My last work day was today and I had a taxi cab to work booked at 11 am to return my hardware. I had several dreams about either missing my taxi cab, showing up to work and getting my hardware wrong, Or having my whole work day done already just to wake up several times. Finally, I woke up somewhere at 5 am in the morning as my body's response was to wake me up just to be sure I wouldn't be late. It was a relaxing workday, by the way! Glad that it is now over!
Morning of February 9, 1971. Tuesday. Dream #: 1,513-02. Reading time (optimized): 1 min. I am at West Elementary School in Arcadia and walking to the building from the playground. I see lightning inside the main school building in the western area when looking north. Although it is a sunny morning, it is dark and stormy inside the classroom, though I do not see any of my schoolmates or teachers, only what appears to be a crude version of Doctor Frankenstein’s laboratory. Later, I am sitting in a taxi in the back seat on the left-hand side. The driver turns around and reveals himself to be Frankenstein’s monster. His name is Frank N. Stein, which I read on a card above the steering wheel, to its left. Nothing frightening happens. It seems more like a puzzling comedic event. The narrative is ambiguous, as even though I am getting a taxi home, the school day has not started yet. Now I ask for reasonable intelligence to understand how to decode this dream. Frankenstein’s monster awakened by way of electricity that could also be analogous to neuronal energy. It represents my own waking process and nothing more. The ambiguity of the narrative also correlates with the realization that I am not starting the school day because I am asleep. My dream’s influence was probably from Shock Armstrong, the late-night television horror host of “Shock Theatre” from Channel 13 in Tampa, Florida (from 1964-1968). (There was a similar scenario I saw in a humor magazine later in my life; a gag about the ID not looking like the driver).
I am with Melissa, in her room. It seems like it is night time, though not super late - probably a little after everyone’s started to go to bed. I hear what sounds like her dad getting home and coming into the house. Inside now, I hear him calling for me specifically. I’m a little taken aback at him calling me directly, and I look to Melissa. She shakes her head no. I think we’re both undressed, probably post-coital. I decide to go out anyway, putting on a shirt and pajama pants. I don’t think I’ve put underwear on, and I look down to see if there’s a noticeable bulge. I go out to the kitchen or the hallway right before it. He has brought back chocolate and wants me to try it. The ‘chocolate’ looks like a plate of rice and beans, and if it’s really chocolate it looks pretty convincing. I try it and can’t tell which it tastes like. As I raise a spoonful to my mouth, I see something on my hand catch Carlos’s attention. He asks if I had a bloody nose. Using this perfect excuse, I say yes, I must’ve missed a spot cleaning up after it. I’m in the backseat of a taxi with Melissa, Brittney, and Katie. on the back of the seats there is a screen for gambling, along with buttons to press and a place to insert money. I watch Katie try it and lose $20 right away. For some reason, I try it out too. At first, I think I’ve lost $20 also, but then I see I have a $60 payout. I take the money, but then Brittney starts using some of it to play. I think she loses some of it. I’m kind of irritated, but I still come out with more than I started with. I think the taxi has been in some drive through this whole time?
Friday, 14 December 2018. Reading time (optimized): 4 min. Readability score: 49. In choosing to ride in a taxi in the dream state, whether in subliminal, liminal, or concurrent dream self modes, I am relinquishing reticular activating system mediation to the preconscious and the emerging consciousness dynamics. The resulting preconscious simulacrum is an incidental factor of linear vestibular system correlation. It is a result of my dream self’s implied passivity in initiating the return to consciousness and the resolving of the illusory nature of physicality at the apex of the waking process. The taxi driver is a projected (rather than inherited) form of linear vestibular system correlation. Virtually any vehicle stems from the subliminal, liminal, or concurrent status of illusory physicality while sleeping, and while there is a lack of viable awareness of where my body is and its orientation. To reveal this process, I will include a list of some of the taxi dreams I presently have online, though this is a work in progress, as my online dream journal is nowhere near being a complete representation of my dreaming history. From dream #: 2,834-02 (age 13, “Overpass Mishap”). The taxi