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    1. cccxcviii. Breaking into a shop, Helping Trump, Police central AI computer

      by , 08-22-2022 at 02:16 AM
      2022 July 2nd

      Left recall until late in the day. This one might be in DFLN but I'd have to go find it for linking.


      I'm outside, night time. I'm with H and we're by some shop or similar place? H works here apparently and he wants to get inside for some reason but it's all closed, so he smashes a window and we get inside. I forget what we do or look for, but I worry about him losing his job for it. (not actually his job)

      (recall gap)

      At some kind of hotel/casino place. I'm at a sub-level lobby, there are some sofas and other comfort things. There's also a slot machine in a corner by a sofa. I'm sitting on the sofa and try out the slot machine one time. It spins and I win, not the best amount it could pay out, but something like 1837? Then I get distracted by someone like Donald Trump who's in the room with me now, I just know that he apparently owns the casino place. He's not feeling too well and we talk about it, possibly something he's eaten. I either tell him I'll get him some help or get him to come to the nearby lift with me.

      (recall gap)

      Something in a similar area, likely still part of the same segment. Elizabeth II is here and is taking part in some kind of tour? There's also some sort of activism going on.

      2022 July 3rd


      I'm at a dream version of a mix of my old home and the house we live in now. It's early morning, something like 4AM. I am down in the kitchen area which has large sliding pane windows that are also doors, rather than latching windows. Outside, I see police officers in the backyard patio area. The patio has stone flags and a garden table and chairs, as well as some planters. At first I dismiss this and presume they are just being thorough and that they are here because of a neighbour.

      Then a bit later I'm somewhere else in the house, possibly upstairs, and a police officer lady talks to me and tells me that they have to search our house. I don't understand why and feel a bit reluctant and emotional, possibly getting in their way a bit. She tells me that they didn't want to but that it's procedure as set out by the "central AI computer" which tells them what to investigate or something. I still feel distressed by their searching but feel more accepting of it now that they've told me that's it's just something they have to do because the AI told them to.

      Later they're gone and I'm in a version of our bedroom with H; he was asleep through all of this and I'm still a bit distressed as I tell him all about everything that happened.

      (recall gap)

      At one point I'm somewhere in the USA and I get away from California just in time to miss some massive quakes there. I'm in Arizona now maybe? Here there are very large fires or something but I feel safer. Something about a transit hub and talking to people.
    2. 26 Mar: Trump makes a terrorist attack in Europe, visiting a museum in France

      by , 03-26-2021 at 07:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some sunny city somewhere in southern Europe, I think, which has canals. There is some international event going on and I am actually walking away from it. Then I spot Trump in a very bad disguise on a motor boat, going in the direction of the crowded area. His kids Baron and some of the girls are going in other boats in different directions. I know immediately they are going to commit some terrorist attack and try to stop it, but can't.
      In the end, I end up with the ashes of the victims, for some reason.

      In France, at a natural history museum, I stalk a guided tour with high school kids, so I can listen to the guide. The guide notices me, but pretends not to care to avoid causing a fuss.
      There is a display of ancient dentures with semi precious stones as teeth. The guide tries to make me feel self-conscious by asking me a question about it. I feel embarrassed and I separate from the group and head to the museum shop. I am delighted with a Star Wars encyclopedia and there are books that resemble some of my childhood Russian books and I get very excited, but turns out they are just similar and not the real deal. A couple kids that were in the guided tour before, also come to the shop and start flirting with me. I feel flattered, but they are just kids. I go get my coat from the cloakroom and the guy there is really gorgeous and age appropriate for me so I also flirt with him a bit. I can tell we both feel like we don't want to depart so soon, but I am the one taking the step. I touch his hand and say I loved meeting him, but I have to say goodbye and that I am going away from this country soon and will probably never see him again. He looks heartbroken.
      At the exit we are thoroughly checked to see if we stole something from the museum, but instead they confiscate some pills I have on my pocket. I explain my need for it and make a bit of a scene, so they end up letting me go with it.
      Outside is already night and I have no clue how to get "home". I just have a vague idea I need to go to a bus stop near of after some place named L'Envers. I go to the closest bus stop and wait for a bus to come. My french is a bit rusty, but when a bus comes, I beg the bus driver for help and he ignores me and starts moving away. I keep begging for some indications and some Asian dude steps up and offers to help me. So the bus driver stops and and I come on the bus. The dude says he can help me to get closer to my destination and teach me what buses I need to get on and off to get there, so I sit a couple seats away from him.
    3. Elon's Band and the Goat Barn

      by , 12-03-2020 at 12:39 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself.

      There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers.

      Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl)

      I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
    4. 17 Nov: I am Trump's daughter, robbing a train and fascist underground world

      by , 11-17-2020 at 04:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Turns out I am a lost daughter of Trump. Because of that, I am spending some time with his lunatic family and entourage. He has gone full bananas and now wears some hippy tunics and is all "peace on earth". He says he learned from me how to become more like a human being and loving animals and so on. Tells me a story about some horses he saw being mistreated and how he felt compassion for them and suddenly became a better person, but as always, he is just inflating his ego even more with the fake notion he now has empathy. I later tell this story to my group of friends and we laugh and laugh of his lack of notion.
      He later brings me 3 pairs of used shoes he got second hand somewhere, thinks I might like them and wants to impress me with his low waste, humble attitude. I do like the shoes, but then he also says if I am going to be part of his family and get my part of his inheritance, I need to go through a makeover and become more fancy. I wonder what inheritance, as he is broke and full of debts. He says more hilarious things that I share with my friends again, but they are too busy to keep paying attention to what I say. They are trying to get us inside a studio where some children show with karaoke singing is being taped. Since they can't get us officially in, we break in and literally mingle with the kids that are dancing in front of camera. No one seems to notice or care and they just keep taping. Then one of my friends joins a group of kids singing the opening music on and she messes up. That's when they decide to kick us out but she complains they had the notes all wrong and isn't her fault. They start getting pissed. But what takes them over the top is when I acidentally spill ans ashtray full of ashes over the director's snacks that are on a table.

      I'm going back home and a neighbor and friend of mine is kicking out her boyfriend from her house, who happens to be the son of a Mayor or something, so he has a bunch of heavily armed bodyguards all the time around him. She not only is throwing out all his clothes and stuff, but the most hilarious is how she also throws away the security dudes out of the window as if they are pieces of trash.

      Some friend of mine, who works on trains, finds out a secret hideout where they keep money during commutes. It is a cabinet somehow embedded in a wall behind the door mechanism. It is only acessible when train stops and the doors open, and to access it, one has to hve very slender arms. He somehow convinces me to steal the money so I try and reach the money, but then notice a camera pointed at that spot. I then see a chance to access it from as opposite (much harder) position, where only my arm will be on camera. I retrieve the money, it is a very nice pile of 20€ bills, žut I put it back, because if we steal it now and they go check the secutiry footage, they'll see my face. I tell my friend we have to do it some other time, on a different train and schedule, so when the money goes missing, they don't eventually identify us when checking older videos.

      At some event, I don't know what it i,s but aome of my friends and old colleagues from school are there. At the end of it, Melania Trump grabs a mic and starts singing a Whitney Houston song with an angel voice. Everybody gets up in ovation and even those who dislike her comment how amazing it is that she had this hidden talent. But I don't buy it. I clap unenthusiastically and I am sure there is some guy hiding and playing a recording. She is a liar all the way, she can only be scamming us all to buy some admiration. But I fail to prove it. When leaving this party I get stranded from my friends and end up watching a kid playing a videogame. It is about a fantasy world and characters are a couple amphibian elf-like beings who live in undergroung caves. They live away from humans, in caves filled with water, but they enconter a small group of humans also inhabiting an underground world that can only be acessed through an underground river, so they are very much isolated from the world. I become one of those elvish beings and start living the story in their own skin. We encounter these humans when we reach a cave that is semi empty of water and has a stairway carved in the rocks where we spot some humans. We engage with each other. They welcome us to their world, they show us their caves. We ask if they ever go outside and they show us an access they have to a greenhouse on the surface, that is inside what looks like a zoo. The greenhouse is inside an enclosure where aupposedly should be animals but there are none. The place also seems abandoned so they go there to see sunlight and some outdoor greenery but they never venture outside, and they avoid being seen by outside humans, I don't know why.
      Then I start understanding they are some kind of fascist group with some weird flags that look very similar to nazi flags and I meet their leader and realize they are hiding because the rest of humanity thinks they went extinct and doesn't know of their existence and hideout. I feel very uncomfortable and tell my partner we should go.

      I go back to the outside world and Donald Trump won election after recount with about 6000 votes. I say it is not possible as he was losing by 5 million, but networks are all confirming it and I say in despair that I want to get out of this horror alternative universe.
    5. June 2, 2020 Non-lucid and Semi-lucid

      by , 06-02-2020 at 04:00 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Dream fragment I was racing my sisters in mario kart, we were in the game racing on the courses that looked more like the 3d platform versions of mario, my eldest sister is winning but I'm only 12 points behind her coming up to the last course.

      Another frag I'm at KC lakeview pool with Mason. I'm trying to get in during adult swim but the peck family start talking to me about something, I can see Mason is getting disappointed because he wanted me to come into the pool. Eventually I do end up getting in, there are kids doing tricks off the diving board.

      The dream scene was at JMU, going back and forth down port republic, I think there were parties going on in forest. I'm in a car and we end up at Showker, I'm standing outside with Derek and he points towards the road that goes to the stadium and says "remember when Aaron would come from there and pick us up" and then I said "yeah after Accounting class", by the way this never happened IRL. We go across the highway and where there are dorms and he's telling me about how they drank there as a group of my friends, he then told me I was somewhere else at the time, I began to explain I was at this house over near forest with Hay, I mentioned I had been really hungover.

