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    1. Wednesday, April 5

      by , 05-20-2023 at 03:41 AM
      I am in a house with Melissa. (I think it is ‘our’ house in the dream, though it doesn’t look at all like our real house). This house is smaller and simple, size-wise it seems like a two bed, one bath. I’m in the front yard/entryway right now and it too is simply landscaped and clean. There is a tiny, empty stone river bed between this property and the neighbor’s. I think I am in the yard now, and I have removed the sun from the sky. It is as simple as it sounds, and I simply hold it in the house, a sphere of no temperature, exactly the shape and color that it appears from Earth. Now, I’m back outside and with Stella and floating up into the sky. I’m high enough to … roof of the house when I will myself to go higher. I think this is the highest I’ve ever managed to go. I see Maggie down on the lawn. Back on the ground now, I return the sun to the overcast sky. I hold it … I retrieved it from and a soft magnetic pull takes it the rest of the way.

      I’m in what feels like a night club that is kind of out in the middle of nowhere. There’s a group of people waiting to go in. When we do go in, I notice how dingy the place is. The floors are sticky and all of the handwritten drinks on the walls sound unappealing. All I can think is that I have no desire to drink here and that this is not my idea of a fun time. There are also some booths here, where I sit with some unfamiliar people. One of the ladies humorously uses my middle name - Ryan James? We are going to order BBQ.
    2. Night of Tuesday 3/21/23

      by , 03-22-2023 at 04:19 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a race in a sunny grassy place. Dream feels light-hearted and happy.

      Really hoping for some better recall soon. Getting tired of these fragments! Been practicing awareness during the day, reading a ton about lucid dreaming, meditating 4 times a week, getting 7+ hours of sleep, plus I woke up without the snooze today. Still crap recall...

      Updated 03-22-2023 at 04:30 PM by 99808

      Tags: grass, happy, sun
      dream fragment
    3. 19 Aug: Strange delivery at home, colony on extreme weather planet

      by , 08-19-2022 at 07:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my home, but it functions as an extra-curricular activities centre. Kids are being looked after by a couple adults. Outside, my dogs are getting in trouble at the gate. I go check it out and find Soraia escaped the fence and is somehow outside with two horses. Three people come by for a supposed delivery and I find it strange as I am not expecting anything. I don't let them come in. They say the delivery is for a Joana and insist on getting inside to hand it to her. I say she is my coworker and I'll get her and they are rude to me, saying they can't wait.

      On some kind of colony in a harsh planet. It has beautiful beaches, but we only go outside in certain times and weather conditions. There are really sudden high tides among other extreme events and the sun is really deadly. One day I fail to get home on time and get caught in a rising tide and upcoming high sun radiation. I see another person at risk, with a small kid, and I try to help them out. I dont succeed, but they are lucky and they escape. I, on the other hand, end up near a cave where I seek shelter. I find inscriptions on the cave and a bunch of leafs from a tree floating on a little puddle of water. The inscriptions talk about an ointment from those leaves, which make for an amazing skin protector and I decide to try it. It is truly miraculous and from then on it allows anyone to freely move outside during the day and even go to the "red" side of the planet, which is scorching hot and unhinabitable.
    4. ccl. Fixing a community monument and hearing "Moonage" mentioned

      by , 04-14-2021 at 02:01 PM
      14th April 2021

      ~6:20? (DFLN) Dream:

      I'm in the USA somewhere, outside. There's a blue sky, it's daytime, around noon. I'm walking along some kind of path, maybe gravel. I remember hearing a radio nearby and a female announcer talking about the place I'm at.

      I see this local monument thing and notice that it's in disrepair. It's attached to a tall lamp post and initially I try to piece it back together on my own. Soon enough, two skinny white guys walk by and start helping me. This monument thing is all about black people, so in the dream I find some irony that these two guys are about as white as can be.

      Seemingly I must have won the lottery or something because I remember I have this UV curing thing like dentists use and I make use of it to sort of make a very strong glue/bond to join some bits that keep falling apart. The guys help me hold it all in place as I do this, I think. I tell them I had some spare money this month and that this was something I always wanted to try, but I feel I'm lying to make myself seem more casual. Everything gradually transforms as we repair the monument.