driver in this dream, an elderly black male, was known to me in real life. In rising beyond the median of the dreaming process, the taxi ascends an overpass. My dream begins to lose cohesion as we are at the peak, and the overpass seems to either quickly fall or vanish as I simultaneously phase through the roof of the taxi, effortlessly flying up into the sky. As I look down, it all looks like a miniature model, the taxi about the size of a Matchbox car. There is no “meaning” here. It is simply my infra-self responding to the enigmatic space of the dreaming process. From dream #: 1,195-02 (age 9, “My Little Cane”). In one of many segments in this very long dream, I am kidnapped by two men and taken into a taxi that actor Ricardo Montalban is driving. He is in charge of my kidnapping, intent on stealing my cane due to its dream-control-relevant dynamics. In a short time, I deliberately become invisible and phase through the roof of the taxi, flying to another location. Ultimately, this taught me about the crucially domineering nature of the preconscious and its simulacra in reticular activating system mediation, as the waking process is a biological necessity. The outcome was that I became ghostlike and remained annoyed by my lack of conscious self identity in the dream state, based on my inability to discern my physical body and its orientation as I sleep. There is a subliminal factor of my cane being analogous to Aaron’s rod. The core reticular formation aspect is a snake as the waking alert factor (though there is no direct snake association in this dream). From dream #: 1-02 (age 6, “Invisible in a Taxi”). In this dream, the taxi driver is actor Ernest Borgnine. My dream sustains enigmatic space to the degree where, not only am I phasing from the taxi, through walls, and back to my bed, and back to the taxi, the taxi phases through walls of commercial buildings now and then. I do not have money for the fare, but I manage to stay unnoticed by the driver. The subliminal awareness of being asleep in bed is inherent, which is why the preconscious is not domineering, though this changes when my dream self tries to sustain my dream for too long. From dream #: 1,513-02 (age 10, “Frank N. Stein”). In this dream, I am on the street between my elementary school and the playground, the taxi slowly going east. I soon see that Frankenstein’s monster is the driver. He turns around to look at me, but I do not feel threatened. Beyond, to my left, I see lightning inside my otherwise dark classroom (though I had seen it earlier before getting in the taxi). Lightning is a factor of increasing consciousness activity and implies the activation of the emerging consciousness (by way of the preconscious in liminal space) as Frankenstein’s monster came to life and “awakened” from lightning. From dream #: 10,591-01 (age 34, “Winona’s Taxi”). The taxi driver is Winona Ryder. She is annoying as the preconscious tends to be, to initiate the emerging consciousness essence. In this case, the smoke serves as an association with the passivity of the dream self and the lack of conscious self identity within the dream state (in subliminal modes). From dream #: 18,437-03 (age 56, “An Impossible Taxi Ride”). In this dream, the taxi as relevant to linear vestibular system correlation transmutes to nonlinear. As a result, the taxi goes up and down several staircases until reaching the driver’s apartment on presumably the second floor. (The driver is an unfamiliar man.) From here, there is a situation where he believes a wasp has flown from inside a big irregular rock, but I affirm there is no danger. The wasp represents the transmutation of the previous process and is autosymbolic of the increase of neuronal energy. From dream #: 18,382-05 (age 56, “A Spider in a Taxi”). In this dream, secondary factors of vestibular system correlation come into play. A spider (depending on the nature of the dream) is often a negative subliminal association with the human hand, in this case, stemming from my annoyance at high cab fares (and handing the cab driver “too much” money), particularly as I crush the spider with the edge of my wallet. A wallet typically holds identification cards and can be a factor of expressing conscious self will. To summarize: Taxi (or any vehicle): Analogous to the body, which is imaginary in the dream state (illusory physicality, orientation, and destination). Taxi driver: Typically the simulacrum of preconscious activity (by way of the reticular activating system), analogous to the emerging consciousness remaining passive of resolving the illusory physicality of the dream state. (See the examples above where my dream self deliberately abandons this process by phasing out of the vehicle and flying, the final stage of resolving vestibular system dynamics.)