      I eventually end up walking into a room, the idea is that I got placed into this random class of people who didn't give a shit about their academics. There was a girl curled up in a ball in her sweatshirt with dark makeup and long dark hair, a stocky guy sitting on a couch looking at his phone, and another guy on the other end of the room playing videogames. A teacher walks in and starts asking me about topics I've learned about, I say "accounting" and he repeats me, then I say "calculus" and he goes "oh yes calculus" or something like that, then he sits down on the couch and starts to go on about techniques in super smash bros. about how to go into someone and toss them, I'm starting to think I probably won't be learning anything related to school in this room. The girl who was sleeping is now on the other side of the TV and as I'm paying attention my eyes keep diverting off and meeting her eyes which are also darting back and forth.

      Eventually I'm in another room, it looks like a situation room or computer lab, Donald Trump is there with other foreign leaders. An army soldier walks in, Trump starts talking to him, the army guy starts telling him a story about his brother as they're walking out of the room, a foreign leader stops Trump so he tells the army guy to wait for him out in the hallway, the army soldier says "yes sir" in a disappointed tone. The army guy comes back in the room in a little bit. Trump looks at me standing in the corner and says something like "are we ready to go" in an awkward tone. I'm now in an elevator with Trump Melania the army guy and Trump's two sons. I kept thinking Trump was going to ask the army guy to finish his story with the brother but I looked over and Trump had one iphone headphone in his ear not paying attention. I turned to the army soldier and said, "please you should tell us the rest of the story", he looked awkwardly at Trump who is not paying attention at all. Everyone in the elevator looked extremely uncomfortable. Trump slouched over and leans on the elevator wall where the buttons are.

      I'm standing there and starting to think this is weird, why the hell would I ever be in this situation. And then I think 'hmmm this might be a dream.' I take my right index finger and push it into my left palm, at first nothing happens but then it partially goes through my palm. I look up and say "well you guys do know this is a dream right? This is a dream." Everyone in the elevator was just standing there saying nothing. I said "well in a dream you can do anything" and I imagine myself trying to fly, I end up morphing down through the elevator floor into a space below it where the elevator had been going down. I float down to the first floor and see a lobby that looked similar to an airport gate where you wait to board. My phone buzzes and it locks me out of any vision of the dream. The semi lucidity goes back into a non lucid dream. I unlock my phone and continue into the lobby. I see a bag and what I thought was the girl with the dark eyeliner in her sweatshirt again. I throw my bag on the seat next to hers and sit down. She isn't really there and it's a backpack. I look to my right and Liz walks up and throws a backpack onto a seat next to me. I look at my phone to see a text from her.

      Updated 06-02-2020 at 04:04 PM by 59595

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 5 Sep: In a group of amateur spies

      by , 09-05-2019 at 10:26 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With a group of amateur spies who volunteered to keep an eye and report on the leaders and regimes that threaten the world. I mostly spy the Chinese government's tentacles abroad, but had a chance to infiltrate the Brazilian government and they are with crazy ideas. The president picked up Trump's idea of nuking hurricanes and he shows me excited a bomb they have ready to use in the next extreme weather phenomena. There seems to be no one around him smart enough to see the stupidity of it. Instead they are all so proud of their tech.
      Back to headquarters they don't wanna believe me but someone else confirms my story with complementary info. Meanwhile some colleague is on the phone with a Chinese dude we are monitoring, and she claims he invited her to lunch and there will be no time for us to set up a mission to go with her. She has to go alone. We are all listening in silence, but we almost blow it, with our whispering - we cannot believe she really will go out with this guy.
    7. 22 Apr: Golf with Trump, flying car, all-I-can-eat and dog killers

      by , 04-22-2019 at 10:05 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some place, playing with someone's toys and I see a gorgeous realistic doll. The owner says it is for sale and not very expensive, still it's 39€. For this type of collectible it is cheap, but still is 39€ for a doll, so I get really divided and can't decide to buy it.
      Meanwhile, Riverstone comes along and he asks me for some money and I go to my wallet and have packs of money. I start taking all the bills out for counting and ask Riverstone to help. He starts counting and I need to go do something else but I more or less evaluate how much money that was from my week sales and it is quite a lot. I feel glad.

      Dad invited for some event with VIPs. He takes me along. He joins a bunch of old white people who are down in the garden playing a kind of mini golf and Trump is among them. When it's Trump's turn, he does some weird trick and my dad is under the impression he cheated. But from my viewpoint I don't think so, so I tell him that. My dad gets upset that Trump might actually be a good player. Anyway, as I watch closely this group of old pathetic weirdos, all sucking up to trump, I just feel compassion for the poor fucks, including the Donald himself who simply looks like a clown unaware of his own ridiculousness.
      Meanwhile they are being watched from afar by a group of younger people and I notice some dude staring at me and quite a few others also looking like wondering who am I and why I am among the old geezers. Then I get a big smack in the face. It's a girlfriend that just saw me there and is totally surprised to see me there. I wonder the same. She confesses she is around for something else and spotted me with that group and had to come and check.