      I don't realise that the scene is changing and soon we are in a well lit but incredibly small and cramped room doing all this and now there are more people from the local community in here with us. There's a happy atmosphere of sorts as they seem pleased about what we're doing and they talk and interact with me and between each other.

      Then, someone, I think a kid or relatively young person says: "Oh, oh! We should REALLY have a picture of Moonage there, for all she did!" As I hear this, I become instantly distracted. I hear a woman replying to this suggestion.

      I try to look around the cramped and crowded room, it's a bit like an understairs cupboard or something. There's a big black guy who was just behind me, with a big friendly smile. But because he's so big I feel sad that I can't seem to see or find MoonageDaydream for him and the rest of the crowd being in the way. I think to myself that I really want to meet her and I end up figuring that actually, I don't want to introduce myself unannounced and by surprise like this in person. I think to myself that I should PM her first on DV and try to find some way of meeting up soon.

      Feeling a little disappointed but expectant, I seemingly wake up.


      - As mentioned in DFLN, I wanted to do a WBTB after this dream, and when I got back in bed I set an intent and held on to it to go back to the dream and try and meet up with MoonageDaydream, hoping that she would know where the Lucid Dreaming party would be, in which case, she could take me there.
      -- Unfortunately, I had trouble falling back asleep, and when I did, I had seemingly let go of the intent too much or something.
      -- I had several other morning dreams after this but didn't make note of them, because of time things and just generally feeling tired.

      - Despite the extremely obvious cue about physically meeting another DV member, I did not have any pre-lucid thoughts to question reality. Even so, I felt really satisfied with having this dream because it felt like intention-setting worked well, better than expected.
      -- I think it's also the first time I've had a dream relating to an actual DV member. I wasn't expecting anyone so specifically as a mention of their username in the dream.

      - There's a few dream elements, like the dentist UV thing, the monument to black people and some other things that have come by association with recent stuff from waking life.

      - In the dream, there was no element of pandemic-related life and no associated feelings.

      - Lately I have been craving to go to a beach on a sunny day to just spend time there, but unfortunately there's no such place near me. This place I was at felt like it was close to the sea, I have a vague recall of the path being along a cliff.
    5. Strange Leaks

      by , 03-27-2020 at 09:25 AM
      Morning of March 27, 2020. Friday.

      Dream #: 19,457-02. Reading time: 2 min 24 sec.

      In this dream, part of my immediate waking-life identity meanders. Although I recall factors of real life (mostly only that I have a family, not where I live as is often the case) in the second section after the preconscious initiation (a typical unknown intrusive male), the setting remains ambiguous.

      The preconscious personification (sleep-wake mediator) activates atypically in the middle of my sleep cycle. I am near the center of a large, mostly featureless room with many other people. When cognitive arousal initiates, I have a pile of books next to me on my right (potential waking orientation as I sleep on my left side) as I sit on the floor. The man comes over to me, claiming I have a book I am not supposed to have, due to copyright reasons. It is a blank sheet music book for writing music. The publisher’s name is Fabergé. I argue with him for a few minutes, saying his claim is ridiculous because it is just a blank sheet music book (so I am denying cognizance while sleeping as well as ignoring the preconscious). I soon see him sitting with an unknown man.

      As a result of suppressing cognizance modulation to sleep longer, water reinduction (virtual melatonin mediation) occurs. I am in the small upstairs bathroom of the King Street mansion (irrelevant since the 1990s) in Wisconsin, though it is erroneously on the first floor and has a crawlspace beneath. I take a dream journal (from the late 1990s) from being tied with a cloth to a horizontal pipe near the baseboard and water sprays out. I am unsure how to stop the leak, as I do not want my book to get wet. Water is rushing under the floor, so I have to go outside to check. I consider calling our landlord. (I think of our present landlord in Australia, validating my dream initiated a thread for the emergence of partial recall, though the real-life leak was under Zsuzsanna’s sister’s house recently.)