Morning of June 11, 2017. Sunday. I am riding in the back of a taxi. The driver, a dark-haired male in his thirties, is unfamiliar. Zsuzsanna is with me. There also seems to be at least one unknown female present as a passenger. She makes unusual comments as we ride through a mostly unlit area, as if she is uncertain of the intention of the cab driver or where we are going. We go through an odd area between two exterior (presumably) walls in a more isolated part of the unknown city. The walls are irregular (more like rock faces) and seem to have recesses with unknown features, perhaps living creatures, but this never becomes clear. Several different times, the taxi goes up a staircase, similar to the one on Rose Street (but somehow never down one). I do not consider this unusual, even though we somehow are eventually outside and at ground level again, to later ride up another high flight of steps. The last staircase is slightly steeper than the previous but there is never any sense of fear or even wariness. Finally, we get out of the taxi on the second floor of an apartment building, apparently where the driver lives. This does not seem unusual to me. (In fact, my dream self had no backstory memory or any destination in mind at any point.) The driver walks over to an unusual “table” in his kitchen, but which looks more like the walls we saw earlier, and is actually like a large irregular rock (though flat on the top) in the shape of a rectangular prism. The driver exclaims “Oh!” (as if surprised by something unseen) and waves his hand, but there is nothing there. He mentions that a wasp had emerged earlier from the “table” and seems to think that this event is also transpiring presently (though it is not). I do not feel threatened or alarmed in any way and calmly mention to all the others that there is nothing there. In this dream, the preconscious shows me, several times, the “staircase as consciousness shift” factor (here, as implied waking symbolism). Still, there is no discernible change in the waking transition as such (though in contrast to going up, going down steps typically either vivifies my dream or triggers full lucidity). Even more oddly, he pretends the flight symbol (hypnopompic start precursor) is present in the last scene when I do not see it or feel the “return flight” mood at all. (Obviously, I still eventually wake.) It is a general rule that the preconscious becomes more dominant (even aggressive or uncommunicative) over time during a particular sleep cycle. Obviously, this is because waking up is a biological necessity. This did not seem so much like a glitch as a “practice run” inclusive of my usual waking symbolism over the last fifty years.
I was thinking about/visualizing a story that I have been working on lately and running through some plot elements. I was thinking about a part where the characters fly to space on a special spaceplane. I then decided that had best wake up, since I have to teach Taekwondo on Wednesdays. I brought myself out of the visualization but felt odd accelerations. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the special spaceplane, and we were landing. I did a nose pinch and sure enough I was still dreaming. I sat up in my chair and looked around. I told myself I would regret this at some point, but that It was important that I wake up. All that managed to do at first was make the plane phase away and drop me on the runway. The runway morphed into a road and became narrower. I was now standing to one side of it, in a wheat feild. Across the road were several large industrial buildings. There was a stand selling bananas on my side of the road. I noted that what few cars there were were driving on the opposite sides of the road that I am used to. I went over to the guy at the banana stand because he was kind of blurry and I wanted to get a closer look. He turned out to be this huge hulk of a man with a balding head. He smiled and said: "Im the Supervisor, Can I get a taxi number?" (A cookie to anyone who can tell me what that DC referencing without having to look it up.) I saw the word 'Taxi' was printed on the side of one of his bananas. Second false awakening. This time I was in my backyard. I thought it was waking life for awhile. I looked around and all around me were digital clocks. But of course they all read weird times like 12:338 was one that I remember. This caused me to reality check. I became lucid and realized that this had happened twice now, clearly I wasn't getting out of this dream. I remember at this point in the dream I looked at my hands. People always talk about how your hands look so weird in dreams. Mine seem to look completely normal most of the time. I look at them. The skin tone is darker than I am used to but they look completely normal. I'm not wearing my bracelets, but I didn't make a note of that. I try to poke my finger through my hand. I'm simply met with the usual resistance and I can't do it. Just like a waking life hand. I guess I figured there was no point to continue to try to wake up, so I figured I would just see what the dream had to offer. I looked around the backyard. All of the plants/trees were gone. Not just the ones in my yard, but everywhere. Just the grass was left. I looked inside my house through a window and saw that all the furniture was gone. I tried to fly by jumping off the table on my back patio but I just floated back down to the ground. I also noticed that I could see my reflection in the window of my house. For some reason I had really long hair, like down to my knees long hair. "Hello?" I yelled and my voice echoed though the neighborhood. I became worried that this would be like one of my early lucid dreams where I was alone somewhere and no dream characters would show up. I was relieved to see. A group of identical people in the distance talking to one another. Out of the group came Marcus. Except he had a huge distracting beer belly. He walked over and I asked him something. I remember his voice very clearly when he replied but I can't remember anything having to do with what he said. Then Manei appeared as well. She was pulling a wagon and she looked to be about 10. Except she also had a mustache. (Okay, so not her funniest appearance mess-up to date.) She said she was excited because she was taking to see me a music show. She said something about it being a group from her tribe and their traditional performance. I didn't see any show, but I saw some people putting towels over a fence. I thought this was kind of weird until I figured out that it was a puppet music show. So the people were putting towels over the fence so you wouldn't pay attention to them, only the puppets then they had large puppets, too big for even a hand. They actually turned out to be costumes. Okay. So what are the towels for? So that the actors have privacy while they change. Pointless since we can see them from where we are sitting; and they're just putting the costumes on over their clothes. It was at this point that I took into question the reason my usual DCs looked different. In particular, I wanted to know why Manei was so small all of the sudden. I asked her and she replied, but I don't recall what she said. I then notice that once they put on the costume, their appearance seems to morph some. One of the actors changes into Manei, and the one sitting next to me goes away. Only this version of her is super vivid, and the correct age, except she was wearing beige/brown instead of the usual red, and had two braids. I remember the same kind of thing happened to Marcus only he didn't have a beer gut and he was wearing gray instead of blue. I remember both of these DCs really seemed to 'pop' from the dreamworld. Then, I felt myself getting pulled twoard the third actor. My 'soul' was forcibly pulled from my body, but I just let it happen, curious as to what would happen when I was absorbed by the costumed actor. I was then distracted when I noticed there was a fourth actor. But he/she wasn't turning into anybody. A computer error appeared. "Compatibility Error. Dream [1] character has incompatible drivers. Dream [4] character not found. Would you like to exit the dream or check online for a solution?" I lost the dream and woke up laughing.
