Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:08 AM by 99032
Pre-WBTB Fragment I can faintly remember something Dragonball Z related. WBTB I'm very tired but force myself out of bed. I spend the 10 minutes similar to how I did last night: going over my plans, and reviewing the advice friends on DV gave me regarding teleporting and visualization. I lay down and spend a long while trying to get to sleep. It's possible that 10 minutes WBTB wake-time is too long for me (twice in a row now I've struggled to sleep). More data will tell on that. Post-WBTB False Awakening and Fade I wake up in my bed and remember to do a nose-plug RC, and I can breathe. It takes a couple seconds to realize but... I'm dreaming! I get out of bed and make my way to the hallway, thinking about how best to start stabilizing. I rub my hands together, and also my barefeet on the ground. But, unfortunately, before I know it, the dream has faded. I don't recall recovering from this. Tree Arena Fragment I vaguely remember a big circular arena. It may have been inside a large tree trunk. Maybe non-lucid me made it to the EFF™ after all I can also recall some pirate ships circling the area. The main combat section was raised and the lower section was filled with water.
Updated 09-11-2023 at 04:22 AM by 99808
I was in school walking down the sidewalk of the building and going to the school's gym. As I walked in with other people the coach told me I wasn't a student. I nodded and began turning back to the entrance of the gym till she told me to wait. She said she wanted to pray for me and to stay in front of her while she did so. I agree with this and watch her as she begins the prayer. At the end I do a cross symbol and thank her for it before leaving towards the entrance. Once I did I found myself in a grassy field. I looked down at my hands and stated I'm dreaming and continue to walk through the field thinking about life. I started feeling my head pulsing loudly as if it was ringing. I eventually walk enough to encounter other people and notice families and children playing at the park. I walked in to see what was at the top of the tree-like building that everyone was going towards. There was a bridge connecting others to get to it and it had curve stairs around the tree ascending higher. As I got higher from walking up the wooden stairs I eventually got hit by another person falling down and forcing me to fall down as well before waking up. I woke up in my bed and wanted to check the time as I was surprised it was still dark and was wondering if I was in a false awakening. I heard the sound of water and felt odd till I woke up again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I get lucid while at some old building and I admire the intricate details of it and feel the textures of wood and other materials. I feel like this place is absolutely identical to some place I have been in RL, but in actual fact I don't recall any instance where I have been at this building, at least not in this life. I walk into a large balcony, don't know what to do next, so I just observe and think about it a bit more. Then I see a beautiful tree with pink flowers and I feel like making rain such beautiful flowers from the sky. But instead, I just make it rain, normal water. Then I float down to the open ground below and I get surrounded by people of different african tribes coming out of nowhere. They seem startled by something. At first I think it is of my powers, but then a couple white ladies erupt through the crowd and they come dragging a tiger which apparently is unconscious. That seems to be what was making everybody nervous. Unexpectedly, the tiger regains consciousness and everyone runs in panic. I run to the tree. Then I remember tigers can also climb trees. As I struggle to hop on the lowest tree branches, and not exactly suceeding, I feel the tiger behind me and that dreadful feeling that I am about to die. Then I remember I am just dreaming and I can do anything. So the tiger becomes a beautiful lady, completely naked and a bit feral, but harmless. She does climb the tree and I manage to join her in a flat area between tree branches which makes a very solid platform. I get aroused by her simple beauty. I touch her and she likes it. I kiss her and give her pleasure. Then she retributes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a spaceship like the ones in Star Trek. It is a very large one and we're dangerously close to the surface of planet Earth doing some high risk maneuver, trying to escape some other spaceship in pursuit. This maneuver was never accomplished and our ship is shaking and creaking like it is falling apart, but it holds up. The other one doesn't and we watch it be ripped appart. Then, I am not sure if by the effect of our massive ship or something else happening on the planet, but the ground below is also breaking apart, I watch a road cracking and breaking apart and some high pressure water jets coming from underground hitting the ship. There is a part of the ship which was severely damaged, which breaks apart when hit by these water jets and falls into the surface. It brings me and a couple collagues down with it. We don't know what to do when on the ground. First we run after the ship (as if we were running after a car) but it is massive and it isn't stopping for us. Then we run through a town to find some specific place, I think maybe some place from where we can communicate with the ship. I and another girl, we lose track of our male colleague who was running ahead of us and he is the one with the coordinates. We emd up inside the building of an airport and I look for clues of where he might have headed. Anything. I find a decorative flower bed with some plaque identifying plants by numbers and I notice some numbers are not correlated to plant names as other numbers are and I assume it is a coded message he left for us, but it seems incomplete. My colleague thinks I am reading too much from nothing and that this was not made by him, it is just some random incomplete info on an abandoned