non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Nighthawk and Riverstone. We've been talking about this and that and Nighthawk says he misses me. He is sitting to my right and I hold hands with him, My heart is full and I drop one tear down my right cheek that only he can see, because Riverstone is to my left. Then the guys discuss something in private and Nighthawk leaves without even saying goodbye and I feel heartbroken. Riverstone says they talked about us all being together but him being afraid we would have to cut ties with everyone else and I say I don't care as long as we have each other. Then I spot him standing down the road, which goes down hill. Slowly he walks back to us and although we say nothing, my heart warms up again. Then we take to the train station to go somewhere and they simply jump over the gates, not paying tickets. I feel uncomfortable and stop. Then the lady from the ticket office starts yelling we have to pay. Riverstone is adamant in not paying and says to ignore her and I insist in going back to pay. I am disappointed at them. I pay the 3 tickets and it's like 60 cents. On the train, I meet Zilla and our girl gang. The train fills up after a while, to the point where I feel a bit claustrophobic, so when it stops at a couple stations later, I briefly get out just to get some air. Finally at the last stop everyone gets out, including me and my friends, but I notice I can't find my bag. Now the train is actually a bus and I run to the front door to meet the driver. I ask him to not leave while I go inside and look for me bag. He pretends not to understand what I am saying. He speaks to some dude inside with him in a mix of french and english, so then I try speaking in english and he still says he doesn't understand. I speak in french and then he starts looking at me like he does understand. But he keeps being rude and denying me entrance, so I force my way into the bus and look for my bag under every seat and on overhead compartments. Can't find a thing and he mocks me. I finally give up, but have the feeling he kept driving the bus and we are somewhere else entirely different. So I ask for his help, because I have no ID, no money, no cards and I am lost somewhere in the middle of this city. He does not care. So I get out, thinking about asking a local for the nearest police station, when I realize we are still at the exact same place where people descended from the train/bus. Then wonder about my guys and I hear them yelling from across the road, where they were sitting in a park bench. I run to them and hug them in tears, thanking them for having waited for me. They don't understand why I am so emotional about it, because from their perspective it was like 5 mins and they were always seeing me from their seat. So they say "of course we waited". Then we keep walking to whatever destination we're heading.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some dream in which I was lucid but passively reacting and at some point I turn to my DCs and ask what should I do with my lucidity and because we are near some rail tracks and trains, someone suggests making a train fly. I find it interesting as I never did any such thing so I make a train fly, but it goes horribly wrong and crashes some 100 mt ahead. There is a fire and victims and the blame goes all to the poor train conductor. So then I and my DC friends try to help the conductor escape the scene and avoid a public lynching. We decide to hide her in a wooden box that is on the ground near some construction materials and take her away inside it. But the box is incomplete so I use my powers to duplicate the wood panels and finish the box. As I do it, I am surprised by how perfectly I can clone wooden planks and other materials but failed keeping the train flying. I am at some foreign country with my dog Hachi. I need to take a train and have no clue if dogs are allowed on the train so I take my chances. Then mid travel I see the ticket inspector coming and remember I forgot to buy a ticket to myself. As I go through a slight panic, some nice eastern European dude seems to want to help me by holding Hachi's leash, while I look for my purse for money, to try to pay my ticket now. The trains stops at some station and the inspector is gone, so I am relieved, but turn around and so is Hachi. I look for the guy and see him near the door, but he is not holding Hachi anymore. I go after him yelling and he points to a lady sitting some rows behind me and says she has the dog. Then he leaves. I run to the lady, but she is holding some puppy, not Hachi. I tell her he is not my dog and she says something like "so what? keep the puppy". I am mad and panicky because the guys who kidnapped Hachi got out of the train, which started moving again and I feel like I might never see him again.
