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    1. Fragments

      by , 03-25-2024 at 05:46 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      There was an anime battle between a villain and a hero. The hero was saying something about how much more powerful he got. The hero jumped up into the air then the villain threw a strange disk at him. The hero began blocking with a mop he used for a weapon, he couldn't stop blocking the attack or he would die.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-file-ocforhe6z6mvhgwymorwjiyi.jpg

      Unsecured cardboard
      I had stack of cardboard on the top of a car and my brother was telling me it wasnt secure to drive, to prove him wrong i started backing up, the cardboard fell off.

      middle of nowhere starbucks
      My mom wanted to go to a starbucks, living in the middle of nowhere i decided to see where the closest was. I opened google maps and found that there was one within walking distance from her home. (I was surprised at how far development was coming along)

      mom making coffee
      Just before waking up i heard my brother making a pot of coffee, in my dream my mom was making coffee and i was questioning why she was making it if i made coffee yesterday.

      Note: most of these dreams had a very long and strange story line. I need to get better at remembering these.
    2. Night of Monday 1/1/24

      by , 01-02-2024 at 10:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Reality Check Bait:

      I'm watching a livestream of Lucid Dream Portal.
      I've just described a dream in the chat to Daniel, where I had been performing a Linkin Park song.
      I'm telling Daniel that while reading the lyrics, I learned that I had been saying the wrong words for a long time.
      Also, Daniel was on stage singing with me.
      I'm posting a picture I edited, adding his face to the scene, into the stream chat.
      I second guess myself, wondering if this is too much.
      Daniel reacts to the picture and tries to put it up on the main stream view, but it isn't formatting correctly.
      It seems like he has a neutral reaction otherwise.
      Others in the chat started to spam "mature" images into the stream.
      Daniel starts to act strangely in response.
      I wonder if he is attempting to bait a reality check from the stream, but I wake up before I actually perform one.

      Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Art Gallery

      by , 06-24-2023 at 03:51 PM
      I'm in a new, high-tech startup digital art gallery with a friend. It's small, with a reception desk straight from the entrance, and only a few metres of space on each side. There are fake vines hanging from the ceiling and windows, and fake plants lining the brick walls, giving a very sort of indie cafe look.
      There are screens displaying impressionist artworks, mostly Claude Monet. My friend and a few other visitors in the building are looking at these works on the huge screens, and as they do that I begin to take a look around the building. To the right of the reception desk, tucked away in a corner, is a little shelf with a couple of small screens showing fan submitted artworks, each with their own paragraph long descriptions next to them. Most of the drawings are children's drawings submitted by their parents, or amateur paintings/sketches done by visitors. As the drawings cycle through every couple of minutes, I absentmindedly read their descriptions and pick out my favourites from each cycle, until one catches my eye.

      It's a small, vertically long sketch with limited colour. Down the middle of the page is a sidewalk with hopscotch on it, outside of a cafe with tables and chairs out the front. On the other side of the sidewalk is lush, green shrubbery. Sunlight is streaming through the leaves and pouring onto the sidewalk in little white splotches. At the top of the sidewalk strolls a young girl in a long white lace dress, with brown hair and a white sunhat. At the bottom of the sidewalk, where the hopscotch is, is two lion cubs playing, one with a sun for a head, and the other with a moon. It is the most beautiful artwork I have ever seen.
      Then I look closer at the drawing and see it's been done completely on lined workbook paper, with nothing more than a blue pen and some coloured markers. I'm stunned. Something so engulfing had been done by some student, doodling in their notes, without a thought about it.

      As I stare at the drawing, the cycle reloads again, and another takes its place. I panic, I don't want it to go yet, I have to find it again. I try to find an author's name, but the descriptions have cycled out. I go to the gallery's website and find a list of all the authors that had recently been displayed in the fan corner, and find the artist's name. I'm so happy that I get to see it one more time, and then I woke up.

      I was actually quite mad that it was a dream. The whole night I thought it was real, and I was just as worried when I woke up that I'd lost the drawing again as I was in my dream, even more so that I would never be able to find it because it wasn't real. But then a few hours later I realised that the artwork I was so obsessed with came from my mind, in my imagination, meaning I would be able to recreate it. I'm so lucky to have the ability to create art, I wish I could live forever so that I could dream and create and dream all over again.
      Tags: art, technology
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Drama and the Neon Terminal

      by , 11-26-2020 at 02:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      The laundry room was flooded, I was concerned about the clothes that were on the floor but there are too many so I resign that everything is wet again, the dream fades

      Having trouble falling back asleep. I am suddenly somewhere else. In another room I do not recognize, it is afternoon. G is sitting on a futon looking at a stack of older pictures she has found, they are framed.

