I was at the train station bridge behind my house, a bunch of people had a menu floating above their heads with plans or "quests", it became overwhelming to pursue everyone's plans at some point. Dream was in English. This scenario was most likely influenced by this Mega Man Star Force gameplay I was watching where they did all the side quests: https://youtu.be/lzH97COCWWw
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With a male friend and following a female friend. We lose her when she goes around a corner and a bunch of other people get in the way. Something is going on because people are acting strange. We are at my home village and we decide to go inside a bakery located in its main square. There is some kind of celebration going on inside, supposedly regarding New Year's, but we are past that day. And anyway, they are playing some Xmas songs and the whole thing makes no sense. Still, I join in for fun. The party is also themed like the '40s and the Xmas music is only from that era. I notice my teen crush Tiago sitting there on a table with some other guy and I notice he is trying to ignore me but very much saw me. I look hot and I am dressed in a sexy mini skirt and I decide to taunt him a bit. I keep pretending I didn't see him and start dancing with others. But he also keeps ignoring me, so I get bored. Then I check the cakes on the counter and I am desperate to have a slice of a couple of them. But the bakery owner says they aren't selling slices directly. I have to buy a raffle ticket and I get whatever cake comes up in the ticket, if any. But lots of the cakes have chocolate amd I say I specifically need those without it. The owner keeps refusing and then says she can sell me directly but only the whole cake to take out. I tell her ok, whatever it takes and ask the price of a couple of them. I am expecting it to be pricey, but affordable. I have maybe 20-30€ in my wallet. But she says it's a 100€. I say that's insane and then ask how many cakes is she packing on that box and how much for just one and she keeps saying it is 100 for each. I repeat that's insane. She explains it is only today because of the special event and she is doing this as a special favor to me. I pass. I head to the door and see some guy throwing a hand grenade or homemade bomb towards the window to the right of the door. I yell for people to duck and I run to the opposite side. It blows and breaks the window. Some guy pulls me to a storage room on the back and i hope there is a backdoor to exit. There is, but when I open it, I see the back leads to empty lots and some suspicious pick ups are driving like nuts in the roads between the lots and heading our way. A guy jumps off one the trucks and walks with another grenade in his hand towards us. I try to barricade, but there are only soft materials. So I run to the washroom and try tp escape through the window. But it opens to some kind of enclosed backyard whith the ground two floors below. So I have to do some climbing and holding on to the ledges of windows and go around the walls that make a square around the yard, until I find another open window. That one leads directly to the lobby of a train station remotely similar to the station of Santa Apolónia in Lisbon. There are people visibly in shock running inside for the trains and some weird tall people in blue waterproof coats seem to be trying to control them. They start closing some interior doors to the platforms to stop people from going in. I make a run for it and manage to get inside. Not without one of these blue dressed women grabbing me. They are weird. She doesn't hurt me and she seems unable to restrain me seriously. She is just passively agressively asking me to leave. And I refuse and ask who they are. She says they are just clones that here to help. I notice how she looks like Fernanda. I push her and she calls for backup of a male. They both surround me and try to make me go back but I grab their arms and push them around and notice that they don't react with harmful strenghth, so I decide to push them harder and run for it, which works. They lose interest and try to stop other people. I go to the ticket booth and ask for a ticket out of the city. The lady says there is no need for ticket, they are evacuating all who want to. They themselves seem to be packing to leave. So I go to the platforms and try to look for the right train but the info on the boards is all messed up and impossible to know. So two guys point me to a tunnel and say we gotta follow it because the trains have all left already. So I go with them. But at some point a train comes out of nowhere speeding towards us and we need to jump to the other tracks to escape it. Strange thing is that it's being pulled by a human like a horse pulling a carriage. Then another train is coming from the opposite way on the other track and we have to jump again. Same thing, pulled by a human. It's surreal. Then the guys decide to disappear up a vertical tunnel over our heads, but I try to follow them and can't, it is too tight and with rough edges where I get stuck uncomfortably. I feel claustrophobic and give up. Instead I decide to continue following a larger tunnel that bifurcates from the one with the trains we were in.