I'm with Mom walking through the Vegas strip. I can see the Stratosphere behind some of the buildings and I point it out to her. She starts freaking out about its height, but I keep pointing more stuff out to her, like how there is a crew cleaning the sides of it by hanging from above with long washer brushes right next to the drop zone for the bungee jumpers. I want to go up there so I start heading into the building ahead of me to get there. Eventually, I make it up to the top where I'm on some kind of pendulum swing that moves out over the edge every so often. I'm kind of scared because people are falling off all over the place with no safety stuff on at all. Eventually, it stops and I get off. The people controlling the ride give me some tickets, I guess since I was able to stay on, and I walk away. Later, I'm golfing with a group of people on a very difficult hole. Everyone has hit the ball out of bounds so far, and I barely keep my shot on the course. As we walk along the fairway, people start dumping buckets of practice balls and begin hitting towards the hole. I join them but never get to hit a ball before I wake up.
I had a dream that I left my house sometime in the very early morning (Still very much night outside) and I drove down the highway and made a left turn and a cop was in front of me when we turned and I turned on in the wrong lane and the cop was trying to get directly right in front of me, for whatever reason I was driving using a keyboard to turn instead of the wheel and I panicked and pressed the wrong button and almost crashed, he turned his lights on and we had a long chat but he was pretty cool about it. Instead of giving me a ticket he said it would be mailed to me and he got back into his car and for some reason I just followed him to a school that he was working undercover in and he sat down next to some kids and when he saw me come it he got up and I followed him into the bathroom because I was curious about something and after I walked into the bathroom the whole room just changed into this store with a person behind the counter and there was a metal detector right in front of me, I lost interest in the cop and jumped and put both hands on the top of the metal detector and I started doing pull ups and then I switched to pull ups with only one hand and my arm got really muscly really fast and then I woke up.
Ritual: Lately I haven't been dreaming much because I've been staying up too late (after 3am usually) playing computer games late at night. I've noticed that the later I go to bed, the less awareness I have in my dreams. Tonight for RL reasons I went to bed two hours earlier than usual, at 1am, and wondered if it might cause me to LD naturally. Sure enough, without any special intention or practices, I woke at 6am with the following... DILD: I was moving through a grocery store, picking up some items and observing what else I might want to gather, until I reached a row of cash registers and knew I was in the last room. I had already picked up a bag of assorted stuffed animals from a whole bin of them. I recall making the same kind of obsessive comparisons I do in WL to decide which bag to pick. There were slight variations in all the stuffed animals so I was looking for the set I found the most appealing. I decided relatively quickly, the decisive factor being a stuffed bat I liked, and was carrying the bag with me. I turned around and walked back through the store to pick up some remaining things I hadn't fully decided on the first time through. I was considering getting some food, and glanced at what was on offer in the seafood section. I think I ended up going back out the front door at this point and found myself at a bus stop. The bus came and I didn't think I wanted to leave yet because I wasn't finished in the store. I was planning take the next bus if it were going to come in an hour, but I know sometimes the schedule is slower on Sundays. I asked the ticket seller when the next bus would be, and she said, "1:40." This startled me because it was already around 3:30pm in the afternoon. The next bus couldn't come earlier than this one... did she mean the next one wouldn't be here until the middle of the night? I asked about this and she nodded. I decided I'd better scrap my plans and leave on this bus, because I didn't have enough I wanted to do here to occupy a whole evening. I yelled at the driver not to leave yet and quickly slipped the ticket-seller a twenty dollar bill, which I figured should be enough, though I didn't know the exact price. I grabbed the change without counting it and jumped on the bus. But then I remembered I would also need a ticket for the guy I was with... there had actually been no guy with me earlier in the store scene but now the scene shifted. I was sitting next to a really hot guy and trying out a computer game he was showing me. This is how my mind accounted for the scene shift: I had been playing a game. Now