airport. At my mom's, very early morning. But she isn't home, she is enjoying some well deserved vacations. Unexpectedly I have other family members with me, like my deceased uncle Zé F.. I am looking for bread, coffee and cereals to prepare breakfast. We have a TV in the kitchen and I am looking for some news or show to put on for my uncle and whomever else is with us. But all channels are playing weird stuff. On the public network they are playing some videoclip of hispanic rappers singing about gangs and I wonder why the hell they are playing that on what seems like a weekend morning. The videoclip grasps my attention as it is filmed in Lisbon. Then I am there, walking through old Lisbon. It's still early morning, so there are very few people on the streets, but groups are arriving and descending from buses. We're near some church or cathedral and I spot some weird poster on a wall that reads like a newspaper and ther is some news story that Greta Thunberg is dead in a car accident with her father. I am shocked and turn around to discuss it with someone but when I try showing them the poster where I read it, the poster is gone and I am confused. I decide to keep walking and I see a bunch of tourists hangin out and listening to a guide in front of the church. I realize they are catholic devotees. I think to myself this could be a lucid dream and I would use the chance to prank them. Then I realize it really is a dream. I think what to do and have no concrete idea, so I just lift off in the air to try to prank these believers by claiming to be some celestial apparition, but it doesn't go as planned. I feel a very intense undescribable sensation in my mind, as if I am not just flying, but dissolving from this dream reality and I get very dizzy. I notice the dream characters don't even notice me, so what's the point of trolling them. Instead I fly away from the city and over a hill full of trees and just enjoy the landscape while thinking what to do. I latch on to the top of the tallest tree I see and wonder what would it feel to shrink to microscopic level and explore its microscopic life. So slowly I shrink myself to the size of a bug and I go down inside a crevice on the tree trunk, feeling the textures of the wood and mosses and water dripping. Then slowly shrinking more. But I eventually reach a dark crevice with dirt and I can't see a thing and feel my body stuck and unable to move. I try not to panic, think about either shrinking more or just expand to full size and blow up the tree to get out. But I doubt my abilities for a second and then I no longer can't do any of it. I wait still for a little bit but the dream isn't changing, it's just me in a dark tight hole and I feel like I can't even turn my head. I am starting to panic and wondering if I am just experiencing sleep paralysis and not on a dream anymore. So I decide it is not worth it and it is better to wake up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP A friend from school disappears. She had introduced me to her new boyfriend and another friend, and they both seemed like shady guys and I feel like they are responsible for her disappearance. So at night I go to a piece of land where we've been hanging out with them. One day I noticed one of them being very interested in the sandy soil of that plot of land and making comments like "it's so easy to dig a hole in here". I start digging with my bare hands under a tree where we'd sit and I find a foot. I am planning on calling the police as soon as I leave the place, but her so-called boyfriend appears and catches me still digging. I pretend I am not shocked or scared to see him, when he asks what I am doing. I know he was dating her but he also had a crush on me, so I run with that. I say I suspected he had got rid of her and I needed to be sure. As expected, he is a fucking psycho and he confesses murdering her. I fooled him and he seems happy that apparently I wanted him to myself. He kinda invites me to sit down and lay on the ground with him, over the place she is buried. I accept and allow him to flirt with me under the stars while he goes on about why he had to do it. I totally convinced him, but then his other friend shows up and he is not buying it. He doesn't trust me and I know he is already planning on killing me. But as long as I the other guy is around and convinced of my feelings for him, I am safe. Then he goes on about his latest discovery and shows his friend a jar with powdered dry plants that are highly poisonous and how they can make use of it. I get the feeling they actually are serial killers and my friend wasn't their first. I also suspect he is openly talking about the poison while he looks at me sarcastically as a form of intimidation. He will try to poison me. Since I live with roommates, they are also indanger. So I just wanna go home and warn my roomates not to eat anything that is not sealed and not to take their hands to their mouths before washing them. I also think of my cats and ways to protect them from also being accidentaly poisoned if he sneaks into the house with the poison.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am at some kind of hospital, but it also looks like a shopping center. The beds and medical machines are lined up at a large corridor and in between there are vendor stalls. At first I am not even aware that I am there as a pacient. I am thirsty and I spot a little faucet and I open it to drink. Two nurses come by and yell at me that it controls an IV drip of a patient and that's when I realize this place is a hospital. I find the main door to the outside and decide to leave, as I don't feel sick. Outside is a vast prairie with green grass and blue sky. In front of me is a tree which somehow is also the incarnation of my past crush BadWolf. He has a hole through his head / canopy. I feel pulled to him / it and I decide to plunge into his torax / trunk for unknown reasons. Nothing weird works, he simply disappears and I land in the prairie field which is covered in a beautiful variety of wild flowers.