      I now recall I have a family, though the setting is still wrong. When I go outside to check the leak, I am looking at a variation of the Cubitis house in Florida (irrelevant since 1978, so setting changes are not always in chronological order as water reinduction is opposite to the directive of emergence). The nature and layout of the scene have changed, and the leak is far from where the original orientation would correlate. There are two leaks from a long horizontal pipe unrealistically situated outside, about two feet from the ground and a few feet from the front of the other part of the house, though coming from the south wall of my Cubitis bedroom, implying its location has replaced the small King Street bathroom (typical errors in dream continuity as the Cubitis house had no crawlspace and the King Street house’s bathroom, again, was on the second floor). However, the leaks soon stop due to a bubble growing around the connections, keeping the water inside. Eventually, two big irregular bubbles shaped somewhat like hourglasses (temporality reference implying water reinduction is ending), float up from the pipes. I no longer see any leaks.

      Precursory cognizance kicks in again with the general reference to the condition of the sun (analogous to the lack of true identity and cognizance in the dream state). Zsuzsanna is with me outside. We are still erroneously in Cubitis, in the front yard. I see that the “sun” looks like Earth floating within a frying egg, though its lower right area is spreading out in an irregular form as if the egg is runny.

    6. xci.

      by , 02-28-2020 at 11:50 AM
      Went back to a half sleep after waking in the morning. Had a small moment of lucidity, the first one for quite some time. Made note of as much as I could before I had to get up to help with something.

      Dream Fragment:

      The only dream I can vaguely remember before my first awakening. Something about a character that walks around some snowy place, finds something and goes back to the past in a pretty stereotypical UFO. Lands at the same place and stumbles on the snow and becomes sort of blue? I expect him to meet himself again but he doesn't, instead meeting an old man. They talk.

      They have a discussion about time travel and the past. The man is skeptical but then the other character says something that convinces him and the man states "it's 1976" and the other one says "I came from 2070" or a similar year. He tells the man about how in the future the knowledge of the past, after a certain point, is just unknown. He tries to convince the old man of this by stating facts about history, going back, up to the point where he simply didn't know anything else.


      As I fell back asleep slowly, the dream seemed to progress quickly. I was half aware of my real body at a few points and the clarity of the visuals varied quite a bit. I was with H somewhere.

      There was this guy and his dad, they weren't very happy with each other. The son was dating a teacher, a woman, at his school. Then she found out that his dad was married and that mattered for some reason.

      I remember walking outside, near these people. They sort of became part of the background of what was going on and I notice the area is by a large river, or sea. There are quays and the area looks like a port or dock. It's sunny and there are a few large white clouds in the distance.

      Me and H, we walk towards a building closer to the dock area. I don't remember walking in, but we're inside. It's a large room, much darker than being outside but there are bits of sunlight here and there, but I don't notice where they come through. There are quite a few people here, this feels like a lobby, or waiting room, for departures?

      On the right-hand wall, there's a massive hole and strange rocky formation. I approach it and notice how smooth it is. I look inside, it looks perfectly smooth and the rock is a yellowed off-white but there are tinges of green here and there. There are smaller but perfectly smooth and rounded holes on the rock. It reminds me of pumice and it made me think that lava made this hole. I visualise that happening? Not sure.

      I walk outside, as there is a door or passageway next to the hole. This wall of the building was actually some sort of dark tinted glass, and I could already see from inside that this side was some sort of canyon.

      There are paths along either side, but there are no connections between these paths except for the lobby place. The rock is all the same as the one from the "volcanic hole". I remember looking at the cliff tops higher than us and noticing the sky looks green-ish. But as I walk here, I realise, wait, how was that hole there? It just wasn't right. I half realise I'm dreaming and at this point I feel my real body more, but in the dream I check my hands. Although they appear normal, there seems to be little detail and I realise I'm dreaming.

      The realisation is quickly overpowered by a bunch of random actions, my level of lucidity actually being very low. As if it were a game, I start placing a prop over and over again, along the canyon path I'm on. The prop is a study desk with drawers, with a chair too. H then tells me we don't need them for some reason. My dream awareness starts to go again at this point. I start smashing the chairs against the edge of the cliff and throwing the stuff down the ravine. It all hits the ground too quickly for how deep this place looks and I complain out loud to H "this is a dream, that's a deep canyon, the chairs shouldn't be dropping a metre and then smashing, that's too quick!", half with the expectation that something would change about it, but nothing did. We keep smashing and throwing the furniture for a while, after which I've lost any amount of awareness I had left and we return to the dream plot.

