10pm screens off, took melotonin, dreamleaf supplement, and about one tablespoon of raw honey and MCT oil. 10:30pm in bed, meditation, dream yoga visualization practice, mantra: breathing in, I remember my dreams, breathing out, Lucid Dream TONIGHT. 3:30am WBTB, only long enough to take galantamine, second DreamLeaf pill, and go back to sleep My first memorable dream, I was at a friend's house, and he had told me he had broken up with his girlfriend two days prior, and we started fooling around a little, but his roommate woke up and heard us and shamed him for hooking up with me so soon after his breakup. He left, saying he should stay with a friend since this was a bad idea, and I kept trying to assure everyone that it was okay, this is only a dream! But I wasn't entirely sure, so I started trying to check to make sure, at which point I fell head first off the bed into an almost black area where all I could see was the floor, and I was alone. The patterns on the wood floor were moving, and I bounced around strangely, and even though I was alone at this point I said SEE, this IS a dream! But with nothing around me, and several failed attempts to summon a portal midair, I tried to phase my hand through the floor. This is the first time I've successfully manipulated a LD! I put my hand to the floor, thought about how it would feel to phase through it, and blamo! I pushed the rest of my body through, looking for a wilderness dreamscape to forage for food in (task of the month!). I get to another empty, warehouse like area, and my sister Anna is there, pointing to a structure that I climbed, leading to an outdoor area. There was woods and grass but also a bar with several bowls of berries and other foods; I open a jar at the far right of the table, and although there are gnats flying around it, I pick a large chocolate chip cookie from the jar, and begin to eat it. Delicious. I wake up. I don't move, and allow myself to fall back asleep. I reenter the dream world. I'm in an area with several shops, it's raining. I know I'm in a dream, and I'm walking around (rather awkwardly) looking for a door or other portal. A little girl is following me. I hold out my arms and feel the raindrops hit my skin, my arms are red. I rub my hands together for stability. I find a shop with large windows, press my hand against it, then through it, and then step through. In this room are several tables with members of my family, and on the wall is a picture from my sister Tina's wedding. I feel deep love. I look back to the window, and see my reflection. For the first time, I'm able to change my appearance in front of a mirror. I guess I was hoping to go to the Land of Oz, so I try to make myself look like Dorothy. It doesn't exactly work, and I revert back to my normal reflection. Good effort. As I begin to walk through the window to look for Oz, my cat jumps on my bed and wakes me up. When I finally get back to sleep, after writing down notes to remember the previous 3 dreams, I'm somewhere with bad guys, and they're looking for me. I'm able to use telekinesis to throw them around, but from behind a wall, so I don't actually see this but rather experience it as a puppeteer would. I wake up when one of them finds me. I've never had MULTIPLE LD's in one night, or managed to do a DEILD. Very happy with my progress! Side note: does anyone else dream about writing in their DJ and wake up to realize they didn't jot down any notes? This keeps happening to me. I also seem to remember hearing sounds as if someone was on my roof, thinking it was real, then realizing it was just HH and that this was the in between dream state.
01/17/2017 Dream Fragment One Untitled All I remember is that I woke up to some guys coming into my house, like they owned the place. I think they were supposed to be of some relation to my landlord and his son. They pretty much just made themselves comfortable, as if they were going to be staying for quite some time - one of them posting up in my windowsill and just gazing reverently at the outside world. I also remember that I was on the second floor of a two-story house. Dream Two: "Pencildragon" (Lucid) I was at some outdoor carnival or festival, held out in some rural field at dusk. Munching on cotton candy while I walked, I spontaneously realized that I was dreaming. Immediately, I was surprised at how much I could smell and taste the cotton candy (I have very few experiences with tastes and smells in lucid dreams), and even though the dream already felt very clear and grounded, I decided to take a few moments to touch my surroundings, running my hand along the wooden frame of a wooden kiosk nearby. Raising my free hand up in front of my face, I saw that my fingers were very wavy, which was a bit at odds with the solidity of everything else around me. Quickly, I tried to think of what I had planned to do with my lucidity once attained it, before I'd gone to bed. I remembered the 'Tasks of the Month' and that I wanted to try the pencil task (which was to "ask a pencil to draw something for you"). I turned back to the kiosk, expecting to find a pad and pencil there, in which I could do the experiment. Sitting atop the counter, I found a pad and a few, loose, colored pencils. I picked up one pencil - blue, I believe - and set it in the center of the pad. Without speaking, I attempted to "will" the pencil to draw something for me. The only thing I remember, about the actual process, was the pencil moving back and forth and making a few scribbles, but it ended up drawing a (quite simplistic) dragon. (One of the art pieces I have been brainstorming on, in waking life, has been a dragon. I haven't yet drawn the final draft, but I did draw a dragon thumbnail, about a week ago). Satisfied that I had completed the task, I took to the air and flew away from the carnival to do some exploring. While flying over the wide, green fields of the early evening countryside, I looked below me to see an actual dragon, roaming around the landscape and idly blowing plumes of fire at random. It had sort of a cartoonish, video game feel to it (I had been playing PlayStation VR, before bed - no dragon games, though), and felt as if it was just a manifestation of the dragon that was drawn on the paper. I decided not to bother with the creature and continued flying over the field. I don't really remember anything afterward.
