looks angry and uncooperative. I don't know what she expects from me, but I start by telling her about a friend I have that also couldn't sleep for a week and it was because of anxiety he wasn't even aware of. And suddenly her face changes and she is interested. I ask if there is anything in her life, past or future, that could be the source of anxiety. Something that happened and she can't let go thinking about it or something that is going to happen and she is consumed in fear or doubts about it. Slowly she admits it may be fhe latter. She is studying something and she is going to do an exam for which she feels totally unprepared and she thought she wasn't worrying at all, but now she sees she just wasn't aware of how the concern was consuming her. I give advice on how to let go and examples of how my friend managed to let go and she seems definitely calmer.
comment dream lucid Failed WILD (light vibrations, I thought that nothing happened but I was probably dreaming about being in bed at that point or very shortly after). I'm in bed. I get up and walk out of the room through a hallway. Something feels off. The movement - it's slightly slower and smoother. Am I dreaming? I raise my hand to do a nose plug RC but don't even finish it, the movement has a definite weird feel. I step into the room across from the bedroom where I slept and immediately know it isn't supposed to be there. The room looks like a combination of my childhood bedroom and the bedroom in my in-laws' apartment. What was I going to do? Trumps! And something else, but I can remember that later. Trumps come from the Amber book series by Roger Zelazny. In the books, they are tarot cards used for communicating with the person in the picture and also for teleporting. I've always loved Amber and came across the idea of using Trumps in one of FryingMan's posts. If I can get them into my dreams, it would be a neat tool for summoning DCs and for teleporting. I try to get the cards out of my pocket. But I don't seem to have any easily accessible pockets. I remember the sweatpants that I wear IRL now - they have zippered pockets. I feel the zipper and unzip it. From inside, I pull out an old tissue. I face a desk. There's a black phone on it, and music is playing. It's something modern, pop/techno/dance, mostly beats, I don't like it, but it's an original song and that's what gets my attention. I pick up the phone and say, "Play some rock." The music stops, but nothing new starts. "Classic rock," I specify. Nothing. I leave the phone alone and return to the contents of my pockets. More pieces of tissue. A small piece of lined paper, as if cut from my DJ, but blank. Nothing more. A DC enters the room. He wants to know what I'm doing with the phone. I pick it up again and say, "Play something." Now it works - the phone starts playing something techno-like again. The DC walks to the other end of the room, where he joins another DC who was already there. I wonder what to do next. TOTM! I look around the room - the other DC is now just a little closer. I walk up to him and ask "What part of my subconscious do you represent?" He looks at me in great surprise. "I don't know," he says, throwing up his hands. He turns to the other DC, but then turns back to me and says "Mrzoprs" with effort. I'm not sure I've understood correctly. "What?" "Mrzoprs," he repeats. "Mrzoprs" is a nonsense word, but if I assume Czech etymology, it could be loosely translated as "regretboob" or "grumpyboob". OK, enough. I have more goals to do. I go out into a big atrium. My next goal needs me to fly. But my lucidity and concentration have dropped significantly and I'm having trouble getting airborne, as well as problems with my clothes getting in the way. Then I get distracted by a friend who finds my attempts amusing. Nothing else interesting happens.