I was distracted by our conversation. The guy was trying to figure out if he should go to—I think he was calling it "Burning Man," but I knew he meant a big festive parade through the city. After talking to him a few minutes I realized that I hadn't been paying attention to the game. I looked back at the screen and didn't recognize where my character was. Fortunately it was easy to restart from a save. But then my conversation with the guy took an even more distracting turn when I noticed how hot he was, felt an attraction that was apparently mutual, and started kissing him. After a few minutes of that I remembered the game I was playing and worried my character would have gotten killed, but I looked back at the screen and everything was fine... my character was actually going around doing things on his own. "This game plays itself!" I commented in surprise. But I didn't want to miss any part of the story, so I restarted again, only this time I was disappointed to see that the game had apparently been creating its own saves too, and now even the save point was well past the spot where I had gotten distracted. I wondered if I should just stop playing for now and start over from the beginning later. The scene shift at this point is vague, but the next thing I knew I was bodily in the game, back at the grocery store—though it looked different than the first one—this time with two companions, a guy and a girl. We were engaged in combat with the store employees, and everyone was throwing bottles. I didn't like this, so I called a halt to the bottle-throwing and my friends and I went outside. I was trying to explain to them what my objections were. "Too much broken glass," I complained. Even out here, the ground was littered with it, and on looking at it I felt a tiny sharp pang in the sole of my left foot. It seemed like I might really be feeling this with my physical body, so I continued my explanation: "The problem is, when there's too much broken glass, then you can feel it in the real world. Some kind of psycho-physical complex." The pang in my foot, which I could still feel, seemed like a great example: here I was in virtual reality, but stepping on broken glass made my real foot twinge. (Interestingly, I think a sensation in my physical foot was actually bleeding into, because I thought I could still feel it faintly when I woke up.) Up to this point I was not lucid, rather I was convinced that I was bodily immersed in a computer game (I think my brain often explains dreaming this way to itself), but as the pang in my foot made me contemplate the connection between my VR body and my physical body, I realized that I was actually dreaming. I was about to walk off with my friends, but it occurred to me, "If I'm lucid, I should do something useful." I remembered the wine TOTM. I'd just been in a store where we were smashing bottles of wine, what a waste! And we left on such bad terms, they might not like me going back in there... not to mention all that broken glass... but I guess I'd better hazard it. I turned around and half-opened the door, but then I realized there might be an easier way. I turned back to my friends. "Does anyone have any wine?" The girl immediately pulled a bottle from her backpack and gave it to me. Then I realized there might be another hitch. "Do you have an opener?" I asked her dubiously. She actually did! She pulled out a corkscrew and was waving it in the air at me, but I had already realized that I might be making things more complicated than necessary. I glanced at the bottle of wine and saw that although it was still sealed, the top covered in light blue foil, under the foil the cork seemed to be protruding three-quarters of the way out of the bottle. I tried to pull it out manually and was able to do so easily. There was still a small piece of cork in the neck of the bottle, but this shouldn't be a problem. My other friend was holding a butter knife, so I grabbed it from his hand without ceremony and used the handle (as the blade was smeared with butter) to push the cork inside. Lest it bob up and block the flow of the wine, I kept the knife handle in the neck to hold the cork to one side as I lifted the bottle toward my mouth to drink. "You guys don't mind if I drink the whole bottle, do you? I'm supposed to for my task." Without waiting for a reply, I tilted my head back and chugged. I was finished in seconds. Fortunately, even though the bottle had been full, it didn't feel like I drank any more than a glassful. My immediate reaction was surprise—that it tasted so convincingly like real wine. "It's actually a decent chardonnay," I commented to the girl who had given me the bottle. I focused my attention on the taste that lingered in my mouth: very buttery, rich, even ambrosial, with a hint of something sour around the edges but not strong enough to be off-putting. As I thought about what words I should use to describe it, I felt myself waking up.