      At the end of the path is a similar building. We go in, and it's dark. Again it also had an entrance on the other side of the canyon where the second path was. Inside it looks like someone's private office. Well decorated and tidy, the walls had a mix of plasterwork and floral motif patterned wallpaper.

      The wall at the other end of the room, behind a desk and so on, seemed solid, but as we approached, it smashed or crumbled. On the other side is a lobby full of people, at a lower height, but not much. I talk to H, but don't remember what we said exactly, except that I expressed some concerns about dealing with these people. They were university students. There were a bunch of signs and notices in the room, mostly about events?

      I decide that we can proceed and I step over the rubble and walk down a small ramp made by the rubble. A girl, not much younger than me, sees me and when I comment something to H she says "well we don't want you here anyway, you look like a scary punk!". I feel complimented and somehow her comment made me feel more confident. I approach her and put my hands on her shoulders and smile, in a half attempt to scare her a bit more and in a half attempt to thank her.

      I then walk away towards a corridor that took a right turn on the opposite side of the room, but I don't remember any more details.

      No notes for now, quite tired.
    7. The Moon above a Grove of Palms

      by , 12-09-2018 at 07:41 PM (Night Vision)
      As usual, I seem to have become aware that I’m dreaming without being able to remember how it happened. I’m in a house along with two other people. I believe that they’re other dreamers—not sure now on what basis.

      In one part early on, I’m looking at a still scene in front of me, like a picture. It takes me a couple minutes to puzzle out what’s happening in it. A young man is shown looking into a body of water like a lake. The sky is colorful and full of varied light, with a couple odd-shaped clouds in the foreground. I figure out that the cloud that looks like a unicorn’s head is going towards the cloud shaped like a dragon’s, which represents an attack on the sun by the moon, and the man is watching it through the reflections in the water.

      When I’ve realized this, the scene comes to life in front of me. The clouds converge, and the sky darkens, with the moon appearing. It behaves strangely at first before taking up a normal course in the sky. The man gets up and heads in the direction it has gone. He’s going to try to fix the situation.

      A lot of the dream faded from memory when I woke up, but in the subsequent parts, I was with the two dreamers. I only remember one person well, a guy. He is apparently already familiar with this legend—I get the impression he knows a lot of them.

      At some point quite a bit later on, the others are somewhere else, fighting a monster of some kind. I guess some people don’t feel like they’ve really accomplished something unless there’s an epic boss battle at the end—but I just don’t find those things very interesting. While that’s going on, I’m standing near a grove of palm trees, above which the moon is floating in the form of a little, glowing crescent shape. Once we get ahold of that, we’ve won. According to the man, however, there’s something odd about the palm leaves, and a person will die if they touch them. But they just look like normal palm leaves to me, and so I figure I’ll take my chances with them. Anyway, I can fly in from above and avoid the leaves that way.

      First step: make wings. I’ve been using shortcuts so much lately I figure that this time, I’ll do the full procedure like I used to. I stand facing my shadow on the ground, and will it to grow wings. Immediately, I see them unfolding, and unfolding further, out to their usual considerable span.

      But this time—perhaps in response to my wanting to get a better view of what happens when I do this—there are also reflective surfaces nearby, although I can’t say now just what they were. I can see the wings themselves reflected in them—and since I’ve never set an intention for anything beyond generic wings, it’s a bit of a surprise to see how they’re turning out—red-gold in color, and faintly glowing. I climb up onto a nearby object—again, I can’t remember specifically what it was—and from there, hover over to the trees and grab the crescent moon.

      In the process, though, I brush the tips of a couple palm leaves. And, perhaps because of that— or perhaps not— I soon find the dream fading around me until I’m in complete darkness. I’m still lucid, though. It feels as if I’m moving forward, but with nothing visible except for occasional faint shapes in the darkness, it’s impossible to tell—or, for that matter, tell how much time is passing. But after a while, I feel like it’s a good time to go back. I open my eyes, intending to be in the previous setting.