Sep 1 2018 The night started with some visualization of a dream I'm trying to incubate, which lasted probably 30 minutes to an hour. After that, I set my intentions to become lucid and headed to sleep. My first dream of the night involved some kind of network TV teenage vampire drama plot, which took place in a neighborhood similar to mine from childhood. In the next dream, I was in a trench coat placing high-stakes bets using a 90's era cell phone. At the end of this dream, all of my cronies were in a room, facing forward in rows, and I was facing backward. We were all peeing on the ground (I think it was a power play). Next, I'm in a huge convention center. I had just seen the newest Avengers movie (I haven't seen it IWL). I was ranting to others about how Thanos had all of the Avengers on his side and wasn't even fighting, but was just using the Avengers to fight. The convention center was huge (should've caught that, since disproportionate structures is one of my dreamsigns). We (a couple of DCs and I) were walking through the ground floor when we ran into Spoiler for nudity: three girls in fishnet shirts, whose nipples were poking through the fishnet. I or one of my DC friends picked the middle girl's girls up and examined them like a fine connoisseur, asking "These are same-size, no?". I remember they had a lot of moles and sort of looked cancerous? The girl on the left had red fishnet, but the other two had dark grey or black, and all of the fishnet was thick, like yarn or wool rather than thin like you would typically think. The dream shifts and I'm walking with some old high school friends and acquaintances. We come across M, who's sitting on the floor in front of some people trying to take a picture. We tell her to get up and stop blocking the picture, and she says "This is a picture?" in a way that for some reason made me give out this awful dolphin-like laugh. I remember thinking in my non-lucid state, "stop that, you'll wake yourself up!". Sure enough I did. After this dream sequence, I got up as my fiance left for work. I walked my dog so he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the session and drank a little apple juice. I MILDed with "I will become lucid in my next dream" and "The next time I see a person, I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming". The first dream had very low lucidity. It was sort of a western setting in a two or three story house. Outside I could see a desert/grassland with tall grass growing and mountains in the background, and the sky was really beautiful (should have RC'd here also, abnormal sky is a dreamsign). I walked around the house and looked out of the windows. From this dream, I awoke into a false awakening. In the FA, I was trying to get back to bed to LD (didn't catch this). At some point I opened my dream eyes and saw a shallow, long, white plastic sink on the wall. It occured to me that I was dreaming because that doesn't exist in my room, but it didn't "click" until I got up and reached for the knob. At this point there was a shift in my consciousness that almost threw me off balance, like flipping a switch. I walked to a nearby mirror on the wall and experienced what people say -- the properties of my face were changing and twitching, especially my nose, jaws, and lips. I didn't say "clarity now!" like I usually do, and I really need to stabilize. I had some feeling throughout my dream body, but felt numb, so I started slapping my face and pulling on my lips, tongue, cheeks. I was incredibly focused on engaging my tactile senses. I tried to summon my dream totem associated with stabilizaiton, but for some reason I didn't have pockets. I decided I would summon a DC to help, so strangely I called out the name of an acquaintance from high school (I haven't even consciously thought of this person in years). At first I called aloud, and I could only get out the first name since my voice was garbled as it always is. So I used non-verbal commands! I looked towards the doorway and she appeared! It was awesome to see this work, as it's only worked for me in the past in a semi-lucid. I think I told her to give me a massage so that I could feel my body better. She had a serious face on and nodded agreeably. I was wearing a red t-shirt and a thin, dark blue jacket like the band kids used to wear. I started to take this off, and sat back on the bed as she approached, at which point I woke up. The first thing I did upon waking was an RC (I've been trying to train myself to do these at each waking), but it wasn't a dream. I was really pissed at myself for not thinking of the ways I've stabilized in the past ("clarity now!", breathe in and focus on senses, pry eyes open, etc.), but I was happy to have an LD after about a week-long dry spell. I reflected on what I could have done better and visualized it, then MILDed again and went to sleep. I had a chain of FAs/DILDs at this point*. In the first, I was in a lit version of my bedroom. I got up, became lucid, and walked around briefly before losing lucidity. In the next, I'm in a grocery store on a higher staircase. I see a lot of DCs around the corner of the opening, and I look at a clock that says "08:00". I become lucid, feeling off-balance like before, and walk around the display, looking at some bread before losing lucidity. In the next dream, I'm on the street of my childhood home looking at a large white column in the middle of NOG's yard (one of our neighbors). There's moss or dirt up to about shoulder level on the column. My sister and mom are behind me and commenting on the small car parked in middle of the yard, trying to make out the license plate. I become lucid and start looking at some huge leaves on some plants that appeared spontaneously. We're looking through the leaves, arguing whether the license plate is UWP 117 or 116. The dream fades slowly out and back in, then fades completely. From here I had a series of longish NLs: I have a collection of wood carvings/sculptures. One in particular is of Spyro, the others are small people. The house I'm in reminds me of a previous vacation house. There is a mouse running around the backyard at my childhood home. It runs up to the door and allows me to pick it up. My parents' dog and mine both just sniff at