      I lean in closer to see and there are nude photos of when she was younger in various poses, the largest frame is of two guys sitting down exposing their member, I gather these are ex boyfriends, she is giggly at the memories. I am furious. She doesn't understand why I am mad so I begin to throw the frames back at her face with force while shouting I don't want to see my best friends dick! She is bewildered and doesn't grasp my irateness.
      I am back laying in bed.

      What followed was quite confusing as I was phasing back and forth from my dream to my bed uncontrollably. I would be in bed and see the dimness and the low rumble of other people walking through the house, and back to that brightly lit room which was completely unrecognizable to me. While in the room the girl who was with me now looked identical to someone I used to work with. Only she knew me as someone else. I was confused every time telling her I didn't know where I was, I didn't know who she was, I've never been here before. She called me a different name and assumed I was joking or being sarcastic the entire time. The jump occurred 3 or 4 times before I was stabilized in the other place.

      She was with one of her younger friends and I, recognizing her somewhat asked her name, she said Addison. This is not her name IWL, still unfamiliar with my location or how I got there. Everything felt too real and detailed to be a dream. I told her that her name was Breanna, she laughed and still thought I was joking, but I could see the concern start to appear on her face. Perhaps I was having some mental psychosis I felt her think. This is all just too real. I felt like it was wholly possible as I was in a place where nothing made sense to me but everyone around me was certain of me.

      They were crawling out the second story window to sit on the roof to overlook the neighborhood as teenagers often do. I was tired of being confused and decided it was time for me to leave.

      I told them I was leaving and though there was a slight protest they quickly faded from my immediacy. As I was leaving the house I now found myself in a heavily populated terminal of sorts. The clarity now fully hit me as everything was INCREDIBLY coloured and crisp in detail. Like a fine lifelike render from a video game. I could not believe my eyes. The room was large and decorated with a variety of screens and advertisements and swirling passing vehicles. It was a bustling metropolitan city center of sorts.

      All the people around me had neon coloured garments and LED strip like accents, it truly felt like a cyberpunk setting only everything was clean and bright. I now noticed there were humanoid shapes as well. Perhaps they were robots, perhaps they were augmented humans I couldn't be sure. Everyone was relaxed and generally having a good time. Completely overcome by the detail of my surroundings I began to cry. It was beautiful, there was too much detail for me to focus on everything. I was awash in the emotion of finally being somewhere new, as if I always knew this was where I would end up. It was relief coupled with the bliss of newness. I felt the tears stream down my face as I smiled larger than I have in sometime.

      I walked to a large walled window to my left which I knew to overlook the city and I can only describe it as planet coaster combined with Coruscant. Vast sprawling brightly coloured buildings with streamlined shapes and transit systems which resembled high-speed roller coasters. It was also overwhelming. There was too much to see, every window in the terminal had a similar vantage. I took a few deep breaths and continued to explore the terminal I was in.

      I now noticed there were screens for people to buy different tickets for different rides or tours or locations I couldn't be sure. None of the writing looked familiar but I recognized a $ sign and numbers here and there. I was made aware that there was a public communal buying platform where people could list the tickets they had bought and opt to sell the ones they weren't going to use at a discounted rate to anyone else looking for the same destination. Nothing but smiles, it truly felt eutopia-like.

      I ventured into a room off to the side with maybe a dozen full body wrapping chairs which would contour to your shape when you sat in them. They felt like a captains chair on a spaceship. We were all oriented generally facing a large screen in the corner of the room but could still see out the walkway to the grand terminal.

      On my left arm pad where my hand comfortably rested there was a myriad of controls including a couple joysticks. Curious I began to click buttons and toggle the stick. On the large screen we were all looking at appears an overlay with games and information and I gather I am controlling a cursor on the screen. Concerned the display I pulled up accidentally was obscuring other people's experience I quickly looked around to apologise to those around me. No one batted an eye and continued tapping away at their own controls and all still watching the screen. It was then I realized that only I could see the display overlay I had pulled up because it was unique to this chair. And everyone else had their own display that they all saw on the same screen which I was unaware of. Impressed I continued to toggle and click but quickly gave up because I couldn't read any of the characters on the screen.