Updated 01-18-2017 at 06:16 AM by 2450
I titled this take me to church because it was fitting & ironically my ringtone, lol.. Dream 1 was just a dream fragment about a boyfriend I had in middle school but that's the extent to which I remember it which was a bummer. Dream 2 was more vivid where details were concerned but not very colorful except I noticed curtains that were a form of deep red which are basically the color of my own curtains in my living & dining rooms. So anyway, I was in this very large cathedral type of church w/ a lot of big winding stairs. Kind of like the ones in the school in Harry Potter, but they didn't move. I was taking care of a bunch of kids, mostly teens & we had to complete 3 tasks that were on these little pieces of paper. I didn't seem to do any task, this was just a given it seems. But we ran out of paper & I sent some of the kids down the stairs to gather some more paper slips w/ tasks but they came back empty handed. So, I decided to go myself w/ a few of them. One of which seemed like I knew them somehow & felt very connected to this older boy. But when I went down the stairs I was told that there weren't anymore available slips but that since it was lunch we could have lunch at this time. Someone led us into a cafeteria where they were starting to put the food away & we started to fill our trays & then I woke up.... It was almost like the dream was supposed to symbolize my quest of learning new information & the tasks represented the TOTM somehow. Like it I did, A B & C, I'd get the answers I was looking for. I woke up w/ the feeling that I should watch some video's on YouTube or something of people playing spin the bottle to trigger it in a LD. I'm hoping I find some because dreams of all sorts tend to have snippets of movies I've just watched or things I've just seen or memories that have fluttered through my brain during the day, etc.
VERY, VERY BIG IMPORTANT NOTE (DATED ON APRIL 1ST): Many people have been found cheating and requesting wings from fake dreams. We checked through the dreamworld, and many of those never happened. So unfortunately, we must close the ToTM tasks starting May 2016... A new voting thread will be opened tomorrow in regards of future ideas to earn your wings Yup, April's Fools NEW: Do you have a Task of the Month suggestion that you would love to get chosen? Now you have the chance to suggest new tasks of the month by clicking the Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread. If you complete a current TOTM, you will be able to vote on suggestions for the next month! Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Lucid Task Club and the On-Topic Administrator. Please attempt any or all of these tasks throughout the month. Report back in this thread, even if you didn't successfully accomplish the task. Your efforts should make interesting reading! This is required in order to get credit, it is no longer sufficient just to say that you did it. Very important When you complete a task: Go to your control panel, then to permission groups, and request to be in the group that applies to the task that you've done: either a basic or an advanced or both (specify in the description field if it was the bonus task). Of course you still need to post the dream here because we check. Please, make sure you post here your attempts both failures and successes, this will make this post much more dynamic and it will make OpheliaBlue/Gab īs winging delivering much easier. It will be very appreciated! Whoever completes any of these tasks gets the following goodies until the end of the month: Your name will be displayed in ORANGE in the online members list at the bottom of the main forum page.You will receive a special title and badge.You will receive access to the "Lucid Task Club" which is a limited access forum for people that complete a lucid task each month. Members of this club can vote for submitted suggestions for the next month's tasks. Access to the Lucid Task Club will also grant you early access to the next month's tasks, giving you a 2-3 day window to keep your wings for the following month. Tasks for this month: Basic Task i - Eat an object that is not considered edible. Describe the flavour. (Shockabsorber) Basic Task ii - Play Spin the Bottle or Seven Minutes in Heaven with a group of DCs. (litlepooky04) Advanced Task i - Drain the colour from an object? (dutchraptor) Advanced Task ii - Lay on a bed of clouds in the sky. (spellbee2) BONUS TASK!! - Visit Middle Earth and attend a Hobbit celebration. (Stintman) I'm gonna try this.
I will be doing this! I don't mind the wait. Maybe I can get a few more friends on here by then. Any takers?
