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    1. Dream Journal Day 33: Night of Tuesday 30.01.2024

      by , 02-07-2024 at 12:48 AM
      I'm so annoyed with myself! I remembered this whole dream when I woke up (at 4:20) but I didn't write it down immediately because I was tired. It was really interesting, too. Now I only remember this fragment. This reminds me strongly of another dream which I never wrote down, I can't remember when it was but it was at least a couple months ago.

      I'm travelling on the underground trains, but my train is stopped for some reason so I exit. I remember standing in a wide square above ground. The ground is covered with yellow gravel and the sky above is clear and bright. I stand in front of a blocky stone monument, a large slab with words carved into them. I don't think I bothered to read them.

      I read about some artwork in two train stations and I want to go and see it. An artist carved messages into the platform walls, criticising two different British prime ministers. After waking up I felt like they were Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher - but surely not... That would be funny. I take the train once again and get off at the station where the first one is. The platform is wide and its wall is rough-textured, as though there is a thick layer of cement on the outside.

      However upon arriving I am shocked to see the artwork almost completely gone. At the near end of the platform the beginning of one line of text is carved into the wall. At the far end finish two or three lines. Between is a smooth blank expanse of dark grey cement. I know that text once covered the lower part of this wall, but it seems to have been erased - smoothed over without leaving a trace.

      I suppose that because Tony Blair (why not) became Prime Minister after all, he had the work removed to avoid damage to his reputation. This thought weighs on me. The idea of political censorship leaves a bad taste in my mouth. On the platform, the next station is Victoria.
    2. deleted

      by , 01-11-2024 at 04:56 PM

      Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:07 AM by 99032

    3. ccclxvii. Scraps

      by , 02-28-2022 at 04:55 PM
      15th February 2022


      A dark and steel-blue place. I interact with some people. A tunnel or hallway? (most detail faded too much, I left recall too long and radio didn't help)

      16th February 2022


      Watching myself or a video of someone else from a first person perspective. On a bed. Four erections and right hand holding a phone/recording?

      17th February 2022


      (recall very vague) Following and getting into formation with a Rheinland battleship. I'm flying a Banshee and there's something Bretonian nearby, maybe gunboats? I don't think there are any open hostilities.
    4. 7 Jan: Party at a bakery and weird attack helped by robotic clones

      by , 01-07-2022 at 08:14 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With a male friend and following a female friend. We lose her when she goes around a corner and a bunch of other people get in the way. Something is going on because people are acting strange. We are at my home village and we decide to go inside a bakery located in its main square. There is some kind of celebration going on inside, supposedly regarding New Year's, but we are past that day. And anyway, they are playing some Xmas songs and the whole thing makes no sense. Still, I join in for fun. The party is also themed like the '40s and the Xmas music is only from that era. I notice my teen crush Tiago sitting there on a table with some other guy and I notice he is trying to ignore me but very much saw me. I look hot and I am dressed in a sexy mini skirt and I decide to taunt him a bit. I keep pretending I didn't see him and start dancing with others. But he also keeps ignoring me, so I get bored. Then I check the cakes on the counter and I am desperate to have a slice of a couple of them. But the bakery owner says they aren't selling slices directly. I have to buy a raffle ticket and I get whatever cake comes up in the ticket, if any. But lots of the cakes have chocolate amd I say I specifically need those without it. The owner keeps refusing and then says she can sell me directly but only the whole cake to take out. I tell her ok, whatever it takes and ask the price of a couple of them. I am expecting it to be pricey, but affordable. I have maybe 20-30€ in my wallet. But she says it's a 100€. I say that's insane and then ask how many cakes is she packing on that box and how much for just one and she keeps saying it is 100 for each. I repeat that's insane. She explains it is only today because of the special event and she is doing this as a special favor to me. I pass. I head to the door and see some guy throwing a hand grenade or homemade bomb towards the window to the right of the door. I yell for people to duck and I run to the opposite side. It blows and breaks the window. Some guy pulls me to a storage room on the back and i hope there is a backdoor to exit. There is, but when I open it, I see the back leads to empty lots and some suspicious pick ups are driving like nuts in the roads between the lots and heading our way. A guy jumps off one the trucks and walks with another grenade in his hand towards us. I try to barricade, but there are only soft materials. So I run to the washroom and try tp escape through the window. But it opens to some kind of enclosed backyard whith the ground two floors below. So I have to do some climbing and holding on to the ledges of windows and go around the walls that make a square around the yard, until I find another open window. That one leads directly to the lobby of a train station remotely similar to the station of Santa Apolónia in Lisbon. There are people visibly in shock running inside for the trains and some weird tall people in blue waterproof coats seem to be trying to control them. They start closing some interior doors to the platforms to stop people from going in. I make a run for it and manage to get inside. Not without one of these blue dressed women grabbing me. They are weird. She doesn't hurt me and she seems unable to restrain me seriously. She is just passively agressively asking me to leave. And I refuse and ask who they are. She says they are just clones that here to help. I notice how she looks like Fernanda. I push her and she calls for backup of a male. They both surround me and try to make me go back but I grab their arms and push them around and notice that they don't react with harmful strenghth, so I decide to push them harder and run for it, which works. They lose interest and try to stop other people. I go to the ticket booth and ask for a ticket out of the city. The lady says there is no need for ticket, they are evacuating all who want to. They themselves seem to be packing to leave. So I go to the platforms and try to look for the right train but the info on the boards is all messed up and impossible to know. So two guys point me to a tunnel and say we gotta follow it because the trains have all left already. So I go with them. But at some point a train comes out of nowhere speeding towards us and we need to jump to the other tracks to escape it. Strange thing is that it's being pulled by a human like a horse pulling a carriage. Then another train is coming from the opposite way on the other track and we have to jump again. Same thing, pulled by a human. It's surreal. Then the guys decide to disappear up a vertical tunnel over our heads, but I try to follow them and can't, it is too tight and with rough edges where I get stuck uncomfortably. I feel claustrophobic and give up. Instead I decide to continue following a larger tunnel that bifurcates from the one with the trains we were in.