Updated 08-12-2015 at 02:28 PM by 53527
Morning of February 4, 2015. Wednesday. I am seemingly in a taxi in the front seat but there is no direct focus on being the driver (though no one else is in the front seat - the steering wheel is apparently on the right side). In the seat behind me are possibly two people, but there is only focus on one on the right when looking back (on my left when watching the road, but I mostly only look behind me). I am not sure of the location. It is an older, seemingly happy lady in white (almost motherly in her presence), including white material over her head, somewhat hood-like. Her clothes seem like either religious apparel or possibly (on a lesser note) medical. She cheerfully and quickly puts in a single artificial tooth, which is a longer fang, on the right side on the top row of teeth. This act does not seem threatening in any way and seems as casual an act as looking at a wristwatch. No one speaks. This is during a “scripted” stage of attempted lucid dreaming and during lucidity (though is not related to the scripting at all), but nothing significant follows.
Undated: Winter. Saw someone breaking into cars parked outside. I quickly hid behind the curtains but I was not fast enough. He saw, started walking around the apartment building, looking inside windows. We started turning off lights, triple-checking door locks, closing curtains. Later that night: Some kind of pretty vial, said to contain LSD. We come from another dimension and brought it with us. August 4th, 2014: (word for word from paper) Several dreams, do not remember them all. One of them was lucid, involved, being given shots for being 'crazy' because I had trouble talking, not sure if this was toward the beginning or the end. Floated around to maintain lucidity when started to lose it, gripped a metal object. Felt it, it was so real, cold, etc. Woke up at 3:40AM. Laying in bed until after bf left for work. Fell asleep again around 7ish, in and out. Saw a taxi from the sky, it drove into a river. Then I woke up inside a taxi driving on the road (snow covering everything in both scenes). I asked "Where am I?" and a voice out of nowhere said "[Friend's Name Here]'s House." and I opened my eyes to my bed. Vibrations/being pulled into wild. (I guess I got lazy at this point because that was the end of the page and no more notes)
Updated 12-09-2014 at 09:46 PM by 71799
Dream I'm at my old house in Franga. There seems to be a party going on and Jamie Lenton is chasing me around the house, throwing some kind of discs at me. One of them hits me in the back and I feel a bit of pain, but I over exaggerate the pain, and act as if he got me good so he would stop throwing them. I start chasing him now and throwing them at him. I walk into a bedroom looking for him, and find that he's on the bed with 2 others. The 2 others looked as if they had just finished having sex. The girl looked like the type that would sleep with you at a drop of a hat. They all leave the room and I sit on the bed and talk to a female for a few moments before walking towards the door to leave. I have a balloon in my hand and let the air out as I leave, making a noise with it. I find this funny. I walk into another area of the house and see that Josh is with a blonde female. They seem to be sucking helium balloons. I walk passed them and see that there's some balloons hanging from the shelf above the heater. Some are deflated and others are still blown up. I'm now outside and I see some people going on a over sized bike, which seats 3 people. It's a 3 wheeler. I see a gate that's blocking my path, and I make my way through the door. I see Jamie again and he's a bit hypo. Jamie throws a bomb towards me, and he expects it to be too heavy for me to catch. I know it's light and catch it with ease. Jamie now has an even bigger bomb in his hand, and I realize that it's too big to handle and I make a run for it. I make my way onto the side of the road. I brace myself for an explosion, and know the radius of the explosion so I gather I'll be safe. It explodes and a few people are caught in the explosion. They get flung a couple meters backwards, but I think they'll be OK. I look into the sky and see a massive cloud which the bomb has produced. Around the boarder of the cloud, there looks to be intense burning going on, as if it's burning through the ozone layer. There's a guy beside me and I complain to him about what's going on, and say that Jamie's going to fuck this planet up with shit like this. I figure that it might produce a black hole and will suck us all into it. I tell the guy we need to do something about it, like ban him. The guy agrees with me. I'm