Updated 01-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some place sitting at a big table with different people. My cousin Duarte is there at some distance and Bad Wolf is nearer. Someone is at the door and some girl opens it. Someone ordered sandwiches, but Bad Wolf gets disturbed with that, says no one should have opened the door, because he is being chased by some debt collectors from the IRS or something and they can't see him inside. We want to protect him, so we are more careful and try to spot anyone suspicious outside. All is fine, so we turn to the table to eat. I am also turning the pages of an old agenda with notes that attracts Bad Wolf's attention. He asks me about it, I mention some stuff there that was written by my mom and that I used it later as a notebook. We become very friendly and shoulder to shoulder and it feels right. My cousin spots it and doesn't know our background so he finds it odd and then asks me about levels of appropriate touching between strangers and I clarify him that I am no stranger to Bad Wolf. At a college in a palace, just as a visitor or a prospective student. I attend a class and I am supposed to join another class at the -1 floor, so I take the main staircase down to ground level, where I see that outside is under a blizzard like we've never seen around. Also, it's July and I am sleeveless and wearing sandals. I make a loud comment on how am I supposed to walk on that snow like this. Some female teacher in sandals agrees emphatically: "exactly, how are we gonna do it?" and points to her own feet. As I keep going down the stairs I make a snarky remark like "So you don"t believe global warming? Here is your global warming!" and some idiot girl replies loudly "Yeah, exactly! It's snowing in the summer." And I shake my damn head realizing she didn't pick the sarcasm. So I get to -1 and find a class I think is the one I am looking for, but after sitting I realize they are debating Star Wars. Fascinating stuff and they are putting on a video of an episode to clarify something, which seems great, but this is not my intended class. I go down a corridor and enter an area of teachers and assistants offices. One door is open and some students there who look at me. I signal that I am just lost and will leave but one of the guys fancies me and comes to the door smiling and offering to help me on whatever I need. I fancy him too, but I am focused and keep going after smiling back to him. I stumble across another corridor which seems more like a private residence area and then I reach a big open ballroom, 2 story high. It's full of older folks, all very posh and dandy, dancing classical ballroom dances, while some dandy younger people are watching them, I suppose learning. I want to go across and keep going, but everyone spots me and won't let me go. They force me to attend the lesson as some kind of punishment or for their entertainment. They gather a group of younger all female dancer, put a more jazzy music and I have to join them. At first I fail miserably, but then I pick it up reasonably well and decide to add my own style as if I know what I am doing. In the end, most men applaud and cheer me, but the ladies dancing are pissed as their intent was to shame me. Some of the older guys are madly falling for me and one is holding on to a shawl that I used in my dance, as if his life depended on it. I am working and studying abroad, looks like in Belgium. I am with a friend in similar situation. Today we leave for good and we go back home, so we do our last shift in the bar we work at. A pretty industrial looking bar at the city center, right in front of the university we've been attending. My friend is heartbroken because she had been dating a guy and they had a fight and she doesn't see him for weeks but doesn't want to leave for good without seeing him again. But she lost contact with him and doesn't know how to find him. As we leave the bar and go around the block, we spot him entering a shop nearby and buying some gift. I feel like he is going to the bar next, looking for her, so I push her to go back and wait for him and she is over the top happy. Meanwhile I go back home to pack the bags. First I pass by the bus terminal to get tickets to the airport and there is a huge line, because they are having a promotion in which everyone gets free tickets and pays at the destination point on arrival. I really don't see the advantage, but it makes me wait in a line for too long. As I wait near the desk where they issue the tickets, I start taking things from under a chair next to me, curious about all the boxes of different sizes, jammed under it. It is boxes with sewing material and then I have trouble putting them all back in the same order. Back home I start packing, surrounded by our other roommates, all excited and not allowing me to focus on my task. I recall the stress of being always late packing my stuff and missing my flights (in dreams), so I try to really throw everything on the bags without losing myself on details. But I still am a bit too tight on the schedule and nervous. Actually don't even know for sure at what time is the plane. Also my friend isn't coming and I have to depart alone. The bus trip is super stressful as the bus has to go down a mountain in a very narrow road and every one is nervously making jokes at how we risk going over the cliff. At my farm, my dogs are very agitated. I hear machines working not too far, but what catches my attention is a strong meow nearby and my dogs rushing to the gate as if they are seeing some animal outside. I go running and spot a yellow baby kitten alone in the ground and pick him up. He looks thankful to be rescued and I go around looking for more or possibly his mother. Find another yellow kitty a few steps away, but this one is motionless and lying on the ground. I pick him up too and he is still breathing, just very cold. As soon as I warm them up they both look much better, but I want to give them water and some food asap. I still go around looking for where they come from and on a slope I spot some cave and thing maybe their mom is there with other kittens. Instead I spot two dogs with two litters of puppies. They seem all ok and safe and even growl at me, so I leave them. No sight of cats or kittens. Then my mom arrives when I am near my gate again and she tells me to look in another direction first. We go the other way and immediately we're right in the middle of Vila Franca, close to the train station. There I see lots of stray cats, most adults and they seem well fed and healthy. Finally spot a female white and yellow cat who can be their mom, she has a bed in a sheltered corner at the station, but no signs of other kittens or that she is nursing. There is another yellow one, bigger, a few months old, and he starts playing with some of the other cats that followed me around and ends up on the train tracks. I freak out and go scare them away from there. Then decide to just leave because I am adding more chaos and putting them in danger and I should be taking care of the kitties. I have been keeping them in my bosom, stuck between my skin and my shirt and the warmth seems to have done some good as they are both responsive and active now.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening It's the 30s or 40s. I am in a family that is part of some resistance. We are at a central station trying to get a train to somewhere and some policeman recognizes us. We are at some subterranean level and we find some stairs going up. I push my family members upstairs and try to block the stairs with something to gain time, then follow them. I hear shots but fortunately no bullet hits me. At the most upper floor there is a library or office with a large framed window with access to outside (it is actually ground floor). The window is very high and we need to climb bookshelves to get there. There are no doors connecting elsewhere and the window has no possibility of opening. I look for something heavy and I can only find a rotary phone that I pull and take with me. Our chasers are already inside the office but I manage to break a corner of the window, 2 or 3 framed squares, enough for us to glide outside. It's almost a one floor high but we manage. Some passersby see us but seem not to care. I spot some police or military not so far away but we mingle with other people and they don't seem to be looking for us. We need to turn at a nearby street but we walk instead of running to avoid attracting attention. We look for shelter as soon as possible to get out of the street. Meanwhile, throughout our several hideout attempts there are several tornados forming and we run from them through the streets and look for hideouts that can resist the winds. Most of the places we enter are modern buildings full of glass walls and glass ceilings, open spaces that offer no protection and no underground levels. It is frustrating. Then we find at some kind of terminal a small concrete cubicle at a corner, where an old very poor couple lives, with no roof or windows, just a concrete box and we kinda invade their home and try to explain to them why and hope they don't get too mad.