      Updated 01-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880

    5. 6 Aug: Flirting with cousin, meeting Nighthawk, exploring backrooms and a tornado

      by , 08-06-2021 at 05:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Surreal family encounter, my cousin is still alive and so happy to see me, our energy is pretty good. We flirt, but we have to hide it from the family, so he starts reading poetry out loud from a book and sending me his messages that way. I understand what he is doing, He mentions he'd like to kiss me.
      Then chaos ensues with an electrical storm. There is a circus passing by and strong winds push everything and everyone in different directions. I end up in a Merry-go-round with Captain Jack Sparrow. I wonder about my cousin left behind, but tell myself I wouldn't mind making out with Johnny Depp either. But he is drunk and misbehaving and things go from bad to worse. Then it's like I am seeing myself through a 3rd person or in a movie and the movie dissects how he was actually sober and a really nice guy and it was me, a mentally ill person who messed up. I feel depressed and go for a walk.
      Then I am near Nighthawks house and decide to go to a place nearby take care of some business. I hope he doesn't see me passing by his door and thinks I am there looking for him. I am walking fast but think I spotted him in the crowd on the street through the corner of my eye. I reach a nearby mall and move through the corridors, reaching an art gallery or museum with several exhibits. I feel this is not what what I came for, so I plan to go back and figure out my way, when Nighthawk surprises me. He is looking dandy, in a light brown corduroy blazer. Asks me what I am doing here, that he saw me passing by and followed me. I say hi and I feel an awkward desire to hug and kiss him. Seems like he does to, but we both hold back. We sit on a bench and I explain what I am doing here and where I am meaning to go, He first offers to come along but suddenly holds my hand and says "We're not going there, we're going to my home" and my heart races. We just get up and walk fast through the crowd holding hands. I kiss his hand. When the crowd gets thicker and we get stuck in the middle of people, I hug him and feel his body hot and sweaty. I am also hot and sweaty. But it isn't off putting, much the contrary. I wonder if I am properly shaved (lol) but in the end I am not really feeling hung up by my insecurities, I am genuinely ready to let go of everything and just spend all day with him making out, making love. I feel beyond thrilled that he is not holding back anything either. But before we go, he stops by some tables where a group of ladies dressed in vintage clothing (like 18th or 19th century) are chatting and drinking tea. He says he was coming to meet them to discuss some film they are collaborating on and he just needs 5 min with them. I also sit and he introduces me. They are so interested in me because of something he says about me. Food is served to the table and they offer me some kind of crunchy bread.

