I'm coming off of about 2 months break from journaling to record this dream and more moving forward, since Summer Comp is about to begin Cold Visit I'm at my sister's apartment, but I'm not welcome. There is a party happening with video games on the main living room TV. There are a lot of people there easily crowding the tiny apartment. Nobody explicitly tells me so, but I know that I've shown up uninvited. Some time later I'm walking outside to see N. It's night and winter-time. The scene reminds me of my brother's college campus from years ago. Snow is falling and it looks pretty against the street lamps. I don't feel cold, though. He's upset with me which reminds me of the last time we spoke in waking life. He seems to have cooled a bit since that discussion, but the result of the discussion is the same as before. Progress isn't made.
Updated 05-31-2023 at 09:44 PM by 99808 (Color code)
I had travelled to America to visit my friend Morgan. When I arrived, I found no one waiting to meet me. I only had very vague details about where exactly it was she lived. I didn’t have her phone number, so I didn’t see that I had any choice but to try and make my way for myself. I headed out of the airport and wandered for a long time. I had the description of ‘it’s behind the cinema’, so I started asking people where the nearest cinema was, and looking around for myself. Eventually, I asked a blonde haired teenage boy who told me that he could direct me. He led the way, but when I tried talking to him he didn’t respond at all. Finally, he pointed me to a large building behind a cinema and disappeared. Forgetting all about him, I went to the building and headed inside cautiously. It seemed to be an almost university dormitory type living setup, with each person living there having a room which came off a corridor. I had trouble because, in my dream, I couldn’t remember what Morgan looked like! I finally found her and her partner and greeted them. (They didn’t look anything like they really do, but I knew it was them in my dream.) They paid very little attention to me, carrying on with what they were doing. I found myself a spot to settle down in, and watched them. I didn’t feel welcome at all. They went to bed super early in the afternoon, and left me in the same room as them to sit in silence. I noticed that my friend’s partner, Jen, was a very light sleeper. Even the slightest of noises disturbed her. I started to seek out anything that was making a noise, eradicating it where I could to help. The window rattled, so I arranged for someone to repair it the following day. I went outside to see what I could do to fix it temporarily. Eventually, I pressed a clock against the glass in the window, stopping it from rattling in its frame. ((Bonus points for this once since I was, again, myself! Woo! No lucidity yet, but at least I’m myself…!)