Constructive Jealousy I'm at my Grandpa R’s house back in Wayne. My brother A and I are playing Zelda ToTK. My brother has the white Switch OLED and is playing in handheld mode. His game is running at 120fps and I’m jealous. He is controlling one of the guardian constructs using motion controls in a deep valley area. The camera is following the construct he controls. We get into some argument. It’s heated and emotional. I don’t think it is about the game.
Complicated dream. We (a group of survivors of some unknown disaster) were walking through a very long valley (over 1,000 kilometers long). The survivors were all teenagers, guys and girls. I think I had to go separately to pose a distraction (to distract some kind of enemy), while the others stayed in group. I reached our destination, the end of the valley (which was a large open space of fertile land surrounded by mountains and hills), quite a while before the others did. Eventually they arrived, though. I spoke to someone, who said many died on the way here as they were attacked and had to fight. We walked up to a monument erected in their remembrance (how it got there so quick, no idea), for those who died so the others could reach safety. This dream was somehow a prequel of the previous dream, despite having no obvious narrative connection. I was being protected by a bodyguard in the form of Stellan Skarsgård. Though he looked taller and more lean than he does in real life. He used a pistol with suppressor. We were in a building resembling a hospital. One of the rooms had a view of the adjacent corridor through big, long windows. It was an office of some kind. An assassin appeared, determined to kill me. That assassin was none other than Jean Reno. I think it was his character Bezu Fache from "The Da Vinci Code". Later (after waking) I remembered Stellan played Richter, the antagonist of that movie's sequel, "Angels and Demons". Anyway, as a firefight erupted and I dove for cover, I think I asked Stellan for a suppressor so I could fight to defend myself. Odd to ask for a suppressor when you don't even have a gun to use it on. Dream logic.
I've decided to commit to dividing my dreams into sleep cycles since I can now remember my nREM dreams. I didn't really understand how people could recall so many dreams before, but now it makes sense. I think there was ~6 dreams last night that I could remember, I know there was another but I couldn't recall it since I didn't write anything down about it. Sleep cycle 1 Dream 1 - Flat (03:34) I woke up to my 2am alarm but I just let it ring for ages and fell asleep again without turning it off. After writing this into my DJ I decided to kick it for the rest of the night. I let myself rest a bit since I've been feeling sleepy during the day because of my night time drea journaling. I'm in a block of university flats standing on the driveway, it's quite nice here. My friend Giles is renting one of the apartments and I end up moving next door. It seems to be night time when I do and I seem to get pretty ecstatic about moving here. I'm happy and I end up running back and forth moving things into my room. I think I might be prepping for a gaming binge. I look up and see through the window my mate Giles, he's looking at me with this funny look that makes me laugh a bit. I end up shutting the curtains and hunkering down for the game/TV spree. Dream experience: 2 (pretty happy but not too vivid) Dream awareness: 0 (No real awareness) Sleep cycle (?) Dream 1 - (?) This dream was pretty damn sexually explicit soo I won't write any details. Pretty much just me and a girl having some fun, I remember a lot of it but I won't write it up ^_^. Dream experience: 5 (for obvious reasons, and vivid) Dream awareness: 1 (I had a moment where I realized that things seemed a little off, but I was too caught up in it to care) Dream 2 - Dragons This dream was so vivid.. Everything had a certain crispness to the detail. I was in a large glacial-eroded valley which looked very barren and was filled with craggy rocks on the flood plain. I think there was a river flowing through the middle of it though the area I was in was quite huge and I was a ways off from this stream. On either side of the valley were towering mountains, and behind me (kind of like the entrance to the valley) there was a large structure where everyone was hiding. We were hiding because... There was a powerful dragon around. This dragon was really ferocious looking, it had these craggy looking demonic spikes all over its body and a long neck which made me think it resembled a chinese dragon from the neck onwards. Previously we had managed to all run inside and escape, I believed that the dragon had gone now. I was standing outside, the weather was overcast but it looked so cool. *RROOOARRR* Oh shit... It's back? I look up left towards the mountain peak in the distance, but a different dragon swoops into view. Oh, wow... This really is not good. This dragon is a different colour and slightly different in size and shape, but it still has that insane, crisp, sharp detail to it. Its wings have a certain blue hue to the underside which seem to resonate a sort of magical power. The beast turns its gaze onto the valley, I start running hoping to make it back inside. There's a bunch of other creatures in the valley so I hope that the dragon won't spot me, it's already leapt into the air and started flying down lower. I get the feeling that it will spot me as it gets closer.. I'm too far from the safety zone, the dragon has spotted me and it's swooping up behind me gliding