      Again with my family, I think in my paternal grandma's village. It's late evening, it is getting dark. We see a fire in the distance and seems to be in the area of grandma's house. We worry and head there but as we approach, we see it is some other house. It is an historical building, of a large wealthy family and the fire is on the 1st floor. The family is moving in and out and I wonder what they are doing. They are taking the elderly out but the youngest keep going inside trying to put out the fire. Seems confined to that floor for now and they say it is also in one particular room. I manage to go inside to help. they don't allow me to enter the room on fire, but I make it to the next room and spot fire coming through the walls and starting to set an old dresser on fire, so I put it out. Then the owner of the house comes in, seems like this is his bedroom, and asks what am I doing here and to get out. He his a big man, dark skin, hairy, big belly, looks middle eastern. He acts like nothing is going on and he plans to go rest on his bed. Seems they managed to control the fire and the whole family is back to normal. Nobody seems to care about my presence, so I take the longer way out, so I can see the rest of the house, which is amazing. I head down to the basement, they have a wine cellar and 3 guys are there talking. I spot a cat carrying a kitty on her back and comment how cute that is. Then the guys notice me and while one who loves cats smiles and engages with me, the others invite me out, so I finally reach for the door. Outside is daylight already. The guy who fancied me came along and I also join some friends that stood outside waiting for me. We walk through this beautiful romantic city that looks from the 18th century, with incredible parks and iron bridges. The guy that came along is about to go his own way, as he feels he doesn't belong in our group, but I let it slip that I find him cute, so now he looks really distressed and keeps walking with us. He is making me nervous so I ask what is he thinking and he confesses he doesn't want to leave me because he is also attracted to me and doesn't want to blow a chance of something happening between us. But I am not that interested and now I kinda fear him a bit, because he seems like he might just snap and drag me behind some bushes and rape me.
      Then we come across a weird place with colorful tiled hallways forming some kind of maze in a park. In some places the tiles form geometric designs like rectangles within rectangles and they don't feel like just decorative.
      I feel they are portals, so I decide to try and plunge into one. I get inside a large place that feels very much like "the backrooms". Besides this large room, I see openings to other rooms and corridors all covered in these yellow and red tiles. I fear it a little bit but decide to trust my powers that I can just decide to cross any wall to get out. So I risk exploring a bit and find one large room whose floor is inclined and becomes ever more inclined as I go further. At some point I decide to just have a bit of fun falling down that rabbit hole and I take my feet of the ground and base jump. But it seems to go on forever, so when it is getting stressful, I spot a square opening on the diagonal floor/wall to another tiled room a level below. It seems horizontal, a place where I can walk right up again, so I fly in, to go there. Once back to a stable horizontal room, I again cross the wall and get out, exiting to the hallway at the park. I find my friends there, but also a bunch of other people around some lady. She can also open the portals on the walls and she uses the rooms like personal vaults. And she cons people. She claims nobody can go inside or risks getting trapped there forever (except her servants who are stacking boxes in there under her command and control). She claims the boxes are full of some cryptocurrency that these people gave her money for. I say that's not how it works and she is pissed. She tries to send me away but I enter one of the rooms that has the portal open. I crash into the pile of boxes, not sure what I am doing, but I expose they are full of buttons and other small plastic pieces. Her goons come to attack me, but I move faster and I get out of there. Problem is one of my friends that came to the rescue, is in a choke hold by one of the goons and I have to go back to rescue her. We all escape and start running down those tiled hallways. Then a pink tornado forms at the end of the hallway forcing us to go back. The tornado is growing and we decide to jump out of the maze to the park, then we parkour through the cityscape getting closer to the river where we find a retro shopping center encroached on a hill, which confers great protection. There is a bunch of old ladies sitting in park benches outside and we yell that a tornado is coming and they don't get it. They recognize it is a little windy and accept maybe a storm is forming but don't have a clue what a tornado is. We almost have to push them. Once inside, everybody is seeking cover in the innermost areas of the mall and we hunk down against a wall waiting for the tornado to hit.
    6. 13 Jul: Lucid surreal stuff, chased by Darth Vader into tunnel, college field trip

      by , 07-13-2021 at 03:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice.
      There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me.
      Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it.
      Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat.

      There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down.

      Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike).
      We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't.
      We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason.
      I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
    7. 15 May: Tricked by the devil, finding hidden room in my attic and escaping stalkers

      by , 05-15-2021 at 02:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Flood on a village. A stranger picks me up and jumps with me into a well, which strangely is the only dry thing around. We come out on the other side into some fantasy land. He claims it is heaven or paradise and he needs my help with something there. I encounter some ficticious relatives of mine who had been missing because of the floods. They are gathered around a table and feasting. I join their brunch, go crazy on cakes and juice and at some point realize the guy may be the devil and this is some kind of trick. But I wake up.