      Back home (childhood home), I am with my dad and my three cats. My mom has a friend and some family coming over for a dinner and she got drunk on some liquor. I ask the name of it, because I also try it and it is really tasty. When the family members leave, my mom goes out with her friend. My dad is at the bathroom and when he comes out he gets really scared at something. I heard a noise, but I see nothing strange. Then I see the front door completely open and ask if that's why he got scared. He says no, but also doesn't explain, just goes to get some tools to fix something. I close the door and immediately go check on my cats. One by one I find them deeply asleep in different rooms. I feel relieved.

      Parking one of my cars at home (the farm), I notice something weird: my van is not a van, but a second small car. I go check and it is a flying car. I take it for a ride through the country. People walking below get scared but I am high enough not to be a danger. Then I slow down at the next village and an old neighbor who is walking his dogs makes several complaints. We discuss back and forth, but I tell him not to worry. If we conclude the car or my driving are dangerous, I will stop it. So the grumpy old man and I depart in good terms. Then his son comes along, arrogant, no respect for anyone and he wants to sue me. He carries on bragging about his properties and his rich inheritance as if it had anything to do with this situation.

      Doing a Buddhist retreat, staying at some big hostel, several floors high. I find my room, I am tired and just wanna go to my bunk bed. I start dressing my pajama pants, but my neighbor from the bed below invites me to go to the cafeteria for a while. I have very little money that I can spend but I am definitely hungry., so I accept. She actually needed someone to talk to. She says she gave an interview to some media and she is afraid she might have said too much about our retreat. I tell her I always share just the basic and other things I refer to my teachers and if they need, they can ask them. She orders something to drink, I order some kind of yellow thin pancake, the cheapest thing in the menu and then some generous folks come buy with plates full of food, leftovers they want to share, toasts, pasta, sponge cake... I am so happy and don't want to look greedy but I immediately dive on these plates and eat from all of it.

      Some guy who's into booze comes to find his drinking bottle grew and stretched into the sky like the bean stalk from the fairytale.

      Some graphic news on tv about a lady haidresser and her boyfriend who became dogs serial killers, because supposedly she was going through difficulties and started eating dog meat and cooking it to sell to others. They show graphic footage of her cooking live puppies in a barbecue and cutting the neck of a grand danois.
    8. 13 Feb: Trump offers me a job, Purge meets Hunger Games

      by , 02-13-2019 at 01:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At a street or avenue, I get lucid and remember a thing I read on some instagram post about teleporting to a place we see in a dream. I try teleporting to over a roof of a building, instead I start flying. I don't stop at the roof I go fly around.

      Trump wants to offer me a job, it is not the first time he offers it. Wants me to run his farm. He takes me on a tour, it has really impressive facilities. The chicken pen is gigantic and chicken really have lots of space and conditions to climb and shelters to hide. We find a puppy inside having fun eating eggs. Trump doesn't have a farm manager, he just goes there on sundays to check and do some work himself []. He tells me about the plants and places he liked as he grew up playing on this farm. I am almost convinced he is actually human.
      Then he takes me to follow him around a whole day trying to convince me. Says he'll pay me handsomely and I think about how I would like the money but also how bad it would be accepting the job. He would probably try to seduce me, he would probably fire me sooner than later and my reputation would be both increased and destroyed depending on the audience.
      Then he goes to a casino, I hint I wish it could be my lucky day and hit a jackpot, and he says it might be. But people start looking at me wondering probably if this poorly dressed hippie is his new lover. I am approached by someone pretending to know him while he goes to the toilet, just to try to find out who I am, and I clarify he is just offering me a job. But this person is a journalist. Trump gets angry and takes me away to some clothing shop. I think maybe he wants to change my looks so I can hang out with him, raising less questions on others, but it is actually about himself (obviously). The ladies look at me as the ones who looked down at Julia Roberts and Pretty Woman. They ask me what I want and I say I'm with Trump. Then he says he bought something he is not happy with and wants to buy a new one that is in promotion. I look around the shop and anyway it is really bad taste conservative clothes I would never use.
      I tell him my bigger problem with the job offer is the distance. I say it does not compensate. He thinks about it, offers me a load of money, so that I cannot reject anymore.