really fast. I stop and get as close to the ground as possible. Darkness. I open my eyes, I must have been knocked unconscious, what happened to me? I'm on a narrow path with two steep cliffs on either side of me, they're somewhat flattened. In front of me is a human shaped figure, but I know who it is. It's the dragon in human form. I have to follow him, he walks down the narrow path in majestic looking robes while I follow behind him. Dream experience: 7 (really vivid, cool plot and generally just a cool theme) Dream awareness: 2 (felt naturally aware, but not of the dream itself) Dream 3 - DC talk I think I woke up and fell back asleep, and this dream was a sort of 'continuation' with some massive differences. But the idea that I woke up in a strange place kind of remained and my mind told me that the dragon delivered me to this place. I seemed to be in a huge casino building, and the higher the floor you were on the higher your supposed level of power. I think I see a small little cat, poor thing probably hasn't been fed enough, its ears are huge too. I walk forward and I know that I'm on a really high level but I shouldn't be here. I look at a card I'm holding and it says level 0 part 6. Geeze that's weak >_<. I decide it's best that I don't act suspicious, better play it cool for now. I walk around in the level I'm in, There's beautiful women everywhere.. Hmm I should go talk to one, but they all seem so busy :/. I start getting the inkling of the fact that I'm dreaming, and as I'm walking I turn and see a man standing behind a bench, maybe he's a barman or something. He's a bit old and dressed rather impeccably. I realize I'm dreaming, I mean... Of course I'm dreaming? I just seems so obvious all of a sudden. I don't even need to RC since I feel like the dream is really stable too. "Hey can you show me something" I say to the man, I seem to convey to him that I'm not from this level and I got here by accident. The realization of me dreaming kind of happened simultaneously to the thought of saying this, and I had another thought that I actually wanted to ask another question instead. Damn. Too late :/ I wanted to ask him to let me meet someone. I had the intention that I would talk to a different DC but in proper length and ask them lots of questions for my dream goal. The man says a few things and I interact with him a bit, then I get ushered to the elevator by another man and they send me down level 0 part 6. Guh, I shouldn't have done that. I walk out into the new floor, looking around me I see that the women are pretty average. I really shouldn't have left that floor >_<. There's a bunch of people playing casinos, gambling is such a waste :/. I decide that there must be at least some pretty women to talk to. (For some reason I get the feeling the a pretty woman is the DC that will be able to answer my questions ). I wake up really abruptly, like I kind of just realized I was in my bed. Dream experience: 4 (semi-vivid and lucid, glad I got to talk to a DC but overall pretty meh) Dream awareness: 3-6 (at the same time I felt like I was highly lucid, I also felt like there wasn't a lot I could do about being lucid. I should have done a RC) Sleep cycle 5 - (>07:00) Dream 1 - Red car I remember walking with my dad, we're talking about stuff but I can't remember what. We walk through a car park and it's a sunny day. We make it to his car, but it doesn't look like his car. It's a red hyundai rather than white, hmm that's strange. Dream experience: 1 (we were just talking and walking to his car. meh) Dream awareness: 2 (might have become lucid had I RC when I realized he had a different car) Dream 2 - Car park I seem to be in the car park of the casino building I was in earlier in the night. I'm with my dad and we're heading to get the car (like a prequel story to the last dream or something). On the way we're near the exit of the car park area (our car was in a different car park) and we see a couple of girls that are advertising the casino place. There's a crowd around them and there's an overseer who's making sure they're doing their job. That's screwed up, they're in such skimpy outfits, they must be freezing. They huddle together and shiver as if to emphasize this thought. Me and my dad step up and try to help them out, we're like protesters or something. Dream experience: 4 (seemed pretty emotional and vivid) Dream awareness: 1 (not very high awareness)
It's night, and we're in a heavily wooded valley. Above us is a massive structure that resembles a dam, and there are offices in the building that's built into the structure. The four (or five?) of us are gathered in a circle, having made camp. There's no fire. We're on the run. And they've found us. It's day, now. The parents and one (or two?) of their kids have found a vehicle and are driving up one side of the dam (but there are deer in the way, so they can only go so quickly.) I'm the daughter, and insect-like attack robots surround me, their numbers penetrating deep into the forest. I feel the energy building up within me, and I lash out, striking at the robots with some kind of sword, taking out half a dozen of them in a straight line. There are too many of them. I retreat upwards into the office building, blasting through a wall to get inside. There are men and women in suits around a boardroom table, and they spin in their seats as I rush past them, sending up alarmed cries. I get to the interior door, something hot on my heels, and everything goes dark. shift The man in charge has short, spiked black hair. He is arrogant, cold, as