      I began walking back through the terminal just taking in all of the details and colours. It was an amazing sight and felt so futuristic I was amazed no one noticed me out of place.

      There were various humanoids intersparsed through the crowds of actual humans. I question a droid which I gather to be an informational hub of sorts. He explained this terminal is a dome of protection from the outside environment, all domes are connected with high-speed transit and entertainment junctions. There was more information conveyed but the details are lost to me. Other than the knowledge of some great existential threat. They were all hiding from a predatory extraterrestrial race which occasionally would land and take a batch of humans never to be seen again. It informed me of a breaking news of a landing occuring and authorities were being dispatched to quarantine the area.

      I am fond of ETs so I decide I will follow this cue and attempt to make contact. I am now outside the dome in a sort of dark and foggy area, I see bright lights and a circular craft just beyond a large boulder in front of me to the left. As I round the large rock I glance up and am almost blinded by the lights. They shine in a sort of pulsating manner coming from the center. I hear a ruckus behind me and know these are the authorities coming to help/make things worse.

      I am now in the craft surrounded by a brilliant white light, it is clean and only the corners are barely visible. I see a face in front of me which has undecipherable features. There is a metallic sheen to the lower half. It looks at me close with a tilted head as I begin on some monologue, the dream fades
    5. clxxxix. Farm/ranch, Mystical boy

      by , 11-14-2020 at 07:01 PM
      12th November 2020


      Out with H somewhere. It's day time and we're approaching a wooden or metal gate of a farm or ranch of some sort. There is a building on the left of the gate, in the distance there are hills or low mountains and more immediately to our right is a small mounding area. There are some darkly coloured horses here and they eventually get up close to some trees on the mound area and stand up on their hind legs and basically start trying to copulate with the trees, which have some holes at just about the right height.

      I don't recall what happened next exactly but I remember noticing the trees had no leaves left at all anymore, but the grass was green-ish and not covered in leaves. The horses later stopped what they were doing I think and turned into dogs instead.

      13th November 2020


      The dream was focused around a black boy I was trying to help. He must have been no older than eight years of age.

      He had no parents? I think he was wanting to get some information about some random guy and the info he wanted was in a hard drive. I suggested we could plug it in at my computer and it would be quicker this way.

      But for whatever reason, the drive needed a scart connector. I remember we looked for about three hours (it felt long, but not actually three-hour long) and I couldn't find one of these connectors, only some other old connectors.

      I remember starting to feel frustrated after finding a component lead or something. I can't remember what we chose to do at this point but I do recall a computer, with a CRT. In retrospect now, it felt like something like what we had back at home when I was younger.

      There's a large gap in my recall here.

      At some point it becomes evident or is revealed that there's something mystical about the boy. He was unliving or something. There were dark forces trying to reclaim him, back to their domains. Another recall gap.

      Near the end of the dream, a human-like demon is pouring (out of his mouth?) tea bags in front of the boy's feet. Something about these being a representation of the number of times the boy had avoided or cheated death or capture.

      The dream was particularly long most of the recall was lost because of having to get ready in the morning and the recall I managed to keep for the initial notes was about an hour old at that point. Would like to edit in some notes at some later point.
    6. clxxiii. Useless throttle, Art-cluttered room, Apocalypse

      by , 10-01-2020 at 10:06 PM
      1st October 2020


      In the van with H. For some reason, some part stopped transmitting power (to or from the engine). The drive shaft? Not sure, but it was still rolling and the engine itself was still going. But the van was only rolling (uphill, somehow) and couldn't accelerate, the throttle did nothing. We were rolling at about 40 in the middle of a town. H put on some hazard lights and other things and steered gently into a side bit stopped the van.

      Then something about a vest he had to put on and I was attaching some untinged leather straps to velcro bits? Two other people were here and we were talking to them. They were the ones that told H to put the vest on?

      One of these people was an artist and I don't remember what was said exactly, but I turned around at some point and now faced an alcove-type bit and all my paintings were there. I remember mentioning that there really weren't that many (I felt) but this small room still looked cluttered by them.


      Not sure how it started but some random character was the centre of it all now and there was this "ending of the world" thing going on. Some brightly coloured spheres went up in the air and then different things started happening but I forgot the details. I do remember some people and all their stuff, inside their houses, would get sucked/warped through reality into some kind of dimensional containers. I remember having a feel as if I could control some of what was going on, through a console? But otherwise I was not directly present or involved.