      Been dreaming of a bigger more spectacular version of my house. With hidden rooms in the attic. This time I go to my attic and after closing the entrance door, here is like a smaller room inside it that I can also shut close, and it feels like heaven, a totally isolated space just of my own. Then I start knocking on the wooden ceiling, as I previously encountered hidden doors with technical and electrical panels and I suspect there are more secret compartments I haven't yet discovered. I come across a large trap door that I remove gently and inside is a grid like covering a ventilation shaft. But on the other side is my cat Yéti and I wonder how long my cats have been going to these secret spots and how did he enter this place. I remove the grid and I climb inside. It is a fairly large tunnel that leads to the secret room I had suspected existed. Inside it is like a library / memorabilia shop, full of rare and weird stuff. There are shelves with political and forbidden books but also a whole shelf of altered fairy tale books, like a whole series of a punk-gothic Snow White. There are also weird costumes and incredible posters and pictures on the walls. I try to take photos of it and start getting the usual trouble that image on camera differs from what I see, but I fail to realize that I am dreaming, besides a slight feeling I might be. Then someone enters the attic, intruders looking for me and I don't want them to find my secret room so I go back and shut the entrance and then find some other way from my inner room to the outside world and start being chased by unknown stalkers trough a city. I zig zag through streets trying to distance myself from them and then enter a huge shop which is basically toys and games but is not like toys'r'us, is more towards teenagers and has a cool edgy vibe. Really annoying employees kick me out from a section of the shop and treat me bad because they have a policy of closing down some areas of the shop intermitently and I should know about it. I dwell for a while in the shop admiring some of the toys. I meet Riverstone briefly there too and I show him some toys I used to play wih as a kid, made from sticky rubber. I throw them at his face and they stick for a while and then come tumbling down and feel like jellyfish on your skin. He didn't know these things and feels repulsed, but it brings great memories to me.
      Then I leave and keep on trying to lose my stalkers by going through a shady restaurant, hoping to get out through a back door. But it seems they don't have it. I ask for the toilets and they are in the back, a really dark and degraded area of the building and there is a long line of people there. But I can't go back to the restaurant as my stalkers are probably there at the moment trying to spot me. So I wai,t disguised in the crowd of families waiting to pee. When I finally get in, there are a couple windows but very tiny and with iron bars, not fit for a person to climb out. So I leave, but then finally find some door leading to a back alley. It was close shut and hidden behind lots of stuff, but I spot light rays coming from a fringe on the floor and I break it open, so I escape my stalkers.
    8. cclviii. Train transit hub, Missing pasta

      by , 04-27-2021 at 10:57 AM
      24th April 2021


      In a train station hub or maybe it's a subway. It's a vast place, made mostly out of concrete as far as I can remember. Either way, it's busy. I remember daylight shining through in places and I am walking in a tunnel of sorts with someone, maybe JoCo.


      I'm in the kitchen, looking in the cupboard with the tinned and packaged food, I think? I notice some tortellini packs are missing most of the tortellini and they look vacuum packed. Some have like three or four bits of pasta at most and that's it. I feel annoyed that I somehow missed this detail at the shop and feel it'll be annoying to have to return these. I think to myself something like "they clearly aren't fit for having a full meal like this".


      - Later the same day I think, I was talking to H about the second fragment and it was pointed out to me that the tortellini is always vacuum packed. I had not consciously realised this until that point.
    9. 3 Oct: Discover a buddhist altar underground and a sword leads me to a temple

      by , 10-03-2020 at 08:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection

      With some people, bored. I spot a stone slab on the ground that I lift and I excavate under. They wonder what I am doing and even I don't know. I find an empty space and with a lantern I point down a shaft and show them my find. There is a Buddhist altar a couple levels below. I somehow get down there and from the middle of the altar objects I get a sword that I feel compelled to take with me. I can't go back up the hole, so instead I follow a tunnel that goes from there and I end up by a river. I notice I am in my white satin pyjama and barefoot with a sword now in the middle of the street and I start attracting other people's attention. There is a dock on the opposite side of the river and some guy starts walking parallel to me. He is making me nervous when I realize he wants to attack me as soon as he gets a chance to cross the river. But I save him the trouble by flying up and towards him. I brandish my sword and knock him down with a chi energy blast, don't even touch him. I keep walking up a road and 3 Chinese boys, also with swords, start walking by my side in an intimidatory way. I warn them they'll get hurt if they attack me, but eventually I just fly away also leaving them behind. I fly over a canyon and next I see a vast savannah. I spot some hunters ambushing some wild animals and preparing to shoot arrows at them and I destroy their arrows mid-air with my sword. Then see a large number of people walking towards some big temple in the horizon. There is a stupa and a couple pyramids plus other ancient and new structures in a rocky plateau surrounded by lush jungle. It is so beautiful that I cry. I am welcomed at a reception where they say they didn't expect me but can accommodate me. They show me the restrooms and leisure rooms and communal kitchens. I am hungry and offer to cook some mushrooms and vegetables I see on the counter, but no one else seems much interested in it. I recognize some faces but most are unfamiliar to me. They then take me along to meet a great old lama I never heard of. He is receiving people or teaching at a very large auditorium with a very high ceiling. I want to get an overview of the event, so I fly up to a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The lama sees me and scolds me for it, because I am disrespecting him by standing above him. I project my chi again, this time not to hurt but almost as a telepathic mean of communication. I am both trying to show him I am a friend and mean no disrespect, but also kind of showing of my powers. When he receives my energy blast, his bindus start emanating a blueish light in all directions, which causes quite a stir among the audience. I feel I better leave and stop freaking out everybody. I wait outside at the lobby and I find Laura there. She says there is a rumour that Rinpoche is arriving there too and as I walk around and between some white columns at an entrance hall, just thinking about what to say when I see him, he arrives and comes down in my direction. I notice that he sees me and he is containing his emotion. So am I. But there is never an opportunity to talk, because he is immediately engulfed by eager followers and disappears in a crowd.

      Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:59 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. A Place with a Mind of its Own

      by , 07-14-2020 at 08:23 PM (Night Vision)
      (Note: The longer my dreams are, the harder it is for me to remember details, particularly conversations, and this was a long one. There’s several hours’ worth of material here that I can only remember happened at all because I can remember remembering it in a later part of the dream, and this does raise questions of whether they ever actually played out. But, for what it’s worth, it doesn’t feel to me as if that’s what happened, and I do have many cases of knowing dream memory is working in that way to compare it to.)

      The earliest part I can remember is of a disaster taking place, a flood sweeping through a public building of some kind. Everybody is trying to get out. I’m one of the last out, but I wait, holding the door open so that the waters don’t forcibly close it and trap the one person who’s still there. It took him a while to believe this was actually happening (understandable, considering how weird it is), so he didn’t get out as quickly as everyone else.

      After this series of events is the biggest memory gap, which seems to mainly consist of meeting up with a large group of people and preparing for some kind of expedition together. I become lucid not long before we’re going to set off, although it’s not so much me realizing that it’s a dream as it is the unconscious knowledge that it’s a dream, which I’ve been acting on this whole time, becoming conscious. And this sort of makes it feel as if I’ve been lucid the whole time, if that makes sense.

      I’m looking out the window of a house onto the rolling fields beyond as it happens. I still have some preparation to do here, though, so I’m still here packing as everybody else is leaving. I’m taking my hiking backpack, the black one with yellow trim. It occurs to me to wonder whether I need to do this in a dream, since I can just make things appear if I need them. But I have the impression, based on earlier conversations, that I might not be able to do that in some of the places we’re going, and so I’ll want to make sure I have essentials with me, at least. The last thing I grab is my brown aviator-style jacket, which I fold and pack into the backpack before buckling it and heading downstairs and outside.

      I can just see somebody disappearing past the other side of the house, down a broad stone staircase. That’s where everybody’s gone. I try flying part of the way, but perhaps because of the hiking backpack—even though it doesn’t feel heavy—it’s hard to get more than a couple feet off the ground. But flying seems to be slower than running anyway, so I just run around the side and down the stairs.

      I’m now in an area with several platforms rising a distance above the ground. Next to one on the far side is a cliff wall with a small tunnel partway up, a little above head height. A young women is nearby – it seems she had to stop to do something before going onward. I jump onto one of the platforms, where I see some piled-up clothing. I recognize it as a kind of uniform for us to wear. It looks a bit like a karate gi: loose pants and a shirt that ties around the front, white, though a little discolored with age and threadbare in places. On some of the edges, flowers are embroidered in pale colors. I put it on over my clothing.

      Jumping onto the last platform and up to the tunnel—taking off the backpack and pushing it in first—is practically effortless, much easier than it would be in waking life, which makes it kind of fun. The tunnel is not tall enough to walk in, and it narrows considerably not far ahead, so I push the backpack in ahead of me. It barely fits, and I can see it slide down once it gets past the narrow point, where the tunnel slopes downward. I barely fit, too – I actually have to turn my head to the side to squeeze through. But soon, it’s large enough to where I can crawl again, and then walk upright.