he gives his orders. They're in the centre of a city now, and he has the girl. People are frantic. Something has gone wrong. They need to escape, to evacuate. They need to get a message to the Earl. I laugh. I am now a man, thin-faced and shorter than the man in charge. He is angry, he grabs me by the lapels of my jacket and demands, demands, demands. Amused, I tell him that I can get the information to the Earl. It's in X folder in his personal, secure system, right? I have the files now, I can send them. Demands, demands. Well, I'm a hacker, of course, I tell him. And I'm not really here. But I can help him, for a price. I'm with the girl I was before, and we're speeding through the city in a shuttle, trying to dodge as multiple giant space worms—like the one from Men in Black—destroy the city and try to eat us, as well. We're in an elevator. Have we made it? --- In the church my mom took me to when I was really, really little. It's still dark, because it's winter, and the service is in an hour. I unlock the door with my key and turn on the lights. No one is here yet. I go downstairs and turn on the lights (I'm a little bit afraid because I need to go through the dark sections to get to the lights), and I consider going home and sleeping for a bit. I turn off the lights and stand in the darkness for a moment, quiet and still. The trees and the moon above the church create a lovely picture in the sky. There's still one light on, though. It looks like someone is in the bathroom. I guess I should turn the lights back on and stay here until the service starts, since people have started arriving. --- Spoiler for Content note for attempted sexual assault: In this dream, I was at a party with an old friend. Things had died down, and a man tried to climb on top of me, and I fought him off. It seemed like he was expecting me to be out of it, and I remembered that there was one thing that my friend had had that I hadn't; I tried to find my friend. The dream played over and over, as I tried to find a better outcome. In some versions, there were police and an ambulance. In others, we went home and didn't talk about what had happened. Note: I think that this dream played on a situation where the same friend helped me out of a situation where two of her guy friends were being hella creepy while I was drunk. Edit: I also had a dream that Sensei started up his comp and had ALL of the intermediates against the one person who volunteered to be on the advanced team (which wasn't me). Adventure: 5/10 Control: 3/10 Fear: 7/10
Updated 08-14-2015 at 06:21 PM by 31096
I was a general, leading an army consisting of cavalry and bowmen. We were moving uphill. We could see enemy forces down the hill, in a huge valley. After placing bowmen on the hill, with cavalry we charged the enemies.
Earlier: I heard about a plan for a new kind of TOTM on DV. Someone had come up with a single extremely complex and elaborate task that was broken down into about a dozen different steps, and the number of steps one was able to complete determined whether one got credit for Basic, Basic + Advanced, or Basic + Advanced + Bonus tasks. Someone who managed to complete the entire series would get credit as though it were a TOTY. Later: I was at some kind of large event like a conference, and passed by a counter with a placard advertising a program or game called "BRAinixity." A list identified the first three letters as standing for the following descriptors: • Big • Regular • Alteration I gathered that "BRAinixity" was a kind of lucid dreaming program, and that these three terms described the magnitude of effects that practitioners might have on their dreams, depending on their level of accomplishment. I inwardly scoffed a bit at the idea that it somehow took a higher degree of effort or mastery to accomplish a "big" effect on a dream object as opposed to a minor "alternation," since I had time and again observed the lack of any such meaningful distinctions in the dream state, but I was nevertheless interested in seeing what the program was all about, so I decided to sign up. A woman with short light brown hair was currently signing up for the BRAinixity program, and I was standing next to her waiting my turn. Since we were going to be on the same team, we exchanged introductions. She had a strong accent that made me think she was from Germany, and said her name was "Lalla." She explained that it had originally been longer, but that she had shortened it when invaders had attacked the valley where she lived. I understood her implications: under the circumstances, a long name would have added brief but unnecessary delays to social interactions. "Yeah," I joked drily, "You don't want to be standing there waiting for someone to finish pronouncing your name when you should be running away." She finished signing up and the woman behind the counter began to take my information. I saw that I was on the "Cloud Valley" team—all the teams were organized by fictional valleys of various names, each of which accommodated about eight team members, judging from the number of lines on the registration card. Each team member was assigned to "Towers" of a particular color. Only the top line on my team's card was still blank, and since I was the last person signing up, I didn't have any choice as to what color my towers would be. I looked closer to see what color towers I'd be getting and saw "Green" next to my name, which pleased me, since green was what I would have chosen anyway. "Green towers in Cloud Valley," I said aloud, liking how poetic it sounded.