it when it approaches. It's almost cartoon-like, but is very real. We all fall in love with the mouse. At some point my sister finds a "water snake" which looks like it's breaded with panko bread crumbs until she places it in a bucket full of water and cleans it off (now it looks like bread dough). There is a 1ft dark green toady that walks through our back porch in the midst of all this, as well as some small slugs. My mom is sad/angry, lashing out passive agressively (this is practically a dream sign). The next dream is in an urban fantasy setting (by this I mean full-out fantasy that just happens to pass through some urban sections, not vampires and werewolves in modern clothing). I am tasked with delivering something. I have to walk around these long, curving, somewhat cyberpunk blue corridors in the middle of the city. I'm wearing peasant's clothes and have a sword. Whatever it is I'm delivering is in a brown sack (possibly the remains of something or someone?). I have to double-back at some point (this could be a dream sign, going down the same path twice). Eventually I arrive at the base, which is a fraternity or sorority house. I meet with the buyer/receiving party, and they say that it's not what they expected. Don't remember much after this and my pen ran out of ink, so the world will never really know. Overall, it was a pretty good night! Summoned a DC and learned to use non-verbal commands. Will need to practice and visualize how to stabilize VTA (visual, tactile, and auditory) senses more. *Because of their short nature and the fact that they were pretty much chained together, I'm going to count all of these short lucids as 1 in total, for a grand total of 2 LDs tonight.
The earliest part of the dream I can remember is being in a distorted version of the garage in the building where my grandmother lives. There was some havoc going on but I can't remember what exactly was happening. I suddenly got lucid, was a little excited but slowed down and remembered my dream goal: asking a DC to teach me how to change the dream. I extended my arm backwards as usual to summon someone. I decided it was going to be someone really good at changing the dream scene. I felt a hand and heard someone saying something that I cannot remember. At that moment, the image of CJ, a character from Regular Show, came into my mind. When I turned around, it was her. I was happy to meet her. The dream was pretty vivid at this point. She said some stuff that I forgot now and I asked her to teach me to change the dream scene. Instead, she told me we had to run from Mordecai for some reason (it was a weird, goofy version of him, he's also a character from the same show). I tought I might as well go along and maybe in the end she will help me. The dream turned into a silly chase scene for a while, with CJ opening up portals while we ran and taking us through various part of some distorted building. This part was kinda weird as it was almost like I was watching it. I probably had low lucidity at this point. I even remember telling her we should stop and stabilize and she just told me to touch stuff as I was running. The chase scene ended when I sent CJ and a clone of myself into a portal to trick Mordecai. We were in some weird stairway area which had stairs both on the floor and ceiling and the dream had a lateral view of the whole scene. I somehow cornered him and stopped him from chasing me. The dream shifted scenes again, now to a first person view, but was still kinda unstable. I turned around to look for CJ who was supposed to help me now but she was running off already. I just decided to try to mimic her portal technique by pointing at a wall. When I did, a black, pixelated portal appeared. I went through it and ended up in a different scenario which I can't recall very well. I then tought about the destiny islands from Kingdom Hearts and opened a portal underneath me, imagining the feeling of sand in my feet. I felt some sand and saw I made it! The dream also became pretty vivid then. It looked just like I entered the videogame, as in it looked exactly as it did in the game, with ps2 graphics and such, which I was not very pleased about. It was also glitching out. Part of the floor was on a lower level than it was supposed to be and you could see through the map. There were also some characters together in an area but I don't know who they were. Now I'm not very sure were this part of the dream takes place. It might have been when I entered the portal or maybe the scene just shifted while I was in the islands. I was in some huge city at night flying around. I was flying around and I was surprisingly high too, higher than I usually can fly and I wasn't afraid at all (this might be because before sleeping I kept imagining a scene in my head where I could fly and told myself there was no gravity, I couldn't fall, etc). I found some small building, like a little house in the rooftop of an appartment building. There were windows, but it was very dark inside. I decided to explore it and try to find something. I phased through the wall and sure enough, it was really dark. I chanted some magic words I made up and lit the place up a little. I don't recall finding anything interesting in there. Again, the order of events is kinda wonky. Next thing I remember is catching a ride with my mother. While I was in the car with her, for some reason I had a top-down view of the city. I flew off the car and told her I didn't need a ride because I felt like flying a little. I took of flying and my view changed again to first person. My lucidity was pretty low here, I was just flying aimlessly. I eventually lost lucidity and I think there was a dream plot where I had a daughter and then I was in my grandmother's bedroom, which was almost completely flooded. I was just floating in there until I woke up. It was pretty cool learning from a DC. It's something I've been thinking about for a while and wanted to try. Basically I summon someone as usual but think to myself that it's gonna be an expert at whatever thing I'm having trouble with. It worked pretty well, now I just gotta polish my portal technique a little. Flying really high was also pretty fun, especially since I always get really scared when trying to fly too high.