now walking towards my old house and I see Daryl Grandmother walking back towards the taxi which is parked out the front of the house. I run towards her but she doesn't recognize who I am and thinks I may have bad intentions. She kind of rushes towards the drivers side door. There was no driver in the taxi, she must have been driving. Dream Fragment I'm in a public toilet. I see a TV screen which is showing Ash Mcgril under water with some of her friends. One of her boobs fully comes out of her bikini. Her boob looked perfect. I begin looking for the computer so I can get rip that video of Ash onto a computer. I figure i'll need to use Maxthon browser to do so. I walk into another area in the toilet. I almost slip over due to the floor being slippery. I see a computer in the room. It's monitor is the size of a plasma TV, which is mounted on the wall. On the screen is a game I usually play called Heroes of might and magic V. I see a disc on top of the computer tower, it's the game heroes of might and magic. I hear Daryl in one of the cubicals.
I was on a train with some people I knew. I think one of them was Eddy. I was at the on the platform at my C-town station. I was now in a taxi. We were driving into a driveway, next to my friends house (Lachlan S). The driver was having trouble parking. He was able to make the car move from side to side without moving forwards or backwards. I was searching for something under the seats. I look at the driver and he was Indian (No surprise there lol). He asked if I could find a coin under the seats, so he could use it for something? so he could trace it?. I found a fifty cent coin and a ten cent coin, but I think I needed the coins to be in perfect condition. I saw a lot of junk under the seats. I told the driver, that you could find some interesting things under here. I looked out the window of the taxi and saw a man (looked pretty mentro, good looking). I think he had a girl with him? Lachlan came outside and I tried to hide quickly. I turned my back to the window to try and avoid him from seeing me. He knocked on the window and I acted surprised to see him. I gave him the bro shake. I said we were hitting the city later on to the nightclubs, and that he should come out with us. He was very keen to come out with us. I said I would come back with the rest of the people I was with, and go from there. The driver drove me back to where I thought my friends were, but I couldn't seem to spot any of them.
I saw a dream of exam days. I should study my neglected lesson but I have given my books to my close friend. I called her but she didn't answer. I decided to loan the notes of one of my friends. but my mobile didn't work It was terrible... After that I saw me and one of my friends were going to take taxi.
I was standing outside a soon to be restaurant in a commerical district in Winter Park. I'd check up on it every now and then, to see if anything physically changed with the resturant. Eventually, lights slowly flickered on, and I planned that as soon as the manager came out and walked around, I'd ask her if I could apply for a job there. I was very excited, but I kept to my patience, and after while, I saw her. I walked inside, introduced myself, and asked if I could get a job application. She didn't have one, but she did have a notepad with names of previous people who appilied, and she told me to right my name and phone number in one of the boxes. Once I did, she asked for my lisense and stuff, and I told her I lived very close by. She then told me to right a taxi number down, and I did something like (407) 777-7777 and in real life, there actually is a taxi company that uses 777-7777 in its number, which is pretty cool, since I've actually never known how to call a taxi, and through a dream, I now know how! Afterwords, a taxi came to pick me up, and I ended up being the driver. I was on the highway, and I was on the far left side, and my exit was coming up, but it was nearly impossible for me to get to the right and take the exit. I missed it, and thought, "I'll just catch the next one, but the next exit became a bridge that crossed over the highway, farther away from where I needed to be, so I kept taking the main highway, and It came to a toll road, so last minute, I took the nearest exit, which went into an open field, and stopped. Turns out, Cat, Matt, Jessica, Michael, Jared, and some other familiar faces made the exact same mistake, and that apparently they all had their own cars, and were following me. We decided to walk to the toll booth lady, and explain what happened, and she said she'd give us $3,000 dollars to pay the toll, and then I woke up