Updated 10-09-2019 at 10:04 PM by 34880
I am at a train station with Melissa. There is a slight platform with a ticket booth on it and three terminals beyond it at 12, 3, and 9 o’clock. We approach and the lady asks us which we’ll need a ticket for. I tell her that I honestly don’t really know, but that we’re going to Colorado, so whichever that one might be. She doesn’t really offer much help, but another girls shows up and says that’s right by Nebraska, pointing us to the train to our left. We get our tickets and head over to it. I briefly wonder how we’ll actually get to Colorado from wherever this train takes us. When I search Nebraska on my map, it looks like it is right by Colorado, so much so that when I zoom out they pretty much blend together. We now seem to be on the train, which looks more like a room with seats along the walls. The seats look like red velvet or like the ones in movie theaters. There is a female couple that we’re going to be sitting by; there’s a slight confusion of people already sitting, people starting to sit, and people like me what are figuring out where they’re going to sit. I end up sitting by one of the girls, and Melissa will be on my left.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening With my mom, separating and displaying clothes on hangers for selling. I am upset that she put some dress that I like for sale and I remove it. Then we are balancing ourselves and the clothes on top of ironing boards balancing upon other ironing boards. An iron falls to the ground, almost hitting one of our cats. I tell her that it was due to her being distracted, but she didn't even notice. We come down to the ground and we are now on the platform of a train station. On another platform she spots a baby boar and I say "na-uh, it's a pack of boars walking in line." I wanna take a picture but also want to stay at a close distance to the exit, in case they cross the train tracks to our side. My mom is unafraid and walks 'till the edge at the far end of the platform. I notice now that she had Hachi by the leash and ties his leash to some door handles. I run to it as soon as possible, because very likely she didn't tied it well and he might escape. Indeed he gets lose and is about to chase the boars when I get hold of him. Then we get on a train to do some long travel and there are no doors on the wagon, it's very cold and dangerous. We discuss what to use to cover the doors, like a wooden board. Then a fiscal comes by and asks how people are doing and says that this will be solved. Next stop my mom does something stupid like hanging from one hand and swinging outside to pick up something while the train is still in motion. New passengers come in and comment how she is crazy and I agree. Then the doors are finally covered and the train is getting full, so no more cold. Instead some couple of kids with no manners start causing discomfort among passengers and one decides to smoke a fat cigar filling the place with smoke. Everybody complains but he is a bully and threatens everyone. People fear him. I don't. I take his cigar out of his hand and put it out. He is angry and says he will beat me. I say I am not afraid because he is smaller than me and I can kick his ass. Then I recall "oh, and I am purple belt in Kenpo" but immediately feel scared that I don't remember one movement how to fight and may look silly, since I don't practice for a while. But he actually shows respect and wants to know my school. After a while we are best friends. He has a gypsy look with fabulous blue eyes. I end up going to one of his kids birthday party with my cats.