I woke up in a bed in parents' bedroom. The house looked like in the old days, long before any renovations. I felt like going to toilet. I went through kitchen which looked just fine, then trough a hallway and to doors leading to small room (basement and attic access) before toilet. I opened doors and saw that attic hatch was open, violent streams of opaque pale blue water falling down. By the basement hatch I saw a ducts opening closed with grates, our dog, though zombified, desperately tried to get out of the ducts. It's body looked like that of a mummy, anger in it's eyes. I quickly closed doors and upon hearing my grandma saying "I'm done, toilet is free now!" I repoened them and let her pass, then finally got to the toilet. It looked horrible, the bathtub was moved to the middle of the room and looked really old. I sat on the toilet seat and thought "Wait, is that a dream?" I made a nose plug RC and confirmed that it was a dream, just when I finished what I started doing on the toilet seat. I looked around, and thought "Give me toilet paper." and it instantly appeared on a small shelf nearby. I finished everything and washed up hands, then thought "What should I do now?" when leaving the toilet. I went to kitchen and saw grandma sitting on a chair, somewhat sad. Then I got an idea and said in my mind "I know! I'll just make my grandma happy!". I started with tidying the house, waving my hands and everything tidied on a whim. Then I thought "Wait, I should wake up!", and so I did.
715am wake from first LD; 925am wake from 2nd for late morning LD. I recalled that heavy visualizations were important for late morning LDs and it worked. * I am on a road driving and people are changing lanes strategically to get around people turning left and to keep moving somewhere in a hurry and at some point I am riding a bike instead and I realize I'm dreaming and I start to fly from the bike but then I noticed the dream visuals lessening a bit so I decided to land. I remember the 3 task of the month goals I had planned on doing first but this didn't seem like the right time to try the alien spaceship one. Even before bed while awake and doing some brief planning I somehow forgot about the translucent forest of Pandora, even though that sounds terrific if somewhat difficult. Anyway, I think of the pencil talk and I reach into my front right pocket with my left hand and my back right pocket with my right hand and they are big and loose and empty and I notice the visuals starting to fade again. I look down to the ground and I say but I think I see a forgotten Christmas present and it forms on the ground in front of my feet. It is wrapped in a wrapping paper more like cellophane and it's a blue color between blue and turquoise on the lighter end of the color scale. I start to open it where the paper comes together and I see that there is another layer underneath and I remove that also to see another layer. I start to realize this could continue forever and I confidently summon a pair of scissors in my hand instantly and surprisingly easily and I start to cut through the wrapping material to reveal a nice hard covered sturdy cardboard box with a lid. When I open the lid the first thing on top or a couple of gel inserts clear and the size of the heel of your foot maybe a bit smaller. Under that is a receipt and I'm thinking during the dream that it would be interesting to report to everyone on DV what the receipt said so I looked at it closely but all I recall is that the price was 89 dollars and with tax it was 95 something. Under some packaging paper in the box eventually uncovering the rest of the item which is a very fancy pair of leather slippers perhaps house slippers. They are a shiny brown leather in a thick leather that reminds me of thick rubber and squishy and they have clean stylish black soles. They seem like a very nice pair of slippers even though slippers are not something I would typically look forward to opening for a Christmas present. I wake and try to DEILD. I get only dreamlets, aware I'm dreaming but not full dreams and they kept dissipating so not counting a 2nd LD here, included: picking up string of lit Christmas lights, chips on big plastic storage container lid eating them, me with a santa bag carrying it, big goblet full of perfectly frozen ice cream sharing with nephew, sled and sled tracks in the snow, thick green shiny and partially translucent rectangular plate. Again each of the above dissipating before the next dreamlet appears. *Over two hours later I have my