      The tunnel is made of squares of some smooth material, solid black in the center but with a stripe of red-orange around the edges that glows, lighting the way. As I walk, it slopes further downward and eventually drops me into a corridor with a grimy, institutional feel to it. All dimly and artificially lit, as if I’m somewhere underground.

      It has a distinctly unpleasant vibe – although part of the reason may be because of what I know about this place. It is actually a sentient environment, and not a very nice one, and now that I’m inside of it, it’s going to be tracking my every move and shaping itself according to my actions and reactions. It’s not the destination – just somewhere we have to pass through on the way. There’ll be a test at the end that has to be passed before we can get out – but this place doesn’t like people leaving it and will be actively throwing obstacles in our way.

      My backpack isn’t here – the place probably hid it somewhere, and so I’ll have to be on the lookout for it. I turn towards the right, reading the plates on the doors as I go by, deciding which room to enter first. The place looks to be some sort of school judging by what they say.

      As I walk, faint, unpleasant feeling-tones arise, like the ghosts of memories with an archaic, dark quality to them, although they definitely don't involve my personal past – not in this lifetime, anyway. Or maybe they’re anticipations of what I’ll find here, behind the doors. Or maybe both. I also see a set of stairs leading downwards, but I don’t want to leave this floor just yet.

      After reaching the end of the corridor, I head back, still making up my mind. It’s not terribly important where I go first, but I am aware that, as the first deliberate choice I make here, it will give the place some insight into me, will establish the course of how things will go. I decide on a room about midway between the end of the corridor and where I started from labelled “Faculty Lounge.”

      As I open the door, I’m surprised by what I see. It’s a little room, somewhat like the bedroom of a hostel, with two bunk beds, a table off to one side and some assorted furniture – overall, quite nice apart from the lack of windows. But the really surprising thing is that it’s already occupied by two people from the group I started with.

      Sam is there—Sam, maker of ukuleles, fixer of anything with strings and frets, host of concerts and an accomplished musician in his own right. His dog is there with him. The other person isn’t waking-life familiar, although he does somewhat resemble one of my coworkers, with dark hair, pale skin and some kind of facial hair, I think. A dog has come in with me as well, a large, black one. I don’t pay much attention to it besides noting that it’s mine and hoping that the room isn’t going to be too crowded now.

      Sam greets me – but he uses a different name, a man’s name. They must be seeing this place and this situation differently than I do, I realize. It had been mentioned at the earlier gatherings that it would appear differently to everybody – but I had assumed that we would also be going through it alone, individually, and so it hadn’t occurred to me that I’d find myself in this kind of situation. But I can roll with it.

      We talk for a little while. At one point, one of them advises me to be careful not to give this place “the impression that I’m somebody it can f*** with.” Sam mentions that he’s working on a puzzle—it seems to be set up on the table there—and I say I’ll leave him to it. I mention, though, that I’m good with puzzles, and he invites me to come help put it together. This must be part of their test, I realize – and it strikes me that maybe it isn’t a coincidence I ended up here to help them with it, although from everything I’ve heard, it would be uncharacteristically benevolent for the place to intentionally direct me to them.

      The puzzle seems to mainly feature cute baby animals, and it is close to being finished. I help assemble the remaining pieces as Sam tells me some anecdotes he’s heard about a 20th century Viennese composer. He can’t remember which one they’re about. I notice, though, that the bottom edge of the puzzle isn’t complete. Sam is stirring some sort of gooey blue liquid, and I realize that that will also be part of it: the tests, though different, all have one thing in common: incorporating two bowls of these brightly colored mixtures into them somehow.

    11. Saturday, June 27

      by , 06-30-2020 at 05:59 AM
      I am walking outside somewhere, I think with Dad and one other around my age. The landscape is of a desert, but not really the Nevada desert (maybe more like Arizona). We come upon the start of a small creek, literally the spot where it is coming up through the ground. It then increases in size until within only a few yards it’s become turgid. In the places where the water is still, I notice how it is a bright, opaque turquoise. It is very striking on the brown and sparse green. We follow this river until it leads to an opening in a slight hillside. The opening then becomes a natural tunnel, maybe 20 feet across and 20 feet high. The river has carved its spot along the bottom and we walk a few feet higher than it, along a path set into the left hand side. As I walk, I push some of the soil down on the right side of the path, as it feels unsturdy. We now begin to think that this’ll lead to Mexico, which makes us think this is a drug smuggling tunnel, which causes us to turn around and leave with some vigor and fear, lest we get caught here.