Did I sell myself? I remember a train station since I could see it so clearly and it was so detailed. The black steel beams that created a beautiful pattern decorated with pink flowers that was climbing it’s way up to the roof. Old gate lanters were everywhere to be seen and just helped the whole thing to look so old fashioned and romantic. But we only passed it by. With us, I meant the group of people I was hanging out with. One really tall man, easy above 2 meters. I tried to grab his arm and since I felt we had that kind of connection. I tried to look up to him. To really get a good glimpse of his face but it was definitely not a very easy task! He was busy with our mission, to look for more people to join us. We passed by a shop that selled gemstones, that I had visited in a different dream from before. She was dressed all in black, had at least three different shades of purple in her black poffy emo looking hair. She was looking so cool and not to mention her attitude. The super tall man talked to her while walking away from the train station and the little gem shop. I couldn’t help but to feel jealous and tried to get his attention but he didn’t care. He didn’t shove me off or anything just giving me the look: “Not now, K?” He was never looking directly at me either. More like, glancing at me or even looking down at me… since he was so freaking-ishly tall! I went home and straight to the bed. Sulking. There were other girls in the room, kind of half naked. I suddenly didn’t wear anything on my upper body, topless you know, and talked to the girls that seemed more or less drunk or even high. The place was really dirty. What I noticed when I tried to walked around was that every girl were in this weird kind of state. Even I had a hard time trying to stay on my feet. Music was playing on the loudest possible volume outside the room. Since there were sooo many beds in a room made me start to think of what kind of a place this was. Note: The man looked like an inspector.
Updated 09-25-2018 at 05:10 PM by 95361 (Fixed spelling errors)
Morning of February 22, 2016. Monday. Reading time: 5 min 42 sec. Readability score: 66. My family and I are leaving our home on Stadcor Street due to an understanding that Daniel (Zsuzsanna’s younger half-brother on her mother’s side) is ill and could make us sick. (This is illogical because he is not around or likely to visit.) I carry a big suitcase as we all leave our house. We walk toward the city of Brisbane, but I have the idea we will be walking to America to avoid getting the illness. Eventually, we are sitting at a bus stop in an unfamiliar area with other people after I get tired of walking. (There are at least two bus shelters oriented end to end.) I am uncertain when the bus will arrive or if it will take us to our destination (closer to America, reachable by a short bridge from Australia as they are next to each other in my dream). I begin to realize that I have a car we can use that should be appearing soon. I think it is the fancy white car across the street. As I go to it, I look at the back to notice my first name written clearly above the license plate. That may be evidence it is my car though I consider it may belong to someone else. The door on the front left side is open, and we all get in, though I am the only one that sits in front. I assume the car has three rows of seats, as otherwise, all of us would not be able to fit. There is a periscope as well as an automatic pilot. I quickly drive off while vaguely thinking that it still might be someone else’s car but this is not a concern. I safely and effortlessly drive through buildings, solid walls, and over water. I stop at a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. I look over the cliff to see a few men wandering about on the rocks about ten feet below. Now there is an unknown homeless male with us, and I offer him food. (He has not eaten for a few days and has been wandering in the region.) I pick up a suitcase to use infra-control as a potential to create food in it, but upon opening it, there are only my family’s folded clothes inside, I then open a rucksack and reach in expectantly and see I am holding a baguette. He is cheerfully thankful, as it is his favorite food. I reach in and produce a second one, which I also give him. I think about how the southeast section of America nearly touches the northwest section of Australia. It is like I see the Strait of Juan De Fuca (northwest above Washington state in reality) in the northwest corner of Australia, and that links to Charleston, North Carolina. Part of it could be confusing the Victoria above Washington state with the Victoria in Australia. It is not only an error of country location. I think we are still in Brisbane (the opposite side of Australia than my dream’s implication). (However, if you rotate Australia around to line up with the USA, the two Victorias are in the same area, though one is a city and one is a state.) We are now at a Brisbane train station. It seems to be nighttime. There is a Russian wolfhound (Borzoi) lying on one of the benches. It possesses the soul of an unknown man’s ex-girlfriend. He hired a cult leader (present near a waiting train) to transform her with magic. I talk to the dog. She acts as if I am ridiculous in talking to her and makes a sarcastic remark about people who talk to dogs. There is an ambiguous awareness that I am in a bus station and the dog is a greyhound (as a Greyhound is a kind of bus). The increasing ambiguity, along with the dog’s sarcastic attitude, annoys me. I decide to help her even though she seems resigned to her fate. I tell the young male cult leader that I will change the dog back, but he believes he is the only one with magical powers. I say, “…and now a golden candle, taller than me, appears here,” and it happens. A golden candle taller than I appears before me in a giant brass candle holder. He is amazed and stunned. It gets smaller until it is of standard size. I place it atop a small, round, wooden table that belongs to be the cult leader (even though it is a public area). Some blue, jellylike wax overflows from the giant candle holder. I apologize to him in case