      The movie Purge meets The Hunger Games. I am with some friends at their home, that has steel window blinds, but the bad guys override the system and they open up. I escape through a backdoor to the outside, but have to go through some dudes who were trying to enter from there. I hit one with something heavy and get an ax and a hammer from a shack nearby. I open my way through whomever I encounter, some are hard to kill, some try to steal my weapons. I manage to come together with my friends again and we go through the city. We try to find hideout in parks and less populated areas. But this doesn't end in one day, it lasts for some time, so we decide to try to escape the city or we will end up being killed.
      We find the edge of the city and we discover it is a floating city, miles high in the sky. Seems a dead end. But we meet a guy that claims to be coming from the outside world. He tells us there are two points where there is a climbing system on the wall, with ropes and that we can escape through there. We sleep a night in an abandoned hotel room. I dream with the wall thing, I see the rope mesh going down and that the wall has a sort of inclined platform before it dives vertically. I share the dream with my friends in the morning, taking it as a vision. I can't find my weapons and suspect someone infiltrated the group. But nothing happens and we head to the place with the ropes to escape.
    9. 13 Dec: Overcrowded and overheated future, time travel and judgement day

      by , 12-13-2018 at 04:30 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In a not so distant future, Trump is still US President, but climate change has wrecked society. He himself is suffering the effects on his own skin, literally. On the news they're saying he had a heat stroke and sweat so much at some event he almost died. He will now only be indoors in controlled temperature and they are considering making a protective dome around him when he has to step outside, so he is in a controlled environment all the time.

      I am on the overcrowded subway, lots of women with their kids going to school, but it is so dangerous. People have no civility anymore and can get violent and do whatever, because there is lawlessness. Gangs of criminals attack, rob, kidnap in broad daylight and on public transports and no one can stop it. It's heartbreaking to see how men treat women and their children as second class humans and push them, hurt them, insult them as a normal part of life. Police now shoots on the streets any illegal immigrant or suspected criminal.
      The subway train I am in just stopped at a station and there is a half a dozen policemen with guns ready to shoot some Hispanic guy who has a hostage and is waiting to get on board of the train with her, which incidentally s his wife. They actually don't shoot, because of so many people around and he comes on the subway. He is out of his mind, shouting, threatening everybody and he seats with the lady under his arm, pointing a gun to her.
      He is clearly mad and delusional and he claims we are all somehow guilty of whatever accusation against him on violence against his wife. He says something about her lawyers and suddenly he sees us as said lawyers and wants to kill us. As I see that he is ready to shoot randomly, when I see a chance I grab some crane or stick that I find nearby and I hit him in the head multiple times until he falls on the ground, still conscious, but no longer capable of doing anything at all, visibly fatally wounded. I feel horribly sick with what I did. But others treat me as a hero, saying I did what was necessary to save us all.

      Later I am at some family's home and a lady is telling her father that her kid is coming to the city to participate in the Olympic games and that she is accompanied by her father and coach. This lady's dad implies that there is a thing going on between the kid's dad and the coach. The mother minimizes its importance, what matters is the kid. She wants the grandpa to be at the competitions supporting his granddaughter. He claims it is too expensive and dangerous nowadays, but she promises to try get some special seats for athletes families. He still has decided he won't go. Being outside just became to dangerous and extremely unpleasant because of the heat and social unrest.

      Me and some friends have some special abilities, like going back in time and altering the past or flying. And there is a group who is trying to get to us and steal our powers, which we get from a kind of dark matter that we can extract from thin air.
      I go on a mission to some time in the past to alter something, but it isn't a moving normal reality, instead it is like landing on a rock solid static 3D picture and to alter anything, I have to fight huge forces that feel like gravity, like when I want to change positions of people and objects. In this case, I need to move a newspaper on a table to a certain page to be noticed by some man who will sit on the table, but turning the page is like turning a large rock.
      Just as I had accomplished it, one guy from the organization that hunts us down, appears in the situation, holding a bit of the black matter and we grabs me but I still can escape to my present time. In the present, they are chasing my friends mercilessly and they get hold them and them into a building with a large lobby with glass walls, concrete columns and a lake outside. I keep entering the facilities at night and I get closer and closer to find them. Then one night I find the room they are being kept in, but their agents come and see me there. I run and try to find my way backwards from where I came. I lose most of them in the chase, except for one lady agent who is relentless. I jump through a window, fearless as I summon some black matter that sustains me in my flight. But she also has some black matter and with a bit of fear she also jumps out of the window and tries to chase me. But they are far from mastering this thing and she just floats down to the ground as I soar through the sky, getting away from her.

      Visiting my cousin Ana. She is sharing an house with a dude I don't like so much at first sight but actually later I find him ok. She is very busy and basically leaves me at home alone. She has a new business of buying and remodeling houses and she is very excited with it. She leaves with the guy. I go to the toilet because my eyes hurt. I look in the mirror and I see I have a bunch of eyelashes in my eyes and I start removing them, feeling much relief.

      Then I go to the university, but strangely not to have classes with a regular teacher, but to receive teachings from my Buddhist teacher. My colleagues enter an auditorium where the teaching will happen and there is a lot of noise and confusion inside. When I go in I see my colleagues debating with a bunch of other people who are already sitting there for another class. There was a double reservation of this room, but those who came first won the right to stay. I go outside again and my teacher walks by with the usual entourage around him and just goes away when learning the teaching was postponed until a new room is found available. But as he goes away, I notice a sneaky eye contact with me.