Lucid dream from Saturday Night: I did an unintentional WBTB where I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep and finally drifted into dream mode. I sitting at a table with Marie, my best friend from high school. I was already lucid I remembered that I really wanted to do a Task of the Month. I was trying to remember what they were. I knew there was one where I had to ask a DC a question. Why was I having such a hard time remembering--I had recently done this one. But I thought it would be fun to do it again with my friend. Finally I decided that Task was to ask a DC what their favorite thing was to do in a lucid dream. That sounded right. (Obviously it wasn't right, but now in retrospect, it's nice to have done something a little different since I had done the real Task already.) So I said to Marie, "Tell me what you like to do in your lucid dreams?" She suddenly perked up at the mention of lucid dreams, "Ahh, lucid dreaming...that's where I like to fly and do flips in the air." As soon as she began to talk I suddenly remembered that Task about making fire and ice. "That's cool." I quickly said to her. And then said, "You can also do this in lucid dreams." I held out my hands. Unlike my dream where I had done this previously I held each hand in a separate cupped position. I concentrated on making a fire. First an orange glow appeared in each hand. I concentrated harder. I wanted flames. Soon I started seeing some detail. But something was odd. I could now see waving orange and yellow flames, but they looked like a cartoon fire. This was quite different that my other recent experience with making fire. I thought about trying to make the flames look more real. But then suddenly, the flames felt hot. Very hot. That was different as well. I extinguished the flames quickly. Now I needed to make ice. With my hands still cupped separately I concentrated on forming some ice. Soon I saw two shapeless white blobs form in my hands. I knew it was supposed to be ice. But it wasn't very good ice. It didn't even feel cold. I saw that I was close to a freezer. I walked to the freezer and opened it. Inside I saw some ice cubes sitting there in an otherwise empty freezer. I told myself that ice looked like that. So I needed to try again--this time with a good example in front of me that I could model. Within seconds I had exact copies of the ice cubes in my hands now. I had done it. With the Tasks done I decided to find a way outside and fly and decide what else I wanted to do. I often make decisions while I'm flying. I saw a large open window and flew out. I thought about what Marie had said about doing flips in the air. It had been a very long time since I had done dream flips. I suddenly really wanted to do some. I first tried a front flip. It felt so real as I did it. I tried a back flip next. That one felt really nice. Just a touch of dizziness while the world turned all around me. I did it again. and again. Then I noticed that I was on a college campus. I looked down and saw a food stand. This stand had several different kinds of licorice. I love licorice. I reached for a package of black licorice. But before I could eat it I woke up.
I had a lucid dream on the first of March that I haven't had a chance to write up yet. I don't remember the beginning, but as soon as I became lucid I wanted to do a task, but I hadn't seen which tasks had been chosen yet for the month. I had remembered there was a list of tasks that people had been voting on. I tried to remember what they were. I thought if I could remember what they were then I had a chance, at least, of getting one right. The first task that popped into my mind was Telling a Dream Character that they aren't Real. I'm not sure why I always think this is the task. I have fallen back on this one many times when I can't remember the real task. There was a nice looking young man next to me. I blurted out, "Did you know that this is my dream and you aren't real?" The man smiled at me and said something funny, which unfortunately, I can't remember anymore. We had a short discussion and he was just the nicest guy. Dream characters are so unpredictable. I have had some pretty rude ones in the past, so this was quite pleasant. I just wish I remembered what we talked about. Then I knew I needed to get back to the tasks. So I thought for a while then seemed to remember that there was a task of eating off a dream character's plate and seeing what their reaction was (I still haven't checked back to see if that was on the list, but I'm kind of doubting it). As luck would have it, I was in a restaurant. It was a buffet, and I was standing next to a table full of people who had full plates of food. I felt a little awkward, but then reminded myself that this was just a dream. I went up to the closest person, reached my hand down to their plate, then scooped up a handful of food off their plate. I don't remember what it was, but as I ate it I remember thinking that it was tasty. The person looked up at me with a weird look, but said nothing. I then proceeded to go from plate to plate using my fingers to scoop up food from each and then stuffing it into my mouth. For some reason, in lucid dreams when I eat, I always stuff as much food into my mouth as I can. I think it's because the food isn't quite as flavorful in dreams as in real life, so I feel like I need more at a time. The food almost instantly dissolves in my mouth, so I can then take another huge bite of food. The people at the table were amazingly good natured at my rude and socially unacceptable behavior. I tried to explain (between mouthfuls) that this was for a task I needed to do for Dreamviews. After doing this for a few minutes I tried to remember another task to attempt. I thought I remembered a task about eating dog food (my mind must have been on food). I decided to ask a dream character to help me out. "Where can I find dog food? Is there a store near here." The lady I asked then got a delighted look on her face. She happily told me that right next door to this restaurant was a place that was like a buffet, but for dogs. She took my arm and walked me out the door and to the dog food buffet next door. She told me that I should find all the dog food I needed for my task. As I looked around, it was truly like a people buffet, but with food geared for dogs. Some of the food was in warmers ready to fill a plate with. Other things were in large bins. I decided to start with the warm stuff. Again, using my hand, I scooped up a handful of warm food. It looked to me like chili rellenos. I put it into my mouth. It didn't taste like dogfood. It was better than some of the people food I had just eaten. I then took another scoop of food. This was like a warm brownie with caramel. I looked around and saw the owner of this store. I said, "This is really good. Is this really dog food?" He smiled a secretive smile and said, "Well, if it's good enough for dogs, it's good enough for people." I had the impression that I wasn't the only one who ate this "dog food".