any of it falls out to damage the tabletop, though this does not occur. From here, looking at the mixed colors brings me into an abstract state, and I slowly wake. Dream errors other than known infra-control: We have not lived on Stadcor Street for years. One cannot walk to America from Australia, and they are not next to each other. I could not carry a big heavy suitcase very far in waking life. Maps (as well as location orientation) are hardly ever realistic or correct in dreams. I do not question blue wax coming from a yellow candle. I do not recognize a talking dog or magical abilities as strange. Dream opposites: Walking south to Brisbane would imply walking in the opposite direction of where America would be, though this distorts in conflicting ways later. One of the reasons for our move to Bundaberg was concern over an illness more likely to be present in Brisbane (SARS), opposite inference to my dream’s scenario. Dream accuracies: My infra-self is similar to my current conscious self in marriage and family status (as well as living in Australia). Subliminal, liminal, and lucid creation and control of dream content: The summoning of the car with my name on the back is common subliminal control of the dream state, having nothing to do with real life. I have often deliberately done this in both lucid and non-lucid dreams. A car represents maintaining the illusory physicality of the dream state. Driving through buildings, walls, and over water (of which I also do with my illusory dream body without a car) is infra-control, unrelated to real life. I often use infra-control or control when lucid to create and control dream factors. The appearance of clothes is a typical infra-sign I am dreaming (as I do not wear clothes in bed while sleeping). My effort worked on the second attempt, which is common. General concepts: It is usually harder for me to walk in both non-lucid and lucid dreams than to fly (though I usually end up flying whenever I had been walking for a time). With the highest level of lucidity, walking is more thrilling than flying, as the realism of physicality is more defined and accurate. Since early childhood, I have used reading to attain more of a focus on the dream state (though sometimes the writing changes or becomes nonsensical), especially in reading my name somewhere as here. I use yellow and creating and lighting candles (in both lucidity and non-lucidity) to clarify my conscious self identity in the dream state. The homeless man was a preconscious witness to my mode of awareness while the cult leader was this dream’s preconscious avatar. It all comes down to whether the processes of my reticular formation (RAS) have more or less control as my emerging consciousness (the dog in this case) in the waking transition. A dog usually represents how much control I have in the dream state. Animals becoming people is a common waking status, or in fact, anything going from unlikely (such as a talking dog) to resolved. Prescience (updated same day): When I went outside tonight, I found a rucksack of the same colors and size as the one from my dream, lying just outside our house near the curb, that someone could only have dropped tonight. I felt what could have been a baguette through the canvas, but it turned out to be a tall empty water bottle. Zsuzsanna first thought a hookah was sticking out from it, and so did I for a second, until I realized it was a large hydration pack (the kind with a long transparent hose). Looking inside, I discovered it belonged to a Swedish male named Axel. The only other contents were documents, most related to applying for a tax file number. He may have lost it from his bicycle, or maybe someone stole it from him and tossed it.
Fell asleep at: 10:43 PM Woke up at: 6:00 AM Dream: Looking up random crap on my laptop, I begin to have thoughts of deja vu, "What if this is a dream?" I thought to myself. "That's ridiculous." I also pondered. But, I had to confirm my suspicions somehow. The internet is already a weird and, frankly, terrifying place, anything that seemed odd could be interpreted as 'expected'. So I just told myself I was dreaming, and I was. Nothing specifically tipped me off to the nature of the dream itself. I just went with my 'gut instincts', luckily those gut instincts were correct. People didn't act like they should in the dream, places that I had never even seen before were just outside my neighborhood, but I digress. I got up from my bed, when I realized that my vision was utter garbage. I told the dream to improve my vision, but to no avail. I try again, no dice. I went towards my desk and grabbed a comically oversized and uncomfortable pair of glasses, which helped a little bit. Then I try to fly. I begin to vibrate aggressively for a couple seconds before blasting through the roof. Somehow, I end up back in my room, unscathed and just as anxious. My sister and her boyfriend open the door. I tell my sister ecstatically, "(No I'm not giving her name away), you're in a DREAM!!" She rolls her eyes (Of course), and her boyfriend just sorta shrugged it off. My other sister is also there, but for some odd reason, she's pregnant (This isn't the case in waking life). We walk out on the town upon my request. There's this security guard lady who's checking people into a large building. She lets everyone else go and I go last. I try to phase through the gate, ubt she checks me in just as the gate opens for me. So, that didn't go so well. We wind up in this train station/mall type area with a boatload of people all around. I try to follow my sister and her boyfriend through the crowded building, but increasingly lose distance. Then, out of the blue, a lady carrying a bazillion shopping bags and an overloaded shopping cart, all of which say "That's The Joke", comes barreling by. I wake up right after that. Notes: 1. This is actually the first extended lucid ream I had. Ever. It lasted about 20 or so minutes long and I didn't need to perform even one reality check along the way. 2. I kept the same level of lucidity throughout, and just sorta went along with the dream. I think it might've been a layer 2 or 3 lucid dream, which is astounding for me.