Last night I had a dream that I was in a city that was actually a mixture of Tustin and North Long Beach, California. The first couple scenes I recall, I was talking to my brother Jeremy. I don't remember what we were talking about, but the next thing I know- I'm headed towards a group of our friends. I'm walking right behind our friend Vinny, but Vinny won't seem to slow down for some reason. He starts ducking in behind walls and making it into a game of hide and seek. I finally seem to catch up with him and lean up against a wall surrounding wherever we were at the time. I notice that a few of my other friends were here, this was were I intended to go in the first place. I start being ridiculed by my friends about being bad at hide and seek, and I return to them that I wasn't... even playing. They went on about how I touched the wrong wall, that wall wasn't the base. I honestly insist I wasn't playing, lol. The normal playful namecalling commenses, and the dream shifts somewhat to where we're all standing on top of a jungle gym. (I guess that was a sign that this scene was a childish one.) So I begin to climb down from the jungle gym. But, the thing that I'm climbing down was like one I've never seen in real life. It was an orange piece of metal sprouting in all different minute directions. It was actually very entertaining to climb down. So I got down, and took off across the play ground- back to my friend's house. I got to a house that belonged to a friend of a friend. My good friend John was there, and we were outside in the backyard having a few cigerettes with the guy who owned the house. We just talked for awhile, and then walked out in the front yard. In the front driveway I noticed two sleeping bags opened up like they had just been in use. There was a pack of smokes laying on one of them that I picked up to inspect, but then put back down. Later I thought to myself, that's probably what that guy was looking for. "Where you looking for that pack laying on the sleeping bag?" I asked. "Oh damn, yeah. Thanks man." He said and ran over to pick them up. Right about then John was ready to leave, so I decided it was time for me to head out too. Then my sister was with me out of nowhere, and it was time for her to leave to- so the rest of the dream was us on our way home. First we took a taxi to the subway station, and the last scene of the dream was me reaching into my pocket and only having a one. The taxi driver started slowly pulling away but I knocked on the back of his car and said "Hold up, man." Rose let me borrow five bucks to give him a tip, cause he was nice as shit. He thanked me very kindly and we took off. The dream I had after my WBTB alarm went of was a bit more bizzare. Jeremy and I were being held captive by two unhuman humanoid things. They weren't aloud to harm us but they weren't aloud to let us go. So we weren't that scared, it wasn't a nightmare. It was just strange and interesting. I remember twice were taken down in a transport to a small underwater base of operation. When we got to a certain point close to the base after we had been circling it waiting for deploy long enough- our individual bodies were encased in a hard bubble pod that transported us directly to the bay of the base. I remember the bubble pods very vividly, they made me very nervous. They were of some strange technology that doesn't exist, so I didn't know how they worked. It honestly felt like they might miss and I might just float off in the water. But both times it went right up into the ship. The ship was narrow, I remember. We followed the weird alien creatures around. They were about as tall as us or a bit taller. Their skin was a grey color, or grayish blue because of the water. They were a lot wider than us though, very firm and stout body shapes- with differently shape heads. We all walked into the main computer room, it was fascinating. I didn't pay much attention to what they were doing up front, I was looking at the ground. I noticed Jeremy started stepping on all of these little tiles on the ground and they were lighting up as if they were imbueing him with some kind of ability. Like if you stepped on a power-up in a video game. I began to look around, seeing a huge amount of little icons of a huge variety of gaming character abilities. One I specifically remember (Forgive me for being a nerd), was the Poke'mon Gengar's ability to hypnotize people into falling asleep. I grabbed that one, just incase we needed some action tools. I honestly don't remember much after that few minutes of looking around at the abilities and icons. Most of them didn't work, so I didn't fixate on them much. I'm pretty sure my alarm went off shortly after.