I wake up in bed. Something feels off so I do a nose plug. I can breathe! I can't quite believe it so I do another nose plug. I can breathe! I get up from bed. The dream in very unstable; I can hardly move. I must stabilize it. What do I do! Think, think, think! I summon a random dc, a young adult African American male. I shake hands with him and introduce myself. We'll call him Efrain. I feel more mobile, the dream is stabilizing nicely. I ask him where the leaves are so we can play in them. We go into the backyard and turn the corner to the left. The backyard is a good sized fenced in area with a big lawn and lots of piles of large leaves. I look for a pile that looks big enough and flop on top of them. The leaves are soft but slightly crunchy. I look for a bigger pile and gather some leaves together to make one a couple of feet high. I flop on top of them. Flop! I feel wonderful, feeling the satisfaction of completing a task which took me several lucid dreams to accomplish. I part ways with Efrain and jump up to fly. I'm in a neighborhood in the hills. I decide to crest the hill in front of me to see what's on the other side. I crest it and find a valley filled with suburbia, just like where I live IWL. I fly to the freeway and turn to left, deciding to fly along the freeway going through the valley. I'm flying with good control and speed. My dream is very stable and is getting longer than my typical lucid dream. I try to recall details from the dream, trying to avoid thinking about waking up. What was that DC's name? I reach the end of the valley to an open area. There are a few large, unusual buildings marking the gate to the valley. It looks like a couple of large rings with chains on the side? I'm looking at the building, trying to memorize the details. I wake up.
This is the second of three lucid dreams from this morning. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #164: Mountain Bus Ride I’m seated on a bus, taking a trip along a beautiful, winding mountain road. There’s a girl of maybe 12 or 13 seated a few rows in front of me and she looks straight back, giving me a look that says, What are you doing here? I realize that I’m dreaming. I stand up, grabbing the back of one of the seats. I rub my hands over it and the dream responds by becoming more vivid and immersive. I look to my right and see an attractive woman in her late 20s with an out-of-control head of curly, wild red hair seemingly pouring in every direction. Was she in the seat next to me? I don’t remember her. I have the impulse to approach her and make out with her but manage to stay focused. I walk out into the aisle and grasp the seats with both hands. I join all of the other passengers in looking out the left window, catching a view of a beautiful green valley dotted with trees. The sun is low but hasn’t quite set yet and the lighting looks amazing. I’m so taken with what I see that I decide to just stop and enjoy the view for a while. After staring out the window for perhaps two minutes or so, I decide to advance along the bus a bit and think about what I want to do. As I move forward, the seats sort of close together, blocking my path. Now the aisle has moved to my left, so I try to move that way to catch it. But once I do, it seems to shift again. I start feeling frustrated by all this and move to crawl over the seats, but the dream ends.
Updated 11-18-2013 at 09:30 PM by 57387
In this dream there was a huge white square, much like a billboard, or a huge theater screen but outside in the middle of a valley. I sat in the grass with two other unknown people, and when I looked at this screen, it would start "overloading my senses", sending me into something similar to a seizure. To explain in other words, when I looked at the screen, it started rapidly flashing black and white square patterns, sent a weird bass pressure pattern to my ears as if it was a mix of airplane-ear-popping and having a subwoofer on each side of my head. Looking at it gave me tunnel vision and the more I looked at it, the further away it seemed and the more my vision blackened out, sending me on the verge to faint. My eyes hurt and I felt nauseous. I looked away and avoided looking at the screen for the rest of the dream, in which I didn't do much of significance. I have a feeling this dream was inspired by an occurrence while I attempted to fall asleep; I sat up in my bed and looked at the digital clock on my TV receiver when I felt dizzy, and it started seeming like the lights from the clock were way further away.