second full LD. My earliest recall from this dream was a feeling of boldness to take off flying, realizing I'm dreaming! I am in a beautiful mountainous landscape not very different from where I was IWL this very day before going to bed. It was some of the most fun flying in a long time staying low to the ground flying over green grass and hills and punching the air in Superman flying posture to speed up. After a while, I approach two gigantic trees probably Oak trees or at least shaped like huge majestic Oak trees and the branches and foliage are so thick that it seems to be blocking my path to the mountains I saw on the other side and was heading to before getting caught up trying to get around these tree branches. Perhaps I should have spent some time under the trees, perhaps something to learn, as I do love trees. Instead I turn around and fly behind me planning on looping around but I am now in a neighborhood block scene, still a nice sunny day. I see a woman sitting in a car as I pass the end of the block and when I swing back around the car is gone so I start looking into windows of some 2 story houses and I'm not seeing much so I decide to land and go inside one of the houses which is actually a single-story house. I find the door unlocked and I open the door and peek in. It looks like an old person's house with an old couch multi-colored but mostly tan woven fabric where the colors are woven tightly together and blend in, until you look up close. It is along the wall on the far side of the living room and I see a bed physical through a bedroom door and a recliner chair to my left. This reminds me of my Grandmother's home. There's that distinct smell I've smelled somewhere before that reminds me of old peoples houses, but not my Grandmother's. I decide to go elsewhere and look back as I leave and I seem to see a big colorful face through the curtains, perhaps inspired by the mardi gras figure in the movie "Self/less" seen the day before. I wonder if someone might indeed be home and sure enough an older lady somewhat stocky and shorter comes to the front and I say I'm sorry I came in your home, but this is just a dream. She seems like she wants to talk and this reminds me I have some things I wanted to ask in a dream. I ask her about f she knows how to have very long lucid dreams. In a very thick Eastern European accent she says "you have to remember that in about 4 hours you will be ready to go back to sleep again and when you feel that sadness coming on..." The visuals and her voice starts to fade. Sadness? Seems like a gibberish answer. Also, I won't be ready to sleep again in 4 hours.
I was in some medieval city, wandering around streets protected by tall castle walls. I went down a downward ramp to an archway, but something wasn't right. There was Diablo - Lord of Terror waiting for me there. He looked somehow weirdly undetailed and kinda blurry compared to everything around. I noticed a health and energy bar appearing on left bottom corner of my vision. The demon shot a powerful wave of flames and thunders at me. I unleashed a blizzard at it, but eventually my power has ran dry and Diablo killed me. I respawned close to the ramp and archway. I moved down there and faced Lord of Terror once again. This time however I opened up menu with my equipment whenever my health and energy ran low. In the equipment I could see my clothes - a white shirt, jeans trousers and some shoes. I also had loads of potions named by their colours. I only used blue that restored energy and red that restored health. This time again we used wave of flames and thunders and blizzard. I managed to beat Diablo and instantly got teleported to my house. It looked like it was before renovation, with old furniture. It was dark, only some spotlight coming from nowhere lit up center of the room. I realised that it was a dream. I spotted my younger sister standing in the spotlight. I noticed that her eyes were strange - they had no pupils, only an iris that was shrinked. She had a devillish grin on her face and was tilting her head to the sides. I came closer and she said "I've been possessed by the demon from Annabelle doll!" I thought to myself "It's a dream, I can banish that demon" and waved my hand at her head saying "Begone!". Her eyes instantly turned back to normal and then I felt a presence behind my back that made me uneasy. I thought "Damn, I spawned that demon and it's behind me." Before I fully turned back, I felt a strange sensation of touch on my back and then I lost lucidity and woke up.