      It's judgement day and the world is being slowly torn apart in a vortex spiraling from all directions. From any place we stand, the vision is that of a cylindrical tube, at which opposite sides the vortex is destroying everything. But it works to my left and right and also to my front and back and other directions. And somewhere in the exact center there is a sweet spot of calmness. There is chaos everywhere with buildings collapsing, people running aimlessly, but in the center where I stand, there is an angelic baby, with golden locks, all alone, sitting in absolute peace. I go towards him and cuddle his head. He is smiling and I feel peace too. I turn around for a second and he disappears. Then people around me reach a new level of hysteria and I see electricity cables ripping apart and swinging on the streets, electrocuting whomever gets caught in the way. I look for cover but I am hit by it a couple of times. But doesn't do me any harm. I still decide to take cover inside some building, so I enter a food court and find and absolutely calm environment. There are two vegetarian fast food companies selling their delicacies over a counter. I start with the guys from the right who are preparing vegan pizzas and I want to try but they claim it will still take a while. So then I turn to the guys on the left to see what they have and they offer me some salads as a starter and some vegan patties. Oh well, if it's the end of the world, I will die happy
    10. 8 Dec: Android friend, boat party, wildfires and mutant pet

      by , 12-08-2018 at 11:46 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I have an android friend, Japanese looking, who I always treat as a human friend. Someday I have somewhere to go and leave her behind without an explanation and she resented me for that, felt treated like an appliance that would be just fine at home alone. She wanted to cut bonds with me. I gave her freedom to act as a human and live her life. Encountered her years later, on a boat, docked on an island, where there's a festival happening.
      She is still angry at me, had been living with guys who used her (I guess as a sex partner) but she had left them one after the other, tired of being constantly treated as an object.
      Very strong wildfires burst in the island leaving everyone in danger.
      In the midst of all these, there is a revelation of documents that finally show how much money Trump got from certain people and lots of people are celebrating his downfall. One lady wants to share the news on a megaphone, when a siren sounds loudly and flames approach the coast. Lots of people come take refuge in ships by the coast and becomes a nightmare to fit so many people in the boats. Chaos ensues and one guys tries to rape me in a dark corner, but I get helped by another guy whom I detest, but on that moment I even feel attracted to him.

      With a bunch of people, many familiar to me, still on a boat, but now things are calmer and on land there is some event with conferences and lectures. A friend of mine comes to tell me that such and such person can't make the lecture he or she was supposed to and they want me to do it instead. I ask about what and she says "Foucault" and I panic, because I know nothing about Foucault. She says they have a powerpoint on a computer and I just need to read it ahead and then follow it. I say no way, but I gotta try and help somehow. So I go running to the conference place, 15 mins ahead to try and read the material and get acquainted with the topic. People are already waiting in the lounge of the auditorium.

      I see an organ (keyboard) and a few chairs by the trash, go get my van to collect it and on returning I see a family emptying their house, so I ask them permission to collect the things they are throwing away. They are extremely nice and invite me to their house to see what they have and help taking it out. I am amazed with the place. I explain my work with charities and that I'd like to take all that I can, they help me pack in bags and carry it outside. They have amazing stuff. They have a weird mutant pet, like Nessie, in a lake outside that reaches inside through a balcony with his long neck. He really likes me and starts licking me. One of the kids says to let it give me a smooch, but others say no, no, because he'll rip my head off. Apparently he gets really excited with some smells and can bite someone's head off.
    11. 7 Nov: Non-sense fragments and Trump commits suicide!

      by , 11-07-2018 at 04:29 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Lucidity: ⭐ (1/5)
      Clear: ⭐⭐ (2/5)
      An homage party to Saramago (portuguese literature Nobel winner). Manuel Alegre (another portuguese guy who writes poetry but is an idiot) gets on the stage, says some incendiary things, seems drunk. People remove him by force but he picks up a fight with a young journalist and it is mayhem.

      In an hospital, some bad guys come in and make hostages. I sneak out to the next room before they see me, but one suspects something. I hide behind a reclinable chair in the room, no time to run away. They don't see me though. But other people who escaped come in and they find me. I decide to take action and with their help, I attack the leader of the bad guys. Not easy, end up fighting two people.

      In Lisbon, downtown, dressed really hot and cool, get out from whatever place I am to go for a quick stroll. Can't take to long, left something hanging. I come across a fair of second-hand and vintage stuff. Would love to look at things in detail, but I have to just pass quickly. Sellers are all young people and a couple of them block my way and insist that I stop and buy something. I say I can't, they don't seem to accept very well. I go back to the place I was before.

      With some girl friends, including Zilla, we're playing with some crazy afro wigs, testing how they look on us. They are a bit over the top, but I like it. I also try some gorgeous clothes.