(dreamed this in the afternoon) I was lining up for a ticket. I saw Nimz with a few others I'm not familiar with. People lined up (facing in my direction), not sure for what but I was thinking it's for buying a ticket for a ride. It reminds me of the line in train stations. At first, there was only one line, and then there were two. Nimz and his companions tried to start a third one between the two lines, but his companions decided to line at the back of one of the two other lines, leaving him alone in the center. Eventually, he decided to line up behind. I went ahead. I already had my ticket. I rode the boat. I'm not sure if I was supposed to wait for Nimz. I don't have any memory of us talking. I remember having to put down my ticket at the entrance box. I think my number was 438, close to ticket 420. I sat on the right side of the boat/ship looking at the port, wondering why I didn't wait for Nimz. One of our high school teachers was a "guide" in the boat. Ms. Barcelona. She started a prayer and I recited along but forgot the words. It's a familiar prayer. After the prayer, the boat started to move. I saw us back away from the port and move towards open waters. I saw then that the boat was small, probably only about three to four meters high, no more. I was wondering how it will survive the open waters. Then I saw I was headed east or west, but not north. I was aiming for north. I also saw the tall waves, higher than our boat was long, but nobody in the boat was panicking, except for me. I saw an orange cliff in the middle of the waters, the waves breaking into it, constantly almost-hiding it under the choppy waters but not completely. I asked Ms. Barcelona where we're headed. I expected "Iloilo", but she said "Cebu", which is even farther than I thought. I told her I took the wrong boat: I was heading for Manila. We were facing another wave, which carried us very close to the cliff, almost hitting it. I told them I had to go down, although I doubted they would go back to port for my sake alone. Fortunately, we moved to a nearby island. As soon as I was near the shore, I jumped down on the sand. I climbed something like a wall or cliff. When I reached about two meters up, I saw there were others on the shore. I'm not sure if they got off the boat like myself or if they were already there. I went down "the other side" of the wall/cliff and ran on the shore to where I thought some people would be. The surrounding "cliffs" turned to walls and ruins. I was thinking I was in a forest and talking to someone about hunting wild boar, if I'm ready for it. I kept running. NOTES: - This was a very vivid dream. At one point, I became lucid, but cannot control anything. It was very quick lucidity. - I think this one is rather easy to interpret in light with my recent concerns. - I haven't had dreams this vivid in a while. I've been forgetting to write my dreams.
The three of us were able to meet up at what we're using as a Home base. Next objective we wanted to try was talking to the people there, since we all recalled at least 6 or 7 additional people with us who we didn't intend to see. 1. Almost tantric like coitus with man I love but don't actually know. 2. WG is with her sister (?) and I'm tagging alone. They both seem to want to color their hair.. and pick up boxes to do that. 3. There's an event, I'm trailing behind Wg and her sister when I had to fall behind. I finished and caught up with them but they're turning a corner. I consider catching up and at least saying 'goodbye' before I head off on my own. Yet they seem pretty immersed in their conversation that I decide not to. 4. As soon as I turn around, the coitus-tantric-sex man reappears behind me. He pulls out paper and has a confused expression on his face. We figure out that he won a prize. It was covertly placed into his jacket pocket (black tie-ish event). The paper had three red letters on a white rectangular shaped paper. T-I-F I think. Never figured out what that meant. 5. I work with him to to claim the prize, he doesn't know what he should do. I speak to a nearby event staff to get the info with claiming the prize. There was a sequencing of events and not much time left to get it done. I place the guy in a nearby line to buy some ticket (buying a second ticket for something was the first step). There was one or two things left, we got to the last part and we're near train tracks now. He scratches off part of the ticket to reveal the even larger prize and he doesn't win it. I don't even think he wanted to win it, lol. 6. He's done and laying on the ground now, facing toward the sky. Laughing, I tell him to go claim the prize. It's still $300 which he seemed to be able to use. That and the contest itself was the big deal, not the prize. 7. We get to the area for him to claim the prize and I notice there's a man in a pink ballerina outfit sitting on his knees, he's also wearing a goofy smile. Turns out there are two men who are having a discreet discussion underneath the man in the tutu. I peek under because it's strange and notice a waaaaay too revealing set of pink undergarments and quickly remove myself. 8. I go back to the man who won the prize, he looks at me with such a playful smile as he tells me he didn't want the prize. 9. I return to Home base and find a small room inside. I'm trying to fix something, it almost looks like a toilet but for some reason it had a really weird shape to it (heh, maybe a fountain?) There was a porcelain part and a wicker top part. NH shows up and tries to help me, but he's moreso not helping.