I took 10-15 pills of Melatonin last night (3mg each) Lol, WOW....stop trying to get into a coma Link!!! Anyway, slept like a baby, until I woke up 2 hours before the alarm was supposed to ring, and probably slept after I turned the alarm off too instead of staying up for a WBTB. 06.14.2012Taxi (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I'm outside again, and I'm looking for some kind of transportation service, more specifically, a taxi. I believe I had the intention of heading to an apartment, probably to see the status of it. I felt as if I was going to my apartment, but later on in the dream, it wasn't the one I'm renting now in waking life. Anyway, I was in that cheapskate mentality and finding whatever service that was decent and not too much in terms of cost. I find that there's an Indian lady (she looked Indian) that was using her fancy white van as a taxi service. The door opens, and there's a long green cloth over the dark gray passenger seat. I believe she had a baby behind the back, probably her own, and I guess I told her that I needed to go to a certain location. She turns on the meter, and apparently, it's $6 per X amount of miles or something like that. I feel like I'm going to be ripped off, but seeing as I didn't really have a lot of time to think about that, I just went with it. I eventually reach the area, and I think I only had to pay $6 bucks to get there, guess it wasn't so bad.....and I also think she was probably waiting for me somewhere further away from the apartment I'm going into (but not too far). I go up a few stairs to enter the apartment complex, like the ones packed in together that you can see in most parts of New York. It seems the apartment that I'm looking for is to the left of me near the front section. There's a sign up that says that the Tenant has not paid their rent. Wait... I.....for some reason I felt that this was my apartment, but I know this can't be my apartment because it isn't like an indoors apartment (You know, where there are rooms inside a building rather than individual doors being located outside, like a complex...even though I said I was heading for one before just now). NEVER MIND, doesn't matter... I call my father, and then I realize there's a dream fragment where my father had $3,000 withdrawn from his bank account. I still wondered why I should care what happened in his account, because I was worried about my own account. Apparently, our accounts are temporarily linked together....sigh...... Now back to this dream, I'm calling him to see if the money was transferred back again, and he said "Yes." Sigh....this means I'm going to have to go to the realtors or investors and tell them they made a mistake here......because I felt that I already paid the rent in this dream, even though it technically isn't my apartment, I just felt like it was. So I was stressed out over nothing, but still believed it was my apartment. I get out of the building, go downstairs, and the Indian lady is probably expected that I need a ride to go to wherever it is that I'm going to... Nope, I completely ignored her. She gets pissed that I don't need her taxi service, but she can't really do anything about it. She just flings her arms in anger and goes back to the vehicle to drive away. I can't remember much after that._________________________06.14.2012Dark Knight Ingrid (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I only remember the lady from the Dark Knight Ingrid Series sitting at the corner of walls that were white all over. She was wearing that black costume like she did in a certain episode *cough* Episode 4 *cough*.... >.> I get close to her, and I have a feeling she has a few things to sell, weird vibe coming off from her. She looked like she was happy to see me, or maybe just had drugs injected to make her looked relaxed. For some weird reason, while she's sitting down, I decided to sit on top of her large breasts and I looked down, and she's just looking up at me waiting for me to do something. She's really doesn't mind me on top of her. Then I see a laptop is near her that looks like mine. I'm still on top her large breasts, and I think I open the laptop to check what's in it. So much for a potential breast choose the freaking laptop over an anime female..... _________________________06.14.2012Counting (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Just a small fragment, I feel like it was associated with another dream that I most likely forgot. Basically some guy was spelling out parts of a word to me, and expected me to repeat after him. I think I even used my fingers to count up, but didn't really pay attention to how many fingers I had in each hand._________________________06.14.2012Cute Blondes (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I remember being outside, it's daytime, and the sky is blue without that many clouds showing. I'm standing near the corner while a group of people are talking to each other, so I assumed I introduced myself to everyone else, and didn't have anything to contribute to whatever conversations they were engaging in. Okay, no problem, just stand there and wait and see what happens next. I also turn around a bit, and see an elderly Black man with glasses on. He has a beer belly, is wearing a dress shirt, and short pants. I believe he's a relative of whoever it is that is hosting the party, or maybe just a friend or neighbor. Then another elderly man, dark-skinned as well, comes in to shake hands with everyone outside, seems he came off from work or somewhere. He was wearing a gray shirt, dark pants of some kind, and looked like he was giving off as much energy as he could to make it look like he's lively and positive towards shaking his hands with everyone outside. Maybe that's just me.... I feel as if I'm holding a video camera at times, but maybe it's just because my vision may have been faulty a few times. Me and the group of random people I'm hanging out with are getting ready to go inside. Guess everyone is tired of standing up, okay, I follow them inside, find myself a nice position to rest on the dark brown leather-ish sofa furniture. There was another furniture like it on the right that was perpendicular to it. While I'm sitting down, it