Ritual: WTB 1am, woke 8:30am after spontaneous DILD. In the course of an NLD, I was changing clothes in my bedroom when I spontaneously realized I was dreaming. I decided I shouldn't waste any more time fussing with clothes and instead get to work on the next task I had prioritized: the Fairy Circle TOTY. Glancing at myself in the mirror, still partially undressed, I headed outside. I wondered if the dream would let me pass through the sliding door to the patio without obstruction, but instead I found myself exerting what almost felt like a realistic level of force to open it. Once outside, I didn't want to get bogged down looking for a fairy circle, so I primed my expectations. The fairy circle, it was right over here... I've seen it before. I headed right and found a nice patch of soil like a garden plot. Just as I had "expected," I saw tiny plants like seedlings growing in a distinct circular ring about five feet in diameter. At first I didn't see any mushrooms, so I reminded myself: And there were mushrooms. Looking closer, I now observed a few small mushrooms interspersed among the plants. I also saw a few smooth, bulbous growths that reminded me of the "stone plants" that had fascinated me when I was a kid. I had forgotten those even existed! Now that the circle was adequately established, I needed to summon fairies. I knelt down and focused on the center of the ring, where the soil was bare. I noticed faint movement in a spot slightly off-center, and then the loose earth began to fall inward, as though a hole were forming beneath it. I continued to concentrate on the summoning, and then an odd formation slowly rose out of the earth until it stood about two feet high. It resembled a candelabra with at least two tiers of arms in all four directions, except instead of candles, it held small figures that I presumed were the fairies. I reached out and grabbed the one from the very top of the arrangement. It was about eight inches tall and stiff like a statuette. I looked closely at the small figure in my hand. She was dark-skinned with shoulder-length black hair, wearing a crimson dress with a dark green cape on her back. Her hat was the same crimson as her dress, but in form it resembled a Santa hat, with a white fuzzy brim and a white pompom at the end of the conical tip that draped behind her. Attached to the toes of her green shoes were round bells, both silver and green. I thought the overall impression was really cheesy, not at all how I would have preferred to imagine a fairy! There was one more incongruous detail: her face was contorted with an expression of unmistakable anger. I was tempted to ask her name, but remembered how pointless and distracting this line of questioning can become, so I should get straight to my real question: "What is your secret?" Her response was both unexpected and chilling: "It is evil." She sounded as furious as she looked. "What is?" I asked, utterly perplexed. I can't recall her initial response, but it did not resolve my confusion. I decided to be more specific: "When you said, 'It is evil,' what did you mean by 'it'?" She said a few more things that I don't recall, and then a line that struck me clearly: "The evil of a controlled substance is the substance." This was even more confusing. I hardly ever use controlled substances, at least not illegal ones, so I didn't understand how this could be relevant. Moreover, I disagreed with her stated position: in my view, the main evil of a controlled substance is the social strictures that punish people for possessing or using it. "Why did you bury amphetamines?" the fairy pressed. What happened next was the clearest case of false memory that I've experienced to date. With what felt like a flash of insight, I suddenly realized the probable reason she was so angry. I "remembered" something about my fairy circle—something that I'm pretty sure had not come up in the dream until the point at which I now "remembered" it, but now seemed to explain everything. I recalled that at one point I had buried a bunch of drugs inside the fairy circle, mostly amphetamines, as part of my preparations for the ritual to lure or summon the fairies. It now occurred to me that this might have caused problems within fairy society, and I felt a twinge of guilt. I didn't think I would get any more useful information from this fairy, so I put her aside and grabbed another, this time from the side of the candelabra-like arrangement. This fairy didn't look human at all. It looked like... a turnip? Was that the right vegetable? The white round bulb with a blush of purplish-red at the top? Yes, a turnip. I was reminded of a photograph of a white radish by Edward Weston (1886–1958) that I had seen the day before in WL. This was clearly a turnip, not a radish, but it gave me a similarly vulgar impression. If this was a fairy, it was clearly not from the upper echelon of fairy society. Or could its abject appearance be the result of too many amphetamines? Well, here goes. "I have a question." I said, wondering if the turnip-fairy could understand me. "The question I've come to ask is: What is your secret?" I was still rotating the turnip in my hands as I spoke to it, uncertain which side was the appropriate one to address. How do you talk to something with no face? I heard a male voice, faint, with the accents of a yokel, like Cletus on The Simpsons. It responded to the question in my mind, not the one I had voiced: "There is a side that says: 'Look at me'." I realized the turnip must be trying to help me orient it properly, so I turned it until I found a round black label with white block lettering that, sure enough, said "LOOK AT ME." It was hard to make out—I missed it at first—because the label was embedded in a scene featuring the stylized profile of a man