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation “Imprinting a tiger” In the dusk I find myself walking into a garden. Et is elongated and narrow and towards the end there is a house. I look to my right into the hedge. At the grass I see a female duck and below her chest a small duckling that soon meets my eye. As we lock our eyes together the duckling starts a trip out into the uncut grass towards where I am now sat down. Behind it follows it’s mother, trying to establish contact with little luck as it seems the duckling has already imprinted me as its mother. I feel both excited and ashamed. I feel guilty for robbing the duck of the chance to bond with its off spring, but also excited and joyful of my own bonding with the creature. I look down at its little beak and let it push its body against my knees and one of my hands. Then I look up at its mother and try and stroke its chest. It lets me, but with an air of calculative anticipation and scepticism, which makes me apprehensive, if persistent. I then look down again at the duckling. I don’t recognise the absurdity that the creature has now transformed into a miniature Tiger of maybe 10-12 cm in length and is crawling about on my right thigh. When I look up at the mother duck again to explain that I am deeply sorry that I have stolen her chance to bond with her infant. When I look up mother duck is now wearing glasses and a pearl necklace, and quite frankly it would be impossible to describe if she looks more like a duck than a human. She explains “That is OK I had a clutch 3 months ago.” and frankly she sounds relieved. “Travelling in trains with Liv” Fragment: I am standing on a lengthy and wide platform on a train station. It is morning and the lighting foretells of a sunny day, which has yet to breach the foggy clouds above and around. It seems like late spring or summer. I am standing with Liv and we are going somewhere. The conversation we are having is about finding the right train. There is more to the dream, though I recall nothing but this fragment. “Getting to the shore, 4 metal objects in the water” Fragment: I am on the water. The sun is bright and the ocean water which I am on is very bright and lightly blue. Up ahead I see a beach, a wide and almost white sandy beach. I think my Dad is there with me and he asks: “Do you remember us being here?” I look up towards the right and in the distance gaze upon a little island around 50-100 metres from the shore. As the foliage behind the beach the island is covered in lustrous trees and other greenery. I remember this place, I have indeed been here before. (In writing this I recall a dream of way back, perhaps detailed somewhere within this journal. I am in Holstebro, where we throw our family reunions, and as I walk down the forest pathway that in waking life take you to the river in the dream it takes me to a cove. From this cove I rush across the open water to an Island, which is the one I see in this dream.) I jump out in to the water and submerge myself. Light penetrates the surface and everything looks very bright, if blurry beneath. I loose four metal objects I have in my pocket and for a moment worry if I still have my phone in my pocket. I check that it is empty and then sweep the sand below and pull up the objects, where one of them is a key. Then I head for the beach. End of dream/recall
Fragments > I'm busy cleaning my room in my student home. I've gotten into an argument with my mom somehow. She enters my room but since I've got my back to her I pretend that I don't know that she's here. She pokes me in my sides. I respond annoyed. So does she. She then asks me something. > I'm reading something about how Surinam is related to Spanish and some other languages. I consider learning something of these languages so that Surinam will become easier for me. Then I realise that that's idiotic. I might as well just focus on Surinam immediately. > I'm at the cinema with a girl who has only recently become a girl. She is nice to me and offers to pay for the tickets. Well that's definitely a change from when she was still a guy. It feels like I went out with the girl behind the ticket desk once, cause she's acting quite jealous. She's saying stuff such as that I should update my relationship status. A bit early for that I think. We then sit together with a group of people, who start cracking terrible vagina jokes in Dutch. > I check in at a train station. I can clearly see the same at which the train is supposed to leave. There also is a train, but the sign which displays the destinations doesn't match up with where I want to go. It shows a lot of places I've never heard of. They don't even sound Dutch. I end up skipping this train.
Mac & dread I'm sitting on the couch in my room in my student home. I'm checking out my new Macbook. I'm trying to figure out what it is that's wrong about it. Then I realise that the bottom has been unscrewed. I have to put it back on. The bottom 'lid' has some of my hair stuck to it. I try to peel it off. I examine the lid and discover that it should just slide back on. It uses a pneumatic system to close and open the laptop. Along this dream I keep messing with my hair. First half a dread comes loose from my head. Then I slowly start to feel like I'm losing more hair. Fuuck.. well I suppose I could go with millimetred hair.... Court *potential slight spoiler for the show Suits* There's a court decision coming up. Mike Ross from Suits is standing outside a court room I suppose with another white man. The court is gonna give a verdict soon about the legitimacy of a law that will have Mike convicted for being a fraud. They're probably gonna rule in his favour, but Mike wants to do something to prevent them from ruling like that because he wants to give someone else a chance to... I don't remember what. The man tells him that he's crazy. I don't remember the actual verdict. In what is probably the courtroom, but what looks a bit more like parliament, Mike is standing somewhere with I guess Rachel close to him. She takes a few steps back and bumps into the guy she cheated on Mike with. Next thing they bring their faces really close together, but at the last possible moment decide not to kiss. Mike and Rachel are at a train station. He's walking away from her and she is chasing after him, apologising. Somehow the tables get turned and suddenly he needs to apologise. Huh? What? No man, that's not right!