seems that more people are expected to come. To my right is some female with an average looking boyfriend/finance/husband whatever, and I'm mostly focusing on what's in front of me, and what's to the right of me most of the time in this dream. The overall colors for this house are shades of brown, the flooring is either beige or light brown though, probably to show a bit of contrast compared to other elements of the house. Anyway, two blondes are out by the door, and not the one where we came into from the back, it seems that this place is like a large apartment, because I can see other doors for other apartments while the two blondes were outside. I believe one had a small cloth bandana on her head to probably prevent other regions of her hair from appearing in front of her. The other one had long hair hair as well, a little longer than the other one by maybe 5-6 inches. This is the closest image I could find to somewhat describe how the freckled blonde looked like. Her face was a little paler, and her hair was little bit more bleached as well. Both of them were wearing a short jacket that went all the way down halfway reaching to their waist, and both wore jeans and a shirt underneath, probably a gray shirt for both. Hm................ The one with the bandana covering some of her hair in front was looking at me, and both of them were waiting for these two females talking to each other in front of them to finally realize they're in their way. The one with the bandana continues looking at me.... Um... Not like creepy gazing, just probably to glance to see who's inside, but it seems she's only fixated towards me. She's cute, not exactly the type to be drop dead gorgeous, but I think it's because of how she layered herself diluted my perception of how beautiful she really looked. The other blonde girl with the longer hair, she was a little skinnier than the other one, but again, it's probably because the other one wore clothes that weren't as tight as the longer haired one. The long haired blonde was just waiting to the side with her face in profile view. I guess she was probably being patient and was looking down on the floor until the women in front finally realized they're blocking their way into the room. It was hard to tell if the long haired one had freckles and acne, or just a little acne. It wasn't too disturbing though, at least not after I coped with it for 10 seconds of gazing at her. The two women in front of the opened door finally realize they're blocking the two blondes way from entering. They do the usual apology, and it seemed the long-haired blonde was the only one planning to come in. So I guess the clothed bandana blonde was just there to drop her off, but there's something that bothers me about the long haired blonde. The other one was able to look at me with more confidence, while the other one folded her arms while looking at the side somewhere waiting, as if she was too shy to see who was inside, but at the same time, she looked like she would be the confident type of person based on her looks alone. Seems I was right, she starts heading near the couple that was sitting to the right of me, and I assumed she was going to sit at the couch perpendicular from them. She gives the guy a fix on the forehead, and the same for his girlfriend/fiance/wife. Nice save there kissing both at once. Then she gets near me and kisses my forehead or cheek as well (probably the forehead because all I could see from this view was her legs until she retracted again to sit somewhere. I look to the guy right the girlfriend/fiance/wife, and he's turning red. Seems he's more excited than I am that he got a kiss on the forehead from a cute blonde who's hair was slightly bleached as well. I look at him weirdly, then looked at my wrist, seems I'm perfectly normal and not blushing as much as this guy. While he's smiling, trying to hold in the moment of being kissed on the forehead, he looks at me and has that "What?" expression on his visage. He then has the audacity on how I wasn't as excited as he was when he was being kissed on the forehead with the blonde. And I believe he's interrupting someone else from talking too, because I heard abrupt pauses from a different sound source several times. The guy pisses me off, but I just use a passive aggressive demeanor and basically ask him what he means by what he's trying to tell me. Sort of like a "Pardon me?" type of question. Then he starts getting serious and essentially (paraphrasing here) declares that I wasn't as excited as he was, and even puts up his finger pointed upwards, and I already knew where he was going with this. He was using his finger as a model for a penis, LMAO, then he bends the finger downwards to imply how I wasn't excited to meet the blonde. Then he indirectly calls me a degenerate...... "Wait, are you saying I'm a degenerate?" (Both of us were mixing up the term with something else, but it seemed that since we were both a little hot headed at the time that it didn't matter....we knew what both of us meant). I can't remember what happened next, other than me feeling slightly pissed off from this dude, and his wife/fiance/girlfriend isn't even saying anything about that matter on his rude behavior.
I just recalled my dream yesterday, or a part of it. I was riding a taxi from a place after some seminar. We were traveling on a road, and to the left, I can see an expanse of water. Not the sea, as far as I can tell. And the sun is there, rising, so I presumed it was the east. I arrived to the city's main area. It was night. The taxi turned a couple of corners. In the last one, I saw a huge statue head. It was familiar, but I forgot the look. It was in the east, beside the city hall, facing the plaza. I asked the driver if there are vehicles passing by my dormitory (the image of my dormitory in Bacolod came to mind), but he said it's already late. I arrived at the marketplace/vehicle station, and hoped that there are still some. I walked a bit, and on the road, I saw a jeep with passengers. I had a "wider" view of the area. The jeep is alone on the road, facing south, and I was looking at them from the south west. It seems... dark, but not too dark that I can't see. It feels like a pre-dawn setting.