Level of Lucidity: 0 Level of Clarity: 5 Level of Realism: 4 (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme) I am sitting in my grandparents basement which is now my Uncles living quarters. There's a few other people standing around in the room, they seem to be friends but I can't make out who they are. The room is dark. The television is on. There's an advertisement for a new movie on the TV. One of the friends in the room says that he has some tickets to get to see the movie, about 6 of them. Everyone in the room reacted as if he just said he has a bunch of guns and wants us to sell them, and we're some sort of mafia. The dream gets hazy but we wind up in a car going to a restaurant, and in the car the "mob boss" is telling us that these are VERY rare movie tickets, and that we should make sure not to just sell them for an average movie ticket price, because these tickets are for a movie which isn't out yet, making the price worth 10x what they normally are. The dream skips a bit and now me, and a friend are sitting at a table in a restaurant. It's a nice restaurant, there's waiters wearing nice white shirts and ties carrying black trays with fine wines and foods. The room is dimly lit in a semi-romantic sort of way, and the decoration around us consists of statues, fancy paintings and such. I was watching myself and my friend talking to a lady at the table in third person. I didn't look like myself. I looked like Jason Sudeikis: The lady at the table was trying to bargain with us for the tickets. I told her "No! We won't take ANYTHING less than 300 Euros for two tickets." The lady shook her head and reached forward for an empty plate. She moved it closer to her and then set 150 Euros on the plate. One 100 Euro note, and one 50 Euro note. She then slid it closer to us and raised her eyebrow as if to challenge us. I accepted the challenge and said "You know what.... It's 60,000 Euros now!" She started to get up and reach for her money to leave when my friend sitting next to me dove forward for the money, but it was just out of reach, so he started using his fork to try to hook the plate to pull it towards him. I suddenly felt like I was watching from third person, and was no longer a character in the scene. I started laughing at the ridiculousness of the two guys at the table, it felt like I was watching a good comedy. Then Jason said "Ohhh! I see how this works! You get paid more depending on your rank!" (This of course made no sense.. but dream logic ftw.) Finally my friend got a hold on the money and sat back in his chair as if nothing happened, and he didn't just dive across a fine dining table. The lady looked over to Jason and he sighed and tossed down two tickets. The lady made a "Ahem!" sort of coughing noise, and then reached in her purse, and aimed a small gun at him, she was robbing us for the tickets. Jason sighed again and tossed the other 4 tickets down too. "Oh come on!" - Jason. The dream becomes hazy and I woke up.
