12/24/2012 2:31am A small group of people and I are in a stadium / industrial like labyrinth. It had an extremely high sealing and hight walls. There were no seats but it was still gigantic and oval. From our particular location, you couldn't see much except the ceiling and tall parallel walls that bordered the wide curving path that we were on. The floor was dirt, hard and dusty. There were also some metal ladders that led up to a catwalk above. Down at the other end of the pathway and off to the side was an exit that we were trying to get to. We had to get there quickly or we would be transported back to do it again. We tried several times before one of us realized that we had to carry a large role of silver duct-tape to the exit. Caring the tape was my task. We ran down the path again but when I was about 3 quarters of the way the tape was snatched from my hand by some sort of vine that came from behind. We repeated, and again I was foiled. Then I had a bright idea that I was sure would work. Again we ran, but before the tape could be snatched I wrapped the end around a ladder a few times. Then the creature that had been snatching the tape came again. This time it was not vine like and came upside down from the cieling hanging on part of its coat-tail turned spiderwebish. It was a sly spirit. His cloths were white and floating about, and he had a strange non-trustworthy grin. The guardian quickly struck me in the chest sending me back several feet while he ripped the tape away from the ladder. I objected. The guardian looked at me and started to speak. I think he was explaining the task and that I must make a deal in order to pass. He grabbed something from his inside coat pocket and with his long arm held it out. As he did I saw it transform from ? into a small piece of paper. It was about 5"x8" and held so that the long end was perpendicular to the ground. It also had a faint water mark that lived up to its name by rippling on the page. The page also moved like it was blowing in the wind. There was no text on the paper. I understood that the guardian wanted me to sign this contract and again I objected because I felt like I had already done all that should be required to finish this task. "You mean like a contract?!...for something I've all ready done" I woke up soon after.