Updated 06-20-2022 at 09:17 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my mom's neighborhood, behind her apartment building. I watch as a bunch of big rats climb each tree at the hill behind the building and destroy them in seconds. I make noise trying to disperse them, but I just delay the process. Someone starts screaming and I see rats trying climbing all over her. These rats are really dangerous. I get inside my car worrried about it, but I leave as I am heading to my old univeristy. My former colleagues are all there studying math for an exam and they wonder why I left the university. I wonder to. I go talk to a former teacher and bring some papers with me. I try to explain what I have been working on and that I left university in part due to my autism diagnostic. I expect some understanding but instead I get some some ugly remarks from her. and so I decide to leave. But she trigerred my stims and I am feeling uncomfortable that others might notice it. A friend joins me and we get in the car together. We notice more situations with rats out of control. We get home, which is a kind of loft with an attic that we share with a bunch of people. From the window we see absolute madness of rats everywhere attacking people and invading houses. I remember that the windows in the attic are open, I go close them. We all stay really quiet and silent, waiting for something to happen. One of the girls comes in with a bite in her arm. She later becomes rabid and attacks another girl. Meanwhile, outside people are starting to bit other people. I realize we have a zombie attack going on and we must leave the city now. But I am really concerned that it might be too late.
3rd December 2021 Dream: I am talking to my eldest sibling through Steam, something about a problem they're having with smells in the bathroom. Then, I'm at theirs. It's a house they bought recently and I'm helping by saying what to watch out for and trying to help plan the bathroom's extraction route. There's a big 35 PSI orange turbine blower, it looks too big for the job, but I figure it doesn't really matter. Outside the house there's a weird roof and I spot some problems with pointed brickwork that will need sorting out. I tell them and explain a bit. The house seems to be in the middle of some woods; it's Autumn and there are fallen leaves everywhere. I think it might be a bit damp. I don't get to see the other sides of the house but I did mean to. The house has three floors in total and something about the shape looks... Wonky. Then something about turn-based combat. In a cave area, a boss creature my middle sibling is fighting. I try to help by grappling onto it and being dragged around a bit, until I'm on its rear end/back. I swing a sword and drink a potion of ultra haste to swing faster, but even at this distance all my attacks seem to "miss" and do nothing. Some bit which has an energy barrier, opening up to a pit or cave tunnel going down. I get the impression my sibling is trying to lure the creature there but I am concerned about this place and that this might not work. I think I have some fear of thing backfiring, and it being us falling in. Notes: - In retrospect, the battle and our roles in it seems linked to my impressions of how I think my sibling might be coping (or not) with their own issues. The whole dream has some interesting symbolic interpretation potentials, but either way seems to relate to my views on both of my siblings. - I think the forest was some kind of pine forest, I can't recall exactly, but the trees were certainly very tall, being taller than the house. - The cave bit's entrance was nearby, behind the house somewhere.