in a black cloak. "It would be a lot easier to see if there was some white space around it," I commented about the label. The turnip-fairy took my suggestion and the surrounding scene promptly faded, leaving the round black label with its white letters clearly discernible. I reminded the turnip that I had come to ask its secret. I don't recall its initial answer, but I do remember my skepticism. Whatever he had said had sounded as unconvincing as the response I had gotten from the first fairy, and I assumed that he, too, might be pursuring an agenda that involved concealing the truth. "I don't think that's your secret." I said doubtfully. "Tell me your real secret." The tone of his response implied that I was wilfully ignoring the obvious: "Oh come on, we can't tell you that." Even before his sentence had concluded, I was ejected from the scene and found myself standing in my bathroom. I felt like I had woken up, but wasn't sure. I briefly considered going back outside and attempting to continue the scenario, but realized I should promptly write down what had already happened. I grabbed my notepad from the bedside table, and after a bit of trouble with the pen—which I recognized as another dream sign—I started writing down what had happened. Although I realized I was probably not yet awake, I figured that even while still dreaming it could be useful to write down some initial recollections while they were fresh, and it might help me remember them better when I did wake up. However, I hadn't gotten more than a few sentences into it when dream-writing began to feel tedious, and I was afraid I would get distracted, fall into an NLD, and lose the memories entirely, so I forced myself awake. But as soon as I grabbed my actual notepad to begin writing in WL, I realized my mistake: merely transitioning to wakefulness had dulled the memories of the dream that had been so crystal clear just before I had woken up. I wrote down everything I could still recall, but unfortunately some details of the conversations were lost.
Updated 04-29-2016 at 07:05 AM by 34973
AAAAA! I HAD LD. 2 LDS. Thanks to the... bellyache. I slept already 9h so I didn't want to sleep more (because I'm trying to change my sleep schedule) but I felt ill so I spent 1-1,5h on my bed with phone and heater. Then I thought that I'm poor little thing and I should go to sleep just for 5 min. Meanwhile I was thinking about that my dreams are boring and meh + reading message from my Dream Buddy (MamaBilleh) who had a dream about flying so maybe it had something to do with it. ANYWAY. Non-lucid parts Lucid parts #2 & 3 LD I had a dream about talking with my friend via phone and comp. She made many misspellings, sometimes these weren't even words. I was writing to her a long message but I went to sleep because I was tired. When I was laying on my bed I knew that this conversation was in a dream. Then I thought "why I didn't do any RC, she was writing so strange, I missed the chance for LD again!". And I was lying there, it was dark. I noticed that my computer was in a different place than usual (and some light was reflecting in it). So I did RC lazily - nose plug. And WUT? I can breathe?! So I got up, there was still dark. I couldn't belive that I feel so physically. I headed to the window because I wanted to FLYYYY. I had some issues with going through the window smoothly, it was dark sometimes but I managed to do that. I felt that I'm going through the narrow aperture/passage (I don't have enough words in English ;_;). Outside was rainy morning. I was flying easily, I didn't have any doubts for it this time. So I was flying around my yard, I thought that I should do something to use anyhow this time. I summoned a cat (imagining that he's just behind some object). I tried to catch him but I couldn't. And there was a street so I was afraid that he'll be run over by a car. Then I started to lose control. I thought for a short while that I'm awake but I tried to check it anyway. I was again on my bed. And it worked! It was dark as well, this time I thought that it'll be good to get rid of it. I was rubbing my hands and thinking about vivid dream. It didn't work. Then, still rubbing hands, I shouted a command "Vivid Dream!" or sth. And woooohooo! Everything turned to light and vivid (there were even some sparkles), I was really excited about that (so I didn't pay attantion that it's my old furnishings and stuff). I went through the window with more certainty this time. I thought about TOTM from DV. So I did one in last minute, *fanfares*. I looked at the sky, it was sunset but I still saw the full shape of the sun. And it was unnatural big. Rest was rather normal, some clouds and sky. Returning to the flying, I headed to the sunset. My flying was like swiming (?) or sth, then I changed style to Superman. I felt the speed! I flew up, it was darker and darker unfortunatelly. But I saw a moon faintly, it was even bigger than the sun. Then I heard that my mom was calling me from the kitchen. So I thought that I'm waking up. I tried to maintain the lucidity and I was flying/falling down with thought that I'll gain some light if I'll crash on the ground and make an explosion with rainbow (yeah...). I heard knocking. My mom entered. I thought I'm awake. She was asking me about going to town, gave me a bag and left. I was lying on my bed but then on my chair near the desk. I was confused because of that much FAs and I started to waking up in RL. And I did. These was rather short, maybe 30 sec each one. In RL I slept ~1h during these but I had also non-lucids. So excited. It seemed to be so easy! And now I know that dream control and stabilization are not just some additional things ;P And that WBTB may actually help me. FA as well. RCs. So much information and experience.