I did a Wake Back To Bed this morning. I was actually awake for several hours before falling back to sleep. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. I lay back down with my mp3 player. I was listening to U2's album October playing super softly. I suddenly felt myself start to drift, so I decided to turn off the music. Then after a while I realized I was still hearing music, so I turned the music off again. (I'm not sure which one was the real one and which was the dream). I remember being in my mom's house. We had talked about remodeling it. I walked out to the garage and suddenly realized that it was in the middle of being remodeled. When did that happen? There was a huge round hole in the side of the garage and the whole garage was about ten times its usual size. The front was gone and huge stone pillars were being built on what was to be a beautiful new entry of the house in front of the garage. The next thing I remember is seeing a friend from high school. I had had a crush on this friend for a few years and he didn't ask me out for a real date until I had gone away to college and was serious with another guy. Yep, sad story. Anyway, in the dream I was glad to see him and we were laughing and having a good time. Then suddenly he morphed into a guy I had had a crush on in the fifth grade and who moved away so I had never kept in touch with him. Oh, how I had liked that guy. His name was Jason and he sat next to me. He had long dark brown hair and light brown skin (he may have been part Mexican or Native). He was always really nice to me and a protector of sorts. The guy who sat on the other side of me was often a jerk to me, and Jason would stand up for me. As a shy fifth grader I thought that was so amazing. Sooo, we were in a van and were talking, flirting and laughing. At some point I became lucid. I told him I wanted to take him flying. As is typical in my lucid dreams I didn't immediately realize that since I was dreaming he wouldn't be real. I kept on thinking he was really there, and now since I was lucid I could take him flying and show off a little. I held on to his arm and we took off into the air. We were still at my mom's property and we started flying above it. I was having trouble getting much height. Every time I thought we were high in the air I realized our feet were about to drag the ground. I told Jason to start moving his arms and hands like he was paddling though water. He did and we started getting higher. I told him I wanted to fly to the lake (now we were back to where I live). As we flew to the water I saw that it was more like a ride at Disneyland. I could see two whales that reminded me of the whales on the Storybook Land canal ride. As I got closer I could even see the whales' eyes open and close. I thought that was really cool. I landed in the water next to a waterfall and we swam a little. Then I suddenly realized that Jason had morphed into a baby. The absurdity of that reminded me that I was lucid dreaming and that I really needed to get serious and do a task. The first task that came to mind was the Ask a DC to share their favorite dream. I looked around and saw a young boy who looked to be about seven years old. He had brown hair, a sprinkle of freckles across his nose, and two front teeth that seemed too big for his mouth. I approached him and asked if he would tell me his favorite dream. He crinkled up his nose and gave me a mischievous look and thought for a second. Then he started, "Well, there were these two clown fish. And there were also these two dirty people. And they were swimming. And then they bumped into a log." He stopped and laughed. That was apparently the end of the dream. I wanted to clarify--in his little kid "accent" I couldn't tell if he had said "clown fish" or "clam fish", so I asked him. "Clowwwwn fish", he emphasized. Cool. It was a very simple kid-like dream. But it would work for the task. But as always, I wanted to repeat the task and see what other results I could get. I looked and saw a guy next to me. I was pretty sure it was my childhood crush, now morphed back into an adult, but looking a little different. I asked him if he would tell me his favorite dream. He grinned at me and started, "There were these two clown fish and two dirty--" "No-no--You don't get to repeat the kid's dream. You have to come up with one of your own." I interrupted. [Yep, my mind is always trying to cheat a little.] He stopped and I could tell he was pondering. So I looked around and saw another guy standing not far behind the kid. He looked like Bill Clinton, yet the lower half of his face was all narrow and pinched together like an alien face. I called out to him "Hey Bill Clinton Alien Dude. Tell me your favorite dream." The Bill Clinton Alien Dude stood there looking at me with a small, thoughtful, but creepy smile. I suddenly jerked awake.