      I am in the bathroom of some public place (or maybe a private place, but where others would be using this bathroom). The room is plain and white. Lifting the toilet lid, I see someone hasn’t flushed. I do so and am revolted when the feces refuses to move, let alone flush. The single piece is impossibly large, probably almost a foot long and a few inches high. I am again revolted when I remember that it’s mine. I prod it with an object but it will not break apart.

      I am outside with some unfamiliar boy about my age or younger. I think that he looks Asian, but he tells me he’s an exchange student from Ethiopia. The landscape is desert and we’re outside of an empty looking storefront that seems to be the only thing around. He makes a comment about the heat, either that it’s a lot more or less than Ethiopia.
      *I think this might’ve been before the first dream/he was the other person in it.
    12. August 12, 2018 Frags and random dream from sometime in August

      by , 08-17-2019 at 06:23 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream is about the new IT part 2 movie. The first part is some sort of trailer for IT in this dark room where pennywise is morphing into different forms, one of which is this machine gun shooting bullets around the room, I remember thinking this was so exciting and weird for the movie that was going to come out. It seemed more abstract for the mainstream thing we'll be getting soon.

      The dream eventually opens up into this downward slope that was originally a movie theater and is now this open field going down. There's some people there with me including the kids from the movie and we're sort of battling IT but at some point Pennywise is this giant version of himself and he looks directly at me. He goes right towards me grabbing me. I'm not sure if this'll make sense but sometimes in nightmares there's this thing that is the "bad guy" and it has this enormous presence in the dream. But anyways it turns its attention towards me and I'm immediately really scared, he sort of calls me out among everyone else saying something like "YOU!" and lunges forward, grabbing me. He throws me down the slope, at the end is this theater stage but there's this gap under the stage with machinery and fire. He throws me in this particular gap that happens to miss the epicenter of the danger. When he throws me he lunges after me but instead of me hitting the dangerous epicenter of the machinery and fire he hits it and the dream ends.

      There's another dream from a few weeks ago that really shook me too that involves pennywise. The dream scene is sort of at my old elementary school area but instead of the school is this old abandoned house. I remember I'm staying there but I'm trying to leave and my friend Moo is there as well. I'm trying to get him to leave with me but I know pennywise is there, but he's not really a solid clown he's more of just this tricky presence that keeps tricking us into staying there with him. At one point I'm trying to convince moo to leave but in the back of my head I know pennywise is there and he warps our minds, tricking us into not wanting to leave the place. In another room is this opening in the floor that leads down into a tunnel. There's this small creature, sort of like a platypus or a turtle maybe, but it's this important and ancient being part of this larger story and it seems on our side but at the same time giving off this creepy and evil vibe.

      The dream also turns toward us being in this movie theater in the seats watching this movie. And the movie is really messed up, I was getting nightmare scares the entire time. I'm watching this movie that is mostly red and black, it's of this violent mansion where the stairs are like teeth that are chomping people up and they keep folding and biting in this endless pattern in front of me. I close my eyes in the dream but the theater is also this weird 4D situation like at amusement parks where the seats are moving, I can feel this immense energy while my eyes are closed of these violent scenes going on. I open my eyes and I see this room with bunk beds and the beds turn into these chomping teeth killing the people sleeping in the bunk beds. It reminded me of that creepy piano in Super Mario 64 that had teeth.

      Also, a few weeks ago my sleep paralysis demon was being really aggressive. I was stuck in SP and it was waiting at my bathroom door. He just lunged at me and I could feel this massive force and the air from the lunge just shoving me into my bed and the spirit just stuck right in front of me.
    13. 21 May: Weird orphanage ruled by androids