I had little time to sleep this night and I made it worse by getting overexcited about TOTM so I couldn’t fall asleep. Managed to have a mini-WILD when doing WBTB; instead of turning the alarm clock off as planned for today, I had on this occasion unintentionally pressed the snooze button, which interrupted me while trying to DEILD back. Fragment1: OK, I wrote three key words in my notepad and made some drawing. I can’t read what I have written! One thing I do remember reminding myself during the restroom visit was that some parts of TOTM were there. But it wasn’t lucid, that’s for sure. Dream2: I am kind of in front of grandma’s place, but not exactly. I’m watching some kids playing, they are very young and I wonder how their parents could have left them alone there. They are climbing a tree, two of them fall, start to cry. I go there to see what I can do. I get worried that parents will arrive and think I have done something to the kids. I see a pinkish flash of lightening and hear the thunder. I decide to get in the building. I was expecting to see some dog on the stairs, and there were four. One unidentified breed, one Dalmatian, two white terriers. The terriers were absolutely friendly and happy, jumping on their owner. I thought again how emotional dogs can be. Dream3: I am back to some woman with whom I talked some dream fragments ago. This time I am with my boyfriend and we are looking at some items she is selling. My boyfriend selects a metal monopoly type of toy with Lincoln and a cylinder hat. I tell the woman that was exactly the piece she recommended a while ago. She gets very worried, it seems that her gift is working again, she has some psychic powers obviously and doesn’t want people to know. I think of telling her to just ignore people if they come with unreasonable requests, but she doesn’t want to listen. Fragment4: Made some kind of cake, the size of a large baking tray, and I remember eating almost all of it. Left only one piece of it for my mom. Fragment5: In a bus, the inspector comes to check our tickets, I tell her that I will not show her mine, because I can’t hold my poo anymore? I nevertheless decide to show her the ticket. WBTB alarm. I try to shake myself more awake, restroom [did not poo!], back to bed, concentrating on mantra. This time it was the perfect combo of sleepiness and mantra. I fell asleep, and transitioned in the dream. Dream6 [mini WILD]: A short moment of darkness, then I find myself staring at my hands. I am a bit surprised at myself, but anyways satisfied to have made it. I am in our old neighbourhood all by myself, so no distractions, I am also calm. I concentrate on holding the dream, as I usually do in my DILDs. I may have mumbled a few things, for I remember some vibrations resonating in the air? I feel that the dream is slipping away, so I try chanting Om to stabilize it [I was in the middle of the street nothing nearby]. I notice the sound resonating better this time, but it doesn’t help the dream. One moment I feel my dream body, and then this is happening with a tremendous speed, I cannot feel it anymore and find myself floating in the void. No! I try desperately to hold on to something with my mind, and DEILD back. At that very moment the snooze alarm sounds and wakes me up. What? I didn’t put snooze this time. I must have hit the wrong button 9 mins ago. [snooze usually works great with DILDs for me; also almost in most DILDs snooze or regular ones, I don’t get driven out of the dream so fast, so I take it is the WILD to blame? Will monitor this in the future] After that, I make sure I turn off the snooze and set for 30 mins later- final wake. I go back to sleep almost immediately, some dreams may have started I don’t remember. I wake 10 mins later rather stressed that the sleep time will be over soon and I won’t be able to lucid. Then I remember I just had a lucid and become angry at the alarm clock. I can’t fall asleep anymore and there is no point either so I go to DJ.
Updated 04-18-2013 at 07:00 PM by 61764
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 It was a hot day. I was walking up a slope in a desert forest. The soil was grey and dry. There were pine trees, well-spaced, and shrubs and boulders. I somehow sensed an animal stirring behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see an animal I first thought of as a deer starting up from behind a boulder. The deer seemed to be afraid of me, so that it wouldn't move. So I turned around and walked away, hoping to calm the animal. The deer now rushed out from behind the boulder and past me, coming a little close. It was probably still afraid of me. It scared me a little, too. It was very big. I now thought of it as an elk, even though it was colored like a deer. I now turned to my left and was walking toward a path or road. There were no trees in this area, and the sun was bright. From behind a smaller boulder sprung another deer-like animal. This one was dark mahogany, almost like an elk. But it only came up to my waist. The little animal was really friendly. So I decided to pet it. It began licking me. But then it got too clingy with me. It began kissing and sucking my hand. I couldn't escape from the animal. It almost seemed to be coiling around me. And it was slobbering all over me. I knew people said that wild animals with rabies first act really friendly with people. I wondered if this animal had rabies. If it did, and it was slobbering all over me, if was probably exposing me to rabies. I managed to free