      On a beach type environment, me and Riverstone are worried making shelters for us and others, due to an upcoming storm. I dig around some big rocks, making up space like some basic galleries to duck in between the rocks. Riverstone chose to built some kind of tent, that falls down at the first accumulation of rain. Somehow, Donald Trump is involved in the scene. He is going through some heavy defeat and he can't cope with the feeling, so in the midst of this storm, he kills himself. My first feeling is that a human being committed suicide and I honestly feel bad for him, but then I realize who he is and realize how this can be such great news for the world.
    12. October 22, 2018 Semi-Lucid, Non-Lucid, False Awakening, Nightmare

      by , 10-22-2018 at 07:31 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Earlier yesterday I took a nap. I became aware that I was dreaming but I wasn't really in control. The scene in front of my was flickering. It turned into this weird structure like the one from Interstellar with the bookcases but instead of bookcases it was the blue sky and the clouds. It looked like the same sort of image or block of space was going off in a bunch of different directions around me. I felt very high but the dream collapsed.

      I haven't had a nightmare that freaked me out in a long time until this morning. The dream was back at my house from when I was a kid and my parents were still married. There were things that happened earlier in the dream, but I started to remember when I was inside what looked like our garage. My father was narrating the dream. He was telling me about something that had happened in my past, something dark. I was myself now but watching my child self playing in the garage. There were these white strings that had bounced on the ground and were attached to something away from my view. My dad was explaining that I had discovered something, or something evil had discovered me. As he explains it, the object attached to the strings comes into view as my child self picks it up. I don't know the significance of it but it's this bell that looks similar to the liberty bell with a crack in it and a piece missing but it's small enough to hold in my hands. My child self becomes extremely terrified. I can hear my dad's voice get bitter. I'm freaking out now. The story is that two spirits took me that day up into the sky for hundreds of years. One spirit is a dead woman dressed in a gown whose colors are negative. I couldn't see the other spirit, but something was telling me the spirit I couldn't see was much powerful than the woman spirit and was controlling the entire situation. They took me up into the sky where there was an old floating house. It was weird because I could vaguely remember that I had been there before. My dad was so distraught telling me they took me up there for hundreds of years but for them it only lasted a blink of a second. I was just finding all of this out now.

      I woke up in a false awakening in my dad's old house. I ran to the door with my mom on the phone, I was asking her if it was real. She couldn't answer which told me it had been real. The door was locked and I was frantically trying to open it because I could feel the spirit behind me. I burst through and ran downstairs to see my dad in the kitchen. I walked over to him crying and wrapped my arms around him.

      I woke up in another false awakening, this time in my current room. Because my closet door was open, it made a tall giant dark figure in the corner of my eye. I was in sleep paralysis. At first, the shadow wasn't doing anything, but then I thought it might move and it became evil. The thing just flew at my face and was hovering there. I was stuck in a flinch terrified. This lasted a few moments before the evil thing made a lunge at my face and I woke up this time for real.

      Eventually, I went back to bed and had this dream that Donald Trump was about to do something entertaining yet destructive to the entire world, like a giant show that would lead to some sort of bad thing happening. I was with another person, I think maybe my mom, living this story of two agents who were going to stop Trump. I had been caught by a secret agent who brought me into a room. Trump ordered me to get beat up or something. The agent had taken off his belt and had hit me and was planning to kill me. Trump all of the sudden flew at the agent and knocked him out. Turns out Trump was my mom in disguise. We get out of that room and sort of ninja jump over a pond away from bad guys.

      I'm now in this pool surrounded by buildings with a few of my friends from college including lauren and there were a few kids I didn't recognize. Someone whispers for me to flip over a floating device she's on but she gets off. Moo tells us there's not a lot of time left for us to stop Trump and the only way to get there is through this amusement park. He tells us to jump on this roller coaster on the second to back left seat because there is this really strange robot that sits in the seat with you or something. Moo Owen and I jump into the station and get into the carts before other people can. They just seem to let it happen and get back in line. Most of us are in the back cart. I look up and see Moo's on the other side of the train next to this cowgirl robot and I realize that's where we were supposed to get in. The ride starts and we hang on. It starts to go up a hill as I ask Owen when we should be getting off. Moo yells that we need to get off at the next slow part. The train takes a few turns and then starts going up another hill. We jump onto another rollercoaster track which is made of what looks and feels like brushes for shoes or maybe horses. I'm struggling to get a grip and finally start gaining some traction. Someone yells that we need to get ready to surf. The rollercoaster takes a dip downwards and we start standing up surfing on this rollercoaster down a hill. In front of us is this wide alley with buildings on both sides that contain rides and rollercoasters coming out of the buildings. The idea is that we need to jump from ride to ride in order to get through and stop Trump's plan. The dream collapses.