      Then some other part after it's all over. There's two anthropomorphic mice and they are wearing motorcycle-gang type leather outfits. They are talking to each other and one of them has a coin about half his size. It's supposedly a 30 cent coin from the USA but he mentions it would be worth several hundred now after everything that had happened. The coin was shiny. There was a filmic or cartoony characteristic to this scene, but I think it otherwise looked realistic.

      At some other bit in the middle of a ruined city. I feel more present in this section. I think something about how things didn't need to have turned out like this. I think to myself that if people had been more sensible, even with what was happening, there would be more to return to, or something to this effect. Neo or someone like him is here. He has a mobile phone and there are other people and there's now some kind of stigma (that I intuitively know about in the dream) about using this "old" technology and I remember a travelling section of the dream through or over the ruined city where nobody has guns or advanced technology but are all using improvised clubs.

      But this Neo character talks to someone using this mobile phone and the nearby characters get angry at him. He tries to be quick about it and tries to lose their attention? But the dream ends shortly after this I think.


      - I think the two mice were probably a reference to Biker Mice from Mars, a show which I did watch a bit of but not a lot, my siblings had watched more of it, I think. But I haven't really thought about it in years.
      - My previous entry also featured motorcycles.
      - It's possible that it's just imaginative leaking from daily life, as a few times we've been going past signs that mention motorcycle accidents.
      - The transmission/power issue with the van was probably related to a discussion I had this week with H in the van, in waking life.
      - The second dream was particularly long, but I lost many details on waking, in part because of motivation issues though.
    7. Ocean Imagery Strips and Ford Model T Convertible

      by , 04-18-2020 at 09:42 AM
      Morning of April 18, 2020. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,479-03. Reading time (optimized): 2 min 15 sec.

      My imagined dream self becomes instinctually aware of my dream beginning, including a viable thread of waking-life identity. As a result, the first rendering is a female form close to my left, modeling the sleeping orientation of Zsuzsanna and me, though she remains standing while I remain seated in a cross-legged position. She is a short distance closer to the wayside of an unknown road than I am. It seems to be nighttime. On the other side of the road, off to the right, is an unfamiliar business building. Feelings of cheerfulness and peace remain throughout my dream. (The eventual sleep-wake personification, firstly as an association with imaginary proprioception, is not intrusive other than wanting me to move from the side of the road to return to slow-wave sleep).

      Instinctual dynamics of dream state management begin. On my lap is an open sheet music book, though the sheet music displayed is unknown. Upon that is a tablet with another one atop it. The first features equidistant thumbnails from a web site, mostly of random people, and the second displays a blank screen. Atop the tablets is an open A4 spiral notebook with my handwriting describing dream content as well as equations.

      The inference is that I am solving equations using the sheet music book (mainly the arrangement of notes) and the web page thumbnails, which supposedly link to the content of previous dreams and six-digit numbers that serve as markers. The first calculation produces an image of the ocean on the previously blank screen, though it is a small strip, oriented lengthways near the top of the screen.

      The second calculation results in an additional lengthways photograph of the ocean, and I am fascinated when it matches perfectly with the first when adjacent to the right side of the previous image. Although the image never moves, there is still the fundamental liminal impression that it defines my status of being asleep and the absence of physical demarcation. I start to consider what will happen when the strips fill the entire top of the screen. They will probably continue to a new row. This identification and anticipation results in the summoning of imaginary proprioception and latent physical preparedness (which usually begins around this part of a dream’s timeline, though here, there is no anticipation of vestibular system ambiguity from the lack of discernment of physicality while sleeping).

      The sleep-wake personification initiates from my right. An unknown man drives a Ford Model T Convertible into the area on the other side of the road. (Cars, as with all vehicles, typically correlate with the imaginary physicality of the dream state or preparation for wakefulness with emerging physical awareness and mobility potential.) He cheerfully calls out, implying I am blocking his way even though I am not on the road. (This scenario is also co-occurrent with how I am sleeping close to Zsuzsanna, as the other man is a preconscious personification of my potential consciousness and emerging physical awareness. This same causal factor has occurred in many previous dreams.)

      I move back a short distance, but the man parks his car near the business building and walks over to my side of the road. He looks at the items in my lap and seems curious about what I am doing.

      I absentmindedly state, “I’m doing sequences of fractals.”

      “I can’t even do one,” he says happily, emphasizing “one.”