      by , 05-21-2019 at 09:08 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am at an underground labyrinth looking for Dragon Balls. I spot a couple of them moving in different ways through corridors. I follow one direction, with a long corridor ending in huge stairs. It is very dark, so I imagine some lights illuminating the stairs, but not much light comes on. When I reach the top of the stars, I see a torch burning but it still is dark. Then a lady android, 2 meters tall, blocks my path and drags me down. I get rid of her, but she keeps going after me. I go around this place, which now looks like a vintage hotel. I find a kid and a guy, who are husband and daughter of the android lady (also androids). They also want to catch me, but I escape flying. I find a room with two human kids, surprised to see me. They ask me to hide, they are afraid the androids will come and see me. They suggest I go out the window and hang on the ledge outside. It's an old building with heavy wooden frames and it is possible to pass from window to window holding on to the wooden ledges. So I go watch other windows. I see other kids on other rooms. They are desperate to share messages. One girl delivers me a message, says some names and that I have to tell whomever that such and such must do whatever.
      At daylight I go back inside the building disguised as cleaning lady. It doesn't work so well. There is an android receptionist who is not fooled, but she is very slow reacting, so I run inside and hide under a table. Then I find a big hall where all the kids are sitting at round tables, cheerful. I deliver them the message from the girl before and they thank me.
      Then I have to hide again as androids join in. Later, when they leave, I sit with the kids and eat what seems fried fish. In front of me I see Trevor Noah and we have to share the same glass of water, because there is no other glass available. I joke about it and he seems to feel more awkward than gross.
    14. lxiv.

      by , 11-03-2018 at 12:05 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up around 10:00, with one non-lucid sort of fresh in memory but all the detail quickly went away on waking, somehow.

      Dream fragment:
      This was from the end of the dream.

      Game-like reality; "playing" with someone else in a co-operative mode and in some underground sand or clay tunnels or something.

      The tunnels lead into a big chamber, dark. There was some sort of well at the centre. A stone colossus came towards us from the opposite side of the room and we backtracked a bit. In the dream I remember telling the other person the colossus was made of obsidian and we wouldn't be able to attack it in this form and that it would turn into black steel for a few minutes at a time every so often and we'd have to try and attack then...

      The colossus came into the tunnels/halls but I ended up darting past and into the chamber with the well; I jumped into the well, partly by accident as I meant to go across the room where there seemed to be a portal or some brightness. It was completely dark underwater and I soon "died" in a game-like fashion.

      The view changed and the camera panned out; I could hear a boss give a monologue which I don't remember in any detail, and I partly remember him asking "how did you get here? vaulted over the walls? exploited some location?" and other questions to that effect.

      Couple of notes:
      • The dream location and situation here at the end reminded me of the game Necropolis.
      • The stone colossus was similar to Anubisath, a boss in the original World of Warcraft.

      + Previous score: 65.0

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 0.5
      ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment: 0.5

      = Total score thus far: 65.5
    15. xxv.

      by , 08-16-2018 at 11:25 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up at about 10:45, remembering mainly one non-lucid dream.

      Dream sequence:
      The first part I can remember is in an underground tunnel, with a road. It was dark and there were old sodium-type lights, the orange streetlight kind of lamps. There was also this area that joined with the tunnel.

      There were no cars and I went through the joined area and there was a man; I stabbed him in the back and continued on forward, running I think.

      Then my "view" changed, from the same height as him, I could see the man lying face down on the ground, with a lot of blood under him, and with his face in a state of surprise and shock, eyes opened. But then he got up. Now he was naked, and he had tattoos, he also had a 9mm type pistol and he was scared and paced backwards toward an elevator. My view followed in front of him as he got into the elevator.

      Inside it was mostly chrome/steel, maybe with one mirror. It was very bright inside the elevator and the man was still shaking; he made it go up, I think. My point of view changed to be behind him, as the lift arrived.

      There were some bodyguard types in a dark room and he asked them for help, they were like his henchmen; I can't remember what happened here exactly but then he walked into that room and then another, and the other guys were gone again. And in the other room was me, and the man was surprised to see me. He got a katana from somewhere and tried to cut my head off, and succeeded, but only for my dream self to disappear and another to reappear in the same place, taunting him. I explained to him, this was his dream, and he could not get rid of me (which doesn't make sense 100% and also I failed to realise it was a dream... )

      He kept trying to cut my head off, the same thing happening repeatedly, and he was obviously getting frustrated.

      Then the dark room was not a room at all anymore; we were outdoors in a japanese-style house garden and it was day, with a few clouds. He still had his katana but I was at a distance now, and I had a weapon now too, either a katana or a naginata. I rushed to attack him with confidence and he struggled to predict my moves.

      I can't really seem to remember the ending.

      • I don't really know who the man was, but I remember his role was that of a criminal leader or something. He had long black hair, but I do not remember his clothes, when he had them.
      • The elevator is a common recurring dream-sign, though it usually involves me rather than someone else.
      • As far as I can remember, most of the setting was dream-generated.
      • I spoke to the man about the nature of the dream, his dream, even. But then I didn't realise the nature of my own dream; it is as though I was a dream character to this dream character man of mine.
      • I did not feel pain from the beheading but perhaps remember feeling a slight pressure from the blade initially.
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