I’m at work (I’m not sure where, but it feels like some kind of retail store). I notice a quiet Asian girl wandering around and, as I perceive it, ‘scoping out the place’. I make a mental note of it but don’t do anything else. Now, I see her in a small garage (right outside of but still part of the store?), crouching down by a car. She’s taken off its license plate and is measuring it. I think this is too suspicious, so we go out and stop/talk to her. I’m with Melissa and Brooke in what seems like downtown. We’re by the river and a large bridge. To the side of the bridge is a large tree or tree trunk protruding out almost parallelly over the water. I think this tree is some sort of monument (911?). We walk out onto it to have our picture taken, but end up breaking it, which feels very serious.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the grocery store, some lady is messing with some guy over his plastic bags and trying to convince him to switch to cotton bags. I am thinking to myself how that ain't necessarily the best option and remembering a video I've watched about it, but I chose to stay quiet because I am sure I'd just add confusion. But then they start talking about environmentally-friendly options in general and other customers join in the debate. At some point the cashier asks us if anyone has tried Iberdrola or Coopernico as energy providers and I say I am a Coopernico client. Someone else claims Iberdrola is 100% renewable and someone else claims they also have nuclear. I am not sure but I say I think not. I still argue that Coopernico is better because it is a national co-op but no one seems to care much about that. I pass by a festival at a park. The actor Diogo Morgado is playing DJ while dressed as Jesus and embarrasses himself. Everybody laughs at him and someone tells him to get a girlfriend. He strangely replies that I am his girlfriend. I say no way and I get out of there and go for a walk. I am told there is a more underground festival going on at a hidden place in this same park. We have to step on some tires piled up against a wall and go through an opening on that wall into a derelict building with a maze of walls. Across corridors with no roof and some small rooms, lots of punks and hippies sell their crafted jewellery and vegan food. Then some creepier stalls where they pierce us with nails. A dude insists that I go through the procedure, I argue I don't have money but he says he borrows me the money and I pay back later. I run away. There is a food court with tables on an open area. I sit with some friendly looking people but a bunch of lesbian activist girls come bully another girl because she ain't activist and they claim she has to and fight for their rights. I don't like their attitude and shout that it is ok for someone not to be an activist if they don't want to, but they ignore me. I get tired of being there, so I go away through the same place I came. Evening is falling and I decide to just go for a walk in a quiet place of the park. There are big beautiful trees and no people. Until I spot a dude acting suspiciously, following me from afar. I decide to levitate to a height he can't get me. He tries to reach me by jumping and then he climbs to some kind of terraced building to be at my level and I find his attempt funny, because he is basically stuck there. But I get closer to ask him what he wants from me. He says he just wants to talk. Says he sent me a work related email back in September and he never got my reply. I say I am sorry but surely I never got it or I would have replied. Ask him why he didn't try again or called. Tell him to resend it that I will reply on same day. He is pleased and goes away.
13th January 2021 Initial recall had been decent but I didn't take any notes and I was too focused on other things in the morning. Fragment: Playing some kind of game; blended with reality. I'm in an area with crops, I can't remember how far along they are but it's a sunny day. I have some recall of my sibling T being nearby; does an in-game emote and then sits down under a tree's shade. Had a generic farmer look. Part of the behaviour was blended with what I might expect from H. Something about going up some stairs before that, a much darker place. It was also a game-like reality and something about it now just makes me think of L4D or KF.
12/30/20 I am with C and we are visiting one of his teachers house. His teacher is Patrick Stewart who lives with his wife in a fairly large house with white decor. We are there to wish him a happy birthday. He also lives in C's neighborhood pretty close to his house. He has a very huge living room that we are now in. There is balcony type seating all centered around a massive window which overlooks the town in a valley below. In the center of the valley is a massive LED laser type blue mountain in the distance. Only it is changing shapes between the mountain and a massive tree with outstretched branches. It is beautiful to look at, the symmetry of it being in the center of the window while also in the center of the valley, I stare for a while taking in the whole picture. The LEDs almost look like they are a drone swarm flying around into different shapes. I ask someone if they are drones but I don't get an answer. While standing up in the balcony I notice there is takeout trash just laying around so I pick up trash left by the seats, they seem like takeout cutlery in plastic wrap and napkins. We are leaving now and I am helping C pack up his back pack while standing in the foyer of the home. Patrick Stewart and his wife see us off pleasantly. There is a really bad storm outside which is approaching, it's only dark for now with a slight wind but nothing too bad. My father decides to drive out to meet my uncle for lunch assuming everything will be fine. I am in the car with two of my friends R and E. We are driving through town as the storm begins to hit. E says everything is probably going to be fine, it won't be like before. I look out the back window as we turn onto the main