      And I’m there, as before, and so are the two people. I can remember even less of this later part than I can the previous one—although I can recall the second person definitely being female in this one, whereas I can remember nothing at all about them from the first. There’s a series of events involving a deep pit filled with boiling water that opened up in the house. At some later part, the others seem to have lost lucidity. They're acting somewhat zombie-like, and are unresponsive to my efforts to get their attention. Not long after that, I wake up.

    8. Finding my way DILD

      by , 07-07-2018 at 03:35 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in my old house in father room where my mom and dad were talking. I get up and open the door and close it back once the thought occured that I must be dreaming. I turn around to look at my father as still everything felt real but I knew this was apart of the vivid dream. I open the front door in to the living and approach the back door, the door I use many times to leave the house to begin my lucid dream.

      I could see the lock was already unlock which would be odd but this only confirmed to that I was in a dream. I open it and walk out to see that it was maybe night but it was really breath taking. When I look to the dark sky there was 3 suns in the sky in different angles that gave it this solar eclipse look. I walk outside on the grass and immediately saw two men in trench coats walking about to confront each other.

      I decided to turn the other way in till my lucidity started to fade and for some reason I got the feeling it would return if I continue the original path I was on. I continue walking that direction in till I step in something that made me realize I was in quick sand. Out of no where not able to tell from their appearance as it was also shrouded in a cowboy hat and trench coat. Said hey Anfernee, I look up and said hello to the person on a horse that was able to float. Then I notice the building they were standing on.

      Wasn't able to tell by their voice either if it was a man or a woman. The person ask me if I needed help. I said yes and soon they had this wrench that was quite long brought down to me. I had my hand out and I could tell this person was seriously trying to help me from the quick sand. It was interesting to me to see a dream character care so much about helping me. I was able to get out of it and thank the shrouded person. I then ask how did they know my name.

      The person said I don't know this stuff is weird. Lol I understand the feeling. Another person with a cowboy hat appeared to me and I could now see the people faces. It look like I was in a western old style town. Everyone was dress in a old style way. I thought it was cool and I was told by this person to go to the customer serve to identify myself. I did so and notice people taking phone calls and filling out sheets.

      I approach one woman talking on the phone but notice she was busy. I decided to walk around to find more available area's in till I false awaken.
    9. Alien Salvation

      by , 05-02-2018 at 11:02 AM
      Morning of May 2, 2018. Wednesday.

      My dream begins with the very common circadian rhythm correlation of the “something wrong with the sun” factor.

      In late afternoon, I am in a distortion of my Cubitis home, on the east side of the living room, though it is implied as our present home. I become aware that the sun is becoming too hot for life to continue on Earth. Thus, this is a typical “end of the world” theme (though these are rarely nightmarish for me in the way described by other people), which has occurred on a regular basis for over fifty years. I perceive much of the solar system as being oriented above and beyond the house to the east, with the implication there is no detail rendered elsewhere (such as beyond the other side of the world or to the west). This is surreal, as there are vestibular dynamics where I seem to “fall” into outer space in a dream within a dream and then shift back into my original dream’s setting without waking or with any perceived concurrent threat or concern other than the prospect of the sun eventually becoming too hot. It is as if my dream self is subliminally testing the autosymbolic (vestibular) design of my dream before deciding to continue (even though I am not viably lucid).

      I am aware that the sun’s heat will be increasing exponentially, and that in a few hours it will be about 6,400 degrees (or 80^2). A number of unknown people are present. Some of the others talk about surviving for a few additional hours. Apparently, they believe they can live for an extra hour or two, or longer, by staying in a building with an air conditioner that remains on. We all go out to find a safer location.

      There is a surreal scene where I am temporarily inside an upright hollow rectangular prism. Someone else is near the top looking down at me, as I am looking up from within it. There is some sort of ambiguous association with it being a vehicle. It seems nighttime at this point, but soon switches back to afternoon.

      While in an unfamiliar building on the third floor, I watch equidistant soap bubbles float by outside. I realize that this means aliens are present (subliminally influenced by comic book story I had not thought of at all in years). I consider that the aliens are here to save humanity, even though I only see the spaceship briefly in a dream within a dream. Some of the others suggest that we need to go underground, though we remain on the first floor for a time.

      My dream becomes more vivid and I am now in a distortion of the Loomis Street house, near the back door. A doll walks in from outside. It is about a foot high. It does not talk but makes clicking and humming noises as if to analyze a person’s status. A teddy bear also walks in as well as a stuffed elephant (with a floral print) walking on its back legs. They are all the same height.