I was talking with NewArtemis yesterday about mantras and lucid dreaming and apparently the conversation stuck... well, for me at least. Popped a B6 and chowed down on some raisins before bed and got this pair of dreams. This is really a micro-lucid followed by a full LD, but they're so related that I'm just journaling them together. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #74: Mantras in the Green Valley I am in a large, brightly lit room of white marble. There are a lot of strange, rectangular foam blocks lying around. I decide that they represent sleep cycles or maybe chunks of REM. I say out loud, "You will have a lucid dream!" I feel like this mantra is very important. Who am I saying this to? Now I see NewArtemis perhaps ten feet away, standing there looking sleepily around, apparently not noticing me. She has one or two foam blocks at her feet but I think she needs more. I toss a couple more of these at her and they bounce off of her and land nearby. I'm disappointed that I can't seem to add REM (or whatever) to her sleep. I say again, "You will have a lucid dream!" but it seems to make no impression on her. I decide that she's already asleep and dreaming. "You're dreaming right now!" I tell her. "Don't you remember your mantra?" I put a hand on her left shoulder and she gives me this bleary-eyed look. I suddenly get it straight that I'm the one who's dreaming. "This is a lucid dream! Okay, now you!" I say, but she stares at me uncomprehendingly. I quickly wake up. Try to DEILD but accidentally think about work. (Gah, rookie mistake!) Awake for a while. Then back into a non-lucid... I'm in the back seat of a jeep that's pulled over on the side of the road. The jeep is being driven by my friend TB. Someone I don't know is in the passenger seat and he's pouring his heart out to TB because he had to shoot someone in self-defense. TB tells him not to worry about it and makes some sort of slightly offensive joke about it. The passenger gets even more upset, but TB calms him down. TB puts the jeep back on the main road and ahead of us is a one-lane bridge with 10-feet concrete walls on either side of it. Looking further out, I see that we are in the most beautiful green valley that I've seen in my entire life. I feel like it's the most brilliant green that I've ever seen in my life and realize that I have to be dreaming. Now the jeep has become a long van with four or five rows of bench seats. I float out of my seat and swim toward the front of the van. TB is still driving, but the passenger is someone else. I think it's Xanous. As I pass the third or so row of seats, I see NewArtemis to my left, looking out the window at the green valley. "[NewArtemis]! This is a lucid dream." She looks at me, then looks back out the window, then back at me again. But now she has transformed nto a blonde woman in her mid-40s. I decide that this isn't working, so I swim further up. I make it to the second row of seats, w/ TB and (presumably) Xanous right in front. I look out the window and see a mountain rising in the distance. Now I realize that we're driving toward Angel Falls for Task of the Year! Things start feeling unstable, and I reach out to grab onto something. I grab onto a nearby female DC (a stranger) to bring myself back into the scene, but things don't stabilize. The skin on the lady's face begins to glow slightly orange, and everything fades out but this glow. Then I'm awake.