street and there are multiple tornadoes forming several blocks from where we are. One massive one has met the ground and is causing an outstanding amount of damage. I see others forming beside it, some dwindle as others grow, it's as if the storm cannot fully manifest. We still drive away for them at speed while the wind and rain whip at the car we are in. I attempt to take pictures with my cellphone because this all seems too surreal. We begin to merge onto the highway but visibility has dropped due to the thick wall of water and the high wind, I notice there are accidents occurring ahead of us as we join the traffic onto the roadway. I am now holding up in a run down building with cinder block walls and soiled concrete floor. There are goats that are wet and scared seeking shelter from the storm, I shoo them inside through an open garage door. There is also a small white and brown cow I call to come inside. I dry off some of the animals with random towels and blankets I find lying around. They are calm now and find corners of the room to settle in and sit with each other. There are people laying on mattresses on the floor in the other room just casually on their phones not minding the storm at all. I tell them the animals are in the other room for a while to have shelter from the storm. They are fine with it, they hardly acknowledge my presence, complete apathy. It has now been a week with no running water or electricity or economy and society has all but gone primal. It is daylight and I am wandering along a shoreline by myself just looking for something to drink. I see a water spigot near the waters edge with a container under it. All that comes out of the faucet is dirty water with floating algae in it. I contemplate boiling it clear but then decide it is sea water and wouldn't be drinkable anyway. I see a group of people by a house or rather a shack which has heavy damage to it by the shoreline. They invite me inside for shelter. There are close to a dozen people held up in here. They give me water to drink and some small cookies to eat. I am grateful for their hospitality. I begin taking to the older couple who own the house and realize they are staunch Republicans. They are bitching about all of this being bidens fault, how he isn't doing anything to help the people most affected by this travesty. I tell them biden isn't the president yet and that he literally has no executive power. They are completely disagreeing with me insisting the democrats did this. I tell them trump definitely the one who has left us without any aid for over a week, he is still the one in control. They are in complete denial, and I sense my welcome has all but dried up. I apologise for my attitude and thank them for the provisions while getting up from the table. I decide to take my leave and the dream fades.
12th November 2020 Fragment: Out with H somewhere. It's day time and we're approaching a wooden or metal gate of a farm or ranch of some sort. There is a building on the left of the gate, in the distance there are hills or low mountains and more immediately to our right is a small mounding area. There are some darkly coloured horses here and they eventually get up close to some trees on the mound area and stand up on their hind legs and basically start trying to copulate with the trees, which have some holes at just about the right height. I don't recall what happened next exactly but I remember noticing the trees had no leaves left at all anymore, but the grass was green-ish and not covered in leaves. The horses later stopped what they were doing I think and turned into dogs instead. 13th November 2020 Fragment: The dream was focused around a black boy I was trying to help. He must have been no older than eight years of age. He had no parents? I think he was wanting to get some information about some random guy and the info he wanted was in a hard drive. I suggested we could plug it in at my computer and it would be quicker this way. But for whatever reason, the drive needed a scart connector. I remember we looked for about three hours (it felt long, but not actually three-hour long) and I couldn't find one of these connectors, only some other old connectors. I remember starting to feel frustrated after finding a component lead or something. I can't remember what we chose to do at this point but I do recall a computer, with a CRT. In retrospect now, it felt like something like what we had back at home when I was younger. There's a large gap in my recall here. At some point it becomes evident or is revealed that there's something mystical about the boy. He was unliving or something. There were dark forces trying to reclaim him, back to their domains. Another recall gap. Near the end of the dream, a human-like demon is pouring (out of his mouth?) tea bags in front of the boy's feet. Something about these being a representation of the number of times the boy had avoided or cheated death or capture. The dream was particularly long most of the recall was lost because of having to get ready in the morning and the recall I managed to keep for the initial notes was about an hour old at that point. Would like to edit in some notes at some later point.
14.10.2020 Weird tree dream There was something about trees and that apparently me and my mother and like a big community of people are turning into them and there was something about reincarnation. But my father realized something at the end of the dream and he killed us all while sad music played. 15.10.2020 Tiny lucid There might be something about the series The Order. And then I had a moment of awareness, followed by me wondering about if I might be dreaming. And then I knew that I was, in fact, dreaming. I then tried stabilizing the dream somehow. Before I entered the lucid after waking up from a lot of dreams, I actually had the suspection that my next dream might be a lucid. Guess I was right lol I rarely ever practice reality checks or awareness training anymore, though. I don't quite know a reason to lucid dream right now.