      In the final moments prior to waking, I consider that the friendly and helphful aliens are very shy, so they sent in these devices to make first contact and to study people for a time before taking the human race to another planet to ensure survival.

      The “alien” association is caused by the transient dream self not being correlated with the conscious self identity while in REM sleep (as the non-lucid dream self has neither viable contact with the unconscious, such as consistent memory of personal history, or the conscious self identity as in waking life, though most people do not have the ability to realize this at all, hence belief in nonsensical forms of “interpretation”). This is not quite as common as more mundane RAS correlation factors. This is resolved by the introduction of the dream state indicators, teddy bear (first-level dream state indicator) and doll (autosymbolism for the physical body being inactive in sleep - more specifically, my subliminal awareness of Zsuzsanna also being asleep). An elephant, the last “toy” to enter the room, is autosymbolism for the waking alert factor in this case, due to how it “trumpets” (initiating the return to waking consciousness). Once my fictitious dream self subliminally accepts the dream state indicators, RAS modulation begins the waking process. Additionally, this is also a form of doorway waking symbolism, as the “toys” walk in through the back door from outside. (There is no personified preconscious factor as the “toys” hold this role.)

      Updated 11-17-2019 at 07:30 PM by 1390

    10. Sunflower Sun and Walking on Water

      by , 01-01-2018 at 07:01 AM
      Dream #NYMA54

      Morning of January 1, 2018. Monday.

      Reading time: 48 sec. Readability score: 63.

      The fireworks from last night have left vibrant colors remaining in the clouds at dawn, mostly orange and yellow “embers.” I am wondering how long these residual dynamics will last; perhaps another day.

      I approach the sun on the horizon. The “horizon” is suddenly in front of me. It is then not the sun. It is a big yellow sunflower. Its petals feel like the cloth of my pillowcase (lucid awareness of being asleep). (The color yellow correlates with the emerging consciousness process of the dream state. As a result, it can be deliberately used to induce or enhance lucidity.)

      I walk on water, of unknown depth, back to our bedroom to wake for the day. The surface of the water replaces the level of the ground in our backyard; there is no implication of a flood. (These two factors have occurred regularly in my dreams for over fifty years. They are a result of being in the dream state. There is no meaning other than reactive representation in the dream state.)

      It is a first-level “return to bed” dream that also includes the daybreak representation, yellow as emerging consciousness, and most of my conscious self identity with no emergent consciousness simulacrum.

    11. The Solar Storm that was not

      by , 11-25-2017 at 08:07 AM
      Morning of November 25, 2017. Saturday.

      In my dream, I am with my wife Zsuzsanna and our children as we presently appear. The setting is unrelated to real life, though my dream self lacks the memory and awareness of our real living space as is often the case (depending on the depth and extent of sleep). It may be sections of streets and buildings modeled after ones in La Crosse (America), Brisbane (Australia), or both.

      Over time, I become aware of the typical “something wrong with the sun” scenario. There are streams of plasma reaching Earth. At one point, far above the horizon and over the unknown city, I notice streams of plasma moving outward from a central point. There are a few resets of this dream. There is a scene where the sun explodes like a small fireball in the sky, but later events where the sun is still present.

      Eventually, the end of the world is assumed, though I am not that fearful of what is to come. Many people run around screaming as pieces of the sun slam into skyscrapers but there are unusual distortions in later events.

      For example, a blob of plasma from the sky heads toward the middle of the street. Instead of an explosion, the blob slows, stopping a few feet above the street, and transforms into a giant transparent pale orange puppy (about ten feet high) that then walks slowly about on the street.

      After a time, I start to realize that, despite all the streams of plasma hitting the city, there does not appear to be much destruction. One crashes fairly close to me and I am unimpressed and consider that it is not real (though not with viable lucidity).

      There is another change without a cohesive transition. Members of my family and I, including Zsuzsanna and at least our two youngest children, are now riding in a car with an unknown dark-haired male driver of about forty. Streams of fire and plasma hit buildings on opposite ends of the street we travel through. However, it is learned that the falling plasma is created by some sort of machine on Earth and is only holographic, with no physical repercussions. This also explains why there appear to be no destroyed buildings at this point, though the event is still continuing.