I did a WBTB and had the longest LD I've had in a couple of months. Lucid Dream: I was in what was supposed to be my bedroom. I had been trying to do a WBTB but had been interrupted. Someone had woken me up and made me come out of my room. I was feeling a little grouchy. I really wanted to be able to go back to sleep so I could have a lucid dream. It had been a while since I had been so busy, and I thought that this morning would be the perfect time. I walked back into my room. My twin bed was in the middle of a very small room. There were two doors to the right of the bed. One of the doors (the one that I had walked through) was a sliding door that was grey in color. The rest of the room was light blue in color. There was another door near the foot of the bed, also on the right side that was a normal door that was painted white. I walked around my bed toward the window on the other side of the room. I could see through the sheer curtains that it was already light outside. Quite light. It would be way to late to try to go back to bed now. I felt frustrated. I looked down at my right hand. I saw that my ring finger was very short and stubby. It was also fat--more like a thumb than a finger. I wiggled my fingers and saw that it bent more to the side than straight over like the other fingers. What a weird ugly hand I had. Why couldn't I be normal like everybody else? Another girl suddenly came into my room. I don't remember who it was, but my dream self seemed to be comfortable with her in my room. I showed her my hand, wanting sympathy. Her response was to hold up her own hand. She had a pinky finger that was almost exactly like my ring finger. It was also super short and fat. HEY! I know what this means. Duh. Why did that take me so long to recognize that I was dreaming?? But that doesn't matter. I'm lucid now. I need to do some Tasks of the Month. Aaaa....what were they again??? Oh yeah. Look at the sky and hand Obama a baby. And something else, but I can't remember. Well, I'll just start with those two and maybe the others will come to me. Where could I find Obama? No--look at the sky first--that's the easy one. Get that one checked off and then work on the harder one. So I ran over to the window again. I pulled back the sheer curtains and saw that the sky was a beautiful dark blue with layers of white clouds on the horizon. It was completely normal. But that was okay, it didn't have to be weird or anything to be counted. Okay, not bad. I had one task down. Now on to another. [There is a transition here and a missing piece that I no longer remember.] I was in a car with a little girl and her mom. Something had gone on with me and the girl. I think we must have been talking about lucid dreaming. Her mom didn't seem to happy with it. I had been telling the girl to look at the sky so she could do the Task too. The mom didn't want her girl to try to do any "Task". I then made eye contact with the girl and motioned for her to do the "finger through palm" Reality Check for her mom, so her mom would understand that we were lucid dreaming and this was all okay. I watched as the girl told her mom to look at her hand. She placed her finger on her palm and slowly pushed it though. The mom's eyes got big as the finger slowly came out the back side. I smiled and shugged my shoulders a little when the mom looked back at me. [Another transition and missing time here.] I was now flying over a beach. I looked out over the water and could see some very large waves coming in. I saw a crowd standing on the shore. I flew to them and warned them about the waves. I told them that since this was a lucid dream that they all had the power to fly away. I showed them how I was flying and how it was possible. I then grabbed the hands of two young girls and started flying. I didn't wait and see if anyone else flew away too. The girls were a bit heavy. I told them that they could help us fly better. I told them to kick their legs like they were swimming. And so they did, and at that point we flew so much faster and higher. We flew for a while and I noticed that I was now in a building. I wanted to do something else. I saw a woman below me that I knew was the girls' mother. I landed and let go of the girls and immediately started flying again. I tried to think of something to so. I saw a guy below me. I wondered if I should kiss him. But as soon as I got close he said very firmly, "No--You won't be kissing me!" Wow, that had never happened before. Usually Dream Characters like me to kiss them--or are at least indifferent. Alright then, fine--I don't want to kiss anybody that doesn't want to be kissed. I would find something else to do. I flew into another room. There was a younger teenage boy in the room listening to an I-pod. He was too young to kiss. But I realized that his I-pod could give me the opportunity to do another task I had wanted to do. I wanted to listen to a new song from my favorite band Angels and Airwaves--something that they hadn't written yet--something that my mind made up that would sound like them. I asked the boy to share his I-pod with me for a few minutes. He was okay with that. The boy's mom was then there by him and asked if I was going to play love songs. I could tell that she would not be happy unless I was playing love songs. I told her that Angels and Airwaves had quite a few songs that could be considered love songs. I then started to sing the song Breathe by them: "Don't you know, that I love you..." See, that was a love song. And then suddenly Daniel was behind me and started to sing the words to "True Love" by them. Yes, thank you Daniel for supporting me. We had them convinced. I looked at ithe I-pod and decided that the best thing to do this was to just expect the song to be there and to push play. But like most devices in dreams it was super confusing. I couldn't tell how to make it work. I finally got it to play music, but it didn't sound like Angels and Airwaves at all. How disappointing. This would be the third time I had tried this goal and failed. I tired several more times and had no luck. Why was this goal so difficult for me? I noticed that we weren't alone in the room anymore. A group of saxophone players had come in to the room. Their jazz band was starting to play music