Went to bed a bit before midnight. Really had issues falling asleep, took me at least until 01:00. I set the alarm for 06:45. Presentations I'm in a classroom. The presentations of our project groups are about to start. The lecturer asks me to present for our group. I tell him that someone else in our group has already prepared to present. The lecturer asks me to present anyway. My voice changes just a little bit, I guess it breaks a little. I ask him why. He backs off, seeming a bit intimidated. I go up to my group to tell them and we laugh about it a little. In my head I've got the joke ready that that's the advantage to being black: it's easy to scare white people. I don't make the joke. We're on the 2nd floor of a building. The walls on two sides have arched holes in them so you can look outside. There's some parkour going on. It looks like a live video. One guy falls from the 2nd floor. I take a look over the edge. The guy was lucky. He's still hanging on to an edge just a bit below, so he didn't tumble all the way down. A teacher for a different course then decides to stand on an object which was used in this particular parkour run, to prevent more people from doing it. It's presentation time again. The first teacher ends up buying us all food, but only some of us get to choose. He makes a girl take orders from all of us. Everyone is shouting and I suggest that she writes it down, cause she's not gonna remember that many orders. My friend is sitting next to me. He complains that it's unfair that some people get to choose their orders and others don't. I had another dream but I don't really have the time or energy right now to go into it. It involved my Indonesian classmates, a train station, drugs and being late for an appointment with my thesis supervisor. The dream sucked
I went to bed around 23:30 and spent the last 30 minutes or so reading a book. I woke up naturally around 07:15, went to the toilet, back to bed and stayed there until 07:45. Train run I'm sitting in a train with my close friend Li. Next moment we're out of the train and in a train station. We have to transfer to another train which is departing very soon, around ??:44 or something alike. We make a run for it. Due to the stupid system, we have to make a detour. We first have to check in somewhere, before backtracking and then heading off in the right direction. On the way to our check in, we run over a nearly empty square in the train station. As far as I can remember, we were at a point where you couldn't see the outside. There are I believe 3 guys standing in the square. Two of them are handing out flyers for something. One of them wants to give me a flyer. Can't this dude see I'm in a rush! In all fairness I could've accepted the flyer while running. We make it to the check-in and rush back. I'm not sure where I see the time, but for a moment I see that the time is ??:24 or something close to it. That would give us all the time in the world. Why run? I think we approach some stairs. We're next to the train, still running to find a door to enter through, as the train is crowded and we won't find everywhere. The whistle has already been blown, a sign that the doors will close. We manage to make it. We then decide to sit down. I think for a moment about the interior of the train, which seems odd. Sorcery I'm in a big multi-storey building which is being renovated. I don't recall there being any furniture and the place is mostly neatly white. Naturally there are guys all about the place, working on the renovation. I'm semi-running down some stairs. At some point I decide to jump down, which is quite a jump. I land just behind and a bit to the right side of my physical therapist, who is crouched on the floor, perhaps because he is also working. He doesn't notice it. My landing was soft. In my mind this is parkour related. His co-worker does notice and potentially also his intern. I continue down the stairs, but at the same time the dream's focus is on the exchange that happened between the physical therapists about me. I feel like this is the same neat, white building. I'm standing on a balcony along with at least 1 other person, though I think there are more. It's daytime. If I remember correctly the woman standing next to me on the balcony is my former boss, but at the same time she is also Polgara, a sorceress from the book I'm reading. I myself am also a sorcerer. Down below there is a car park, which belongs to this building I would guess. There are two cars which are leaving. Both of them have a bad guy in it. They are moving towards the building, where apparently the exit is. Ow no you don't. I use my sorcery/telekinesis to drag the car of the last guy back. Then I point at the hood of the car and say "Burst". [This command is also used in the book sometimes]. The engine bursts. Though the other guy is already below the building and out of my sight, I try to use my telekinesis once more. It works. The car is dragged back into the parking lot and then tumbles to its side. I have to be more careful with this one. This guy is important and we want him alive. If I use too much force to make his engine burst it could explode and kill the guy. Instead I turn the car into a different type of car. One that's a bit beatdown and has a very noticeable paintjob. Now he probably can't get away and if he can, it's easy to follow him. The guys below decide to take action against us. One of them does something which I can't recall too specifically. He turns himself into a big hideous ball or something alike and bounces up and down like a big bouncing ball. My boss/Polgara tries to get a hold of him, but her sorcery doesn't reach that far. She leans over the railing but comes up just too short. I take a hold of her legs and push her further out over the railing. Because I did this I can recall that the wore light-blue jeans, though I can't recall the rest of her outfit. I think she was pregnant though. I'm not sure if she managed to get a hold of the guy. Next thing I know, one of the guys has performed some sorcery of his own (or used something else) to set up a lot of worms in the building. God this is gross. Then it dawns upon me that all these worms are tiny bombs. I run along the edges of this floor, which seems to be predominantly