myself from the animal. I was now on the path. There were a black man and woman on the path with me. Off to my left was a small, nice, wooden bridge that overlooked a wide, shimmering valley or gleaming lake. The woman was telling me how she was poor and hungry. She was trying to get me to give her money so she could get some food. But I had a feeling that she only wanted to feel me out to see if she could use me to get a lot of money. But the man told the woman to stop complaining and to get onto assistance. The man said that where we were, in South Africa (?), people could get really good food assistance. Dream #2 I was watching a true-crime TV show, kind of like "Unsolved Mysteries," probably with my family. The segment was about some woman who had been murdered by her boyfriend. The murder was pretty gruesome. But, for some reason, what struck me more was how irresponsible and neglectful the woman had been in her life. I took as a sign of this the woman's obsession with collecting little "cute" toys. One of these toys stood up on a bookshelf. It was a little, black rabbit. I somehow knew that the rabbit was controlled by a stylus, as if it were something like a touch-screen Game Boy. I was standing -- somewhere -- with my sister. I was showing her that I knew how to play with these "cute" animals as well. The "cute" animal was basically a screen like an iPad screen, surrounded with white fur. I was now walking around outside with a tall, fattish white man. The man had stubbly cheeks and wore a baseball cap and a too-tight, pale yellow t-shirt. We were walking through some small mountain town that looked partly lke an old western town and partly like a modern town. The man and I were crossing some bridge from one section of town to another. After that we walked up a hill of buildings that kind of looked like Old West buildings. I was telling the man about my job. The man said that my job sounded pretty good. I started to worry that the man would think I was bragging and either try to cut me down or take my job away. So I thought I should tone down my enthusiasm. I told the man that the job was good for somebody like me because it was a project that was just starting out. It was good for people like me who had volatile emotions. I found it physically hard to say "volatile emotions." The man asked me what I meant. I explained -- while shrouding my head with a towel (???) -- that I could suddenly get angry really easily. I was still talking to the man when he veered us into some building that looked partly like an Old West saloon and partly like a modern cafe. I hadn't even quite realized we'd gone inside. The man veered off to the left and left me behind. He told me he wasn't trying to avoid me. But he just had something important to take care of. He went to the counter. I stood around for a bit, then decided that maybe I should get something while I was here. But I needed to get money first. So I went to an ATM just to the right of the counter. Just to the right of the ATM was a table at which sat three ladies. The ladies were all dressed like from the Old West. I felt like I owed the ladies something. So it didn't seem right that I should be getting money out of the ATM right in front of them. The man walked over to the table and I followed. Apparently the man and I had done something for the ladies. Now the man was looking for our repayment. The head lady addressed the man. The lady was tall and stately, with a firm, shapely figure. She wore a dress with red and maroon stripes, a corset-like waist, and puffed-out sleeves. She had her greying hair up in a very fancy coiffure. The lady handed us two tickets as repayment. I looked at my ticket. It was white with peach-pink writing. It said that it was good for any one sporting event, anywhere in the world, at any time. The woman said she had discussed our repayment with her lawyer, and that this type of repayment balanced being the best for us and the most convenient for her. And since she'd discussed it with her lawyer, it was legally protected. So we shouldn't try to fight her for any other type of repayment -- such as, I guess, the money we'd probably expected. The man and I walked away. We were probably back outside. The man was disappointed at first. But then he said that this gift was actually good, and quite a feminine gift, because it balanced the boyish and adult sides of a man. I thought the gift was cheap, and I couldn't figure out why the man seemed satisfied with it. But, either as or after I woke, I began to realize that I could go to any sporting event in the world, at any time. I began trying to decide what sporting event I would go to.
Dream #1: I’m supposed to be going to see “Beauty and the Beast” (the musical) with my sisters, my mom, and some random guy I don't know. But when we’re getting into the car, I realize I don’t have my ticket. I go back into our house (which looks like my grandparents’ house on the outside, but on the inside it looks like the house we lived in when I was 11) to look for my ticket, but I have no idea where it is. I go into a room and start searching. There are a lot of folders piled around on the floor and I’m sorting through them all trying to find the ticket, but I can’t find it. I go into the bathroom. I can hear the rest of my family talking outside, all of them also looking for the ticket, but apparently they can’t find it either. Dream #2: I have another dream where my dad and I are looking at pictures of my grandpa and talking about him.