Updated 03-08-2013 at 05:38 PM by 57387
It was a long dream but i remember only the end of it and i think its becouse they awoke me and i forgot everything in an instant I was in some kind of a party in the middle of a beatiful valley. The valley had green ,yellow and red light's shining all over it. In this party there were many people just having fun ( i remember looking the house from outside it looked small but inside was huge ). We were with some friends i don't even know we brought somehing ilegal or did something ilegal becouse the police came and everybody started running. We went outside where there was a yellow car like a Volkswagen Bug but weirder. Someone started the car and said we need to go i opened the trunk and layed there there was someone else there i don't really remember. The car made U turn while making it i was looking at the landscape it was night and the lights were still there shining. When we were about to go i saw another house next to the one i was in there were like 20 people just sitting there in a sofa i remember there were a lot of girls and this one guy gave a look so i showed him the middle finger and went on. That's when someone skyped me and i woke up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I heard about some sacred temple where I could seek some guidance from the sages, but it was located in a hidden valley. I had to go to the top of a mountain (a long, risky journey) and there find the path to the secret valley. I met two other warrior ladies who were also seeking that temple and together we decided to make the journey. We found some guy with a truck, willing to take us to that mountain. He was handsome looking, blond, eastern European type, but a bit rude. When we finally reached near the peak of the mountain, he dropped us off, saying he couldn't go any further - the truck could not pass that road; even walking there was a bit dangerous. Then he asked us for four times the price agreed, arguing that if we didn't pay, he wouldn't come back for us. I refused to pay more than what previously agreed, but the other two girls were seriously considering it. They really wanted the ride back. I couldn't care less. I would find a way, but I would want to go back with him anymore. So, with the guy yelling at me and making all sorts of threats, I got off of the truck and went look for the mysterious path to the secret valley. Soon after, the two other girls followed me. We were at the very peak of the mountain which was encircled by a cloud sheet a hundred meters below us. There was apparently no path leading anywhere, but I finally saw what seemed like a vertical path behind some rock, down the scarp. I thought I could see what seemed to be a rope ladder. They weren't very convinced, but I made a dangerous bet and climbed down the rock until I found indeed a rope ladder. I told them to follow me and soon we were slowly descending through the ladder. After maybe 100 mts or so, we reached a platform carved in the rock. We were at the very altitude where the clouds encircled the mountain. I looked around and saw some oval shaped, black obsidian steps going down into the mist. I waited for the girls to reach the platform too, when I was surprised by 4 figures in white hooded capes slowly approaching from within the cloud. They seemed to be wearing masks, but it could just be they had very white faces with strong features, I don't know. They seemed to come to welcome us, but before it happened, I woke up.
Updated 02-15-2012 at 10:36 AM by 34880
Awake - Dream - Lucid "..." shows where time in the dream is missing. Time: Night of 11/11/11 or Afternoon of 11/12/11 I can only remember bits and pieces of this dream. I was woken up by my dad, but I fell back asleep and I think that's when I had it, but I'm not sure. I go to bed way too late, like almost 3 AM. I go to bed listening to a lucid dream induction video on my iPod. (The one I listen to currently can be found here.) I try to think about how easy lucid dreaming is, and what I'm going to do in the dream, (as prescribed in Silverbullet's Key to Lucid Dreaming). Eventually I fall asleep. I wake up, but still lie in bed. My dad comes in to wake me up because it's like 1:15 PM. He leaves and I lie there for a bit. I drift back to sleep and I think that's when I have this dream: ... I was overlooking some massive, beautiful city from a hill. The city looked kind of futuristic, and had glistening tall buildings. It was near the sea, and the sun was setting... With a group of some of my classmates from school, we were being told about some upcoming train ride. I don't remember what the train ride was for, exactly. I was asked if I wanted to be some sort of handout person on the train, handing out information to other people about something which I can't remember... We are on the train now, but the room we are in certainly doesn't feel like a train car. It is a large cafeteria type room, with tables set up with free food. Although this obviously didn't look like a train, my mind still told me I was on the train. There were windows. I looked out and saw that we were on an elevated track on some sort of bridge thing extending over some beautiful, misty river valley. It looked like a very cool environment... In the cafeteria car thing I'm eating donuts, I can't remember if I actually tasted them... I'm looking out a window in a different car, which is still too big to really be on a train. I look out a window at the scenery below, which is similar to the aforementioned river valley. I walk away from the window towards some hallway-thing, and hear a girl from school laugh. I turn around and imitate the sound. I walk into the hallway thing, which I can now tell is an actual train car inside, as in how one should normally look. It's very narrow, with some seats facing forward, on the inner side (I don't know how there can be an inner side of a train, but it didn't have windows), and seats facing inward below some long windows. There are a ton of people from my class in this row, standing up. They were told to begin doing the handouts. I saw one of my friends was wearing a vest that said "Baptist Church" on the back, which confused me because I know he isn't Baptist. My mind tells me the train is now headed back to the city, though I didn't remember stopping anywhere in the dream. I felt happy that I didn't decide to be a handout giver, but I don't know why now... The scene is now a flyby of the train from the outside. It is on an elevated rail still, over a massive ocean. The sun is either rising or setting, and the train was shaped like a normal train! There were no bulges from big cafeteria cars or anything! Inside the windows I could see people sitting in their seats, riding home. I wake up, but don't remember that I had been dreaming for a few minutes. I finally do remember after feeling sad that I didn't have any dreams. That's when I got up to write this. This is the first dream I can remember having since I joined DV. I want to make good use of this journal. This is a good way of keeping track of dreams since my computer's in my room and I hate writing by hand. I want to maintain a constant format for my dream recordings so that it becomes easier to recognize dream signs and such. NOTES I don't know for sure if I had the dream during the night or after I woke up and fell back to sleep, it just seems like it happened after I fell back asleep.The fact that I was confused by my friend wearing the "Baptist Church" vest is interesting because it shows that I was able to remember real-world facts even while dreaming. This could help on my path to LDing.