of their own. I tried to ask if they would stop while I tried one more time. But they continued to play. Well, I at least got music. Just not the music I had wanted. [There is another transition here.] I was back a the beach. I knew I needed to get on with the Task of finding Obama so I could hand him a baby. As I flew over the people on the shore I scanned it for our president. But a young beautiful black woman held up her arms and waved me down. I knew she wanted to go flying with me. I flew down and grabbed her arm and together we flew back up into the air. I decided to ask for her help. Sometimes dream characters can be very helpful. I told her I was trying to find President Obama. Did she know where I could find him. She said yes, she could help me. She pointed down to the shore. Below us I saw an older black man who was dressed in a dark suit. He stood out from all the others on the beach who were wearing swim suits. He was not Obama but looked to be a security guard of some sort. We landed next to him and the girl started talking to him. She obviously knew this man. She told him that I needed to meet Obama so I could complete my Task. He looked at me with a little bit of a skeptical look. But the girl told him that this was my dream. That's why we had been flying. This would be okay. Could he please help me. The security guard softened a bit at that point. He told me he wasn't supposed to do this, but he handed me his phone and said I could call the president. I looked at the phone. I had no idea how to use it. I handed it back and asked for help. The man pushed a few buttons and soon the phone was ringing. He handed it back to me. "Hello?" President Obama answered. Gulp. What do I say? But I just spit it all out-- I was trying to complete my Task of the Month and I really needed to meet him so I could hand him a baby. He paused and then told me he was in the middle of eating a pizza. I told him I really needed him to do this. Again, he said he was busy--that he had other things to do that were way more important. At this point I decided to lie. I told him that this Task was extremely important to do as well. That if he didn't do this something horrible would happen to the world. This was actually a life and death situation. He then sounded like he would consider meeting me. But at that point I woke up. I had two immediate thoughts; I was so disappointed that I hadn't finished that Task. I also had a huge wave of panic as I realized that I had come to the end of an extemely long lucid dram and I wasn't sure I could remember all of it. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down key words: Room, Hand, Girl Sky Car, Girl, Mom, Finger thru Palm Etc I finished my list. Phew. I was happy that I had remembered most of what happened apart from a few transitions. And then I woke up. For real. There was no list. Aaa, I would have to do it again. But I realized that it came pretty easy this time because I had written it all out in my dream. That wasn't the first time I had done this.
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING NIGHTMARE FRAGMENT TASK OF THE MONTH (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a . ) This dream was written in past tense because I was so excited at completing the basic task that I forgot to write in present tense. I fell asleep at 7 AM and soon found myself in a dream. At first, I only thought I was waking up after my nap. But after I witnessed time shifting (first I saw the evening star, then it was morning again, then night) in front of my eyes out my window, I did a nose pinch RC and realised I was dreaming. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I looked into the dining room where I saw my mom. I then had a false awakening. My suspicion caused me to do another RC. I could breathe, so I knew I was still dreaming. I went to the fridge and opened it, and saw it was full of pudding cups. I decided since this was a dream, I could eat as many as I wanted. I ate a burger and it tasted like the real thing but the flavor was a bit weaker. I tried to utilize some dream control by conjuring up a backpack to put the pudding cups in. The backpack didn't appear even after I believed it would (heard you should believe, not try), but I just pretended to unzip the backpack and put the pudding cups in. I then walked out the door, pretending to be carrying a backpack, and decided to take a walk. I then remembered that I wanted to do the task of the month, which was laugh in a DCs face. I walked past a few people, then came across a guy who was fixing his fence. I walked up to him and proceeded to laugh right in his face. It was weak laughter, but that was probably due to it being a dream. I DID try to raise my chin and laugh like a villian in a cartoon, no matter how weak the laughter was. The man didn't give me a response.
Updated 12-18-2015 at 07:56 PM by 64918
I was with my boyfriend in a really big building which somehow I knew was a bank. We were going down some stairs when something made me question my reality, so I looked at my hands and I saw a few more fingers than usual. I must have expressed my surprise somehow, because he asked me what was going on. I told him I was dreaming and I would try one of DV's ToTM which I had in mind: eating a moon rock. I got very excited because I would have the wings for the 8th of August, which is the day when exactly two years ago I had my first lucid dream. At this moment I felt the dream fading away, probably because of the excitement, but I was determined not to lose this chance. When I awoke, I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on going back into the same dream. After a few seconds, I felt a strange sensation, as if my body was physically going through some kind of portal, and suddenly I was in the dream, lucid, again. I concentrated to make it look as similar to the other dream as possible and I succeeded. I then decided to go to one of the windows, which led to a terrace, and I imagined what a moon rock would look like. A white-greyish rock, the size of a tennis ball and with an uneven surface, appeared and I picked it up. I took a bite. The texture was earthy, as if it were soil (so to speak) and it was bitter in taste. I made a wry face and I put the rock down.