round. Along the edge are a number of 'packages' made out of worms, which are all explosives. The day before this dream I told my dreambuddy (werty52) that I considered taking up a new challenge for myself: become lucid and perform telekinesis. I forgot the lucid part Fragment » I think there was something about Bali, though I can't recall anything. It might be due to the fact that the boss I dreamt about is on Bali right now. I always seem to manage to find something Indonesia related to dream about Wedding It's my wedding, or the preparation for it. It's daytime and I'm standing outside with my bride to be and a man and a woman who are supposed to be my parents, but they're not. Maybe they're her parents? It's time for some photos and what not. I look at the dress my bride to be is wearing. It's definitely not a wedding dress, but she looks amazing. I think it was a green dress, with a slit running up until one of her thighs. The people are bossing her around quite a bit. Poor her. Somehow I'm under the impression that I am a king. We sit down on a stone bench. I think some photo's are made. I'm in a house, I think in a living room. The wedding party? My friend Christina is there. She makes a joke about having bought me a pack of (Indonesian?) cigarettes for nothing. For a moment I'm not sure how to reply. I think I also bought her a pack. [Neither of us smokes]. I move to open the door. The door opens into a hallway of perhaps a metre wide and 5 metres long. Halfway on the right side is another door opening. At the end on the left are stairs going down. There's a girl standing in front of the door. She seems Moroccan or Turkish. More and more girls join, as well as some guys. They are all distant relatives from one another along with their boyfriend. The only thing I can specifically remember about their clothes is that most (or maybe all) of the girls were wearing a hijab. I remember thinking something along the lines of: great, you invite 1 person and she brings someone who also brings someone and now there are 10 people here I don't know.
Stations It's daytime and I'm sitting in a train. I'm on my way to my hometown. The train stops at a train station with the name of my hometown on it. Heh.. no way. This station doesn't like it at all. It's a tiny station almost in the middle of nowhere. I think an elderly couple gets off. I'm still a bit confused over the situation. It's one thing to get the wrong info from the on board announcements, but to have the wrong namesign up on a train station... Suddenly I see the area from an aerial perspective. Ow I get it now. They've added 2 new train stations in this city, to increase accessibility. Apparently they all have the same name. At the next station now. I clearly see a shop on the other platform. The building is very rectangular. I'm standing on a different platform. I look at the announcement board and see that the next train will go to my hometown. I start walking towards the correct platform. I will have to check out and check in again. Fragments » I'm with my cousin. She takes a look at my dreads. She gets all excited and sort of states that I've fixed them. I tell her that my mom fixed them up a bit, but not entirely. Somehow I feel a bit embarrassed with the attention. » I'm with my mom, grandma and aunt. My aunt is blind.* We were walking around the house and my aunt had no problem moving about with the same speed as a non-blind person. We're then all seated at a table and I'm playing chess against my blind aunt. Instead of black-white, the board is black - light blue. The position of the pieces changes ever so slightly during one of my turns, causing me to take a very long time to think about what move I want to do. At some point one of the pieces is a squished little tomato with some other stuff mixed into it. It's quite messy. *My aunt's not really blind. » I'm walking along a trail in the hills or on a mountain. I'm hiking with a group. » Not sure if it's the same group, but we're in a cave with a lot of people. We're playing a type of infected tag game. If you get tagged, you become one of the growing group of taggers. The purpose is to make it to the other side. I think I get tagged at some point, but somehow have a retry. It's easy to tell who is infected as they have a certain light around them. I think I dive to make it out of the cave on the other side, but I'm a bit too late. I finish in 3rd position, which I can clearly see displayed as if I'm playing a video game. » I'm talking with my ex girlfriend on whatsapp. It's about a mountain and a volcano I've been to in Indonesia. There are pictures. Our replies are somewhat normal, but at the same time it feels like there's a sub-meaning as the situation feels a bit hostile. Did I go to these places with Christina? » Writing Christina's name triggered the memory of a plane, though I'm not sure if I dreamt about one. » I'm scrolling through LinkedIn. I've added one of my lecturers. I think I see her scrolling to hers and her ignoring my invitation. I reason that she probably doesn't know who I am, as I've omitted some information from my profile. Sales I'm standing inside a small shop. It's supposed to be an office for a street sales company at which I will start working. I know it will be different than the last time, because this time I have my housemate Quint with me who will also work here.* We're standing in front of a type of post-mix machine with the manager, who is our age. He offers us some cola. I'm not really into cola because it's unhealthy, but I don't want to be rude. We get it in a big cup. Quint prefers dr. pepper, but the manager is not allowed to pour the same quantity of dr. pepper as cola. A rule from his uncle, who is the owner. We watch the television which is mounted a bit above our heads. It's an event in a stadium. There's a group of perhaps 100 people in the middle of the field. It has to do with mourning for a terrorist attack. I see an old friend of mine, Tris. Wauw.. it looks like he hasn't slept for days. Then the whole thing turns into a performance, with riot police and such. At some point it turns into a form of rehearsal, as one thing is done again and again to get it right. *We don't live together. He used to work at the previous street sales company.