This morning I recalled a dream. Went sleeping 01:30 The dream: It all started on a flight station. Me, my sister and her boyfriend were gonna order some tickets as we would next day fly to another country and have a couple of days vacation. We was order tickets through a touchscreen computer, first my sister and her boyfriend made an order for their tickets. Then it was mine turn and I choosed which date I want to fly and then it was not much more to fill in, not what I could see anyway. We then went to get our tickets and headed home for packing bags and stuffs. When I'm home I am looking at the ticket and I can now see that it's also written what flight home I have choosen. Was it only 2 days in the other country we would be? I asked my sister when we are coming home, as I hadn't filled in on the touchscreen computer of what date I want to fly back, because it made up a date automatic. My sister then make it clear that I have been order my ticket wrong, that I should have picked 1 more day in the other country (idk what country we were going to, but a warm place). I start packing my bag fast and wonder how many pairs of pants I need, I thought that about 5-10 pairs would be enough for 2-3 days () Then I reach the phone and call the airport and asking if they can change it, so I can stay one more day in the country as my sister and her boyfriend would. But the girl on the phone is telling me that it's not possible as I already have order and taken out my ticket. And then the dream recall faded. Woke up 06:30 but kept on sleeping to 08:00 and first then wrote down what dream I'd.
Just fragments tonight, but I'll post them anyway. 1st fragment: I was playing a broken Minecraft adventure map, and after reading many complaints on the forums about how the map was poorly drawn and upside down and all that, I played it anyway. I glanced at a yellowed, ink-drawn map with some villages and towns marked as circles at several times throughout the dream. The dream fragment ends when I am sneaking around a dock and examining a boring ship, preparing for a voyage, from around a building. 2nd fragment: I was at an airport parking lot at dawn. I had been in this exact setting before, on vacation. I walked up to the typical reflection of a bored, unenthusiastic, minimum wage, college-aged teenager at a ticket booth. He wore a Lowe's Uniform. I was about to pay a ticket, but then I was shocked into lucidity. It was so ungraceful I almost tipped over. Sadly, my first thought was how lightly I was sleeping. I could start to feel the pillow under my shoulders. Focus... focus... My eyes, in waking life, opened. After several attempts to DEILD, I decided I was too awake to fall asleep again.
Updated 09-11-2011 at 11:12 PM by 49493
BiscuitHappyz's Dream Just fragments tonight, but I'll post them anyway. Sorry I'm so late posting, I'm aware that the first 28th attempt is already posted. >_> 1st fragment: I was playing a broken Minecraft adventure map, and after reading many complaints on the forums about how the map was poorly drawn and upside down and all that, I played it anyway. I glanced at a yellowed, ink-drawn map with some villages and towns marked as circles at several times throughout the dream. The dream fragment ends when I am sneaking around a dock and examining a boring ship, preparing for a voyage, from around a building. 2nd fragment: I was at an airport parking lot at dawn. I had been in this exact setting before, on vacation. I walked up to the typical reflection of a bored, unenthusiastic, minimum wage, college-aged teenager at a ticket booth. He wore a Lowe's Uniform. I was about to pay a ticket, but then I was shocked into lucidity. It was so ungraceful I almost tipped over. Sadly, my first thought was how lightly I was sleeping. I could start to feel the pillow under my shoulders. Focus... focus... My eyes, in waking life, opened. After several attempts to DEILD, I decided I was too awake to fall asleep again.
07.05.2011I can't see, I can't see! (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was driving my car with a friend. I realize I could not see very well, so I decided to take my sun glasses, after all, it was night. As I did, I completely lost vision. I was worried because I was driving at 50 mph and I could not see at all. I was worried I was going to crash. The car did not brake so I had to keep driving. My friend told me, "Do not enter the intersection!!! Red light! Photo Enforced!" I could not brake and my car started turning. I could see the flash from the camera through my eye lids. A few feet later, I crashed and woke up. Funny enough, I was not freaking out nor nervious. It is good to be semi-lucid on most dreams, specially on nightmares!