Lucid TOTM report I become lucid in total darkness. I say "more light!" but the darkness remains. I try this several times, but it makes no discernible difference. I try to "remove the dark glasses" that are preventing me from seeing. I can feel myself scratching at my eyes, but no visual elements appear. I think about the sun coming up and at first this makes no difference, but gradually I see shrubbery forming in a grey/black mist. Trees start to form. I am in the air above a wooded landscape. I fly around, looking down at all the trees below me. I decide I will fly to my childhood home, "the farm." It appears below me to my right. I see the swimming pool pump house and remember the basic TOTM is to enter a house. I swoop down and pass through the roof of the pump house as if it were not there. I am standing on the floor of the room, i see pipes and tubing, just as it really looked in my youth, if a bit larger than real life. There are some strange cylindrical objects on the floor. I pick one up, it is black and has a WWII "Flying Tiger" face painted on it. There are some strange indentations on the sides that give the appearance of arms. I loose lucidity and the dream fades. This dream was strange as it was in the 4th hour of sleep. It was not very clear/vivid. I had no memory or thought to access memory of waking life. I had difficulty thinking clearly. Lucidity lasted perhaps 2 minutes. The flying around before arriving at the house continued for a bit.
I had a great lucid dream this morning. I had awakened at 3:30 and was having trouble going back to sleep. I thought about trying to do a WILD, and I even starting counting and relaxing, but after a while it seemed obvious that I wasn't tired enough. The last time I looked at the clock was 6:30, and I felt myself start to drift off to sleep (this is one of the few mornings I can sleep in like this). Dream: I found myself looking into a mirror. I wasn't happy with what I was seeing. My stomach was all deformed and hanging really weird (it looked a lot like the stomachs of people who have lost huge amounts of weight and the skin just flops and hangs). I was trying to figure out what could have happened for my stomach to look like this. Then suddenly it hits me. The mirror. I always look different in dream mirrors. I must be dreaming. Yes! I was finally lucid dreaming again. I already knew what I wanted to do. So much to do... The first thing I decided to do was to practice being Poet Anderson. I found that I was upstairs in a house that was supposed to be mine, but in retrospect, I am totally unfamiliar with it. It has never been in my dreams before. I ran out of the bedroom and saw Jeff who was just coming in. I shouted out, "Can't talk now...I'm dreaming!" I leapt down the staircase without touching a single step, and out the front door. I was Poet Anderson. I ran until I came to a high retaining wall and flew over it and down to the street below. I jumped up again and landed one knee, pulling my gun. I totally had this. I was feeling one with Poet. Then, the unthinkable happened. I felt myself wake up. I couldn't believe the dream was over when it had barely just begun. I found myself talking to Daniel. I was telling him about my lucid dream. I lamented with him because he had told me how in recent lucid dreams he had been having he had been walking up too soon as well....only to find out later that it was only a false awakening. I had told him (in a recent real life conversation) that he just needed to get into the habit of always doing a reality check each time he thought he woke up. Somewhere in the middle of this conversation with him. I realized that there was a good chance that I had just had a FA. And as soon as I thought that I knew I was still dreaming. I was excited and told Daniel that we were lucid dreaming. I said, "Let's do finger lasers." There was a poster on the wall, and we pointed our fingers at the posters. I expected to see a laser light come out of my finger. But I didn't see anything. I concentrated harder. I felt like I could hear a faint hum. I looked again at the poster we were pointing at. I could see little lines starting to burn across the paper. I felt satisfied. Even though I could never see the laser, I knew we had been able to create them because I could see the damage they were doing. At this point I remembered I wasn't done being Poet. I ran outside again and practiced leaping about and drawing my gun. I noticed at one point that I didn't actually have a gun. But I figured it was okay. I would work on that detail later. Right now I wanted to be comfortable with the moves. I also tired to practice making myself transform, like he does in the film, when the Night Terror comes and the black wraps around his body. I couldn't quite get that right. The best I could do was turn my arms a black color. I wasn't too worried about that either. There was time for special effects later. Right now I wanted to make sure I was fast and agile. After doing this for some time, I decided that my dream was going to last long enough to do a Task of the Month. I thought I would start with the easiest one--walk into a random house and sescribe what was inside. I now found myself next to some apartments. I saw a door near me on the ground floor. For a second I felt a little timid. But I told myself that it was just a dream and that it didn't matter. So I turned the doorknob and boldly walked through the door. I found myself in a small living room. There were several couches that were full of people....several older Navajo women and quite a few children. One of the ladies saw me and good naturedly joked how surprised I must be about walking into a house full of brown children. But I decided to act like it was no mistake at all. I smiled and , "Hi, how are all of you doing.?" And I smiled down at one of the children that was standing near me and asked her a question. I was able to put everyone at ease. We talked a few minutes. I don't remember details of the conversation. But by the time I