      This end of the world dream is somewhat atypical in being revealed to not be a celestial event as in many other such dreams. However, the majority of my common end of the world dreams since early childhood often present “something wrong with the sun”, rather than for example, “something wrong with the moon”. There is a logical reason for this…

      As a dream occurs while unconscious and typically not during the main part of the day (other than during an afternoon or early evening nap), a dream, based on circadian rhythms factors, will symbolize the nature of the conscious self identity as the sun, because the sun is associated with wakefulness and the moon associated more with sleeping and dreaming. As one is asleep and dreaming, “something wrong with the sun” occurs far more often simply because one is not awake. This is validated by fairly rare “something wrong with the moon” dreams occurring at a different time in the sleep cycle than the “something wrong with the sun” dreams. In fact, the specific dynamics (studied from when I was only a child) relate directly to the specific time within the sleep cycle, which validates it has little to do with “interpretation” and more about biology and not being conscious at a specific time.

      “Something wrong with the sun” in a dream is simply a metaphor for not being conscious and being aware of the real sun. How hard is that? Dreams, after all, are all about distortions, errors in memory, and the failure of thinking skills that naturally comes from being unconscious (other than literal prescience, which is not limited to the dream state anyway). An “end of the world” scenario is often just a result of the dream inevitably coming to an end when more sleep is subliminally desired, though all factors must be looked at closely, though not in wrongfully assuming that the “I am” of the dream state (personified subconscious, which has no viable memory or intelligence) is the same as the “I am” of the current conscious self identity.

      It is rare for the personified preconscious (in this case, the unknown male driver) to passively sustain the dream state since its purpose (via RAS) is to mediate waking. However, my dream self had already worked out it was not the end of the world, though I did not attain viable lucidity prior to waking.

    12. Back to square one?

      by , 09-28-2017 at 12:12 PM
      Running around a giant square shaped road circuit. Must be a few miles on each side. There is change link fence on the inside and the pavement is white and mostly free of people, except those couple running with me.
      It takes so long to get round that it is now noon and the weather has changed to full sun, making me feel exhaust and strip off my jacket. It is one long slog.

      note: tried wbtb several times after
      Tags: barrier, running, sun
    13. Eclipsed Eclipse

      by , 09-16-2017 at 01:22 PM

      I'm on the ground level of a two-tiered train station. The platform is covered with crunchy cinders.

      CLOSEUP on a SOLAR ECLIPSE. The lower left sliver of the Sun is just showing on a black background, as if photographed through a solar filter. Just the Sun, no earthshine on the Moon. (Day residue: I attended an amateur astronomy lecture last night in reality.)

      Wait, am I dreaming? Yes!

      CUT TO: My point of view, watching the eclipse. The sky is clear, calm, and cool. My vision is exceptionally sharp--unlike most of my lucid dreams, which seem no clearer than an ordinary dream visually (the only difference being my conscious state).

      Now the Moon is in a gibbous phase. But the Sun (which has shrunk to about half size) is still being eclipsed as before--by its own Moon! So now there are two moons, one near and one far, with the Sun farther yet. WHO KNOWS what light source is illuminating the gibbous Moon! The incongruity delights me. I remember an earlier, nonlucid dream some months ago in which a solar and lunar eclipse were taking place simultaneously. I gladly accept such nonlocal logic in nonlinear time.

      I note that if I shuffle several feet to one side or the other, a great deal of parallax results: I can eclipse or uneclipse the Sun simply by walking back and forth on the platform. This implies that the Sun and moons must be quite close indeed, and very small--or else that I and the train station are extremely large. Because the three heavenly bodies are beyond the atmosphere.

      Lucidity having been achieved, I remember my plan of action--formed in waking life--and speak directly to my dream, making a preposterous request in the hope that it will be granted in reality. (It's worth a try!)

      I begin to awaken. As the vibrant dream energy dissipates, a black-and-orange blob persists in my vision. If I close my eyes tightly I can still see it for a while as I wake up in my bed. It's about the size of a silver dollar held at arm's length. It seems to be in my left eye, but I can't prove it. I study its contours and hypothesize that I am seeing my optic nerve, but that is only a guess. (Or is it a picture of a tiny brain?)