First dream I was in my house. I looked through the window - it was a dark, cloudy day. I felt that there was some kind of danger coming, and realized that there is a zombie outbreak. I wandered around the house, alerting my family that they should prepare. We made barricades and stored all supplies we had. There were too many of them however, so we had to escape. We used a small window in the basement to escape and ran to a carpentry workshop of my father. Zombie didn't tried to enter it, they were busy with other survivors that came to our house looking for help. I watched a slim blonde woman escaping from them. She climbed up the rooftop and practiced acrobatic skills to escape. Second dream, WILD I was in my uncle's house. It was an unfinished building, with only parts of upper floor hospitable. I spent a night there. It was a bit cold, and the toilet wasn't done yet, so we had to make it inside a bucket. I fell asleep. I woke up in that house again. I realized that it's a dream. I felt refreshed, full of energy. I have thought what to do, and decided that I should see the house finished. I turned around thinking about a mansion, and the building was mostly finished. There were only some small rooms unfinished. The building was furnished with expensive furniture made of black oak wood, there were several paintings on the walls and in overall it looked like it belonged to someone really rich. I thought that I should summon someone, just for the sake of summoning. I was teleported to a huge cottage with two really long tables. The room was lit by candles, this gave it a moody atmosphere, it was charming. There were people sitting by the tables. Kids and other people, but nobody I knew. Then I saw a blonde woman, and after looking closer I saw that she was that survivor from previous dream, the one that used acrobatics to escape. She smiled to me. I thought "Eh, whatever." I didn't had any plans for that summon, I just wanted her to roam the mansion. Then I was back in uncle's new house and looked through a window. Just in time to see the summon arrive in a silver Mercedes car. She entered the building. I went downstairs to kitchen. Uncle was preparing dinner, I noticed an unfinished room. He said "You're not going to finish it..." I replied to him in my thoughts (which resulted in my voice appearing everywhere). I thought "I'll try". I turned around and a transparent brick wall appeared in place of doors. I turned around again, and almost saw that room, the wall was fading away. It was mostly done, just a matter of phasing through the wall. It was a bathroom. I went along main hall and entered dining room. There was a long table with set of chairs. The summoned woman was already there. I have lost lucidity. Dream fragment I was walking through a dark underground passage.
I'm at my house on a dark and snowy night. I hear a roar and look outside and to my surprise, there's a lion perched on a low-hanging tree branch in the backyard. It roars some more and I think, how can this be possible? A lion in these parts? It must be a dream. I look down at my hands. Everything is fuzzy and hard to see. I spin to try to stabilize, then start calling her name. "Where are you, ___? Then, people appear before me and at first I think one of them is her, but it's not. They are men and women dressed as characters from the bible but they are cartoons. I ask them, where is ___? "We haven't seen her in years," they reply. I was frustrated. Then, the dream zooms out across an ocean where a cartoon fish sticks its head up from under the water and says, talking to her, "You know, ___, you have to learn to swim before you learn to fly"(or something like that). Then I lose it and wake up. So... like the millionth summoning fail. Unless you count the bible cartoon characters I summoned, or maybe they just appeared, I don't know.
Updated 12-28-2015 at 06:51 PM by 23237