left, we all felt happy. I then found myself in what looked like an alley. There were more doors in a building next to me. I decided to do this again. This time as I opened the door I found myself in an old motel room. in front of me sitting on the edge of a bed was woman who looked to be in her 60s and was either Navajo or Mexican. She was smoking something. I tried to talk to her, but I soon saw that she was totally out of it. She never made eye contact or responded to me in any way. She looked quite messed up. I also noticed that there was some kind of white plastic thing in one of her nostrils. I kind of got the creeps just being with her, and I knew that we wouldn't be having any sort of conversation, so I left. This time I saw that I was walking through storage units. I kept walking and found myself in what looked like an outdoor mall. I suddenly remembered that I wanted to find a radio so I could listen to new Angels and Airwaves music. There was junk laying about everywhere, but I couldn't find a radio. I could see people walking around, so I shouted, "Will somebody please turn on a radio!" And at that I heard a radio go on. But I was just hearing voices. I figured that after the talking they would play a song. I walked on. I then found myself inside of a very large sports store. There were bikes hanging from the ceiling. The ceiling was 3-4 stories high, so there were a lot of bikes hanging. I jumped up and hung from one of the lower bikes. While I was hanging I looked over and saw this black guy who looked to be in his late 20's. He looked at me with a little smile and said, "Let me show you how this is done." and he jumped up and grabbed a bike and then proceeded to start climbing the bikes. I got quite excited at this little challenge. I knew he had no idea who I was, and that I was going to beat him miserably. Haha...this was going to be great. I then pulled myself up with ease to the next bike. I looked over and he was slowly but quite steadily moving his way up. I was impressed. SO I picked up my pace. I started moving up the bikes so fast that I was barely gripping them. I was mostly just gliding my way up. The ceiling, I noticed was higher and there was further to climb than I had originally thought. I continued to climb. I then looked over and the guy had almost been able to keep up with me. I was only a little faster. Finally I got to the top and grinned at the guy just below me. Now I was going to show him who I was. At that, I let go and jumped all the way down (at least 5 stories). I landed confidently and took off running out of the store. I remembered that I hadn't heard the radio. I saw that I was still in what looked like a cluttered outdoor mall. I still couldn't find a radio. So I shouted, "Does anyone here have a radio with them?" I suddenly saw Emily, she was pulling a small radio out of her pocket. I said, "Yes, Emily!" And promptly woke up. And this time I really was awake. It was 7:03.
I was in my room. There were big ants everywhere and they were behaving strangely. At some point I realised I was dreaming and counted my fingers: 11 in one hand. I stopped to think what I'd do next, so I first shouted "clarity now" and "all of my dreams are lucid". I remembered the advanced task about the candy store and decided to go for it. Going down the stairs to the street, I thought the door would be open and it wouldn't be cold outside. I was surprised how the dream let me control it and it was very vivid. Once on the street, a classmate joined me. We walked for a few minutes until I decided for a building, and put all my intent in making it a candy store. It looked like a restaurant from the outside, so I stopped by the door, feeling skeptical. A group of people entered the building and a girl said to me: "we'll wait in the same order we entered". I didn't mind going after them, so I let them first and followed them. Inside, the building looked like a shop to buy bathroom items (sinks and toilets and stuff), so I felt a pang of disappointment, but I wasn't going to give up. We went to the shop assistant, and as we were drawing closer, behind him appeared a truckload of candies. After the other group bought their candies, it was my turn. I asked him for the strangest candy he offered and he gave me a black little kind of sponge, 2x2cm, with a white and green sign in the middle. He said it tasted like Red Bull. I had a bite, but I've never had Red Bull before, so my brain was like "taste not found", and it didn't taste like much, maybe just a bit sweet. I was super excited when I went out of the candy store and told my classmate, who still was with me, it'd be great if she could remember this dream too. She said she doubted she'd be able to and I told her some people believe in shared dreaming, but that in this case she was just a projection of my dream.
Updated 02-13-2015 at 10:11 AM by 64401
I went to take a nap in the afternoon last night and almost immediately started WILD. Seeing as I have gotten over my fear of the first part of WILD, I tried to sit up and separate myself from my body. The first time I tried was too soon and I actually ended up sitting up and waking myself up luckily I didn't mess it up so it started again immediately and I was more patient this time. I ended up on a random street with some people around, and I remembered the task of the month where you have to throw a snowball at someone. There was no snow around, so I tried materializing one in my hand. It took a few tries, but it worked. There was some bald, fat man in a brown coat walking in the direction away from me, so I threw it at his back. He turned around for a second but just kept walking. Kind of disappointing. Weird thing about this LD, was that there were like golden glowing flakes/sparks falling from the sky, but they never reached the ground. I'm not sure what that was all about. I don't really want to disclose the rest of the LD, because I got bored and experimented with sex stuff, which always makes me wake up, I don't even know why I bother.