17th October 2020 Fragment: Remember being my lizard form at some point and also for quite a while. Earlier in the dream I was offered a choice (by whom or what?) to have either nearly unlimited strength or nearly unlimited stamina. I picked strength. I remember flying through several somewhat surreal places with hybrid dragon wings that would appear and disappear. At one point, I'm in a sandy beach area and there are wasps or bees and I stamp on them, concerned for a second about what I was doing, but then remembering I had nothing to fear. This was pre-lucid, I had some awareness of being dreaming. In some other part, I'm destroying the outer structure of a concrete sky scraper and I'm eating or biting on people as they fall from the building. The building itself is falling and we are miles up in the air, impossibly high away from any other buildings. (Reminds me of UT levels) Rest of recall is muddled. Was awake for a while and forgot to try and retain recall properly. Notes: - The part of me that convinced me to fear nothing was the same that has come about unconsciously before. I have started to feel a much more direct connection to these parts of myself over the last months; these are the parts of me that do not actively speak through my mind except seemingly under rare circumstances such as in the visualisations I've done/experienced. These are parts of myself that I've had some sort of tacit awareness of for quite a long time but that previously I wasn't able to consciously "put my finger on". In more physical terms, the less conscious parts feel like something inside at the back of my head, but maybe this is some association I have created by accident. - I have absolutely no recall anymore about how the choice of "strength vs stamina" was offered to me, but I feel it was some sort of interface. I do seem to remember that in the dream my reasoning was that if I had unlimited stamina, it wouldn't necessarily allow me to do everything that I wanted to do. I think my experience of being weak when I was younger had some influence on this too. Lately there's been a fair bit of "processing" of some of my childhood, such as those instances recently where I was actually younger in my dreams. - Flight and flying by own means hasn't really ever been of any special interest to me in dreams but I think the experience with wings was novel enough for me to enjoy it, though I still prefer it when flight in dreams happens by use of a jet or space ship.
Dream 1 Recorded at 7:30am I'm in a room where I see a shower. I get in the shower and wash my hair. I look in the mirror and like they way my hair is sitting and find myself attractive. It's a see through shower and I see Laura with a camera in her hand taking photos. I pull faces at her and give her a few poses. I take a good look at her ass and it looks very sexy. I get out of shower and forget to shampoo it. I go back into the shower and rub some in. I look back in the mirror and notice that my hair is turning blonde and find that I like the look of it. I'm still in the same room but it's a crowded room now and someone is talking to the crowd. I sit down in the corner of the room, not too far from the man speaking to everyone. I think everyone needed to be silent. The man comes up to me and I think we know of each other, may even be friends in the dream. He makes me laugh and I try to hold it in but I can't help myself but to continue to laugh. He's right in my face, it's as if we are extremely comfortable with each other. There're girls next to us and they join in on the laughter. I can see a scene of two men talking about each other from the previous year of X Factor. They joking around saying about how the other guy finally put some size on since last time, and that the other guy for choked out extremely quick. As he explains about the choke I see a scene of all the mates from the show are in a room and are all laughing and having a good time. One of the guys grabs the other around the neck and he passes out within seconds and they all start shaking him to wake up. As he wakes they all continue laughing and continuing to have a good time. All the guys look as if they're models, all great looking fellas. One of them looked similar to a prankster guy on YouTube. I'm sitting at a table in front of a nice looking Asian girl. I think she's the teacher of the class. She opens up a package and it's a square shaped cake. She mentions it's from Kayley and offers me a slice. At first I thought it had raw chicken breast through it. She cuts me a slice which is only very tiny, as that's all I wanted. I start to think about everyone else missing out on cake and think about if everyone could have a bit if small portions were giving out. I don't think it would of been possible, and it was a cake for the teacher. Dad asks me who created the recipe for the cake. I see a recipe and it shows how to prepare it. I guess and say Guy Rossi. As I say it, I continue looking for information on he recipe which may show the creator of it. Dad gives me silence as if I was wrong with my first guess. I can now see a scene of a girl from X Factor (she sung at a Beyoncé concert) and it was showing how talented she was. She showed how flexible, fit and even showed some martial arts skills which helped her kick a soccer ball with power and extension. Dream 2 Recorded at 9:00am Im in the car with Dave and Rob. I'm unsure of where we're going. Dave and Rob are talking about their work. I ask Rob a question about his job in Frankon. I feel as if I may have cut off their convocation but Rob was cool enough to answer me. Rob is mucking around and jumps into the passenger seat while driving and pretending to fall sleep. I don't feel too worried due to him probably having his hand still on the steering wheel. After 15 seconds of his antics, I begin to get a little worries because there's cars in front of us and unsure of how he's going to break if needed. He gets back in the front seat and let's the car veer slightly off the road and towards the safety rails beside the road. At the last second he pulls the car back into the road and continues to drive normally. We arrive at a turn off which leads to a main road. I see a old style car with no roof. Looks like one of those racing cars from the early days of racing. There's a man and women in the old style car and the man seems to be leaning over and talking to the girl without much attention on the road. I begin to think that it's risky. I see another car which looks similar to the previous that's in front of us. It turns onto the main road and puts his foot to the floor. They car has slow acceleration speed but after a couple seconds or so it really picks up in speed and has some power behind it. We reach a football oval and we're having a bit of a kick of the ball to each other. Rob boots the ball towards us but it bounces in another direction. Matt Hobs is in another group and he runs after it and kicks it back to rob. It's a great kick to him. Rob kicks to ball again to us but this time it goes over our heads. I run after it and expect no one to be after the ball. As I pick it up and turn, I see a person coming towards me. I try and do a cross over trick to confuse and get around the person but it doesn't work at all probably due to poor technique as I didn't feel too confident I'm my ability. I get a smack to the head as I tried to get around him. I wasn't too happy as we were only having fun, not playing serious. I get back to Dave and rob and explain about the cheap shot that was given to me. I think the attacker was of Maori descent. I look on a screen as if I am able to control who can play with us. I had the settings for who could play as ternease (something like that) which didn't have Australia in the category. I assume that maybe due to an Australian going after the ball, it came off as disrespectful. I find the setting for Australia which has Italy and a few other countries in it and select that.