    8. Technology and Yellow Pennant Flags

      by , 06-18-2019 at 12:18 PM
      Morning of June 18, 2019. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 19,174-02. Reading time: 36 sec.

      While in subliminal to emerging liminal mode, I engage in the imaginary pursuit of attempting to discern technology, including text, as a factor of cognitive arousal. I look at my computer in an undefined location. I have the idea to search for the most common words and imagery on the Internet.

      Following a complete search with an unknown program, I see the most common image is one of two types of yellow pennant flags. One appears as a regular triangular form pointing down, and the other has a comma-like curve to the left. They are about the size of avatars, in random order.

      My dream includes three emergent factors. Yellow stands out when returning to consciousness. Flags represent confirmation of territory (in this case, upper liminal space). My use of technology comes about when I try to heighten my awareness while in the dream state (the same as trying to read).

    9. 16 May: Earth after our civilization collapses

      by , 05-16-2019 at 02:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am being shown future human civilization but not sure if it is on planet Earth. First is just an overview of what seem like an industrial exploration on another planet, similar to Earth or one that has been terraformed.
      There is a huge plateau with giant machines like trucks with in built platforms, and they can pick up shuttles and carry them to a place near the edge of this plateau and then tilt the platform they are on, so they are launched into space.
      Below this platform, the planet is green and luxurious, but this area is covered in roads, machines, big trucks and shuttles, just like an interface to ship materials in and out of the planet.
      I wonder if people live there. And then past this plateau and entering the forest I do find people and settlements. They live in small, almost primitive looking villages, with houses that look like Mayan and Incan pyramids, but then seen from a different angle, they have large panoramic windows, like bioclimatic houses that blend in the environment. They farm, but the way they have their plantations integrated in the natural environment is so beautiful and artistic that it makes me cry. People look like Celts and I wonder if these are just the hippies of this era, yet they have just the right amount of high tech facilitating their way of life, which is very discreet. People are gathering and walking towards a stone path, made with large flat basalt stones going uphill and I am told it's some kind of religious celebration day and they head to some kind of temple. But what I find is an old city, with the old buildings, the beautiful ones from 20th century and before, totally preserved and being used, alongside avenues of old uglier buildings abandoned, in ruins and apparently just being displayed as an open air museum.
      I recognize one street as Avenue João XXI in Lisbon, still with some billboards from banks and other institutions hanging behind their glass walls, but the outside is very decrepit, the concrete is worn out, paint is gone, walls look very grey, covered in dirt and metal parts are rusting. Then I am invited to sit at a nice café in one of the recovered building where they serve cookies and cakes from the past, according to recipes they have preserved. But all this left me emotional and I have no hunger. They insist that I sit and just enjoy and they start bringing me samples of cookies and I do feel so much better.
    10. A Surreal Printer

      by , 12-07-2018 at 01:20 PM
      Morning of November 28, 2018. Wednesday.

      Dream #: 18,972-04. Reading time (optimized): 1 min. Readability score: 56.

      I am in an unknown residence which my dream self erroneously perceives as my current address as is often the case. I own a big computer printer that also serves as a modem. Much of my current conscious self’s identity is present. I am aware of Zsuzsanna’s presence.

      I am looking at the Internet, but something happens that causes something to happen to the printer, though I do not perceive it as needing repair by the end of my dream. I may have bumped part of the top. There is a row of several cylindrical containers, horizontally oriented, that resemble oversized cylindrical fuses of about four inches long. They are full of blue liquid. Two of the rightmost ones fall out from where they are connected and spill over the circuitry. Most of the electronics and circuit boards at the bottom are visible. My printer has no cover.

      Later, I see that an ice-like (or powder-like) residue is covering all of the circuitry. First, I think the printer was damaged by the spill, though I then consider it is part of a process to keep it from overheating.

      It is likely that the process relates to gamma-aminobutyric acid, the natural form, not medical. The fluid in the containers is also an association with melatonin. As electronic circuity is autosymbolism for the brain and concurrent brain activity, my dream at this point would indicate pulling back on the initiation of consciousness (in relevance to thinking or attempting to read) to sleep longer.