      It was 6:50 AM when I awoke. As I walked to breakfast later this morning I saw the waning crescent Moon, its phase resembling the sliver of Sun eclipsed in the dream. Remarkable coincidence. (Sun, Moon...no difference.) Despite my interest in astronomy I had lost track of the Moon this week. Did my dream calibrate with the lunar phase this morning? Make of this what you will.

      Updated 09-16-2017 at 01:59 PM by 92227

    14. Dream - The Evil Sun

      by , 08-23-2017 at 09:17 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 21 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 183 - The Evil Sun

      I don't exactly remember how the dream started. I remember I was doing all these little competitions with random people. If we didn't get out of the hole quick enough, water pressure would hit us and we'd drown. The water was only starting to come up and I thought I'd never be able to get out of the hole, so I gave up. My new strategy was to get my dream guide to save me when it became time for a drowning. I ended up sitting and leaning against the wall of the hole. I felt really scared with the lurking water beneath but then I noticed NN and BB on either side of me, holding me really tightly and securely. They stayed with me until Dreamy WB appeared.

      She had her hair in a high bun, with a casual look about her. I rapidly swam to her and hugged her. I then pulled away from her slightly, to talk to myself, saying that I only had three chances to muck up or I would never escape. I then turned back to Dreamy WB and just quietly assessed her features. She ended up having a really warm and gentle facial expression. I sighed and said to myself “damn it, I shouldn't have said that”. She then gave a chuckle and held up three fingers, as if she was cheekily mocking me. Then she said “Only three? No, you have unlimited chances!”.

      Then the water really started to go up but I found that I could still breathe. As time passes though, I find it harder to breathe, as if the dream has now come to realise the real world principles of suffocation. As I felt I was about to die, I could feel myself being rushed up to the surface by Dreamy WB's energy, she had become invisible again. When I jumped out of the hole, that's when things in the sky started to turn really strange. There was a weird white block in the purple sky, which claimed to be the sun. The sun was supposed to attack me and burn me up as a penalty for escaping the drowning.

      Once I saw it setting some nearby buildings on fire, I knew I had to get away. My family were with me and so I told them we had to get away. I started floating away as quickly as possible in the style of Balloon Mario... I had to go for awhile to get far enough from that sun. I tried going even further but found out that I was actually getting closer to the sun again... So I went back to where I was before. I decided I wanted to seek refuge in a random house on the streets. I thought for some reason that Dreamy WB was going to be inside this house but I wasn't right.

      I knocked on the door and some unknown lady answered, she was equally just as welcoming and friendly. She said that many people come to her house to escape the sun. There was only one room left and so my family would all have to crowd in there. It was suggested there would be two people on the beds and then two people on the floor. That's all I can remember for this dream. I don't know whether I woke up or it continued.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 04-05-2018 at 11:02 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Dream - The Great Case

      by , 05-08-2017 at 10:02 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 8 MAY - 2017

      Dream No. 109 - The Great Case

      My mum was talking to me somewhere but I don't know where it was exactly. I was going somewhere and so she said to me to take the lift to the bottom floor of Reading Cinemas in Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre and meet her there. I was then in the carpark of shopping centre talking to three random boys but I forgot what the conversation was about. I then told them I had to go and meet my mum. They followed me but left when Reading Cinemas was in my sight. I thought the entrance to Reading Cinemas was on the top floor, so I went up the stairs nearby but when I was about ¾ way up, I noticed that there was in fact an entrance on the bottom floor and so I think to myself, “Yay! I don't have to take the lift!” and turn back.

      When I enter, I enter into this room that looks sort of like the inside of the church and my mum is standing to one side. In the background was all this really bright light, almost as if you were looking into the sun. I walked through this white light with four companions resembling characters from video games, the only companion I remember is Super Mario. We are then outside somewhere and we see this vehicle which is halfway between a ute and a roofless car. Inside is a strange old man who I thought at first had no business. But then from inside the vehicle, this news story was playing that there was some sort of suspect and the person who could find him would be rewarded $250,000. I spoke to this old man and actually discovered that he was the suspect. I then woke up.
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