      Updated 10-22-2018 at 07:36 PM by 59595

      nightmare , false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
    13. Grand prize winner!

      by , 09-05-2018 at 05:13 PM (Exterminate)
      I was getting dressed to go on a roadtrip with my family. I had Niagara Falls in my mind as I was putting on my clothes. As I walked out the door I saw my family leave without me. Guess I took too long to get dressed. I turned around and got worried I may have been locked out of the house. I realized my key was still in my bedroom. The front door had double doors. One was locked, one was left open a bit but was locked. I was able to get in because someone failed to close the door all the way. I was about to close the door and go back to my room, but then I saw a bunch of vehicles park in our driveway and yard and even overflow down the road a bit. I went back outside to see what was going on. I saw Donald Trump in a semi-truck. I walked up to the truck and he climbed out. I shook his hand and said it was a pleasure to meet Mr. Trump. He told me I won first prize in a giveaway and that I could choose one of two prizes. $30,000 cash or all of the vehicles in sight. He then proceeded to give me a tour. There were at least 10 semis, some snowmobiles, an ATV, some small motorized bikes, some cars, etc. I was very impressed, but I could not decide which prize I wanted. I mean sure the vehicles have a much much higher value and can be sold to make a huge profit, but I'd still have to store them and sell them in the meantime.

      I decided on the lump sum of cash. Donald Trump was not impressed. I said I really wanted an ATV, but perhaps I can get one another day, or even purchase it with the cash on hand. He took me back to his truck where he looked for two pieces of paper to hand to me. They were red and real long. I did find them. I opened them up and they had a bunch numbers like bank account, SSN, etc. They looked more like contracts than deposit slips or checks. I shook Donald Trump's hand and referred to him again as Mr. Trump. I noticed his son Don Jr. was also present and shook his hand awkwardly referring to him also as Mr. Trump. I went back inside the house as all the trucks departed. As I closed the door I heard someone else entering from a side door. I quickly worried that I was being robbed and that they somehow knew I was a prize winner. I went upstairs, hid the papers in a cabinet that held an ironing board (Who would look there?), and faced the stranger downstairs. As I descended the stairs I wondered why I didn't grab my bat from my bedroom to use for self defense when suddenly I found myself confronting the stranger. She seemed to be a mix between black and Hispanic and appeared to be a few months pregnant, just enough for the baby bump to show. She had a friend of hers with her. She seemed surprised to see me, but quickly maintained her composure.

      I asked her what she was doing in the house and told her she didn't belong here. She told me she was a tenant and got frustrated that she would be accused of anything but that. I then desired to call my parents who own the house
      , but the dream ended before I could.

      For the record the house in the dream was a combo of the current house and my childhood home. The driveway was a large horseshoe, and the front doors being double doors mirrors the current house more than the previous. The iron closet is of the current house, but the house layout was of the prior house.
    14. Trump-Russia summit

      by , 07-18-2018 at 01:38 PM (Exterminate)
      My dream father was President Trump. We were in another country (Likely Finland), as my dad was getting prepared for an important meeting. I noticed a lot of garbage was lying around in this room that important leaders were soon to meet in, so I decided to help maintenance clean it up during some down time. I recall scraping off a thick layer of grease from what appeared to be a pickup truck bed. After a few minutes' work we all left the place to go to the assigned meeting place. So now I am in a van with Trump driving, Vladimir Putin riding shotgun, me behind Trump, Putin's wife next to me, and brother behind me. Putin's wife in this dream was a creepy old hag who cared about nothing but her appearance and that she was better than everyone else. Trump and Putin were talking it up in the front seat, but Putin's wife silenced Putin for talking too much and getting friendly with the enemy. That was kind of the point of the meeting was to try to ease America-Russia relations and work out peace, but she wanted none of it. She then asked me some questions about how old I am, and what I do for work. She said I smelled horribly and should be ashamed. She asked how I could be in her presence with the how bad I smelled. She said she was the most powerful woman in the world and that I should leave her sight. I tried to defend myself saying I took a shower and used deodorant and fragrance in the morning, but she just responded that I should have applied it again before entering her presence. She then reached in for a kiss, but I pulled away because #1 gross and #2 I felt she was trying to kill me. She tried a couple of times and eventually landed one mostly on my cheek. I scooted as far away from her as possible and a moment later I felt a numbing sensation start on my cheek and a bit of my lips. I knew it! She tried poisoning me with her lipstick. (See Doctor Who for where this idea came from) I immediately called out to my father that we needed to get to a hospital straight away because Putin's wife tried to kill me. Putin sighed in frustration and we sped up looking for a doctor.
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. 18-03-24 Trump, Colleague

      by , 03-26-2018 at 04:08 AM
      I was with a group of people, one of them being Trump. I said something to him, but kind of said something else and ended up feeling stupid.

      I interacted with an ex-colleague of mine, Mark (Arnouts). It was in an industrial area. He reeked of gasoline, so I told him this.
      Tags: basf, trump
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