    11. Nanook, the Self-Driving SUV

      by , 10-13-2018 at 01:33 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm looking out my upstairs bedroom window in our family's house [our first one that I lived in as a kid - the one that didn't have upstairs bedroom windows, it was only one story in real life], watching my parents and sister drive away in their new Honda SUV. They drive up onto a freeway offramp, where they get out of the new SUV and get into a different vehicle [bus, I think?]. The now-empty SUV is a self-driving car, so I watch it come back down the freeway offramp and drive itself along one of the main roads through our neighborhoods. I realize that if we're going to get it back, I'm going to have to go chase after it. I know that it's brand-new, my parents just bought it, and since I'm home alone, I'm now responsible for it.

      I run out of the house and chase after the SUV, on foot. You'd think it would either keep going in a straight line and crash into something, or else it would be programmed to either pull over and stop or come back to our driveway and park itself, I think, but no. It's programmed to follow the streets and turn at randomly-selected corners, of which there are many in our tract-home neighborhood. Fortunately, it does so very slowly, slowly enough that I almost catch up to it a couple of times, even running after it on foot. I follow it into the neighborhood on the opposite side of that main road I mentioned, just north of the one where our house is. I lose sight of it and yell, "NANOOK!" before I remember, It's a car, not a dog. It can't hear you.
      [No surprise it's a Honda; my parents have been loyal to them for many years. The odd part is that they never name their cars in real life.]

      I finally see Nanook the Honda SUV parked nose-in to the chain-link fence at the front of somebody's front yard, which stops it for long enough that I can get close, but it gets away from me again before I can get in. [I think - my memory gets fuzzy here. It was a fun and amusing dream, though.]
    12. The Roar

      by , 09-21-2018 at 12:06 PM
      Early evening of September 21, 2018. Friday.

      Reading time: 1 min 56 sec. Readability score: 64.

      During an evening nap, I slip into typical VSC in which I had borrowed a truck from someone unknown. I drive along in an unfamiliar neighborhood but with no focus on its unfamiliarity. The sense of movement, which begins my dream, is vivid throughout.

      I stop near an unknown residence where two unfamiliar women are present. For no reason in particular, I ask the oldest one if she would like to return the truck to its owner. She seems slightly puzzled. I tell her how he only lives about a block away. We talk in a friendly manner for a short time, but I decide to return it myself.

      I start to roll forward down a slope (a common VSC factor in dreams since early childhood) without driving, but I maintain control of direction with the steering wheel (and non-lucid dream control of VSC). I feel good. The street illogically becomes part of a big warehouse.

      As the vehicle rolls into the big warehouse and turns to the left, I see that the street turns off ahead to the right at about ninety degrees, but an internal warehouse wall blocks the view of it.

      I hear a loud roar, reminiscent of that of the MGM lion. A strange vehicle approaches from the opposite direction. It resembles a steam shovel without the cab and with the boom mostly vertical. It seems to be on a rolling platform. I get the impression of rails guiding its direction. The small bucket may serve as its “head.” Its “face” is blank and dark, reminding me of the essence of a television that is not on.

      As it continues to move towards me, I realize the truck I am in no longer has a roof. It now seems like a military jeep. I have no fear at all (even though I am only liminally becoming lucid) and look forward to jumping up, grabbing, and crushing this “creature,” (as soon as it lowers closer to me) which may be a robotic maintenance vehicle for the warehouse, but instead, I spontaneously wake before it arcs down.

      VSC personification as the unknown older woman but then choosing to initiate the transition myself was almost like ad-libbing. It even felt as if I was randomly doing such as part of a self-directed stage play. Perceiving the emerging consciousness factor (though still dominated by RAS) as an “empty” television (as in my “Kingdom” novella of 1990) may stem from recently watching more television than I have in years, though still not as much as many other people. I have not perceived television as a “monster” since before I met Zsuzsanna, though even so, I held no fear here, only the desire to crunch the machine, with a sense of certain (automatic) victory.

      A warehouse serves as a representation of leaving the liminal space of the dream state, typically the last setting of a dream.

    13. Activating a Funny Toy (with study guide)

      by , 07-15-2018 at 02:26 PM
      Morning of July 15, 2018. Sunday.

      My dream’s setting is a fusion of the L-shaped room of the King Street mansion and the lounge room of our present home. I am sitting on my bed as it was on King Street and facing north towards the window. My youngest daughter is sitting on the floor.

      I have one of her plastic toys; Peppa Pig’s yellow spaceship. It is part of a big computerized game, though is only a trial model that requires an activation code before it can function. A bag on my right contains many similar toys.

      I think of activating all her toys so that they become the full versions by obtaining the codes from inside them without contacting the company.