Updated 11-13-2011 at 12:04 AM by 50976
(There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.) This dream takes place in a sort of Medieval fantasy world, much like Lord of the Rings. I am my dream incarnation Kalima, who has orange hair and wears a white and violet dress. I am in the center of a large valley of some kind. I am on a flat plain surrounded completely by large snowy mountains. It is cold and dry and it is either late autumn or I am far north, though there is no snow on the ground. I know I am trying to find my way to a certain land, but I do not know how to get there. I am in the process of escaping another land where people are trying to kill me because I have been accused of witchcraft. A while ago I was being pursued by a group of men dressed in furs who were riding black horses, but somehow I avoided them and ended up in this valley. I am nervous because there are no trees or large boulders to hide behind and if the horsemen make there way into this valley, they will surely see me. I head for the smallest range of mountains and try to traverse over it, but I lack supplies and I am starving, I am too tired and it is too cold. I collapse and some travellers find me and take me to their cabin on the other side of the mountain. I sleep for a long time and when I awake I am in a trance like state and I start drawing maps because for some reason I am unable to speak and cannot tell my rescuers where I am trying to go. Some of the older men in the family recognizes the land I have drawn in my map and they gathers supplies to try and take me there. We travel for a long time and are almost at my destination when the horsemen find us and attack us. All of the men I am travelling with, except one, are killed and we are taken prisoner. We are taken to a camp set up by the horsemen and I am interrogated and tortured because the horsemen want to know where I was headed, though for some reason I am still unable to talk. Late in the night thw lone survivor of the men I had been travelling with is tortured and killed. After his death some of the horsemen gang rape me repeatedly. Dawn comes and I am traumatized and exhausted and am looking forward to the horsemen killing me for witchcraft because I do not want to live anymore. Before they can assault me further the horsemen's camp is attacked by elven warriors and the horsemen flee or are killed. I am overhwelmed by everything that has happened and pass out. When I wake up I am in a large palace somewhere and there are beautiful elven people walking around and whispering softly in the grand halls. My wounds are dressed and there is fresh fruit and bread on a table near by soft bed. I am still traumatized from the torture and rape, and still unable to talk, yet somehow I know that I have arrived at my destination and I fall back into a such deep sleep that I do not know if I am just asleep or if I have died.
Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:55 AM by 6048
I saw Atlas Shrugged yesterday and I am studying to drive an 18 wheeler. These truths combined in a dream. There was a valley in Arizona that was supposed to be perfect for truck drivers. It was a paradise supposedly. I trusted that, though it seemed like it would be hot as Hell. It looked like AZ. It was a desert valley surrounded by somewhat baron, rocky mountains. I was happy there was a place that was supposed to be so great for truckers. I started down a hill into a valley. This may have been the same dream, maybe not. The valley was different now. Anyway, I was with a girl or I saw a girl and I wanted to be with her. We were friendly with each other, but I don't remember much about that part of the dream. This dream bled into a new scene where I was setting up a furniture display. I set up a chair cushion and a bunch of covers. The assembly fell onto the floor and got the top cover dirty. I was going to throw the whole assembly away when someone told me it wouldn't be necessary. I couldn't sell them though, so I went to store them where I could keep them. I was putting them in a drawer or something when my boss from an old insurance job I used to have appeared. She didn't say anything that I remember, but she was still a...well...that doesn't matter. I saw a brown and green finch that was flying loose. It was a pet, I think mine, so I thought I should get it some water. I got a tiny flower pot. I cleaned it out and started filling it up. There was a hole in the bottom, so I was going to have to do something about that, but the dream ended there.