      Looking through the window of Peppa Pig’s yellow spaceship, I see several lines of computer code printed on a paper strip that seems to be part of a scrolling mechanism that is at the back. There are lines printed on each side of the paper strip, but I am unable to see the print on its opposite side.

      One line ends with the value 9876543210. I doubt that this is the correct code, but I still attempt it. It does not work. There is another number with a random sequence of digits, but that one does not work either.

      The third code is hexadecimal, with “EE” in it, the rest being numbers. I try that one, and something happens. An oversized toy bird beak emerges from the window of the toy rocket, generating an odd chirping. As the codes are so easy to find and use, I consider activating all the other toys.

      Study guide:

      1) What are the two main autosymbolic factors of this dream?

      2) This dream has secondary autosymbolism based on ultradian rhythm. Identify it.

      3) What does yellow represent here?

      4) What is a factor that reveals the subliminal awareness of being in the dream state?

      5) Is there a possible interconsciousness factor here? If so, what?

      Study guide answers:

      1) Vestibular system correlation as flight-related autosymbolism (in two simultaneous forms, bird and rocket) and precursory thinking skills correlation as the need to read numbers and enter a code.

      2) The cuckoo clock association.

      3) Emergent consciousness factor, which is a result of increased awareness of the light spectrum.

      4) I am sitting on my bed.

      5) Transpersonal communication with our youngest daughter while in the dream state. Remember that dreams are in real time, not a result of memory processing as disinformation agents propagate.

      Readability score: 71. Correctness of writing: 100. Intellectual value: 76.

    14. The Astounding Big Old Printer

      by , 06-10-2018 at 09:56 AM
      Morning of June 10, 2018. Sunday.

      I slowly become more aware of my dream and its backstory over time, though my family and I are living in an unfamiliar residence. My dream involves having what I first perceive as a secondhand computer. It is very large and there are two main sections attached to serve as one keyboard and hard drive unit. The focus is eventually very vivid and increases in vividness by the last segment. Curiously, I do not think of having a monitor, as the back of the printer where the paper otherwise goes seems to serve as some sort of monitor at first. This is a curious distortion and lack of reasoning and viable memory that is otherwise very common in dreams.

      I perceive what is like a web page that translates between English and Russian and I use it for several minutes. The “web page” is at an angle, like the angle that paper would be oriented in in a typewriter. In fact, the device also serves as an oversized typewriter, which I also test a few different times while also trying to get it to load Internet pages. Additionally, aspects of the Russian and English web page seem uniquely interactive, with moving parts, such as smaller drop down menus that are physically present within the printer’s mechanism, in the back, but apparently based on the nature of the web page that has loaded.

      Time passes, and something seems different. I cannot get certain web pages to load anymore. In fact, it now seems like I am trying to get them to appear by putting more paper in the paper holder. The detail is very vivid and amazing, though it now seems like this device is meant to be used as just a printer, though still with manual typewriter features. Curiously, I am not thinking of viable computer technology at any point and I do not even contemplate to any extent why I had bought this old secondhand device. At one point, I press [Return] and the whole device changes slightly, with the paper jumping into the other section.

      The friendly unfamiliar male (of about fifty) who had sold it to me is now present. (He just appears. I have no recall of calling him.) He asks me about how the device is working and also tests some settings and connections.

      It is supposedly working better now (according to the other male), though in the way it was originally designed to, which is unrelated to using the Internet or even serving as data storage or computing. Zsuzsanna is present. I tell the man of how I had been using a website for Russian and English translation and he seems puzzled, as if such an event would not have been possible on what is just meant to be a printer. I remain slightly puzzled as well.

      Tags: technology
    15. 005: Thursday 2 2 2017

      by , 05-20-2018 at 02:34 AM
      After losing the rest of my family after attempting to check in to a hotel, I decided to get a blimp back home. The blimp appeared to be in a sponsorship deal with The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company,
      as multiple of their products were plastered around the blimp's unusually large cabin. I missed my stop, so I decided to retreat to the arcade
      section of the cabin, where I discovered a
      small skittles alley themed on M&M's and multiple arcade games based around Wrigley products & brands.

      For some strange reason, the blimp was Japanese owned, and had a significant neo-Japanese aesthetic to it. It's logo & mascot bared a resemblance to Jenny from My Life As a Teenage Robot

      The blimp also a miniature rail system that allowed you to get to different sections, including the disabled toilets. The toilet system acted as the general-purpose waste disposal system also.
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